The best posture correctors for children: review, features, types and reviews. How to correct a child's posture using a corset? Children's back posture corrector

A posture corrector for children is a common device for the treatment of various diseases of the spine in the initial stages of development. You can choose a corrective device yourself, but it is better to entrust this matter to a specialist, because when choosing a corset, you need to take into account all the individual characteristics of the child. What types of correctors exist, what needs to be taken into account when choosing and how to wear a corrective product correctly - all this will be discussed in this article.

This is a special orthopedic product used in medicine to straighten the spinal column. Posture correctors are also used for preventive purposes against various back diseases. As a rule, doctors recommend wearing a corrector during active growth and development of the child’s body, that is, between 6 and 13 years.

On a note! When choosing a particular orthopedic product, you must follow the recommendations of an orthopedist. After all, the effectiveness of wearing it depends on how correctly it is selected.

The main task of a posture corrector is to complete elimination of all defects that arose against the background of pathological changes in the spine(curvatures). Also, with the help of a corrective product, you can prevent relapses.

Corrective corset for the spine

Indications for use

The main indications for the use of posture correctors include:

As a rule, a posture corrector is prescribed as part of complex therapy. Together with him you need to undergo manual therapy procedures, swimming, therapeutic exercises and massage treatments. Only with a combination of all these therapeutic measures can maximum results be achieved.

Are there any contraindications

Despite the large number of advantages of using posture correctors, they have certain contraindications that must be taken into account when treating scoliosis or other pathologies of the spinal column:

On a note! It is necessary to select the most optimal time for wearing, that is, the most risky time for the child’s posture - for example, while visiting school, the gym, or doing homework in a sitting position. This will maximize the protection of the spinal column. But if we talk about the rest of the day, then here the muscles need to be given freedom.

Magnetic posture corrector

Classification of posture correctors

Depending on the level of hardness, products may be elastic(used for preventive purposes, as they do not hold the child’s body tightly enough), medium hard(the design of such corsets includes special spring parts, thanks to which the body is held somewhat stronger) and the toughest correctors, which, as a rule, are prescribed exclusively for therapeutic purposes (not for prevention). The maximum rigidity of corsets is due to the presence of special stiffening ribs made of plastic or metal.

Corrective products may also differ from each other in design - the choice of posture correctors depends on the purpose of the therapeutic course, the localization of the pathological process and the severity. Below are the main types of products used for medical purposes.

Table. The main types of children's posture correctors.

A type of posture correctorDescription

Prescribed for the treatment of early stages of spinal curvature. The reclinator is shaped like a figure eight; it maintains the correct position of the spinal column by spreading the child’s shoulders. It is used to reduce stoop in both adults and children.

It is a wide bar attached to the back. Special straps extend from it in different directions, which, passing under the child’s armpits, spread his shoulders to the sides. A breast corrector is used for osteochondrosis, radicular syndrome, severe stoop and scoliosis.

The design of this product consists of a semi-rigid back, a belt and a reclinator. The peculiarity of the thoracolumbar corrector is to relieve excessive stress from the back and support the spinal column. Used for osteoporosis, osteochondrosis, scoliosis, kyphosis and other diseases of the spine.

Since the health of your child depends on the correct choice of corrective product, before purchasing a posture corrector, you need to consult with a specialist (in this case, the help of an orthopedic doctor is required). When choosing a product, you need to take into account many factors, so only an experienced specialist can choose the most suitable corset.

What to consider when choosing

Despite the fact that many people, when choosing a product, rely only on the price-quality ratio, this is not recommended in the case of a posture corrector. First of all, parents should clarify which corset is perfect for their child and will help cope with pathological disorders.

If you want to know in more detail what it looks like, and also consider the types of gadgets, description and application, you can read an article about it on our portal.

To choose a medical corrector, you need to follow the simple recommendations given below.

It is worth noting that those that were made from natural materials can last much longer than their counterparts made from synthetics. In addition, such devices are almost not subject to wear during operation (of course, all this also depends on proper care of the product).

From an early age, children may experience problems with posture. In order not to start the disease, it is important to begin treatment of the spine in a timely manner. At the initial stages of development of the pathological condition, posture correctors can be used for therapy. For children, such a device should be selected by a specialist, taking into account various parameters. Wearing a corrector helps to form correct posture and eliminate stooping and curvature of the spinal column.

Causes of spinal curvature

Currently, spinal problems are diagnosed in many children at an early age. Doctors call this one of the main problems of our time. This is due to a significant decrease in physical activity. The main reasons for the development of problems with the spine include the following:

  • congenital abnormalities;
  • a history of rickets, poliomyelitis, rheumatism;
  • heredity;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • violation of the correct position of the back during prolonged sitting;
  • lack of calcium;
  • problems with the absorption of beneficial microelements;
  • hormonal imbalance in the system;
  • carrying a heavy briefcase.

Scoliosis is most common in children. In the absence of proper treatment, this disease subsequently leads to a change in the shape of the vertebrae. Parents should remember that the disease is treatable only at the initial stage. Even in adolescence, coping with the problem is much more difficult.

How to treat?

If you contact a specialist in a timely manner, it is possible to get rid of the curvature of the spinal column with the help of conservative treatment. The main methods of therapy are massage, therapeutic exercises or physical education. Posture correctors will help eliminate existing asymmetry of the muscle corset and prevent the development of the disease. Children and adults must first be examined by an orthopedic surgeon, who will determine which device is needed for a particular patient.

Types of correctors

An orthopedic device for correcting posture can be worn at any age. combined with other methods of treating the spine. It is also often used to prevent pathology. There are several types of orthopedic devices designed to restore the correct position of the spinal column: reclinators, thoracic correctors and thoracolumbar bandages (corsets). During the examination of the patient, the doctor will determine the severity of the pathology, the location of the curvature and the need to wear one of the devices.

Posture correctors for children are prescribed for scoliosis, kyphosis, stoop, congenital and acquired pathologies of the vertebral structure. In addition to wearing a special device, it is important to do massage and physical therapy. The duration of use of the corrector will depend on the severity of the patient’s condition. To achieve a positive result, the device must be worn for at least six months.

When is a reclinator needed?

A posture corrector for children is considered one of the main methods of correcting posture. It allows you to significantly reduce the load on the muscle corset and restore the normal position of the spine. In the initial stages of deformation, wearing a reclinator is recommended - a device consisting of two loops that cross between the shoulder blades in the shape of a figure eight. The reclinator straps are placed on the shoulders and gently pull them back, thereby straightening the back.

There are therapeutic and preventive types of such products. The former are more rigid than the latter and are used exclusively for vertebral disorders. Preventive reclinators allow the child to form the habit of keeping his back in the correct position. When choosing an orthopedic device, the specialist pays attention to the patient’s age and the degree of curvature of the spinal column.

Breast correctors

This type of corrector is a corset, additionally equipped with the latter, which are necessary to maintain posture and align a certain part of the spinal column. The breast corrector can be made in the form of a corset, a belt, or a model with straps (reminiscent of a reclinator).

The chest corrector will help to cope with stoop, pathologies of the thoracic and cervical spine. Special devices are effective in correcting problems in children by relieving stress on the muscles. Gradually the child learns to hold his back correctly. A thoracic posture corrector for children, the price of which depends on the manufacturer and product configuration, is not prescribed for the treatment of spinal deformity in children under 4 years of age.

Thoracolumbar corrector for children

This is the most complex design, which is prescribed for serious diseases of the spine. Indications for the use of a thoracolumbar corrector are osteochondrosis, scoliosis, kyphosis (1-2 degrees), damage to the spinal column in the thoracic region.

The device is an elastic belt with a rigid back and reclinator. During use, the corrector affects the thoracic and lumbar areas. The straps of the device are usually made of elastic materials. They intersect on the back, which allows for increased reclination.

Thoracolumbar corrective devices can be prescribed for the treatment of children from 4 years of age. The orthopedic surgeon first determines how to wear the corset.

What to look for when choosing?

When choosing an orthopedic product, it is necessary to take into account the type and degree of development of the disease. If you contact a specialist at an early stage, you can remove the curvature of the spine quite quickly. This is especially important if a child suffers from a pathology. To prevent irreversible changes in the spinal column, you should choose the right posture corrector for children.

How to choose such a product yourself? Experts say that it is unlikely that it will be possible to cope with the problem without professional help. In addition to the fact that it is necessary to correctly determine the type of corrector, you will need to choose the correct size and rigidity of the product. If parents can still figure out the first point on their own, then the rigidity and type of product can only be determined by a doctor - an orthopedist, traumatologist or vertebrologist.

For children, you should purchase posture correctors made from natural materials. Before purchasing, the product should be tried on directly in a medical equipment store. The cost of such products varies, for example, the Orlett TLSO-250 corrector discussed below costs approximately 3100-3500 rubles. The price must be confirmed on site.

Posture corrector Orlett TLSO-250: model description

The posture corrector TLSO-250 (P) effectively eliminates various problems with the spine. For children and adults, it is considered one of the best orthopedic devices. The product was manufactured by Orlett (Germany). Correction of the spine occurs through a combination of vertical and horizontal reclination when tensioning the inextensible straps of the device.

A child may be prescribed to wear the Orlett TLSO-250 thoracolumbar corrector if the following pathologies and conditions are present:

  • kyphosis, scoliosis (1-2 degrees);
  • posture disorders;
  • stoop of varying degrees of severity;
  • recovery period after thoracic injury;
  • as part of complex therapy in the treatment of the spine.

A corrective orthopedic device is successfully used to consolidate results after manual therapy and massage. The product consists of an elastic waistband and a backrest with two stiffening ribs that can be bent depending on individual needs.

How does it work?

Wearing a posture corrector allows children and adolescents to develop correct posture. While wearing the product, the load on the muscle corset is reduced, the vertebrae are fixed in the correct position. The product provides separation of the collarbones. Due to the rigid ribs and non-stretchable straps, it fixes the shoulder blades in the correct position.

The corrective device can relieve problem areas of the spine, reduce the load on the intervertebral discs, normalize the tone of the muscle corset, and reduce the possibility of damage to the roots.

The corset is worn on the body or on a thin T-shirt. The back should be straight, shoulders apart. A thoracolumbar posture corrector for a 7-year-old child is recommended to be worn no more than four hours a day. The habituation should be gradual. At first, it is recommended to wear the corrector for 20-30 minutes. Prolonged use of the product can lead to weakening of the back muscles and addiction to constant support.

Contraindications to wearing posture correctors

Almost all posture correctors for children have their own contraindications and limitations. Therefore, it is highly not recommended to purchase such a product without first consulting an orthopedist and try to correct the child’s posture on your own.

Not suitable for treating children under 4 years of age. Incorrect posture in the youngest patients can be corrected using reclinators and soft corsets. Massage is mandatory. If there is damage to the skin, correctors should not be used. It is important not to exceed the time spent in the product recommended by a specialist.

Posture correctors for children: reviews

Many parents say that corrective products are really effective and help cope with various spinal pathologies in children. To achieve positive results, it is important to consult an orthopedist in a timely manner and begin comprehensive treatment. It is necessary to purchase posture correctors for children only after a doctor’s prescription.

Most adults have back problems; many develop them in childhood. Some of the diseases can be corrected with the help of modern posture correctors.

Posture braces designed for people with spinal defects, they keep the back in the correct position and improve posture. Also, a correctly selected corrector will eliminate various orthopedic pathologies, such as scoliosis, radiculitis, disc herniation, lumbar lordosis, weak or severe curvatures of the spine.

Such products are also used for preventive purposes. They help schoolchildren, students, office workers, and people with heavy physical labor to avoid spinal curvature.

Before purchasing, be sure to consult an orthopedist who will give recommendations on choosing a product.

Types of correctors for posture correction

There are two types of correctors available in stores today:

  1. Fixing – used to eliminate increased stress on the spine. They cannot be fully classified as correctors; they are prescribed, as a rule, for severe forms of osteochondrosis, osteoporosis and after operations.
  2. Corrective - their action is aimed at correcting irregular curves of the spinal column, returning it to its physiological shape.

According to the degree of hardness there are:

  • mild degree – made of elastic materials, used to prevent spinal curvature in people of different ages,
  • medium degree - have special inserts on the back, reduce the load on the thoracic region and reduce pain,
  • high degree - equipped with ribs made of plastic or metal for the tightest fixation, used only for medicinal purposes.


Corrective products are divided into:

  • – correct the position of the shoulder girdle, namely, move it back to eliminate slouching. The device has two loops that cross at the shoulder blades, with the loops going around the shoulders.

Preventive reclinators are prescribed to prevent curvature of the spinal column. They are comfortable to wear and made of soft material. Suitable for children with curvatures of the shoulder girdle.

Therapeutic reclinators are indispensable for the initial stage of scoliosis and stoop. They have a more rigid design and are available in two versions - for children and for adults.

  • Magnetic - used for both preventive and therapeutic purposes. They are equipped with several built-in magnets, and the supporting part is made of elastic material. The magnetic field created by the product can relieve pain and inflammation.

Effect of using the device:

  1. strengthening the back muscles,
  2. spine support,
  3. normalization of blood circulation,
  4. relieving pain and tension in the thoracic region.

The magnetic corrector is fixed to the body using special belts, which must be adjusted monthly by an orthopedist.

  • Electronic ones are a kind of indicators that report an incorrect position of the back. Unlike classic ones, they do not fix the body in the desired position, but only signal an incorrect posture.

The operating principle of the electronic sample is as follows:

  1. a special sensor records the position of the spinal column,
  2. if the spine deviates from the norm, the device produces a sound signal,
  3. When you straighten your back, the sound stops.

The electronic corrector can be customized.

The effect of wearing such a device:

  1. spine support,
  2. correction of the shoulder line,
  3. prevention of spinal deformities.
  • Thoracic - affects the thoracic spine, prescribed for the treatment of scoliosis and stoop. They have the shape of a corset with stiffening ribs. When purchasing a breast corrector, it is important to consider the chest girth and height of the patient.

Indications for use:

  1. scoliosis I and II degrees,
  2. poor posture,
  3. kyphosis I and II degrees,
  4. thoracic injuries,
  5. osteochondrosis,
  6. osteoporosis.

The size of thoracolumbar products is selected according to the waist circumference and height of the patient.

  • Universal - appeared on the market relatively recently, suitable for both children and adults. Designed not for treatment, but rather for the prevention of postural disorders.

Recommended for people leading a sedentary lifestyle, as well as those who experience serious physical activity. Adapts to the characteristics of the figure, both healthy and with certain deviations. Easily adjustable on the body.

Children's posture corrector

Children's correctors are aimed at treating spinal defects in the early stages, as well as eliminating asymmetry of the back muscles. Corrective models, actively influencing the spinal column, compress muscles and soft tissues, so the wearing time of such a product should be no longer than 3 hours.

Unlike samples for adults, children's corsets have a lightweight design and a soft base.

The following models are produced for children:

  • warming,
  • protecting the spine,
  • models for the treatment of various disorders of the spinal column.

Indications for the use of corsets in children are:

  1. scoliosis,
  2. slouch,
  3. intercostal neuralgia,
  4. pathologies of the thoracic and cervical regions and others.

When choosing a corset for a child, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • if there are no serious defects, limit yourself to purchasing a sample of light rigidity to maintain posture,
  • always buy a product strictly according to size, measuring the child’s waist and height,
  • choose models made from hypoallergenic materials.

Be sure to consult your doctor before purchasing. Doctors recommend the use of children's corsets from the age of 5 years.

What are the contraindications to wearing a posture corrector?

  1. allergic reaction to the material of the product,
  2. skin damage in belt areas,
  3. heart and lung diseases,
  4. pregnancy,

    Top 5 posture correctors

    The most popular correctors include the following:

    1. Posture corrector Trives- Available in different models. They are made of hypoallergenic breathable fabric. Invisible under clothing, comfortable to wear, and do not restrict movement. Recommended wearing time is no more than 6 hours. The maximum effect is achieved when combined with physiotherapy, massage and physical therapy.
    2. Posture corrector Orlett– presented in both adult and children's models. They have an elastic belt that balances the tone of the muscles that support the body and also reduces the load on the lumbar region. Recommended for wearing during the daytime.
    3. Posture corrector Tonus Elast– this is a medical corset made of elastic material, used to relieve the lumbar region, correct the position of the shoulder girdle, and correct posture. The tension of the corrector's straps is adjustable with clasps, making it easy to put on and take off without assistance.
    4. Chest belt posture corrector– a new product on the market of orthopedic products. This elastic fastener is attached to the shoulders. It can be worn every day, it is invisible under clothes, and does not interfere with movement. The device will help straighten your shoulders, get rid of the habit of slouching, and also eliminate pain in the back.
    5. Posture support posture corrector– a magnetic device designed for the prevention and treatment of scoliosis, kyphosis, as well as the formation of an even posture. The effect of use is to fix posture and influence the magnetic field on the lymphatic and circulatory systems. The blood vessels compressed between the vertebrae are released, blood supply improves, and pain goes away. The product is a vest equipped with elastic straps and a belt; 6 magnets are sewn in the center, which will be directed to the lumbar area. You can change the degree of shoulder extension using the fastener.

    Regardless of the device manufacturer you choose, the selection of a particular model according to your figure should be carried out by a specialist based on the measurements taken.

    How to choose the size

    The main parameters that need to be measured are height, chest and waist. If your measurements are approximately halfway between two sizes, then it is better to choose the larger marking. To purchase reinforced models, you will also need to measure the circumference of your lower back (measured 10 cm below the waist line).

    A properly sized product will not chafe in the armpits, will not tighten the waist or cut the skin.

    In this case, the thoracic region should take a strictly vertical position. Pressing against the wall in the posture corrector, you will touch it in strictly three places - your shoulder blades, buttocks and the back of your head.

    A posture corrector for children is a preventive and therapeutic method aimed at combating school-age scoliosis. A large percentage of school-age children and adolescents suffer from various curvatures of the spine due to the need to sit for a long time in a tense position.

    Treatment of scoliosis is a whole complex of measures. You need to combine wearing a children's corset with exercise therapy, swimming pool exercises, massage and a properly organized workplace. One of the most useful properties of posture correctors is that they help the child’s body remember what correct posture means. Correctly selected, on the advice of doctors and taking into account individual recommendations, a corset can make beautiful and healthy posture a habit for life.

    What is a children's corset to correct posture? Modern orthopedists have created a large market for such devices. Conditionally depending on how rigid the structure is made. You can also divide them in relation to the task. There are preventative models that are necessary for a student to learn to maintain an even posture.

    There are therapeutic ones, made individually and necessary to correct the position of the spine if its shape has already undergone unfavorable changes. Depending on how rigid the posture corset is, it can be classified as one of the following types:

    • Elastic. Such models do not restrain the body too much; they are used both for preventive purposes and if the curvature is still minimal and its further development needs to be prevented;
    • Medium hard. Devices of this type are designed to have special spring parts. They hold their back stronger. Such products can also perform a preventive function, but are usually still used for medicinal purposes. They help cope with pain and correctly distribute body weight to all areas of the spine;
    • The toughest products are never used for preventive purposes. They are equipped with metal or plastic stiffeners that help stabilize the entire spine.

    In addition to stabilizing ones, there are products that help to avoid traumatic effects and too much stress on the back. Before choosing this treatment method, you need to remember that not every small patient is suitable for such posture correction. And the product should be chosen only after consulting with the treating orthopedist and understanding the individual characteristics of the problem.

    • It's easy to restore your posture!


    Correctors of this type, such as reclinators, are suitable if the spine has just begun to curve. The straps of such models pull the back back, helping children keep it straight, in a physiologically correct position.

    Reclinators look like crossed straps that are connected in the interscapular area. At the same time, the straps fix the shoulders a little back, which immediately creates a more correct, healthy and beautiful posture. The shoulder girdle moves apart and the back becomes straighter.

    Reclinators are also used for prevention or treatment. The first ones have a smooth effect, simply helping to keep your back straight. The latter belong to the medium-hard type of correctors, and they are used for the treatment of mild scoliosis.

    Breast corrector

    Such products act on a large area of ​​the back. The therapeutic effect is achieved using stiffeners made of aluminum. Not suitable for young patients under four years of age.

    And strap vests are a type of breast corrector. They act according to the same scheme - they reduce muscle tension, straighten the children's spine, and help maintain physiological curves. Using such a model, the child over time introduces an even, beautiful posture into his list of habits.

    Thoracolumbar corrector

    This is a pretty strong locking device. It is used not only to correct children's posture, but also to treat pathological processes of the spine in the case of adults. Thoracolumbar correctors correct a slouched position and straighten the shoulder girdle. Such a powerful effect is explained by the fact that the structure of such correctors includes both a reclinator and a corset.

    • All the ways

    How to use concealer

    Each model of posture correction corset has recommendations from the manufacturer, which indicate the principles of operation and use of the device. Tips are given on how to choose enough time to use this particular corrector.

    First of all, don’t be harsh with your child, let him get used to such a constraining remedy as a corrector. Let him initially use it only at home - this will make it possible to understand that the corrector is a therapeutic agent, and not a punishment or just a hindrance.

    • Perhaps you need information:

    It is also impossible to use such devices constantly and thoughtlessly. Please note the following rules:

    • You cannot use a back corrector all the time. Only an orthopedic doctor can determine how long your child should wear the product. For some children the corrector is prescribed for one time, for others - for another. By checking your doctor's recommendations, you may find out that you need to use the product by increasing the wearing time. We start with just twenty minutes. per day, gradually increasing the “sessions” - daily by five minutes;
    • Under no circumstances should you use even the most elastic corset for more than ten hours at a time. The result may be weakness and atrophy of the back muscles;
    • You should always wear a corrector with pauses. After seven days of wearing it is better to pause for ten days. This way, the habit of maintaining posture will be developed, and the spine will become straighter;
    • It is better to wear something thin under the device. So, a T-shirt or T-shirt will prevent the corrector from rubbing and irritating the skin. This point is especially important if the corrector is a strap vest.

    • Be sure to check out:


    Remember the following points if you decide to use a posture corrector to treat your child’s scoliosis:

    • Thoracolumbar models cannot be used if the child is under four years old;
    • Please remember that the materials in the product may be allergenic to your child. Check if they cause allergies;
    • You should not use a corset or other corrector if you have dermatological problems: micro-wounds, skin deformities;
    • Thoracolumbar corsets are not suitable for children with cardiac and pulmonary disorders. If corrector treatment is still necessary, consult your doctor;
    • Maximum stiffness correctors that provide complete stabilization of the back can weaken the muscles over time. Or even lead to its atrophy - this does not mean that they cannot be used in principle - just that the child should wear them no more than four hours a day. And these times should be the most risky times for your posture, such as going to school or doing homework. At other times, it is better to give children's muscles freedom.

    Correct posture is the key to the healthy development of a child's spine. But children quickly get tired of sitting with a straight back, and soon begin to slouch and droop their shoulders. If caring parents at home can check whether their child is sitting in the correct position, how can they be prevented from spinal curvature in kindergarten or at school? A site for mothers, the site invites you to pay attention to a children's posture corset. Today we will tell you what types of corsets exist and how not to make a mistake with your choice, as well as consider some of the nuances regarding their use.

    The purpose of a children's corset

    A corset, also called a reclinator or corrector, is an orthopedic product whose main role is to maintain the spine in the correct position throughout the working day. With the help of a corset, you can not only prevent the development of scoliosis in a child, but also smoothly and gradually correct some congenital pathologies of the back, as well as speed up the rehabilitation of the spine after injuries.

    The purchase of such an orthopedic product as a posture corset is especially important for children of school age. Students are constantly in a monotonous position: in class, preparing homework, in front of the TV screen or at the computer. In this case, the corrector helps reduce the load on the child’s spine that has not yet fully strengthened.

    Slouching in children in early and teenage years sometimes develops under the influence of psychological discomfort and a tall complex. The teenager, unconsciously pulling his head into his shoulders and arching his back like a wheel, thus tries to take a protective fetal position in order to feel safe. Not only boys, but also many girls suffer from being too tall compared to other peers.

    Another common reason for stooping in girls is the desire to hide their rapidly increasing size during puberty. In this case, a children's posture corset for girls becomes a very useful acquisition.

    Modern teenagers, both boys and girls, lead a sedentary lifestyle or expose their growing bodies to excessively increased physical activity (pumped up chest muscles can pull their shoulders forward). As a result, both lead to muscle imbalance and curvature of the spine.

    When should parents think about purchasing a corset?

    Incorrect posture can cause a lot of unpleasant situations: a curved spine often changes the location of internal organs, which can cause serious damage to the child’s health. Have you ever noticed that children with poor posture are more likely to catch colds, they are more likely to complain of headaches, look lethargic and quickly become overtired? Oxygen starvation prevents them from developing fully.

    And now a website for mothers offers to analyze specific situations when orthopedists recommend that parents purchase a children’s corset to correct their posture:

    1. The growth rate of the child is faster than the rate of development of the spine, and this increases the risk of developing scoliosis.
    2. Recent back injury.
    3. Progressive curvature of the spine.
    4. Deterioration in the child’s general well-being caused by excessive stooping.
    5. Congenital and acquired pathologies of bone tissue.

    If you notice a deterioration in your child's health and this is due to incorrect posture, or he has recently injured his spine, be sure to visit an orthopedic doctor.

    Types of children's corsets

    Congenital curvature of the spine is detected in early childhood and can be treated quite successfully with the help of special activities, to which children quickly get used to. Acquired curvature is observed in schoolchildren, for whom it is much more difficult to explain the existing problem, much less to force them to constantly monitor their posture.

    With age, the consequences of stooping will definitely make themselves felt, but, unfortunately, by this time the spine will already be stronger and it will be quite difficult to change anything.

    In this case, a children's corset becomes necessary to correct posture, and the optimal age for wearing it is from 10 to 16 years.

    The choice of an orthopedic product should be taken very seriously: it is not always possible to find the ideal option the first time. Specialized stores sell two different types of corsets.

    Correctors for the prevention of scoliosis

    Such products are recommended to be worn by a child to correct posture in the first stage of scoliosis or to teach him to sit in the correct position. They can look like a vest, a simple belt or a belt with crossed straps at the back, and are made from soft materials.

    The use of such a corset has its own nuances:

    1. Immediately after purchasing a posture correction product, the child must wear it while doing homework and watching TV, i.e. for a few hours.
    2. As the child gets used to keeping his back straight, parents can gradually reduce the time they wear the corset.
    3. Corrective therapy can be stopped after a couple of months.

    If a child is slouching, parents should purchase a corset to correct posture, but the child’s body must be subjected to physical stress so that the back muscles become strong enough to independently support the spine.

    Medical corsets

    Therapeutic products look structurally the same as preventive ones. For children with an initial degree of scoliosis, correctors made of denser material are prescribed; the belt and reclinator may contain soft plates or so-called stiffeners.

    To correct severe deformities of the spinal column, corsets with weights are used, which look like thin aluminum plates sewn into the corset fabric parallel to the line of the spine. This type of design allows you to correctly distribute the load on the spine, as well as keep your back straight.

    Depending on the area that needs correction, the child can wear the following types of therapeutic corsets:

    1. A vest or a combination of “belt + upper reclinator” for the treatment of curvature of the upper spine.
    2. A support belt or belt with lower straps “crosswise” for additional fixation of the product when correcting a defect in the lower part of the spine.

    In advanced stages of stooping, all parts of the spine are susceptible to curvature, which is characterized by severe osteochondropathy. Correction in this case is carried out using a thoracolumbar corset, which allows you to fix the spine in the correct position along its entire length. Special elastic straps are used to spread the shoulders, while the corrector itself is reinforced with plastic or metal stiffeners.

    How to choose and wear a corset correctly

    To achieve the desired effect, when choosing a corrector you need to follow some rules:

    1. A posture brace for children should only be selected by an orthopedic specialist.
    2. Children's corsets, unlike adults' ones, are much more expensive, so it is important from the very beginning to purchase a high-quality product from a specialized store that is exactly the right size for your child. Under no circumstances should you buy corsets for growth!
    3. The size of the product is usually determined by two main parameters: breast volume and the height of the child. If you were unable to find a suitable corset in the first store, then you should continue your search.
    4. Corsets can sometimes come into direct contact with the skin when worn, so pay attention to the quality of the materials from which they are made.
    5. The child should feel as comfortable as possible in the corset, without complaining of tightness or squeezing of the skin by straps or a belt.
    6. For severe curvature, it is better to have the product made to order. Its price will be significantly higher, as will its effectiveness.

    The wearing period is determined by the doctor. At first, it is necessary to let the child get used to the corset, but you should not put it on a naked body: it is better to wear light underwear made of natural, breathable fabric under the brace.

    For mild scoliosis, it is recommended to wear a corset for posture correction for several hours a day; for the second degree, it is necessary not to remove the corrector for 23 hours. Parents should also understand that spinal defects cannot be eliminated with just a corset. The treatment of scoliosis requires an integrated approach, and correctors act only as an additional means to combat mild manifestations of the disease and as a preventive measure.

    To be effective, the corset must be adjusted in the direction of strengthening or weakening. It is better not to do this on your own, but to visit your doctor once a month. After achieving the desired result, you can gradually reduce the wearing time by 1-2 hours a day.

    It is important to promptly replace pathological changes in the child’s spine and try with all our might to promote the formation of correct posture. If your child is actively involved in sports and wears a school backpack with a hard back, then he will not have problems with his spine.