L carotene for weight loss. L-carnitine harm and contraindications. How to take carnitine for weight loss

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Date of: 2018-03-20 Views: 15 733 Grade: 3.4 There is a lot of disagreement about when and how to take L-carnitine correctly. Some say that it is necessary before training, others that after, and others that during. So what is actually more effective?

When should I take it?

Let's start with a little theory so that you have a better idea of ​​where your legs are coming from. Carnitine promotes the transport of fatty acids during the breakdown of fat. So, if you are losing weight, and your fat is, accordingly, broken down, then it is broken down approximately evenly 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. In the morning, in the evening, before training, after training, etc. That is, there are no specific hours in the day and no specific days when fat is broken down and when it is not. And if you are unable to lose weight and fat is not broken down, then it is not broken down 24 hours a day. Everything is elementary. In general, I want you to understand: it doesn’t turn on overnight and doesn’t turn off overnight. From this we can draw a simple conclusion. More precisely, 3 conclusions: 1. It makes no difference when. Neither in terms of time of day, nor in terms of connection to training. It is possible that there is some minimal difference, but it is so insignificant that in practice it is not felt at all. 2. It is advisable to take carnitine several times a day. Standard option: morning and evening. It’s better even 3 times a day: in the morning, at lunch and before bed. It’s just not convenient for everyone, so I usually say 2 times a day. 3. You need to take carnitine EVERY day, not just on the day of training. It is very important. That is, as you can see, everything is quite simple. Take carnitine every 12 hours or every 8 hours. Every day and regardless of whether you have a workout that day, and if so, on what day. I think this issue has been sorted out. Now let's talk about dosages.

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There is nothing complicated here either. The average working dosage is 4000 mg (4 g) per day. This means pure 100% carnitine. After all, not all carnitine-based supplements contain 100% carnitine. Well, we divide these 4 grams into 2 or 3 doses per day. Dosages depend on body weight, but not much. If you weigh 50 - 60 kg, then maybe 3 grams will be enough. If you weigh 100 kg or more, 5 grams is better. Here, in principle, the more, the better. But I think that 10 grams per day or more will no longer affect the result. I haven’t conducted any experiments, but practice shows something like this. That's all I wanted to say. I also forgot to write about the duration of taking carnitine. Since this is a half-vitamin, half-amino acid (I’m exaggerating a little), the duration of use is essentially unlimited. Take it all year round. It is possible that over time the body will react less strongly to it, but there should not be any side effects. Bye everyone!

Today we decided to talk about a popular supplement for cutting, so we’ll break it down and present you with reviews of L-Carnitine for weight loss. Manufacturers claim that it not only helps burn fat deposits, but also increases the athlete’s endurance. Is it really? Let's try to figure it out by studying in detail the main properties and reviews of Elcarnitine for weight loss.

How to take L-Carnitine for weight loss correctly?

There are two key effects from taking L-Carnitine:

  1. It helps transport fatty acids into the blood, thereby enhancing fat burning processes;
  2. Accelerates metabolism, resulting in cells producing energy faster.

There are quite significant advantages for athletes, but the supplement has one significant disadvantage - it does not work for everyone. This is due to an incorrect dosage regimen. There are 4 main factors that help to get the maximum effect from consuming L-Carnitine.

1. Dosage

The optimal dose of the supplement is 4 to 6 g per day.

Important! When calculating your daily intake, don't forget to take into account L-Carnitine, found in dairy products and meat. Otherwise, if there is an excess of a substance in the body, it will simply be inactive.

The sports supplement is available in liquid and tablet form. Each of them has its own list of advantages and disadvantages. Liquid L-Carnitine is absorbed into the blood faster, but its production uses sugar and preservatives. The tablets are characterized by slow absorption, but they contain exclusively the active substance without impurities.

2. Appointment time

Experts advise taking the supplement an hour before meals. On non-training days, divide the daily intake evenly into 5 servings. During training, schedule your intake in such a way that half of the daily dosage (2-3 g) is taken an hour before physical activity. L-Carnitine begins to act 50-60 minutes after entering the body, and the effect lasts about 2 hours. This feature will allow you to have a more productive workout.

An example of a schedule of appointments on training days:

  • 1000 mg one hour before the first meal;
  • 1000 mg one hour before lunch;
  • 3000 mg one hour before training;
  • 1000 mg one hour before dinner.

L-Carnitine has a cumulative property, so regular use of the substance is guaranteed to give the expected result.

3. Conditions for L-Carnitine to work effectively

Unfortunately, taking a weight loss supplement alone will not be enough. In order for the substance to demonstrate its best properties, you should follow a proper diet and exercise regimen, and also add cardio exercises.

Taking L-Carnitine without the above conditions will be ineffective.

4. Possible side effects

L-Carnitine does not have any strict contraindications or dangerous side effects. In case of an overdose, the maximum you face is an upset stomach. Consult your doctor before starting a course of L-Carnitine. An experienced doctor will draw up an optimal appointment schedule and advise the correct diet.

Knowing the above 4 rules for taking L-Carnitine will help you get the maximum effect.

If you are seriously thinking about losing weight, then we advise you. You can choose L-Carnitine at an affordable price and other supplements that will improve your results.

Reviews of L-Carnitine for weight loss

Reviews of those losing weight about L-Carnitine

“In pursuit of a slim body, I turned to a new (at least for myself) drug – Carnitine. I will not talk about the principles of action and composition of the supplement. The Internet is full of various articles of similar content. Let’s get down to the most interesting part – the result.

I’ve been taking it for 1 month, I go to the gym three times a week (strength training + 40 minutes of cardio). Sometimes I add cardio on non-training days.

On nutrition. I eliminated all simple carbohydrates from my diet. If you want something sweet, I replace it with dried fruits.

Within a month, the results amazed me. I deliberately did not stand for hours in front of the mirror every day so that the changes could be clearly visible. As a result, my weight remained the same, but the centimeters on the sides went away (at the waist -4 cm).I also took bcaa with carnitine so as not to burn muscles during cardio.

Overall, I’m more than satisfied with the effects of the supplement!”

“I haven’t been doing sports for long, only 3 months. A month ago I added sports nutrition to my training, namely el-carnitine and bcaa. Initially, I was against any additives and thought that it was chemicals that would only make things worse. But the trainer in the gym convinced me. And thank God!
El-carnitine is incredibly effective, provided that you follow the BJU norm and add a lot of anaerobic exercise (running, elliptical, orbitrek, cycling, etc.)
In 1 month I lost weight from 61 kg to 58, with a height of 167 cm. The volume on the sides and hips has noticeably gone away. I plan not to stop there and continue to lose weight with El-Carnitine.”

“I want to warn you right away, if you think that any product from a sports nutrition store is chemical, then you should not read further. I would advise you to study the information on the Internet. For the rest, I will write an honest review about L-Carnitine.

Let's be honest, everyone is overweight. Some to a greater extent, others to a lesser extent. One day, looking in the mirror, I realized that it was time to go to the gym. Armed with an experienced trainer, I began my fight against fat deposits. He advised me to add L-Carnitine to my diet. I was skeptical at first, but bought it anyway. After a week of taking it, I began to feel the effect, and what an effect it was! I started running for 15-20 minutes longer, without feeling terribly tired.
As for fat burning, in 3 months I have changed a lot. Not only the coach, but all my friends tell me this. Unfortunately, I didn’t take any measurements, so I can’t boast about my achievements. But on the scales I found the number 48, instead of 54, which was there three months earlier.”

28.10.2015 admin

Levocarnitine- an amino acid belonging to the group of vitamins B. In the human body, the liver and kidneys are responsible for its production. L-carnitine promotes the conversion of fats into energy, which leads to increased endurance and human performance. A lack of amino acids in the body can lead to a slowdown in metabolic processes, obesity and heart problems.

In addition, levocarnitine is indispensable when playing sports - it promotes rapid muscle recovery after training and protects them from possible damage.

Mechanism of action of L-carnitine

The exponentially growing popularity of levocarnitine is explained by its effect on the body. Fat synthesis is carried out under the influence of two amino acids - lysine and methionine. It is thanks to them that the process of converting fats into energy starts. The absence of L-carnitine would lead to the fact that food is excreted from the body, without providing it with the necessary energy.

Beneficial features

Medical studies have shown that with age, the production of levocarnitine in the human body decreases significantly. As a consequence of this, the main consumers - the heart and muscle tissue - do not receive the required amount of energy. Most often this leads to improper functioning of organs.

Another big advantage of the amino acid is its fat-burning properties. While destroying adipose tissue, L-carnitine does not affect proteins and carbohydrates. But for effective weight loss, a sufficient amount of amino acids in the body alone will not be enough; it is necessary to follow a certain diet and regular physical activity.

In addition to fighting extra pounds, the food supplement has a number of other beneficial properties:

  • reduces fatigue and increases performance;
  • used as an additional remedy in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, atherosclerosis), reduces blood cholesterol levels;
  • balances the side effects of drugs used in the fight against AIDS;
  • for kidney disease and liver disease, replaces naturally synthesized carnitine;
  • replenishes the energy deficit that occurs during infectious diseases accompanied by high fever.

Taking L-carnitine is very useful for people who lead an active lifestyle and engage in sports activities for a number of reasons:

  • helps increase the body's performance and endurance during intense physical activity;
  • reduces the amount of lactic acid in the muscles, which helps reduce muscle pain;
  • recovery after training occurs much faster;
  • is a catalyst for protein metabolism in the body, thereby accelerating muscle growth;
  • effective with a low-carbohydrate diet, helps burn fat.

Harm and side effects

In general, the drug is well tolerated, unless there are contraindications to its use and the recommended doses are followed.


  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Protein intolerance.
  • Poor nutrition.
  • A number of diseases: oncology, HIV, diabetes, epilepsy, enlarged thyroid gland.

If you do not have any of the listed contraindications, then with some caution you can start taking L-carnitine.

At first, minor side effects may occur, which disappear after 2-5 days:

  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • Diarrhea and other stomach disorders.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Insomnia.
  • Excessive activity.
If side effects do not go away after a few days, then you should stop taking the dietary supplement.

There are also more serious side effects; they usually occur in people who do not follow the recommended dosage, have contraindications, or have an unhealthy diet.

The following effects of taking levocarnitine have been recorded:

  • Manifestation of anorexia nervosa.
  • Sudden mood swings - from severe depression to attacks of aggression.
  • The appearance of shortness of breath and heavy breathing.
  • Swelling of the throat.

The presence of such signs is a serious reason to visit a doctor.

How to take L-carnitine?

L-carnitine is available in three forms - liquid, capsules and tablets.

It is taken in a course - a month of taking it, then rest. This happens so that the body does not stop producing carnitine on its own.

Today, the dosage of L-carnitine has a wide range from 500 mg to 2000 mg. The average daily intake is in the range of 1500-1800 mg. It is not recommended to take more than 3000 mg per day. This may lead to serious side effects.

Take L-carnitine in the morning or 20-30 minutes before training. You should not take the supplement in the afternoon, as this can lead to insomnia.

Levocarnitine does not combine well with alcohol, energy drinks, and coffee.

L-carnitine, available in the form of tablets or capsules, is taken 2 times a day, 500–750 mg.

Liquid L-carnitine is taken as a cocktail between meals. To avoid health problems, it is not recommended to consume on an empty stomach.

Taking L-carnitine for weight loss

The success of losing weight with L-carnitine directly depends on your desire and determination. Taking dietary supplements without regular physical activity and excessive food consumption will not only not give visible results, but can also aggravate the situation. Any fat burner increases your appetite; in order to control your hunger you need to follow a certain diet, which will be discussed later.

To successfully implement your idea of ​​acquiring a beautiful, slender body, you must follow several steps:

  1. High intensity training. The heart rate during them is 50-60% of the maximum value; if less, then increase the pace of the exercise. To do this, it is not at all necessary to visit sports complexes. You can also achieve some success at home. Here is a list of approximate loads:
    - jogging;
    - a ride on the bicycle;
    - practicing your favorite types of dance;
    - fast walking or climbing stairs, uphill;
    - Cardio exercises.
  2. The duration of training should be at least 25-30 minutes. Physical activity triggers the fat burning process, only in this case will taking L-carnitine be effective. Before starting a workout, you need to take 2/3 of the total amount of dietary supplements, the rest 20 minutes after the start of the workout. Fitness trainers prefer liquid carnitine because it can be mixed with water and consumed throughout the workout.
  3. Strict adherence to diet. Nutritionists advise eating every 3-4 hours, consuming small portions; the total number of meals per day should be 5. Foods containing large amounts of carbohydrates are best eaten in the first half of the day. After lunch, eat protein-rich foods - chicken or turkey, sea fish, low-fat cottage cheese. During the day you need to drink at least 2 liters of water. Taking L-carnitine cannot be combined with low-calorie diets. This can lead to breakdowns and neuroses.
  4. The training ended and a terrible feeling of hunger appeared. What to do? To get a toned body, you will have to wait an hour, and then drink a protein shake or eat a portion of protein food. You can also treat yourself to a banana - its high potassium content promotes rapid muscle recovery after tiring exercise.

When taking L-carnitine, do not get hung up on the scales. A number can stubbornly maintain its previous value even with visible results to others. Better stock up on a tape measure and measure your curves, they are guaranteed to become smaller. This happens because levocarnitine does not reduce overall body weight, but burns fat on the abdomen, thighs and buttocks.

Muscle mass increases with constant physical activity, as a result, weight changes slightly, but the body looks slimmer, fit and attractive.

A slim figure is considered the most important aspect of female beauty. Therefore, many girls and women are constantly looking for a product that will help them lose excess weight. Of course, every representative of the fair sex finds her own option. However, most people prefer L-carnitine for weight loss.

Today, L-carnitine is the most popular dietary supplement that helps you lose excess weight. People simply call it carnitine. In this article we will take a closer look at how to take L carnitine and what it is.

What is it and why is it needed

Let's take a closer look at the description of L-carnitine and its instructions for use for weight loss. This substance is taken by athletes for... It is often called vitamin B11. However, this name is erroneous. The drug is actually vitamin-like. It is distinguished from vitamins by its ability to be synthesized in the human body.

There are two types:

  1. L-carnitine.
  2. D-carnitine.

To lose excess weight, take only L-carnitine. The second type is its opposite. It can harm the body. L-carnitine is synthesized in the liver and kidneys from methionine and lysine. After this, it spreads throughout the body.

Doctors' reviews of L-carnitine for weight loss are very good. The action of the drug is aimed at the utilization of fatty acids. Under its influence, they simply burn, releasing energy.

In most cases, L-carnitine enters the human body through food - meat and dairy products. Plant foods contain very little of this substance. Its synthesis depends on vitamins C, B3, B6, B9, iron and enzymes. If any component is missing, the synthesis process becomes impossible. Because of this, a person may gain excess weight. It is in such cases that it is recommended to use L-carnitine separately, in the form of a medication. Which L-carnitine is better - in tablets or liquid, we will analyze further.

Benefits and effects on the body

L-carnitine has various properties:

  • burns excess fat;
  • affects mental activity;
  • has an anabolic effect;
  • affects the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • promotes detoxification.

As for the indications for the use of L-carnitine for women, here it is necessary to take into account some nuances. Especially for those who are planning to become a mother.

Let's look at the benefits and harms of L-carnitine, and whether it has contraindications.

Fat burner

The drug helps maintain a person’s weight within normal limits by burning fat and converting it into energy. It is important to constantly maintain its normal level in the body. Remember that with age, the concentration of this substance in the body decreases.

Impact on mental performance

Doctors' reviews about the use of L-carnitine tablets are positive. It has been noted that taking 2 g of the drug per day for 6 months improves mental performance, increasing mental endurance to high stress. It also has a neurotrophic effect, restoring nerve cell tissue.

Anabolic effect

Why is L-carnitine needed in sports nutrition? To increase the percentage of muscles in the body. This substance works very effectively during the “drying” process, dissolving fat and preserving muscle mass.

Effect on the cardiovascular system

The drug lowers cholesterol levels and prevents the development of atherosclerosis. Prevents myocardial infarction and stroke. It is often recommended to drink it for heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, anorexia, thyrotoxicosis, as an additional remedy.

Levokartinin is also a good antioxidant and neuroprotector. It strengthens the immune system and prevents the development of osteoporosis.


Excellent removal of toxins. Its effectiveness has been proven in cases of alcohol poisoning and drug intoxication.

Contraindications and possible side effects

Those who want to know how to take L-carnitine for weight loss should read reviews about contraindications and possible side effects.

In principle, the substance is absolutely safe if the correct dosage is followed. This dietary supplement is non-toxic and non-addictive, but is not recommended for:

  • breastfeeding;
  • food protein intolerance;
  • exhaustion of the body due to prolonged fasting;
  • oncology;
  • planning pregnancy.

As for side effects, they may be as follows:

  • diarrhea;
  • cramps in the abdominal area;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • uremia;
  • allergic rash;
  • convulsions.

  • venison and beef;
  • pork and rabbit;
  • poultry meat;
  • fish;
  • dairy products, cheese, milk;
  • mushrooms;
  • The least amount of this substance is found in vegetables, fruits, nuts and grains.

The best drug for weight loss

Available in different types of chemical compounds. Therefore, before use, you should decide which L-carnitine is best to buy.

  • Tartrate- This is the most active form with high bioavailability. When it enters the digestive system, tartrate is split into two components: pure kartinine and tartaric acid. Each part is learned differently. When deciding which L-carnitine to choose, you need to take into account the reviews of those losing weight. And they indicate that it is Tartrate that promotes weight loss better than anyone else.
  • Acetyl.This type has appeared on the market quite recently and is distinguished by the fact that it contains an acetyl group. Manufacturers tried to improve the bioavailability of the substance and its digestibility, but did not achieve the desired results. The advantage of acetylcarnitine is that it easily crosses the blood-brain barrier of the brain. There it stimulates metabolic processes, improves memory and thinking.
  • Fumarate. The L-carnitine compound in this form has negative bioavailability. Fumarate is made by combining fumaric acid with pure levocarnitine. Levocarnitine for weight loss, also known as L-carnitine, according to reviews from those losing weight, works great, but in combination with fumaric acid its lipotropic effect is reduced. The advantage of fumarate is its beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.
  • Propionil is an ester of carnitine bound to the amino acid glycine. Propionyl takes part in lipid metabolism. It improves nitrogen-oxide synthesis. This substance acts as a vasodilator. Therefore, it is taken for ischemia, heart failure, and intermittent claudication. In addition, this substance has antioxidant properties. Propionyl improves testosterone synthesis and increases endurance by reducing lactic acid levels after training.
  • Carnitine chloride known to medicine for 50 years. The very first form was precisely chloride. Today it is no longer in demand. The chloride form contains not only L-carnitine, but also its opposite, D-carnitine. The result is LD-carnitine, which is successfully used in neurology, but not in sports. Of course, Carnitine chloride is still produced today, but only for medical purposes.
  • Clean. Among athletes, pure carnitine is called basic or classic. In terms of its bioavailability, it is no worse than tartrate, but the price of such L-carnitine for weight loss is somewhat lower.

Which is more effective - liquid or capsules?

The dietary supplement is available in four forms:

  • pills;
  • capsules;
  • ampoules;
  • liquid drinking.

Most often you can find tablets on sale, for example, vitamin L-carnitine 500 mg tablets. Capsules are also very popular.

However, the most effective is the liquid drinking form. The liquid preparation is well absorbed, but it may contain sweeteners and dyes that can cause gastrointestinal upset. However, reviews of the L carnitine liquid drink are only positive.

As for taking L-carnitine in capsules for weight loss, doctors' reviews of them are also very good. Capsules are also well absorbed, but a little slower than the liquid drug. They can be washed down with water, juice or warm tea. It is better to combine the drug in capsules with.

How to take it correctly for weight loss

Now let's talk about how to drink liquid L-carnitine for weight loss, what is its dosage and instructions for use.

Athletes need to drink 1200 mg of the drug per day. This dose can be divided into two equal parts. One should be drunk before meals. In this case, you can take tablets or capsules.

How to take L-carnitine before training? Before training, it is better to drink a liquid drug. The general consumption pattern looks like this:

  • 200 mg in the morning before breakfast;
  • 200 mg before lunch;
  • 200 mg before afternoon snack;
  • 600 mg 30 minutes before training.

Now let's talk about how to take the fat burner L-carnitine for weight loss for non-athletes, taking into account the reviews of those losing weight. In this case, drink 1-2 capsules or tablets 3 times a day with meals. If your body weight is greatly exceeded, you can increase the daily intake by 1.5-2 times. The drug should be taken for one month. After that there is a month break, and then you can take the course again to consolidate the result.

Does it make sense to take it without training?

How to take L-carnitine fat burner without training, what are the reviews about this method of losing weight? We answer right away - the reviews are negative. If you take a fat burner and lie down on the couch, it simply won’t work.

Why? The reason is the effect of the drug. It synthesizes fatty acids in such a way that they can be “burned out” aerobically. This requires the presence of oxygen in the tissues. If there is no anaerobic load, then you should not expect results. Therefore, you simply cannot do without physical exercise.

Which one to choose and where is it better to buy

There are many manufacturing companies, so it is important to have a good understanding of which drug is better and where you can buy it. Let's start with the fact that this dietary supplement is freely sold online, as well as in regular pharmacies. However, this applies to tablets and capsules. But ampoules and liquid form are sold mainly in sports nutrition stores.

Now let's move on to the manufacturers:

  • Levocarnil Evalar. Reviews about Levocarnil produced by Evalar are only positive. Athletes note that this supplement perfectly fills the body with energy. Naturally, this is very important for “burning” excess fat. You can see what L-carnitine for weight loss from Evalar looks like in the photo; it has a relatively low price and has mostly positive consumer reviews.
  • Carniton. Reviews about Carniton for weight loss are also positive. In fact, this is a dietary supplement that is produced by many companies, both domestic and foreign. Carnitone reduces fatigue, gives strength, accelerates metabolism, increases muscle tone, reduces fat metabolism and reduces overall body weight.
  • Arnebia L-carnitine. Another drug that has a lot of positive reviews is Arnebia L-carnitine. It can be taken not only for weight loss, but also for maintaining overall health. This dietary supplement helps increase muscle mass.
  • Solgar L-carnitine. Reviews of L-carnitine produced by Solgar are quite good, even though it is very expensive. The drug itself is of excellent quality and promotes accelerated fat burning.
  • Levocarnitine. What is the price of levocarnitine, are its instructions for use different? Levocarnitine is available in different forms. The drug will only work in combination with physical activity and a balanced diet. When doing fitness while taking levocarnitine in parallel, excess weight will disappear faster.

Research results

Recent studies have demonstrated that in reality this drug is not as harmless as everyone thinks. American scientists have found that this substance promotes the development and progression of atherosclerosis. But the culprit is not the substance itself, but some bacteria that “live” peacefully in the human intestines. They process L-cartinine, forming an active metabolite - Trimethylamine N-oxide or TMAO. This is a powerful toxin that destroys the walls of blood vessels and leads to the formation of plaques. During the study, vegetarians had lower concentrations of the toxin, which was due to their dietary habits.

However, atherosclerotic plaques do not form in one day. This takes years. Therefore, short-term use of the drug cannot in any way affect the condition of the blood vessels.

Experts' opinions

Experts say that people who are actively involved in sports need to take this supplement. With its help you can quickly restore strength after significant stress. Thanks to this substance, the athlete will not feel lethargic after training.

In addition, experts note that there is no need to take the supplement cyclically. It can be used regularly, strictly following the dosage. The supplement should be taken before training. We also must not forget that it is absorbed by the body very quickly.

Answers to the most frequently asked questions

How to drink liquid vitamin L-carnitine in ampouleson days when there are no workouts?

The drug can be taken daily 2-3 times a day on an empty stomach for good health. To improve athletic performance, preference should be given to Acetyl L-carnitine.

Can I drink it with fat burners?

It is not recommended to combine this nutritional supplement with fat burners. Moreover, fat burners themselves do not have the best effect on the human body.

Will this supplement help build muscle for bodybuilding?

The drug itself does not contribute significantly to bodybuilding unless physical activity is performed. Of course, the substance improves performance in athletics. However, bodybuilders cannot do without protein to achieve a noticeable effect.

Can it be taken by minors?

It is possible, but, as a rule, this is not necessary. In most cases, this drug is prescribed to minors for rare genetic diseases and obesity.

Is it prohibited to take the supplement after the gallbladder has been removed?

In principle, no. However, you must first consult with your doctor on this topic. In any case, if the condition worsens, you should stop taking the drug.

Results and reviews

Evgeniy, 23 years old:

“I drank L-carnitine for 6 weeks and worked out on an exercise bike, running in the evenings. I didn’t overexert myself too much, but as a result I lost 12 kg. Excellent result!".

Elena, 25 years old:

“Noted the effectiveness of the supplement during training and diet. But only during training, taking the drug did not give any results. Only adding a diet made it possible to move the needle.”

Vladimir, 39 years old:

“I strongly advise everyone to check their health before starting to take this drug. My blood pressure began to rise, although this had never happened before. It turned out that the body itself produces carnitine. If there is enough of it, then additional intake can be harmful.”


How L-carnitine works and how to take it correctly to lose weight, you will learn from this video.

The amino acid L-carnitine (vitamin B11) was first isolated in 1905; its ability to transport fatty acids into cells was studied only in 1962.

It can be partially produced in the body of a healthy person. If too much L-carnitine is supplied additionally with food or in the form of a finished drug, then the excess is eliminated from the body: it cannot accumulate beyond the norm.

Only the L-form of carnitine is biologically active - the so-called levorotatory isomer. The dextrorotatory form of the molecule (D-carnitine) is harmful and even dangerous: it is a functional antagonist of L-substance.

Application and features of L-carnitine

Traditionally, L-carnitine is included in sports nutrition formulas and is also used for medical reasons (for this purpose, it is better to buy the drug in pharmacies).

  • Fat breakdown: L-carnitine supplies fat particles to cellular “power plants” - mitochondria. There they are destroyed and energy is released.

  • Raising energy levels: Muscle strength and endurance become higher, memory and thinking improve, mood and overall tone of the body improve.

  • Increased resistance to stress, increased adaptability of the body (when changing time zones, weather conditions) is another result of the influence of l-carnitine.

  • Anabolic effect: dry muscle mass increases.

  • Reducing “bad” cholesterol– prevention of heart attacks and strokes.

  • Antioxidant action– wound healing and accelerated tissue restoration.

How to take l-carnitine – Drug doses

In sports (professional) practice, carnitine is used in large doses - from 2 to 8 g of pure substance per day. The regime of exercise and nutrition, energy costs are taken into account, everything is under the supervision of a doctor.

It is better to select the amount of L-carnitine individually for each case, taking into account the goals and dynamics of training results.

A dosage of 1 gram per day when consumed for one and a half months will help increase appetite and increase body weight. In case of growth retardation, a course of carnitine is suggested - 20 days 0.5-0.75 grams per day, then a break for about 1-2 months, then repeat the course.

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If you are taking it as part of any fitness nutrition or vitamin complex, look at the composition information on the package.

L-carnitine, both liquid and in capsules, is perfectly absorbed and easily excreted from the body; cases of intoxication have not yet been described. But so that the drug not only does not harm, but also brings benefits, it is still recommended to start with a minimum dosage - 500 mg per day, it is advisable to divide it into two doses of 250 mg.

Duration of admission

Carnitine is partially produced in the body, this is the norm. Its highest content is in the liver and brain: it is these organs that consume maximum energy when performing their functions.

Experts do not welcome the craze for long-term use of high doses of carnitine (more than 2 g/day), since with constant intake from the outside, your own production of the amino acid will certainly decrease.

In this case, increasingly higher dosages will be needed, which is not cheap and unsafe - there are known cases of allergic reactions to large amounts of carnitine.

According to various sources, the recommended pause in taking carnitine (at 2 grams per day or more) ranges from one to one and a half months to six months. If the daily dosage of L-carnitine is no more than 500 mg, then this supplementary nutrition option can be practiced constantly.

Combination with other drugs

L-carnitine belongs to the group of nutraceuticals (substances for additional nutrition), is non-toxic, and goes well with other sports nutrition products and all medications.

  • Fat burners: stimulate metabolic processes and the breakdown of fat cells, reduce body weight, and improve muscle definition.
    Such additives usually include guarana (an analogue of caffeine), chitosan, tyramine, and green tea extract. Carnitine enhances the effect of all components of fat burners, greatly increasing their effectiveness.

  • Coenzyme Q10: increases energy production, increases oxygen absorption in all organs. Taking carnitine and Q10 at the same time will quickly improve your well-being.

Relative disadvantages:

    Temporary sleep disturbance may occur if you take L-carnitine in the evening.

    Rarely, individual intolerance to carnitine (headaches, nausea and diarrhea) occurs.

    Difficulties during hemodialysis: muscle weakness may develop if L-carnitine was taken immediately before the procedure.

The use of L-carnitine for weight loss

Every healthy person has a fat depot. The breakdown of accumulated reserves provides up to 96% of the required energy, and all life activity is completely dependent on the normal operation of this mechanism.

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L-carnitine plays a major role here: it is the one that carries fatty acids into the cells, where energy is then produced.

Fat is not converted into energy, its reserves increase. An uncontrolled increase in body weight begins, turning into obesity. Further complications arise in the form of problems with joints, veins, and heart. Over time, the development of type II diabetes is guaranteed.

L-carnitine has become an excellent aid both in the treatment of obesity and in maintaining a healthy body in excellent shape. With the start of taking it, adipose tissue decreases at a constant rate, a loss of 10 to 15 kg per month is possible! Moreover, it is not necessary to change your diet.

Use for body drying

Training cycles for the formation of muscle definition require dietary restrictions.