People with disabilities. Help for people with disabilities. People with disabilities and special needs. Training and vocational rehabilitation

Tactile garden "Sixth Sense", designed for relaxation of people with disabilities health, begins work in the Ryazan district of Moscow. It will be opened on September 21, the Committee said public relations(KOS) capital.

“A new tactile garden “Sixth Sense” with an area of ​​three thousand square meters has appeared in the South-Eastern Administrative District. Here you can not only learn about beneficial properties medicinal plants, but also touch them and inhale their aroma. The garden is adapted for comfortable recreation for people with disabilities: plant compositions are raised to the level of comfortable contact,” said the deputy head of the city for housing and communal services and landscaping Petr Biryukov.

“The garden area was divided into thematic zones using 24 wooden modules,” reports the official website of the mayor’s office. - There are corners here wildlife and the cultural landscape of Russia, meadow, aromatic and cereal herbs, plants of arid areas and coniferous shrubs were planted. Tactile signs with descriptions will help you learn more about what grows in the garden.”

“The garden will be filled with the aromas of flowers and shrubs throughout the growing season. Its route is planned so that visitors with visual impairments form in their minds images and outlines of a garden that they cannot see,” the city administration said.

“On the opening day, at 11:00, the first excursions will begin in the Sixth Sense tactile garden,” representatives of the CBS reported. — The 30-minute routes are designed to allow visually impaired visitors to imagine images and shapes of a garden that they cannot see.

Then there will be a master class on human sensory capabilities, prepared by one of the developers of the non-profit project “Touches”, blind massage therapist Alexander Zaikin. Participants of the master class will have an interactive immersion into the world of blind people. Wearing a light-proof mask, guests will conduct experiments with their senses: they will guess objects by touch and smell, try to use a smartphone blindly, and study school textbooks. You will learn how to properly support a blind person when you meet him in the city, and you will also receive a set of postcards from the Touching project as a gift.”

The tactile garden “Sixth Sense” will become a permanent platform for excursions, master classes and charity events that will be held by non-profit organizations in Moscow.

It was previously reported that the new tactile garden will be located in 4th Veshnyakovsky Proezd, building No. 1, building 1, near the Ryazansky Prospekt metro station. The project was implemented by the NGO Resource Center of the Moscow Public Relations Committee and the Moscow city organization "All-Russian Society for Nature Conservation", with the participation of organizations supporting people with hearing and vision impairments.

At the beginning of August 2018, a tactile botanical garden for people with limited vision and movement began work in the Moscow Apothecary Garden. The plants are selected and arranged there in such a way that blind, deaf-blind and visually impaired people can not only read information about them on special signs, but also touch each plant and feel its aroma.

Social assistance is an integral element of the state system social protection the most vulnerable segments of the population.

Social help is a complex of humanitarian services to representatives of economically disadvantaged, socially weak, psychologically vulnerable layers and groups of the population in order to improve their abilities and social functioning.

Social assistance is manifested in the following:

♦ periodic and one-time additional payments to pensions and benefits;

♦ long-term services in order to provide targeted support to the least protected segments of the population, eliminate or neutralize critical life situations caused by unfavorable socio-economic conditions.

Social and pedagogical activities with the support of persons with disabilities are continuous pedagogically appropriate organized process social education, taking into account the specific development of the personality of a person with special needs at various age stages in different sectors of society and with the participation of all social institutions and all subjects of education and social assistance.

Such activities are interdisciplinary in nature, carried out by the efforts of specialists in various fields, but the leading role belongs to social educators.

The structure of modern social and pedagogical assistance to persons with disabilities in Russia is multidisciplinary in nature, presented as follows.

♦ Public sector: institutions, enterprises, services of federal ministries and departments (Ministry of Labor and social development, Ministry of Education and Science, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications, etc.).

♦ Municipal sector - institutions, enterprises, services of regional and local government bodies.

♦ Non-state sector - institutions, enterprises and services created by public charitable, religious and other non-governmental organizations.

Main point modern system social and pedagogical assistance - affirmation of the priority of the individual and family in relation to society and the state. Currently, social and pedagogical activities are hampered by the lack of statistical information about persons with disabilities.

A social educator interacts with representatives of all social institutions, teachers, doctors, psychologists, parents and other interested parties.

♦ formation of humane relations in society;

♦ promoting the self-development of the child’s personality;

♦ providing assistance in social adaptation and rehabilitation of graduates;

♦ directing efforts towards improving and normalizing relationships in the family, eliminating the lack of communication;

♦ eliminating personal and social problems of students;

♦ identification and resolution of conflict situations in interpersonal relationships;

♦ organization of legal education;

♦ representing the interests of students on behalf of the institution in the police or in court;

♦ cooperation with the administration, psychologists, teachers, and other employees of special institutions in preparing necessary documents for further employment or education of children;

♦ patronage of children in need of social and medical assistance.

In the organization of social and pedagogical assistance, innovative institutions are comprehensive psychological, medical and pedagogical consultations, rehabilitation and psychological, medical and pedagogical centers.

In the system of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development there is network of special institutions for children and adults with disabilities:

♦ boarding houses for children with profound disabilities mental retardation;

♦ orphanages for children with severe physical disabilities;

♦ special technical schools;

♦ boarding homes for the elderly and disabled;

♦ psychoneurological boarding schools.

Let us highlight the main directions of development of the sphere of social and pedagogical assistance to persons with disabilities in Russia.

1. Development of the state public system of social and pedagogical assistance.

2. Improving the process of social education both in the special school itself and beyond school age, i.e. after graduation.

3. Impact of new interdepartmental institutions (PMPC, rehabilitation institutions).

4. Organization of services early diagnosis and early intervention for prevention.

5. Reorientation of the organization of management of the educational process based on the formation of subject-subject relations of all its participants.

The main line of state social assistance in the field of social pedagogy for persons with disabilities in Russia is a shift in the center of gravity in the social assistance system from cash payments to indicate direct social conditions.

The right to professional rehabilitation of persons with limited ability to work is defined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as in Federal law“On the protection of disabled people of the Russian Federation” in 1995. These laws define the activities civil service medical and social examination and state service for the rehabilitation of disabled people.

Articles of the law provide for a federal basic rehabilitation program and an individual rehabilitation program for persons with limited ability to work.

An individual rehabilitation program is a set of measures (medical, pedagogical, psychological, social) aimed at restoring, compensating for impaired or lost body functions and restoring or developing the ability to perform certain types of activities, including professional ones.

Within individual program rehabilitation, a person’s professional orientation is visible, taking into account his ability to work. An individual rehabilitation program is a recommendation and includes both a free part and a paid part (as part of employment services, etc.).

First disability group attributed to individuals who have a persistent and significant impairment of body functions, which may be caused by disease, injury or developmental defect. As a result, the following may be significantly disrupted:

♦ ability for self-service, movement, orientation in the surrounding space;

♦ ability to communicate and control over one’s actions.

Co. second disability group These include those individuals who have a persistent, severe disorder of body functions due to illness or traumatic developmental defects.

Impaired health leads to limited learning opportunities and labor activity, self-service. For adults, the establishment of a second disability group due to learning difficulties is assumed in cases where these difficulties are associated with some other limitations in life activity and movement. For children this combination is not required.

Third disability group is assigned if, as a result of diseases, injuries or developmental defects, there is a persistent, but slightly or moderately expressed disorder of body functions, leading to some limitation of life activity.

Disabled people of the second and third groups can study and work.

For children and adolescents with developmental disabilities who have a future disability, career guidance and career counseling work begins during school, despite the dependence of the content and method of career guidance on the nature and severity of the disorder. There are general patterns in the organization of such work.

To identify external and internal factors, on which the ability of a person with limited ability to work depends on a particular activity, it is necessary:

1) establish the nature and severity of disorders of various body systems, individual and psychophysiological characteristics;

2) determine the types of work available to adolescents or adults;

3) identify his personal interests and inclinations in his activity or profession;

4) identify what mental and physical capacity is;

5) determine the state of the emotional-volitional, sensorimotor, and intellectual spheres;

6) establish how developed speech and communication skills are, significant for professional development.

For an adult, it is important to determine the nature of changes in a person’s psychological and social status associated with illness, injury or developmental disorders.

Awareness of the presence of a developmental disorder and associated limitations leads to inadequate self-esteem, mental vulnerability, marginalization and limited communication with others. Negative stereotypes of social interaction are determined when communicating with peers or adults who emphasize the inferiority of a person with disabilities.

Disability in adulthood causes psychological trauma because a person has to change his environment, lifestyle, and social circle; increasing his dependence on others, changing his work activity can cause moral and material damage.

Choosing a profession in school age must be carried out in a particularly qualified manner, and there is a system of vacancies for students.

Depending on the nature and severity of the impairment, a person with limited ability to work may receive different kinds professional education: from primary to higher professional education.

If there is an intellectual standard, persons with limited ability to work have equal opportunities to study in higher and secondary vocational educational institutions.

Thus, in this paragraph of the lecture plan, the main systems of assistance to persons with disabilities in our country were considered, their detailed characteristics were given and a network of special institutions for children and adults with disabilities was outlined.

To help parents of children with disabilities

The birth of a child with developmental disabilities is always stressful for the family. The problem of raising and developing a “special” child most often becomes the cause of deep and lasting social maladaptation of the entire family.

Children with disabilities are in a very difficult situation emotionally, morally and psychologically. Children need to learn to function in everyday life and communicate with people, but due to their limited physiological capabilities they cannot fully perform any activity. The parents of such children also have great burdens due to the activities of caring for a sick child and responsibility for his life.

Numerous studies have revealed that parents of this category of children experience emotional stress, anxiety, guilt, resentment, are in a chronic state of stress, etc. All this affects the attitude of parents towards their children. Consequently, they, just like their children, need psychological help and support.

This is a time of pain that must be endured, a time of sorrow that must be poured out. Only after experiencing grief is a person able to consider the situation calmly and approach the solution of his problem more constructively. Often, parents, fearing for the fate of the baby, pass it on to their child. Intuitively feeling constant pressure adults, children acquire traits of nervousness and twitchiness. The painful doubts of many fathers and mothers about whether the child knows about his illness and how serious it is are in vain.

Indeed, the word “disabled” does not add anything to the daily feelings and experiences of the children. Understanding their status makes them neither better nor worse. The behavior of adults that allows disabled children to quickly adapt to their situation and acquire traits that compensate for their condition can be considered optimal. The selfish love of parents, trying to protect their sons and daughters from all possible difficulties, interferes with their normal development.

Disabled children are in dire need of parental love, but not pity love, but altruistic love that takes into account the interests of the child, simply because the child exists, as he is. The baby will not have the easiest life ahead, and the more independent and independent he is, the easier he will be able to endure all the difficulties and hardships. The children in question do not need prohibitions, but stimulation of adaptive activity, knowledge of their hidden capabilities, development special skills and skills. Of course, we cannot turn a blind eye to the fact that the baby is seriously ill. At the same time, keeping it under a glass cover all the time is also not suitable. The less the patient’s attention is concentrated on himself, the greater the likelihood and success of his interaction with others. If parents manage to teach their child to think not only about himself, then his fate will be much happier.

As for the parents themselves, don’t forget about yourself! Depression is a common companion for parents of a sick child. The triggering mechanism for it can be a long wait for a diagnosis, unreliability, inattention from relatives and friends in hard times, and despair in the child’s eyes, and sleepless nights. Against the background of constant chronic fatigue and lack of sleep, little things are enough to provoke breakdown. But the baby needs you strong, cheerful, confident. Therefore, you need to learn to cope with this too. Suitable medications include valerian and sedatives. herbal teas, such as hop cones, motherwort, mint and valerian, about which it is advisable to consult your doctors. If your doctor does prescribe antidepressants, remember that this is a temporary measure!

Do not deprive yourself of life, pleasures and interesting events. You can do something together with your child, but you must also have your own life. Blind sacrifice will not benefit either the child or you. If you are satisfied with life, you will be able to give incomparably more to the little person who needs you.

Memo for parents raising children with disabilities (disabled health)


Rule 1. Do not place increased demands on your child. In his life, he must realize not your dreams, but his abilities. Under no circumstances should you be ashamed of your child.

Rule 2. Praise your child more often. Praise your child often. Give him affectionate hugs and give him some small reward when he succeeds at something or when he tries really hard. If a child tries to do it, but it doesn’t work out, it’s better to pass it over in silence or simply say: “It’s a pity that it didn’t work out, it will work out next time.”

Rule 3. Recognize the child’s right to be who he is. Accept him this way - with slurred speech, strange gestures. After all, you love him, even if your love goes through difficult times. In the end, who cares what they say about your child? strangers, whom you will never see again or Aunt Dusya from the next apartment? Why is their opinion so important to you?

Rule 4. When trying to teach a child something, do not expect quick results. Start with what your child can do well, and then encourage him to do a little more. The right help and in right time will bring success and joy to both the child and those who help him. Learn to enjoy even his small achievements. Gradually he will learn everything, and even more gradually he will demonstrate his knowledge. Be patient for years.

Rule 5. When looking at your child, do not think about your guilt. It’s better to think about the fact that he is definitely not to blame for anything. And that he needs you and your love for him. Don't be isolated in your own world. Don't be afraid to talk about your child. Experience shows that the majority of people are much more tolerant than it seems at first glance. Get your friends to accept your child for who he is. Find new friends who will accept your baby with all his eccentricities. Communication with other people and children may help your child in the future. Not knowing how to independently build relationships with people, communicate, he will take you and your friends as a model.

Rule 6. The child does not require sacrifices from you. You yourself demand sacrifices, following accepted philistine stereotypes. Although, of course, you will have to give up something. But a way out can be found from any, even the most difficult situation. And it depends only on you.

Rule 7. Talk about them - let everyone know that such children exist and what they need special approach! In addition, it is useful for families to communicate with each other. With such communication, it is not uncommon for parents to cease to feel their loneliness, their isolation and specialness. The feeling that there are families with the same problems is often encouraging, and families who have walked this path before can help with advice on child care. Parents, when communicating with each other, are not shy about their children, do not worry about their strange behavior, and are kind to the oddities of others. As a result of such communication, new friendships are established, life takes on new shades.

Dear parents!

We offer you a selection of information resources that may be useful for you and will help you find answers to your questions, get necessary information and support .

Information support for parents

  • Information and methodological portal on inclusive and special education “Education without borders”

On December 24, ITMO University hosted a “Lesson of Kindness” dedicated to International Day disabled people. It was carried out by management specialists educational technologies and inclusive education of the Department of Educational and Methodological Work Svetlana Gnezdilova, Anastasia Mukhametshina and Daria Mitroshina. They spoke about a previously conducted social survey among ITMO University students with disabilities, and also introduced those present to the needs of people with disabilities, taught the ethics of communicating with them, and talked about activities to form accessible environment at the university.

The process of students repeating gestures after a teacher of the deaf

Social survey and barrier-free environment

At the beginning of the lesson, the head of the department of educational technologies and inclusive education spoke about the essence of teaching young people with disabilities on an equal basis with their peers who do not have problems. According to the education law, the necessary conditions must be created for people with disabilities to avoid any discrimination and realize their right to quality education with a qualified approach.

" We conducted a survey of disabled people and persons with disabilities at ITMO University to find out whether they need the development of an adapted educational program and individual curriculum whether they have difficulties in perceiving information in the classroom, whether they need the help of an assistant, whether the equipment of the university classrooms satisfies them, and whether additional measures are needed to ensure successful adaptation at the university,” - told Svetlana Gnezdilova.

Management staff have drawn up a roadmap for organizing inclusive education at ITMO University. In the document they listed all the approaches that need to be successfully implemented at the university. Thus, experts emphasized that it is important to organize work with disabled applicants, accompany the education of students with disabilities, and also create psychological support rooms. They relied on creating barrier-free conditions not only within educational process, but also living in a hostel. In conclusion, management specialists made recommendations for equipping the library halls and took into account the possibility of preparing for future work such students.

Getting to know the needs and characteristics of people with disabilities

Head of Adapted Development Department educational programs Anastasia Mukhametshina told those present about the characteristics that people with disabilities have and their needs. She emphasized the difference between the concepts of “blind” and “visually impaired,” and introduced students to Braille and devices for writing in it. Separately, she explained the classification of somatic diseases and musculoskeletal disorders.

“People with disabilities need the help and support of others. Each of us wants to live life to the fullest, communicate with each other and learn new things. People with disabilities are just like any of us. They are almost no different, but often in order to communicate and work together with these people you need to know their characteristics,”- the specialist explained. — We may not see that a person has a serious condition chronic illness, and pass by. For example, if you see that a person is feeling unwell, offer him help; perhaps he just needs to take his medicine on time."- noted Anastasia Mukhametshina.

In turn, a teacher of the deaf and a specialist in educational and methodological work Daria Mitroshina literally explained to students how to communicate with people who have hearing loss.

“Deaf people have a hearing loss that deprives them of the ability to naturally perceive speech and does not allow them to independently master speech without specially organized training. People with hearing impairments are able to independently master speech, at least to a minimal extent. People with hearing loss use fingerprint and sign language to communicate. The dactyl alphabet is a system of Russian sign language in which each finger configuration corresponds to one letter of the Russian language. Signed speech is a system of communication for the deaf in which one gesture means one word."— the teacher of the deaf explained.

The young people who came to the lesson were introduced to some gestures and the basics of dactyl speech. Together with the teacher, they depicted the word “mother” on dactyl, and also practiced “speaking” with their hands the words: “hello”, “goodbye”, “be friends”, “love”, “thank you”. As the final part of the speech, a fragment of the film “The Word in the Palm” about the life of the deaf-blind was shown.

“People with disabilities are equal members of society, although they sometimes need the help of others. Don’t forget the golden rule: before you do anything for such a person, you need to ask if he needs your help, because we must respect everyone’s personal freedom,”— concluded Daria Mitroshina .

Sense of proportion and ethics

Center Director social support students of the Department youth policy, Candidate of Psychological Sciences Elena Sharapanovskaya told participants about the ethics of communicating with people with special needs. Often people either pay too much attention to people with disabilities, making them feel overly dependent on others, or, conversely, ignore them. According to experts, the correct attitude towards people who have special needs should always be cultivated. Thus, any disease that is detrimental to health becomes a serious challenge. However, we should not forget that when people lose any properties, the functioning of their senses increases, a strong desire for life, new talents and abilities for self-expression appear. Overcoming difficulties and living with an illness develops in such people enormous strength of spirit and will, which pushes them to progress in self-development. Thanks to this, they achieve success in sports, science and art. According to Elena Sharapanovskaya, in relation to people with disabilities it is necessary not to take a populist position, creating learned helplessness in them, but to build constructive communication.

“This approach assumes, firstly, a position on equal terms. We must take into account differences, but at the same time treat a person with a disability the same as others. And this applies to all areas of life. Consider real opportunities such people - they can do a lot themselves! Doing everything for them is not only unnecessary, but also harmful: both for them and for you. We must not forget that showing pity is worth putting an end to. On the contrary, show love of life, optimism, friendliness, and be kind. Instead of pity, use effective sympathy: real help people with disabilities is to create an accessible environment, invite them to participate in important and interesting events and events. Visual contact is important for all people, so you shouldn’t avoid it when communicating with people with disabilities, repeating the mistake of many,”- the head of the center is convinced.

As Elena Sharapanovskaya noted in her speech, we should not forget that now there are no people with one hundred percent health - everyone has a card in the clinic with their problems. An adequate attitude and the right attitude will help you cope with the difficulties in interacting with people who have special needs. By overcoming embarrassment, embarrassment, fear of illness and shame, communicating with everyone on an equal basis, you can help not only the person next to you, but also yourself, the specialist concluded.

Polina Poleshchuk,
Editorial staff of the ITMO University news portal

People with disabilities can find work in Moscow, and large domestic and international companies are ready to employ them.

Modern mentoring and social adaptation programs for people with disabilities allow them not only to acquire new skills, but also to realize their professional potential. They give participants the opportunity to solve various problems - from preparing for their first interview to obtaining a new specialty.

There are several ways for a person with a disability to get help with employment issues. You can contact the employment center or non-profit and public organizations operating with the support of the Moscow Government.

Employment center

An entire department is involved in the employment of people with disabilities at the employment center (PEC). Its employees select vacancies taking into account the individual rehabilitation program of the applicant. Since 2011, they have helped almost 10 thousand Muscovites find work. Today there are about 370 enterprises in the CZN database that are ready to hire people with disabilities.

Among them are international manufacturers of sports equipment, food products, domestic oil companies, banks, largest Internet portals.

You can also find vacancies on, where there is a section for special categories of citizens. This includes people with disabilities.

Representatives of different professions can get a job. With the help of CZN, people with disabilities most often get jobs in banking, management, programming and sales. A large number of vacancies are open to social agents, dispatchers, couriers, parts and product assemblers, gas station operators, storekeepers and other workers.

The tasks of TsZN specialists are not limited to searching for vacancies - if necessary, already working Muscovites can turn here for advice on how to establish a work process and begin a dialogue with superiors and colleagues. Here, citizens with disabilities can take career guidance or advanced training courses.

Special mobile teams help people with limited mobility navigate the list of services provided by the center, whose employees provide consultations and select vacancies in a place convenient for the applicant. The mobile center also provides a schedule of trainings and job fairs.

Career "Perspective"

Non-profit associations also provide similar services for people with disabilities. Among them is the regional public organization of disabled people (ROOI) “Perspective”, thanks to which more than 1,200 people have found work over the past seven years.

Today, Perspective offers five mechanisms for finding new career opportunities. These include career guidance, preparation for interviews and adaptation in the workplace, assistance to students and young professionals, work with mentors from the business community, training and employment of IT specialists, participation in competitions under the guidance of mentors from large organizations. Perspektiva cooperates with more than 50 partners, including major international companies. Most of them offer people with disabilities jobs in administrative positions, accounting, law, personnel selection and information technology. Employment conditions and average salaries do not differ from the market ones, but, as in most large companies, applicants are often offered to first undergo an internship or work on projects, and only then become a full-time employee.

“The competition was the central event, but the trainings were also useful, they made it easier to understand the recruitment process from the company’s point of view, from the recruiter’s point of view and from the point of view of the person looking for a job too. I didn’t win the competition, although it depends what you consider a win. I didn’t win a prize, but within a week I received offers from, it seems, nine companies. And my current employer actually called me the day after the competition. Such projects are really very important and useful, because if this competition had not existed, I myself would not have gone to the famous German company - I would have been afraid. Well, plus a kind of psychological barrier “how will we inform the employer about our difficulties, say that we can’t do something” remains. And when there is a hub that brings together employers who are looking for employees and people who know that they can find work, this is good, because it is liberating,” said a consultant to a major international manufacturing company software for organizations Pavel Novikov.

Participants in career programs undergo training and receive advice from recruiters and HR specialists from major international companies. Mentors and coaches help you evaluate your professional skills and experience, select a job vacancy and competently write a resume, as well as develop self-presentation skills before meeting with a future employer and colleagues. Events for candidates are held free of charge.

You can use the services of the employment center and non-profit organizations simultaneously.

“I was interested in the educational part of TsZN and Perspektiva, because they provide training on how to write a resume, work with a mentor, and teach you how to conduct an interview correctly,” noted Anna Dragina (she managed to find a job - she is an intern in the corporate communications department of one of the largest international cosmetic companies). companies). “From this point of view, it was extremely interesting for me to learn all this, so that by the time I left my bachelor’s degree I would have some kind of working base and know how to do everything correctly.”

According to Anna Dragina, the work of such organizations as TsZN and Perspektiva is very important: “When I was studying, my classmates, despite the fact that they do not have disabilities, faced the same problems. But I got to the Regional Educational Institution “Perspective” on time, went through several trainings there, and with their help came to my first internship, and this helped me understand myself, understand what profession is interesting to me, and integrate into this working environment. Because before that, of course, I had never worked and had no idea what work was, or what I might be interested in at all.”

Training and vocational rehabilitation

For 25 years, a Scientific and Practical Rehabilitation Center has been operating in Lianozov, where citizens with disabilities receive secondary education professional education. The specialties that can be mastered at the center are often not only applied, but also creative in nature. The duration of training is one year and 10 months, after which graduates receive diplomas - for example, a painter, an embroiderer or a gardener. Since the center was founded, more than 600 people have been trained here.

In addition, the center conducts classes on physical therapy, swimming, dancing and other sports physical activity. Visitors undergo medical and social rehabilitation, participate in vocal and theater studios, attend literary evenings and computer literacy courses.

Similar organizations have been opened in other areas of the capital. Today the city operates for the training and social adaptation of people with disabilities. Among them are a comprehensive rehabilitation and educational center in Novo-Peredelkino, a rehabilitation center for the disabled “Crafts” in Zelenograd, as well as boarding school No. 1 for the education and rehabilitation of the blind in the Alekseevsky district.