Chicken stomachs in dietary nutrition. Chicken stomachs: some interesting facts about the benefits and harms of the offal

Chicken gizzards They are an offal that is used to prepare various dishes. People often call them chicken navels. Chicken stomachs are 4 dense turns of muscles that are crossed and directed in different directions. This product is characterized by a dense consistency and specific taste (see photo). With proper heat treatment, essentially second-rate meat becomes a real culinary masterpiece. Chicken gizzards are used to produce pepsin, which is a natural enzyme used in cheese making. Today you can buy both purified and unrefined versions in stores.

How to choose?

If you want a dish of chicken stomachs to be tasty and healthy, you need to choose them correctly. The best option is chilled offal. It is worth remembering that their shelf life is short and is only 2 days. When choosing stomachs, pay attention to the fact that the yellow film must certainly be clean and bright. Fresh offal should be firm and slightly moist. The aroma of the stomachs should be sweet and pleasant. If you feel an unpleasant odor and also feel that your stomachs are slippery, then you should avoid buying them.

The benefits of chicken gizzards

The benefits of chicken stomachs are appreciated in both folk and official medicine. Cuticles or films act as a digestive enzyme, which is used as a means to restore the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas and liver. Chicken gizzards contain a large amount of complete protein, which is important for the normal functioning of the body. They contain fiber, which improves the functioning of the digestive system, as well as ash, which cleanses the natural sorbent.

Chicken stomachs contain a large number of micro- and macroelements, vitamins and acids that contribute to normal life. Given its low calorie content, this offal is considered dietary, so it can be consumed when losing weight. With regular use, you can notice an improvement in the condition of your hair and skin, as well as an increase in immunity and the process of hematopoiesis. Chicken gizzards contain folic acid, which is important for cell division and the development of body tissues. Therefore, it is recommended that pregnant women and children consume dishes prepared on their basis.

This by-product improves the intestinal microflora, as it stimulates the natural cleansing process. It contains a lot of iron, which improves blood composition and also strengthens the body as a whole.

Use in cooking

Chicken gizzards can be a separate dish, or also serve as an auxiliary ingredient for others. They can be subjected to any heat treatment and combined with other products, for example, vegetables and mushrooms. Chicken gizzards can be an excellent addition to side dishes. They are often used to prepare goulash, appetizers and various salads. By grinding the gizzards, you can prepare a delicious filling for baked goods, pancakes, etc. Based on this by-product, you can make first courses, as well as a very tasty pate.

How to cook delicious chicken stomachs?

Chicken stomachs have their own characteristics in culinary processing, which should be taken into account in order to get a tasty and healthy dish:

Harm to chicken gizzards and contraindications

Chicken gizzards can cause harm if you have an individual intolerance. It is worth considering that during long-term storage, more than 2 days, toxins begin to accumulate in the offal, which can cause the development of a number of diseases. It is also not recommended to overuse chicken gizzards.

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Domesticated wild chicken is now recognized as the most common type of poultry around the world. Over time, many different types of chicken have been developed. But it is their chicken stomachs that are recognized as one of the most delicious among offal products or “guts,” as people say. They are also sometimes referred to as “chicken navels.”
The usefulness of chicken gizzards is preserved only when they are stored fresh for no more than 2 days, and when frozen, the product loses all its beneficial substances.
To give tenderness and a more refined taste, chicken gizzards should be cooked for a long time, then they will delight any gourmet.

The presented type of “guts” includes a great variety of different minerals, macro- and microelements, be it potassium, sodium, iron, zinc, phosphorus and others in smaller quantities. Vitamins include B vitamins, vitamin E, ascorbic acid and folic acid. The stomachs also contain animal protein, ash and fiber. In addition, they contain poly- and mono-saturated and unsaturated acids.

Beneficial features

It is extremely useful to eat chicken stomachs to improve appetite, to normalize the function of the digestive system, that is, they help digest food, develop healthy microflora and serve as a natural sorbent. They also have a positive effect on skin and hair.
The consumption of chicken stomachs is recommended for children due to the fact that they promote cell division in absolutely all organs. For the same reason, they should be included in the diet of pregnant women.
In addition, chicken stomachs strengthen the immune system and support the functioning of the circulatory system.


It is recommended to cook chicken stomachs for a long time - for 40-90 minutes to give tenderness and softness. Stomachs stewed in oil with the addition of water are considered more useful. Quite rarely, but everyone uses them as a snack, as a filling for a roll or as a pate. Gizzards go very well with various spices and sauces, and sour cream is no exception. In addition, they make a great-tasting, very nutritious and healthy soup, and, unusually, even a salad with the addition of walnuts.
The main thing is to remember that before preparing the stomachs, they must be well prepared, washed thoroughly, because there may be sand and small stones in the stomach, and also cleaned of the yellow film.

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Chicken stomachs (popularly called “navels”) are poultry by-products. They are characterized by a specific taste, but if you follow the correct technology during the cooking process, the result will be a tender and juicy dish that will take center stage on the dinner or holiday table.

The basis of the stomachs is hard muscle tissue, so prolonged heat treatment is necessary. It is worth paying attention to the taste and beneficial properties of this product for the body.

The nutritional value

The main component of the product is 22% animal protein. Chicken stomachs contain fiber, which can improve digestion, and ash, as a natural sorbent.

The chemical composition of chicken stomachs is diverse - these are macro- and microelements in the form of potassium with phosphorus and sodium, calcium with zinc, iron and copper. The product contained vitamins - niacin with pantothenic, folic and ascorbic acids, riboflavin.

The calorie content of chicken stomachs is low - in the range of 130–170 Kcal per 100 g of offal, so they belong to the category of dietary products.

This product belongs to the category of offal, so the question arises: are chicken gizzards healthy? Before purchasing this type of offal, find out the benefits of chicken gizzards. Each product has both benefits and harm – chicken gizzards are no exception. Pay attention to the beneficial properties of chicken stomachs:

  • improving appetite, stimulating the secretion of juice in the stomach, ensuring healthy microflora in the intestines;
  • normalization of the functioning of the kidneys and the brain, the heart and the nervous system;
  • supplying the body with energy;
  • contains a sufficient amount of iron to prevent the development of anemia;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • ensuring the prolongation of youth due to selenium in record quantities, which is responsible for the prevention of malignant tumors with a general increase in immunity;
  • saturating the body with zinc, which is necessary in the process of skeletal formation;
  • general improvement in the condition of the skin and hair due to vitamins in large quantities.

The list shows that the benefits of chicken stomachs are great for the body.

How to store chicken gizzards

Chicken gizzards are included in the category of perishable products (shelf life is only 2 days), so during the purchasing process, pay attention to the packaging, with production and sales dates. Buy peeled chicken gizzards and unpeeled chicken gizzards at the store.

Monitor the correctness and shelf life - if the conditions are violated, the spoiled product can cause harm to the body. After 2 days, chicken stomachs become a source of toxic substances. Chilled offal is considered healthier than the frozen version.

You can tell how fresh the stomachs are by looking - they should be clean and shiny.

How to clean and cook them?

Before sending chicken gizzards for cooking, process them properly by washing and trimming off the yellow film.

Culinary processing of chicken stomachs has five main features:

  • It is better to defrost the frozen version of chicken stomachs in the refrigerator - this will take 12 hours;
  • chicken gizzard film is considered beneficial when consumed separately in powder form. Remove it from the product before cooking, cleaning the stomachs and washing away the sand;
  • it is important to know how long to cook chicken gizzards - if the bird is young, it will take about 40 minutes, and if it is old, at least 2 hours;
  • a distinctive feature of stomachs is the absorption of aromas and flavors of spices, so during the cooking process use various herbs with roots;
  • To preserve maximum benefits, cook the dish over low heat - chicken gizzards will take time, but you will be pleased with the result.

Meat by-products, which include the liver, lungs, udder and entrails of livestock, are distinguished by their specific taste, smell and cooking technology. Meanwhile, when properly selected, peeled and cooked, they acquire a delicate structure and become the central delicacy of the table.

We’ll talk about how to get gastronomic pleasure from chicken stomachs in this article.

Chicken gizzards: composition, nutritional value and calorie content

The rigidity and “pumping” of the chicken stomach is determined by the fact that this organ serves as a muscle for processing the food consumed by the chicken: by swallowing pebbles - gastroliths, the chicken fills the stomach, and then compresses and unclenches the walls of the organ, thereby grinding the food. As a result, we get a low-calorie pantry of nutrients.

These by-products contain a lot of iron, phosphorus and potassium. Organic acids, zinc, and trace elements are abundant. The indicator of complete animal protein is about 25%.

A serving of chicken stomachs can be safely equated to drinking a course of vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of the human body: the point is the pantothenic, folic and ascorbic acids, riboflavin, and niacin contained in the navels.

The fiber contained in chicken stomachs will provide you with a long-lasting feeling of fullness and normalize the digestion process. The offal is distinguished by its high ash content, which helps remove toxins.

Due to the low fat content per hundred grams of the product - 6 grams - chicken gizzards are a dietary and low-calorie food. Thus, the caloric content of the offal ranges from 130 to 170 kcal.

It is worth noting that the daily intake of cholesterol recommended by nutritionists should not exceed 300 mg: a hundred-gram serving of chicken gizzards contains about 240 mg of the substance. Exceeding the norm leads to an increased risk of heart disease.

The benefits and harms of chicken stomachs

Like any product, chicken navels have both positive and negative effects on the body. In fact, balance and moderate consumption of the product in accordance with the rules of rational nutrition will help to avoid the latter.

The research revealed the following positive changes that occurred in the human body after including chicken stomachs in the diet:

  1. The product, rich in a number of useful substances, helps improve the condition of the skin, hair, and immunity. Chicken stomachs support the function of the circulatory system and increase appetite;
  2. The content of folic acid and B vitamins in chicken by-products is responsible for stimulating processes of cell division, growth and development of tissues and organs;
  3. Yellow films - covering chicken stomachs cleanses the intestines and develops healthy microflora. The offal affects the digestive system, speeding up metabolism and improving appetite.

Negative consequences of use include:

  1. The likelihood of stale offal releasing toxins hazardous to human health into the body;
  2. Chicken navels are not a complete meat alternative. Abuse of by-products is not beneficial for the human body.

People suffering from individual intolerance to the product should be extremely careful when consuming chicken gizzards: the food should still bring gastronomic pleasure.

Choosing the right chicken gizzards is the key to a successful dish

Most housewives are concerned with the questions: “How to choose chicken giblets? What should I pay attention to?

When going to the nearest supermarket or a familiar butcher, be sure to check the production date and expiration date of chicken gizzards. As stated earlier, by-products that have passed the storage threshold of 48 hours become dangerous for consumption.

Do not be alarmed by the tough and dense structure of the meat product, because the chicken navel is, first of all, a muscle organ. If you have the opportunity to purchase pre-cleaned navels, do not neglect it: this will help you avoid the painstaking work of cleaning belly buttons from entrails that are not suitable for consumption.

By the way, the shelf life of purified frozen offal, if it is not defrosted and re-frozen, is automatically extended to several (!) years.

Cleaning chicken gizzards

So, you purchased fresh, unpeeled offal, and the internal filling of chicken stomachs stood between you and the delicious dish. Most often, navels produced in poultry farms can be cleaned, while chicken stomachs purchased from a farmer cannot.

The fat layer and elastic membrane (cuticle) are what you need to get rid of in the muscle sac before cooking.

Prepare in advance to clean the ventricles and fill the product with ice water. Position yourself at the sink and ensure there are two bowls: one with the product and the other filled with ice water. On a cutting board, place the chicken pouch with the intestinal opening facing up, cut it lengthwise and rinse under running water.

Grab the cuticle with your fingernail and, moving your finger under it, slowly tear it away from the walls of the stomach. Using a knife, scrape out fat deposits and remove cartilage. Place the stomach in cold water.

What's delicious to cook?

The range of dishes made from chicken stomachs is limited only by the chef’s imagination. The most famous variations of the use of navels: noodles, meat pancakes, salads and snacks, goulash. Of course, the beneficial properties of these by-products exceed the gastronomic ones, but it is possible to get a tasty dish from them. The main thing is to give it proper heat treatment: this way it will acquire a soft, or even even delicate, structure. There are various methods for preparing “bags”: stewing, boiling, frying, baking.

To prepare deep-fried chicken gizzards you will need:

  • By-product - ½ kg;
  • Vegetable oil - from 250 ml;
  • Kefir - 250 ml;
  • Wheat flour - 200 g;
  • Salt, pepper, spices to taste.

Before you start frying the stomachs directly, they should be boiled and cooled. It will take about 40 minutes to cook a young offal, but for an old one you will have to spend several hours. Pour kefir into one container and flour into another. We use a deep frying pan or deep fryer in which we heat the vegetable oil until smoking appears.

We first dip each ventricle in kefir, and then roll in flour, completely covering the product. Fry until golden brown. Place on a plate, cool and blot with a paper towel to remove excess fat. Season with salt and spices. Bon appetit!

Advice: when preparing offal, do not skimp on adding spices, sauces and seasonings. Herbs, roots, vegetables and other products to improve the taste will make the dish unique. Use soy sauce for unique tenderness.

Many people enjoy eating chicken gizzards, the benefits and harms of which depend on various indicators. Fresh and properly prepared stomachs, thanks to their nutrition, will not affect your figure in any way, but will only help saturate the body with easily digestible protein.

Beneficial properties of chicken stomachs

Quite a lot can be said about the benefits and nutritional properties of chicken stomachs or navels. They include:

  • vitamins A and B;
  • thiamine;
  • niacin;
  • riboflavin;
  • zinc;
  • phosphorus;
  • sodium;
  • manganese;
  • copper;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • iron;
  • folic acid.

Thanks to these components, the offal has a beneficial effect on the entire body:

  1. Stimulates the process of cell division and is therefore recommended for use by pregnant women and young children.
  2. Improves the functioning of the entire intestine and promotes appetite.
  3. Improves the condition of skin and hair.
  4. Increases body resistance and immunity.
  5. Strengthens blood vessels and heart muscle.

Yellow films also have beneficial properties, which most people simply throw away when cleansing their stomachs. In fact, they need to be thoroughly washed, dried and ground in a coffee grinder. The product is used for gastrointestinal diseases, dysbacteriosis, diarrhea and for the prevention of dystrophy and rickets. Thanks to the enzymes contained in these films, kidney stones are treated and sand is removed. But the result will not be immediate, and for a complete recovery you will need to take the powder for quite a long time. A teaspoon of the product must be taken with water and preferably done on an empty stomach.

Damage to chicken stomachs

Many people are interested in the benefits and harms of chicken stomachs. In fact, harmful toxins can appear in them when the product begins to spoil. Their shelf life is no more than two days, therefore, after this period, the navels must be disposed of.

Please note that all the beneficial properties of the product will be destroyed after the freezing process, so try to purchase only fresh product, which most likely cannot be frozen.

Some people may have an individual intolerance to chicken navels, which manifests itself in the form of indigestion and an allergic rash. In this case, you should stop eating them.

Calorie content of the product

Chicken gizzards contain about 22% of healthy and easily digestible animal protein. On average, the caloric content of boiled chicken stomachs is equal to 130-170 kcal per hundred grams. Nutritional value of the product: proteins – 21 g, fats – 6.4 g, carbohydrates – 0.6 g. Thanks to these indicators, navels are an excellent dietary dish that will not harm the figure and will not add extra centimeters to the waist. boiled chicken stomachs is quite low, therefore, ideal for those who need to get a large amount of protein without gaining weight. Dishes prepared from this offal can be eaten in unlimited quantities, provided that in the process of its preparation a large amount of heavy cream or butter is not used. Stewed chicken stomachs have a slightly lower calorie content and do not exceed 75 kcal per 100 g. At the same time, the stewing process must be long in order for the dish to be tender and tasty. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the use of onions, carrots and cream during stewing significantly increases the calorie content of the product, although it improves its taste.

If you monitor your health and proper nutrition, then it is recommended to periodically include chicken gizzards, the benefits and harms of which depend solely on the quality of storage of the product.