I dreamed of a dead dog. Why do you dream about a dead dog being alive?

Often we see dreams that warn us about something. The main thing is to know how to correctly interpret such dreams. For example, why do you dream of a dead dog? Basically, the news is not rosy - that is, troubles await you, which, however, if you try, can be completely avoided. Forewarned is forearmed, right?

Let's turn to the main dream books:

    Miller's dream book says - if you dreamed of a dead dog, you have the opportunity to turn away trouble from a close friend, because he faces either illness or other serious troubles. The main thing is to react in time, so be vigilant.

    A dying dog in a dream means that you should try not to create a conflict with loved ones out of nowhere. In addition, it is possible that your intuition will fail, so try to be more calculating than emotional.

  • According to Vanga’s dream book: friends are more likely to bring you problems, and material ones at that. Think three times whether it is worth lending an amount that you are not ready to part with at all.
  • Freud compared a dog with a child, but he was also inclined to believe that a dead dog is not good. According to his interpretation, one can be afraid of physical and moral problems in children, and therefore it is worth paying more attention to the child.

    However the dream may also mean the inability to get pregnant in the near future, when it comes to women. For men, if there are no children yet, and procreation is not the immediate goal, the dream predicts an active sex life.

  • Nostradamus adds a touch of politics to the interpretation of the dream and warns of imminent troubles in the country.
  • And Tsvetkov, in turn, believes that the dream reminds that quarrels can mentally traumatize lovers, so don’t lose your soul mate. If the conflict has already matured before the appearance of your dead four-legged friend, then listen to the advice of this messenger and make every effort to preserve the relationship.

The owner dreams of a dead dog alive

Now let's look at a separate case when your faithful dog, who had fallen into eternal sleep, dreamed of being alive.

This immediately suggests that intuition will not help you in further problems - only calculation and logic. If a dog caresses you, licks you and shows affection in every possible way, then it is quite possible that you have already made a mistake in your plans or relationships, but did not notice it.

Stop and double check, just in case. It is also possible, although less likely, that long-forgotten friends, lost loves, or relatives whom you have never heard of before will come to bow.

The universal dream book indicates that, if a dog comes to life in a dream, you can hope for help in overcoming difficulties from old, trusted friends on their initiative, by the way.

Do not forget that each dream is individual, and in order to recognize what kind of warning is contained in it, it is worth working out the details very carefully and scrupulously. For example, whether you saw a dog in a certain place, what color it was, whether it was your dog or not, and many other nuances.

Details and description

First, a few well-known facts:

  • A dream of a similar nature on the eve of business agreements promises failure.
  • If you saw a dead dog after deciding to get married, it is most likely that the latter will not stay happy for long.
  • By the way, the dreamer’s finding a four-legged corpse in bed portends sudden divorce with the division of property.
  • Well, if you dreamed of your pet alive shortly after death, it may well be that it is - just an attempt by the subconscious to reject cruel reality. But it is possible that the guardian angel tried to protect you from major mistakes in this way.
  • Signs say that you dream of a dog that has been dead for a long time to the rains.

For interpretation, it is important to take into account not only what you dreamed about, but also to whom exactly. So, for women, a dream foreshadows the impossibility of fulfilling any desires in the near future. The danger of being betrayed by one of your friends for men, difficulties in managing financial affairs for businessmen (business women) and the unrealizability of fantasies for young girls.

It's worth knowing that similar dream during the waxing moon it is an indicator of the beginning of problems, failures and conflicts, and during the waning moon it is an indicator of the end. People who have chosen the interpretation of dreams as their life's work often associate the latter case with the renewal of karma.

What dog?

    Big or small

    Next, let's talk about the size of the dog from your dream. If it is large, you will feel unsure of your abilities in the face of impending troubles., however, you may unexpectedly find a patron who will be able to get you out of the seemingly hopeless situation. On the contrary, if the dog is small, you will soon have the opportunity to protect someone not so strong or influential from trouble.


    It is important to remember the breed, because a greyhound that died in a dream (like other hunting dogs) means that troubles are quite capable of invading your life in the next 24 hours. Breeds of fighting dogs, like the same pit bull or bulldog, indicate strong and unscrupulous enemies who are ready to act.

    A Great Dane, Staff or Boxer declares that your possible ill-wisher is endowed with a fair amount of power.

    A tramp promises a lot of minor troubles, which in general will create a lot of hassle.


    In most cases, the color of the animal indicates the nature of the troubles, but not everything is so simple with it, because interpreters do not always agree on judgments. So, if you dreamed of a black or white dog, be more sensitive not only to your friends, but also to yourself.

    Anyone who chooses to interpret a dream will adhere to their personal beliefs. A certain color means a threat from friends, while another may indicate you as the source of conflict. Let me remind you, do not forget about sobriety of thinking and rely less on intuition.

    The red dog is the cry of your essence, constrained by the boundaries of society and desperately in need of freedom. It is quite possible that this will cause conflicts, so do not bring conflicts to a climax and try to relieve tension without quarreling with anyone. Perhaps a little loneliness will not harm you and, abstracting from external factors, you will find the right way to solve problems.

Where was the dog?

  • If she was near the store, then any expenses should be carefully calculated, and perhaps save on something, since, often, troubles do not warn of their appearance in advance.
  • If you were walking home in a dream and met a dead dog on the road, - household affairs will soon improve noticeably, but you should still not get involved in conflicts with (between) loved ones unless absolutely necessary. And to see a dead dog near the house is a completely favorable sign, symbolizing success.
  • A dead dog in the snow warns of diseases that await your family. This should not be neglected, besides, trips, if suddenly planned, should be postponed, if not cancelled, because in this case your well-being is already at risk.
  • A dog in the water near the shore promises health problems for friends, or soon one of them will need your help, without which he will not be able to cope.
  • If in a dream you meet such a messenger in a cemetery and if you realize it in time in reality, you can avoid the loss of everything you have acquired, but in general, of course, this is one of the most unpleasant cases, because you are threatened with a complete loss of property.
  • Dead dog in your house, threatens robbery, so do not talk about your place of residence to any shady individuals.

What did you do in your dream?

  • If you watched someone kill an unfortunate animal, in life you will unwittingly cause trouble for a friend, you should be more careful.
  • Kill the dog yourself- to subsequently give vent to his rage, however, by doing unforgivable things. Keep in mind that if you strangled her, it is your words that will become the reason for the condemnation of the people around her.
  • Trying to resurrect a dog means helping someone soon, and participation in the funeral is a future disappointment, but if you tried to save, the cause of problems will be your negligence in any matters
  • Beat the patient or old dog stick- according to old signs, drive out illness from yourself. And shooting a dog means breaking family traditions, which again leads to conflict.
  • Interesting, but cry in a dream over a dead dog portends a great time with friends, but announcing that the dog has died promises illness.
  • If a dead dog bit your hand, a long-forgotten enemy will strike on the sly.
  • If you are happy to meet a dog, it is quite possible that childhood friends are going to pay you a visit and this meeting can be enjoyed without fear, but if you were frightened by the barking of a dead dog, slanderers will try to denigrate your name.

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Why do you dream of a dead dog? Such a symbol in a dream warns of any future troubles: material, personal, business. Very often the image signals: conflicts are possible, so you need to behave more carefully towards loved ones. However, the dream book also offers a favorable interpretation of this vision - when the animal dreamed as in life.

General value

Why do you dream about a long-dead dog? The dream book informs: in reality, a serious conflict with loved ones is possible, even to the point of enmity. You should heed the warning and try to control your words and actions in order to avoid quarrels.

Seeing her alive in a dream means that reconciliation with one of your former friends awaits. Sometimes the dream book interprets this symbol as a harbinger of the resumption of previous friendly relations. A dream about a living dead dog may also have another interpretation: you will soon meet a person whom you no longer expected to see.

Did you dream of a long-dead light-colored dog? There will be losses: either a large amount of money, or a good, promising position. Sometimes the symbol is a harbinger of a serious quarrel with someone who has always provided support. It is also likely that the dreamer has envious people. A dead black pet most often promises a successful completion of some annoying problems.

This image, according to the dream book, foreshadows financial difficulties. Pay attention to the one you trust unreservedly, because he is capable of deceiving. In addition, you should not lend money to someone - there is a risk of losing it forever.

Dreaming about your pet

Why do you dream of a long-dead dog – your own, beloved one? Seeing her alive in a dream is a warning about certain difficulties that should be met fully prepared. We need to be more careful about our own health and pay more attention to loved ones.

We need to take into account what she was like during her lifetime. Cheerful, playful - in a dream it foreshadows entertainment that can captivate you too much. Faithful, devoted - communicates the need to be careful: to postpone a long trip, refrain from making an important decision, and also not to really trust unfamiliar people.

If in a dream you persistently tried to revive your beloved dead dog, according to the dream book, you will soon need to protect someone weak. To bury - there will be suffering and disappointment.

Kill her yourself

Why do you dream about a dead dog when the dreamer kills it himself? The vision has several interpretations. If you do this accidentally or intentionally in a dream, you should be careful in communication to avoid misunderstandings and quarrels.

This warning is especially relevant for a person whose activities involve frequent contact with clients. When you see a dead dog in a dream, you must choose your expressions extremely carefully so as not to harm people who need help or work.

When you dreamed that you killed an animal that attacked you, the dream book states: you will be able to repel the attacks of ill-wishers and defend an important cause for yourself. Another interpretation is possible: you will be able to prevent a conflict with a good friend.

Shoot her - the dream book indicates: a person wants the last word to always remain with him. Moreover, he strives to influence the beliefs of loved ones. This behavior can lead to the fact that he remains lonely, since such an interlocutor is most often avoided.

Hundreds of dream books solve this dream in different ways. The article on this page will deal with them, and finally give an interpretation of what it means to see your dead dog alive in a dream. You probably won’t be too surprised if the interpretation of this dream differs, since the phrase “one’s dead dog is alive” belongs to the rare category and we found how it is interpreted only in some dream books:

Ayurvedic dream book

Such a dream means that serious trouble awaits your close friend. Perhaps you can help him solve his problems. If the dog barks, be careful and refrain from making decisions. Someone is probably plotting against you.

Correct dream book

A dead dog, if for no apparent reason it came to life and tried to bite, indicates the appearance of a long-time enemy in your life, the aggravation of conflict situations. There are a lot of insects gathered around the animal - pay attention to your health, there is a high probability of exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Dream Interpretation Gadalkin House

An old friend whom you have already forgotten is trying to come to you, but for some reason you are resisting this. Assess your surroundings. It may soon become unfriendly and you will find yourself face to face with an extremely difficult challenge.

Our advice: With a probability of 1 in 10, it is recommended to comprehend your dream and simply enjoy life.

If you have any questions or need help with the current life situation, you can consult our experts.

A small dog barking at you, but not causing fear - a quarrel, misunderstanding, temporary enmity. Love dream book only figuratively describes the essence of the dream. You should know why your friend or your dying dog is dreaming, which is actually alive and well. In Agafya’s dream book, the image means the likelihood of man-made injuries. If you dream of something similar, be doubly careful at work and at home.

The love dream book interprets your dream as follows:

Beautiful white dog in a dream foretells receiving good news from a loved one.

Note to dog breeders. If a person sees the death of a stray dog ​​in a dream, then something bad awaits him. Most likely, a close friend is in a difficult situation and wants to remind himself. He has some difficulties and needs help. A dog in a dream is a friend. And a stray dog ​​represents that a friend may have lost his home or has problems with real estate. A friend is afraid to ask for help because he does not want to burden anyone with his worries and problems.

It’s clear why you dream about the death of a dog, but does this dream always bring trouble? Almost always: very rarely you dream about the death of a dog just like that. The subconscious does not draw such images for no reason. Anyone who sees a dead dog should prepare themselves for troubles and grief. Why do you dream about the death of a dog that is alive?, pretty dogs of an exquisite breed - a promise to a girl, a frivolous, dapper admirer.

Nuances of the dream:

Seeing a dog with many heads, similar to the mythological Cerberus, marks a crime and a worthy punishment for it. Dreaming of a dead dog is also interpreted as a major quarrel with a friend, as a result of which you will become irreconcilable opponents. A black animal indicates that your friend is to blame for the quarrel. The dream also speaks of a weakening of intuition, you need to pay less attention to the inner voice and more analyze the incoming information, this is how the dream you dream is deciphered ambiguously. Anger barks at you, harm What elseBleeding sadness of long-dead loved ones Freud's Dream Interpretation

Dead dogs (if there are several animals) indicate the possibility of financial risk due to negligence or other reasons.

Hearing a loud bark in a dream is a harbinger of success in business. If barking scared you in a dream, then the news will be unpleasant. Hearing several dogs barking in a dream means a big scandal or trouble.

A dead dog in a dream is an unpleasant symbol, but do not be upset. Maybe this is just a warning, or maybe a close friend just needs attention - he is lonely and lacks communication. Although for some people a dog in a dream represents something completely different - it all depends on individual perception. Dream Interpretation Death of a Dog dreamed of why you dream about the Death of a dog in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller.

A skinny and dirty dog ​​dreams of failure or illness.

General meanings.

Miller's dream book considers a dying dog in a dream to be a positive phenomenon in two situations: if it died in a fight with a snake or was rabid. The first plot means that fate itself will take care of the dreamer. If there was a personal victory over a maddened animal, in reality you will need full combat readiness.

If a dog bites you, do not expect peace in the near future, either at home or at work. If you happen to see a friend covered in blood, a tragedy will occur in his family.

Why dream about the days of the week. Dying dog according to the dream book.

If you dreamed of such a dog, imagine that you washed and fed it well.

A cat and a dog suddenly throwing themselves at each other dream of failure in matters of the heart. But if you managed to spill water on the fighters, then everything will turn out well.

Dreams in which we see various animals are quite common. Sometimes our subconscious turns to us with difficult, alarming signs, which include a dream about a dead dog. Without a doubt, such a sign can scare a lot of people. And there are reasons for fear... Let's figure out why a dead dog dreams and what the most popular dream books say about it.

A dead dog in a dream symbolizes a variety of problems that can happen to you. Unfortunately, the authors of dream books have almost no differences here: this is an unfavorable omen. Troubles await you at work, at home or in relationships with friends. Also, seeing a dead dog can mean loss of money. Unforeseen expenses await you, and significant or direct losses.

If you are running a business, then such a dream clearly warns you of possible problems in business - during this period it is not recommended to carry out risky operations and in general it is better to postpone all transactions until later, even if they seem quite profitable and safe to you.

Also, a dead dog can indicate problems in relationships. Quarrels, scandals, irreconcilable differences are possible, and your opponents will be the people closest to you.

Be careful in your statements addressed to someone, try to behave correctly. All quarrels that start at this time can lead to the most unpleasant consequences, therefore, the best thing is to prevent them, to prevent relationships with family or people close to you from being destroyed. It's within your power! Conflict most likely cannot be avoided, but you can mitigate it.

You dreamed that your long-dead dog was alive

There is an interesting type of dream when your dog, which in reality has long since died, appears in your dream alive and unharmed. Such a dream can have several different meanings. Firstly, dream interpretation experts believe that the image of a dog - a symbol of a close friend - suggests that you can reconcile with a friend who has offended you in some way.

Your relationship will become close and trusting again. It is possible that we are talking here about the resumption of love relationships. You may also unexpectedly meet an old friend from whom you have not had any news for a long time.

Some authors are of the opinion that the deceased a pet It won’t just appear in a dream, and such a dream is also a bad omen. He promises financial or personal difficulties. The mood of the animal in a dream is of great importance - if the dog was cheerful and playful, it means you can waste your money. If she looked sick and sad, then this most likely indicates future problems.

Animal size and color

The size of the dream dog also matters. If the deceased dog is large, then the troubles can be very significant. Some authors believe that a large dead dog may indicate that real life you will overcome all troubles with the help of some significant person.

A small dog can foretell a situation in which all your courage and determination will be required from you - you may have to protect someone from trouble.

The breed can also tell a lot: a fighting dog most likely foreshadows strong and powerful enemies and troubles associated with a conflict with them. Beautiful large dogs(labrador, hound, mastiff) foreshadow an enemy endowed with power. If you dreamed of a dead mongrel, it means that you have a lot of small problems ahead of you.

If the dog in the dream is black in color, then this is the most unfavorable sign. It strengthens all negative predictions. Light color may portend financial problems. A red dog most likely speaks of internal discord: your essence, your inner “I” needs help, rest and care.

Miller's Dream Book

Miller had an original interpretation of the dream about dead dog: an authoritative specialist believed that the image of a dog in our subconscious is more closely associated with the image of true friends. Consequently, the dream speaks of a danger that threatens your loved ones, and the outcome of events may depend on you. Your help may be needed.

According to the psychologist, the situation when a dog dies in your dream also reminds you of the need to be correct in communicating with friends. Conflicts are likely, so behave more carefully.

Vanga's Dream Book

From Vanga’s point of view, a dead dog can be considered a sign of trouble that your own friends will bring you. Financial problems are more likely. Maybe, close person will ask you to lend him money. Know that he cannot or does not even intend to return them. So think three times before you say yes to him.

Freud's opinion

The great psychologist believed that a dog - a cheerful, playful, carefree creature - symbolizes a child in our minds. A dead dog is therefore a bad sign. He may talk about some problems in your inner world - perhaps you have experienced a strong shock, stress, your condition is far from positive. Please yourself with something, because there is very little joy and light left in your inner world.

On the other hand, such a dream may foretell trouble for your real children. Be especially attentive to them, monitor their health, there is a high risk of disease.

In the case where a person dreams of a dead dog, one should expect some difficulties to arise in the relationship with a previously devoted friend. It is quite possible that the quarrel arises due to unresolved issues that are of a material nature.

A dead dog can also be a sign that a loved one has begun or will soon begin to cheat. For spouses who have lived together for quite a long period of time, a dream about a dead dog can be a signal of an imminent, but rather painful divorce.

When a person dreams of a dead black dog, this most often means that all problems will be resolved very soon. When a dead dog is light in color, there is a fairly high risk of losing a significant amount of money or a promising job. It is also possible to have a quarrel with the person who has provided some support for a fairly long period of time. In some cases, a dream about a dead dog that is white or simply light in color can signal the existence of envious people.

If a person dreamed of a dead dog, with which he possible ways is trying to bring him back to life, then there is a very high probability that one of the relatives will soon find himself in an unpleasant situation and in order to solve it it will be necessary to spend a significant amount.

In some cases, when asking a question about why a dead dog dreams, you can hear a completely unexpected answer. This is especially possible when the animal comes to life. For example, if you dreamed of a dog whose owner was a sleeping person, then it is quite possible that in the coming days old friends or relatives, contact with whom was long lost, will appear.

If a dog that dies from a certain disease (for example, cancerous tumors) has come to life, then a person needs to be as responsible as possible about his health, as well as the physical condition of his relatives. The fact is that a dream of this kind may foreshadow the occurrence of a similar disease.

If you dream that a large pool of blood has formed around a dead dog, then such a dream may signal a strong quarrel with children or parents.

In the case when in a dream a dead dog suddenly comes to life and tries to bite, it is necessary to adhere to some rules related to careful behavior. Very often, such a dream can foreshadow a worsening relationship with an old enemy.

If you dreamed that a lot of insects were swarming around a dead dog, then you should be very careful about your health. The risk of a situation in which chronic diseases may worsen due to problems arising at work or in the family is quite high.

When you have a similar dream before an important event (a meeting or a long trip), then in order not to expose yourself, as well as your loved ones, to significant danger, it is worth postponing it for at least a few days. Not very favorable this dream before the upcoming very long flight.

A dream about a dead dog, which occurred on the waning moon, may signal that. that all problems that have manifested themselves over a very long period of time will resolve themselves. But, if you had a dream on a full moon, then not everything will be so rosy.

A dream in which a dead dog was seen in almost all cases foreshadows the onset of far from the most favorable events. True, for more accurate interpretation It is worth paying attention to the phase of the moon, as well as the exact color of the dead animal. Numerous details should not be ignored.

Dream Interpretation Dog dead, dying, wounded | Why do you dream about a dead dog in a dream?

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller Why do you dream about a dead dog in a dream:

A dead dog is bad sign Perhaps in the future your close friend will become seriously ill or get into some kind of trouble. In any case, he will need your help and support, do not deprive him of your attention. You had a dream, which means that you should try to prevent problems from arising in his life or at least minimize them.

Dream Interpretation A dead dog is also interpreted as a major disagreement with a friend, as a result of which you will become irreconcilable opponents. A black animal indicates that your friend is to blame for the quarrel. The dream also speaks of a weakening of intuition, you need to pay less attention to your inner voice and do more analysis of incoming information, according to the dream book this is how this dream is deciphered.

Modern dream book If you dream about a dead dog:

Solves the dream book: A dead dog means a lover’s betrayal, perhaps he already has a mistress or will have one in the near future. Married couple living together long years, the dream foreshadows a rather painful divorce. Dream Interpretation A dead black dog indicates that soon all your problems will be resolved, troubles will remain a thing of the past. A light-colored animal portends dismissal or loss large quantity Money. In some cases, a dream warns of the presence of envious people; perhaps you will quarrel with a person who has patronized you for a long time and helped you in everything.

Universal dream book What does it mean if you dream about a dead dog?

Interpretation of the dream book: The dog is dead, if you stubbornly want to bring it back to life? The dream foreshadows big troubles associated with loved ones. Perhaps one of your relatives will get into an unpleasant situation and you will have to spend a large amount of money. Dream Interpretation A dead dog, if it is your pet, may indicate the appearance of old friends in your life whom you have not seen for a long time.

In a dream, you know exactly what the dog died from - in real life, take a more responsible approach to your health, take an interest in the well-being of your loved ones, because a dream may hint at the occurrence of the same disease. Why do you dream of a dead dog in a huge pool of blood? Soon you may have a major scandal with blood relatives - parents, children.

Big dream book Why do you dream about a dead dog:

A dead dog, if for no apparent reason it came to life and tried to bite, indicates the appearance of a long-time enemy in your life, the aggravation of conflict situations. There are a lot of insects gathered around the animal - pay attention to your health, there is a high probability of exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Live your dead dog

Dream Interpretation Living your dead dog dreamed of why in a dream you dream about your dead dog being alive? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see your dead dog alive in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation – Deceased, deceased

Seeing your deceased father or grandfather, mother or grandmother alive in a dream means getting rid of difficulties and problems. Seeing living loved ones dead means that their life will be extended. A dream in which the deceased beats the dreamer means that he has committed some kind of sin. Whoever sees that he has found a dead person will soon become rich. If the deceased whom you see in a dream does something bad, then he warns you against doing it. Seeing a single deceased means marriage, and seeing a married deceased means separation from relatives or divorce. If the deceased whom you saw in a dream did some kind of good deed, then this is a sign for you to do something similar. Seeing a dead person alive in a dream and testifying that he is alive and everything is fine with him indicates a very good position of this person in the next world. The Koran says: “No, they are alive! They find their inheritance from their Lord.” (Sura-Imran, 169). If the dreamer hugs and talks with the deceased, then the days of his life will be extended. If the dreamer kisses an unfamiliar dead person in a dream, he will receive benefits and wealth from where he did not expect. And if he does this with a deceased person he knows, he will acquire from him the necessary knowledge or money left behind by him. Whoever sees that he is having sexual intercourse with a deceased person will achieve what he has long lost hope for. Whoever sees in a dream that a deceased woman has come to life and has had sexual intercourse with him will have success in all his endeavors. See in a dream of a deceased person, he is silent, which means that he from the other world treats favorably the person who saw this dream. Anyone who sees that the deceased gives him some good and pure thing will receive something good and pleasing in life from the other side. , from where he does not count. And if the thing is dirty, then he may commit a bad act in the future. Seeing the deceased rich in a dream means that everything is fine with him in the next world. dream of the deceased receiving favor from Allah. If a deceased person is naked in a dream, it means that he has not done any good deeds in life. If the deceased notifies the dreamer of his imminent death, then he will really die soon. The blackened face of a deceased person in a dream indicates that he died without faith in Allah. The Koran says: “And to those whose faces turn black, (it will be said): “Have you not renounced the faith that you accepted?” (Sura-Imran, 106). Whoever sees that he enters the house with the deceased and does not come out will be on the verge of death, but then will be saved. Seeing yourself in a dream sleeping in the same bed with dead person longevity. Whoever sees in a dream that the deceased is calling him to himself will die in the same way as the deceased died. Seeing a deceased person performing Namaz in the place where he usually performed it during his life in a dream means that he is in afterlife not very good. Seeing him performing Namaz in a different place than where he performed it during his life means that in the next world he is destined for a great reward for his earthly deeds. A dream in which the deceased is in a mosque indicates that he is deprived of torment, for a mosque in a dream means peace and security. If in a dream a deceased person leads the prayer of those who are alive in reality, then the lives of these people will be shortened, because in their prayer they follow the actions of the dead person. If someone sees in a dream how in some place some previously deceased righteous people came to life, this will mean that goodness, joy, justice from their ruler will come to the residents of this place, and the affairs of their leader will go well.

Dream Interpretation – Dog

In general, a dog in a dream means a friend - good or bad - and is a symbol of love and devotion.

A black dog in a dream means your friend who has started something against you.

Dream Interpretation – Dog

It's no secret that a dog is man's best friend. She personifies such wonderful qualities as devotion, courage and observation. There are many popular expressions associated in one way or another with this pet: “A dog is a man’s constant friend,” “It is a sin to call a dog by a human name,” “Don’t kick a dog: it will cause convulsions,” “A dog’s howl means eternal rest.” A dog’s howl at night is for the dead,” “If a dog howls at night, then turn the pillow under your head, saying: “On your own head!” - and it will become silent,” “If a dog does not eat crumbs after a sick person, then he will soon die,” “ A dog clings to its owner - unfortunately” and many others.

Dream Interpretation – Dog

An angry dog ​​dreams of failure and the insidious machinations of your enemies. An affectionate dog promises good luck and true friends.

Dream Interpretation – Dog

A dog that evokes sympathy is good / friend.

Dream Interpretation – Dog

Angry dog ​​- failures, treacherous actions of your opponents;

affectionate dog - good luck, true friends;

to be the owner of a purebred dog - you will be able to make a substantial fortune for yourself;

a bloodhound is following you - a warning against temptations that can become disastrous for you;

a dog bit you - do not expect peace in the near future either in relations with business partners or with your wife;

skinny and dirty dogs - failure or illness;

hearing dogs barking is bad news;

a hunting dog in your home means favorable business circumstances;

pretty dogs of an exquisite breed - you will have a frivolous, dapper admirer (for a girl);

be scared to meet big dog– Your destiny will be resistance to the entire environment, the desire to rise above vulgarity and mediocrity;

for women - this dream means a very worthy husband;

growling dogs behind you - some intriguer is approaching your cherished interests, defeat is possible, but this dream is always an incentive to active resistance;

a cat and a dog suddenly throwing themselves at each other is a failure in matters of the heart;

pouring water on fighters - a favorable dream;

a white dog circling around you in a friendly manner is a great success in business and love;

many-headed dog - don’t get carried away with many things at once, it turns into vanity;

a mad dog chasing you is a warning to mobilize all your strength of character in order to resist the fight;

drive away or kill mad dog- good dream;

walking with a dog, especially a purebred one, and seeing how it kills a snake is an auspicious dream.

Also see Bulldog, Cat, Snake, Barking, Hare, Fury, Hunting.

Dream Interpretation – Dog

Seeing a stray dog ​​in a dream is a bad sign. Such a dream is a warning that your friend is currently in a very difficult situation. He doesn't ask you for help only because he doesn't want to burden you with his problems.

Dream Interpretation – Dog

A dog is a friend, a friend, but if it bites, it is unkind, someone will “bite”, there will be some kind of misfortune. The dog is the enemy. If you dream of a wolf or a dog, then someone will attack. If you dream about a dog, you will quarrel with someone. If you dream that a dog is caressing, then this means matchmaking. If a girl dreams that she was bitten by a dog, then this is an accurate sign that she will soon get married. A dog will tear a girl's skirt - she will get married. Dog barking is some kind of misfortune. If a dog tears and bites in a dream, it means beating in reality. If you dream of a puppy, you will soon meet a childhood friend or he will come to visit you. Dogs - people will say something bad about you. The dog is black - you will see a friend; loyalty. Dogs of all other stripes are enemies. A dog caresses - be afraid of your neighbor, bites - there will be trouble through your neighbor.

Dream Interpretation – Dogs

If you dream of an angry dog, expect failures and treacherous actions of your opponents. An affectionate dog promises good luck and true friends.

Dream Interpretation – Dogs

If in a dream you get yourself a dog, this portends a disagreement with your husband in real life. To see a puppy leaving puddles all over the apartment means you are taking on extra worries, for which they won’t even thank you. Playing with a dog - in reality you will experience spiritual joy.

Why do you dream of your beloved dead dog alive and well?

Lilac fairy

You have misconceptions about how the brain works during sleep.

Rita Vladimirskaja

Perhaps they will give you a puppy

My dead dog is alive

Dream Interpretation – See or catch live fish

It's a hard, but very rewarding job.

Dream Interpretation – Traveling in a dream with a deceased father, alive and well

Changes await you (dead father) in the sphere of emotions (boat) and the opportunity to reconsider your attitude towards your father (said by a woman) for your own good. The existing worldview (apartment, friends) still leads you to the need to search for spiritual food (picking and eating berries). Good luck.

This is really due to the fact that in connection with your breakup, your mother is worried about you. She tends to transfer “from a sick head to a healthy one,” to generalize the fates of all women of your kind, to look for similarities in them, to compare you with herself, fearing that you might inherit her fate or be left completely alone. The former GM in the company of deceased men of the family means that in her perception he has already become a thing of the past and she does not see him as a future member of the family.

Dream Interpretation – Deceased grandfather, father and living guy

Mom's dream, and she has to ask the questions herself. But if this worries you, I will answer briefly. The dead and death in the vast majority of cases signify changes. A living person in a dream among the dead is nothing to worry about in any scenario. For you personally, the main support in life will be getting rid of fears. Think about it. Good luck.

Dreams about the dead are the most complex, since they have absolutely different meanings in different situations (there are a maximum of 5 such changing symbols) and in order to interpret them correctly, you need to know all the internal problems and events. In your life, since I don’t know them, I can’t give you an exact interpretation. I will not describe all the meanings of the dead. It's a long time. From weather changes to the grave. Well, you often dream of dead people, not only now, but even before that, you often had dreams with dead people. This is bad. It’s very bad, I think you yourself understand that you shouldn’t dream of dead people alive so often. I am sending you via private messages the most known to me effective method getting rid of dead people in dreams. This must be done, ignore these dreams, it will end badly for you. It is my duty as an interpreter to warn you. I will help in whatever way I can and know how. The decision is yours to make if, after you do as I write to you, the dead people from dreams do not disappear. YOU MUST WRITE TO ME IN A PM.

Dream Interpretation – Dead grandmother, a kind dog and a bastard cat

You are not acting wisely (grandmothers) in relation to criticism (barking) and by doing this you are temporarily closing the door (door) to the opportunity to understand who is who in reality. Paying much attention to empty chores because they seem so necessary and being a hypocrite (blue cat) is not wise and deprives you of true friendship. Absence from you negative emotions indicates that this is happening quite harmlessly for you, so you are still indifferent to some of your shortcomings. From what has been said, you should see the clues for yourself. The right choice and good luck.

Dream Interpretation – Dead grandmother, a kind dog and a bastard cat

Good evening! “I am with my grandmother (she died many years ago and dreamed about it for the first time)” - grandmother always dreams only for good changes in life! “in a small private house or country house. According to the dream, he is ours. ” – again a connection with the ancestors. In general, from all your dreams, you get the impression that your family, or the family of your spouse, has very significant personalities, great righteous people before God. “Another grandmother comes to see us. I close the door with a hook. This grandmother says that her dog is barking on the street, we need to go out. ” – unclean, demons bark. “We tell her that it’s okay, there’s no need to go out. ” – Your neglect or misunderstanding of the dangers from demonic creatures, which is not surprising for our time. But the voice of the ancestors turns out to be stronger - “But she does not calm down, and we really hear a strong bark. We go outside. ” “Summer, sunny. We are located on our site near the house. The second grandmother is our neighbor. Her plot is located next to our site. Very on a leash there big dog(similar to the Moscow watchdog). The dog is kind. ” – it seems like a real dog. “Another dog and a cat rush at her, they are also large, but smaller than her. She barks at them, shoos them away and fights them off. ” – the second dog is a demon. But the situation with the cat is strange. Since a cat is the only living creature on earth that cannot be possessed by spirits. Moreover, they cannot accept the false image of a cat in a dream. “Then the huge blue(!) cat jumped on the dog again, the dog still barked and threw the cat off.  The cat runs to my grandmother, who is walking nearby, half-sideways towards us. The cat jumps on her leg from behind and tries to bite her grandmother's leg. This is where I wake up. “- by and large, your grandmother, one might say, prayed away some of your unseemly demonic actions in life. And in fact, some karmic changes have occurred in your favor, but this affects your ancestors. That is, they gave you the Power they needed to help you. And a karmic blow is neither bad nor good, it is fair - Blue Cat. “In the dream I did not experience fear or negative emotions. I watched more it was a pity. “- I felt sorry, of course, not for the dog, but for myself. In any case, when a person feels pity, he always feels it because he understands that the same thing could happen to him. When you feel sorry for someone else, you feel sorry for yourself. “The events of dreams are different, but what does the dead have to do with it? Could there be a meaning or a hint in this (given that the dreams come in a row)? “- this question, I think, has already been sorted out. It’s good that we have a wonderful selection of impressive dreams over two years. Save Christ!

Dream Interpretation - A living person is considered dead

This Dream clearly illuminated the cause of the Dreamer’s Social disorder (an unfamiliar Kindergarten), but depending on how you look at it, Society consists entirely of clichés that are understandable (convenient) to logic and absolutely no manifestations of the Soul (compassion, empathy, support). Therefore, the good-natured Dreamer already realizes that she will have to forget about Mental comfort in society and continue to “exist” without it (Photo of the Living Dreamer as the Dead on the fence Kindergarten, which symbolizes internal Spiritual Harmony). Returning Home, treating a co-worker with her Son and putting a compress on her Husband’s stomach unnecessarily is a very important conclusion of the Dreamer in reality, meaning that she will have to become Strong-willed and Balanced, which is welcomed in Society (The Dreamer does not care about anything in a dream, when everyone is in shock ) and thereby fill in the gaps in an undeveloped area (in the corner of the room there is a son’s Children’s Bed, which has not yet been removed to the Dreamer’s surprise - the Dreamer’s childhood character traits). What can I advise the Dreamer - not to lose Mental Balance in the process of settling into society (and everything will work out in the best way) and not to lose our best Human qualities, which our family and friends also really need, and in this case the Dreamer will be more Alive than all the living. Best regards, Livia.

Dream Interpretation – A deceased friend kisses a living husband

The dream originally tells the Dreamer not to push the emotional side of family life into the background, taking into account only its material side, since this, in fact, is not funny or stupid, but very serious, because it promotes Commonality in family relationships (Common and Good An acquaintance who came to life in a dream, but is deceased in reality - a healthy emotional atmosphere in the family). In short, you shouldn’t forget about your spouse, thinking only about social security for the family, since you don’t need one without the other.

Dream Interpretation – Dreaming of a deceased grandmother alive

This is just a dream-experience about loss; the dream does not carry any symbolic load.

Who knows why long-dead pets dream about (this dog came to life in a dream and fell asleep again)?


I started dreaming about my first dog 4 years after his death, when I started thinking about buying a puppy. And when it became almost every day (I dreamed that I was walking with her), for me it was a sign that the time had come to make a new friend. After the puppy came home, I stopped dreaming.

Natalie Bekes

dogs to visit the dead man

Elena Tsirkul

A dog is a friend. Perhaps to renew some kind of relationship.


what a horror. I don't agree with Nathalie Bekes.

When my dog ​​died, I dreamed about it for almost a year, I was very worried about its death. I think that’s why I dreamed about her alive. By the way, no one died, so this is not for the dead

I often dream about my first dog. nothing bad will happen, it's just our memory.


I dream about my dead dog, a shepherd, and it always seems to me that she is hungry, and I put a pan on and cook her porridge with chicken butts, then we go for a walk

Hello my mother-in-law. I dreamed about my dog ​​Nika, who died a long time ago. She came to me and I was lying in bed and she climbed onto my bed, although I called her or she climbed in on her own, I don’t remember, but then I said get out of here and I kicked her out or told her to go away. like in a dream.

I dreamed of a beloved deceased dog, as if we were sitting with our family and suddenly she came, and everyone was saying how she died, I went up and hugged her and cried and she licked me...

I dreamed of a beloved dachshund who died 3 years ago, as if an unfamiliar woman had brought her in so that I could buy her, as if she had found her and I began to feed my dog ​​by hand, while in the dream I felt warmth

I dreamed of my deceased dog, which I gave away due to a divorce, and after a while she died. The dream was that I came to her in some newly built house, she was having fun playing with me, petting me, I hugged her, I’m telling someone about her, how she helped me out during pregnancy, and for some reason I can’t understand, it’s like I’m pregnant again, but it seems like I’m not! And this someone tells me that I left her. And I start hugging her and saying how smart she is, that she understands everything and she looked at me like that and her eyes were gray, gray like a baby’s (Although in life she had brown eyes. And by breed they couldn’t be gray; she was a German shepherd) and then it dawned on me that she was no longer there, that it was just a dream and that she died, I start to sob, sobbed so much that I woke up. And then at the same time in this dream I understand that I am mine ex-husband why do I call her by the name of the current one. In general, here is such a dream, but the feeling of guilt still gnaws at me. I cried for half the night and asked for forgiveness from her for leaving me. Maybe it’s stupid, but she was my only friend in a foreign land. And also to all this I dreamed that I was walking her like before, I remember this, but I don’t remember exactly when it happened in the dream, and after realizing that she was dead in the dream, she still looked at me cheerfully and fawned over me. Decipher why I dreamed about it! Thanks in advance.

I dreamed of a dead dog, and I couldn’t find its place in any way, since we new dog. my cats came out, but she didn’t touch them

I dreamed that we were walking with friends, and in front of us was running and frolicking

my dog, who died a long time ago

Hello, 49 days ago my dog ​​died, we buried her properly, put up a cross and a fence. But I began to dream about her... The first time he came to me, he was joyful, running, frolicking, in a dream I took him in my arms and said with tears in my eyes, “Look, he’s not dead. He’s alive,” and that’s where my dream ended . And today I dreamed of him again and also ran around me, then lay down (as he loved to do during his life) on the sofa next to me and didn’t leave anywhere, he and I lay there, looked at each other and that’s where my dream ended. Tell me what does this mean?

I dreamed about my grandmother's dog. She (the dog) died a few months ago.

In a dream, I stood on the porch of that same grandmother and a dog ran up to me. He was cheerful as always. I gave him my hand, he sniffed it and stuck out his tongue, wagging his tail. What is it for?

from Sunday to Monday I dreamed of my deceased dog as if alive! She was red as in life. She asked me for food...

Hello. This morning I dreamed about my previously deceased dog. Description of the dream: It was a dream within a dream. I saw that I was sleeping on the sofa and woke up because I felt discomfort in my right leg, I opened my eyes (in a dream), I saw my dead dog. The dog looked bristling, grinning... I vaguely heard its muffled growl. The dog pressed itself very hard into my leg, so I felt a very unpleasant state... maybe even pain. I winced from the unpleasant sensations, stood up a little and pushed her away with my foot, while saying - Nala (dog's name), go away. Having slightly pushed the dog away from my leg, I fall asleep again (in a dream)... and.. everything started again.. except that I woke up for real. When I woke up, I felt a sediment in my soul.

What could this dream warn me about? I will be grateful for your answer.

I dreamed of a long-dead black dog, he was very friendly and kind, he loved me very much. In the dream, he jumped onto my lap and I stroked him.

I dreamed of my mother and my dead dog was blocking her path. The dog in reality died a couple of days ago, but in the dream she was alive with a broken neck. I understood that this couldn’t be true, and my mother understood that perhaps something had taken possession of her. Mom tells me that they want to kill me today. He grabs my hand; there are some marks on it. She counted them and reports that this will happen today at five o’clock in the evening.

Hello, just yesterday my dog ​​died very quickly, in less than 12 hours. It so happened that they could not bury him right away, since it was already night, and they left him in the enclosure for the night, tied in a green rag. At night I dreamed that I was entering the enclosure in the morning and the green rag in which I had wrapped the dog was moving... I unwrap the bundle and see that the dog is alive. The only thing is that the breed is not the same - I had a boy German Shepherd, otherwise it was a small white dog, similar to a fighting dog... Despite the fact that the breed in the dream was different, I felt that this was my dog ​​and was very glad that he was alive, please tell me what this dream could mean? Or is this just nonsense? He loved the dog very much and doted on him. Thank you

First, I dreamed of my grandmother, who died 20 years ago (for the first time since her death), we were sitting with her on the curb of the road, for some reason I was holding a whole boiled chicken in my hands and trying to tear off a piece. Suddenly, a large, smooth-haired dog of golden color rushes straight towards us and abruptly stops about two meters away. My grandmother tells me to quickly hide the chicken, otherwise the dog wants to take it away from us. I turn around, and there instead of trees there is a wall in my room. Turning around, my grandmother and I were already sitting in my room, and my pet dog (shepherd), who died 5 years ago, was running in front of us, looking great and happily rattling something in his teeth. I bend down to look - and in his teeth there is a cat with a gnawed throat (bones and veins are clearly visible, but there is practically no blood) and this despite the fact that my dog ​​never even barked at cats during his life! I shout to my grandmother - quickly take this disgusting thing away from him... and I wake up. Surprisingly, I dreamed about both of them for the first time since the day of their death...

I dreamed of two dogs that used to live with us, they were very hungry and I fed them, but they have long been dead and little kitty I fed him too

I dreamed of a long-dead dog alive. He and I stood next to our house. It was as if he had a tick under his skin; I could clearly see it under the skin. I squeezed out this tick. He fell to the ground alive and I crushed him

Hello Tatyana, I dreamed about my long-dead dog. She came up to me recently, we buried our beloved dad and grandfather. What does this mean, thank you.

I dreamed of two dogs alive (they had died a long time ago) ... in the dream they went for a walk in a dark thunderous forest, it was night, and they got lost, I was very worried and was about to go in search. In the end, they showed up on their own, cheerful.

My dog ​​died in January on the 19th-20th and I dreamed of her alive somewhere at the end of April of the same year, running home to the yard. The dog’s condition and behavior was cheerful and playful. I was still thinking, as I remember. She died .And I was pleased that I saw her alive. Thank you.

I dreamed of our dachshund dog who died a year ago, he was cheerful and affectionate in his dream, I stroked him, but for some reason I didn’t let him eat or drink. But he was still cheerful and active.

the long-dead Gerka the Caucasian fell into the cellar and looks at me sadly

Recently, my dog ​​died, who was like a friend to me. After that, I dreamed about him. In my last dream, I dreamed that he possessed me... and before that, I dreamed that he possessed a beetle... and a few more dreams. And... I often cried in these dreams. Please help me interpret these dreams... because I really love animals and this dog played a very big role in my life.

Hello! The dream was about my deceased dog, (she is a black German Shepherd). Everything happened in the village, in my grandmother’s yard, there were no animals there, but suddenly a small gray kitten appeared, and my dog ​​constantly tried to calmly approach him, as if to get to know him, but he constantly hissed, rushed and ran away, and she returned every time in its place. I never dreamed about the dog, 2 months passed after his death, he lived with his family for 11 years.

I dreamed of my Stafford with a white naked head, he died 2 years ago, someone tried to beat him to make him angry, but he protected him

I’m 11 years old. My dog’s name is Bona. She was euthanized on 06/03/15 due to illness. I dreamed that when Bona and I were swimming in the pool there was some reporter there, she asked me if I could leave her a ball. I allowed it. Bonochka happily jumped into the water. Then I went into the water and it was warm, like 28 degrees. I understood this from the fact that yesterday my friend told me that the water was 24 degrees like 28. I really felt it. Then the boys are like sixth graders. One boy from 6 began to strangle a boy from 3rd grade (with his thumb and forefinger) I say:

What are you doing? He's small!

I was scared, the dream ended there.

I had a dream about my deceased dog about 3 years ago. And I had a dream with him periodically for two months... in the dream I was supposedly in my grandmother’s apartment with my boyfriend, but my grandmother herself was not there, it was as if she had gone somewhere else... I constantly dream about the dog being hungry and not being walked (although the deceased dog did not live in my grandmother’s apartment). And wherever I leave my grandmother’s apartment, he follows me... the last time I dreamed about it was today. I went out into the street at night and he ran out after me... .there on the street I saw a dark-haired woman walking with a Stafford... she shouted at me to take and hide my dog ​​before a fight broke out between the dogs. I ran with my late dog supposedly into an entrance with iron doors... in order to isolate him from the fight, thinking about I thought that he was old and maybe he couldn’t stand this fight... in the end, I woke up sharply from sleep at that moment that these iron doors supposedly became “soft” and from under them the head of a staffor appeared with whom I was afraid of my dog ​​colliding.

my dog ​​died 8 years ago and I never dreamed about it, but today I have a dream that I saw her, called her, and she runs towards me, but like a blind woman she doesn’t see me, only then she smelled it and ran up and began to fawn

I dreamed of my long-dead dog on my territory on a sunny day; he (his name was Mishanka) killed a Jack Russell terrier, and then pulled out some bloody organ and disappeared. The dog was lying on his left side. There was a red spot on the neck.

I dreamed about my deceased friend (younger comrade). I asked him to look after my deceased dog. And while I was busy, he was looking after her, the dog’s head was pierced. I yelled at my friend a lot. And I woke up. But the dream was very vivid.

Sleep: night, dark, I sleep in the nursery; My dog, who died 16 years ago (light beige color), comes running to me and lies on my chest; the dog is warm, lively, in general, the same as it was during its life; I called her by name and hugged her; we started sleeping together.

a year ago I plowed a dog, Jack, and now I dream about it in this dream, I dreamed about it, and we didn’t think that he was dead and came to the stone, and a couple more dogs came up and a fight began, and May the dead dog started biting me, what’s all this for?

my beloved dog walked back and forth, with his head held high and his paws moving importantly, until I called her, she disappeared,

Hello, I dreamed that I was visiting a long-forgotten friend and my dog, who had died a long time ago, was with me.

Hello... I dreamed of my dog, who died six months ago... In the dream, she and I were relaxing in nature and went to the lake. All the action took place on the lake. I went into the lake with my dog ​​and gave the dog the opportunity to swim, despite the fact that the dog was on a leash. After which I decided to play a little with the dog in the water, and dipped her head into the water, she came out and swam further. then we continued to swim and I dipped her in for the second time, she didn’t get out again, and I pulled her by the leash and took her out of the water, she was breathing heavily and her eyes were slightly open.. when I pulled her ashore, she got up and calmly went home. That is, she pretended to die

I dreamed of a huge white and red calf that ate my dog ​​(the dog died several years ago, and in the dream I was walking with it). Now I'm pregnant, I wanted to know why such a stupid dream

I dreamed about my dog, she was euthanized 3 months ago, I was not around at that moment. Description: Leaving the apartment, I opened the door and saw my beloved dog alive there, he stood and looked at me, then we let him home and in the end I didn’t go anywhere, and sat hugging him until the end of the dream, then I woke up . tell me what does this mean?

I asked my ex-husband to urgently go to the dacha where my dog, who had died earlier, was supposedly in order to urgently feed her (she was there alone and hungry), I even cried with pity for her.

I dreamed about our dog who lived with us for a long time and died a long time ago. she accompanied me and played with me and that her teeth are worn down from old age, but she runs around like a young woman and looks at me with devoted eyes and caresses me…..

Hello, I dreamed about my dog ​​who died back in January. In the dream, we were at home with her, I fed her with a dry sweet tube, she really liked it. In the dream, I didn’t understand that she had already died a long time ago. Everything was as usual, as if it was normal that she was alive. She ate and flattened her ears as a sign of submission and affection.

there was my dog, they wanted to take him away from me and kill him, I took him in my arms and ran out into the street, I cried and screamed, this dog died in June of this year, and when I woke up there were tears in my eyes (((

My dog, who died, ran today in a dream with me and my son, we were walking in the park and I told my son that I needed to buy a leash, because the dog was running without a collar or leash.

I dreamed of a dog (my relatives) who recently died. Then my cat, she is alive now.

Evteeva Sevil:

I dreamed that my dead dog was alive and greedily ate a piece of bread that my friend gave her

I dreamed about my deceased dog. At first she barked at me and wanted to bite me or something, until I started crying and calling her affectionate names. It's just weird. She was very small, half of her body was visible, her bones were visible, and she was so scary, and she whined so much it hurt so much. And next to her, sat her copy. Only calm, just like alive. I woke up in tears

I dreamed of my dog ​​who died 8 years ago, which for me was more than just four-legged friend. This is a purebred Rottweiler dog. She accompanied me somewhere, it seemed like it was some kind of important meeting, I was very glad that she was nearby. Walking next to her, I felt protected and confident, I simply felt good next to her. And on the way back I didn’t see her again. I was very upset, I called her, looked for her, said her name and cried, it turned out that I was actually crying, but I never found her, someone offered to help me find her and even showed me where she might be, but that’s it the dream is over. I dreamed about him on Sunday, November 1st of this year. I still have a feeling of this loss. I really want to understand whether it was in vain that I dreamed about her, because we had a special connection and I still love her. Thank you in advance!

Hello Tatiana! I had a birthday, guests came to me to congratulate me! While everyone was celebrating, I went to the bathroom, and for some reason began to clean the bathroom, cold water. Then, I went into the room. Why I don’t know! and I see my dog ​​standing in the middle of the room. She died on September 21 of this year, in my arms. I looked at the dog in surprise! And asked her. Dana, what are you doing here, you died, I buried you? She came up to me, I hugged her. She was all dirty and wet. And for some reason there was no fur on the side. It was as if it were decomposing. I picked her up and laid her on her back on my lap. Her belly is so swollen, and the smell... Corpse.... I jumped out of bed in a cold sweat! I had a dream in the morning, around 3 am. I had never dreamed of my dog ​​before. I don’t know how to interpret it? Help me to understand! Thank you!

hello, I dreamed that my deceased dog was angry at me for something and I was not calm because of this

I dreamed of a dog that died more than five years ago. This dog was literally a member of our family and lived with us for 16 years. In the dream, the dog was alive and affectionate, I stroked my white poodle and said that it was necessary to treat him. The dog looked absolutely healthy, devotedly and intently looked into my eyes.

I had a dream that our deceased dog was tearing my niece’s wedding dress

Three weeks ago, a dog died (puppy, 8 months old). Today I dreamed that he had survived, but he no longer looked the same, a little different, badly damaged. In the dream he was very happy to see me.

I dreamed about my dog, she died recently, but in the dream she came and looks at me with her eyes, I fed her, but she still looks and doesn’t leave, I’m already looking at her, I felt so sorry for her.. but I know that she died

Today I had a dream involving my deceased dog. and so... I took an exam at the university (in fact, I’m taking an exam in this subject tomorrow), there were no free rooms at the university and I was sent with the head of the department to my home. There was construction going on at home, there was a mess everywhere and I sat down on the street in the yard and wrote on a piece of paper, the sun was shining very much and I decided to go home, at that time my deceased dog broke loose and ran into the street, as the gate was open. at this time I shout to my teacher that I need to close the gate. Confused, he doesn’t have time and the dog runs out. I run after her and after a couple of minutes I drive the dog home and tie it back. then I go to take my exam.

I had a dream from January 6 to 7, because of which I feel very anxious and cannot sleep normally. In a dream, I dreamed of my dog, who died on December 15, 2015 (23 days passed). I dreamed that he was alive, cheerful, healthy, like an intelligent person (he understood everything). He was performing on stage, and then I lost sight of him and ran to look for him. I found him lying on the shelf and breathing heavily. I began to stroke him and told him that I was with him and everything would be fine. And then my relatives came and said that he had died. I burst into tears and looked at the dog, he was still breathing. Then I began to prove to my relatives that they were lying and he was alive, they also tried to persuade me to leave the dog, but I stayed because I thought if I left he would die. This is how the dream ended. I was really excited that I dreamed about my dog ​​on Christmas Day. Help me to understand. Thank you in advance.

I dreamed of a dog (Rottweiler mixed breed) named “Noah” who lived with my parents for 10 years and then died in 2012. from illness. after that I bought my parents a dog too purebred girl, nicknamed “Nora,” she had a capricious character, she was kind, but if she was not in the mood, she showed her teeth and could bite. she died after living with her parents for about 4 years. Noah was calm, kind, well-mannered. and in a dream these 2 dogs united into one, Noah, and although I knew in the dream that Noah was kind, I still approached him with caution, and when I left him, he looked at me with such a look that... as if he was betrayed and abandoned, i.e. pitiful. in the dream all my relatives were there (parents, sister, niece), but I didn’t see them, I only heard them, and the area was unfamiliar

We had a dog, a mongrel, he was about 3 years old, he died last year in the summer. I never dreamed of him, but this night I dreamed of something that was incomprehensible to me, I don’t remember well, but I remember his face well, but he was so kind it was, but at the same time, I was scared.

I dreamed of a dog that had died a long time ago (a chocolate-colored poodle), he sat calmly, and I said with surprise that he had been living for many years... And in parallel, the dog gave birth (the dog was light-colored) and the puppies were still being born, and one had already begun to run, small, playful with The color of the Doberman is brown and black.

A year ago my dog ​​died. It was white and black in color. Now I dreamed of her, but only almost black in color. I remember that she ran out of the booth to me, but this is not her booth, but in her parents’ house. I don't remember anything else. Thank you.

Hello! I recently dreamed about my dead dog. in a dream he came to our apartment, satisfied and happy. made it clear that he was alive, that he was with us. Then he went into our room (the children and I sleep there) and lay down next to the bed as usual.

I dreamed about my deceased dog on the 40th day of her death, she constantly disappeared from me in my dreams and she was joyful and went away all the time... I was looking for her in a dream, but she kept leaving...

I was walking with my friend’s deceased dog and with my friends, the dog was white and purebred. We were walking somewhere and all this time the dog walked nearby without a leash, then my friends stopped at the store, and I fastened the dog on a leash and she led me home.

For two nights in a row I dreamed of my dead dog Tuzik, I call him by name and he sits motionless looking at me and you can see great sadness in his eyes


My dog ​​died more than a week ago. And then I dreamed (everything was like in reality) that the dog came to life, that in fact it didn’t die, that’s just what we thought. It was some kind of illness, and then it recovered. When she ran into the house, I felt very warm, because it was a beloved dog that came to life in a dream.

I dreamed of my dog ​​- a black and white Alabai who died 4 years ago. It’s as if he’s off-leash and walking around the city, but for some reason I call him by the name of my dog, who now lives in my yard. I was glad to see him, but I don’t know what this dream is about. Usually, I rarely remember dreams

Well, I just dreamed of a dog who died almost a year ago, I was petting him, petting him, this is not the first time I have dreamed about this.

Today I dreamed of Bonochka (my dog, who died in 2008. The dog is black in color with a brown neck, small. She got under a truck right before my eyes). In the dream, I was walking with her. Then I went to the store to buy brewed tea, there they offered me some kind of liquid, incomprehensible, white liquid in a transparent bottle, I didn’t buy it and moved on, and Bona thought that she was following me, but then I turned around and realized that lost her, ran to look for her and found her (she was lying sad and waiting for me, she was happy to see me), I took Bona in my arms and began to caress her, walked around in my arms, held her, hugged her tightly, then when I went out to the park, I let her go and she she walked next to me and constantly looked at me, and then ran away in front, I ran after her, and when I caught her, it was no longer Bona, but a boy who is studying sick at our university.. I began to scold him, why are you running away, but he cries and says why his grandmother wasn’t at his birthday party, why he celebrated with his parents and not with her... I calmed him down, said that he already lives with his grandmother and they all thought that he would be glad that his parents would take him to his birthday party celebrate, but he didn’t like this idea and shouted about his grandmother. I don’t know this boy at all, I don’t communicate with him and have never communicated with him, he lives on our floor in the dorm, I see him occasionally. I don’t know why he ended up in my dream (I treated my dog ​​with reverence throughout the dream, I was worried about everything so that she wouldn’t run away and get hit by a car. When she was carrying her in her arms, she was calm, when she let her go, she was worried and saw that she was wearing soft blue high slippers, I have these at home. And we walked towards the house the whole dream.

I had a boxer for 13 years, a very beloved one, family members, she died a long time ago for more than 10 years. The dream was like reality, she was happy and jumped straight into my arms, and then I looked at the floor and there were a lot of her puppies, so cute, plump, beautiful. What is this for?

Hello, I dreamed about my dog ​​who died 2 years ago, in the dream she was alive and gave birth to many puppies, more than 10 puppies.

Hello! I dreamed of my deceased dog, he lived with us for 14 years, died three years ago, a male, small in size, black-and-white in color, in a dream he was alive but sick, he had open bloody wounds, in places on his body and paws, when I came closer to look I was told that it was a fistula, although I have never seen it in my life and don’t know what it is. Please, please tell me what this dream could mean?? Thank you very much in advance!

I dreamed about my deceased Pekingese dog and, as always, she looked intently at me from the bottom up and was joyful and playful

Today I dreamed of my dog, who died many years ago, I found six kittens on the street, multi-colored, they had to be fed, so my dog ​​began to feed them, at first she had no milk, and then it appeared. In the dream I was very happy and I was proud that I had such a good dog.

My dead dog was alive in a dream. The dream was saturated with fear, but with the appearance of the dog everything went away. And she appeared on the mane of a brown bear. Chow-chow dog. It's like my dog ​​said goodbye

I dreamed of a deceased dog who had died a long time ago, I let her out for a walk from the house and it was raining and there were a lot of puddles outside


I dreamed of a Rottweiler who died two years ago, it was my dog, I grieved terribly, and even now I grieve for him. He came in a dream and I was happy with him to the point of tears, I even woke up from emotions, all in tears, but then I fell asleep again and the dream continued, it was very calm, colorful. We walked with him until I woke up

Why do you dream of a dead dog? As most dream books assure, death in a dream is important. First of all, it says that serious challenges lie ahead in the future. Therefore, if you dreamed of a dead animal, then be prepared to solve any problems.

As most dream books assure, death in a dream is important

Most often, a dog in a dream is a symbol of friendship or loved ones. But this applies to living animals. The dead are another matter. According to popular dream books, this always means trouble. On the other hand, this is a warning about possible problems, so there is a chance to avoid troubles or mitigate their consequences. Most dream books interpret death as an inevitable phenomenon, and dreams with dead dogs- as a need to prepare for unpleasant life circumstances.

If you dreamed of a dead animal, then be prepared to solve any problems

The breed of the animal is important in deciphering a dream about a dead dog. A lot depends on what kind of dog you dreamed about. If the deceased dog is a greyhound, then, given the animal’s running speed, trouble should be expected in the near future. Dreamed, rottweiler or pit bull ( aggressive breeds) they say that they are waiting for you serious problems. Conversely, a Boxer or St. Bernard indicates that troubles can be avoided, because these animals are kind by nature. If you dreamed of a dead Great Dane, then you should focus on achieving your goal, the path to which will be difficult, but in the end desired result it will be possible to achieve.

Why do you dream about a dachshund? The answer to this question depends on the circumstances. If an animal in a dream is alive and beautiful, then success and prosperity await the person in the future. Conversely, if you dream of a dog that is thin, emaciated or dead, this means trouble. Moreover, there is a possibility that a loved one may become very ill in the coming days.

Why do you dream about a dog (video)

Individual interpretations

An important factor for deciphering dreams is the color of the coat. Moreover, it doesn’t matter who has such a dream, a man or a woman, you need to pay attention to the color of the dog:

  1. The red color is a symbol of longing for a free life. Perhaps, on a subconscious level, the dreamer wants to free himself from something, for example, from a routine or some strict life framework.
  2. Why do you dream about a black dog? Black is not a very good sign. Even if you dream of a living black animal, you should expect that an enemy will appear in the near future. And if you dreamed about black dog dead, then perhaps you will have problems because of close people or friends. For example, a person dear to your heart will deceive or betray you, which will bring you pain. So a black dog in a dream is not good. If you believe Miller’s dream book, then a large black animal means a quarrel with a good friend. The dreamer will most likely have to endure attacks from him.
  3. What does a dead white dog mean in a dream? This is a person’s conscious refusal of love affections or romantic relationships, and a living one, on the contrary, symbolizes goodness and friendship.

The breed of the animal is important in deciphering a dream about a dead dog.

When you dream of a dog, you should pay attention to its size. If the dog is big, then this indicates a person’s uncertainty about the future. Even if you have a goal and certain plans, doubts constantly haunt you and prevent you from developing further. But there are also positive aspects. Perhaps if you dream about a dog large sizes, in the near future a good patron will appear who will take care of and help solve emerging problems. Why do you dream about a small dog? Most likely, an unpleasant surprise awaits you from a loved one.

If you see a dead dog in a dream, then, as the dream books say, quarrels with people close to you are possible. Moreover, they will be associated with mutual reproaches, insults and even threats, after which the previous a good relationship It's unlikely to succeed. A man might dream of this; for him it would mean betrayal in the family. But you need to remember: there are friends who can always help in difficult life situations. If a girl sees a dead dog in a dream, she needs to be ready to have her wishes come true, in particular in a love relationship. But there is another interpretation of the dream in which the dog is dreaming: perhaps the girl is wishful thinking and sees love and true relationships where in reality they do not exist. You also need to be prepared for the fact that in the near future you will become the object of gossip or even ridicule.

Why do you dream about a lot of dogs? If there are a lot of dead dogs on the street, then the person faces financial risks. Therefore, you should be careful and forget about negligence, especially in money matters.

What does a dream about your own dead dog mean? If you dream about your dog, then a big problem may arise, and it will take a lot of time to solve it. So it’s worth thinking through every step towards eliminating troubles. The goal you are striving for will not be achieved in the near future; you will need to think about any action you take to achieve what you want. Another meaning of such a dream is a person’s excitement about something external factors, which can harm both him and his pet.

It happens that in a dream people see a dog that is still alive, but sick, and who will most likely die. Why do you dream of a dying dog? Perhaps one of your friends or loved ones will have a serious illness in the future. Modern dream book says that you need to be careful in conversations with relatives, as a careless word can hurt to the core.

I dreamed about a dog (video)

Talking dogs and puppies

Many also wonder why they dream talking dog. Such a dream, when you dreamed of a talking dog, is strange, because dogs cannot talk. But the dream has a very interesting interpretation: a warning about possible problems. You need to try to remember what exactly the dog said; its words consist of advice that you need to listen to. According to the dream book, a talking dog in a dream for men means the appearance of an influential comrade who will help solve problems that arise in everyday life.

According to many experts, dreams are clues sent by the human mind. People who are interested in parapsychology claim that dreams allow us to temporarily find ourselves in parallel world and find in it the solution to all problems. Why a dog in a dream? Based on information from various dream books, we will try to answer this question.

What does this dream mean?

Animals seen in a dream are usually considered protectors or guides in other worlds. Dreams in which they pass away are always of great interest. Decipher a dream in which a dog dies in evidence of this fact), can be quite difficult. In order to correctly interpret this dream, you should take into account many important details:

  • The dreamer's feelings.
  • Belonged to him this dog or not?
  • The cause of death of the animal.
  • The dreamer killed the dog or stranger?
  • Size and color of the dog.

Dogs, being loyal and friendly animals, have always been associated with close people and established relationships. Therefore, such a dream (the dog died) often signals that strong ties may suddenly break off.

I dreamed about my own dog

A beloved pet that is no longer in this world indicates that long-standing friendship is not in danger. Seeing a dog dying in its kennel in a dream means betrayal of loved ones. A dog whose wound is bleeding symbolizes the bad deed of a relative.

A puppy attacked by dogs or wolves foreshadows bureaucratic litigation that would be better resolved peacefully. A dog who dies in the dreamer’s bed means divorce and division of property. Holding a four-legged pet in your arms means that a person whom the dreamer completely trusts can become the initiator of a quarrel.

For a representative of the fair sex, seeing a dying dog in a dream is good - the relationship with a former lover can resume. If the girl does not repeat her previous mistakes and accepts the young man for who he is, their relationship will develop well.

A man often dreams of a dying or deceased dog before betrayal. He should pay close attention to the behavior of his significant other and friends; there is a possibility of his lady’s betrayal or interruption of friendly relations.

Cause and circumstances of the animal's death

Stumbling upon a dead dog lying on the road means you will have to come face to face with boors. A dog dies in a dream in the apartment of a sleeping person - to the appearance of robbers on its threshold.

Dragging the corpse of an animal on a leash means you should not try to get out of the dead end, all efforts will be in vain. Seeing a decomposed corpse of a dog in a dream means the revelation of a terrible truth.

If a dog dies in a dream due to the dreamer’s fault, this vision symbolizes the possibility of cruelty on his part towards his household. Shoot down unfamiliar dog by car - to the fading of close relationships.

To shoot a beloved pet, who is actually no longer alive, means that the prospect of violating family foundations and strengthening one’s position in society is looming. If a representative of the fair sex dreams that she is heading to the store and witnesses the death of a dog, this dream signals that the dreamer should refrain from making large purchases.

Size and color of the animal

A deceased dog of impressive size seen in a dream often indicates major problems that a person with great capabilities can help solve. A small dog signals the presence of disorder in the dreamer's life. An animal of a fighting breed portends a meeting with a strong enemy; a mongrel mongrel means minor troubles. Beautiful dog large size portends a rival endowed with power.

Black dogs are harbingers of negative events, red dogs indicate fatigue and a desire to understand oneself. White dog dies - the interpretation of the dream promises material problems.

Actions of a sleeping person

  • Watching someone take the life of a dog means that in real life the dreamer may unwittingly cause trouble for his friend.
  • To kill the dog yourself - in the future, following the lead of his rage, a person staying in the kingdom of Morpheus may make unforgivable mistakes. If a dog dies in a dream due to strangulation, the words of the person responsible for its death will become a reason for condemnation of other people.
  • Attempts to resuscitate the dog indicate that the dreamer will soon offer his help to another person in reality; participation in her burial indicates disappointment.
  • According to old superstition, hitting an old or sick dog with a stick in a dream means driving out an illness from oneself. Shooting a dog means breaking family traditions will lead to a quarrel.
  • Announcing the death of a dog means illness.

Dreamer's feelings

When interpreting such a dream, it is very important to analyze your own feelings and emotions.

Interpretation of dreams according to the lunar calendar and days of the week

When deciphering such a dream, some people compare the interpretations of dream books and information from the lunar calendar.

If you dream of a dead dog while the moon is waxing, this means that a turning point is coming in the dreamer’s life, leading to changes in life. In order to get out of the current situation without losses, he should get rid of unnecessary acquaintances and things.

A dying dog dreamed of on a waning moon foreshadows a surge of new strength. As if together with dead dog the sleeping person leaves all the past, and new vital energy comes to replace it. There is an opinion among esotericists that such a dream can change a person’s karma.

According to the interpretations of certain dream books, the meaning of this dream is directly related to the days of the week. A dog dies in a dream:

  • On Monday - a pleasant surprise.
  • On Tuesday - to vain efforts.
  • On Wednesday - to get rid of a long illness.
  • On Thursday - to troubles.
  • On Friday - to arrive soon.
  • On Saturday - new love is just around the corner.
  • On Sunday - to ridiculous expenses.

If you believe the predictions of the ancient islanders from the island of Fiji, a dying dog in a dream takes the blow and saves a person from a difficult fate. In medieval times, such a dream was considered a harbinger of wars and an unstable political situation.

You should know that not all predictions encrypted in dreams are destined to come true. Sometimes a dog dies in a dream, foreshadowing a change in weather conditions.