Competitions on September 1 for adults. Scenario of a game program for first-graders “first-class first of September with rose Barboskina”


The girl is a hooligan and doesn’t like school.

The boy is a nerd and loves to study.

The boy Petya comes on stage. Stand in the middle of the stage in a shirt and trousers. The music begins, cheerful and perky. The girls run out, put his jacket on him, take out his briefcase, and begin to collect his briefcase. They gathered and ran away.

P.- Hello boys and girls, we are glad to welcome you today to our holiday! Does everyone know what day it is today?

Children answer “day of knowledge”

P.- Absolutely right with Today, students and teachers traditionally celebrate the Day of Knowledge - September 1!
The first school bell rings across the country, announcing the start of the new school year! In any educational institution From this day the new school year begins - a special, solemn, wise holiday. Knowledge is power! Learning is one of the greatest human needs. Learn, enrich our country with knowledge! The Day of Knowledge!

The girl Sveta comes out.

D. – Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! And so every year. How can? What's special about this holiday???! NOTHING! Bored at school, are you forced to study? They give two! And who likes getting bad marks? They ask a lot. They force you to read, but everyone loves to read? Well, you see, that’s why I won’t go to school this year. I'd rather go for a walk every day and have fun!

P.-Who are you?

D.I am the most cheerful, mischievous and hooligan girl Katya!

P.– it’s immediately obvious that I didn’t go to school! Weren't you taught good manners? Would you like to say hello to the guys?

D.- A! This?! It's so easy!

Hello guys! Boys and girls!
I greet you from the bottom of my heart, dear kids!
Comrades, adults, hello to you too!
And I have no more greetings.
However, why not?
Once again I say to everyone, everyone, everyone: “Hello!”

Why is it so unfriendly? Not hot - not cold, not wet - not dry, not bitter - not sweet, not wobbly - not wobbly? Let's say hello in an unusual way. When I say: “Hello!” - all the boys will shout: “Fireworks!” - and wave to me. Let's try. Hello!

The boys are greeted.
Girls, I suggest you say hello in French, like this: “Bonjour!” - and send it to me air kiss. So, let's rehearse. Hello!
The girls are greeted.
Dear adults, mothers and fathers, grandparents, uncles and aunts, I ask you to say hello in the Eastern way. To do this, you need to fold your palms in front of your chest, make a small bow and say: “Salaam alaikum!” Hello!
Adults welcome.
Now let’s all say hello together, but each in his own way. Boys – “Salute!”, girls – “Bonjour!”, adults – “Salaam alaikum!”,
We said hello very well,
Now let's have some fun,
We will sing, joke, play
And, of course, dance.

P. – that’s a great way to say hello, but we never met!

My name is Petya! And this, as we understand, is Katya’s most important fidget. But we don’t know your names, let’s now shout your names loudly one, two, three times! One two Three…

So, is everyone ready for school? (Yes)

D.- what can you learn at this school?!

- If you agree, say in unison: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!”
If you don't agree, keep quiet.
*Which of you is always ready to live life without teachers?
- This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.
*Who wants to be a scientist,
Cheerful, slim and cheerful?
*Who among you does not walk gloomily,
Loves sports and physical education?
*Who is not afraid of frost,
Does he skate like a bird?
*Well, who will start lunch?
From imported chewing gum, sweets?
*Who loves tomatoes?
Fruits, vegetables, lemons?
*Who has eaten and brushes his teeth
Every day twice a day?
*Which of you, from the kids,
Walking around dirty from ear to ear?
*Who, according to the schedule
Doing physical exercises?

P. - oh, but do you like physical education??

D. - yes, but what?

P. – then let’s all do some exercises together now?

D. – can I please do some exercises!? I love exercises so much! Are you guys ready???

Hands to the heels and to the ears on the knees and to the shoulders to the sides on the waist up, and now a cheerful laugh hihihi hahaha how good everyone was and laughed from the heart, once they clapped their hands, two stomped their feet, three four pulled themselves up and smiled at each other!

P.- well done
Guys, but physical education is not the most important thing they teach at school, but the most important thing they teach at school is reading, writing, and counting. Do you want to be able to write, count and read? (Yes!) Maybe someone already knows how? (Yes!) Let's check! Can you guys count? Until when? Up to a million! Let's do this. I will read you a funny “mathematical” poem, and you help me!

Once a bunny ran along the plains -
And that means the bunny was... (alone)
The hare ran to him,
Then there were only... (two) birds.
Another one is running - look!
Now there are hares... (three)
A new hare rushes:
“The path is wider for me!” -
So, therefore, there are already... (four)
Bah, here he is running alone again,
So, that means there are now hares... (five)

The counting game is played several times, each time getting faster.

You see how well our children can count.

D.- So then why do they go to school?! And so everyone knows - I can’t understand. What else can you teach them?!

P.- Well, whatever! for example, attention! Dolphin game (I'll explain along the way, you know her)
There are still many, many interesting subjects and lessons at school! Physical education, drawing...

D.- yes, but do they teach dancing there? But I know how, do you want me to teach you?

Dancing: little ducklings.

I also have a friend who will teach you how to dance even better!

Then meet me! Dolphin moment.

Dance marathon.

P.- well done guys danced with all their hearts! Can you solve the riddles? Just be careful.

Puzzles.the girl is confused in her answers.

D.- what smart guys. But I didn’t guess a single one.

P.- Don’t be upset, it’s better to go to school with me and the guys.

D. – will you take me with you?

P. - won't you go for a walk?

D. – no honestly, honestly!

P. - Well, guys, let's take her to school with us?

D. – Well, today is a holiday, isn't it? And I invite everyone to start having fun and playing together now! All agree? Yes! Great. Well, the sports ground is open for you today! Also for those who want to compete with our friends in knowledge. Our friends are waiting for you... here and there. Well, what would a holiday be without colorful faces. Artists work for you near the stage, but they are not ordinary ones and will be able to decorate your face according to your desire. I will also be waiting for young artists near the stage for drawings on the asphalt.

Guys, our holiday has come to an end, and it’s time for us to go. But that’s not all for you, from 16:00 to 17:00 courtyards will be open on Nekrasova Street 1a, Sovkhoznaya 7, and behind the Lapland cafe we ​​will be glad to see you at our courtyards.

The first of September for first-graders is an exciting and solemn day, and it would be good if the adults around them: teachers and parents try to fill it with positive emotions and vivid impressions. In addition to the ceremonial assembly, getting to know the school and the first lessons, we advise you to organize a small celebration, and refreshments are not necessary, because every first-grader will probably have a delicious feast at home with his family, but a small one with gifts and active fun games and competitions is what necessary. We offer a new scenario game program for first-graders “FIRST-CLASS 1st September with Rosa Barboskina”, which can be arranged right at school and on your own. One of the teachers or parents (or a guest animator) can act as the presenter.

Why Rosa Barboskina? Yes because , What heroes of your favorite and popular animated films as presenters - the most the best option for children's party. Children recognize their favorite characters and respond well to everything that he (or rather, the presenter dressed as this character) offers and arranges. If it is not possible to purchase a full-fledged cartoon character costume, then you can get by with just a few accents of clothing (hairstyle). All you need to do is put on a white wig with ponytails and a pink T-shirt, and cartoon music, characteristic behavior and recognizable phrases will complement the image and create the necessary atmosphere.

Duration of the event: 2 - 2.5 hours.

Full musical accompaniment- in the folders MUSIC FOR SCRIPT 1 and MUSIC FOR SCRIPT 2

A set of medals to choose from- in the folder MEDALS FOR FIRST GRADES

(Archive folders and text can be downloaded at the end of the full version of the script)

Scenario for first-graders "FIRST-CLASS 1st September with Rosa Barboskina"

While the children are gathering in the room (classroom, hall), it sounds in the background Track 1, 2, 3.The music at the very beginning should be less recognizable to children, so that the moment the hero comes out is a surprise for them. When the children take their seats, the program begins.

Sounds loud Track 4.

Rosa Barboskina runs out. She has a handbag hanging on her shoulder. The bag contains various girly accessories: a headband, hairpins with a bow, bracelets. Rosa runs up to the guys, says hello, and dances. Then he takes out his phone (Lyphone) and takes a selfie with the first-graders (a couple of pictures is enough). The music fades out.

Rosa Barboskina: Hello my dears! How cute you all are! ( Surprised). Why are you all so the same? ( He approaches the guys and looks at the school uniform). Your shirts are kind of strange, all white. Sundresses of the same color. Didn’t you know that you would come to Rosa Barboskina’s party? ( Children's answers). - It’s okay, we’ll fix everything now!!!

Sounds Track 5.

Rosa Barboskina begins to decorate the children. Gives the boys air balloons gel balls, and puts on the girls bracelets, headbands, and hairpins. The music fades out.

(Note from the author: You can also arrange face painting for children in the style of the cartoon “Barboskiny”, which will be carried out by professionals ordered in advance. So that this moment does not drag on, let the makeup be symbolic, and there will be several makeup artists).

Dating game for first graders "Hello"

Rosa Barboskina: Now it's a different matter! What am I, well done! The boys look brighter, and the girls are absolutely beautiful, you can immediately see that they came to have fun! Let’s now, at my command, release the balloons and shout to the holiday and to each other: “Hello!”

One two Three!

(the guys release the balls and shout).

Rosa Barboskina: Well, it's so unfriendly, let's do it again

(plays a musical game for getting to know each other)

- Come on, stand up and look.

Who did the audience gather today?

Guys, teachers and parents!

Is no one late?

Then we can First class

Let's start the party!

Now let's follow me together

Repeat the movements!

Track 6 is playing- the presenter shows different greeting movements, everyone repeats after her.

. The phone rings.

Track 7 sounds - Rose takes her favorite Lifephone out of her purse.

Rose: Sorry, phone number. A friend is calling. Hello. Hi friend. I haven't forgotten anything. I know that today is September 1st. How is Knowledge Day? First class?! (stretches out the word, speaks syllables) Briefcase? No. I don’t know, and I don’t know this either. Oh, mommies!!! (Rosa anxiously puts the phone into her purse).- You, why didn’t you tell me that you came to Moscow for the first time today? And why is this so responsible? What to do? How scary! ( panics, runs around the hall in different directions).


Rose: Eureka! I remembered that somewhere Gena had an encyclopedia book “How to become a first-grader?” Where is she?

Sounds Track 5. - Rose runs and looks for a book, looks under chairs, asks parents and children. Finally, he finds a previously hidden book………

- Team competition "Collect a briefcase"

(A fun, active team competition with the participation of all first-graders)

To conduct this competition You need two chairs on which there are briefcases or backpacks, two empty boxes and two boxes with various items, among which there must be school supplies, but also a lot of unnecessary props, toys, and sweets. It is advisable that each box contains items no less than ½ of the number of students. Among the items may be: pen, pencil, ruler, pyramid, chips, doll, notebooks, pencil case, textbook, cover, etc. Please note that the more things there are in the box, the more fun and difficult it is for schoolchildren to collect a briefcase.....


- Unity game "Tour of the school"

(A game for unity and raising a festive mood, which can also be used for children to actually remember the location of the class. Lisa shows the movements, everyone repeats, when in the opposite direction, it is better to speed up the pace, it will be more interesting)

Rose: Do you know the wonderful news that you got into a first-class school? (Yes)

Do you know that this school is great to study in, but an inexperienced first-grader can get lost in it? (Yes)

Then let's take a tour of it, smile at each other to make it more fun (everyone smiles)

So, you came to school for the first time and are looking with your eyes, where is your home class? (captain's gesture - hand over eyes and everyone looks right and left).........................

- Competition "Fun Counting"

Entertaining and educational competition. Number of participants 17.

To get the full version with musical accompaniment, it is enough to contribute a small amount (350 rubles) to the site development fund. - conditions and details on the AUTHOR'S SCENARIOS page

P.S. Dear users, the document below presents detailed information about how to get full version this scenario.

(download by clicking on the document)

HOW TO GET SCRIPT number 28- FIRST-CLASS 1st September.docx

The presenter for such games can be dressed up in an autumn costume, or in a costume of the letter “A”, and if there are two presenters, then the best characters for them are Znayka and Dunno. To help kids remember the names of school subjects, we divided the games into appropriate topics.
So, the first topic is mathematics.
"Proverbs with numbers." To warm up, children should remember as much as possible more proverbs and sayings in which numbers appear. To do this, you can divide the participants into teams, or simply name the proverbs one by one.
"Counting in a circle." This game is not suitable for first-graders; slightly older children are needed. The rules are as follows: everyone stands in a circle and must take turns calling numbers from 1 to 70. But there is one condition - you cannot name numbers containing the number 7 (for example, 27), or numbers that are divisible by 7 (for example, 14 or 42) . Instead of such a number, you just need to say “by.” The wrong player leaves the circle and the game continues.
"Triangle, circle, square." Two teams of 12 people each participate. All participants move randomly to the music until the presenter loudly announces any of these figures - a triangle, a circle or a square. Teams must quickly form this figure; the team that does it faster wins.
Now Russian language.
"Word Game" The presenter takes turns throwing the ball to the children, while calling out any letter. And the child must immediately come up with a word starting with this letter and throw the ball back. A player who does not say the word within 10 seconds is eliminated from the game.
"Alphabet". For this game, children are divided into two teams with the same number of participants. At the leader’s signal, they must line up in a row alphabetically, that is, by the initial letter of their first or last name. The first team to complete the correct formation wins.
"Guess the word". The presenter makes a guess about some object from the environment, and tells the children what letter this word is, and how many letters it contains. The child who first guesses what the object is wins. The game can be repeated several times.
“Complete the word.” Participants are divided into several teams of 4-5 people. Each team receives a piece of paper with ten syllables (for example, KA-, BI-, MO-, RU-, PO-, SA-, and so on). Players must add another syllable as quickly as possible to make 10 whole words. The team that completes the task faster wins.
Next topic – the world.
"Forest, swamp, lake." For this game you need to delimit three zones, for example, by drawing circles on the ground, or simply placing chairs in the room. One zone is a forest, the second is a swamp, the third is a lake. The presenter loudly names any animal or plant, and the participants of the game run to the area where, in their opinion, it is found. For example, if the presenter says “frog,” then the players must run into the circle indicating the “swamp,” and those who run into the “forest” or “lake” are eliminated from the game.
"Movement of Molecules." If children, due to their age, do not yet know what atoms and molecules are, then the presenter popularly explains to them that atoms are tiny particles, from which molecules are formed, and that these molecules can contain two, three, or five atoms. The game is as follows: all participants move randomly around the site, depicting “atoms”. Here the presenter calls a number, for example: “a molecule of three atoms” - then the participants must quickly break into triplets, holding hands. When the leader says: “The reaction is over,” the “molecules” again break down into “atoms” and the game continues. Players who are not included in the “molecules” are temporarily eliminated from the game, but can return to it after one formation.
"Rivers, cities, seas." The children line up in a row, and the leader counts, pointing to each one in turn: “rivers, cities, seas, rivers, cities, seas...”. When the leader suddenly stops, the one he pointed to must name the river, city or sea, depending on which word the leader stopped on.
And of course, physical education.
"Three, thirteen, thirty." The presenter explains and shows the children that when they say “three” they should stretch their arms forward, “thirteen” - spread their arms to the sides, “thirty” - put their hands on their belts. Then the presenter begins to quickly call out the numbers, while showing movements that everyone repeats. Then, to confuse the children, the presenter calls a number, while making a movement corresponding to another number. Inattentive participants who repeat the wrong movement are eliminated from the game.

The most popular games in the world are children's games for developing thinking. Who else but a child studies the world non-verbally? Our collection of useful entertainment for children will be useful to both teachers and parents of children.

Outdoor games for children

1. Holiday games for children from 3 to 6 years old

Original fun for entertaining small children under 6 years old. They will help you meet, make friends and have fun.
One of the most memorable events in a child’s life is, as a rule, holidays with the family.


Very often children and people who do not always know each other gather at holidays. And in order to turn acquaintance into a fun performance, there is the game “Introduction”. It can be played with a ball, a balloon, or any object that can be easily passed around. All guests form a kind of circle and, throwing the ball, introduce themselves. Adults can even somehow veil their presentation to intrigue children.


This game is great for developing a child's accuracy. Every home has old scribbled paper and magazines. We crush each leaf separately into lumps, the so-called “snowballs”. Select a basket or any other container and, one by one, everyone throws their “snowballs” into it.

"Giants and Lilliputians"

The game is very simple and consists in the fact that when the presenter says “giants”, everyone stands up, and when “Lilliputians” everyone sits down. The whole point is that the “presenter” can say completely different, but similar words instead of any of the words. For example, leaves, lilies, and so on.


You can buy ready-made ones in the store, or you can make them yourself. Make large multi-colored petals, the number of which should match the number of guests. And on each petal and center you need to write with reverse side, what needs to be done: read a poem, sing a song, ditty, etc.


Playing charades or riddles brings people together and helps them relax their arms and legs. Of course, it is necessary to focus on most age category children. Riddles about animals, nature, and seasons are a win-win.

"Snow Fight"

The “snowballs” made, which were mentioned earlier, can be useful in this game. All the celebrants are divided into teams and “knock out” each other with “snowballs”. The winner is the team with the most remaining players. Fun and moments of happiness are guaranteed.


All players move randomly around the room. And the player who is chosen by the “photographer” says “stop”. No one should move. If someone falters, then he becomes a “photographer”.


The game is very active, a great distraction from pressing problems, and is very good for training coordination. The main thing is that there are enough pillows for the game. The two face each other and start playing. At first the battle is on one leg. And the loser is the one who cannot stand it and stands on both legs. The loser is replaced by the player who won in the other pair. And the “battle” continues until the absolute winner.

2. Family games with children from 1 to 3 years old

Games for the little ones. For attention, combating shyness and developing vocabulary.
Family games with children are not just entertainment and a pleasant pastime. This is still the most Right way to learning and very effective.

The most common games are nursery rhymes. Thanks to poems and songs, bright emotional colors, special tactile and vestibular sensations arise. At first glance, these games are simple and uncomplicated, but in fact they carry enormous potential for the development of the baby. The child’s vocabulary, emotional liberation develops, and the ability to move synchronously with a partner develops. In addition, thanks to the simple texts, the games are easy for children to remember.


It is very good if other children play with your family. Everyone stands in a circle and begins to spin around themselves and in a circle, imitating a carousel. The “leader” begins to read, and everyone else repeats in action what he says: “More and more quietly, quietly, quietly, the carousel is spinning. First to the right, and then to the left. It's spinning faster. First to the right, and then to the left. And again to the right, and again to the left. Everything is faster, faster, faster. Even quieter, quieter, quieter the carousel spins. And for once or twice she should stop.” The sequence of movements can be completely different. The duration is also usually determined by the activity of the players. It is necessary that children follow the speech and do not get bored, do not “absent” in the game, but take an active part.

“We raise our hands together”

Everyone stands in pairs facing each other. It's starting. “Now we are raising our hands. Then we lower the handles. Now we raise our hands and clench our fists tightly. We will stamp our feet, we will clap our hands. We lower our arms, stomp stomp with our legs, clap clap with our arms.” Similar to Carousel, the sequence and duration depend on the activity of the child or children.

"Find your soul mate"

This game is aimed at developing logic, thinking and attention. Take 2 identical sets of pictures or photographs. Cut one set in half. We place the whole image and one true half in front of the baby, as well as 3-5 additional halves. The child must be able to find the 2nd half in accordance with the whole image. If the child is good at finding pictures, then you can try to remove the whole picture, leaving only the halves.

"Playing with a finger puppet"

You can buy interestingly designed ready-made finger puppets, or you can make them yourself from old gloves. The fingers of the gloves are cut off and a doll is made from each one. Hair, eyes, lips are sewn or embroidered. If you wish, you can also come up with clothes. Ready-made dolls are placed on the fingers of adults and children (children). The adults start. Their dolls can crawl out from under the table, start dancing, singing, doing whatever they want. And it is necessary to gradually involve the child’s doll in the action. The game allows you to develop the baby’s speech, attentiveness, the child’s shyness is being combated, and speech is developing.

3. Games to develop attention

Do you want to test your attention and attentiveness? Offer your guests an interesting game.

There is probably no person on earth who does not like to play. Some people like board games, others active ones. Why does the game attract us? To answer this question, think back to when you first started playing? Well, of course, in very early childhood. A person learns this the same time he begins to walk and talk. The ability and desire to play remains with him throughout his life.

But for an adult, play is not nearly as important as for a child. For us this is just a favorite pastime, but for a child it is hard, tedious work that requires enormous physical and mental stress. With the help of play, children explore the world and learn to live in it, master different models of behavior, and comprehend any new knowledge received from parents and educators.

Play for a child is a way of adapting to our world, a rehearsal for adulthood. If you take a closer look at what children most often play, you can understand that they are playing at us. Children surprisingly accurately copy the behavior of adults, interpreting any activity or event in a way that is accessible to them.

However, by playing alone or only with peers, the child will not receive all the benefits that play can bring - his main activity at this age. The game performs many different functions. Along with educational and entertaining, one of the most important among them is developmental. Games aimed at developing skills, abilities, and cognitive processes help prepare the child for school, in the most effective acquisition of new knowledge. By training the child’s perception, attention, and memory, we lay the foundation for enriching the future student’s erudition; By developing speech, thinking and imagination, we help to learn how to summarize and analyze the information received, draw conclusions, and use knowledge effectively.

Parents and kindergarten teachers can play with children; some games are designed for a large number of participants, some for 2-3 people. All games are suitable for indoors, most of them do not require a large space; the majority of them do not require special training or sophisticated equipment.


Attention is one of the most important cognitive processes. It provides the most effective perception of information. Attention children before school age unstable: the child cannot maintain concentration for more than 7-10 minutes, quickly switches to a new, brighter stimulus. Therefore, games aimed at activating this process should not be long, and stimuli should often replace each other.


5-7 people play.
How to play: Players sit in a circle. The driver says: “Tomorrow I will go to the left bank of the Yellow River. It’s fashionable to wear there…” and names some item of clothing of his neighbor on the left. Then he asks him: “Will you go with me to the left bank of the Yellow River? What is fashionable to wear there? He quickly, without hesitation, answers: “I’ll go.” It’s fashionable there now…” and names a piece of clothing from his neighbor on the left. If he named the clothes correctly, the driver says: “Yes, you will go to the left bank of the Yellow River.” If the player makes a mistake, he is told that he will not go. Then the driver asks the same questions to other players.
Condition: players must answer questions quickly, without looking at their neighbor for a long time.


10-15 people play.
Equipment: jump rope.
Progress of the game: All players say in unison: “Tick-tock, tick-tock.” Two of them twirl the rope in the same rhythm, the rest line up. The first player jumps rope once, the second – twice, the third – three, etc.
If a player makes a mistake in counting or gets lost while jumping, he must replace one of those holding the rope. In this case, the counting will start over. The players' task is to jump as long as possible without losing their way.


10 or more people play.
How to play: Players sit in a circle. The driver goes around everyone and asks what they called themselves or gives everyone the names of fruits.
Then he sits down in the center of the circle and begins the game: “As I walked through the garden, I saw trees with beautiful apples and pears.” After hearing the names of their fruits, players change places. At this moment, the driver is trying to take the place of one of them. If he succeeds, the player left without a place becomes the driver.
When the words “fruit basket” appear in the story, all the players turn in a circle.


5 or more people play.
How to play: Players stand in a row. The driver gives commands, for example: “Those whose name ends in “-sha,” clap your hands” or “Who has Blue colour in clothes, turn around.” Children who recognize their objects follow the command. If a player does not execute a command on time or executes it when it should not, then he takes a step back. Those who remain in their place win.
Rule: If a player starts to perform a movement incorrectly, he moves back.


5-10 people play.
Inventory: Whistle.
How to play: Children stand at the back of each other's heads, holding the person in front of them by the waist, and quickly walk in a straight line. The driver gives signals with a whistle: one whistle - turn right, two whistles - turn left. At the signal, the front player turns in the right direction. If he makes a mistake, he must take a place at the back of the column, and the “locomotive” is led further by the next player.


7 or more people play.
How to play: Players sit in a row. The far right player is right, and the left player is left hand They place them on their knee, the rest - on the knees of their neighbors. One of the outside players slaps his hand on his knee. Following him, everyone should clap their hands one after another as they lie - in a wave. If a player claps at the wrong time or misses his turn, he removes his hand and during the next wave must say his name instead of clapping. The winners are those who have never made a mistake.

Dwarfs and giants

5 or more people play.
How to play: Participants stand in a circle with a leader in the center. When he says “dwarfs,” everyone must squat down, and when he says “giants,” the children must stand up and raise their hands. If a player makes a mistake, he is out of the game. The last one standing wins.
Rule: The driver can drawl his words.


5 or more people play.
Progress of the game: Participants stand in a line. The driver names the words. If they represent objects or animals that can fly, the players clap their hands. A player who claps at the wrong time or fails to clap when needed takes a step back. The one who remains in his place wins.


3 teams of 5-7 people play.
Progress of the game. Players are divided into 3 teams - “squirrels”, “hares”, “mice”. One or two players not included in the team become " hunting dogs" At a distance of 5 m, three hoops are placed - animal houses. In the middle between them there is another one - the house of “dogs”. The driver gives a command, for example: “Squirrels are mice!” The named teams must exchange houses. At this time, the “dogs” catch them. They take the caught players to their house. If someone wants to help them out, then during a change of house he can run up and touch them, then they are considered free. The driver can give the following signal: “Mice - squirrels - hares!”, Then all three teams must exchange houses, and the players must be careful not to end up on someone else’s team.


5 or more people play.
Progress of the game: The driver is selected. The rest of the participants stand in a circle and extend their arms, palms up. The driver, who is in the center of the circle, suddenly tries to slap someone on the hand, he must have time to remove it. If the driver succeeds, he remains in his place. If the player does not have time to withdraw his hand, he becomes the driver.

4. Logic games for children (artistic thinking)

We develop children's artistic thinking through exciting games.

Unfortunately, few parents pay attention to the development of their child’s logic, but in vain. A creative personality is a rarity today.

Everyone has long known that every child can achieve anything in life in the future with proper development personalities by parents now. Every child has almost all possible talents, the main thing is that parents want to develop all areas and hone all facets of the little “diamond”.

The earlier you start taking care of your child, the high altitudes he can achieve in the future. When exactly to start depends only on the parents and their attitude towards their child.


It is one of the simplest. Aimed at developing an associative way of thinking. The game is designed for preschool children, but adults can also take part in it. It is most convenient to organize it on a cloudy day on fresh air. It is necessary to draw an analogy between the figures from the clouds and real things. It is most convenient to play it in the summer, lounging on your back, on the lawn. You can play this game at home. Without hesitation, cut out clouds from paper, place them on the wall and look for similarities with real objects.


Allows you to increase your knowledge and display your artistic abilities. Parents show figures and dances, and children must accurately repeat what they observe. When doing actions, you need to pronounce some events. For example: by curtsying, you can say that you are at a ball. Your child's repetition of your movements should not be mechanical and soulless. All actions must be “live”. The child should imagine himself as a gentleman waving a sword, a dancer at a ball, and so on. Thanks to the so-called mini-performance, creative potential is revealed, which will be useful in absolutely any area of ​​life and work, no matter what the little person chooses in the future.

"Gift from the Forest"

The good thing about the game is that it can be played by an audience of different ages and an unlimited number of people. To play the game you will need plasticine, cones, acorns, pebbles, needles, chestnuts and the like. The task of the game is to depict the landscape that their imagination draws. If this game captivates your child, then there will be no limit to the flight of your and his imagination.


This game is aimed at developing unconventional thinking. All players gather in one room, for example a room. By means of a counting rhyme or lot, one person is selected to leave the room. The rest of the players at this time think of a person or animal. After which, the player who was removed returns. His task is to find out, through leading questions, what the group has in mind. One question is asked to one person. For example: “He has a big nose? “Does he have a tail?” and so on. The game continues until it is guessed what the group wished for. And the one on whom the game stopped becomes the “guessing” player.

"Who am I?"

The child must recognize an object by its shadow. If you are good at making interesting finger figures, then this will be very intriguing for a child. And so you need to find simple objects that the child will be able to guess: a mug, a saucepan, a spoon, a fork, and the like.
A similar game using blots. You can take ink or regular paints and put blots on a sheet of paper. And everyone will have to guess what each of the blots resembles. Maybe, thanks to the general imagination, a fairy tale will turn out.

"Guess the Emotion"

The game is useful for children who are very shy. Through play, the child is liberated, the results will be noticeable very soon. It is better if adults take the leading role first. Not everyone can make faces in public. The goal of the game is to guess the emotion portrayed by the presenter. And the one who guesses begins to show emotion. Emotions should be shown in a pompous, caricatured way. At the end of the game, you can come up with some kind of scene with a vivid display of emotions, in which absolutely all the players will participate.

5. Logic games for children (games to develop intuition)

Intuition develops from childhood. Invite children to play unusual games.

Children learn about the world through hearing, sight, touch, smell, and taste. A child is aware of the world around him in a completely different way than adults. In addition to the main five senses listed above, there is also intuition. The most surprising thing is that intuition is most developed in young children. Children do not think about their actions at all; they blindly follow their intuition. Unfortunately, with age this feeling becomes dull, and an adult acts based on other priorities. Therefore, games to develop intuition are very important.

"Hot - cold"

The best place to play is at home. To play, you need your child's favorite item. If possible, it is best to choose a room with a lot of furniture, shelves, and cabinets. The leader is selected by drawing lots. The leader goes out the door, and the rest hide the object. To begin with, the object is hidden somewhere shallow, on the surface. Gradually the conditions become more difficult. As the leader approaches the location of the object, they say “warm”, “very warm”, “hot”. Accordingly, according to distance from the object, “cold” and “very cold”.

"Additional drawings"

This game requires large sheets of paper and colored pencils or markers. You can start with simple ones geometric shapes. Draw some of them, and leave some for the child - this could be a side, a diagonal, a semicircle, an angle. Then you can move on to figures: dolls, animals, objects. The main thing is that what the child needs to complete is familiar to him.

"Number series"

The game is intended for children familiar with numbers. The point is simple. Take a sheet of paper and write down the numbers. The child needs to continue the number series, or find the missing one and name it. To achieve greater effect, the game can be played for a while. You can even somehow stimulate the game. All in your hands. By playing the game “you kill several birds with one stone”: you train your memory, remember numbers, develop your thinking and just have fun with your family.

"Guess the drawing"

This game is necessary for the development of spatial thinking and intuition. You need a small colorful picture, an opaque sheet of paper, the dimensions of which must exceed the dimensions of the picture. In the middle of the sheet you need to make a hole in the form of a square or circle. The sheet is placed over the picture and moved across it, and players must guess which part of the picture opens into the hole. It is necessary to move the sheet one by one, the turn comes to the one who guesses what in the picture belongs to what opened the hole.


The game develops intelligence, creative thinking, fantasy and imagination. Its essence is that, not knowing the rules for creating rhyme, he continues to compose what an adult started. To tune your child in, read an easy, well-known poem. Then come up with a combination of two words, and the child will try to continue. For example: “Cat-earring-guard.” Try also reading poems by famous children's authors such as Agnia Barto, Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky and others. There is no need to immediately scold a child if, unexpectedly for everyone, he uttered a word that is not quite “correct” or suddenly an obscene one. He may not know the meaning of what is being said. In such cases, calmly and clearly explain to the child the meaning of what was said. The main thing is that the child gets the essence. Create a chain of rhyming words, rejoice and pay attention to any of your child’s endeavors.

6. Logic games for children (think creatively)

Logic games for children. Grow up smart!

Few people agree that geniuses are not born; genius must be developed. It is very important that parents help the child recognize his own talent and work on its development. You can’t let a child’s development take its course. Not a single nanny can replace the child’s parents, and no one except the parents in the early stages will be able to correctly determine the child’s inclination for any activities. You may not believe it, but most in the best possible way Revealing a child's abilities is learning in the form of a game.

"Tell me a story"

This game will help overcome psychological barriers associated with communication. It is best to carry it out in a pleasant environment for the child, for example in his room, the main thing is that the whole family fits in it. For this game you will need fairy tales, pencils, and blank sheets of paper. Initially, you need to take an unfamiliar fairy tale. It is necessary to read the story out loud, focusing on the beginning, middle and end. If the child is bored, then it is better to change the fairy tale. It is necessary that the characters and significant moments of the fairy tale are clearly imprinted on the child. Then start asking your child about the story. Ask questions so that he speaks in sentences. Try to argue, deliberately distorting moments of the fairy tale. Be sure to show interest in the child’s monologue, ask questions along the way, as if you forgot. An adult's speech should be soft and unobtrusive. If it is difficult for your child to immediately express his thoughts, ask him to draw and then tell him what is shown in his pictures. Try to make it clear that your child can trust you completely and unconditionally. This is very important to him.

"Home Puppet Theater"

This game is intended to develop imagination. Ideal for the whole family. For this game you will need a table lamp, a screen, rag dolls (the whole family can make them in advance). You can take dolls from your favorite fairy tales or cartoons, or you can create something completely new, having first drawn up a script with the whole family. For more interest, you can even invite relatives or friends of your baby and make posters or programs to intrigue the audience. To begin with, give your child a minor role. Don’t put pressure on your child; it will be better if he himself asks to rehearse the entire performance. After everything is ready and the performance has been successfully performed, gather for a “family council” and talk about the mistakes that were made during the game. Let the baby begin to say what he noticed, and then delicately pay attention to his mistakes, the main thing is not to discourage the baby.

"Funny pictures"

For this game you will need sheets of paper and pencils. Every adult and child draws the outline of an object. After which the sheets are passed on to each other, and each family member completes one detail. The game ends when the piece of paper with the drawing is returned to the person who started it.

"Original figures"

The main purpose of this game is to develop thinking creatively and originally. But the game is optimal for children over 5 years old to participate in. Multi-colored and bright pieces of matter are prepared in advance. A presenter is selected who will also serve as a judge. The essence of the game is for each family member to make some kind of figurine from pieces of fabric. The most interesting thing is that the pieces of fabric should be connected to each other not with a needle and thread or glue, but with knots. After the figures are ready, everyone gives their craft to the presenter and says what it is. Then the presenter shows the figure for everyone to see. The one whose figurine is the most recognizable wins.

7. Logic games with children (development of self-control)

How to teach children to control themselves and their behavior? Fun games will help.

Self-control is one of the most important human abilities. It is necessary to train it from childhood so that there are no problems later. The key to success in life is the ability to self-regulate one’s actions. The ability to compare your work with the similar work of others and identify your mistakes yourself is an important step towards self-control.

"Do the same"

There can be an endless number of game options. Here are some of them:
1) You need to draw a Christmas tree from triangles, the base of which is the largest of them. Let the baby repeat.
2) Let someone from your family make a pyramid, then another adult repeats the same thing, and then the baby. It is important that every detail of the subsequent pyramid matches exactly the original.
3) Assemble a composition from any parts (spoons, forks, plates, etc.). One of the players must repeat, and then the crumbs.


The game is intended for adult children. On large sheet A double-sided staircase is drawn, and under each step, each player writes his own example of addition, subtraction, and the like. Moreover, when solving each example, the answer should be the same, and which one is discussed in advance.

"Keep the word a secret"

The basis of the game is strict adherence to pre-conceived rules.
For example: when telling a story, you cannot pronounce words starting with the letter “S”
You can't say the names of birds
You need to mention the word rain 4 times
The number and subject of rules depends on your child. After the rules are discussed, the game begins. And each player begins to create a story.

"Find differences"

You can make the pictures yourself, or you can buy ready-made ones. Break into groups. And each group simultaneously begins to look for differences in the same pictures. And the group that scores the most points will win. Points are awarded for quickly finding the difference in each individual picture.

There can be an infinite number of variations for each of the above games. It all depends on the breadth of your imagination, financial capabilities, desires and agreement between family members. The most important thing when carrying out any family game with your baby - this true understanding that this is necessary for everyone, especially a child, so that he has the opportunity to fulfill not only his dreams, but also yours. All games should be a joy not only for your child, but also for you. Therefore, all that is needed for productive family evenings is a sincere desire, love for each other and complete trust. Then, rest assured, the fruits of your labor will be appreciated very soon.

8. Math games (3-4 years)

Games for young mathematicians. Learning to think in numbers.

Mathematics is not only about knowing numbers and the ability to perform operations on them. In early childhood, this is, first of all, awareness of basic mathematical concepts: “many”, “one”, “big”, “small”.

Game “Who comes to visit...”

This game is aimed at reinforcing the concepts of “none”, “one”, “many”. Substitute objects are yellow and red circles and toys.

Tell the child that the toys have come to visit him, explain that they need to be treated to an apple, that is, a circle. The mugs should be on the plate. Ask how many there are (many or few), how many guests (few). First, ask for yellow mugs to be distributed and ask how many mugs are left. Ask the same thing, but about red apples.

When washing apples in the kitchen, also offer to place them on your child's plates, depending on their color. Be sure to note that there are many apples, and this many consists of green and yellow fruits. Try to work on this topic when cleaning up toys.

Game "One - Many"

Keep your child busy with the game “One - Many”. For example, ask which items in the kitchen there are a lot of (forks, plates) and which there are few (painting, vase). Also ask about items in the bathroom, bedroom, and outside.


The game teaches you to compare groups of objects or items. To do this, you will need buttons of various colors, shapes and sizes.

Of course, there are buttons in absolutely every home, and they are wonderful items for play. An example of one of them would be the task of placing first all the square and then all the round buttons on top of each other, and placing the black and white ones into piles.

"Elephant and Moska"

This game gives the idea that the concepts of “big” and “small” are relative. As equipment, you will need any carved animals, naturally proportional to their natural sizes, as well as five cells for animals. Let's take wolf, bear, hare, hedgehog and bear as an example.

First, let your child look at pictures of a hare, a bear and a wolf, and then find out who is the smallest, the largest, and who is in the middle. Place the bear in the first cell, the wolf in the second, and the hare, respectively, in the third.

Let's imagine that an elephant appeared in the zoo, and he needs the largest cage, that is, the first one. It turns out that the first was a bear, now it is an elephant. Move the animals. Afterwards, a hedgehog, which is the smallest among the animals, was brought to the zoo. This means he will occupy the fifth cell. Now that all the cells are filled, compare the animals with the child again: who is bigger and who is smaller.

Role-playing games for preschoolers

1. Role-playing game “Firemen putting out a house”

Games with plots are suitable for a kindergarten or educational group.

Target: develop the ability to act out a familiar plot. Give children basic information about fire and its consequences. Develop children's speech, attention, memory. Develop basic safety skills. Continue to arouse children's interest in folklore.

Preliminary work: reading the nursery rhyme “Tili - bom”.


– whose house caught fire?
- who came to the rescue?
- How did you put out the fire?
– do you play with fire?

Material: Cat costume (mask), equipment for the role-playing game “House”, small play material (bucket, watering can, leaf, pot, broom, piece of red cloth - fire).

1. Surprise - game moment: the appearance of the Cat

The role of the Cat is played by the teacher who asks for help. “Guys, help, my house is on fire!”

Scene No. 1 “The cat’s house caught fire”

Game task for children:

1 child plays the role of Chicken
2 child plays the role of Horse
3 child plays the role of Dog
4 child plays the role of Gander
5 child plays the role of Piggy

2. Scene No. 2 “Firemen extinguish the house”

Explanation to the teacher: a fire is usually extinguished with water or

3. Imitation “Putting out the fire”

Children water the fire from a watering can and “sprinkle” sand from a bucket. All together: “One, one, one! And the fire went out!”

4. Plot No. 3 “The dog invites everyone to visit him for tea.”

Conversation at the table. “We were all firefighters today. If there is a fire somewhere near you, you should not hide, you need to look for adults, call for help, shout loudly “Fire!!!” Remember, fire is always dangerous! Don’t touch the matches, don’t turn on the gas, don’t play with fire!”

5. Plot No. 4 “Return to kindergarten.”

We tidy up the toys and put the chairs back in place.

2. Role-playing game “The boat is sailing, sailing”

Copyright, developed by a psychologist.

Target: develop imagination, attention, mental operations, auditory attention, speech. Contribute to the formation of cultural communication skills. Teach children to distinguish by ear the sound of a rattle, drum, bell.

Preliminary work:

- artistic word:

“The wind blows across the sea and propels the boat
He flies in the waves on swollen sails.”

– looking at illustrations (the sea, a boat is floating in the sea, the sea is blue, fish are swimming in it).

Material: basins with water, small play materials (paper boats, screen, drum, rattles, bell, hammer).

Plot development:

1. Surprise-game moment: the teacher offers to go on a boat trip.

2. Plot No. 1. "Sail, sail the boat."

Game task for children:

- “Guys, in order for the boat to float, you need to slowly blow “f”, and when strong wind"P"".

(Children individually or all together blow on the ship).

- “Wind-breeze, pull on the sail!

Drive the ship to the Voronezh river.”

3. Plot No. 2. “What did the boat bring?”

A surprise moment: the boats brought toys. The teacher takes turns showing musical instruments, their sound.

Game task for children:
- game “Guess whose song this is?”

4. Plot No. 3. "Let's have a concert!"
Game task for children: everyone plays instruments, dance with rattles.

5. Plot No. 4. " Homecoming".

3. Role-playing game “Zoo”

Target: develop imagination, attention, memory, mental operations, speech. Learn to transfer actions into a game, act collectively, play side by side. Cultivate goodwill.

Preliminary work: reading an excerpt from K. Chukovsky’s poem “Children in a Cage.”

Material: Katya doll, pictures of animals, didactic game“Who loves what”, small game materials (tickets, hoop).

Plot development:

1. Surprise-game moment: the appearance of the Katya doll, which invites everyone to go to the zoo.

2. Plot No. 1. “We’re going to the zoo by bus.”

Game task for children:

1 child plays the role of driver.
2 child plays the role of a conductor (sells tickets).
The rest are passengers.

3. Scene No. 2. “At the Zoo.”

Game task for children:

– looking at animals (in pictures).
– didactic game “Who loves what” (let’s treat the animals).

4. Plot No. 3. “The animals want to sleep.”

– the children quietly sing a lullaby.

5. Plot No. 4. “Ride the carousel.”

Game task for children:

- outdoor game “The carousel barely turned.”

4. Role-playing game “Good Doctor Aibolit”

Educational activity for preschool children for kindergarten or schools early development.

Target: continue to introduce the doctor’s profession and evoke sympathy for the sick person. Teach children to transfer characteristic actions with objects into play. Contribute to the development of the plot during the game. Teach children to act collectively and play nearby.

Preliminary work:

– reading of K. Chukovsky’s poem “Doctor Aibolit.”
– examination of the illustrations “Professions”.

Material: doctor's costume (robe, cap), monkey, animal masks (hippopotamus, tiger, elephant), equipment for role-playing game"Hospital", "Shop".

Plot development:

1. Surprise-game moment: the appearance of the Monkey, who brought a telegram: “Come, doctor, to Africa as soon as possible! And save, doctor, our babies!” (the role of the doctor is played by the teacher).

2. Plot No. 1. “Getting ready for the trip.”

Game task for children:

- collecting medical instruments to the first aid kit.
- We're going to the grocery store.

2 the child plays the role of a buyer.
3 The child takes the groceries home.

3. Plot No. 2. “Across the waves, across the seas.” We are sailing to Africa by ship.

Game task for children:

1 child plays the role of captain, the rest are passengers.

4. Plot No. 3. “Long live dear Africa!”

Game task for children:

1 child (name) plays the role of Hippo.
2nd child (name) plays the role of Tiger Cub.
Child 3 (name) plays the role of Elephant.

5. Plot No. 4. "Treating Animals"

“The doctor listens to the stomach and back with a stethoscope. He looks at the neck and puts on a thermometer. Prescribes medications,” the teacher pronounces his actions).

6. Scene No. 5. “Glory, glory to Aibolit!”

Recovery of animals who invite everyone to dance.

7. Plot No. 6. “Returning Home.”

5. Role-playing game “Three Bears”

Developmental activity for preschool children for kindergarten or early development schools.


Preliminary work: reading the fairy tale “The Three Bears”.

Material: a bear, a specially equipped room for bears, small playing material (3 cups, 3 mugs, 3 spoons, various in size), a set of clothes for fairy tale heroes.

Plot development:

1. Surprise-game moment: the appearance of Mishutka, who invites everyone to visit him in the forest.

2. Plot No. 1. “We’re going into the forest.”

3. Plot No. 2. "Visiting the bears." Mishutka shows her house.

– Examination of the rooms: what stands where, the size of the furniture...

4. Plot No. 3. "Three Bears".

Game task for children:

1 child (name) plays the role of Nastasya Petrovna (wears an apron and scarf).
Child 2 (name) plays the role of Mikhailo Ivanovich (wears a vest and pants).
Child 3 (name) plays the role of Mishutka (wears a cap).

4. Plot No. 4. "Tea party."

Conversation at the table:

– What kind of dishes does Mikhailo Ivanovich eat from? (from the largest). What spoon?
- What kind of dishes does Nastasya Petrovna eat from? (slightly less)
– What kind of dishes does Mishutka eat from? (the smallest)?

6. Role-playing game “Grandfather planted a turnip”

Developmental activity for preschool children for kindergarten or early development schools.

Target: teach children to use the plot of a fairy tale in a game, to transfer characteristic actions with objects into a game. Contribute to the development of the plot during the game. Teach children to act collectively and play nearby.

Preliminary work: reading the fairy tale "Turnip".

Material: Katya doll, costume (grandfathers, grandmothers, granddaughters), animal masks (cats, dogs, mice), equipment for the role-playing game “Home”.

Plot development:

1. A surprise and playful moment: the appearance of Katya’s doll, who invites everyone to the dacha to help grandma and grandma pull out a turnip.

2. Plot No. 1. “We’re going to the garden by car to get turnips.”

Game task for children:

1 child plays the role of the driver of the car, the rest are passengers.

3. Plot No. 2. “The turnip has grown very, very big.”

Game task for children:

– distribute roles (at the request of the children).
– children choose costumes and masks according to the role.

4. Plot No. 3. “Grandfather for a turnip, grandmother for grandfather...”.

Game task for children:

1 child (name) plays the role of grandfather;
2 child (name) plays the role of grandmother;
3rd child (name) plays the role of granddaughter.

5. Scene No. 4. “Tea Party.”

6. Plot No. 5. “Returning Home.”

7. Role-playing game “Summer Fun”

Developmental activity for preschool children for kindergarten or early development schools.

Target: develop imagination, attention, memory, mental operations, speech. Learn to transfer actions into the game, imitating adults. Clarify knowledge about summer (it’s warm in summer, people sunbathe, swim, go to the forest to pick mushrooms). Learn to play nearby.

Preliminary work:

– looking at illustrations about summer.
- reading poems about summer.

Material: Katya doll, equipment for the role-playing game “Home”, “Shop”, bag, ball, equipment for the game “fishing” (a basin of water, fishing rods, fish).

Plot development:

Game task for children:

- Let's treat Katya doll with tea.

Conversation at the table:

– what can you do outside in hot, sunny weather? Let's all go to the river!

2. Plot No. 1. “We’re going by car to sunbathe!”

Game task for children:

– we are getting ready to go on the road (what we will take with us).
– 1 child plays the role of driver, the rest are passengers.

3. Plot No. 3. “To the store for shopping.”

Game task for children:

1 child plays the role of a seller: Sell me juice, cookies...
2 child helps put groceries in a bag.

4. Scene No. 4 “Relaxation on the river.”

Game task for children:

An active game with a ball.
-game "Fishing".
-We'll have a picnic on the river.

5. Plot No. 5. "Homecoming".

8. Role-playing game “Rainy Day”

Developmental activity for preschool children for kindergarten or early development schools.

Target: develop imagination, attention, memory, mental operations, speech. Learn to transfer actions into a game, act collectively, play side by side.

Preliminary work:

- reading a poem:

"Rain, rain
Drip - drip - drip
Wet paths.
Let's go for a walk anyway
Put on your boots."

- looking at illustrations.

Material: Katya doll, her friends, clothes for the doll, equipment for the role-playing game “Home”, small play materials (umbrella, jump ropes for depicting puddles on the road, album, brush, paints).

Plot development:

1. Surprise-game moment: the appearance of a teacher with an umbrella.

Educator: “It’s raining, it’s raining, it’s pouring down, getting the little kids wet.”

Game task for children:

- outdoor game “Sunshine and Rain”.

2. Plot No. 1. “Let’s draw rain.”

3. Plot No. 2. “Let’s go for a walk.”

Teacher: “Our dolls also want to go for a walk, let’s help them get dressed. What are we going to wear for them?”

Game task for children:

– children dress dolls for a walk.

4. Plot No. 3. “So many puddles on the street!”

Game task for children:

- outdoor game “There are puddles on the roads.”

5. Plot No. 4. “Returning Home.”

6. Scene No. 6. “Tea Party.”

7. Conversation at the table:

– what can we do when it rains outside?

9. Role-playing game “Kitsonka-murysonka”

An educational and interesting activity for preschool children, for kindergarten or early development school.

Target: teach children to use the plot of the nursery rhyme in the game. Contribute to the development of the plot during the game, teach children to act collectively, and play nearby.

Preliminary work:

- reading the nursery rhyme “Kitsonka-murysonka”.
– examination of illustrations for the nursery rhyme.

Material: Little Kitty costume (apron, hat), equipment for the role-playing game “Home”, small game materials, plasticine.

Plot development:

1. Surprise-game moment: the appearance of Little Kitty (the role is played by the teacher), who asks you to help her bake gingerbread cookies.

2. Plot No. 1. “We’re going to the mill.”

Game task for children:

For you (child’s name) – grind flour;
For you (child’s name) – knead the dough;

And we all need to bake gingerbread cookies (using plasticine).

3. Scene No. 2. “Tea Party.”

Little Kitty is carrying gingerbread.

Children: “Don’t eat alone, don’t eat alone!”
Kitty - Murysonka treats everyone to gingerbread.

4. Plot No. 3. “Return to kindergarten.”

10. Role-playing game “Treats for Mom”

Developmental activity for preschool children for kindergarten or early development schools.

Target: cultivate an attentive, friendly attitude towards adults and each other. Develop the ability to transfer familiar actions to new situations. Develop verbal communication, imagination, memory, attention.

Preliminary work:

– we sing the song “I bake – bake – bake...”;
– imitation of the process of making pies with your hands.

Material: Katya doll, equipment for role-playing games “Home”, “Shop”, plasticine.

Plot development:

1. Surprise-game moment: the appearance of the Katya doll.

Katya: “Hello, guys! Today is our mothers' holiday. Let’s prepare a surprise for them, make them a treat – bake some cookies.”

2. Plot No. 1 “Let’s go grocery shopping.”

Game task for children:

1 child plays the role of a salesperson.
2 child buys flour.
3 The child buys milk.
4 The child buys an egg.

3. Plot No. 2 “Returning home. Making cookies."

Game task for children:

– mix all the ingredients;
– knead the dough (plasticine);
- making cookies.

4. Scene No. 3 “Tea Party”.

11. Role-playing game “The car broke down”

We repair a toy car and study its structure.

Developmental activity for preschool children for kindergarten or early development schools. Copyright, developed by a psychologist.

Target: consolidate the ability to recognize and name familiar car parts. Develop mental operations, imagination, attention, memory, speech of children. Develop independence skills.

Preliminary work:

- reading a poem:

“The dump truck brought sand,
I couldn't unload myself.
We will fix the dump truck,
So that he becomes as good as new.”

– examining illustrations of cars, highlighting the main parts (cabin, steering wheel, body, wheels, windows).

Material: bunny, dump truck, small play material (screwdriver, wrench, pump, nuts), equipment for role-playing games “Home”, “Cafe”.

Plot development:

1. Surprise game moment: the appearance of a bunny who asks you to help him fix the dump truck.

2. Plot No. 1. "Car repairs".

Game task for children:

1 child (name) pumps the front wheel.
2 child (name) tightens the rear wheel nut.
3 child (name) is painting the body.

3. Plot No. 2. “I’ll give everyone a ride with the breeze.”

Game task for children:

1 child (name) plays the role of dump truck driver, the rest are passengers.

4. Plot No. 3. "In the cafe".

The bunny treats everyone to juice.

5. Plot No. 4. "Homecoming".

12. Story-role-playing game “Let’s go skiing down the mountain”

We teach children to think, role-play, and fantasize. Developmental activity for preschool children.

Target: develop a game that follows a simple plot. Learn to distribute roles, coordinate actions with each other, consolidate the ability to name and put on clothes. Learn to remember the dressing sequence. Cultivate emotional responsiveness and kind feelings towards each other.

Preliminary work: – teacher’s story about entertainment in winter period

– viewing illustrations on the topic

Material: Katya doll, a set of winter clothes for the doll, a sled, equipment for the role-playing game “Home”

Plot development:

1. Surprise - a game moment: the doll Katya came to visit and invites everyone to ride down the mountain.

2. Plot No. 1 “We are going to the mountain.”

Educator: “Guys, what are we going to wear?”

Game task for children:

We are collecting the Katya doll for a walk (what we will wear first, and what then...)

Educator: “What will we take with us to the hill to ride?.. That’s right, a sled!”

3. Plot No. 2 “Everyone went to the mountain.”

Teacher: “Guys, we’ll go up the mountain by car.”

Imitation "We're driving a car".

Game task for children:

1 child plays the role of driver, the rest are passengers.

3. Plot No. 3 “Rolling down the mountain.”

Game task for children:

Each child rolls a Katya doll down a slide.

4. Scene No. 4 “Return to kindergarten. Tea party."

13. Role-playing game “Into the forest for mushrooms and berries”

Developmental activity for preschool children for kindergarten or early development schools.

Target: expand knowledge about autumn. Develop imagination, attention, memory, mental operations, speech. Learn to transfer actions into the game, imitating adults. Learn to play nearby.

Preliminary work:

– looking at illustrations about autumn;
- reading poems about this time of year - summer.

Material: Katya doll, equipment for the role-playing game “Home”, bag.

Plot development:

1. Surprise and playful moment: the Katya doll came to us.

Game task for children:

- Let's treat Katya doll with tea.

2. Conversation at the table:

– where can you go in the fall? (children’s answers are listened to);
- Katya’s invitation to go to the forest to pick mushrooms and berries.

3. Plot No. 1. "We're going to the forest by train."

Game task for children:

1 child plays the role of driver, the rest are passengers.

- outdoor game “We are going, we are going...” (we get off at the Penkovkino station).

4. Plot No. 2. “In the forest I pick mushrooms and pick berries” (outdoor game).

5. Plot No. 3. "Halt." Doll Katya is tired - let's rest a little.

6. Conversation at a rest stop:

– what grows in the forest;
– Are all mushrooms and berries edible?

7. Plot No. 4. "Homecoming".

For holidays, for example, September 1, you can hold games with prizes for children, which will delight them on the first day of school and set them up for positive learning.

Games with small prizes on September 1

Game 1: Finish the phrase.

The host of the holiday prepares in advance phrases from famous classic poems for children. Children must complete the phrase they start. Whoever of those present can complete the most phrases receives a gift - a book with poems by A.S. Pushkin or another poet.

Game 2: Fun math.

Testing knowledge in mathematics for those who can add and subtract. 1-2 grade. The presenter shows the cards close-up so that everyone can see it. And a + or - sign. But this is not simple mathematics. The cards contain pictures, not numbers. The game is a great warm-up before starting school. The best mathematician receives a prize - a set of rulers.

Game 3: Draw a teacher.

2 participants are called. On two sheets of whatman paper, everyone draws their teacher blindfolded. Anyone who succeeds in a similar manner receives a souvenir, for example, a ballpoint pen.

Game 4: Win-win lottery.

Small prizes, stationery or sweets are prepared. Each gift comes with a piece of paper with an easy example or riddle. Items are placed in a round glass vase. Children draw 1 piece each and solve examples or guess riddles. Everyone gets a prize.

Game 5: Riddles and guesses.

The presenter prepares cards with riddles and other cards with answers in advance. Divides equally between the two teams. One commander is selected from each team. The commander reads a riddle to his opponents. They must guess it. And then make your own wish. And so on, one by one, until all the riddles are completed. The winner is the most erudite team with the most correct answers. Everyone gets some candy for participating.

Game 6: The amazing is nearby.

The presenter, without saying the name of the object, tells a story about it. Children must guess what it is about. Whoever guesses first gets a prize, for example, a calendar. Examples: globe, ruler, book, etc.

Game 7: 1 time in 1st grade.

Suitable for first graders who should not yet be able to write, read and count. The game will introduce the children of the class better. All first-graders and classmates are placed in a large circle. Starting with the class teacher, you need to shake hands with your neighbor, say his name and ask the neighbor’s name, and give a fictitious gift. And so along the chain, in a circle, everyone should become acquainted and, as if, hand over something from themselves.

- Hello! My name is Anna Ivanovna. And you?
– I’m Daniel.
- I give you such a big balloon!

– Hello, my name is Daniil Petrov, what’s yours?
– I’m Dasha.
- I'm giving you candy.

- Hello, my name is Dasha Vasilyeva, what about you?
- Hello, I'm Katya.
- I give you a bouquet of flowers.

The game encourages friendship and encourages further communication.

Game 8: Best friends.

Game for grades 2-5. Where there are already friendly relations between children. Pairs of friends are selected. 2 or 3. The presenter gives the task to the children to tell how they would behave in various delicate situations. Children must perform mini skits.

1. One boy asks another boy to borrow a pen and accidentally drops it and breaks it. How should he behave?
2. The girl invited her friend to her birthday, but her parents said that they would celebrate the birthday with their family. How to proceed?
3. Two boys helped prepare for the holiday at school. One of them was given a chocolate bar for this. But the second one doesn’t. How to proceed?

Game 9: What's in your backpack?

Various items are placed in two backpacks - school and foreign ones. Two participants are called. They have to decide in a minute what they will need in school and what to leave at home. Useful school supplies as a prize.

Game 10: One jump, two jump.

On September 1, a fun relay race can be held in middle classes (warn in advance so that children take sportswear). To make it easier for children to adapt to school after the summer, they spend time with them game exercises for agility, speed and team spirit.

You can include in the script a game of hopscotch, rubber bands, and jump ropes. A relay race with a ball or hoop. Jumping on one leg and over obstacles. At the end of the game, children are given souvenirs or a cup is awarded to the winning class of the competition.

Outside of school, in leisure time, or in kindergartens, it is interesting to organize seasonal activities, such as Easter games.

Easter games

1. For centuries, the favorite Easter game in Rus' was egg rolling. The game consisted of the following: a kind of “skating rink” was built from wood or cardboard, along the edges of which small toys and simple souvenirs were laid out. Each participant in turn approached the “skating rink” and rolled their egg. The prize that was won was the object that the testicle touched.

2. Another favorite game was a game where, using a riddle, everyone was asked to find a hidden egg or souvenir.

3. Of course, guests should be offered the much-loved “Christening” today. Easter eggs. It is a game where opponents take turns hitting the opponent's egg with the blunt or sharp end of a colored egg. The winner is the one whose egg does not crack.

4. The following game will amuse the kids: let each of them decorate a hard-boiled egg at their own discretion.

5. Then, as a competition, put the “crafts” on a separate table, and let everyone evaluate it.

6. Use a spoon to quickly remove the boiled eggs from the basket. Whoever does it faster is the winner.

7. Another game: who can quickly wind up a ball of bright yarn - as if it were an egg.

All these games and competitions will make the Easter holiday special and give great mood For you and your guests!

Riddles for children

Riddles for children – quick way cheer up. What could be more interesting than solving riddles? A fresh selection of riddles for children will help diversify any children's event or matinee.

Funny riddles, for adults and for children, we have a lot of great topics, come in and you will be glad!

1. Riddles for children about vegetables

Children's riddles with answers about the garden.

What grows in our beds,
Solve my mysteries.

Here are the flowers by the path,
In yellow sundresses,
They will bloom and blow
We are on...(dandelions)

This is a red girl
We call her... (strawberry)

Who looks like that with his eyes,
At me with apprehension,
Many balls on a branch
The grapes are ripening on the gazebo.

This friend, the fat brave man,
He drank water to no avail,
He can quench your thirst
Fragrant, sweet juice.

It's sweet when it's green
He is also in love in the rain,
And he keeps treasure in the pods,
The beads are burning inside.

We planted one
A seed in the spring,
And now you and I,
A hat of sunflower seeds with a mountain.

Here's a fat worker,
Its barrel is smooth for us,
He stretched out into a beam,
Oh, and nimble... (zucchini).

We'll tear you out of the ground,
And into the bowl
... (radish).

2. Riddles about animals for children

Wonderful animal world, children adore animals and love to solve riddles about them. We offer simple but interesting riddles about animals with answers for children from kindergarten or junior school.

Wild animals and birds

Who is sitting on a Christmas tree branch?
And the eyes are like two plates.
Hoots loudly: “Whoo!”
Catches the mouse on the move. (Owl)

They say he's thick-skinned
Who does he look like?
The nose is like a long hose,
He's big and strong. (Elephant)

Don't wake up this kitty
And don't pull your nose.
He has stripes
Only he's not a cat. (Tiger)

She crawls along the ground,
Guards mice and hares,
Poisonous and scary
Everyone knows this: (Snake)

He looks like a dog
Same tail and same nose.
Only howls under the moon,
When you're hungry in winter. (Wolf)

She has a fluffy coat
Only it's not a fox
Peel the nut skins
She's a craftswoman! (Squirrel)

Under the foliage at the edge
He collects mushrooms
So that hunger for that little animal
Didn't come in the middle of winter. (Hedgehog)

Oh, and it’s delicious in winter
Suck a paw under a pine tree,
He only dreams of honey,
He sucks at it. (Bear)

He's trembling under a bush,
And shakes his tail.
How will the wolf meet him?
Runs away. (Hare)

Cunning cheat
Slanted eyes.
Fur coat like a carrot
All colorful. (Fox)

The elephant is afraid of her
And keeps away.
And even though she is small,
I stole a piece of cheese. (Mouse)


Guess the animal
You need to try:
He jumps merrily
He loves to butt heads. (Kid)

The house is guarded
Sits on a chain.
Bites strangers
He meets his own people. (Dog)

Lying on the stove, being lazy,
It stays warm all day.
And when night comes,
will go hunting. (Cat)

Runs across the field
It plows the earth.
Obedient worker
But not a dog. (Horse)

Lying on its side in a puddle,
She doesn't need anyone.
And he gets hungry
Then he reaches for the trough. (Pig)

Not afraid of water
Dives into ponds
In rivers and puddles,
But dry on the outside. (Goose)

3. Riddles about autumn

Children's riddles on an autumn theme. Autumn in the forest. Forest animals.

Who's walking
In a red dress
From fallen leaves?
There is nothing brighter in the world than her,
Isn’t she even more beautiful? (Autumn)

He was born under a Christmas tree,
Does he like carrots? (Bunny)

They stand on white legs,
In tanned hats.
Let's carefully pick them off,
And let's go home quickly. (Mushrooms)

Sails fly in the wind
Caravels, ships,
And they complete their flight,
Flying to the ground. (Leaves)

Red autumn has come,
Gave me a harvest.
All the kids go to school.
What kind of holiday - guess? (September 1)

This riddle is not simple,
If water flows from the sky,
And then on the ground - suddenly there were mirrors. (Puddles)

Don't wet your feet in the rain,
Put on... (Boots)

If, looking out the window,
You will see clouds, rain,
Then take the roof with you,
The one that can help so much. (Umbrella)

The riddle is again not simple,
We get up early so where?
Where do we take our briefcase?
And we bring knowledge from there home. (School)

She collects cones
And he quickly picks mushrooms.
So as not to starve in winter,
Fully fill your belly. (Squirrel)

Tick-tweet, I'm sitting on a branch,
Over the summer, the children also grew up.
Together we jump through puddles,
Hooligans and eccentrics. (Sparrows)

Oh, I'm full of raspberries
And he stole honey from the bees.
It will be satisfying for me in winter,
So that I can sleep soundly. (Bear)

4. Riddles for children about toys

1. Girls' favorite toy. (Doll)
2. The most beautiful and popular doll in the world. (Barbie)
3. Boys' favorite toys. (Cars)
4. Sound toys for babies. (Rattles)
5. Toys that make sound when you press them. (Tweeters)

6. A game for children, consisting of many small drawings that need to be put together into one big picture. (Puzzle)
7. Educational toys fine motor skills little children. (Sensory toys)
8. You can sculpt something from this while it’s soft, and then it hardens. (Plasticine, modeling clay, dough)
9. What is cut, glued, combined. (Kit for children's creativity)
10. A puzzle cube that needs to be twisted so that each side is completely the same color. (Rubik's Cube)

11. An educational game consisting of small parts from which you can build many different objects. (Constructor)
12. A screen on which you can draw and read. (Tablet)
13. Toys with lights and sound signals, which children use to learn words, letters, and numbers. (Educational books)
14. A toy, soft to the touch with filling inside. (Soft toy)
15. A canvas with pictures, letters, lighting, on which you need to move and jump. (Rug)

16. A popular animal that repeats what it hears. (Talking Hamster)
17. Thin books with outline pictures that need to be painted. (Coloring pages)
18. Games played at the table, sitting around. (Board games)
19. Games in which they run and move actively. (Outdoor games)
20. Ball games. (Football, volleyball, basketball)

21. Games played in groups. (Team games)
22. Sports wrestling of several teams. (Competition)
23. Sports activity – single or team. (Training)
24. A production in which children play the roles given to them. (Sketch, performance)
25. A youth event where teenagers dance. (Disco)

26. Instructive situations that children play out under the supervision of teachers and coaches. (Role-playing games)
27. An event in which a group discusses a topic, asks each other questions and answers them. (Talk show)
28. Activities in which children demonstrate their talents. (Concert)
29. Not yet a performance, but preparing for it. (Rehearsal)
30. An event where children bring their crafts. (Exhibition, fair)

31. A two-wheeled novelty that children can ride on a walk (Segway)
32. What do children ride in the park? (Swings, carousels)
33. Video games played using a keyboard or console. (Computer games)
34. Today they twirl in their hands instead of rosaries (spinner)
35. Heavy burden of a schoolchild (briefcase)

To help you study, we offer riddles in the Russian language. To make it easier to remember parts of speech. For example: noun, verb, adjective, pronoun, conjunction, adverb, etc.

5. Riddles with adjectives with answers

1.) It’s standing by the road,
He looks with three eyes.
And it will blink green,
Everyone move forward! (Traffic light)

2.) Cold snakes
Creeping along the road
Put on your boots
Otherwise you'll get your feet wet. (Streams)

3.) Do my homework
She helps
My desk
Always illuminates. (Desk lamp)

4.) Iron bird
Flying across the sky
The whole planet in a day
It will fly around. (Airplane)

5.) Along the blue sea
The ship is sailing
Orange sail
The wind carries. (Leaf in a puddle)

6.) Yellow cheese
Hung in the sky
Eat it
I wish I could! (Month)

A universal selection of gift ideas for any occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

Games for September 1 for all schoolchildren

So, what should you play with your kids? Let's start with a presentation of entertainment for children from 6 to 10 years old.

Fun for kindergarten and primary school

  • Fun catch

The beauty of this game is that it requires almost nothing and will captivate both first-graders and students in grades 3 and above. It is enough to have a simple jump rope. Several people can take part in the game at once, which simplifies the task. The length of the rope must be at least 2 meters. Those who want to play should stand in a circle. The place in the center is for the leader. He begins to twist the rope in a circle so as to hit someone on the legs, while calling for fish, large and small.

The game is fun and simple, understandable for first-graders and exciting for older students on knowledge day. Everyone standing in a circle must avoid contact with the jump rope. Whoever “disappears” leaves the game. The last one left wins. He can be given a prize and the initiative of the presenter passes to him.

  • Sparrow by the tail

A very fun and simple game, again for several people. Suitable for senior group in the dhow If desired, the whole class or group can participate. Children form a circle and clasp their hands. They choose someone to play the role of the cat and the little sparrow. The latter is placed in the center of the circle. The cat is released outside its boundaries. Purpose of the game: the cat must penetrate the “live” obstacle and get to the sparrow.

The game is accompanied by screams, squeaks, and pushing, which greatly amuses the participants. As soon as the “cat” gets to the “bird”, the roles are redistributed.

Team competition for first graders

This game is suitable for primary and secondary school children. The guys are divided into pairs. They all stand on one line drawn by the leader at a distance of 2 to 3 meters with their backs to each other. The leader gives a signal, according to which the partners clasp their elbows and begin to move towards the drawn line. Once they reach the goal, they return to the starting point. The pair that completes the task faster than others wins. The game is again active, fun, exciting, and fosters team spirit in preschoolers and students.

  • A relay called “it will start raining soon...”

The game is humorous and good because it develops team and competitive spirit. In addition, several dozen people can take part in it at once. The essence of the competition is to change clothes for a while. Children are divided into 2 teams. Each one lines up in a line. At a certain distance, a chair with accessories is placed in case of rain. Usually this:

  • umbrella;
  • rubber boots (preferably large so that everyone can fit them);
  • raincoat.

A member of each team must run to the chair with their things, change clothes, say a pre-established phrase: “it will start raining soon,” take off their things and return to their place. The most dexterous, fastest and most organized team wins.

  • Game Noodles

For this game you will need a stake and male strength to strengthen it in the ground. A rope 2 meters long is attached to the stake, and various small things are laid out around it at a distance of 60-100 cm:

  • cones;
  • chestnuts;
  • branches;
  • flowers, etc.

All these items will be called “noodles”, which the participants will hunt for. Be sure to choose a leader. He will have the role of "chef". His task is to move around the stake, protecting the attributes from those who want to grab them with a whip. The rest of the participants will try to seize the moment to appropriate the “noodles”. The cook should not allow this to happen. He carefully “guards” the “noodles”.

The child who is touched by the tourniquet returns all the items that he managed to take away earlier. The one who has the most items in his hands wins the game.

  • Molecules - a fun "brawl"

A convenient game for a whole class at school or a senior group in kindergarten. Children take part in the process and are asked to move chaotically, like molecules. At the pre-agreed shout of the leader, the molecules must stop, hold hands or hug. The molecule that did not manage to get into the chain leaves the game. Usually children of any age play the interactive game “molecules” with great pleasure.

  • Play on words

It turns out that you can play volleyball not only with a ball, but also with words. Offer this kind of entertainment to the children on Knowledge Day. All participants must unite in a wide ring. The presenter comes up with a word and throws the ball. The one who manages to catch the ball must choose the appropriate verb. For example: “a candle is burning, the sea is making noise, a dog is barking.” Anyone who cannot find a quick verb is eliminated from the game. Please note that the game is suitable for both teenagers and little ones. It all depends on the imagination of the presenter.

  • Quick change of movement

A good option in the garden for little ones to develop attention. The essence of the competition is to guess the person who changed the movement. They start by asking the children to stand in a wide circle. Anyone who wants to “drive” leaves the room. Upon his return, the children begin to unanimously follow the commands of the hidden leader, for example, jump, stomp, clap. The volunteer’s task is to guess who is changing the children’s movements. To do this you need to be extremely careful and observant. The game is suitable for children from 1st grade to 7th grade.

  • "Chickens with character"

Another fun and active game. The guys are divided into two chains - “chickens”. Each one is headed by a “chicken”. The presenter gives a signal, after which each “hen” must prevent them from touching their chickens and try to “peck” each of the opposing team. The "chickens" that are touched move on to a new "chicken".

  • The ice is melting...

Game for sunny day on September 1, suitable for consolidating acquaintances. It can be played indoors regardless of the weather. Those who want to play are divided into groups. Each person receives a piece of ice of the same size. The participants' task is to pass the ice from hand to hand until it grows. You are allowed to breathe on the ice, rub it and even lick it.

  • "Menagerie" - a game for attention

Yet again interesting game for the development of attentiveness, fun and simple for students in grades 1-4. Participants line up in a wide circle and join hands. The leader whispers the name of the beast to all the children in the circle. Another volunteer begins a story about how he walked around the zoo: “I walked and saw a tiger, and then out of nowhere - a cage with a gorilla, and around the corner the roar of a wolf, and only then did I reach the pavilion with a crocodile...” On the word “ crocodile” everyone falls, because it was him who was whispered by the presenter.

You need to play this game indoors, for example, finish it Classroom hour or on fresh grass so that the guys can lie to their heart's content on the soft carpet.

  • How confusing everything is

A leader is chosen from those who want to take part in the game. He must turn his back to the other players. All children hold hands and spin around themselves so as to entangle their hands as tightly as possible. The task of the presenter is to untangle the “chains” without opening his hands.

  • Reaction game - “cookie”

A sports game helps develop not only reaction, but also coordination, which is why it is very useful for children in kindergarten and primary school, when these skills are just being developed. For fun, you need to prepare hard biscuits. Participants are asked to split into teams. A plate of cookies and a ball are placed in front of each group.

At the signal, the guys must throw the ball into the air and while it is flying, grab as many cookies from the plate as possible so that they do not break and the ball does not touch the ground. The team that can collect the most cookies wins.

Hall games and chants

  • "Remember the moves"

The essence of the game comes down to the fact that the presenter shows 3 main movements and assigns a number to each. Then he repeats them, but calling a false number. The guys need to repeat the movement corresponding to the number, abstracting from what the presenter is showing. This game is more than useful for schoolchildren.

  • "Packing a suitcase"

The children are asked to pack their suitcase for the trip, naming everything they need for the trip. Children who run out of ideas quit the game. The one who names the most necessary things wins the competition.

  • "Traffic light" chant

The game-educational lesson is especially interesting for the little ones and is useful for introducing and reinforcing the rules traffic. The children are asked to sing along to the traffic lights. On “green” children should sing loudly, on “yellow” - quieter, on “red” - be silent.

  • "Tick tock"

Purpose of the game: to work on developing attention and introduce children to watches. The kids are asked to split into teams. The first one responds to 1 clap “Tick”, the second to 2 claps – “Tak”. The presenter alternates claps and then switches places.

  • "Ears, nose"

Again, a game of attention. Suitable for preschool children and first graders. Children are asked to touch their nose right hand, touch your right ear with your left hand. At the signal, hands and sides change. The guys' task is not to get confused and to quickly react to the change of sides.

  • “Listen to the leader!”

Another simple version of the attention game. The children are asked to follow commands only after they hear someone address them, for example: “Children, stomp right foot! To the command: “Jump on one leg!” the guys should not react, since there was no direct appeal.

Exciting quests

Quest is a fashionable entertainment, accessible to everyone and interesting not only for little ones, but also for high school students. Children of primary school age will be interested in looking for something, calculating, guessing. This game is relatively new, and therefore especially exciting.

An excellent scenario is the search for the Harry Potter hat. Almost every child over 7 years old knows this story, so he will be glad to become part of the fairy tale. According to the script, the children are informed that a talking hat has been stolen from Dumbledore's office. It was she who helped distribute children to faculties. Until the hat is found, the school cannot operate. The children are offered various clues and puzzles, solving which they will get closer to the goal and find the hat.

Children from 6 to 8 years old can be interested in the “4 Elements” quest on holiday. It is better to play outside, in the forest, by the river. The children are asked to find the elements of each element:

  • air;
  • fire;
  • land;
  • water.

You will have to look for all the elements using clues and pass simple tests. The team that completes the task faster wins.

I have provided several proven options for games and competitions for children on September 1st. And there are also a lot of competitions, quizzes and quests! Maybe you have ideas too? Share the article on social networks and discuss interesting options now! Goodbye!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva