How the work of Nikolai Rubtsov is presented. Rubtsov Nikolai Mikhailovich Rubtsov famous Russian poet

Our literature knows many great writers who brought immortal values ​​to Russian culture. The biography and work of Nikolai Rubtsov are important in the history of Russia. Let's talk in more detail about his contribution to literature.

The childhood of Nikolai Rubtsov

The poet was born in 1936, January 3. This happened in the village of Yemets, which is located in the Arkhangelsk region. His father was Mikhail Andreyanovich Rubtsov, who served as a political worker. In 1940, the family moved to Vologda. Here they met the war.

The biography of Nikolai Rubtsov includes many sorrows that befell the poet. Little Kolya was orphaned early. My father went to war and never returned. Many believed that he was dead. In fact, he decided to leave his wife and moved to a separate house in the same city. After the death of his mother in 1942, Nikolai was sent to Nikolsky. Here he studied at school until the seventh grade.

The poet's youth

The biography and work of Nikolai Rubtsov are closely intertwined with his hometown of Vologda.

Here he met his first love - Henrietta Menshikova. They had a daughter, Lena, but their life together did not work out.

The young poet entered the Forestry Technical School of the city of Totma. However, he studied there for only two years. Afterwards he tried himself as a fireman on the trawl fleet in Arkhangelsk. Then he was a laborer at the Leningrad training ground.

In 1955-1959, Nikolai Rubtsov served in the army as a senior sailor. After being demobilized, he remained to live in Leningrad. He is accepted to the Kirov plant, where he again changes several professions: from mechanic and fireman to charger. Fascinated by poetry, Nikolai entered the Moscow Gorky University in 1962. Here he meets Kunyaev, Sokolov and other young writers who become him. They help him publish his first works.

Rubtsov faces difficulties at the institute. He even thinks about quitting his studies, but his like-minded people support the poet, and already in the 60s he published the first collections of his poems. The biography and creativity of Nikolai Rubtsov during his institute life clearly conveys to the reader his experiences and spiritual mood.

Nikolai graduated from college in 1969 and moved into a one-room apartment, his first separate home. Here he continues to write his works.

Published works

Since the 1960s, Rubtsov's works have been published at quite an enviable speed. In 1965, a collection of poems, Lyrics, was published. Following it in 1969, “Star of the Fields” was published.

With a break of one year (in 1969 and 1970), the collections “The Soul Keeps” and “Pines Noise” were published.

In 1973, after the poet’s death, “The Last Steamship” was published in Moscow. From 1974 to 1977, three more publications were published: “Selected Lyrics”, “Plantains” and “Poems”.

Songs based on poems by Nikolai Rubtsov gained great popularity. Every resident of our country is familiar with “I will ride my bicycle for a long time,” “It’s light in my upper room,” and “In moments of sad music.”

Creative life

Nikolai Rubtsov's poems echo his childhood. Reading them, we plunge into the calm world of Vologda life. He writes about home comfort, love and devotion. Many works are dedicated to the wonderful time of year - autumn.

In general, the poet’s work is filled with truthfulness and authenticity.

Despite the simplicity of the language, his poems have scale and power. Rubtsov's syllable is rhythmic and has a complex, fine structure. In his works one can feel the love for the Motherland and unity with nature.

The biography and work of Nikolai Rubtsov ends suddenly and absurdly. He dies on January 19, 1971 during a family quarrel at the hands of his fiancee Lyudmila Derbina. The investigation established that the poet died from strangulation. Derbina was sentenced to seven years in prison.

Many biographers express the opinion that Nikolai Rubtsov predicted his death, writing about it in the poem “I will die in the Epiphany frosts.”

A street in Vologda is named after the writer. Monuments have been erected to him in several cities of Russia. Rubtsov's poems continue to enjoy great love among readers of different ages. His works remain relevant in our time, because people always need love and peace.

Nikolai Mikhailovich Rubtsov is a representative of Russian lyric poets. Born on January 3, 1936 in the village of Yemetsk, Northern Kholmogory Territory, which is now the Arkhangelsk Region. Soon, Nikolai and his family moved to the city of Nyandom, where they lived for two years. Nikolai's father, Mikhail Andrianovich, worked as a political officer. The family’s house was located not far from the railway embankment, where his old sister died before Nikolai’s eyes. Because of this deplorable event, Nikolai filled Nyandoma for a long time. The family moved to Vologda, where, again, still under the yoke of misfortune, they were caught by the war. In the summer of 1942, Nikolai’s mother and younger sister died, and since his father was at the front during this period, the children were sent to boarding schools. It was for the first time in the boarding school that Nikolai wrote his first poem. He was only six years old at that time.

Together with his brother, Nikolai ended up in the Nikolsky boarding school - the Krasovsky orphanage in the Totemsky district in the Vologda region. It was in this boarding school that he managed to complete seven classes of that educational institution. Now this boarding school has been converted into a museum in memory of N.M. Rubtsov. In Nikolskoye village, where the poet continued his life, he met Henrietta Mikhailovna Menshikova, with whom they later raised their daughter in a civil marriage.

He continued his further studies in the city of Totma at the Forestry College. Nikolai Rubtsov continued his studies at the technical school until 1955, and later changed a number of different professions. In 1955, he was expelled from the technical school due to failure to pass the winter session. In March of the same year, he got a job as a laborer at an experimental military training ground. But this year is also characterized by an amazing event - a meeting with his own father, whom Nikolai believed to have died in the war since 1941.

In August 1962, Nikolai Rubtsov entered the Gorky Literary Institute in Moscow, which significantly influenced his development as a poet. After graduating from the institute, he received a position on the staff of the Vologda Komsomolets newspaper. The poet's death was filled with no less tragic and unusual events than his whole life. He died from asphyxia of the respiratory tract on January 19, 1971 in his apartment and the poetess Lyudmila Derbina (Granovskaya), with whom there was a quarrel and the tragic outcome of the poet, had a hand, literally and figuratively, in this. The famous verse “I will die in the Epiphany frosts” by Nikolai Rubtsov turned out to be prophetic. Researchers of Nikolai Rubtsov’s works call his work extremely original and characteristic of Russia. Rubtsov's poetry was filled with simple stylistic elements and did not have a complex structure - it was understandable to the common Russian person. Poetry was dedicated, to a greater extent, to his native Vologda region. If you read the author’s poems, his poetry has an internal scale, penetration, a certain creative authenticity, and truth. Nikolai Rubtsov spent many years developing a structure of images characteristic only of his poetry, for which he is still deeply revered by literary scholars and fans of Russian lyric poetry.

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Biography and poems of Nikolai Rubtsov

Rubtsov Nikolay Mikhailovich

(01/3/1936, village of Yemetsk, Arkhangelsk region - 01/19/1971, Vologda)

Poet. Nikolay Rubtsov

Rubtsov's father was the head of the ORS of the timber industry enterprise, his mother, Alexandra Mikhailovna, was a housewife. There were six children in the family. During the military disasters in Vologda, two sisters and the mother of the future poet died, traces of his father were lost (for a long time Rubtsov considered him dead at the front, but in the 1950s they met; Mikhail Andrianovich died in 1962 in Vologda). In 1942, Rubtsov ended up in an orphanage near Vologda, and in 1943 - in the Nikolsky orphanage in the Totemsky district of the Vologda region, where he remained until he was fourteen years old. The village of Nikolskoye became the poet’s small homeland: “Here is the homeland for my soul!” - he admitted in a letter to A. Yashin. In 1950, Rubtsov graduated from the seven-year school, “he studied at several technical schools, but did not graduate from any. He worked at several factories and in the Arkhangelsk trawl fleet. Served for four years in the Northern Fleet" (from his autobiography). From 1959 to 1962, Rubtsov lived in Leningrad, worked at the Kirov plant, and participated in the literary life of the city. In the summer of 1962, the poet’s friend, writer Boris Taigin, published Rubtsov’s first typewritten poetry book, “Waves and Rocks” (republished in 1998 in the same place, in Leningrad). In the fall of 1962, having graduated from high school as an external student, Rubtsov entered the Literary Institute. M. Gorky in Moscow, later transferred to the correspondence department, lives mainly in Vologda and in the village. Nikolsky. In 1964, a selection of his poems appeared in the October magazine, which was noticed by critics, but Rubtsov’s first Moscow book, “Star of the Fields” (1967), brought real fame. In total, during the poet’s lifetime, four collections of poems were published: “Lyrics” (Arkhangelsk, 1965), “Star of the Fields” (M., 1967), “The Soul Keeps” (Arkhangelsk, 1969) and “Pines Noise” (M., 1970) . Rubtsov finally settled in Vologda in 1967. He died tragically on the night of Epiphany. The poet predicted the date of his death in the poem “I will die in the Epiphany frosts...”.

Rubtsov's personal orphan fate and his tragic perception of life coincided in their main features with the people's worldview. At the center of his poetry is the split in the modern world, the orphanhood of the individual and its tragic fate. The persistent motifs of orphanhood and wandering in Rubtsov’s poetry complement each other. The basis of the imagery of his poems was the traditional symbolism of lyrical folk songs. The poet also devotes a lot of space to religious symbolism (putting it on a par with natural symbolism) and the symbolism of the image of Russia. For Rubtsov, the homeland is an ideal of holiness, an unchanging ideal. The value and semantic orientation in his artistic world, his “theme of the soul” are aimed at modernity, which is only a “moment of eternity” in the entire life of the Motherland.

In Rubtsov’s artistic world, the soul has different meanings in its interconnectedness with the world. But his ethical and aesthetic position is most definitely expressed in the program poem “Soul” (“Philosophical Poems”). In it, the poet, starting from the Orthodox Christian tradition of ethical intellectualism to see the highest part of the soul in the mind (“United, reason and soul Give us the lamp of life - reason!”), expresses his most intimate thought: the soul is not only an aesthetic value, but and at the same time the goal:

But I'll go! I know in advance

That he is happy, even if it knocks him off his feet,

Who will go through everything when the soul leads,

And there is no higher happiness in life!

Rubtsov's originality lies in the fact that he was able to combine traditional stylistic forms with the language and thinking of his time, giving the modern language classical simplicity in its most complex internal harmony.

Poetic motifs in Rubtsov’s lyrics are included in a complex system of associative connections: folklore, literary, commonly used, contextual (in the text of individual poems, in their cycle, in the entire work of the poet, in his literary environment, etc.), including connections intuitive and mystical.

Many of the poet’s lines entered the Russian language, became popular, and they concentrated the moral experience of the people.

The general, unifying theme of Rubtsov's philosophical lyrics is not at all original: the meaning of human life... The search for this meaning, spiritual wandering through Rus', present and past, is the true content of Rubtsov's poetry.

The innovation of his work was manifested in relation to tradition, in its restoration and non-conformity with it. The ethical and aesthetic richness, completely consciously created by the poet, and the tragedy cause a unique artistic effect. We can say that Nikolai Rubtsov came to the reader’s heart not by the catchiness of the outer side of the verse; he knew how this heart lived, what its pain was...

But the truth of Rubtsov’s poetry is not in leaving, not in farewell, not in mourning the past, but in the restoration and affirmation of people’s ideals. “The goal of art is the ideal,” wrote A.S. Pushkin.

The spiritual height of Rubtsov is the human soul, not clouded by the “philosophy” of practicality. “The very nature of the Russian spirit has long needed the appearance of just such a poet in order to connect the half-century tragic break in Russian poetry again with the Christian worldview. And this lot fell on Nikolai Rubtsov, and the light of majestic chant and prayerful confession lit up in him” (A. Romanov).

One of the minor planets, streets in Vologda and St. Petersburg, in the village are named after the poet. Nikolsky created the Rubtsov Museum, monuments to him were opened in the cities of Totma, Vologda, Cherepovets, and Yemetsk. There is a memorial plaque installed at house No. 3 on Yashina Street, where the poet lived and died. The All-Russian Literary Prize “Star of the Fields” is awarded annually. Nikolai Rubtsov, there are Rubtsov centers in Vologda, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Dzerzhinsk, Surgut and other cities, Rubtsov days and scientific conferences are held.

Poems by Nikolai Rubtsov

V. Belov

Quiet my homeland!
Willows, river, nightingales...
My mother is buried here
In my childhood years.

Where is the churchyard? You did not see?
I can't find it myself.
The residents answered quietly:
- It's on the other side.

The residents answered quietly,
The convoy passed quietly.
Church monastery dome
Overgrown with bright grass.

Where I swam for fish
Hay is rowed into the hayloft:
Between river bends
People dug a canal.

Tina is now a swamp
Where I loved to swim...
My quiet homeland
I haven't forgotten anything.

New fence in front of the school
The same green space.
Like a cheerful crow
I'll sit on the fence again!

My school is wooden!..
The time will come to leave -
The river behind me is foggy
He will run and run.

With every bump and cloud,
With thunder ready to fall,
I feel the most burning
The most mortal connection.

Poems drive us out of the house,
It's like a blizzard is howling, howling
Steam heating,
For electricity and gas!

Tell me if you know
Something like this about blizzards:
Who can make them howl?
Who can stop them?
When do you want peace?

And in the morning the sun will rise, -
Who can find a way
To delay its rise?
Stop its decline?

That's how poetry is
It's ringing - you can't stop it!
If he shuts up, you moan in vain!
She is invisible and free.

Will it glorify us or humiliate us,
But it will still take its toll!
And she doesn’t depend on us,
And we depend on her...

When dawn, shining through the pine forest,
It burns, it burns, and the forest no longer sleeps,
And the shadows of the pine trees fall into the river,
And the light runs onto the streets of the village,
When, laughing, in the quiet courtyard
Adults and children greet the sun, -
Having perked up, I’ll run up the hill
And I will see everything in the best light.
Trees, huts, a horse on the bridge,
Flowering meadow - I miss them everywhere.
And, having fallen out of love with this beauty,
I probably won’t create another one...

Stop, my darling!
I like everything - a rural closet,
Autumn Forest, Gulyaevskaya Hill,
Where did the Russian princes have fun?

Simple legends, kind lips
They also say that every day
A beautiful princess was walking here, -
She loved these places.

Yes! But I’m also quite a happy type,
When I secretly dream about her
Or I stare mindlessly at the Christmas tree
And suddenly I see a porcini mushroom in the shadows!

And I don’t need anything for now
I wake up cheerfully at dawn
And I keep wandering along the old Russian hill,
Thinking a little about the old days...

Once again he greeted me
Cozy ancient Lipin Bor,
Where is the wind, the snowy wind
Starts an eternal argument with the pine needles.

What a Russian village!
For a long time I heard the noise of pine trees,
And then enlightenment came
My simple evening thoughts.

I'm sitting in a regional hotel,
I smoke, read, light the stove.
It will probably be a sleepless night,
Sometimes I love not sleeping!

How can you sleep when out of darkness
It’s like I can hear the voice of centuries,
And the light of the neighboring barracks
Still burning in the darkness of the snow.

May the path be frosty tomorrow,
Let me be, perhaps, gloomy.
I will not sleep through the legend of the pine trees.
The ancient pine trees make a long noise...

* * *
In moments of sad music
I imagine the yellow reach
And the woman’s farewell voice,
And the sound of gusty birches,

And the first snow under the gray sky
Among the extinct fields,
And a path without sun, a path without faith
Cranes driven by snow...

The soul has long been tired of wandering
In former love, in former hops,
The time has come to understand,
That I love ghosts too much.

But still in unstable dwellings -
Try to stop them! -
Calling to each other, the violins cry
About the yellow stretch, about love.

And still under the low sky
I see clearly, to the point of tears,
And the yellow reach and the close voice,
And the sound of gusty birches.

As if the farewell hour is eternal,
As if time has nothing to do with it...
In moments of sad music
Don't talk about anything.

Long before his death, Nikolai Rubtsov wrote a famous poem,
Rubtsov did not choose his fate, he only foresaw it. Mysterious
looks like the relationship between Rubtsov’s poetry and his life. According to his poems it is more accurate than according to
documents and autobiographies, you can trace his life path. Many
real poets guessed their fate, easily looked into the future, but
Rubtsov's visionary abilities were with extraordinary power. When? Now
you read the poems he wrote shortly before his death, you are overcome by an eerie feeling

I will die in the Epiphany frosts.
I will die when the birches crack.
And in the spring there will be complete horror:
River waves will rush into the churchyard!
From my flooded grave
The coffin will float up, forgotten and sad,
It will crash with a crash, and into the darkness
Terrible debris will float away.
I don’t know what it is...
I don't believe in eternity of peace!

Of course, many poets guessed their fate. But Rubtsov not only accurately predicted the day of his death, he also predicted what would happen after his death.
It is impossible to see ahead as clearly as Nikolai Rubtsov saw. Nikolay Rubtsov
was killed on January 19, 1971. In our life everything happens as it happens
happens. And this is the highest justice. Another justice, according to
at least here, “on the other shore,” as Rubtsov said, there is no and never will be.

Nikolai Rubtsov is a Russian lyric poet. During his short biography, he managed to write many works that are still popular and translated into many languages.

Biography of Rubtsov

Nikolai Mikhailovich Rubtsov was born on January 3, 1936 in the village of Yemetsk, in the Arkhangelsk region. His father, Mikhail Andrianovich, held a leading position in a consumer cooperative.

In 1936, the Rubtsov family moved to the city of Nyandoma, where they lived for about 3 years. The day before (1941-1945) the family left for.

Soon Rubtsov Sr., like millions of his compatriots, went to the front.

Childhood and youth

In 1942, in the biography of 6-year-old Rubtsov, 2 tragedies occurred at once. In the summer, his mother passed away, and after that his sister, who was barely 1 year old, also died.

These events became a real blow for the boy, as a result of which at such a young age he wrote his first poem.

Considering the fact that the mother died and the father was at the front, the Rubtsov children were sent to different boarding schools.

Despite the fact that in the orphanage Nikolai was often malnourished and experienced many other difficulties, he recalled this part of his biography with warmth. He studied diligently at school and had good grades in all subjects.

In 1952, Rubtsov got a job at Tralflot. By this time he was already convinced that his father had been killed in the war. But in reality, everything was completely different.

The father of the future poet, Mikhail Rubtsov, returned from the front and immediately began searching for his children. However, due to the fact that all the archives were lost, he was unable to find a single child.

It is worth noting that later the poet still managed to meet his father. This meeting will take place in 1955, when Nikolai turns 19 years old.

During the biography period 1950-1952. Nikolai Rubtsov studied at the Totemsky Forestry Technical School. After that, he worked as a fireman for about a year. In 1953, the young man entered the Mining and Chemical College, but was never able to graduate due to a failed session.

In 1955, Nikolai Rubtsov was called up to serve in the Northern Fleet, where he served for exactly 4 years.

Creative biography of Rubtsov

The first published poem in Rubtsov’s biography was called “May has come.” This happened in 1957, when he served in the navy.

After demobilization in 1959, the poet went to. There he changed many professions, managing to work as a mechanic, fireman and factory loader.

At this time, Nikolai Rubtsov met the poets Boris Taigin and Gleb Gorbovsky. With their support, he was able to publish his first collection of poems, Waves and Rocks, which was published in 1962.

In the same year, he successfully passed the exams at the capital's Literary Institute. M. Gorky.

During this period of his biography, Nikolai Rubtsov made many friends, including writers.

An interesting fact is that while studying at the institute, the poet was expelled from it, although he was later reinstated. The reason for his expulsion was his alcohol addiction.

Poems by Rubtsov

Over the years, 2 poetry collections have been published from Rubtsov’s pen: “Star of the Fields” and “Lyrics”. And although the young poet did not have such fame as his contemporaries in the person of Akhmadulina, Rozhdestvensky and, he still had fans.

In 1968, Nikolai Rubtsov received an apartment. The following year he graduated from the institute, after which he got a job at the Vologda Komsomolets publication.

About 3 years before his death, Rubtsov published the collections “The Soul Keeps” and “The Noise of Pines.”

After his death, several more books will be published, including:

  • Green flowers
  • plantains
  • Poems

Songs based on poems by Rubtsov

Many famous songs were written based on Nikolai Rubtsov’s poems and performed by famous artists. The most popular compositions were “Blurred Path”, “Autumn Song”, “Leaves Flew Away” and “Bouquet”.

The last song performed by Alexander Barykin still does not lose its popularity and is constantly played on radio stations.

Personal life

While a student at a Moscow institute, Nikolai Rubtsov met Henrietta Menshikova. In 1963, the young people decided to get married, but did not sign. In this actual marriage, they had a girl, Elena.

Soon Nikolai Mikhailovich met the little-known poetess Lyudmila Derbina.

Rubtsov became seriously interested in her, but the girl made it clear that she was not going to develop any relationship with him. Only years later did she realize that she loved him.

Nikolay Rubtsov and Lyudmila Derbina

Ultimately, Lyudmila went to Vologda to see Rubtsov and stayed to live with him. However, their relationship can hardly be called happy.

The poet was addicted to alcohol and often went on binges. Because of this, quarrels and scandals often arose between them. However, in the winter of 1971, the young people decided to officially get married.


Nikolai Mikhailovich Rubtsov died tragically on January 19, 1971 at the age of 35. He didn't live to see his wedding for just a month. Biographers are still arguing about the true cause of Rubtsov’s death.

The body of the dead poet was found in the apartment. His fiancee admitted she was guilty of manslaughter.

An examination showed that death was caused by strangulation. For the crime committed, Lyudmila was sentenced to 8 years.

According to the woman, during one of the quarrels Rubtsov had a heart attack, so she does not see her direct fault in his death.

The poet was buried at the Vologda Poshekhonskoye cemetery.

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Memories of Rubtsov:
[collection / comp. V. A. Oboturov, A. A. Gryazev; preface V. Oboturova]. - Arkhangelsk; Vologda: North-West. book publishing house Vologda. department, 1983. – 319, p. :portrait, ill.
From the contents:
“...And I remembered...”: [poem]
/ G. Gorbovsky. – P. 98-100;
“A leaf blown by the autumn wind...”: [poem]
/ B. Chulkov. – P. 199.

Lednev Yu. M. With an angel - boring, with a demon - scary: (drama play-poem about Nikolai Rubtsov)
/ Yu. Lednev. – Vologda: Evstoly, 1998. – 83 p.

Our never setting star: Sat. poems, dedicated N. M. Rubtsov
/ comp., [ed. entry Art.] I. Panova. – M.: Rus. Bulletin, 1998. – 111 p.

“He walked alone according to fate...”: (Sheksna poets to Nikolay Rubtsov)
/ Lit. ob-nie at center. b-ke. – Sheksna: [b. i.], 2001. – 16 p.

Popov M.K. Star of the fields: Nikolai Rubtsov: ([film] script)
/ M. Popov // Pomeranian pages: postscript: essay. Scripts. Reviews. Reviews / M. Popov. – Arkhangelsk, 2001. – P. 7-16.

"The sadness of him is light": grew up poets - Rubtsov
/ Severomorsk. center. mountains b-ka; Information - bibliogr. dept. ; [comp. : Yu. N. Solntseva]. – Severomorsk: [b. i.], 2002. – 24, p. : ill.

Kirienko-Malyugin Yu. Nikolay Rubtsov: epic play about Russian. national poet
/ Y. Kirienko-Malyugin // New road to Rubtsov / Y. Kirienko-Malyugin. – M., 2005. – P. 186-220.

Kozin A. Autumn guest: [story]
/ A. Kozin // North. – 2006. – No. 3/4. – P. 212-233: ill. - (Prose).

Bouquet for Rubtsov: dedication poems
/ [ed.-comp., preface: V. A. Tikhonov]. – Rostov n/d: Zhivitsa, 2006. – 95 p. – (Series “The Path of Parnassus...”; collection 14).

Access to the publication is possible at VUNBN im. Babushkina.

Dedicated to the poet...: [sat., dedicated. Nikolay Rubtsov
/ ed.-comp. S. A. Lagerev; artist A. V. Zavyalova, S. V. Ogneva]. – Surgut: Literature, 2007. – 255 p. : ill., portrait
The book is protected by Copyright Law.

“And he lives among his people...”: poems, dedication. N. M. Rubtsov
/ GUK Vologda. region det. b-ka, Inform.-bibliogr. dept. ; [ed. I. D. Galakhova]. – Vologda: [b. i.], 2010. – 12 p.

Poets of Cherepovets to Rubtsov: [poetry]
// “A soul like a star...”: Cherepovets. wreath to Rubtsov: memories, poems, articles, essays / Cherepovets. state University, Fak. total humanist and social-economics disciplines. – Cherepovets, 2011. – P. 181 – 216.

Dedicated to the poet: [poems Russian. poets, dedicated N. Rubtsov: booklet]
/ Totem. center. area. fuck them. N. Rubtsova. – Totma [Vologda. region]: Totem. center. area. fuck them. N. Rubtsova, 2012. – 1 sheet. (compounded in 6 s.): ill., portrait.

Rogozhin N. N. Rubtsov: lit. script for a TV movie in 13 episodes
/ N. Rogozhin; [intro. Art.: Yu. Malozemov]. – Vologda: Malozemov, 2013. – 163, p. – Bibliography: p. 163.
The book is protected by Copyright Law.
Access to the publication is possible at VUNBN im. Babushkina.

Bykov A.V. Pregnant cat, or Again about the poet Rubtsov: a story
/ A. Bykov // Northern news. – Vologda, 2016. – May 20 (No. 37). – P. 6. – (Literary living room).