How to connect to the Internet via mobile. Connection via mobile Internet. How to set up Internet on a laptop via an iOS phone

In our time of high technology, you can’t live without the Internet. But, it is not always possible to connect your computer or laptop to the global web (for example, you are on a trip with a laptop and not a single point receives wireless access). But fortunately, you have a smartphone with you that is connected to the mobile Internet. He will help you.

Depending on what tariff plan you have, additional costs may arise. For example, additional charges may apply for exceeding the allowed mobile traffic. Therefore, be prepared for possible unexpected expenses.

Connecting to a Windows computer with an Android phone

The first step is to get root access. If you have them, then feel free to get to work:

    • To get started, download the Android SDK for Windows program link (the program is available for the latest versions of the operating system, and a connection example is provided on a device running Windows 8).
    • Then go through your computer to “network and internet”, then to “ network connections" A dialog box will then open where you will need to select a network connection. To do this, right-click on it and go to connection properties.
    • Now go to the “sharing” tab. Here you will need to check the required box - allowing other users to use the Internet connection of this device.

By the way, in the same way you can distribute the Internet through devices controlled Windows Phone.

Please be aware that some problems may arise during connection. We will talk about them in more detail below.

Possible problems

The most common and common mistake when you connect mobile Internet directly to a PC is that the computer simply does not see your device. This may be due to the fact that your routing service is disabled. In order to activate it, you need to right-click on the My Computer icon, go to the management, applications and services, routing and remote access section. After which you just need to activate this service, and the problem is solved.

Connecting to an iOS computer with an iPhone

also in mandatory It is necessary to consider how to distribute mobile Internet directly to Apple computers via a USB cable.

To do this you will need:

  • A computer on which iTunes is installed (you can download the current version of the program on the official Apple website).
  • Lightning wire and your phone.

So let's get started:

  1. If you don't have iTunes on your computer, install it.
  2. Now we connect the phone to the computer via a Lightning cable.
  3. Wait until the program recognizes your device.
  4. On your computer, go to “system settings” and go to the “network” tab.
  5. Click on the USB adapter icon for iPhone (if you do not have this menu item, click on the “+”, which is located at the very bottom of the dialog box and, by clicking on it, add a USB adapter).
  6. Then go to the settings menu and select the “deactivate services” section.
  7. And finally, select the “service activation” section.

But what if you have a Windows computer and an iOS phone? - you ask. Despite all the closedness of Apple's operating system, distribute mobile Internet through direct connection much easier than from devices based on Android and Windows Phone, since there is no need to install a lot of additional programs (just installed iTunes will be enough to get the job done), deal with a lot of settings, and so on.

For Windows you will also need to install latest version iTunes. Well, if you already have it, then feel free to get to work.

  • First of all, connect your phone to your computer.
  • Go to Network and Sharing Center and then head to View Status.
  • Select the “Diagnostics” menu section.

Now all you have to do is wait and after the PC detects your device, the Internet will be distributed automatically.

Phone "iPhone-5-32-Gb" with iOS OS.

Many devices are so durable that we don’t notice them. One of them is the computer. Very popular mobile computer- laptop. Having equipped it with a variety of widgets, we always have up-to-date information on all issues that interest us: from the weather anywhere in the world (including at our favorite dacha) to the ruble exchange rate for today and tomorrow. It has become so commonplace that we don’t notice it.

And suddenly, one day (let’s say when you are at the dacha) the gadget stops working (the money in the Internet modem account has run out). The money is in the electronic wallet and, in principle, you can make payments directly in the garden, without leaving the beds. But there is no access to the Internet, which we are used to and took for granted.

Eureka! We have mobile phone, which will be on a short time connection point for a laptop to the Internet. We check the connection quality using the indicator on the mobile phone display (lucky - excellent) and remember how to connect a laptop to the Internet via a phone.

Phone “iPhone-5-32-Gb” with iOS OS.

Requirements for a telephone device

The device must meet the following requirements:

  • The phone must have one of the following operating systems installed: WM, iOS, Android or Symbian;
  • The phone must support the 3G/HSDPA standard, which provides a connection to the Internet.

In addition, you need:

Mobile phone setup

Refer to the “Telephone Operating Instructions”.

The sequence of actions is basically the following:

  • go to “Basic Settings”;
  • select “Network”;
  • "On/Off" button or use a jumper to switch the device to Modem mode;
  • activate the mobile Internet and check the possibility of exchange on any site.

Use the network settings, password and login provided by your operator. The phone is ready for use, you can connect it to the computer with a cable.

Internet connection information

Depending on the phone device you are using, different “Accept” dialog boxes will appear on your laptop desktop, which you must agree to. After this, the phone will notify you of the connection with a light signal, and an icon in the form of a monitor with a socket will appear on the computer desktop (near the clock in the tray). Your laptop is on the Internet.

Pay your Internet modem bill and make sure the payment goes through. It should be borne in mind that Internet services are expensive for all mobile phone operators, and without urgent need There's no point in lingering there.

Computer help

If the operation of your computer does not satisfy you, then you should contact.

If necessary urgent assistance as a result of breakdown, please contact.

All acoustic systems can be divided into two main groups: active and passive. Each of the groups implies its own option for connecting to a computer. Active speakers have their own amplifier and direct speaker system. As you know, the output signal of a computer has a voltage measured in units of volts, so such a signal must be amplified by an external amplifier. Such an external amplifier is contained in active speaker systems. Passive speakers consist only of the speakers themselves. In this case, you need to purchase an acoustic signal amplifier separately. Thus, it is the active speaker system that is most suitable for connecting to a personal computer.

Types of connectors

Depending on the speaker system you are using, there may be various options use of connectors for connection. The most suitable connectors in this situation are miniJACK connectors. If your speaker system has only two speakers, then it has one single miniJACK output plug. Such speakers can be connected to both the system unit and a laptop. If the number of speakers in your system is six, including a subwoofer, then the output of such a system should have three plugs for connecting each channel. Such a speaker system cannot be connected to a laptop and to some types of system units that have only two audio input connectors, without a special external sound card. Most personal computers have all three miniJACK input ports for connecting a 5.1 system. It often turns out that a sound system consisting of two speakers has two “Bell” type plugs at the output. This connector is not suitable for connecting to a computer. In such a situation, you need to purchase an adapter from this connector to a stereo miniJACK connector.

Connection procedure

So, if you have a 2.1 sound system, the output connector of which is a standard miniJACK, then insert this plug into the corresponding connector on the system unit or, indicated by the image of headphones. If your speaker system has a three-element input, then you need to connect it based on the color of each of the connectors. The orange plug must be inserted into the pink port of the system unit, labeled with the image of a microphone. Insert the black plug into the socket located in the middle. Connect the green connector to the remaining space.

Modern phones are capable of performing a variety of tasks and greatly simplifying our lives. For example, you can use your phone to connect the Internet to your computer. In this article we will look at exactly this case.

Method No. 1. Phone as a Wi-Fi access point.

If you have a laptop or your desktop computer equipped with a Wi-Fi module, then for you the most in a simple way Connecting the Internet to your computer via your phone will be a Wi-Fi hotspot. Modern phones can create Wi-Fi access points and distribute the Internet through them, which they, in turn, receive from a mobile operator using , 3G or LTE.

In this article we will demonstrate how this is done using the example of an operating room. Android systems. First, you need to open Android settings and find a section called “Other networks.” In some cases, this section may have a different name. For example, on phones with the original Android shell it is called “More”.

In the “Other networks” section, you need to open the “Modem and access point” section (this section may be called “Modem”, “Access point”, “Modem mode” or “Connecting an access point”).

In the “Modem and access point” section, enable the “Mobile access point” function.

After enabling this feature, your phone will create a Wi-Fi hotspot. In order to connect to it you need to look at the name Wi-Fi networks and password. To do this, open the “Mobile access point” section.

This section will indicate the name of the access point and its password. Using this data, you will be able to connect to the created Wi-Fi hotspot and access the Internet on your computer.

Method number 2. Phone as a USB modem.

You can also use your phone as a USB modem. In this case, you can connect the Internet to your computer via your phone even if the computer does not have a Wi-Fi module. At the same time, using your phone as a USB modem is even easier than as a Wi-Fi access point. Below we will demonstrate how this is done using an Android phone as an example.

First, you need to connect your phone to your computer using a USB cable. After the phone is detected by the system, you need to open the Android settings on the phone and go to the “Other networks - Modem and access point” section, just as we described above. In this section you need to enable the “USB modem” function.

After this, your system should automatically detect the USB modem and connect. Usually, after enabling the “USB modem” function, the Internet appears on the computer within a couple of seconds.

Smartphone users often have problems setting up the Internet on their phone correctly. If you are an advanced user, you can connect manually by filling out the appropriate form with data in the operating system. For all other users, automatic configuration is available via SMS message from the operator.

How to connect mobile internet

You can connect mobile data manually on your phone. Step-by-step instruction, which is used to configure the Internet on Android:

  1. Open the settings menu on your phone.
  2. Select “Connection”, “Mobile networks”, “Other networks”, “More” depending on the device model.
  3. Then select “Access Points”.
  4. Click the “Add” button; if it is not displayed separately, then find it in the context menu.
  5. A new profile will open, which must be filled out in accordance with the settings of the specific operator.
  6. Save your data, go back up one level and select the profile you just created.
  7. Turn on Mobile Data and restart your phone.

The table shows the settings of three popular providers, the input of which will allow you to connect to the Internet on your cell phone. If, when filling out your profile, you encounter additional items, you should skip them and leave the default values:

Automatic setup

If for some reason you were unable to connect your mobile Internet manually, you can always use automatic setup. To do this you need to do the following actions:

  1. “Ask” your cellular network operator to send a special message with settings (this SMS is often marked with an envelope icon with a gear).
  2. Open the received SMS message.
  3. Select the item labeled “Application: Internet.”
  4. Click the "Install" button.
  5. If a PIN code is required, enter “0000” or “1234”.
  6. If the code does not work, contact your cellular network operator to find out the correct PIN.
  7. Confirm your choice by pressing the “Yes” button and turn on mobile data in the phone curtain, restart the device to activate the changes.
  8. On some phone models, the above steps are not required; you just need to order a message from your operator to connect to the Internet.

Connect via Wi-Fi

You can access the Internet on your phone not through mobile data, but through Wi-Fi. To connect the World Wide Web in this way on the Android operating system, use with the following instructions.

  1. Unlock your device, go to the main menu.
  2. In the list of icons or in the curtain of the operating system, find “Settings” (often this item is indicated by a gear symbol), and make the transition.
  3. A list of customizable items will appear in front of you, find the “Wi-Fi” line and go to the submenu.
  4. In older versions of the Android operating network, you first need to go to “ Wireless network", and then select "Wi-Fi Settings".
  5. If Wi-Fi router is enabled, all available connections will be immediately displayed.
  6. If the adapter is turned off, the system will prompt you to turn on the Wi-Fi module to view available networks.
  7. Select the desired network from the list.
  8. In the dialog box that appears, enter the access password.
  9. If you accidentally entered incorrect data, click on the network name again, select “Forget” and re-enter the authentication parameters to connect to the Internet.