What title do doctors receive? Military ranks. Points for promotion

According to Article 12 of the “Fundamentals of Legislation Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens”, approved by the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation of July 22, 1993 No. 5487-1 (hereinafter referred to as “Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens”) the state health care system includes federal executive authorities in the field of health care, executive authorities subjects of the Russian Federation in the field of healthcare, Russian Academy medical sciences, planning and implementing measures to protect the health of citizens within their competence.

In accordance with Part 2 of Article 12 “Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens,” the state health care system also includes state-owned and subordinated to the management bodies of the state health care system, treatment and preventive and research institutions, educational institutions, pharmaceutical organizations, pharmacies institutions, sanitary and preventive institutions, territorial bodies that are created in the prescribed manner to carry out sanitary and epidemiological supervision, forensic medical examination institutions, logistics services, production organizations medical supplies And medical equipment and other institutions and organizations.

In accordance with Part 3 of Article 12 of the “Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation on the Protection of Citizens’ Health,” the state healthcare system includes medical organizations, including treatment and preventive institutions; pharmaceutical organizations; pharmacy institutions created by federal executive authorities in the field of healthcare, other federal executive authorities and executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with Article 13 of the “Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation on the Protection of Citizens’ Health,” the municipal health care system includes municipal health care authorities, as well as municipally owned medical, pharmaceutical and pharmacy organizations that are legal entities.

Financial support for the activities of organizations of the municipal health care system is an expenditure obligation of the municipality.

According to Article 14 of the “Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation on the Protection of Citizens’ Health,” the private health care system includes medical and preventive and pharmacy institutions, the property of which is privately owned, as well as persons engaged in private medical practice and private pharmaceutical activities.

You can find out more about issues related to the private healthcare system in the book by the authors of BKR - INTERCOM - AUDIT JSC "Healthcare Services".

According to the Order of the Ministry of Health and social development of the Russian Federation dated October 7, 2005 No. 627 “On approval of a unified nomenclature of state and municipal healthcare institutions” (hereinafter referred to as Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 627), the following medical institutions belong to this category of healthcare institutions:

1. Treatment and prevention institutions.

1.1. Hospital facilities.

1.1.1. Hospitals, including:



City ambulance medical care;

Central (city, district);

Regional, including children's (regional, republican, district).

1.1.2. Specialized hospitals, including:

Rehabilitation treatment, including children's;


Geriatric (Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated July 28, 1999 No. 297 “On improving the organization of medical care for elderly and senile citizens in the Russian Federation”) (hereinafter referred to as Order No. 297);

Infectious diseases, including children's (Order of the Russian Ministry of Health dated September 17, 1993 No. 220 “On measures to develop and improve the infectious diseases service in the Russian Federation”));




Psychoneurological, including children's;

Psychiatric, including children's;

Psychiatric (inpatient) specialized type;

Psychiatric (inpatient) specialized type with intensive observation;

Tuberculosis, including children's.

1.1.3. Hospital.

1.1.4. Medical and sanitary part, including the central one.

1.1.5. Home (hospital) nursing care.

1.1.6. Hospice.

1.1.7. Leper colony.

1.2. Dispensaries:

Medical and physical education (Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated August 20, 2001 No. 337 “On measures for further development and improvement of sports medicine and physical therapy");


Dermatovenerological (Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated July 30, 2001 No. 291 “On measures to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted infections”);








1.3. Outpatient clinics.

1.3.1. Outpatient clinic.

1.3.2. Clinics, including:

Urban, including children's;

Central District;

Dental, including children's;

Consultative and diagnostic, including for children;



1.4. Centers, including scientific and practical ones:

Rehabilitation therapy for internationalist soldiers;

Regenerative medicine and rehabilitation;

Geriatric (Order No. 297);

Diabetological (Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated July 16, 2001 No. 267 “On the development of diabetes care for the population of the Russian Federation”);

Drug rehabilitation (Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated March 18, 1997 No. 76 “On drug rehabilitation centers”);

Medical, including district;

Occupational pathology;

On the prevention and control of AIDS and infectious diseases;

Clinical and diagnostic;

Pathologies of speech and neurorehabilitation (Appendix No. 3 to the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of August 22, 2005 No. 534 “On measures to improve the organization of neurorehabilitation care for patients with consequences of stroke and traumatic brain injury”);


Medical and social rehabilitation;

General medical (family) practice (Appendix No. 3 to the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of November 20, 2002 No. 350 “On improving outpatient care for the population of the Russian Federation”);

Consultative and diagnostic, including for children;

Hearing rehabilitation;

Physiotherapy and sports medicine;

Manual therapy;

Therapeutic and preventive nutrition;

Specialized types of medical care;

Psychophysiological diagnostics.

1.5. Emergency medical services and blood transfusion facilities:

1.5.1. Emergency medical station.

1.5.2. Blood transfusion station.

1.5.3. Blood Center.

1.6. Institutions for the protection of motherhood and childhood.

1.6.1. Perinatal center(Appendix No. 1 to the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated December 9, 2004 No. 308 “On issues of organizing the activities of perinatal centers”).

1.6.2. Maternity hospital.

1.6.3. Women's consultation.

1.6.4. Center for Family Planning and Reproduction.

1.6.5. Security Center reproductive health teenagers

1.6.6. An orphanage, including a specialized one (Appendix No. 1 to the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of January 24, 2003 No. 2 “On improving the activities of an orphanage”).

1.6.7. Dairy kitchen.

1.7. Sanatorium and resort institutions.

1.7.1. Balneological hospital.

1.7.2. Mud bath.

1.7.3. Resort clinic.

1.7.4. A sanatorium, including for children, as well as for children with their parents.

1.7.5. Sanatorium-preventorium.

1.7.6. Sanatorium health camp year-round.

2. Special types of healthcare institutions.

2.1. Centers:

Medical prevention;

Disaster medicine (federal, regional, territorial);

Medical mobilization reserves “Reserve” (republican, regional, regional, city);

Licensing of medical and pharmaceutical activities(republican, regional, regional);

Quality control and certification of medicines;

Medical information and analytical;

Information and methodological on examination, accounting and analysis of the circulation of medical products.

Medical statistics;

Pathological and anatomical;

Forensic medical examination.

2.3. Control and analytical laboratory.

2.4. Military medical commission, including the central one.

2.5. Bacteriological laboratory for the diagnosis of tuberculosis.

3. Health care institutions for supervision in the field of consumer rights protection and human well-being.

3.1. Centers for Hygiene and Epidemiology.

3.2. Centers for state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance.

3.3. Anti-plague center (station).

3.4. Disinfection center (station).

3.5. Center for Hygienic Education of the Population.

Treatment and preventive institutions, such as hospitals, dispensaries, maternity hospitals and other institutions that are used for teaching purposes by higher medical educational institutions (faculties) or for scientific purposes by medical research organizations are clinical institutions.

Health care institutions listed in subsection 1.1 “Hospital institutions” in Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 627 may include a polyclinic (outpatient clinic).

Paramedic and midwife stations are structural divisions of healthcare institutions.

Health centers (medical, paramedic) are structural divisions of healthcare institutions or organizations. They are intended to provide first aid to workers, employees and students.

The composition of the regional, regional, republican hospital or a health care institution for disaster medicine may include an air ambulance operating as its branch.

Clinics are medical and preventive institutions (hospitals, maternity hospitals and other healthcare institutions), which are part of higher medical educational institutions, medical scientific organizations or are subordinate to medical universities and scientific organizations and are their structural divisions.

According to Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 627, specialized medical institutions include orphanages for children:

"- With organic damage central nervous system with mental disorders;

- with organic damage to the central nervous system, including cerebral palsy, without mental disorders;

- with dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system and other defects physical development without mental disorders;

- with hearing and speech impairments (deaf, deaf, hard of hearing);

- with speech disorders (stuttering, alalia and other speech disorders);

- with visual impairments (blind, visually impaired);

- with tuberculosis intoxication, minor and subsiding forms of tuberculosis;

- sanatorium."

The center for medical and social rehabilitation includes a permanent residence department for adolescents and adults with disabilities with severe forms of childhood cerebral palsy who do not move independently and do not look after themselves.

According to Appendix 1 to the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of August 27, 1997 No. 43 “On the coordination of wage grades and tariff and qualification characteristics for positions of healthcare workers of the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as Resolution of the Ministry of Labor No. 43), the following tariff (qualification) rates are used in medical institutions ) ranks:

· Chief physician of a healthcare institution (director, manager, chief);

· Chief physician (head) of the state sanitary and epidemiological service institution (state sanitary and epidemiological supervision center - Chief State Sanitary Doctor, disinfection station, anti-plague center, Russian Republican Information and Analytical Center, anti-plague station);

· Director of a hospital (home) of nursing care, hospice;

· Dairy kitchen manager;

· Chief nurse (chief midwife, chief paramedic);

Head of the medical warehouse of the mobilization reserve.

2.1. Specialists with higher medical education:

· Intern doctor;

· Intern doctor of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service;

· Medical specialist;

· Doctor-specialist of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service institution.

2.2. Specialists with higher vocational education:

· Medical psychologist;

· Zoologist, entomologist;

· Biologist;

· Expert physicist in monitoring sources of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation;

· Instructor-methodologist for physical therapy;

· Chemist-expert of a healthcare institution.

2.3. Specialists with secondary vocational education and nursing staff:

· Dentist;

· Medical technologist;

· Midwife;

· Paramedic;

· Medical laboratory assistant (medical laboratory technician);

· Nurse;

· Medical optometrist;

· Dental Technician;

· Laboratory assistant;

· X-ray technician;

· Physical therapy instructor;

· Instructor-disinfector;

· Occupational therapy instructor;

· Hygiene education instructor;

· Medical statistician;

· Medical registrar;

· Medical disinfectant;

· Junior pharmacist;

· Optics seller;

· Packer;

· Dental hygienist.

3. Junior medical staff:

· Junior nurse for patient care;

· Sister-hostess;

· Nurse (washer).

4. Other personnel of occupational therapy workshops at healthcare institutions:

· Instructor industrial training workers of mass professions 4 - 8.

All state and municipal medical institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation are required to use the specified tariff (qualification) categories, since they belong to the budgetary sphere of financing, for which payment is provided according to the Unified Tariff Schedule. As for private medical organizations and individuals engaged in private medical practice, they independently develop a document regulating wages.

In order for the category to be assigned not arbitrarily, but according to certain criteria, there are tariff and qualification characteristics. The named characteristics for employees of medical institutions are established in Appendix No. 2 of the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor No. 43. All job titles are indicated in accordance with OKPDTR.

Tariff-qualification characteristics contribute to correct selection and placement of personnel, improving their qualifications, division of labor between managers and specialists, and also ensure unity in determining job responsibilities data categories of workers and qualification requirements for wage grades applied to them.

Tariff qualification characteristics positions for deputy heads of healthcare institutions and their structural divisions were not developed, since their job responsibilities, knowledge and qualification requirements are established on the basis of the characteristics of the corresponding positions of managers.

Based on the tariff and qualification characteristics of a medical specialist, a medical institution develops job descriptions for doctors of all specialties and titles, taking into account the specifics of their work.

Section “Official Responsibilities” of Appendix No. 2 to Resolution of the Ministry of Labor No. 43 contains the main functions that can be fully or partially entrusted to the employee who holds this position. This section is the basis for development job descriptions, which establish specific duties, rights and responsibilities of the employee.

The certification commission determines the compliance of the actual duties performed and the qualifications of workers with the requirements set by the tariff and qualification characteristics.

Certification of medical workers is carried out in accordance with the provisions on the procedure for certification of doctors, pharmacists, nursing and pharmaceutical personnel, which are approved by orders of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the indicators approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, medical institutions are classified by health authorities into various groups for the remuneration of managers. In the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of October 15, 1999 No. 377 “On approval of the regulations on remuneration of healthcare workers” (hereinafter - Order of the Ministry of Health No. 377), groups for remuneration of heads of medical institutions are differentiated by the availability of beds:

1 group of remuneration for managers - availability of estimated beds of 1200 or more;

2nd group of remuneration for managers – availability of estimated beds from 810 to 1200;

3rd group of remuneration for managers – availability of estimated beds from 510 to 800;

4th group of remuneration for managers – availability of estimated beds from 260 to 500;

5th group of remuneration for managers – availability of estimated beds from over 50 to 250.

Establishing the job title “senior” is possible provided that the employee, in addition to performing his direct job responsibilities, also manages the performers subordinate to him.

Medical workers who hold senior positions: paramedics, midwives, nurses, dental technicians, doctors of ambulance stations (departments) and mine rescue units, city (district) pediatricians, are charged one grade higher in relation to the grade that is established for the corresponding position in Appendix No. 2 to Resolution of the Ministry of Labor No. 43.

Medical workers who manage departments, departments, offices, laboratories, detachments and other structural units of healthcare institutions are charged higher in relation to the rank established for the corresponding position with higher medical education, per rank - if there are up to 6 medical and pharmacist units in the unit positions, for two categories - if there are 7 or more of the above positions in the department.

In the event that doctors have a break from working in their specialty for more than 5 years or change their specialty profile and move to another position that requires special training and qualifications, for the period of specialization in the established order in order to obtain the necessary special knowledge, skills and abilities required for independent work in a new position, and issuing a certificate of receipt of the appropriate qualifications, they are appointed to the position of a trainee doctor.

Persons related to the younger medical personnel who do not have special training or work experience established by the qualification requirements, but have sufficient practical experience and perform their job duties efficiently and in full, on the recommendation of the certification commission, as an exception, can be appointed to the corresponding positions in the same way, as well as persons who have special training and work experience. These persons may be assigned an appropriate wage grade.

Heads of medical institutions:

1) for the chief physician (director, manager, chief) of a healthcare institution in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor No. 43

Availability of higher education medical education and work experience in healthcare institutions for at least 5 years:

13th category - in a health care institution that is not included in the pay groups for managers;

14th category - in a health care institution, which is assigned to group V in terms of remuneration for managers;

15th category - in a health care institution, which is assigned to group IV in terms of remuneration for managers;

16th category - in a health care institution, which is assigned to group III in terms of remuneration for managers;

17th category - in a health care institution, which is assigned to group II in terms of remuneration for managers;

18th category - in a health care institution, which is classified in group I for the remuneration of managers.

2) for the chief physician (chief) of an institution of the state sanitary and epidemiological service (center of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance - chief state sanitary doctor, disinfection station, anti-plague center, Russian Republican Information and Analytical Center, anti-plague station) in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor No. 43, the following qualification requirements are established for payment categories:

Having a higher medical education and at least 5 years of work experience in the specialty:

15th category - in an institution of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service, which is assigned to group IV for the remuneration of managers;

16th category - in an institution of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service, which is assigned to group III for the remuneration of managers;

17th category - in an institution of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service, which is assigned to group II for the remuneration of managers;

18th category - in the institution of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service, which is assigned to group I for the remuneration of managers.

3) for the director of a hospital (home) of nursing care, hospice

12 - 13 categories - higher medical education and work experience in health care institutions for at least 5 years, secondary medical education and work experience in health care institutions for at least 10 years.

4) for the dairy kitchen manager in accordance with this Resolution, the following qualification requirements for pay grades are established:

availability of secondary medical education and work experience in healthcare institutions in the field of at least 3 years:

7th category - in the dairy kitchen, which is classified in group V for executive remuneration;

8th category - in the dairy kitchen, which is classified in group IV for executive remuneration;

9th category - in the dairy kitchen, which is classified in group III for the remuneration of managers;

10th category - in the dairy kitchen, which is classified in group II for the remuneration of managers;

11th category - in the dairy kitchen, which is classified in group I for the remuneration of managers.

5) for main nurse(chief midwife, chief paramedic)

· Availability of higher medical education in the specialty “nursing” without presenting requirements for work experience.

secondary medical education of an advanced or basic level and work experience in the field of at least 5 years:

9 - 10 categories - in a health care institution, which is assigned to group V in terms of remuneration for managers;

11 - 12 categories - in a health care institution, which is assigned to group IV for the remuneration of managers;

12 - 13 categories - in a health care institution, which is assigned to group III in terms of remuneration for managers;

13 - 14 categories - in a health care institution, which is assigned to group II in terms of remuneration for managers;

14 - 15 categories - in a health care institution, which is assigned to group I for the remuneration of managers.

6) for the manager of the medical warehouse of the mobilization reserve in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to Resolution of the Ministry of Labor No. 43, the following qualification requirements for pay grades are established:

Having a higher professional education and at least 3 years of relevant work experience:

11th category - when performing the duties of the manager of a medical warehouse of a mobilization reserve, which has an area of ​​less than 1 thousand square meters;

12 category - when performing the duties of the head of a medical warehouse of a mobilization reserve, which has an area of ​​1 to 3 thousand square meters, or when performing the duties of a manager of a medical warehouse of a mobilization reserve, having an area of ​​less than 1 thousand square meters, where narcotic drugs are stored;

13th category - when performing the duties of a manager of a medical warehouse of a mobilization reserve, which has a warehouse area of ​​3 to 5 thousand square meters, or when performing the duties of a manager of a medical warehouse of a mobilization reserve, having an area of ​​1 to 3 thousand square meters, on which supplies are located narcotic drugs;

14th category - when performing the duties of the manager of a medical warehouse of a mobilization reserve, which has a warehouse area of ​​more than 5 thousand square meters. m, or when performing the duties of the manager of a medical warehouse of a mobilization reserve, having an area of ​​3 to 5 thousand square meters, where stocks of narcotic drugs are located;

15th category - when performing the duties of the manager of a medical warehouse of a mobilization reserve, which has a warehouse area of ​​more than 5 thousand square meters, where stocks of narcotic drugs are located.

Specialists with higher medical education:

7) for an intern doctor, an intern doctor at an institution of the state sanitary and epidemiological service In accordance with this Resolution, the following qualification requirements for pay grades are established:

Having a higher medical education without any work experience requirements.

9th category.

8) for a specialist doctor In accordance with this Resolution, the following qualification requirements for pay grades are established:

11th category - specialist doctor who does not have a qualification category;

12th category - specialist doctor who has qualification category II;

a surgeon of all names who operates on patients in a hospital without a qualification category;

a doctor of a mobile emergency medical team or a permanent mobile medical unit (unit) who does not have a qualification category;

doctor general practice(family), which does not have a qualification category;

a neonatologist who does not have a qualification category;

a doctor - forensic psychiatric expert and a doctor - forensic medical expert who do not have a qualification category;

13th category - medical specialist who has qualification category I;

a surgeon of all titles who operates on patients in a hospital and has qualification category II;

a doctor of a mobile emergency medical team or a permanent mobile medical unit (unit) who has qualification category II;

general practitioner (family) who has qualification category II;

a neonatologist who has qualification category II;

a doctor - forensic psychiatric expert and a doctor - forensic medical expert who have qualification category II;

14th category - specialist doctor who has the highest qualification category;

a surgeon of all titles who operates on patients in a hospital and has a qualification category;

a doctor of a mobile emergency medical team or a permanent mobile medical unit (unit) who has qualification category I;

general practitioner (family) who has qualification category I;

neonatologist who has qualification category I;

a doctor - forensic psychiatric expert and a doctor - forensic medical expert who have qualification category I;

15th category - a surgeon of all titles who operates on patients in a hospital and has the highest qualification category;

a doctor of a mobile emergency medical team or a permanent mobile medical unit (unit) who has the highest qualification category;

general practitioner (family) who has the highest qualification category;

a neonatologist who has the highest qualification category;

a doctor - forensic psychiatric expert and a doctor - forensic medical expert, who have the highest qualification category.

9) for a medical specialist at a state sanitary and epidemiological service institution in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to Resolution of the Ministry of Labor No. 43, the following qualification requirements for pay grades are established:

Having a higher medical education and a document conferring the title of medical specialist:

10th category - specialist doctor (trainee) who has a break from work;

11th category - a medical specialist who does not have a qualification category, in institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service assigned to groups II - IV for the remuneration of managers;

12th category - a medical specialist who has the II qualification category, in institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service assigned to II - IV groups for the remuneration of managers;

a specialist doctor who does not have a qualification category in an institution classified in group I for the remuneration of executives;

13th category - a medical specialist who has qualification category I, in institutions of the state sanitary and epidemiological service assigned to groups II - IV for the remuneration of managers;

a medical specialist who has qualification category II, in an institution assigned to group I for the remuneration of managers;

14th category - a medical specialist who has the highest qualification category, in institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service assigned to groups II - IV for the remuneration of managers;

a medical specialist who has qualification category I, in an institution assigned to group I for the remuneration of managers;

15th category - a medical specialist who has the highest qualification category, in an institution of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service, assigned to group I for the remuneration of managers.

Specialists with higher professional education:

10) for medical psychologist in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to Resolution of the Ministry of Labor No. 43, the following qualification requirements for pay grades are established:

Availability of higher psychological education and additional education in medical psychology:

11th category - medical psychologist who does not have a qualification category;

12th category - medical psychologist who has the II qualification category;

13th category - medical psychologist who has qualification category I;

14th category - a medical psychologist who has the highest qualification category.

11) for zoologist, entomologist In accordance with this Resolution, the following qualification requirements for pay grades are established:

Availability of higher biological education:

10th category - biologist (zoologist, entomologist), who does not have a qualification category, in healthcare institutions assigned to groups II - IV for the remuneration of managers;

11th category - biologist (zoologist, entomologist), who has the II qualification category, in health care institutions assigned to II - IV groups for the remuneration of managers;

a biologist (zoologist, entomologist), who does not have a qualification category, in a health care institution assigned to group I for the remuneration of managers;

12th category - biologist (zoologist, entomologist), who has the 1st qualification category, in health care institutions assigned to groups II - IV for the remuneration of managers;

a biologist (zoologist, entomologist), who has qualification category II, in a health care institution assigned to group I for the remuneration of managers;

13th category - biologist (zoologist, entomologist), who has the highest qualification category, in health care institutions assigned to groups II - IV for the remuneration of managers;

a biologist (zoologist, entomologist), who has qualification category I, in a health care institution assigned to group I for the remuneration of managers;

14th category - biologist (zoologist, entomologist), who has the highest qualification category, in a health care institution assigned to group I for the remuneration of managers.

12) for a biologist In accordance with this Resolution, the following qualification requirements for pay grades are established:

Availability of higher professional education in the specialty “Biologists”:

10th category - a biologist who does not have a qualification category, in sanitary and epidemiological institutions assigned to groups II - IV for the remuneration of managers;

11th category - biologist, who has the II qualification category, in sanitary and epidemiological institutions assigned to II - IV groups for the remuneration of managers;

a biologist who does not have a qualification category in medical and preventive institutions and sanitary and epidemiological institutions assigned to group I for the remuneration of managers;

12th category - biologist, who has the I qualification category, in sanitary and epidemiological institutions assigned to II - IV groups for the remuneration of managers;

a biologist who has the II qualification category, in medical and preventive institutions and sanitary and epidemiological institutions assigned to group I for the remuneration of managers;

13th category - biologist with the highest qualification category in sanitary and epidemiological institutions assigned to groups II - IV for the remuneration of managers;

a biologist who has qualification category I, in medical and preventive institutions and sanitary and epidemiological institutions assigned to group I for the remuneration of managers;

14th category - biologist, who has the highest qualification category, in medical and preventive institutions and sanitary and epidemiological institutions, assigned to group I for the remuneration of managers.

13) for Expert Physics for control of sources of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, in accordance with the specified Resolution, the following qualification requirements are established for pay grades:

Availability of higher physical and technical education:

10th category - expert physicist who does not have a qualification category, in healthcare institutions assigned to groups II - IV for the remuneration of managers;

11th category - expert physicist who has the II qualification category, in healthcare institutions assigned to II - IV groups for remuneration of managers;

a physics expert who does not have a qualification category in a health care institution assigned to group I for the remuneration of managers;

12th category - expert physicist who has the I qualification category, in healthcare institutions assigned to II - IV groups for remuneration of managers;

a physics expert who has qualification category II, in a healthcare institution assigned to group I for the remuneration of managers;

13th category - expert physicist who has the highest qualification category in health care institutions assigned to groups II - IV for the remuneration of managers;

a physics expert who has qualification category I, in a health care institution assigned to group I for the remuneration of managers;

14th category - expert physicist, who has the highest qualification category, in a health care institution assigned to group I for the remuneration of managers.

14) for an instructor-methodologist in physical therapy In accordance with this Resolution, the following qualification requirements for pay grades are established:

Having a higher physical education education with additional training in physical therapy and massage:

9th category – at least 3 years of relevant work experience is required;

10 category - work experience as an instructor-methodologist in physical therapy is required for at least 3 years or work experience in the profile for at least 5 years;

11th category - work experience as an instructor-methodologist in physical therapy is required for at least 5 years;

12 category - work experience as an instructor-methodologist in physical therapy is required for at least 7 years;

13 category - work experience as an instructor-methodologist in physical therapy is required for at least 10 years.

15) for a chemist-expert of a healthcare institution in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to Resolution of the Ministry of Labor No. 43, the following qualification requirements for pay grades are established:

Availability of higher professional education (in the field of training “Chemistry”, “Chemical technology and biotechnology”) and additional training in sanitary and hygienic laboratory research:

8th category - work experience in the specialty for at least 3 years;

9th category - work experience in the specialty for at least 5 years;

10 category - work experience as a chemist-expert in a healthcare institution that does not have a qualification category, at least 3 years;

11th category - chemist-expert of a health care institution, who has the II qualification category, in health care institutions that are assigned to groups II - IV for the remuneration of managers;

12th category - chemist-expert of a healthcare institution who has a qualification category of I, in healthcare institutions assigned to groups II - IV in terms of remuneration, or has a qualification category II in healthcare institutions assigned to group I in remuneration of managers;

13th category - chemist-expert of a healthcare institution who has the highest qualification category, in healthcare institutions assigned to groups II - IV for the remuneration of managers, or has the I qualification category, in healthcare institutions assigned to group I for the remuneration of managers;

14th category - chemist-expert of a healthcare institution, who has the highest qualification category, in healthcare institutions that are classified in group I for the remuneration of managers.

Nursing staff:

16) for the dentist in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to Resolution of the Ministry of Labor No. 43, the following qualification requirements for pay grades are established:

Availability of secondary medical education in the specialty “Dentistry”:

9th category - a dentist who does not have a qualification category;

10th category - dentist who has qualification category II;

11th category - dentist who has qualification category I;

12th category - a dentist who has the highest qualification category.

In our opinion, the classification of a dentist as a paramedical personnel is somewhat outdated and does not correspond to reality, when this position requires a higher medical education.

17) for medical technologist in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to Resolution of the Ministry of Labor No. 43, the following qualification requirements for pay grades are established:

Availability of secondary medical education in the specialty “Laboratory diagnostics”:

9th category - medical technologist who does not have a qualification category;

10th category - medical technologist who has the second qualification category;

11th category - medical technologist who has the first qualification category;

12th category - medical technologist, who has the highest qualification category.

18) for the midwife In accordance with this Resolution, the following qualification requirements for pay grades are established:

Availability of secondary medical education in the specialty “Obstetrics”:

8th category - midwife who does not have a qualification category;

9th category - midwife who has qualification category II;

10th category - midwife who has qualification category I;

11th category - midwife, who has the highest qualification category.

19) for a paramedic In accordance with this Resolution, the following qualification requirements for pay grades are established:

Availability of secondary medical education in the specialty “General Medicine”:

8th category - paramedic who does not have a qualification category;

9th category - paramedic who has qualification category II;

10th category - paramedic who has qualification category I;

11th category - paramedic, who has the highest qualification category.

20) for a medical laboratory assistant, medical laboratory technician in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to Resolution of the Ministry of Labor No. 43, the following qualification requirements for pay grades are established:

8th category - medical laboratory assistant (medical laboratory technician) who does not have a qualification category;

9th category - medical assistant-laboratorian (medical laboratory technician), who has qualification category II;

10th category - medical laboratory assistant (medical laboratory technician), who has qualification category I;

11th category - medical laboratory assistant (medical laboratory technician), who has the highest qualification category.

Availability of secondary medical education.

22) for a nurse In accordance with this Resolution, the following qualification requirements for pay grades are established:

Availability of secondary medical education in the specialty “Nursing”:

6 - 7 categories - a nurse who does not have a qualification category;

7 - 8 categories - a nurse who has the II qualification category;

8 - 9 categories - a nurse who has the I qualification category;

9 - 10 categories - a nurse who has the highest qualification category;

a nurse who has the II qualification category: operating room, anesthetist, ward, procedural, dressing room, massage, general practitioner;

10th category - a nurse who has the I qualification category: operating room, anesthetist, ward, treatment room, dressing room, massage, general practitioner;

11th category - a nurse who has the highest qualification category: operating room, anesthetist, ward, treatment room, dressing room, massage, general practitioner.

23) for a medical optometrist In accordance with this Resolution, the following qualification requirements for pay grades are established:

Availability of secondary medical education in the specialty “Medical Optics” (advanced level):

6 - 7 categories - medical optician-optometrist who does not have a qualification category;

7 - 8 categories - medical optician-optometrist, who has the second qualification category;

8 - 9 categories - medical optician-optometrist, who has the first qualification category;

9 - 10 categories - medical optician-optometrist, who has the highest qualification category.

24) for dental technician in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to Resolution of the Ministry of Labor No. 43, the following qualification requirements for pay grades are established:

Availability of secondary medical education in the specialty “Orthopedic Dentistry”:

6 - 7 categories - a dental technician who has the 3rd qualification category;

7 - 8 categories - a dental technician who has the 2nd qualification category;

8 - 9 categories - dental technician who has 1 qualification category;

9 - 10 categories - a dental technician who has the highest qualification category.

25) for a laboratory assistant in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to Resolution of the Ministry of Labor No. 43, the following qualification requirements for pay grades are established:

Availability of secondary medical education in the specialty “Laboratory Science”:

6 - 7 categories - laboratory assistant who does not have a qualification category;

7 - 8 categories - laboratory assistant who has the 2nd qualification category;

8 - 9 categories - laboratory assistant who has 1 qualification category;

9 - 10 categories - laboratory assistant who has the highest qualification category.

26) for x-ray technician in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to Resolution of the Ministry of Labor No. 43, the following qualification requirements for pay grades are established:

6 - 7 categories - x-ray technician who does not have a qualification category;

7 - 8 categories - x-ray technician who has the 2nd qualification category;

8 - 9 categories - x-ray technician who has 1 qualification category;

9 - 10 categories - an x-ray technician who has the highest qualification category.

27) for a physical therapy instructor in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to Resolution of the Ministry of Labor No. 43, the following qualification requirements for pay grades are established:

Availability of secondary medical or secondary physical education education:

6 - 7 categories - an instructor in physical therapy who does not have a qualification category;

7 - 8 categories - physical therapy instructor who has the 2nd qualification category;

8 - 9 categories - physical therapy instructor who has 1 qualification category;

9 - 10 categories - an instructor in physical therapy who has the highest qualification category.

28) for instructor-disinfector In accordance with this Resolution, the following qualification requirements for pay grades are established:

Availability of secondary medical education and additional training in disinstructor courses:

6 - 7 categories - instructor-disinfector who does not have a qualification category;

7 - 8 categories - instructor-disinfector, who has the 2nd qualification category;

8 - 9 categories - instructor-disinfector who has 1 qualification category;

9 - 10 categories - instructor-disinfector, who has the highest qualification category.

29) for an occupational therapy instructor In accordance with this Resolution, the following qualification requirements for pay grades are established:

5th category - having a secondary medical education without presenting requirements for work experience or secondary vocational education in the profile of the work performed in the absence of work experience;

6th category – secondary medical education and work experience in the field of at least 2 years

availability of secondary vocational education in the profile of the work performed and work experience in the profile of at least 2 years.

30) for a hygiene education instructor In accordance with this Resolution, the following qualification requirements for pay grades are established:

Availability of secondary medical education and special training in the specialty “Hygienic education”:

6 - 7 category - instructor in hygienic education who does not have a qualification category;

7 - 8 category - instructor in hygienic education, who has the 2nd qualification category;

8 - 9 category - instructor in hygienic education, who has 1 qualification category;

9 - 10 category - instructor in hygienic education, who has the highest qualification category.

31) for medical statistician in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to Resolution of the Ministry of Labor No. 43, the following qualification requirements for pay grades are established:

Availability of secondary medical education:

5 - 6 digits - medical statistician who does not have a qualification category;

6 - 7 categories - medical statistician, who has the 2nd qualification category;

7 - 8 categories - medical statistician, who has 1 qualification category;

8 - 9 categories - medical statistician, who has the highest qualification category.

32) for a medical registrar in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to Resolution of the Ministry of Labor No. 43, the following qualification requirements for pay grades are established:

4th category - if you have a secondary (complete) general education, as well as undergoing individual training for at least 3 months without presenting work experience requirements;

33) for medical disinfector in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to Resolution of the Ministry of Labor No. 43, the following qualification requirements for pay grades are established:

4th category - secondary (complete) general education and individual training for at least 3 months; there are no work experience requirements;

5th category - if you have a secondary medical education without presenting requirements for work experience, or secondary (complete) general education and work experience in the profile of at least 2 years.

34) for a dental hygienist in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to Resolution of the Ministry of Labor No. 43, the following qualification requirements for pay grades are established:

Availability of secondary medical education in the specialty “Preventive Dentistry”:

6 - 7 categories - dental hygienist who does not have a qualification category;

7 - 8 categories - dental hygienist, who has the 2nd qualification category;

8 - 9 categories - dental hygienist, who has 1 qualification category;

9 - 10 categories - dental hygienist, who has the highest qualification category.

Junior medical staff:

35) for a junior nurse caring for patients in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to Resolution of the Ministry of Labor No. 43, the following qualification requirements for pay grades are established:

3rd category – presence of secondary (complete) general education and additional training in courses for junior nurses in patient care in the absence of work experience requirements;

4th category - secondary (complete) general education, additional training in courses for junior nurses in patient care with at least 2 years of work experience in the field.

36) for sister-hostess in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to Resolution of the Ministry of Labor No. 43, the following qualification requirements for pay grades are established:

3rd category - presence of secondary (complete) general education and additional training under a special program in the absence of work experience requirements;

4th category - secondary (complete) general education, additional training under a special program with at least 2 years of work experience in the field.

37) for a nurse (washer) In accordance with this Resolution, the following qualification requirements for pay grades are established:

2nd category - availability of primary general education and individual training for at least 3 months in the absence of work experience requirements;

3rd category - primary general education, individual training for at least 3 months with at least 2 years of relevant work experience.

Other personnel of occupational therapy workshops at healthcare institutions:

38) for an instructor of industrial training for workers in mass professions In accordance with this Resolution, the following qualification requirements for pay grades are established:

4 - 5 categories - secondary vocational education in the absence of requirements for work experience or secondary (complete) general education, special training with at least 3 years of work experience in the profile;

6 - 8 categories – presence of secondary vocational education and work experience in the profile of at least 3 years or secondary (complete) general education, special training with work experience in the profile of at least 5 years.

According to Order of the Ministry of Health No. 377, wage grades according to the Unified Tariff Schedule are established for this category of workers, taking into account the qualification category, within 5 years from the date of issuance of the order of the health authority (institution) on the assignment of the qualification category.

Three months before the expiration of the qualification category, the employee has the right to apply in writing to the certification commission to undergo re-certification in the manner established by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of August 9, 2001 No. 314 “On the procedure for obtaining qualification categories” (hereinafter referred to as Regulation No. 314).

The certification commission is obliged to review them within three months from the date of receipt of certification materials for assignment of a qualification category.

If there is a good reason, upon the proposal of the head of the institution, the period for recertification of a specialist may be postponed by three months. During this time, the employee is paid a salary based on his qualification category.

If a specialist refuses the next recertification, the previously assigned qualification category is lost from the moment the five-year period for its assignment expires.

In accordance with Regulation No. 314, upon receipt of a qualification category, professional qualification, the employee’s competence, as well as his ability to perform official duties in accordance with his position.

A specialist has the right to receive a qualification category in specialties that correspond to both the main and combined positions.

Specialists who have expressed a desire to receive a qualification category must submit the following documents to the certification commission: an application, a completed certification sheet and a work report for the last three years - for specialists with higher professional education and beyond Last year– for workers with secondary vocational education, approved by the head of the organization in which the specialist works.

The certification sheet is filled out in the form provided by Appendix No. 1 to Regulation No. 314.


1. Last name, first name, patronymic ________________________________________

2. Year of birth ________________ 3. Gender __________________________

5. Work after graduation (according to records work book and certificates

about part-time work):

(position, name of institution,


from _________ to _________ ________________________________________

from _________ to _________ ________________________________________

from _________ to _________ ________________________________________

from _________ to _________ ________________________________________

6. Work experience in healthcare institutions ___ years.

7. Specialty _________________________________________________

(according to certification profile)

8. Work experience in this specialty is _________ years.

9. Other specialties ________ Work experience - _______ years.

11. Qualification categories for other specialties


(indicate existing one, year of assignment)

12. Academic degree _________________________________________________

(year of award, diploma number)

13. Academic title ___________________________________________________

(year of award, diploma number)

14. Scientific works (printed) ________________________________________________

15. Inventions, innovation proposals, patents _________ ____

(registration numbers of certificates, date of issue)

16. Knowledge of a foreign language _____________________________________________

17. Honorary titles ________________________________________________

18. Business address, phone number _____________________________________

19. Home address, phone number _____________________________________________

20. Characteristics of a specialist:


(The effectiveness of a specialist’s activities, business and professional qualities (responsibility, exactingness, volume and level of skills, practical skills, etc.): medical errors leading to undesirable consequences, knowledge and use of deontological principles, increasing professional competence, using modern medical advances in practice, and so on. Sections of the specialty, methods, techniques that the specialist is fluent in, unique methods, techniques, technologies mastered by a specialist, etc.).

Head of the organization _____________ __________________________

Place of printing Date

21. Conclusion of an independent specialist of the certification commission on

report on the doctor’s activities:





____________________________________ ____________________________

(signature of an independent specialist) (last name, first name, patronymic)

Application for confirmation of an existing qualification category or for obtaining more highly specialist has the right to submit to the certification commission three months before the expiration of the qualification category.

In accordance with clause 2.3. Regulation No. 314, a specialist has the right:

“- obtain a qualification category in the certification commission created in accordance with these regulations;

- get acquainted with the documents submitted to the certification commission;

- receive a written explanation from the manager if the manager refuses to sign the work report;

- undergo advanced training in the specialty;

- submit an application to the Central Attestation Commission or the body under which the attestation commission was created, in case of disagreement with the decision of the attestation commission.”

To exercise the rights of specialists to obtain a qualification category, the following certification commissions can be created:

· Central Attestation Commission - the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;

· certification commissions - by health authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the Federal Department of Medical-Biological and Extreme Problems under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, centers of state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

· certification commissions in healthcare institutions, educational and scientific medical institutions - the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, other ministries and departments according to their subordination.

The structure and composition of the certification commission is determined and approved by the body under which it was created.

In its activities, the certification commission must be guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Regulation No. 314, as well as orders of the body under which it was created.

In accordance with clause 3.4. Regulations No. 314 by the certification commission:

The order, procedures and methods of work of the commission are determined;

Independent specialists are invited to provide opinions on work reports;

Submitted documents are reviewed within two months from the date of their receipt (registration);

Decisions are made on assignment, confirmation or removal of qualification categories;

A certificate of the established form is issued (Appendix No. 2), and if necessary, an extract from the order on obtaining a qualification category is provided;

Office work is underway.

A sample certificate is presented in Appendix No. 2 to Regulation No. 314.



(Full Name)


Solution __________________________________________________________

(name of the certification commission)


dated _____________________ protocol No._____________________

assigned ___________________ qualification category

by specialty _________________________________

Order _________________________________________________________________

(indicate the name of the health authority (institution))

from _________________ No.________________

________________________________ ___________________________

(position of the head of the body (last name, first name, patronymic)

(institutions) of health care)

Qualifications are assessed and recommendations are given for further professional training of a specialist by voting in the presence of at least 2/3 of the number of members of the approved composition of the certification commission. The results are determined by a majority vote of the members of the commission present, and in the event of a tie, the decision is considered to be made in favor of the specialist.

If a decision is made to assign a qualification category to a specialist who is himself a member of the certification commission, then this specialist does not participate in the voting.

The decision of the certification commission is documented in a protocol (Appendix No. 3), which is signed by the chairman of the commission, the secretary and members of the certification commission who took part in the meeting. The form of the protocol is provided for in Appendix No. 3 to Regulation No. 314.




(name of the body under which the commission was created)

No._______ Date___________

Chairman _____________________________________

Secretary ________________________________________

Members of the commission present:




Listened: About appropriation _____________________________________________________

(Full Name)

Questions for a specialist and evaluation of answers

1. __________________________ ______________________complete, incomplete, incorrect


2. __________________________ _______________________complete, incomplete, incorrect


3. __________________________ _______________________complete, incomplete, incorrect


4. __________________________ _______________________complete, incomplete, incorrect


5. __________________________ _______________________complete, incomplete, incorrect


6. _________________________________________________ complete, incomplete, incorrect


Decision of the certification commission:

Assign _______________ qualification category

(specify which one)

Confirm ______________ qualification category

by specialty _____________________________________________

(specify which one)

Remove ________________ qualification category

(specify which one)

by specialty _____________________________________________

Refuse assignment (confirmation) ________________________

Specialist __________________________________________________

(Full Name)

Certificate No.______________ of assignment (confirmation) was issued

Qualification category

(specify which one)

by specialty _________________________________________________

(specify which one)

Comments, suggestions of the certification commission ___________________



Comments, suggestions of the certified specialist __________________



Order ___________________ dated ______________ No. ___________________

Chairman of the certification commission ________ ___________________________

(signature) (last name, first name, patronymic)

Secretary of the certification commission ___________ ____________________________

(signature) (last name, first name, patronymic)

The body under which the certification commission was created issues an order to assign a qualification category to a specialist within one month. This order is brought to the attention of the specialist, as well as the head of the healthcare institution.

If a specialist disagrees with the decision of the certification commission, the latter can be appealed by the specialist to the Central Certification Commission of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in month period from the date of the decision.

More details about positions and qualification categories in medical institutions, you can read the book by the authors of BKR - INTERCOM - AUDIT JSC "Positions, tariff categories, qualification characteristics in medical and educational institutions."

It is the responsibility of any medical practitioner to improve their knowledge and skills. Certification is considered one of the methods of training, which has its own requirements and characteristics, based on the results of which specialists are assigned the appropriate category. Each category of doctors occupies a certain level in the hierarchy of the medical field.

Goal and tasks

Participation in the certification process is voluntary. In the process, the specialist’s personal worth, level of knowledge, practical skills, suitability for the position held, and professionalism are assessed.

Certification of doctors for a category carries with it a certain interest:

  1. It's prestigious. Allows you to occupy a higher position and allows you to draw the attention of management to yourself. Quite often, the categories of doctors are indicated on signs at the entrance to their office.
  2. In some cases, the highest category allows you to reduce moral or physical responsibility to the patient’s relatives. Like, if such a person could not solve the problem, then it is difficult to think what would have happened if a less experienced doctor had been in his place.
  3. Material side. Medical categories doctors and promotion through the levels of the medical hierarchy allow for an increase in the basic salary.

Types of certifications

The legislation distinguishes several types of certification activities:

  • assignment of the title “specialist” after determining theoretical and practical skills;
  • qualification category of doctors (obtaining);
  • category confirmation.

Determining the level of knowledge for the designation of a “specialist” is a mandatory step before appointment to the position of a doctor. Conducted by special commissions in postgraduate education institutions. The following candidates will be considered:

  • after internship, master's degree, residency, postgraduate study, if there is no diploma "doctor-specialist";
  • those who have not worked for more than 3 years in a narrow specialty;
  • those who did not undergo certification in a timely manner to obtain qualifications;
  • persons who are denied the opportunity to receive the second category for objective reasons.

Each doctor has the right to receive a category in several specialties at the same time, if they are related. The main requirement is work experience in the required specialization. The category of general practitioner is an exception.

Basic rules and requirements

There are second, first and highest categories of doctors. There is a rule of consistency in receiving, but there are exceptions. The requirements are discussed in the table.

Qualification category of doctors Outdated requirements Requirements for current orders
Second5 years of practicing experience or moreAt least 3 years of practical experience in the specialty
Submitting a work reportPersonal appearance, including participation in an interview, testing
FirstDepartment Head or Leadership level requiredAt least 7 years of practical experience in the specialty
Upon receipt - appearance, confirmation occurs in absentia
HigherManager position requiredMore than 10 years of practicing experience in the specialty
Personal appearance in any casePersonal appearance, including participation in report evaluation, interview, testing

Validity periods

According to the old orders, there were certain circumstances that fell into the category social benefits and allowed to extend the period of the current qualification. These included:

  • pregnancy and child care under 3 years of age;
  • a month after dismissal due to reduction;
  • business trip;
  • state of temporary disability.

On this moment benefits are not valid. The certification commission may decide to extend the validity period at the request of the head physician of the medical institution. If a doctor refuses to appear for the commission, his category is automatically removed after a five-year period from the date of assignment.


A report on the work done over the past few years, approved by the chief physician of the healthcare facility and the personnel department where the certified person works, is also filled out. Copies of documents on education, work history and assignment of current qualifications are also sent to the commission.

Attestation report

The introduction includes information about the identity of the doctor and the medical institution where he holds a position. The characteristics of the department, its equipment and staff structure, and the performance indicators of the department in the form of statistical data are described.

The main part consists of the following points:

  • characteristics of the population undergoing treatment in the department;
  • possibility of carrying out diagnostic measures;
  • carried out medical work with the indicated results for specialized diseases;
  • deaths over the past 3 years and their analysis;
  • implementation of innovations.

The conclusion of the report consists of summarizing the results, indicating possible problems and examples of their solutions, and opportunities for improvement. If published materials are available, a copy is attached. Indicated and studied over the past few years.

Points for promotion

Each specialist receives points that are used in making decisions about qualifications. They are awarded for attending conferences, including international congresses, giving lectures to colleagues or nursing staff, distance learning with obtaining a final certificate, training courses.

Additional points are awarded for the following achievements:

  • publishing of textbooks, manuals, monographs;
  • publication of an article;
  • obtaining a patent for an invention;
  • presentation at symposiums with a report;
  • speaking in institutions and the media;
  • obtaining a title;
  • defense of the thesis;
  • awards by public authorities.

Composition of the commission

The commission consists of a committee, whose work takes place during breaks between meetings, and a narrowly focused expert group, which directly conducts certification of a specialist (exam, testing). Both the committee and the expert group consist of persons holding the following positions:

  1. The chairman, who oversees the work and divides responsibilities between the members of the commission.
  2. The deputy chairman performs the functions of the chairman in full in his absence.
  3. The secretary is responsible for registering incoming documents, preparing materials for the work of the commission, and recording decisions.
  4. The deputy secretary replaces the secretary and performs his duties during absence.

Each expert group includes specialists from related specialties. For example, the category of dentist and its receipt/confirmation requires being in the group of a periodontist, orthodontist, pediatric dentist, or therapist.

Order of the meeting

Certification is scheduled no later than three months from the date of receipt of data about the specialist by the committee. If the data does not match the requirements for the latter, the documentation will be refused (no later than 2 weeks from the date of receipt). The secretary of the committee agrees with the chairman of the expert group of the required specialization on the date of the examination.

Members of the expert group review the certification documents for the category, completing a review for each of them, displaying the following data:

  • level of practical skills of a specialist;
  • participation in social projects related to the medical field;
  • availability of published materials;
  • self-education of the certified person;
  • compliance of knowledge and skills with the declared category of doctors.

The examination must take place within two weeks from the date of receipt of the report. The result of the review is an indicator of the possible outcome of the certification. The secretary informs the specialist of the date of the meeting, which includes an interview and testing. More than 70% of correct answers allow you to consider the test passed. The interview takes place by questioning the person being certified according to theory and practice, the knowledge of which must correspond to the requested qualification.

The meeting is accompanied by the preparation of a protocol, which is signed by the members of the expert group and the chairman. The final decision is noted on the qualification sheet. A specialist receives the right to retake the exam only after a year. Within 7 days, the certified person receives a document confirming the promotion, reduction or refusal to assign a category.

Extreme measures

The administration of the medical institution can send a request to the commission so that the doctor is deprived of qualifications or promoted ahead of schedule. In this case, documents are sent to justify the decision. The commission considers the issue in the presence of a specialist. Failure to appear without a valid reason allows a decision to be made in his absence.


From the date of the decision, the doctor or medical institution can appeal the result within a month. To do this, it is necessary to fill out an application specifying the reasons for disagreement and send it to the commission under the Ministry of Health.

A military doctor is not just a soldier with a medical education, but a person, regardless of external conditions, impartially and with full dedication, driven by the desire to provide assistance to all victims of armed conflicts and wars. The profession, which originated in the times of Ancient Egypt, does not lose its relevance in the 21st century, which is due to the many hot spots on the map of the earth.


A military doctor is also a medic who, due to his duty of service, is able to provide medical assistance to military and civilians, regardless of rank and status, but at the same time possesses commanding skills. The peculiarity of his work is the need to act not only in peacetime, but also in situations with a risk to life, during hostilities or armed conflicts, when it is necessary to competently organize a medical service.

The main task of a military doctor is medical support and equipping the armed forces. In peacetime, they also do not remain idle, performing the following duties:

    prevention of diseases among military personnel, prevention of epidemics;

    control and observation of compliance with sanitary standards by the composition;

    training military personnel in basic first aid skills;

    medical examinations, surgical treatment of patients and emergency operations wounded soldiers and, if necessary, their evacuation;

    supply of medications and dressings, instruments, and equipment.

Thus, the functions of military doctors are not limited to one treatment; they are much broader and include a set of measures to provide the military unit with everything necessary, i.e., to eliminate all kinds of barriers that prevent soldiers and officers from carrying out assigned combat missions.


Not all applicants who want to find a job as a doctor in a military unit will be able to do this. Applicants for this vacancy are subject to a number of requirements and conditions:

  1. Availability of higher medical education.
  2. The applicant and his close relatives have no criminal record.
  3. Emotional stability, mental health.
  4. Military training, physical development.
  5. Absence of any diseases (health contraindications).

Compliance of the applicant with all the stated criteria speaks not only of his qualifications, but also of his psychological potential, which helps to quickly and easily adapt to combat conditions and begin to carry out assigned tasks.

It is important to note that this position does not imply any restrictions on potential candidates depending on gender, except for the presence of education and special military training, so a female military doctor is no exception.

Military ranks for military medics

The medical service of the armed forces includes the following categories of workers:

    Military doctors: surgeon, dentist, sanitary doctor.

    Pharmacists, pharmacists, laboratory assistants.

    Paramedics, nurses, orderlies.

    Sanitary instructors.

Each medical worker, as specified in the Regulations on Service, regardless of whether he is in the reserve or in the Armed Forces, must have a personal military rank. Thus, a number of military ranks are provided for military personnel, which were introduced back in 1943 by the USSR NGO, depending on where the doctor performs his duties. Moreover, the conditions of appointment apply to both military medical and military veterinary personnel.

If there are medical or veterinary military specialties, the words “medical / veterinary service” are added to the corresponding military ranks.

Military ranks

Junior officers of the medical (veterinary) service:

  • Ensign;
  • lieutenant;
  • senior lieutenant;
  • captain.

Senior officers of the medical (veterinary) service:

  • major;
  • lieutenant colonel;
  • colonel.

Senior officers of the medical (veterinary) service:

  • Major General;
  • Lieutenant General;
  • Colonel General.

However, from 1935 to 1943, the titles of military doctors had a different name. Among them were the ranks of military doctors.

Thus, according to the resolution of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, military doctors could be awarded the following titles:

  1. Military paramedic.
  2. Senior military paramedic.
  3. Military doctor of the 3rd, 2nd, 1st rank.
  4. Brig doctor.
  5. Divdoctor.
  6. Korvrach.
  7. Arm doctor.

At the same time, the title “Military Doctor of the 3rd Rank” was awarded to persons with a higher medical education who had just entered or were drafted into the army.


The career of a military doctor begins with the rank of lieutenant. The assignment of subsequent ranks is carried out in accordance with the basic rules that apply to other military personnel. If a candidate for the position of a military doctor has only an education with a diploma from a civilian university, after which he also completed military service, then the rank of sergeant is the maximum that is possible.

The presence of such introductory notes only allows you to apply for the position of orderly (rank of private), paramedic (ensign) or nurse (sergeant).

In this case, a career ladder awaits only if you receive an education at a special military university, upon completion of which you will be awarded the lowest officer rank.

It is the full-time students of a medical paramilitary university who undergo both medical disciplines and a combat training course. Higher educational establishments This plan is used to receive both boys and girls. Thus, the principle of gender equality is implemented.

Moreover, interest in this profession among representatives of the fairer sex is much higher than among boys. Thus, the competition among girls at the Kirov Military Medical Academy amounted to 35 people per place, as opposed to young people, when their number did not exceed 12 people per place.

Thus, if previously military doctors were exclusively men, today among the names of colonels medical service Women's names also appear.

Having received the rank of lieutenant, citizens who graduated from a university in mandatory They must register at the military commissariat, where they will be issued a military ID. Failure to comply with this condition may result in administrative sanctions being applied to them.

Training of specialists

The main forge of military medicine personnel, starting from Soviet times, is the VmedA named after. Kirov. Three faculties (flight, sea, land) train specialists in this area. The duration of training is 6 years, after which the graduate receives a diploma and the rank of lieutenant. The next stage in education is internship.

Unlike honey. Civil universities have a strict age limit of 16-22 years for admission to the Military Medical Academy, and the full age of 16 at the time of admission must already be on August 1. An applicant who is 23 years old on July 31 will not be able to enter the academy.

The future military doctor will learn all the hardships of military service while still a student. As in other military departments, cadets at the Military Medical Academy undergo drill training; in the first two years they have barracks conditions and get up early. In addition, students wear a compulsory uniform and perform daily assignments. Moreover, the entire process is based on compliance with military discipline and physical training (skiing, running, shooting and swimming standards).

Demand and prospects

The demand for qualified specialists in the military doctor profession remains consistently high. Moreover, this is typical not only during military conflicts, but also in peacetime. A combat-ready army, along with weapons, also requires medical support to be effective.

This specialty promises great opportunities and career growth. At the same time, the doctor’s activity is not at all limited to just medical practice and allows you to engage in purely scientific activities.

Having concluded a contract, usually for 5 years, a military doctor can go into civilian medicine. To do this, you only need to undergo requalification, and even before the end of the contract. The only condition is the payment of a penalty. This includes all costs incurred by the state. A significant part of them goes to the issuance of clothing allowances, and this is a considerable amount.

The profession of a military doctor is not easy and requires not only medical knowledge, but also endurance. Moreover, military discipline is often cultivated from a young age, when the majority, starting from military lyceums, get used to military life, before entering a university.

Reasons for awarding this title

  1. For the practical use of innovative techniques in the diagnosis and treatment of the most dangerous diseases, the use of which made it possible to reduce the level of diseases and reduced the mortality rate of the population.
  2. For providing timely services preventive work and identification of diseases, for curing them early stages, as well as reducing patient rehabilitation time.
  3. For skillful combination scientific activity V various areas practical medicine.
  4. For participation in the training of talented personnel for medical institutions of the Russian Federation.
  5. For inpatient patient care and prompt provision of emergency medical care, performed with a decent degree of responsibility and high qualifications.
  6. For making new medicines, capable of replacing imported analogues.
  7. For an active position and participation in the development and implementation of high-precision latest technology in medical institutions of the Russian Federation medical equipment, capable of identifying and treating different kinds diseases on early stages their occurrence.

This title is awarded only twenty years after the start of work in the medical field, and only when the awarded person has industry incentives and awards from the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or the federal government. Such titles are awarded by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

A doctor who has received such a title can safely classify himself among the elite of our society as a whole and specifically among the professionals of the medical society, people with enormous experience and knowledge.

So does an Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation have any benefits?

If you look at the regulations on state awards of the Russian Federation, it follows from it that those medical workers who have been awarded these awards use benefits and advantages in the manner established by the law of the Russian Federation. There are no special social benefits available specifically to honored doctors of Russia. But regarding the remuneration of honored doctors of the Russian Federation, the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 377 dated October 15, 1999 (as amended as of June 21, 2002) contains information that:

  • if honorary titles, qualification categories, academic degrees are awarded, one category is added to the pay grades for doctors who have earned the honorary title “Honored Doctor”;
  • such an increase in pay grades for doctors who hold the honorary title “Honored Doctor” is accrued only at their main place of work;
  • if an employee has received two honorary titles “Honored Doctor”, then the level of remuneration is raised only on a single basis;
  • salary grades are also raised for the title “Honored Doctor of the Republic” of those republics that were part of the former Soviet Union.

There is another equally respected title, “Honored Military Specialist of the Russian Federation,” awarded to military personnel:

  • for personal merits in consolidating the country’s defense power and training young personnel;
  • for success in practicing some training and combat tasks and moves;
  • for differences in the maintenance and operation of military equipment and weapons.

This title is also awarded no earlier than 20 years from the start of service.

Calculation of insurance period

Health care workers enjoy preferential calculation of their insurance period, which depends on the place of work and the doctor’s work profile. Doctors can receive benefits on two grounds. For example, a rural surgeon will have 2 years of service for one year of work. In addition, doctors have the opportunity to retire early, having 25 years of service in a village or 30 years of work in a city, so 43-year-old rural retired doctors are quite likely.

If a medical worker is an employee of a budget institution or a young specialist, and he is in line for housing, he can take advantage of a mortgage on preferential terms, namely: no more than 8% per annum with a down payment of 10%. Compensation for utility expenses is also provided for doctors. Government program“Health development” implies privileges for doctors in any region of the country.

The preferential program does not provide any additional benefits to honored doctors of the Russian Federation, but a physician who receives this title can count on receiving the title “Veteran of Labor” while retirement age has not yet arrived. And in this case, he will be able to have the privileges of a veteran, for example, 50% on housing and communal services or free travel on public transport.

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Doctor- a specialist with completed higher medical education.

The training of doctors in the USSR is carried out in medical institutes and medical faculties of universities (see Medical education) in the following specialties: general medicine; pediatrics; dentistry; hygiene, sanitation and epidemiology. In accordance with the university diploma and primary specialization, V. are divided into therapists, surgeons, obstetricians-gynecologists, hygienists-epidemiologists, pediatricians, sports medicine doctors, pediatric surgeons, dentists, biochemists, biophysicists, which is established by nomenclatures medical specialties and medical positions in health care institutions.

A doctor holding the position of a local physician (generalist, pediatrician, etc.) provides outpatient care population in accordance with established standards for the number of people in the territorial (shop) area assigned to it (see. Medical area ). Doctor working in organs and institutions sanitary-epidemiological service in the field of hygiene (general, communal, labor, nutrition, children and adolescents, radiation), he is called a sanitary doctor, and in the field of epidemiology - an epidemiologist.

The general rights and obligations of V. are provided for by the Fundamentals of Legislation of the USSR and union republics on health care (1969), Doctor's oath Soviet Union and other legislative acts (see. Legal basis for health protection ). The rights and responsibilities of doctors, taking into account specialties and positions, are regulated by legal acts of the USSR Ministry of Health: qualification characteristics, professional job descriptions, regulations on health care institutions and positions, etc.

Persons who have received special training and have a medical diploma have the right to work as a doctor in the USSR. This requirement applies to both citizens of the USSR and foreign citizens, stateless persons permanently residing in the USSR. Doctors who have a medical diploma from a foreign higher medical educational institution and an academic degree or title, as well as medical work experience in their specialty, are allowed to practice professional activities with the permission of the USSR Ministry of Health without passing exams.

A doctor who has not worked in his profession for more than 3 years receives admission to medical practice in the manner determined by the Council of Ministers of the USSR, after completing an internship in or other appropriate health care facility. Persons who have received the title of doctor and the corresponding medical specialty are accepted for medical positions provided for in the nomenclature of positions in accordance with the specialty they received.

When hiring in medical and preventive, children's and some other institutions (sanatoriums, rest homes, boarding schools, etc.), V. undergo preliminary, and during the work period periodic medical examinations(cm. Medical checkup ) to determine their health status and ability to work in these institutions.

When hiring for medical positions, a probationary period of at least 1 year is established. The exception is young specialists, as well as doctors who were transferred to work in another locality or institution or were hired after completing clinical residency.

Young specialists with higher medical education are required to work after graduation in accordance with the assignment for at least 3 years in the institution (enterprise or organization) to which they are sent. Doctors who entered clinical residency immediately after graduating from medical school must work in a healthcare institution for at least 2 years in accordance with the assignment of the ministry (department). In the vast majority of cases, the administration enters into an employment contract with the doctor for an indefinite period; V. has the right to terminate it at any time by notifying the administration in writing two months in advance.

Upon conclusion employment contract for a certain period or for the duration of certain work, it can be terminated only if there are good reasons. The contract can be concluded for temporary (up to 2 months) and seasonal (up to 6 months) work.

Doctors are allowed to work part-time both in different medical institutions and within one institution, but in no more than two positions with payment based on the actual working time spent, and the total earnings for the main and combined work should not exceed one and a half times the rate for the main position , except as provided by law. It is not considered part-time work to perform the duties of temporarily absent doctors (illness, vacation, business trip, etc.), as well as consultants of medical institutions in the amount of no more than 12 h per month with one-time payment and some other types of work. Part-time work in some professions is permitted to V., provided that during the established duration of the working day they fulfill the duties of the main and combined work in a high-quality and timely manner. Substitution work is carried out in excess of the standard working time established for the substitute for the main job and only with his consent.

V.’s move to another job is possible without changing his position, specialty, salary, benefits, advantages and other essential conditions labor; transfer from one structural unit to a similar one (according to the profile) is permitted without the consent of the doctor. A transfer of V. to another job is considered to be a change in his specialty or position, the profile of a structural unit, benefits and advantages, or other significant working conditions in the same institution, as well as a move from one area to another, at least together with the institution. Transfer to another job is carried out by the administration only with the voluntary consent of the doctor, with the exception of temporary transfer for a period of up to one month in the same institution or in another, but in the same area in cases of production necessity, to prevent or eliminate a natural disaster, industrial accident, in case of accidents, epidemics and pandemics, etc., as well as to replace an absent employee in case of downtime and as a disciplinary sanction.

In cases where incompetence is revealed, V. may be subject to verification through certification or assignment of probationary experience at a medical institution at the discretion of the health authorities. Based on the results of the certification, the commission may recognize V. as unsuitable for the position held or conditionally appropriate. V.’s certification system provides for taking into account the results of postgraduate training based on the recommendations of advanced training institutes on compliance with a particular category and discussion of candidates for doctors in labor collectives. The Higher Certification Commission of the USSR Ministry of Health deals with the issues of early certification of doctors who have committed irresponsibility, negligence, abuse of official position and other serious violations that do not entail criminal liability.

The doctor is obliged to provide medical and preventive care to the population, including preventive measures,

diagnostics, treatment, examination of work ability and rehabilitation in accordance with their specialty and position. In cases requiring emergency and emergency care, V. must provide first medical aid to the person in need, wherever he is and at whatever time he needs it. For persons who have suffered from accidents or who, as a result of a sudden illness, find themselves in a condition requiring urgent medical care, this assistance must be provided immediately, regardless of the position and specialty of the doctor. If an epidemic infectious disease, acute food or occupational poisoning is detected, V. must within 12 h notify the territorial SES about this. The doctor must maintain medical confidentiality.

The doctor reports every case of serious bodily injury, murder, and suicide known to him to the appropriate law enforcement agencies.

A doctor may be involved in examining persons conscripted for military service and in conducting forensic medical examinations. In cases that threaten a person’s life, V. can use free of charge any of the types of transport available in the given situation to travel to the patient’s location or to transport him to the nearest medical institution.

The doctor has the right to use only those methods of diagnosis, prevention, treatment and those medicinal products that are authorized by the USSR Ministry of Health, and new scientifically based, but not yet approved for general use, methods and means - only in the manner established by the USSR Ministry of Health, exclusively in the interests of the patient and with his consent, and in relation to patients under sixteen years of age and mentally ill - with the consent of their parents, guardians or trustees. Surgical operations are performed in the same order complex methods diagnostics, except in cases where delay in establishing a diagnosis or performing a surgical operation threatens the life of the patient, and it is not possible to obtain the consent of these persons.

Failure to provide medical care without good reason by a person obligated to provide it by law is punishable by correctional labor for a term of up to one year or a fine of up to 100 rubles, public censure or influence, and in cases involving grave consequences - imprisonment for a term of up to two years and a ban on professional activity for up to 3 years.

The doctor is allowed to deal with individual labor activity, join cooperatives (see Medical cooperative ), engaged in diagnosis, consultation and treatment of citizens (carrying out invasive diagnostic research methods, surgical operations, incl. abortions, treatment of infectious and venereal diseases, observation and treatment of pregnant women and drug addicts are prohibited).

Persons engaged in medical practice, but not admitted to this activity in accordance with the established procedure and who do not have the title of doctor, are subject to criminal liability. Practicing healing as a professional activity by persons without medical education is punishable by imprisonment for a term of up to two years or correctional labor, or a fine of up to 300 rubles; measures of social influence are also applied. The practice of healing as a profession is understood as the systematic activity of persons for material remuneration, if it is the main or additional source of income.

The nature and type of medical care provided to the V. population are determined by its specialty, position and type of health care institution (outpatient, inpatient, ambulance,

sanatorium-resort, sanitary-preventive, forensic medical examination).

Retraining, improvement and specialization are carried out through institutes and faculties for advanced training of doctors, clinics of medical and research institutes, republican, regional, regional, city hospitals, scientific and clinical centers and complexes (cardiology, oncology, cancer, ophthalmology, etc.). The frequency of advanced training is once every five years (for those working in rural areas - once every three years). Improvement of qualifications and deepening of knowledge is facilitated by the participation of doctors in the work of medical scientific societies, medical congresses, conferences, symposiums, and the publication of periodical medical journals and literature in their specialty.

Requirements for professional training of V. are determined by the qualification characteristics for the relevant specialty, approved and periodically revised by the USSR Ministry of Health and the USSR Committee on Public Education: they contain General requirements to a specialist, a list of required knowledge and skills.

To remunerate V., a monthly system is used; the work of medical consultants in health care institutions is paid daily and hourly. An increase in official salaries is provided for with the assignment of a qualification category. The first category is received by V. with at least 7 years of experience, having practical experience and good theoretical training, highest category- with at least 10 years of experience. Salaries increase if you have an academic degree of candidate or doctor of science, or an honorary title. Additional wages are provided to V. for combining professions, part-time and substitute work, for periods of duty in excess of the monthly working hours, for night work, etc. For achievement best results in work and improving the quality of medical care V. may receive bonuses. V.'s labor protection is provided for in the Fundamentals of the legislation of the USSR and union republics on labor, on health care, in the labor codes of the union republics, the Regulations on the rights of the trade union committee of enterprises, institutions, organizations, Model rules of internal labor regulations and in other legal acts, in incl. and the USSR Ministry of Health. The working day of V. medical and preventive and sanitary institutions is 6.5 h. Doctors of outpatient clinics engaged exclusively in outpatient treatment of patients, doctors of VTEK and VKK, dentists, doctors working on medical generators (UHF) with a power of over 200 Tue, the working day is set to 5.5 h. Irregular working hours of doctors-heads of healthcare institutions and departments, their deputies, statisticians, etc. are compensated additional leave lasting up to 12 working days. Additional leave (3 days) is provided to local doctors, emergency doctors, air ambulance doctors for continuous work for more than 3 years in one institution and some other categories of doctors.

Doctors who have a long history of excellent work can be awarded the “Excellence in Healthcare” badge.

One of higher forms recognition by the state and society of the doctor’s merits - awarding honorary titles: “People’s Doctor of the USSR”, “Honored Doctor of the Republic”, “Honored Health Worker of the Republic” .