How to use zinc ointment for herpes, worms, hemorrhoids, allergies and skin diseases? Zinc ointment: composition, indications, instructions for use for adults, during pregnancy. Features of using zinc ointment during pregnancy Zinc paste

Almost every person has encountered the problem of acne, and it does not necessarily occur during adolescence. The rashes are unsightly and cause a lot of inconvenience. Zinc paste, according to reviews, really helps to cope with acne on the skin due to its unique properties. But you need to use it correctly and know the required dosage.

Zinc paste: application

Zinc is an important trace element. With its help, catalysts of biological processes are stimulated. The amount of zinc found in the skin is about 20% of the total.

This element is considered one of the main components of cosmetic preparations intended to care for problem skin and combat acne. One such remedy is zinc paste or ointment. You can buy it at the pharmacy and it is very cheap.

Zinc paste has a drying, astringent and disinfectant effect. It significantly reduces the number of pimples and blackheads, relieves local inflammation and irritation. When applied to the skin, zinc ointment forms a special coating that reduces the effect of aggressive environmental factors.

There are several ways to use zinc paste. As a rule, it is applied in a thin layer to cleansed facial skin. You can use the product up to 6 times a day. The only negative point is that it is completely unsuitable as a makeup base; foundation and powder cannot be applied to it. The paste can be left on the face overnight.

At 19, the famous German dermatologist Lassar invented a unique action salicylic-zinc ointment, which in addition to zinc oxide and petroleum jelly contains starch and salicylic acid. Thanks to this composition, the ointment has an active astringent and antiseptic effect. It is ideal for treating fresh inflammation.

When applied topically, zinc paste has the following effects: reduces sebum production, disinfects, dries, reduces irritation, relieves inflammation, regenerates and increases skin elasticity.

Active use of decorative cosmetics can reduce the therapeutic effect of the product. During the treatment of acne, it is recommended to completely avoid the use of foundation, powder, correctors, concealers and other concealers.

Side effects include the following: skin itching, skin rash, hyperemia. It is not recommended to use zinc paste during lactation and pregnancy, as well as if you are allergic to zinc.

Zinc paste: indications for use

Zinc paste can be used not only for acne. There is a fairly wide range of uses for this miraculous remedy:

  1. Diaper rash in children and adults;
  2. Prickly heat;
  3. Dermatitis;
  4. Ulcerative skin lesions;
  5. Eczema in the acute phase;
  6. Burns;
  7. Acne (pimples);
  8. Herpes simplex;
  9. Superficial wounds;
  10. Streptoderma;
  11. Trophic ulcers;
  12. Bedsores.

Salicylic-zinc acne paste: how to use?

Currently, there is a sufficient amount of various cosmetics for problem skin. These are not only care products, but also medications. Salicylic-zinc paste, which was invented back in the 19th century, is still one of the most effective remedies.

The paste can be purchased at a pharmacy at an affordable price and without a prescription. Thanks to the zinc it contains, it has a quick and pronounced effect on a particular problem. Salicylic-zinc paste helps fight almost any infection, so it is often prescribed for psoriasis, various forms of dermatitis, abscess and other similar diseases.

As for the use of paste, it is used in the same way as zinc paste: applied in a thin layer to the affected areas of the skin. If there are a lot of rashes and you use the ointment daily, there is a chance that your skin will dry out. For a more effective effect, the paste can be applied at night. If a pimple has just appeared, then when applied topically, the result will be noticeable within a few hours.

Salicylic-zinc paste is incompatible with decorative cosmetics and moisturizers, as this will clog the pores and cause new irritations. When treating your skin for acne, you will have to forget about makeup and foundation for a while.

Zinc paste for acne: reviews

  • Elizaveta: I suffered from skin problems for a long time, nothing helped. I even had my face cleaned by cosmetologists - all in vain. The pharmacy recommended zinc ointment. It costs about 30 rubles, I didn’t believe in a miracle, but it happened. Of course, I had to use it for a long time, give up decorative cosmetics (plus I changed my diet). Overall, the paste really helped me. Now, when there are pinpoint rashes, I apply the paste, and after a few hours there is no trace of them.
  • Evgeniya: Like most people, I have skin problems. Zinc paste has become my salvation from itching and allergic skin rashes. The only negative is that it dries out the skin a lot and you can’t wear makeup while using it.
  • Tatyana: Now I always have zinc paste in my medicine cabinet. It saves from burns, and from scratches, and from acne. As soon as a pimple pops up, I immediately apply the paste and after a few hours the inflammation is almost unnoticeable. Yes, by the way, I also learned to treat colds on my lips with its help. In general, there is one answer for all troubles!

Zinc paste is a real panacea for skin problems. Many women and men have been able to get rid of acne, blackheads and eczema with its help. True, the paste is not suitable or helpful for everyone. In any case, before use, it is recommended to conduct an allergy test, and only then experiment with facial skin.

The ointment, which is based on zinc, is characterized by a high level of safety, and therefore is approved for use by various categories of patients. Zinc ointment is often used during early pregnancy.

In modern pharmacology, more and more new drugs are being produced that are used to combat skin irritations, prickly heat, and rashes. These medications contain a variety of components that can eliminate the disease in the shortest possible time. There are medications that have proven their effectiveness over many decades. One of these is zinc ointment, which we’ll talk about later.

Composition and effect of the drug

The ointment is characterized by the safest composition, which is why it can be used by women during pregnancy. The medicine is developed on the basis of:

  • zinc oxide;
  • Vaseline;
  • excipients.

The main component of the drug is characterized by a lack of toxicity. During the period of use of the medicine, penetration of the active substances into the skin is not observed. The drug is not able to penetrate the blood, so it can be used during pregnancy.

If the medication is taken orally or a woman breathes in large quantities of zinc vapor, this may negatively affect her health. The medication can be used by pregnant women for a variety of skin diseases, which is explained by its maximum effect.

The drug dries the skin. During the period of use of the medicine, irritation from the skin is eliminated. The action of the medicine is aimed at relieving the inflammatory process. The medicine has antiseptic and disinfectant properties. Thanks to the use of ointment, there is a significant reduction in exudative processes that often accompany the disease. The medicine has a pronounced adsorbing effect.

When using zinc ointment, a kind of protective shell is formed on the skin, which eliminates the possibility of complications during the course of the disease.

Indications and contraindications

The use of zinc ointment should be carried out by women only in accordance with the indications. With the help of this medicine, dermatological diseases that can have a variety of origins are cured.

Using zinc ointment, the fight against:

  • dermatitis;
  • ulcers;
  • diaper rash;
  • streptoderma;
  • prickly heat.

The cream can be used for burns. The medicine is often used to treat diaper dermatitis. The drug is characterized by a high level of effectiveness in the fight against herpes. If patients have eczema, they need to use ointment. The medicine can be used for bedsores. The cream promotes the fastest healing of wounds. With the help of the medicine, acne, pimples, and acne are cured.

Before using the medication, a woman must consult with a doctor, who will evaluate contraindications and individual characteristics, and then make a prescription.

The use of the medicine is prohibited if intolerance to one or more of its components is observed.

Side effects

Improper use of the medication can lead to a variety of undesirable effects. Hyperemia is most often diagnosed in women. Adverse effects may appear in the form of a skin rash. Some representatives of the fairer sex complain of itching.

To eliminate the negative effect of the drug on the body, during its use it is necessary to adhere to certain rules. When using the medicine, it is recommended to ensure that the composition does not get into the nose or eyes. It is strictly forbidden for the medication to enter the mouth and digestive tract.

The use of zinc ointment during pregnancy is allowed only if done correctly. Otherwise, quite serious side effects may occur. Quite often, incorrect medication intake is accompanied by increased sweating. Some women experience coughing during drug treatment. In some cases, adverse events manifest themselves in the form of general malaise.

Improper use of the medicine can lead to soreness in the joints and muscles. The pathological condition is in some cases accompanied by chills. The use of the medication may be accompanied by headache.

Since during pregnancy a woman experiences hormonal changes, this can lead to the appearance of acne, melasma, and blackheads. The most gentle remedy in this case is zinc ointment. That is why it is recommended by a large number of doctors.

Features of the use of the drug

To ensure the strongest possible effect of the medicine, it is necessary to use it correctly. Following the rules of treatment with the drug will eliminate the possibility of its negative impact on the body of the mother and child.

Hands are disinfected before using the medicine. To do this, they must be washed well with soap. Afterwards, alcohol is used to clean the hands, which will eliminate the possibility of irritation and the development of an infectious process in the damaged area. If there is a need to treat facial skin, make-up is removed first. If a woman has oily skin, she needs to use special cosmetic products.

The medication should be applied only to problem areas: diaper rash, pimples, acne. The medicine is not able to be absorbed into the skin, which is why after a certain time it is removed from the skin using a paper napkin. If the ointment is used to treat diseases on the face, then after this it is strictly forbidden to use cosmetic products, since the skin must breathe.

It is allowed to use the medicine for the treatment of various dermatological diseases up to six times a day. Some women are recommended to use the medication three times. The same amount of time should pass between applying the ointment. Before using the medicine, you must do a test to determine possible allergic reactions. To do this, apply the medicine to the wrist area for five minutes.

To avoid toxic poisoning, it is not recommended to apply the ointment near the nose, mouth and eyes. Otherwise, this may lead to undesirable consequences.

Additional Information

The medicine is characterized by the presence of a protective and softening effect. That is why it is recommended for use in the presence of a variety of dermatological diseases. When using the medication in excessive amounts, no signs of overdose were observed. Despite this, pregnant women need to be as careful as possible in treating the disease.

Zinc ointment does not interact with other medications. That is why its use is allowed for women during the treatment of other pathological conditions. If patients experience purulent processes on the skin, then the use of this medicine is not recommended. The drug should be stored in dark places. In this case, it is necessary to ensure the room temperature does not exceed 25 degrees.

Zinc ointment is a universal medicine used to treat a variety of diseases. Due to its universal composition and safety, the drug can be used during pregnancy.

Modern pharmacology is constantly producing new products to combat skin irritations, acne, heat rashes and other dermatological problems. These medicines are enriched with various ingredients that help fight illnesses, but there are also long-known, proven medicines, including zinc ointment, used even during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Its use for children is not prohibited.

The product is produced in the form of a paste, which is applied externally to the affected areas of the dermis.

Composition and effects of the drug

Zinc ointment is one of the safest medicines due to the components contained in it.

The product includes:

  • Zinc oxide;
  • Petrolatum;
  • Excipients.

The main substance of the drug is not toxic when used in a paste. It is not able to penetrate the skin, so it does not enter or be absorbed into the blood. When used orally or when inhaled in large quantities, zinc oxide vapor can have a negative effect on the body, but given that its effect ends on the skin, it does not cause harm.

That is why the paste is safe for expectant mothers and their babies.

During treatment, including during pregnancy, the medication has the following effects:

  1. Dries the skin;
  2. Relieves inflammation and irritation of the dermis;
  3. Has an antiseptic and disinfectant effect;
  4. Produces an adsorbing effect;
  5. Significantly weakens exudative processes accompanying diseases.

In addition, zinc paste promotes the formation of a kind of protective shell on the skin, which reduces the impact of the factors that provoke the disease and its possible complications on the skin.

Indications and contraindications

The medication is used to treat dermatological diseases of various origins.

Thus, zinc paste is used to treat the following diseases:

  • Heat rash, diaper rash;
  • Diaper dermatitis;
  • Herpes;
  • Dermatitis, ulcers, streptoderma;
  • Burns.

The product is also widely used in the fight against bedsores, eczema when it is in the acute phase, and various types of wounds. The paste has also proven itself as an excellent remedy against pimples, acne, acne, etc.

Before you start using the medicine, consult your doctor about the appropriateness of its use - a preliminary examination is required to prescribe it. A contraindication to its use may be individual intolerance to the components of the paste.

When using zinc ointment for acne and other dermatological problems, including during pregnancy, the following side effects may occur:

  1. Hyperemia;
  2. Skin rash;

To avoid harm to the body, you must adhere to the following precautions:

  • Be careful not to get the paste into your eyes;
  • Avoid getting the product into your nose;
  • Prevent the ointment from getting into the mouth and through it into the stomach.

Zinc ointment can be used, but if it is not used correctly, other side effects may occur, regardless of whether you use it during pregnancy or not:

  1. Increased sweating;
  2. Cough;
  3. General malaise;
  4. Pain in joints and muscles;
  5. Chills;
  6. Headache.

During the period of bearing a baby, due to hormonal changes, a woman may develop acne, acne, and melasma (the appearance of pigmentation on the skin).

How to use the product correctly?

  • In order for the paste to bring only benefits and not cause harm to either the mother’s body or the baby’s body, it must be used following a certain algorithm. Before using the paste you must disinfect hands– wash them thoroughly with soap and then treat them with alcohol. This is necessary in order not to cause skin irritation and not to introduce an infection to the damaged area.
  • If you need to treat your facial skin, you should remove your makeup. To treat oily skin type, you need to use special products designed to care for this type of dermis.
  • Next, apply the paste only to problem areas - acne, pimples, blackheads. When treating diaper rash on any area of ​​the body, you also need to treat it exclusively.
  • Considering that the ointment is not absorbed into the skin, some time after application (about half an hour) remove any remaining paste using a paper napkin or towel. If you are using this product to get rid of dermatological problems on your face, please note that after using it you cannot use cosmetics, because the dermis needs to “breathe”.
  • The instructions for the ointment indicate that it can be used up to 6 times a day. It is enough to apply it about 3 times a day at regular intervals. Before using the drug, do a standard allergy test - apply it to your wrist for 5 minutes.
  • Try not to use or use with extreme caution the ointment for areas of the dermis located near the nose, eyes, mouth, in order to prevent toxic poisoning, which is especially dangerous for pregnant women.

Salicylic-zinc ointment

This medicine became known in the last century. Salicylic-zinc ointment was invented by O. Lassar in Germany.

As its name suggests, it differs in its composition, which includes salicylic acid. In addition, one of the components of the paste is wheat starch.

Zinc paste is an inexpensive product that has a bactericidal and antiseptic effect.

The paste does not have a carcinogenic or toxic effect on the body, therefore it can be used to treat skin diseases (as well as to prevent their occurrence) in patients of all ages, including infants, newborns and the elderly.

Indications for use

Zinc paste can be used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes as a protector (protective component) of the outer layer of the dermis at the cellular level in case of skin diseases or pathologies.


  • providing emergency care for skin injuries in which its structure or integrity is compromised;
  • disinfection of wounds and cuts;
  • diaper dermatitis (occurs in infants due to frequent skin contact with ammonia compounds contained in urine);
  • diaper rash;
  • bedsores;
  • acne;
  • acne;
  • sunburn.

As an aid, zinc paste is used for:

  • Eczema
  • Different types of dermatitis

In these cases, zinc oxide does not treat the underlying disease, but helps relieve symptoms and mitigate relapse.

Important! The use of zinc paste to treat burns is allowed only if the area of ​​the affected surface does not exceed 8-10 cm, and there are no signs of deep skin damage (blisters, scabs, ruptured blisters).


It is worth noting that herpes cannot be cured with zinc paste, since this disease requires the use of antiviral drugs. But, medicinal substances that contain zinc will perfectly help heal the residual manifestations of herpes.

Pityriasis rosea

To date, medicine has not yet fully disclosed the causes and treatment options for pityriasis rosea. But the disease is infectious-allergic. Most often, the symptoms of this disease occur in adolescent children. Pink plaques appear on the skin of the body, which can grow from a small size to an impressive one.

At the initial stage of development of pityriasis rosea, zinc paste is used. It is used to treat the affected areas of the skin. Thus, the plaques dry out and decrease in size until they disappear completely.

But, in cases where the disease occurs with more severe symptoms such as fever and severe itching, more serious therapy is prescribed. In this case, you cannot do without the use of antibiotics. The doctor will select the optimal treatment.

Paste properties

Zinc paste has a combined effect when used topically and a pronounced pharmacological effect due to the properties of the active component (zinc oxide). The paste works in several directions at once, for example:

  • reduces the intensity of local inflammation;
  • dries skin rashes of purulent origin;
  • disinfects the surface of the skin;
  • destroys bacteria living on the surface of the outer layer of the epidermis;
  • restores skin cells;
  • softens rough areas;
  • eliminates signs of skin irritation (redness, rash, roughness);
  • protects the skin from exposure to harmful compounds and substances (for example, upon contact with urine in newborns);
  • reduces the severity of itching.

How to apply?

Newborns and infants. To treat diaper dermatitis and diaper rash in children under one year of age, it is necessary to use zinc paste at least 3 times a day (ideally, during each diaper change). Before applying the product, you should thoroughly wash your child’s skin and dry it. Apply the product in a thin layer using rubbing movements.

Note! After hygiene procedures and application of the drug, you should leave the child with exposed skin for 15-20 minutes - this will enhance the effectiveness of therapy.

Other categories of patients. Apply a small amount of paste to the damaged area (or spot-on, if we are talking about treating acne). To increase the therapeutic effect, you can use medical dressings. They need to be changed 1-2 times a day.

Important! Zinc paste should not be used in areas with signs of infection (that is, in the presence of pus resulting from the processing of pathogenic flora).


The product has no contraindications, except for allergies to zinc and starch, as well as hypersensitivity to these components. Zinc paste can be used during pregnancy if there are no restrictions and other recommendations of the supervising physician. Lactation is also not a contraindication for the use of the drug, since the active ingredients do not pass into breast milk.


Side effects

Very rarely, allergic skin reactions were diagnosed in patients using zinc paste: redness, dryness, peeling areas, spots and rashes. The appearance of these symptoms is a reason to visit a doctor.

Composition and release form

The drug has a simple but very effective composition, which includes only three ingredients: zinc oxide, petroleum jelly and starch (potato). The paste is available in glass jars (25 g and 40 g), as well as in aluminum tubes with a volume of 40 g and 30 g.


The drug has only a local effect, not being absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract and not penetrating into the systemic bloodstream. This ensures high safety of the drug for patients of the younger age group and the elderly.


Zinc paste should be stored at room temperature (not lower than 12 degrees) out of reach of animals and children. Shelf life – 5 years.


(Leave your feedback in the comments)

My grandmother recommended zinc paste to me when I was 16 years old, and I once again complained to her about my acne, which did not want to go away from my face. This remedy used to be very popular, but over time it was replaced by expensive and advertised drugs. I started applying the paste with a cotton swab twice a day (in the morning and before bed). After just 10-12 days, I noticed that the pimples became smaller and paler, although before that they were bright pink and very noticeable. After a month of regular use, I got rid of them almost completely! Now, if a pimple suddenly pops up on me, I immediately smear it with zinc paste, and after a couple of days not a trace remains of it.

I use zinc paste to treat my daughter's skin when I change her diaper. It helped me cope with diaper rash very quickly - the effect is no worse than that of an expensively advertised product, but it costs 7-8 times (!!!) less. The paste has only one drawback - it’s a little greasy, you can’t just wash it off. But these are small things compared to the result obtained. If only it were sold in every pharmacy, there would be no price!

* — Average value among several sellers at the time of monitoring, is not a public offer


    About two years ago I treated acne with cindol and metrogyl. Is it possible to replace zincdol with zinc paste with this scheme? This is the only zinc preparation available in our pharmacy.


Tradename: Zinc paste

INN or group name: Zinc oxide&

Dosage form:

paste for external use

per 100 g:
Zinc oxide (zinc oxide)- 25 g
Excipients: Potato starch - 25 g Vaseline - up to 100 g

Description: paste white or white with a yellowish tint.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:

dermatoprotective agent.

ATX code:

Pharmacological properties
Zinc paste is an anti-inflammatory local remedy that has an adsorbing, antiseptic, astringent and drying effect. When used in children, it helps prevent diaper rash, protects against urine and other irritants, and softens irritated skin. Reduces exudation and weeping, relieves local inflammation and irritation. The symptomatic and protective effect of the drug is determined by zinc oxide. Zinc oxide, combined with petroleum jelly, creates a physical barrier, forming a protective coating on the skin that reduces the impact of irritants on the affected area and prevents the appearance of rashes.

Indications for use
Treatment of diaper rash. The drug is also used as a first aid remedy for minor skin injuries (minor burns, cuts, scratches and sunburn).

Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Directions for use and doses
For external use only.
Diaper rash in children from infancy, treatment: Wash and dry the affected area before use. When the first signs of redness, diaper rash or slight skin lesions appear, the paste is applied 3 or more times a day, as necessary, usually with any diaper (diaper) change.
Cuts, scratches and sunburns: Apply a thin layer, if necessary, apply a gauze bandage. Apply only to superficial and uninfected lesions.

Side effects
Hypersensitivity reactions to the drug are possible: itching, hyperemia, rash at the sites where the ointment is applied.

Not known.

Interaction with other drugs
Not known.

special instructions

The paste is for external use only. Avoid contact with eyes. If the rash does not disappear within 48-72 hours, you should consult a doctor. The paste should not be applied if there is an infection at the site of the skin injury.

Release form
Paste for external use 25%.
25 g, 40 g in orange glass jars.
30 g, 40 g in aluminum tubes.
64 (or 49 or 36) cans of 25 g; 64 (or 49, or 36) cans of 40 g each with an equal number of instructions for use are placed in a group packaging made of cardboard.
1 jar, tube, together with instructions for use, are placed in a cardboard pack.
1 jar, tube is placed in a pack of cardboard, on which the full text of the instructions for use is applied.

Storage conditions
Store at a temperature of 12 to 25°C, protected from light.
Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date
5 years.
Do not use after the expiration date stated on the packaging.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies:

over the counter.

Manufacturer/Organization receiving complaints
OJSC "Tver Pharmaceutical Factory" Russia, 170024, Tver, Staritskoe highway, 2