How do different zodiac signs cope with a breakup? Accurate horoscope of separations! How to get Aquarius back after a quarrel, betrayal or breakup

Stage one. Resentment

Aquarius is difficult to pester because he is kind. For a long time he will grin, smile, shrug, try not to notice how he is offended close person. The partners of Aquarius are lucky in this regard - this is one of the most unforgiving, peace-loving and kind-hearted Zodiac Signs. He would rather endure than be indignant or stop the chaos that his partner sometimes inflicts on him.

But only for the time being. When patience reaches its limit, Aquarius will immediately experience the last stage - he will suddenly get up and walk out, slamming the door and without saying a word. Figuratively or literally. Then he will go away for several days, then he will lie back, sit back and remain silent for a few more, then he will gloomily reconcile if the partner takes the initiative and somehow approaches. I remind you that even the most gloomy Aquarians are generous at heart and long ago silently forgave you, justified you, and explained you. This does not give you the right to continue, and it would be better if you stopped now, but if you are carried away, you will continue.

And then the next stage will come.

Stage two. Irritation

At this stage, if everything goes well, Aquarius can be very affectionate and caring towards their partner, and if everything continues unchanged according to the worst-case scenario, Aquarius considers it beneath their dignity to slam the door again. Just one morning in the bathroom mirror, Aquarius sees his concentrated, gloomy face and lips compressed into stripes. This was the slamming of his inner door, which for a loved one is always, if not wide open, then welcomingly ajar.

At this stage, it is easy to notice that Aquarius speaks in a cold tone, or rather cool, he is unfriendly, even irritated. If you do not provoke the conflict further, then Aquarius will soften by the evening of a particularly “irritated” day, but if you do not give yourself the trouble to understand what is happening and snap back, you will end up with a local war within the joint territory. Aquarius can be extremely unfriendly and unpleasant. You are having dinner - he gets up first, silently washes the dishes and leaves the kitchen. You go to bed and clearly understand that Aquarius unwaveringly lies with his back to you. You try to pet him, he may drop his hand or explain through clenched teeth that he is tired.

Stage three. Reconciliation

The problem is that Aquarius loves his partner to the last, and at the previous stage, being frightened by his own detachment, the first one goes for reconciliation or makes peace on your initiative, affectionately and willingly.

It may seem paradoxical that I include a stage about reconciliation in a story about separation. This stage is very different from the usual quarrels and reconciliations of Aquarius and is included as a constituent element in the entire separation algorithm. It’s just that Aquarians, when they feel very bad and it is unclear whether the union can be saved, move in short steps. One step back is one step forward. Out of uncertainty and love. They are unsure of their rightness until the last moment - do they have the right to feel what they feel? Maybe they feel bad, but their partner feels bad too? At the two previous stages, being offended and irritated, Aquarius unconsciously or consciously observes his partner: what if he also feels bad and suffers just like him? Maybe he made a mistake and everything was actually a fluke (even the 58th offensive time), and everything can be fixed?

So, at the stage of reconciliation, Aquarius, without fully understanding it, nevertheless rushes back into this relationship, as in warm river, in the hope that she will take him onto her mighty chest and carry him, cradling and caressing him, like a Hedgehog in the Fog...

But, if nothing has changed, the fog dissipates suddenly, as if from a slap, and Aquarius flinches: he has just been hit on a sore spot again. They just cheated on him again and left him to figure it out on his own. They just didn’t leave him a crumb of his delicious favorite birthday cake. youngest son, only because he was flying away on a short business trip. Or not just because? Just now no one met him at the airport, and Aquarius is standing at the taxi stand with a suitcase and a light raincoat, blown through by the icy November wind. You just enter the apartment, tired after have a hard day, and your ex-beloved doesn’t even turn to you from the computer.

This can be forgiven a single time, but if this is a system, then it is impossible not to notice. And Aquarius bows his suddenly heavy head in his hands, sits down on the bed without unpacking his suitcase, and his soul is simply heavy, that’s all, and nothing can be changed.

Stage four. Liberty

Aquarius makes decisions based on contrast. But the comparison is not with another partner, as with Scorpios, for example, but with the state: Aquarius can no longer deceive himself, noting that he goes to work as if it were a holiday, and home as if he were going to hard labor. That he desperately wants to go to the movies with friends and not think about anything, but spending the evening with his husband, who is again scratching his tongue with someone on Skype, cowardly rolling up the windows when his wife approaches, is such a melancholy that he could almost hang himself.

And Aquarius goes to great lengths. He finally allows himself to admit that he feels bad in his union, and allows himself to feel happy outside the walls of the house and outside the relationship. He snaps at reproaches, making excuses by inertia, but quickly boiling over and turning the showdown into a quarrel, and the quarrel into leaving with the slamming of the door. Fed up - this is the most accurate word for this state of Aquarius.

Stage five. Solution. End

At this stage, Aquarius turns into a cruel child, frivolous and quick to make decisions. Whistling, he can pack his suitcase in front of your eyes, and answer your questions and your horror - I’m leaving, so what? – in a completely icy and at the same time cheerful tone.

In fact, he is in desperate pain. First of all, from the fact that he is forced, on his own, drawn from somewhere from a chest of cruelty, like on a horse, to ride out of your relationship. Without this horse, he will forever be left chewing bast and being unhappy. Because the most painful thing for Aquarius is to hurt someone. And if he decided to do this, it means that his pain for once became stronger.

At this stage, for the first time after leaving, he will try to reduce contacts to a minimum so as not to get involved in a showdown, he is still too weak to be indifferent, he will be consoled in the arms of other people, he will dream about you, he will suffer, but will not return , remembering the point of bifurcation known only to him, the point where a turning point occurred and there was no return. And, unlike Capricorn, he will remember not what his partner did, but some very quiet episode in a series of other similar ones:

As I sat on the bed and thought - 6 in the morning, my beloved is still not there, I am alone and, it seems, they don’t like me very much;

How he returned from a business trip, which he flew out on last night, and on the table - the remains of the feast and the ill-fated crumbs from the cake - did not leave a single piece, as if it was not he who earns the money for all the splendor festive table as if he were a stranger here, as if he didn’t exist;

How I stood at the airport, with my last money, a suitcase and fingers stiff from the cold, dialed a number, and in response - the subscriber’s phone was turned off, and then it turned out that the subscriber forgot, forgot that you were arriving, and for some reason also turned off the phone - so that I probably don’t remember by chance

How long have you been making something, or sculpting, or adjusting, or preparing, or solving problems, but in response, they didn’t notice, or they noticed and criticized, and it’s always been like that,

When you involuntarily overheard a conversation on the phone - and there was “this idiot” or “he imagined it.”

I would say that Aquarius leaves when he is sure that he is not loved.
The only thing he will do is quietly justify you to his friends. If possible.

We are for strong marriages and long-term love, but anything can happen in life. So, what should we expect from our partners if something happens?

Those who break up with Aries should only be pitied. Divorce from Aries is most often a disaster, a volcanic eruption.

Scandal? Yes! Breaking plates? Necessarily! And there will certainly be curses in the back. Lamentations about a wasted life and how it was wasted on you. But even after such a storm of emotions, Aries will not calm down. He will make sure that all mutual friends take his side, and you will be denied communication. Well, or they will do it in secret.

Aries will convince himself and those around him that you are not at all the person you have been mistaken for for a long time. And the mountain is much worse!

Taurus will try to eliminate the shortcomings of his partner until the last moment.

Nera. He will educate his soulmate to the point of exhaustion. But if he decides to separate, he will not turn away from this path. Taurus needs to be pushed hard so that he breaks into screams and scandals. Usually representatives of this sign patiently endure everything. Well, or almost everything. They also prefer to stay with their “former” friends. Especially if they have children together. You can't find such caring parents!

Breaking off relationships is long and painful. At first, Gemini will think for a long time about how to inform their partner that he no longer has his former affection, or even has a new love. Geminis are physically incapable of playing behind the scenes games. Honest conversation - that's all. After a divorce, they will try not to offend their ex-partner. They will continue to communicate, and will often begin to provide financial assistance and moral support. Even when it is not really needed.

And in sorrow and in joy. Cancers are enviable family men! At the same time, they may also have small affairs on the side. If Cancers begin to rush into the pool of new feelings, then they will do so very carefully so as not to offend their soul mate. They will try to deny the accusations of treason, so it won’t be very possible to convict them. There is usually no talk of leaving your wife (husband) for a new passion - only a few Cancerians do this. Family is family. A hobby is a hobby. And there is no need to be confused. So it’s easier to forgive Cancer’s betrayal. Moreover, he will begin to atone for sins earnestly and beautifully.

Representatives of this sign can remain with their former lover until the last. Even when they had already decided to leave completely and irrevocably. As befits the king of beasts, Leo leaves gracefully. Everything that has been acquired with common effort, will leave. You can rarely hear a pitiful growl or whining from him. He will quickly find his way around the area and grow into a new clan. But he’s unlikely to want to date his ex-husband.

Leaving go! - I just want to tell Virgo. But quick collections are not about this sign. Virgos need to get on their ex-partner’s nerves, wrap them around their fist, and then unwind them again and pretend that everything is fine. And after a while, start all over again. When parting with representatives of this sign, blacklist their email. Enter their mobile number there, and turn off your home phone. Just in case. Otherwise, at one o'clock in the middle of the night a call will ring asking you to start your relationship from scratch.

Libra suffers from a sudden breakup and their settings go wrong. Falling into a stupor in this situation is the most common thing for them. Feel sorry for yourself, grieve. Cry to others. They will spend a long time sorting out their partner’s behavior and looking for confirmation that they are right. And grieve again. Sadness will be elevated to the rank of a cult. Even after finding a new relationship, Libra will begin to remember their past life. It takes them quite a long time to heal.

These comrades will sting to the last! Divorce? With me? This can't be true! The first reaction is stormy and bright. But after Scorpio splashes out his emotions, there will be a lull. Soon enough he will find something he likes and take his mind off the thought of his “ex”. In addition, he will soon have a new goal for conquest.

This sign may even run away from you, just so as not to participate in the discussion of “aimless years lived.” Having collected his things, Sagittarius will move on. The main thing is not to interfere with him at this moment and not to try to stop him. Otherwise, he will simply sweep you out of his way. Usually, after long-term romances, Sagittarius needs months of respite before a new relationship. But often this period extends to several years.

Capricorn will be very angry. He will literally fly into a rage when he finds out that the relationship is over. But you won't see this madness. For he will behave extremely politely and tactfully. But this is in public, and at home the fire in the soul may well begin to fill strong alcohol and feel sorry for yourself ad infinitum. And so on until a person appears on his horizon to whom he can pour out his grief and find reciprocity.

At the first moment, Aquarius will cut off all paths to communication and disappear from your life. The phone doesn’t answer, doesn’t show up at his previous place of work, doesn’t communicate with his friends. This will continue until Aquarius’s mental wounds heal. When he grows “thick skin”, he will appear in front of you. All of himself is beautiful and alluring. And, perhaps, he will try to seduce again. You shouldn't fall for these tricks. After all, the main goal of Aquarius is to prove that he is the best!

Romantic Pisces, left without their soul mate, will not throw mud at their partner and curse. On the contrary, in the eyes of this sign, a former lover (or beloved) can almost become a hero. "Oh, how he looked after me!" “It’s not his fault - that’s how the circumstances developed”... Bad fate, friends and incompatibility of characters will be blamed for what happened. It is not uncommon for Pisces to become best friends relatives of their exes.

Did your beloved Aquarius hint that you need to break up? And you were absolutely sure that a wonderful future awaited you together. There were practically no conflicts, but still your lover left. There is no need to worry, you need to try to return your beloved Aquarius. Most likely, he became bored and Aquarius decided to diversify his life by dramatically changing it. That's his nature.

Gray everyday life, boredom, routine tire Aquarius extremely; he wants a holiday, a change of impressions and novelty.

If you definitely decide to return your Aquarius, then you will need to take into account the character traits inherent in the representatives of this sign.

  • You need to know that Aquarius is the most unpredictable sign of all. Often his actions are unexpected even for those close to him, who, it would seem, have known him all his life. Aquarius is drawn to the new, unfamiliar, he lives in his own imaginary world, which is why his departure can be an unpleasant surprise for his beloved. Just don’t be upset, Aquarius is also changeable, he can soon change his decision, you just need to wait a little.
  • Think about what suddenly went wrong, why your loved one left you. Remember what preceded the separation. Maybe you tried to reason with Aquarius, to prevent him from getting involved in an adventure or a dubious business? Believe me, the Aquarius man will not give up on his plans, his projects sometimes seem too eccentric, and those around him have difficulty understanding him. However, Aquarius is sure that his girlfriend must definitely support him in everything, and if this does not happen, then he will be very disappointed in her.
  • Don't put pressure on Aquarius, he can't stand it at all. There is no need to make a scene, beg him to come back, tell him how unbearable it is for you to be without him. Don’t call Aquarius and don’t guard him near his house. If you behave this way, it will become almost impossible to return him.
  • Take care of yourself, change your appearance, find an original hobby. You need to think less about your loved one, worry less, tears won’t bring him back. And if you become an interesting and versatile girl, then there is a chance that your Aquarius will understand how good you are.
  • Try not to break all ties with Aquarius after leaving , if you were into something together, doing the same thing, then it could be a good reason to return your love.
  • After a while, you can arrange a meeting with Aquarius. Show all your femininity, be as sincere, gentle, and affectionate as possible. You can express regret that you broke up, say that things could have turned out completely differently for you. Make it clear that happiness is very close, you just need to meet each other halfway, forget all grievances. Don’t reproach Aquarius, don’t blame him, be kind and peaceful with him.
  • It's a good idea to involve Aquarius in an adventure. , offer him something interesting, come up with an adventure and invite him to implement it together. Aquarius will see in you a loyal friend, with whom it is great, and will want to return.
  • To return Aquarius, you must be a creative girl. Surprise him, offer him something unusual, amaze his imagination.
  • If your Aquarius is in no hurry to renew the relationship, then agree to friendship. Over time, it may develop into something more romantic.
  • You can bring to the meeting a disc with new songs from your Aquarius’s favorite artist or a book that he was looking for. Such signs of attention will not leave your loved one indifferent; there will be very little left to rekindle love.

What kind of woman should you become for “him”

  1. Mysterious, completely unsolved. Aquarius is drawn to the unusual, incomprehensible and original. A girl who is not like everyone else can captivate him for a long time. He will love to learn new things about her every day.
  2. Active, positive. An Aquarius man needs an energetic, easy-going optimist who believes in success and charges her loved one with this faith.
  3. Inspiring. One that will inspire and stimulate you to new achievements. New ideas and projects are always brewing in Aquarius’s head, but he is in no hurry to bring them to life. Sometimes an Aquarius man falls into apathy, he can lie down on the sofa and withdraw from the world around him for a long time.
  4. Devoted. Even if it seems that Aquarius’s plans are too extravagant, you need to believe in your loved one and support him in everything.
  5. An interesting interlocutor. Aquarius loves to talk even more than making love. Sometimes he can spend hours discussing something exciting.

You need to become a faithful friend for Aquarius, with whom you can chat about everything and start a new business. His beloved should not make scenes of jealousy and wait for unearthly love.

The main thing about Aquarius. His chips. Character. What should a girl prepare for?

The Aquarius man is an extraordinary person; great discoverers or geniuses are often born under this sign.

Aquarius is characterized by incredible curiosity, the desire to come up with and implement the most unimaginable ideas. All Aquarians have a rich imagination. This man is a real dreamer; he can hatch grandiose plans for years without doing anything. But, suddenly, inspiration descends on him, and then Aquarius zealously gets down to business, implementing everything he talked about.

By nature, the Aquarius man is calm and reserved, but at the same time he loves to surprise, sometimes even shock those around him.

two personalities coexist there. Aquarius is both quiet and rebellious, the ringleader and the outside observer. Soft, sensitive, ready to help everyone, Aquarius does not respect traditions at all, easily breaks stereotypes, and is even capable of starting a revolution. This man always strives for everything new, unfamiliar, loves traveling, easily gets along with people, he constantly needs bright emotions and impressions.

In relationships, Aquarius is ready to compromise, he avoids conflicts, and makes decisions based on the principle of equality. These people are characterized by amazing insight, they are able to sense people’s moods and can, like no one else, comfort and reassure. Living with an Aquarius is very interesting, but you need to match him: be energetic, lively and a little reckless, like him. Always support him, help bring his most unusual ideas to life.

We return a man according to his sign

Aries woman

Aries will be able to return Aquarius if she agrees to his dominance in the relationship. She should also learn to be interested not only in herself, but also in the affairs of her loved one. In addition, the Aries girl is quite jealous and scandalous, and the calm, soft Aquarius does not like this at all;

Taurus woman

The Heifer will be able to return her beloved Aquarius if she can understand and accept the contradictory nature of this man. Quiet, modest, soft Aquarius is capable of shocking like no other. In addition, the Taurus girl is too down-to-earth, while Aquarius is often immersed in her own world and dreams of distant things. She should not put Aquarius on the ground, otherwise he will rebel;

Gemini woman

It will not be difficult for a Gemini girl to return the love of Aquarius. They suit each other perfectly. The only thing is that Gemini lacks patience and wisdom, she is an eternal child, infantile and careless. Aquarius also does not strive to grow up. Together they make quite an original couple;

Cancer woman

The Cancer girl will be able to return her beloved Aquarius if she becomes more self-confident and strong, which is exactly what Aquarius men like. Whine less, worry and worry about everything;

Leo woman

To return Aquarius, Leo needs to stop giving orders to her partner and become less selfish and self-centered. In addition, the Leo girl is more interested in the physical side of the relationship, but the Aquarius man is more interested in the spiritual side, she needs to learn to understand him;

Virgo woman

Virgo strives for the established order of things, stability and constancy. For Aquarius to return, Virgo will need to get used to the fact that her partner cannot live without new impressions, bright emotions and novelty. If she can adapt to the Aquarian lifestyle, then their union is possible;

For a Libra woman

To regain the trust of Aquarius, a girl of the Libra sign needs to become less capricious and demanding. Libras often feel that those around them deprive them of attention and do not show them enough respect for their person. It’s better to focus on your loved one, think about what he needs now and how to help him;

Scorpio woman

If a Scorpio girl intends to return her Aquarius, then she should forget about scenes of jealousy. In addition, you need to better watch what you say, often Scorpio’s barbs can seriously hurt, and Aquarius will prefer to hear words of praise instead of caustic remarks;

Sagittarius woman

Sagittarians often speak out of place, they are also too noisy and restless. To return Aquarius, Sagittarius will need to learn to sometimes leave her beloved alone, not to disturb him, not to bother him, maybe he is now inventing a perpetual motion machine, and you are disturbing him;

Capricorn woman

If a solid Capricorn girl dreams of returning Aquarius, then she will have to come to terms with his restless character, some eccentricity and extravagance. Capricorn is very reasonable and serious, it is difficult for her to understand the light, childish Aquarius;

For Aquarius woman

To return her beloved Aquarius, the Aquarius girl will have to forget about her incredible ideas, plans and projects and devote herself entirely to her beloved. The Aquarius man loves to be taken care of. The Aquarius woman will need to surround him with affection and love, think more about arranging her life and less about extraneous matters not related to the home;

Pisces woman

Pisces are cowardly, pessimistic and rather helpless. All this irritates the forward-leaning, optimistic Aquarius. To return him, the Pisces girl will have to become stronger, braver and more positive. Aquarius has no time to listen to her lamentations, great things await him.

How to return Aquarius if we don’t see each other at all?

The Aquarius man is an unpredictable person and a little on his own mind. If he has something on his mind, he may act very unexpectedly. Aquarius may feel that he lacks freedom or that you are not the girl he needs. Then this man will simply disappear from your horizon so suddenly that you won’t even have time to understand what happened. There is no need to run to look for him, shed tears or worry too much.

It's better to be smarter. Do not take any action at all for some time. Then you need to come up with some kind of adventure, do something unusual, for example, start looking for old treasure or join a ghost hunting club. The most important thing is to arrange everything so that information about this reaches your Aquarius. Maybe your mutual friends will tell him or they will talk about you on television, it doesn’t matter.

Very soon your beloved Aquarius will make itself known. Most likely, he will be very sad that he lost a girl like you and will want to rekindle your relationship. Maybe at first he won’t show that he’s thinking about returning, but will simply want to join you and do such an exciting thing together. Don’t push him away, don’t ask Aquarius where he went and why he showed up so suddenly. Communicate with him as if the separation never happened. Believe me, your relationship will improve very soon.

How to get Aquarius back after a quarrel?

It is difficult to say how to make peace with an Aquarius man if a conflict has occurred. He is too eccentric and extraordinary. His decisions are sometimes difficult to understand. It may happen that not even one day will pass before your loved one asks for forgiveness, but it is possible that you will have to wait for his return for more than one year.

Often, Aquarius men wait for the woman to take the first step or at least hint that she is not against reconciliation.

Don't try to establish contact with Aquarius using flattery or ingratiation. You need to talk with Aquarius based on logic, giving rational arguments, without stormy scenes, wringing of hands and tears. Strong emotions will only scare away Aquarius. He will listen to you faster if you are sufficiently cold and reasonable during the conversation.

The most important thing is to remain as mysterious and incomprehensible a girl, an interesting person, for Aquarius as possible, only then there is a chance to return him.

Aquarius is an amazing zodiac sign. Probably the most unusual and interesting of all. This man will never belong to his beloved completely. He is always a little on his own wavelength, in dreams of something distant, unknown. You should never argue with Aquarius or try to convince him. So the girl can only provoke his anger. Better agree with him on everything.

Bringing this man back is not so easy. To do this you will have to conquer it again. It is best to try to talk frankly with Aquarius, admit that you would like to return the relationship, tell him that you share his ideals, values ​​and will always be at one with him. Of course, it may happen that Aquarius does not want to renew the relationship, in this case, do not put pressure on him and do not beg him to return. This will only make things worse.

Returning Aquarius if he has someone else seems quite problematic. You will have to prove that you are better and more suitable for him, the main thing is to do everything in a cunning way, do not show how bad you feel without your loved one, do not make scenes and do not sort things out in public. The main thing, remember, the Aquarius man is so original and interesting person that it is worth fighting for.

Answers to some other frequently asked questions

For us to answer your questions, ask them in the comments.

How should you behave with an Aquarius?

Be sure to be cheerful and find the good in everything. Try to remain an unread book for Aquarius, a girl you want to unravel and get to know. Take more interest in him yourself. Aquarians love attention, communicate, discuss everything in the world. Just don’t impose yourself, it will scare away the Aquarius man. The most important thing is to become his friend, faithful and devoted.

Try to arouse Aquarius' interest in your person. Be different. Start with clothes, for example. It is not necessary to tie an orange scarf around your neck and wear men's boots on your feet. You just need to be non-trivial at every meeting, to surprise Aquarius with something. Dress fashionably, stylishly, a little extravagantly. Tell us about an unusual hobby, for example, saving Galapagos tortoises or breeding Achatina snails. Be an interesting person, become a friend to Aquarius, show him that you are brave, cheerful and unpredictable.

How to understand Aquarius?

This man often does not open up to others. Sometimes it is difficult to understand what is on his mind. All his life, Aquarius has been looking for the ideal woman; his beloved must be interesting, strong and a little mysterious, so that he can slowly unravel her. Outwardly calm and unperturbed, inside Aquarius sometimes experiences a whole range of emotions. Never make him angry, don’t try to stop him or get in his way, Aquarius will still do as he intended.

For a woman who has an irresistible desire to end a relationship with a bored admirer born under the sign of Aquarius, but does not know how to break up with an Aquarius man in such a way as to make him guilty of the breakup, there is a time-tested method. Aquarians leave only when they are greatly offended; they can tolerate everything else. On their own, Aquarians break off relationships only when too many grievances accumulate.

We must make sure that the Aquarius man always feels obligated to something and experiences constant feeling guilt. There are many ways to achieve this goal. For example, you can set him an impossible task, and then reproach him for being weak and weak-willed, because he cannot do such nonsense. If he nevertheless fulfills his desire, find fault with some little thing and create a scandal, emphasizing the fact that he does everything through one place.

We must constantly tell him that he is inattentive, unkind, that his jokes are stupid, and that his friends are losers, drunkards, and spending time with them is mortally boring. And during one-on-one meetings, dress haphazardly, and play the role of a slob and a lazy woman with pretensions, since it is much easier to break off relations with an Aquarius man, causing him to physically disgust himself as a woman. The narcissistic Aquarius will not tolerate such relationships for long and, soon, silently and painlessly, own initiative, will disappear from the horizon of the lady who is tired of him.

How do Aquarians break up?

Stage one. Resentment

Aquarius is difficult to pester because he is kind. He will grin, smile, shrug his shoulders for a long time, try not to notice how a loved one offends him. The partners of Aquarius are lucky in this regard - this is one of the most unforgiving, peace-loving and kind-hearted Zodiac Signs. He would rather endure than be indignant or stop the chaos that his partner sometimes inflicts on him.

But only for the time being. When patience reaches its limit, Aquarius will immediately experience the last stage - he will suddenly get up and walk out, slamming the door and without saying a word. Figuratively or literally. Then he will go away for several days, then he will lie back, sit back and remain silent for a few more, then he will gloomily reconcile if the partner takes the initiative and somehow approaches. I remind you that even the most gloomy Aquarians are generous at heart and long ago silently forgave you, justified you, and explained you. This does not give you the right to continue, and it would be better if you stopped now, but if you are carried away, you will continue.

And then the next stage will come.

Stage two. Irritation

At this stage, if everything goes well, Aquarius can be very affectionate and caring towards their partner, and if everything continues unchanged according to the worst-case scenario, Aquarius considers it beneath their dignity to slam the door again. Just one morning in the bathroom mirror, Aquarius sees his concentrated, gloomy face and lips compressed into stripes. This was the slamming of his inner door, which for a loved one is always, if not wide open, then welcomingly ajar.

At this stage, it is easy to notice that Aquarius speaks in a cold tone, or rather cool, he is unfriendly, even irritated. If you do not provoke the conflict further, then Aquarius will soften by the evening of a particularly “irritated” day, but if you do not give yourself the trouble to understand what is happening and snap back, you will end up with a local war within the joint territory. Aquarius can be extremely unfriendly and unpleasant. You are having dinner - he gets up first, silently washes the dishes and leaves the kitchen. You go to bed and clearly understand that Aquarius unwaveringly lies with his back to you. You try to pet him, he may drop his hand or explain through clenched teeth that he is tired.

Stage three. Reconciliation

The problem is that Aquarius loves his partner to the last, and at the previous stage, being frightened by his own detachment, the first one goes for reconciliation or makes peace on your initiative, affectionately and willingly.

It may seem paradoxical that I include a stage about reconciliation in a story about separation. This stage is very different from the usual quarrels and reconciliations of Aquarius and is included as a constituent element in the entire separation algorithm. It’s just that Aquarians, when they feel very bad and it is unclear whether the union can be saved, move in short steps. One step back is one step forward. Out of uncertainty and love. They are unsure of their rightness until the last moment - do they have the right to feel what they feel? Maybe they feel bad, but their partner feels bad too? At the two previous stages, being offended and irritated, Aquarius unconsciously or consciously observes his partner: what if he also feels bad and suffers just like him? Maybe he made a mistake and everything was actually a fluke (even the 58th offensive time), and everything can be fixed?

So, at the stage of reconciliation, Aquarius, having not fully figured it out, nevertheless rushes back into this relationship, like into a warm river, in the hope that she will take him onto her mighty chest and carry him, cradling and caressing him like Hedgehog in the Fog...

But, if nothing has changed, the fog dissipates suddenly, as if from a slap, and Aquarius flinches: he has just been hit on a sore spot again. They just cheated on him again and left him to figure it out on his own. They just didn’t leave him a crumb of his delicious favorite cake for the birthday of his youngest son, just because he was flying out on a short business trip. Or not just because? Just now no one met him at the airport, and Aquarius is standing at the taxi stand with a suitcase and a light raincoat, blown through by the icy November wind. You just walk into your apartment, tired after a hard day, and your ex-beloved doesn’t even turn to you from the computer.

This can be forgiven a single time, but if this is a system, then it is impossible not to notice. And Aquarius bows his suddenly heavy head in his hands, sits down on the bed without unpacking his suitcase, and his soul is simply heavy, that’s all, and nothing can be changed.

Stage four. Liberty

Aquarius makes decisions based on contrast. But the comparison is not with another partner, as with Scorpios, for example, but with the state: Aquarius can no longer deceive himself, noting that he goes to work as if it were a holiday, and home as if he were going to hard labor. That he desperately wants to go to the movies with friends and not think about anything, but spending the evening with his husband, who is again scratching his tongue with someone on Skype, cowardly rolling up the windows when his wife approaches, is such a melancholy that he could almost hang himself.

And Aquarius goes to great lengths. He finally allows himself to admit that he feels bad in his union, and allows himself to feel happy outside the walls of the house and outside the relationship. He snaps at reproaches, making excuses by inertia, but quickly boiling over and turning the showdown into a quarrel, and the quarrel into leaving with the slamming of the door. Fed up - this is the most accurate word for this state of Aquarius.

Stage five. Solution. End

At this stage, Aquarius turns into a cruel child, frivolous and quick to make decisions. Whistling, he can pack his suitcase in front of your eyes, and answer your questions and your horror - I’m leaving, so what? - in a completely icy and at the same time cheerful tone.

In fact, he is in desperate pain. First of all, from the fact that he is forced, on his own, drawn from somewhere from a chest of cruelty, like on a horse, to ride out of your relationship. Without this horse, he will forever be left chewing bast and being unhappy. Because the most painful thing for Aquarius is to hurt someone. And if he decided to do this, it means that his pain for once became stronger.

At this stage, for the first time after leaving, he will try to reduce contacts to a minimum so as not to get involved in a showdown, he is still too weak to be indifferent, he will be consoled in the arms of other people, he will dream about you, he will suffer, but will not return , remembering the point of bifurcation known only to him, the point where a turning point occurred and there was no return. Aquarius leaves when he is sure that he is not loved.

The only thing he will do is quietly justify you to his friends.

In this article we will talk about how Aquarius breaks up. It is quite difficult to win over a representative of this zodiac sign, as he has a good disposition. He will smile and mock for a long time, trying not to pay attention to what offended him. He will never show you his true feelings. His lover is lucky, as he is a fairly friendly sign. If nervous tension reaches the peak, he will not break the dishes, he will simply leave the apartment with a full suitcase. After that, he will need time to think about the problem.

He is peaceful and unforgiving. Tolerates antics to the last. But if his patience runs out, be prepared for the unexpected. Afterwards, he will be very worried, tormented by doubts, and may even burst into tears from the feelings that overwhelm him. He doesn't know how to show them, but the breakup will make him more emotional. And under negative emotions a person does bad things.

He will justify his beloved to the last, try to understand and say goodbye. But in some situations, when he was greatly offended, he will not stand it. Then get ready for him to be very angry with you. It is not in his rules to be used and deceived. He will make sure that justice prevails and everything will certainly work out. He prefers to lead a modest lifestyle and does not stand out from the crowd. He will continue to walk away for a long time until he meets his true soul mate, who will suit him in all respects.

Aquarius after a breakup can:

  • finally feel your freedom;
  • move away from endless quarrels;
  • become happy again with a different partner.

If his partner decides to make peace, he will not play hard to get and will meet his beloved halfway. However, this does not give you the right to take advantage of his kindness and return it whenever you please. During the next quarrel, he will no longer slam the door, but he will close his heart to you. In love he has the following qualities: patience, sincerity, ease of mind.


At this moment, representatives of the air element usually continue to treat their partner with care and affection. And if the nagging and complaints continue, he will no longer slam the door, he will slam his heart and hide it away, fence himself off with a wall so that you no longer have the opportunity to hurt him. One day you will see his tired face, he will no longer come up with excuses for you.

After a quarrel, he will be very irritated and skeptical. You won’t be able to unfreeze him, especially if you’ve turned his life into a nightmare with your nagging. If you stop nagging him, he will temporarily melt his heart, but he will not fully trust you as before. He will try to avoid you in every possible way, especially if he still has some emotions. In the worst case scenario, he will start a real war against you. No, he will not take revenge on you and ruin your life. He will just spread bad rumors about you. And he will believe that this is the correct punishment. Don't make him angry and make a fool out of him. He will not allow himself, his savings, or connections to be taken advantage of.

If nothing changes and the partner continues to “wipe her feet on him” in every possible way, then he will finally wake up and come to his senses, as if from a slap in the face. He does not tolerate cheating and does not cheat himself if he is in a relationship. He will certainly break up with a girl if she does not appreciate him and does not care about him. For this reason, you should communicate with him as much as possible, take care of his nerves, and love him. After the breakup, he is even able to drink. It will be especially unpleasant for him if the girl leaves for another.

At the same time, he will be restrained and cold. You will no longer see the radiant smile on his face that was meant only for you. If you stop provoking conflict, it will soften. Aquarians love their partner to the last. He will come up on his own and make peace. If you decide to break up, then you should do it quickly and as painlessly as possible. Perhaps he will be grateful to you that you did not get on his nerves. But if you plan to save the relationship, then try not to throw tantrums.

After a breakup, a representative of this zodiac sign will:

  • treat you coldly;
  • avoid you;
  • think about new relationships.

Decisions regarding love relationship he accepts them extremely painfully and slowly, but always considers them correct. He carefully considers his own choices. If you are on the verge of a breakup, he will not rush home, he will even ask his friends for permission to spend the night with them. He will continue to live with a huge hole in his chest. You shouldn't tell him that you are leaving for someone else.

Aquarians can be unfriendly and confrontational if they wish. They don't let themselves be offended. He will lie with his back to you, not talk, spoil your mood, swear until your patience runs out. He takes these measures only when he is extremely dissatisfied with his partner. He will also pretend that he is very tired and does not want to kiss or hug you. He doesn't like to be used and will never allow that to happen. However, he will try to establish contact with you if you sincerely apologize.

When parting, this sign is able to fall into real depression, from which he will no longer be able to get out on his own, since he always experiences everything deep in his soul. He will be insecure about his future girlfriends until one appears who can melt the ice in his heart. He will believe to the last that he loves his partner, even if it is simple affection. The main advantage is restraint. However, she will play a cruel joke on him if he constantly controls his emotions. Men of this sign do not know how to cry at all.

When a relationship cannot be saved

After breaking up, he will try to minimize your meetings. He will even leave the group of friends in which you spent time together so as not to see you again. If he continues to communicate with friends, he will not discuss you. He never gossips. He will just try to forget you and move on.

If you break up quickly, he will not lie to himself that the relationship can still be saved. After some time, he is able to feel happy again outside the walls of his previous home. He will no longer call you and apologize. For all his friendliness, he has pride.

We recommend watching a very useful video about Aquarius girls. Watch it now!