How to choose a flea collar for your dog. How to choose an effective flea collar for a dog When and who needs a protective collar



It is a transparent plastic collar in the shape of a truncated cone. The collar is equipped with four radial stripes for securing a harness or collar. The collar is produced in various sizes depending on the width of the protective field: (7.5 cm), (10.5 cm), (12 cm), (15 cm), (21.5 cm), (25 cm).


The use of a protective collar prevents the animal from self-harming (licking, scratching, scratching wounds on the head, neck and body), thereby facilitating and accelerating the healing process of wounds. The cone-shaped shape does not interfere with the animal when feeding, sleeping and walking. The transparency of the collar allows the animal not to lose orientation in space. The collar is practical, hygienic and easy to use.


Protective collar Designed to prevent scratching or licking of the body, head and neck when treating wounds, burns and skin diseases in animals. IN postoperative period to prevent the seams from scratching.


Before use, you should select the correct size of the protective collar so that the collar does not fall off or, conversely, is not too tight. Protective collar No. 8 is suitable in size for a kitten, No. 10 - for a medium cat and small dog, No. 12 - for big cat and a small dog, No. 16 - for average dog, No. 20 - for a large dog and No. 25 - also for a large dog. Once the size of the protective collar has been selected, it is assembled according to the diagram and placed on the animal’s neck.

Collar assembly diagram

Rice. 1. Place the right edge with the cut out rectangles on the paired slits on top.

Rice. 2. Tuck the long strap into the slots that are visible in the rectangular cutouts. Tuck the short straps into the paired slots at the top.

Rice. 3. Collar assembly. A collar for a dog or a harness, bandage, gauze or braid for cats is threaded through the resulting loops.


At correct use side effects are not observed.


Not installed.


No special precautions are required.


In dry, protected from direct sun rays place. Shelf-life Unlimited.


IP Troitskaya E. G., Russia.

The dog is a popular pet and can compete in this title, perhaps, only with a cat. But a four-legged pet is not only joy and cheerful walks, but also constant care, which both a miniature Spitz and a huge English mastiff need.

Why do dogs need flea protection?

How does a flea collar work?

The collar is a strap or ribbon made of a flexible but durable material with a microporous structure. During the production process, the tape is impregnated with active substances, the required piece is cut off, supplemented with a fixative and hermetically packaged. The tightness of the packaging is a very important requirement. The collar starts working the minute you open the package. The product is attached to the dog’s neck, but the active substances gradually distributed throughout the body. Thanks to the micropores in the polymer tape, this process is quite lengthy. By selecting various materials it can be extended over several months.

Please note that you should not expect instant results. A high degree of protection is achieved within a few days. During this time, the active substances are released from the collar and penetrate into the fatty secretion of the coat and sebaceous glands skin. If the collar has expired, it must be replaced with a new one, otherwise it loses its meaning.

Types of flea collars

Insectoacaricidal (destroying)

Repellent (scaring)

Their task is to repel fleas and other blood-sucking insects. The main active substances are usually essential oils and extracts. They have a higher safety profile, but their effectiveness is lower than that of insecticides. As a rule, biocollars are used in conjunction with other, more effective means.

Most collars are universal: they are suitable for both adult dogs and puppies. Some manufacturers are developing products for children and for dogs of small and large breeds. Generally, flea collars of any type are not recommended for puppies under 2 months of age.


Theoretically, they produce high-frequency sounds that repel arthropods. The effectiveness of such devices has not been confirmed.

How to figure out who is affected by a flea collar

Pros and cons of safety collars

  • Ease of use;
  • variety of choice (to determine the appropriate collar in each case);
  • high safety profile (the collar is securely fixed to reduce the risk of it being removed, biting, or licking chemicals);
  • duration of action;
  • reasonable price.

Often, a collar looks like a more convenient means than drops and sprays, however, it also has its drawbacks:

  • the product requires getting used to, the dog may be against another strap around the neck;
  • insecticides and repellents may cause allergic reactions;
  • smell essential oils may seem too intense;
  • Since the substances are concentrated in the plastic tape and not on the skin, they take time to become active. So collars are not the best choice for instantly getting rid of fleas.

Rules of application

Despite the popularity and high degree safety, dog collars are used strictly according to the instructions. It must be remembered that improper use of the product can cause a lot of inconvenience to the animal.

  • The collar is fixed on the dog in such a way that there is a gap of 1–1.5 cm (an average finger thickness) between it and the neck. The strap should not dangle or fit too tightly.
  • Each dog has its own type of collar. This takes into account her weight, neck size, and health indicators. Collars are not recommended for small puppies for safety reasons.
  • The collar must be replaced with a new one immediately after its service life expires. Typically, such products do not last more than 4-6 months, but the specific period is always indicated in the instructions.
  • You cannot use a collar and apply other anti-flea products on the same day, as this can lead to poisoning of the animal.
  • It is best to buy a flea collar for your dog at a large pet store or veterinary pharmacy, so you can be sure of its quality.

Precautionary measures

  • Most collars (especially the insecticidal and insectoacaricidal groups) are contraindicated for pregnant and lactating females, sick and weakened dogs, and puppies. Collars with phytocomponents have fewer contraindications, but can cause an allergic reaction.
  • During the first hours of wearing the collar, the dog should be under constant supervision. When an animal develops unpleasant symptoms(lacrimation, vomiting, elevated temperature, skin irritation, etc.), you should immediately remove the collar and contact a specialist.
  • Do not store a flea collar (especially an opened package) near food, personal belongings, or in places accessible to children and animals.
  • It is important to ensure that your four-legged pet does not try the collar on its teeth, as its active substances can cause disorders of the digestive and nervous systems.

BARS®. The insecticidal collar is used to protect against fleas, ixodid ticks, lice, and lice. The polymer tape can be 80 cm long (for large dogs), 50 cm (for medium dogs) and 35 cm (for small dogs). The collar contains fipronil and diflubenzuron. The insect growth regulator (diflubenzuron) suppresses the growth of integumentary tissues of parasites, disrupts the development of larvae in eggs and molting, and prevents pupae from fully developing. Fipronil is an insectoacaricide. It is not absorbed into the systemic circulation. Its accumulation occurs in the epidermis, hair follicles And sebaceous glands Oh. With the secretion of the sebaceous glands, the substances are distributed over the surface of the skin and provide a long-lasting protective effect. The period of use of the BARS® collar is up to 4 months. It is not recommended to use the collar for puppies under 2 months of age, sick and weakened animals, pregnant (in the last third of the term) and lactating females.

The dog is not always pleasant medical assistance or care procedure. It also happens that after surgery or injuries, you should not allow the animal to lick, scratch or comb the wounds. In order not to sit over the dog and prevent it from scratching where it wants, it is better to use a protective collar. It is also called postoperative.

This device is a truncated cone, which with a narrow diameter is attached to the dog’s neck. He prevents him from scratching a wound on his head with his paw (for example, cropped ears) or lick a wound on the body.

When is a dog collar used?

They are used quite widely:

Thus, it is possible not only to speed up healing, but also to prevent the spread of secondary infection, as well as with external medications. If the postoperative collar is selected or made according to the dog’s size, it does not even interfere with food intake and can not be removed at all until the dog has fully recovered.

How to train a dog to wear a protective collar?

If the operation is planned in advance, then it is better to start accustoming the dog to wearing a protective collar before the operation.

  1. To begin with, you can introduce the dog to a collar laid out on the floor and allow it to take treats from it.
  2. Gradually bring the object closer to the dog while giving it a treat.
  3. Now put a collar on the animal and play with it.
  4. Let her decide that this thing is just complementing the fun game.
  5. At first, you need to put on the collar for just a few minutes, gradually increasing this time. After the dog decides that the device on it is not scary, it needs to be taught to move in it, and then to sleep.

Even if the operation was urgent or the animal was suddenly injured, she will completely get used to wearing the device in just a couple of days.

Should I buy or make a dog collar with my own hands?

The factory-made collar is made of flexible transparent plastic. There are also fabric options. With this, the dog will not make noise and will not break it. But plastic is easier to wash and disinfect, and it is also transparent and does not interfere with the dog’s vision of everything around him.

There are collars different sizes(8, 10, 12, 16, 20) for all dog breeds. The smallest is suitable for a Chihuahua, and the largest is for a shepherd. The collar also has four strips to secure it to the collar.

To make a protective collar for your dog with your own hands, you can use thin plywood, cardboard or suitable items. For example, for a small dog, a device can be made from an x-ray or a plastic flask by cutting off the bottom and neck. For big dog

  • use a plastic soft bucket.
  • The manufactured protective collar is attached to the dog's collar using braid, gauze or thin rope, tying it on four sides.
  • It is imperative to check whether the collar you have made has a sharp edge so that it does not cut the dog’s neck. If there is a sharp edge, you can sheathe it soft cloth
  • or wrap with adhesive tape.
  • If you make it from cardboard, then you need to cut out a circle with a diameter of 30 cm, cut out a circle inside with a circumference equal to the buttoned collar on the dog.
  • Then you need to cut the circle, put the device on the dog’s neck and glue its edges with adhesive tape.

It must be attached to the collar with gauze or braid.

Dogs, like people, also get sick, but unlike people, animals do not understand that they should not disturb a wound, comb problem areas of the skin, or lick postoperative stitches.

Therefore, to speed up the healing process of damaged areas of the body and prevent infection, animal owners have to resort to using a special protective collar for dogs. A protective collar may be needed for the period of treatment of eye and ear diseases, diseases skin

, as well as for the period of healing of cropped ears, wounds from burns, during the period of false pregnancy, so that the bitch does not lick the nipples and does not stimulate the mammary glands, which leads to an increase in milk production, but this should not be allowed.

Types of protective collars for dogs Classic option - Elizabethan collar , which in shape is(shade). Made of flexible, transparent, non-obstructive, translucent or colored plastic. Plastic collars for dogs are easy to clean, low cost, perhaps these are the most important advantages. The disadvantages are that plastic models make noise when they come into contact with other objects, crack or break over time, and most dogs do not feel comfortable wearing them. Attached to a collar or harness using 3 or 4 plastic fastener strips. The circumference is adjustable using special fastener tabs.

There is another type of plastic collar, which is plastic tube, closed in a circle, on top of which a protective removable cover is put on. It limits the mobility of the neck, thereby preventing the animal from reaching with its head to damaged areas on the body and licking them.

Exist soft cone collars for dogs, made of durable water-repellent non-woven material, non-toxic and non-toxic allergic reactions. Lightweight and flexible, they do not interfere free movement neck, the animal can eat, sleep and not experience discomfort. The advantages include increased wear resistance, because such models will not tear even when chewed by animals. In addition, after use, the soft collar can be folded compactly and stored away. However, not all soft models are suitable for big dogs who have power, long limbs and can reach the head with their paw or the body with their tongue, crushing the unreliable barrier. Soft models are not suitable for dogs with long necks because they do not cover the head enough.

Another type of soft collar is also a cone, made of soft, water-repellent nylon fabric, but with a plastic insert inside that is about half the size of the cone. A plastic insert at the bottom of the cone adds rigidity, which prevents the animal from bending the barrier. For convenient and reliable fixation to the collar there are Velcro.

Inflatable collars for dogs there are different types and are classified according to the type of material from which they are made. All of them are shaped like an inflatable lifebuoy. Flexible and soft material is used for manufacturing. There are transparent models and models with nylon removable covers. Inflatable barriers are easy to use, cause the least discomfort, do not obstruct vision, and at the same time perform protective function due to restriction of neck mobility. However, they are less wear-resistant, since dogs can tear through the collar with their claws when trying to reach the head with their paw. But when using an inflatable model with a durable nylon cover, there are no problems with damage to the material. Effective when used on dogs with short limbs who physically cannot reach the protective barrier with their paws.

Elastic protective neck corsets made from soft foam are no less effective than other types of collars. They are worn around the neck and secured with Velcro, preventing neck movement. Convenient in cases where there are injuries on the animal’s body, and not on the head.

How to choose a protective collar for a dog

The main thing is to choose the right size, as well as the model, depending on the breed and purpose of use (limiting the animal’s access to the body or head). The choice should be made according to the width of the protective field, which is most often 7.5, 10.5, 12, 15, 21.5, 25 cm. Among the existing options you can easily select the right collar for a dog of a specific breed and any age. An incorrectly selected barrier can obstruct vision, cause inconvenience when eating, sleeping, playing, and can also slide down to the shoulder blades, thereby not providing any protection.


The price of a protective collar for a dog depends on its size, type, and manufacturer. So, an ordinary Elizabethan collar costs from 90 rubles, the cost of other types varies between 200-1000 rubles. Soft collars are more expensive, for example the Procone model costs 840-1000 rubles, and the cost of the Procone elastic neck corset exceeds 1500 rubles.

If it is not possible to purchase a ready-made protective collar, you can make it yourself from available materials, but at the risk of causing the animal even more discomfort.

DIY dog collar

For dogs small breeds the basis of the collar can serve X-ray, and for larger breeds - a plastic kitchen napkin, thick or corrugated cardboard. The workpiece is given the shape of a cone, and the edges of the lower and upper diameters should be wrapped in soft cloth (gauze), secured with tape, or covered with adhesive tape to avoid injury to the animal’s neck.

The bottom circle should be equal to the diameter of the fastened collar. The width of the collar is the length from the neck (where the collar is) to the tip of the nose and an additional 5 cm.

Some dog owners simply wrap a towel around their dog's neck, securing the edges with a bandage or tape to prevent the towel from falling apart. The towel acts as a neck brace, preventing the neck from turning.

How to train a dog to wear a collar

Many dogs express their reluctance to wear something they don’t understand, which causes discomfort, by numerous attempts to pull off the collar. Therefore, if it is known in advance that the pet will undergo barrier therapy, for example, after surgery, then the animal should be prepared before the operation.

To begin with, the collar should be placed next to the pet so that he can sniff it and understand that the item is safe. Then you should put the barrier on the animal for a short time and try to engage the dog in a game, give a treat, pet it or otherwise encourage it in order to evoke positive associations. Animals usually get used to wearing the barrier within a few days.

Read in this article

When and who needs a protective collar

A dog's rough tongue and sharp claws on its limbs can cause serious injuries and lead to suppuration of the sutures. In order to prevent negative actions on the part of the pet, a protective collar is used.

  • Ophthalmic surgery or eye treatment. Diseases of the visual organs such as conjunctivitis, blepharitis, iridocyclitis are usually accompanied by lacrimation and itching. Scratching the sore spot with your paws worsens the situation. In addition, ophthalmic ailments require application medicinal ointments for a long time.

After eye surgery for cataracts or corneal ulcers, it is extremely important to protect the operated area from mechanical damage from the pet's side. In this regard, the animal mandatory a protective collar must be worn.

The protective device will prevent unwanted mechanical impact pet on problem areas in the postoperative period, during treatment with ointments, during treatment against fleas and ticks.

Product options and their features

To protect a dog from self-harm during treatment or recovery after surgery, a wide variety of Elizabethan collars are used. The design of almost all protective devices is a truncated cone, the narrow part of which is fixed on the animal’s neck. Collars of various shapes and materials allow owners to choose the most suitable best option for your restless pet.


Soft models of protective collars are popular among owners. Their advantage is that the devices do not produce unpleasant or frightening sounds for the pet. Soft remedies protection against self-injury are made of water-repellent hypoallergenic material. Due to their lightness and flexibility, fabric models do not impede the pet’s movement, allowing them to easily take food and water, and sleep without experiencing discomfort.

TO positive aspects soft devices made of non-fabric material include their wear resistance and ease of storage and transportation. Soft models can be folded compactly and taken with you on a trip. Such devices are not suitable for large animals, since they do not completely cover the head, and the pet can wrinkle the collar.

In specialized stores, soft devices are available for sale, reinforced with a plastic insert, which gives the structure rigidity and prevents unwanted actions of the pet. Many models of soft collars are equipped with Velcro, which help securely fix the device on the dog's neck.


Models of protective structures for pets in the form of an inflatable lifebuoy are usually made of soft and flexible materials. The convenience of such devices is their ease of use. Inflatable models do not cause discomfort to the dog, do not restrict freedom and are pleasant to the body. Models equipped with a nylon cover are durable.

Ease of storage and transportation, ensuring comfort when worn, make inflatable collar models popular among owners of dogs with short limbs. Short pets are physically unable to reach the protection on the neck and pull it off. For representatives of large breeds with long limbs, such collar models are not suitable.


Plastic models of protective devices are widely available in pet stores. They are made of transparent or colored material and are inexpensive. Positive quality plastic barrier products is the possibility of their quick cleansing from contamination, use of disinfectants. The transparent design allows your pet to have unlimited visibility.

The disadvantage of plastic Elizabethan collars is high level noise. Animals often get scared, especially when touched by a device foreign objects. In addition, plastic models become brittle over time, cracking and breaking.

An alternative may be elastic neck corsets. They are made of foam material and are used when the diseased area is on the body of the animal, and not on the head.

How to choose a size

Whatever model the owner prefers, it is necessary first of all to take care of the correct choice of protective device according to the size of the pet. In this matter, they are guided by the width of the protective field. Sizes No. 10 and 12 correspond to a width of 10.5 and 12 cm and are suitable for dogs of dwarf and miniature breeds.

A protective structure with size No. 15 should be chosen for a medium-sized pet with a neck circumference of no more than 15 cm. For dogs of large breeds, it is necessary to purchase protective products in sizes No. 20 and No. 25.

Collar Size Chart

Elizabethan animal collars are usually sold unassembled for ease of transportation. Assembling the collar is easy, following the instructions. As a rule, the structures are given the appearance of a cone and secured with special clamps. If the size is chosen correctly, the protective cone protrudes slightly beyond the boundaries of the dog's head.

A well-chosen protective design does not limit the pet’s view, does not hinder its movement, and does not interfere with the intake of food and water.

Making your own protective collar

Many owners prefer homemade devices to protect their pet from self-harm. The easiest way to make a design is for small breeds of dogs. The material for the collar in this case can be an unnecessary x-ray or a flexible office plastic folder for papers. Thick corrugated cardboard is suitable for the same purpose.

From the selected material, cut a blank in the form of half a donut. To ensure that the collar fits well and does not hinder your pet’s movements, you should know two parameters: neck girth (the diameter of the fastened collar) and the length from the neck to the tip of the nose. The first measurement on the workpiece is the inner diameter of the circle. You should add 5 cm to the second - this will be the outer diameter of the workpiece.

Collar pattern

After the future collar is cut from the selected material, for comfortable wearing its edges can be treated with a soft cloth. It can be sewn or glued on both sides of the workpiece. To make the device convenient to put on your pet, it should be equipped with strong adhesive tape or lacing along the side of the cone. To attach to a collar or harness, it is most convenient to use lacing or special fasteners.

Cardboard protective collar

For a representative large breed the protective structure can be made from a soft plastic bucket. To do this, cut a hole in a suitable size bucket along the diameter of the pet’s neck and make a side cut so that the homemade collar can be put on the dog. The protective product is secured with lacing.

If the animal is medium in size, then you can use a large one to make a homemade Elizabethan collar. plastic bottle. When performing work manually, avoid sharp edges to avoid injuring your pet.

To learn how to make a protective collar for a dog yourself, watch this video:

How to put the product on a dog

In the event that an animal is undergoing a planned surgery, such as sterilization, the owner should accustom the dog to wearing a collar in advance. To do this, the barrier device must be left in the dog’s field of view, allowed to sniff the new object, and get used to it.

Then the design is put on the pet. In this case, the animal should be distracted by play and, if no attempt is made to steal an unfamiliar object, the dog should be rewarded with a treat. The first attempts should be short in time so that the animal gets used to the new design.

In order for the protective device to reliably prevent self-injury of the pet, it must be carefully secured to a leash or harness. This is possible if the collar size is chosen correctly. The animal usually gets used to a comfortable and correct model within a few days and does not pay any attention to it.

A protective collar for dogs serves as a barrier structure that prevents scratching and licking. postoperative sutures. The device is indispensable in the treatment of skin diseases, ear diseases, ophthalmological problems in pets, and when treated with insecticides.

A variety of designs made from different materials makes it easier for the owner to choose. In order for the collar to reliably protect the pet from self-harm, it is necessary to correctly select the product in size and accustom the dog to wearing it.

Useful video

To learn how to properly put a protective collar on a dog, watch this video: