How to plant overgrown tomatoes. How to plant overgrown tomato seedlings. Video: What to do if the seedlings have stretched out and outgrown

Most gardeners prefer to grow their own seedlings. Due to various circumstances, it happens that it can simply outgrow. What to do in this case, how to plant overgrown tomato seedlings. As a rule, the plant has a long but weak above-ground part and a weakened root system. There are no guarantees that after simply planting in the ground the plant will take root. Panic aside! The situation is not so dire yet; we are deciding what can be done.

Tomato seedlings have outgrown: step-by-step instructions

Overgrown tomato seedlings do not frighten experienced gardeners at all. But professional breeders are not far behind, recommending their own methods of rescue. One of them is the Kazarin method, which is also called the dry method. Well, what can you do, don’t throw it away?

You never know, the weather conditions did not allow me to plant tomato seedlings in the ground on time, I had to leave for a while, abandoning my gardening chores. That's not the point. The situation can be saved. Moreover, you can even increase the yield in this case.

Seedlings that have wilted are planted

The simplest method is to lay the seedlings along the beds and sprinkle the root system with soil. This is the case if the tomato seedlings have wilted a little and can be laid without damage. A tomato in this position quickly takes root, new roots appear, that is, the number of bushes increases, and accordingly the harvest will be larger.

But before planting in this way, it is necessary to prepare the soil and the seedling itself. To do this, you need to remove the lower leaves. Make a hole in the garden bed and draw a furrow from it no more than 5 centimeters deep.

This method is ideal when the seedlings are sluggish and the stem is pliable and cannot break. The root is placed in the hole and the plant stem is placed along the groove. The root and that part of the stem that does not have leaves are sprinkled with earth and watered with water with a growth stimulator.

In this case, bird droppings, yeast, and manure will help, from which you need to make a special shake. It's easy and won't take much time. Cooking tips are available in our other articles. You should not try to plant seedlings that have not wilted in this way. So you can just break it. It’s better not to water the plant for a couple of days so that it becomes just that pliable.

How to plant tall, active seedlings

Many owners don't want to take risks. The risk already exists in that the appearance of overgrown seedlings is too lush. There is an exit. This method is suitable for open ground and. It is necessary to prepare in advance pegs that are slightly longer than the bush.

It is necessary to make holes at a distance of 50 centimeters from each other. Pour growth stimulants into them. Carefully remove the seedlings from the cups along with the soil and insert the plant ball into the hole.

Stick the prepared peg nearby and carefully tie the plant. Don't fill the hole! As scary as it may seem, the seedlings remain in this position for at least two weeks. This planting is used even in those rare cases when the seedlings have bloomed.

Watering should be carried out regularly, but carefully so as not to destroy the lump in which the seedlings grew. After some time, you can see that the root system has developed and the plant is well rooted.

Then you can fill the holes. A tomato planted using this method takes root well both in a greenhouse and if planted in open ground. A tomato cannot help but grow with such care.

Planting seedlings in open ground or in a greenhouse is stressful situation for a plant, especially an overgrown one. Kazarin's method involves further aggravating this stress by not watering the plants. That is why it is considered the dry method. The plant is forced, so to speak, to independently look for a source of moisture. Due to this, a powerful root system develops, deeply buried in the depths of the soil.

It is worth paying close attention to this technique if planting is carried out in a greenhouse. Often the bottom of the greenhouse is closed and the plant simply cannot go down to the required depth. How to do it:

  • make holes in the ground, maintaining a distance between them of at least 50 centimeters;
  • prepare a growth stimulator (ash, droppings or compost, 1 gram of potassium permanganate);
  • add a stimulant mixed with soil into each hole;
  • tear off all the leaves from the bottom of the plant and divide the stem in half;
  • put the root in the hole, and the stem " laceration» along the garden bed;
  • sprinkle everything with earth, leaving only the top with leaves;
  • leave everything in this position and do not water, preferably all summer.

Having studied this method, many gardeners are simply shocked. They argue that such planting, especially in a greenhouse, will not give positive results. But the plant is already on the verge of death, why not try to save it, even with such an insidious method. The tomato takes root very well if the stem is on the ground. So, from one half-living sprout you can grow an entire plantation of a healthy bush with a bountiful harvest.

The author of the method himself claims that if you manage to survive, overcome the feeling of pity and not water the plant, then it will survive in an open area and in a greenhouse. It's treacherous, but it's worth it. Just think about it, tear it in half, throw it into the ground and watch it die. And everything in the first two weeks will indicate that the plant is dying. Don't despair, the result will come. And it will become obvious in 15 days.

Even after a week it becomes obvious that the bush is starting to come to life. Moreover, new young shoots appear from that part of the stem that was thrown to the ground in a torn state. One absolute rule in this method is not to water. Seasonal rains are enough for them.

But don’t forget root and foliar feeding. Already in the second month they are already strong, lush bushes with abundant flowering or ovaries. Absolutely unique! But due to such a mocking attitude, not everyone decides to use it. Try it, sacrifice one or two seedling bushes to make sure. It is likely that they will bring the lion's share of the rich harvest.

There I mentioned in passing about planting overgrown seedlings, but from the comments it became clear that this was a sore subject. And so I decided to write a separate article on how to plant overgrown tomato seedlings. Because no matter how hard we try to sow the seeds on time, provide additional lighting to the seedlings and observe the temperature regime when growing seedlings, this does not always help.

The weather dictates its conditions to us and it is not always possible to plant seedlings in a greenhouse or open ground as planned. So we have to invent different ways planting overgrown seedlings. I myself have tested different methods more than once and I want to tell you about them.

Methods for planting overgrown tomato seedlings in open ground

There are various “folk” ideas - who knows what. But there are also proprietary methods. One of which is the dry method of growing tomatoes without watering - the Kazarin method. It was invented specifically for overgrown seedlings.

Dry method A.A. Kazarina

The essence of this method is to allow the root system to develop in extreme conditions without watering. Rooting occurs along the stem, which in tomatoes quickly produces additional roots and seeks moisture on its own, which is why it grows very strongly and by the time the fruit begins to pour, the tomatoes already have a very strong root system.

  • Holes are made in the form of shallow grooves (no more than 10 cm)
  • Half a bucket of compost, 1 cup of ash and 1 gram are added to each hole. potassium permanganate and mixed with soil
  • Pour half a bucket of water into each
  • Divide the tomato seedlings in half and remove all the leaves from the bottom of the stem.
  • Place the stem without leaves in the grooves and sprinkle with soil
  • Then pour half a bucket of water on top
  • The top of the head can be left in a lying position for now, so as not to break it, it will begin to grow vertically upward and then they can be tied up
  • And the tomatoes are no longer watered at all all summer. If desired, you can water after the mass appearance of fruits, but this will affect their taste.

The author of this method warns that the gardener needs to overcome the psychological barrier. When, after planting the seedlings on the 10-15th day, it begins to wilt, stand still and do not water it. At this time, the tomato bushes will intensively grow their root system, since the leaves will not have enough moisture, they will shrink and wither a little.

From my own experience, I will say that it is very difficult not to water the seedlings at this time, it seems that everything will wither and disappear.

But nothing like that happens, after a week it straightens out, and after two it becomes very lush and beautiful.

This is the third year I have been planting some of the seedlings in this way, they have never disappeared and have grown very well. I can’t say that the tomatoes ripened earlier than others that were grown in the usual way with watering.

But the last two years have also been very unsuccessful for tomatoes. The year before they were fried in 30 degree heat, and in the past they froze all summer in the rain. But the fact that you don’t need to water is a huge plus, because it’s hard work.

This year I am again planting some of the overgrown seedlings using the Kazarin method without watering. I'll be sure to add photos in the next few days.

Planting slightly overgrown seedlings

If the seedlings are not very overgrown and their height is 50-60 cm, then there is no need to deepen them very much. Then the tomatoes immediately begin to grow additional roots, and the flowers and ovaries immediately fall off.

Planting heavily overgrown tomato seedlings

It happens that seedlings are more than 60 cm, or even a whole meter. Then it will not be possible to plant it vertically.

  • You need to make long furrows and water them well.
  • Prepare the seedlings by pinch off all the lower leaves. up to half a meter high.
  • We plant the seedlings lying down, deepening the root system a little. Leave the crown 25-30 cm above the ground.
  • It is advisable to secure the stems with small brackets, possibly using aluminum wire.
  • We fill the stems in the furrows with soil, leaving a small depression and water again.
  • The tops of the heads must be tied vertically to the pegs immediately.

When caring for such beds, you need to remember that they need to be watered throughout the entire furrow. It is impossible to loosen and hill up, because the roots will be located close to the surface and can be easily damaged. After watering, such seedlings need to be mulched. This way the moisture will be preserved and the earth will breathe without loosening.

ready-made bed with planted tomato seedlings

How to stop seedlings from overgrowing

Early planted seedlings can not be allowed to become overgrown. If you cut off the tops 20 cm long, remove the lower leaves and plant them in the ground again, then all the tomatoes will take root again and will be a little delayed in growth, which is what we need if the seedlings are overgrown. For full confidence for rooting, keep the tops of the heads for one day in the “Kornevin” solution (according to the instructions).

Maria Ivanovna. They didn’t take care of the tomato seedlings and they outgrew them. Is it possible and how to plant overgrown tomatoes in a greenhouse?
Growing tomatoes is a labor-intensive process that requires attention. To get a good harvest of tomatoes, it is necessary not only to care for them during the growing season, but also to plant the seedlings correctly and on time. Tomatoes are sown with a seedling period of 45-65 days, depending on the varieties. But often, by the time the plants are planted in the greenhouse, the weather has not improved, and the temperature is low or the soil is still cold. Then the overgrown cuttings must be planted correctly.

How to plant overgrown tomato seedlings?

Tomatoes are planted in a greenhouse in the first half of May, and in more southern regions, in early April. Moreover, if the greenhouse is not heated, then it is necessary to insulate the plantings with additional film covers.

Attention! Optimal temperature for tomato growth and fruiting 19-22 °C daytime, and 16 – 17 °C at night.

Often, by the time of planting, the seedlings have time to grow large, and then working with them requires special manipulations. To properly plant overgrown tomato seedlings, you need to remember that these plants are not afraid of deep planting.

Before transplanting seedlings, you need to prepare the soil

The first step for any landing method is. Tomatoes grow well and bear fruit in soil that is loosened, rich in microelements and of medium acidity. Also, the soil can be reseeded with sand and ash and contain vermicompost. This composition will ensure both good formation of the root system and abundant flowering and fruiting. You should not plant tomatoes after crops that have suffered from late blight.

Methods for transplanting tomatoes

Some gardeners, in order to avoid overgrown seedlings even before planting in the greenhouse, cut off the tops of tomatoes and plant them again in the ground. To ensure precise rooting of the tops, the lower leaves are torn off and kept for some time in a special solution to form roots. And although this method seems risky, the tomato stems very quickly form new roots and begin to grow again. This method reduces the seedlings in size and temporarily stops the vigorous growth of seedlings.

More classic method planting overgrown seedlings in a greenhouse means planting plants lying down. To do this, dig grooves or deep holes. Compost, ash and a little potassium permanganate are added to the pits. Water generously with water from 5 to 10 liters per plant. Then the long bushes are immersed in the hole; the leaves need to be torn off from the bottom to half.

Tomatoes are not afraid of deep planting

If the bush is very long, then you need to immerse it 2/3 into the hole and sprinkle it with earth. If the top is lying down, it is not necessary to level it; as it grows, it will go up on its own, otherwise the stem may break. After planting, the tomatoes are watered, and they do not need any more watering until the fruit buds appear. This break is justified by the fact that tomatoes do not like excess moisture, and with excess, shoots and leaves begin to grow, and there are fewer flowers and fruits.

Advice. There is no need to be afraid to deepen tall seedlings. Tomatoes are not afraid of this, but on the contrary, the part of the bush that remains above the ground will grow strong and healthy.

In order for large seedlings to take root and strengthen, it is necessary to follow several basic rules when transplanting:

  1. The soil should be well loosened, abundantly watered and warmed up.
  2. Before planting, leaves and shoots are torn off from the stem, which will be underground.
  3. The use of fertilizers during planting will ensure good rooting and formation of flower stalks in the future.
  4. It is important to maintain the required temperature after transplantation so that the plants do not get sick.

If the seedlings are overgrown, they can be planted lying down

How do you fertilize tomatoes in a greenhouse?

To obtain a bountiful harvest, each plant needs feeding. Tomatoes also require fertilizer. To ensure that the bush produces abundantly, the fruits are juicy and stored for a long time, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are used for tomatoes. But most often, gardeners prefer natural fertilizers made from home remedies.

To fertilize greenhouse tomatoes at home, use:

  • mullein;
  • finely chopped green grass;
  • ash;
  • yeast.

For foliar feeding, you can use an infusion of wood ash. Plant leaves are sprayed with it to prevent the development of diseases and pests.

After planting tomatoes, it is important to maintain temperature conditions

By following simple rules for growing tomatoes, you can achieve good harvest. And even overgrown seedlings will not be an obstacle to achieving the goal. The main thing is to plant tomatoes in the greenhouse correctly and on time.

Planting overgrown tomatoes - video

Growing tomatoes is a painstaking process. The first important task is to choose seeds of a suitable variety. The next step is to guess when to plant them so that the seedlings get stronger before the date you need. This point is especially important: young plants should be ready to be planted in the ground, but not grow into large bushes. On average, tomatoes should be kept at home for about 2 months. If you plan to plant them in a greenhouse, the period of stay at home can be reduced to one and a half months.

When transplanting plants into open ground, it is important that the soil is not too cold and there is absolutely no risk of night frosts. Tomato seedlings are afraid of low temperatures. Wanting to grow strong tomatoes ready for transplanting, many gardeners wait until the moment when the seedlings turn into full-fledged adult bushes. And some plants may even bloom. If you delayed a little with replanting, not all is lost. There are ways to plant “overgrown” ones without the risk of ruining the future harvest.

Preparing to plant seedlings

It is important not only to follow the technology for growing tomatoes, but also to properly prepare for this process.

  1. Choosing a tomato variety. Some varieties are suitable exclusively for planting in a greenhouse. Some tomatoes are earlier, so they need to be planted earlier and, accordingly, transplanted into the ground earlier.
  2. Preparation of equipment: purchasing the required number of pots or special cups, fertilized soil for the active growth of seedlings.
  3. Correctly calculate the time for planting seeds. It depends on the date when it occurs or the greenhouse.

When to sow tomato seeds?

Strengthened seedlings are transplanted into the ground in late spring or early summer. It depends on the climatic conditions in your region, on the variety of tomatoes and the weather forecast for spring-summer (summer season). The date of sowing the seeds depends on the date of planting in open ground or in a greenhouse. If you do this too early, by the time of planting the plant will stretch out, wither, and after replanting it may disappear.

  1. Tall varieties of tomatoes are sown in early March.
  2. It is advisable to sow greenhouse varieties of tomatoes in early February so that they can be planted in the greenhouse in April.
  3. Early ripening varieties of tomatoes are sown in mid-March (from the 10th to the 16th).
  4. The planting deadline is the first week of April. At this time you need to plant cherry tomatoes.

If you choose the right date for planting the seeds, the seedlings will not be overgrown or immature at the time of planting in open ground or a greenhouse.

If the plant height is up to 50 cm

The normal height of a plant ready for replanting is 30-40 cm. Low-growing varieties of tomatoes can be planted when the seedlings have reached 25 cm in height. Slightly overgrown seedlings (40-50 cm) are planted in ordinary holes. Many gardeners dig deeper holes, believing that the tomato root system needs more space to develop. This will indeed stimulate the growth of new roots, but will lead to shedding of foliage and ovaries. The depth of the hole is about 10 cm.

In each hole you need to make an additional depression the size of a cup in which the tomatoes grow. If tomato seedlings are planted in special planting cups, do not remove the plants from them. From ordinary plastic pots, the roots are removed along with the soil. Fill the holes generously with water. The roots and soil should be planted in a separate hole at the bottom of the hole. It is very important not to bury the holes right away. You need to give the plant two weeks to take root. If you immediately fill the holes with soil, the tomato seedlings will disappear. After filling the holes, place sticks next to the bushes and tie up the tomato bushes.

Use only distilled water.

If the plant height is 50 cm or more

If the bush has grown almost a meter, planting will be done in a slightly different way. Instead of deep holes, you need to dig furrows about 30 cm long. The depth of the furrows is 10 cm. Before planting, be sure to fill the furrows with settled water. Severely overgrown tomato bushes need to be planted in a special way. This must be done in a “lying down” manner.

The root system of tomatoes along with the soil is removed from the pot. The roots and part of the stem are placed in a dug oblong hole. 30 cm of the green part of the plant should remain on the surface. The foliage on the remaining part of the bush must be torn off. The stem in the hole needs to be attached. This can be done using aluminum wire. The roots and excess part of the tomato stem are covered with earth. The above-ground part of the tomatoes must be lifted and attached to the installed support so that it stands vertically.

Planting tomatoes this way is unusual. When watering, it is not enough to fill only the root zone; do not forget to water the soil along the entire furrow. Remember that the root system is shallow. Weeding can damage tomato roots. To better retain moisture and stable temperatures, the ground needs to be mulched. Mulch can be made from sawdust or hay.


Pruning is an experimental way to shorten an overgrown plant. Few gardeners decide to take such a move. It is believed that before planting in the ground or in a greenhouse, the plant should not be pinched or trimmed. However, some experts argue that pruning is the right way not only shorten the “giant” and gain about two weeks of seedling storage, but also increase the amount of the future harvest. If you decide to take this step, it is important to carry out the procedure correctly.

Pruning is done if the bush has produced inflorescences. To do this, the stem is cut off almost at the base. You only need to leave 3 bottom sheets.

Plus of the procedure: not one, but two new trunks will form at the cut site. This increases productivity.

Disadvantage of the procedure: When greenery grows, the plant will need a lot of nutrients. Getting them out of a small glass is problematic.

In order not to destroy the growing seedlings, there are three ways out of the situation.

  1. You need to plant it in large cups with prepared fertilized soil.
  2. Need to be entered nutrients and minerals artificially. There are special ones. Take a closer look at the plant. It indicates a shortage of certain substances. The shape or color of the leaves may change.
  3. Attach a cardboard screen to the old cup and add new soil to the container.

Some gardeners use the pruning method, while others believe that it is necessary to plant an untouched plant. You can try this method on some of the overgrown seedlings. All proposed options are suitable for planting in a greenhouse and open ground. Don’t worry if it seems that the seedlings are too elongated and have managed to produce inflorescences. Planted bushes can give a rich harvest.