Unusual cases - returning from the other world. A wonderful case of returning from the other world

Death is a difficult and bitter experience for any family, but the grief becomes unimaginable when a person dies twice.

On Wednesday, April 2, 2014, in the United States, a family that filed a lawsuit against pathologists at a Los Angeles clinic for freezing their relative alive was given the green light by an appellate court to continue the legal battle.

In July 2010, doctors pronounced the death of 80-year-old patient Maria de Jesus Arroyo, who was admitted to the hospital with a heart attack. When relatives collected the body of the deceased a few days later, they discovered that the woman's nose was broken and her entire face was covered with cuts and bruises.

Maria de Jesus Arroyo's husband and children sued the hospital staff for negligence and careless handling of the body, but it later turned out that the woman was injured when she tried to get out of the freezer, where she was mistakenly placed while still alive.

Such cases, although rare, do occur, as evidenced by the following seven stories.

1. A South African man woke up in a morgue freezer after an asthma attack.

In 2011, a man was admitted to a hospital in the Eastern Cape Province (South Africa) with an asthma attack. Some time later, doctors pronounced him dead. The pathologist examined the patient's body, but found no signs of life. Obviously, he was mistaken, because a few hours later the “corpse” came to life in the freezer of the morgue and called for help. Later, doctors examined the man, found his condition satisfactory and sent him home.

2. An elderly woman returned from the dead twice and spent three days in the morgue

61-year-old Lyudmila Steblitskaya, a resident of Tomsk, died twice and came back to life. The first time the woman was admitted to the hospital was in serious condition in 2011. Doctors “failed to save” her and she “died.” The Steblitskaya family began preparing for the funeral. When they arrived at the morgue three days later to pick up Lyudmila’s body, workers told them that she, as it turned out, was still alive.

In 2012, Steblitskaya was again hospitalized. After a few days in the hospital, the woman died. But literally a few hours later, doctors managed to bring her back from the other world.

3. The child stayed in the morgue freezer for 12 hours and woke up from his mother’s touch

In April 2012, a resident of Argentina gave birth to what doctors described as a stillborn premature baby. The baby was immediately taken away, without allowing the mother to even look at him.

The baby was sent to the morgue; after 12 hours, the parents still insisted that they be allowed to see him. When the woman touched the child with her hand, he opened his eyes and screamed...

4. 95-year-old woman came back to life six days after she “died”

A woman from China rose from her grave on the seventh day after her death. Reportedly, 95-year-old Liu Xiufeng, while at home, fell and suffered a head injury, which is believed to have caused her death. The woman was discovered some time later by neighbor Chen Qingwan, who tried to revive her, but in vain.

Qingwan did everything necessary preparations for the funeral and, according to Chinese tradition, left the coffin with Liu Xiufeng's body in her house for several days so that relatives and friends could come and say goodbye to the deceased. Imagine his surprise when, the day before the funeral, he came to his neighbor’s house and discovered that her body had disappeared from the coffin.

Chen Qingwan found a woman in the kitchen, preparing food. Liu Xiufeng later explained, “I slept for so long and was very hungry, so I decided to cook myself something to eat.”

5. A man who was declared dead woke up on a pathologist's table.

Carlos Camejo, 33, who was pronounced dead by doctors, came to his senses during an autopsy when a pathologist cut his face. “I woke up from unbearable pain,” the man told local publication El Universal (Venezuela).

6. Two year old child At his own funeral he asked for water

Two-year-old Kelvin Santos from Brazil shocked relatives when he stood up from his coffin and asked for a drink during his own funeral.

Before that, he was hospitalized with bronchial pneumonia and died from complications. After being declared dead, the child's body was reportedly placed in a sealed bag for three hours.

During the funeral, Kelvin's aunt thought the boy moved, after which he stood up and asked his dad for water. Just a few seconds later the baby lost consciousness. The child’s parents rushed to the hospital, where doctors again confirmed his death, this time definitively.

7. The waiter came to his senses at his own funeral

The funeral of 28-year-old Hamid Hafez Al-Noubi, a waiter from Egypt, turned into a celebration when he came to his senses. Al-Noubi reportedly had an accident at work. heart attack. Arriving doctors were forced to confirm the fact of death.

The man's relatives took his body home and began preparations for the funeral. When a doctor came to them to sign the death certificate, he examined the deceased again and discovered that his body was not cold, but warm. Al-Nubi was brought back to consciousness and treated necessary help.

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Stories of those who have been to Hell

Most often after clinical death people remember something pleasant: extraterrestrial light, communication with benevolent beings, a feeling of happiness.

But sometimes there are stories that describe a terrible place full of suffering and despair, i.e. hell.

Clinical death Assistant engineer Thomas Welch from Oregon tripped and fell from a height, hitting the scaffolding beams, into the water while working on a future sawmill. Several people saw this, and a search was immediately organized. About an hour later he was found and brought back to life. But Thomas’s soul during this period of time was far from the scene of the tragedy. Having fallen from the bridge, he unexpectedly found himself near a huge fiery ocean.

This sight amazed him, inspired horror and respect. A lake of fire extended around him and occupied the entire space, it seethed and rumbled. There was no one in it, and Thomas himself watched it from the side. But there were quite a lot of people around, not in the lake itself, but next to it. Thomas even recognized one of those present, although he did not speak to him. They once studied together, but he died while still a child of cancer. Those around were in some kind of thoughtfulness, they seemed confused, puzzled by the sight of a terrible lake of fire, next to which they found themselves. Thomas himself realized that together with them he was in a prison from which there was no way out. He thought that if he had known in advance about the existence of such a place, he would have tried during his lifetime to do everything in his power so as not to return here. As soon as these thoughts flashed through his head, Jesus himself appeared before him. Thomas was happy because he believed that he would help him get out of there, but he did not dare ask for help. Jesus passed by without paying attention to him, but before leaving, he turned and looked at him. This look returned Thomas's soul to his body. He heard the voices of people nearby, and then was able to open his eyes and speak.

This incident was described in the book Beyond Death by Moritz S. Rawlings. There you can also read several more stories about how souls ended up in hell during clinical death.

Another patient started severe pain due to inflammation of the pancreas. They gave him medications, but they didn’t really help, he lost consciousness. At that moment, he began to leave through a long tunnel, surprised that his feet did not touch him, he moved as if floating in space. This place was very similar to a dungeon or cave, filled with eerie sounds and smells of rotting. He forgot part of what he saw, but the villains, whose appearance was only half human, surfaced in his memory. They spoke their own language and mimicked each other. In despair, the dying man exclaimed: “Jesus, save me!” A Man in shining white robes immediately appeared and looked at him. He felt an indication that he needed to live differently. This man didn’t remember anything else. Perhaps his consciousness did not want to keep in his memory all the horrors that he saw there.

Kenneth E. Hagin, who became a priest after a near-death experience, described his visions and experiences in the booklet “My Testimony.”

April 21, 1933 his heart stopped beating and his soul separated from his body. She began to descend lower and lower until the light of the earth completely disappeared. At the very end, he found himself in pitch darkness, absolute blackness, where he could not even see a hand raised to his eyes. The further he descended, the hotter and stuffier the space around him became. Then he found himself facing the road to the underworld, where the lights of hell were visible. A fiery sphere with white ridges was approaching him, which began to attract him to itself. The soul did not want to go, but could not resist, because... attracted like iron to a magnet. Kenneth felt hot. He found himself at the bottom of the pit. There was a certain creature next to him. At first he did not pay attention to it, fascinated by the picture of hell spread out before him, but this creature put its hand between his elbow and shoulder to guide him into hell itself. At this time, a voice was heard, the voice of God himself. The future priest did not understand the words, but felt his strength and power: “His voice rang throughout this damned place, shaking it, like that; like the wind shakes the leaves.” At that moment, his companion loosened his grip, and some force pulled him up. He found himself in his room and slipped into his body the same way he came out - through his mouth. The grandmother, with whom he spoke, woke up and admitted that she considered him already dead.

There are descriptions of hell in Orthodox books. One man, suffering from illness, prayed to God to deliver him from his suffering. The angel sent by him suggested that the sufferer, instead of one year on earth, spend 3 hours in hell in order to cleanse his soul. He agreed. But, as it turned out, it was in vain. It was the most disgusting place imaginable. Everywhere there was cramped space, darkness, spirits of evil hovered, the cries of sinners were heard, there was only suffering. The patient’s soul experienced inexpressible fear and longing, but no one responded to his cries for help except the hellish echo and bubbling flames. It seemed to him that he had been there for an eternity, although the Angel who visited him explained that only an hour had passed. The sufferer begged to be taken away from this terrible place, and was released, after which he patiently endured his illness.

According to the views of the church, hell is a place where the souls of the dead are distant from God, sinners are tormented by remorse and unsatisfied passions, so weeping and gnashing of teeth are constantly heard there. The same needs that a person had on earth will torment him even more in the underworld and will not be satisfied. A drug addict will have eternal withdrawal, a drunkard will have a hangover, a smoker will have a craving for tobacco, a glutton will suffer without food, and a fornicator will suffer from the desires of the flesh. But, oddly enough, hell was not created for punishment. It turns out that for a sinful soul, being close to God is also a kind of torture, because... she, immersed in darkness, cannot rejoice in light and grace.

Pictures of hell are scary and unattractive, but they give reason to think about a lot, to reconsider your attitude towards life, towards your desires and goals.

Journey to the "other world"

Clinical death "Once I had a heart attack. I suddenly discovered that I was in a black vacuum, and I realized that I had left my physical body. I knew I was dying, and I thought, "God, I wouldn't be living this way if I knew what was going to happen now. Please help me." And immediately I began to emerge from this blackness and saw something pale gray, and I continued to move, slide in this space. Then I saw a gray tunnel and headed towards it. I felt like I wasn't moving towards it as quickly as I would have liked because I realized that as I moved closer I would be able to see through it. Behind this tunnel I saw people. They looked the same as on earth. There I saw something that could be taken for mood paintings.

Everything was permeated with an amazing light: life-giving, golden yellow, warm and soft, completely different from the light that we see on earth. As I approached, I felt like I was walking through a tunnel. It was an amazing, joyful feeling. There are simply no words in human language that could describe this. But my time to move beyond this fog has probably not yet come. Right in front of me I saw my uncle Karl, who died many years ago. He blocked my path, saying: “Go back, your work on earth is not finished yet. Now go back.” I didn't want to go, but I had no choice, so I returned to my body. And again I felt this terrible pain in my chest and heard my little son crying and shouting: “God, bring mommy back!”

"I saw them lift my body and pull it out from under the steering wheel, I felt as if I was being dragged through some kind of confined space, something like a funnel. It was dark and black, and I was quickly moving through this funnel back to my body. When I was "poured" back, it seemed to me that this "infusion" began from the head, as if I was entering from the head. I did not feel that I could somehow reason about it, there was not even time to think. Before that I was a few yards from my body, and all events suddenly took on reverse stroke. I didn’t even have time to figure out what was happening, I was “poured” into my body.”

"I was taken to the hospital in critical condition. They said that I would not survive, they invited my relatives because I was going to die soon. My relatives came in and surrounded my bed. The moment the doctor decided that I had died, my relatives became distant to me, as if clinical death they began to move away from me. It really looked as if it was not I who was moving away from them, but they began to move further and further away from me. It became increasingly darker, and yet I saw them. Then I lost consciousness and did not see what was happening in the room. I was in a narrow Y-shaped tunnel, similar to the curved back of this chair. This tunnel was shaped like my body. My arms and legs seemed to be folded in seams. I began to enter this tunnel, moving forward. It was as dark as dark can be. I moved down through it. Then I looked forward and saw a beautiful polished door without any handles. From under the edges of the door I saw a very bright light. Its rays came out in such a way that it was clear that everyone there, outside the door, was very happy. These rays moved and rotated all the time. It seemed that everyone outside the door was terribly busy. I looked at all this and said: “Lord, here I am. If you want, take me!” But the owner brought me back, and so quickly that it took my breath away."

"I heard how the doctors said that I had died. And then I felt how I began to fall or, as it were, to float through some kind of blackness, some kind of closed space. It is impossible to describe in words. Everything was very black, and only in the distance could I see this light. A very, very bright light, but small at first. It became larger as I got closer to it. I tried to get closer to this light because I felt that it was Christ. I was trying to get there. It's not it was scary. It was more or less pleasant. As a Christian, I immediately associated this light with Christ, who said: “I am the light of the world.” I said to myself: “If this is so, if I must die, I know what awaits me in end, there, in this world."

“I got up and went into another room to get something to drink, and it was at that moment, as I was later told, that I had a perforated appendicitis, I felt severe weakness and fell. Then everything seemed to float violently, and I felt the vibration of my being tearing out of my body, and heard beautiful music. I floated around the room and then through the door onto the veranda. And there it seemed to me that some kind of cloud began to gather around me through the pink fog. And then I floated past through the partition, as if it were not there at all, towards the transparent clear light.

It was beautiful, so brilliant, so radiant, but it did not dazzle me at all. It was an unearthly light. I had never truly seen anyone in this light, and yet she contained a special individuality... It was the light of absolute understanding and perfect love. In my mind I heard: “Do you love me?” This was not said in the form of a specific question, but I think the meaning can be expressed as follows: “If you really love me, come back and finish what you started in your life.” And all this time I felt surrounded by overwhelming love and compassion."

No one denies the phenomenon of post-mortem visions in people who were in a state of clinical death. The question is the interpretation of the nature of these visions. The President of the French Tantalological Association, Louis-Vincens Thomas, believes that both the fanatical mystics who are trying to use the OBC phenomenon to promote their ideas and those who simplistically reduce the phenomenon to hallucinations are wrong. Most of the patients interviewed by Moody are believers, usually Christians. Their existential experience seems to indicate the unconditional existence of God and that our soul is immortal. Dr. Karlis Ozis, who collected data on 3,800 patients who were on the verge of death, notes that believers have visions more often than non-believers. At the same time, obvious elements of Buddhism are woven into the Christian experience of the “returnees”.

However, Moody, as a conscientious researcher, also considers other explanations for OBC, dividing them into three types: supernatural, natural (scientific) and psychological. I have already spoken about the supernatural. Moody offers pharmacological, physiological and neurological explanations as scientific ones. Let's look at them in order.

*Moody, however, has to make the reservation that his patients who experienced RVO described their experiences in words that are only analogies or metaphors. Due to the different nature of the “other world,” these sensations cannot be adequately conveyed.

The story of a four year old boy

This amazing is real mystical story happened seven years ago. During family vacation in Colorado. Four-year-old Colton Burpo's appendix burst. As the doctors said, peritonitis began and the child’s condition was critical. The operation was going to be very difficult, even the doctors did not have much faith in a successful outcome.

His parents Todd and Sonya constantly prayed, asking the Lord for their son's health. This was their only child; a year before Corlton was born, Sonya had a miscarriage, then doctors told the grief-stricken mother that it was a girl. Some time after the operation, when the son woke up, he told them an amazing, real full of mysticism history.

In his story, he told why an angel dreams. At first, he watched for some time as if from the side of his praying parents, and then he found himself in an incredibly beautiful place. The first person he met there was his unborn sister. She explained to him that this amazing place is called paradise, that she does not have a name, since her parents did not give her one. The boy then said that he had met his great-grandfather, who died more than 30 years before Corlton was born. Grandfather was young, and not as the boy remembered in photographs recent years life.

The child said that he saw Jesus, who took him on his lap, about the incredibly beautiful streets of gold and what struck him most of all was that the inhabitants of this city have wings and can fly. There is never night there, and the sky plays with all the colors of the rainbow. Each resident has an incredible glow above their head and they dress in long white clothes with multi-colored ribbons.

Since ancient times, there have been descriptions of examples when people managed to literally return from the other world. These examples gave rise to legends or scares, but they always excited minds, which is why they have survived to this day.

1. Historical evidence of life after death.

The Greek philosopher and mathematician Plato was the first to describe near-death experiences. In conclusion to my work "State" Plato writes about a warrior named Er who was killed during the battle.

Unlike the bodies of the other fallen, his body remained untouched by decay for seven days. When he was already being prepared for burning on the funeral pyre, Er regained consciousness.

He told his amazing experiences about life after death and reincarnation. He talked about things that no one had ever seen before.

Er's story remains to this day the first recorded case of amazing near-death experiences.

2. Second birth.

In 1982, artist Mellen Thomas Benedict “died” from terminal cancer. Racing through the tunnel towards the light Benedict decided he had questions and, in general, that he had not yet seen the world.

He recalls that in his incredible after-death experiences he flew through the entire solar system. He left our galaxy and traveled to other worlds where other life exists.

According to him, Benedict was transported to distant worlds and saw the past before the big bang, at a moment when space and time did not exist. Benedict woke up an hour and a half after he "died".

A later examination showed that his cancer had disappeared. Doctors called his recovery “spontaneous remission.”

3. Grandmothers are guardian angels.

Suzanne Omeri was 11 years old when she was running across the road and fell under the wheels of a fast-moving car. The strong impact of the car threw her into the air. She later claimed that when she was flying, saw everything in slow motion.

From her height, Omuri could see cars below and a crowd of people gathered to watch the accident. Among this group, she saw her two many years ago.

They both yelled at Suzanne that she couldn't join them yet. Therefore, the whole picture began to unfold backwards, and as a result, she landed on the road almost unharmed.

4. Meeting with an ancestor.

In 1989, Dan Piper was inside a car that crashed into a truck. Paramedics pronounced him dead. Piper's no pulse for 90 minutes. While he was dead, he heard beautiful music and was intoxicated by wonderful aromas.

He also met his grandfather and several other long-dead acquaintances in front of the huge gate. All his experiences were very pleasant. The meeting was interrupted when Piper began to regain consciousness.

His return to life surprised many, including the people who prayed near his body at the scene of this terrible incident.

5. The daughter returned her mother.

In September 2003, Amanda Cable lost consciousness after her heart stopped. Cable left her body, but she was stopped by a girl who looks like her daughter

She was wearing a school uniform and her hair was tied into a bun at the back of her head. Ruby convinced her mother to go back through the white tunnel to the gate. Ruby slammed the gate shut after Cable walked through it.

When Cable regained consciousness, she saw her husband sitting by her bed. He brought a photo of Ruby's first day of school, which Cable missed because she was in the hospital at the time.

In the photo Ruby was wearing school uniform, and her hair is tied up in a bun at the back of her head, just as Cable saw her in her visions.

6. Meeting with historical figures.

In 1976, George Rodonia was pronounced dead from being hit by a car in car accident. His body was taken to the morgue, where it remained three days.

When the pathologist began autopsying George's body, he came to his senses, shocking those around him. But the stories he told after his return were even more shocking.

At the time of his death, he once again experienced some episodes of his life and met with different people. He had the ability and space.

He said that he met with historical figures and traveled back in time to the days of the Roman Empire.

7. Looking to the future.

In 1999, Dr. Mary Neal was canoeing on a mountain river when her boat capsized. Trapped underwater, she was without air 25 minutes until help arrived.

In his unconscious she had a near-death experience in which she was told the future. In this case, it would be better for her not to hear this prediction.

While she was "dead", she was told that her eldest son would die. However, no details of this prediction were given. As a result, this prediction came true: her nineteen-year-old son soon died in a car accident.

8. They weren’t allowed “home.”

Paul Ike was three years old when he fell through the ice on a pond. When rescuers pulled him out of the water, he no pulse for 3 hours. Doctors performed resuscitation, and his heart began to beat.

Then the kid told interesting stories about how he had not yet reached the gate. He approached the gate and tried to enter, but a figure stopped him.

He subsequently identified this figure from a photograph as his grandmother, who had died before his birth. She sent him back, telling him that his parents were waiting for him at home.

9. Healing from cancer.

In 2006, while battling terminal cancer, Anita Moyani fell into a coma. Her organs were shutting down and her body was swollen with cancer.

In her memoirs, Anita said that she saw a doctor and her husband talking at a far distance from her hospital room. She also saw her brother flying on a plane to meet her.

Both of these events were later confirmed, but Anita could not have known anything about them at the time. According to her story, she was given a choice - to live or die, and Anita returned back fully conscious and with a miraculous recovery.

Doctors could find no trace of her fatal illness.

10. Meeting the unborn child.

When three-year-old Colton Burpo lay on the operating table with a burst appendix, doctors no longer hoped to save his life.

Miraculously, two hours later, Colton was taken from the operating room to the ward, where he told incredible stories. It turns out that in his visions he met a little girl who called herself his sister.

Indeed, Colton's mom had a miscarriage when her daughter was due, but she didn't tell Colton anything about it.

He also recounted a conversation with a man he called “Dad.” Colton was later able to determine from a family photo that it was his paternal grandfather who had died many years earlier.

Translation by Tatyana Beglyak specially for the magazine “Reincarnation”.

10. Luz Miraglos Veron.Analia Buter was pregnant with her fifth child when she went into labor at 12 weeks ahead of schedule. Doctors then told her that the child she gave birth to was stillborn. The grief-stricken woman and her husband went home with the child's death certificate. They decided to return 12 hours later to see the girl's body, which was kept in the morgue. The child was examined by obstetricians, gynecologists and even a neonatologist, and they all came to the conclusion that the girl died. But when they opened the box, the child began to cry, and they realized that their daughter was alive. The girl was named Luz Miraglos (miracle of the world). Judging by the latest reports, the girl has become stronger and healthier.

9. Alvaro Garza Jr.Alvaro Garza Jr. was 11 years old in 1987 when he fell through the ice on the Red River, which separates Minnesota from North Dakota. He was playing on frozen ice and fell through when he tried to reach the body of a dead squirrel. The rescue operation was not particularly quick, and Alvaro spent a full 45 minutes completely underwater. When he was pulled from the river, he was clinically dead: he had no pulse and his body temperature had dropped to 25 degrees Celsius. He was taken to hospital, where doctors revived him using a heart-lung machine that warmed his body, expelled water and pumped in air. The explanation for the whole story is that Alvaro struggled for several minutes before he was submerged, which authorities say allowed his body to cool down and reduce its need for oxygen.
After four days in the hospital, he was able to communicate and blink. After spending a total of 17 days in the hospital, he was discharged home. For some time he was unable to fully use his limbs and needed orthodontic braces to walk. But he eventually recovered fully and appears to have no lasting brain damage.

8. Michigan.Ty Houston, a nurse from Michigan, was filling out his ballot in 2012 (many remember the whole Romney-Obama thing) when he heard a woman scream for help. He approached and found that the woman's husband had no heartbeat and was not breathing. Houston put the man on the floor and began performing CPR. After a few minutes he managed to bring him back to life. Even though the man had just died, the first thing he asked after coming back to life was: “Did I vote?”

7. Johannesburg.In July 2011, the family of an 80-year-old South African called a funeral home employee, saying he had died. The company sent a driver, he examined the man, but found no pulse or heartbeat, so he took the body to the morgue, where it was placed in a refrigerator. Twenty-one hours later, the dead man woke up and began screaming. It is clear that the morgue staff were seriously alarmed. They thought the man was a ghost. Frightened, the owner, Ayanda Makolo called the police and waited until they arrived at the scene to enter the morgue. Makolo said he felt safer with a firearm in case whatever was screaming wanted to attack him. After the living dead man was taken out of the refrigerator, he was sent to a nearby hospital, from where he was discharged after some time. Makalo said he had recovered from the shock but made no mention of the apparent injury of the man who was escorted from the mortuary by armed police.

6. Kelvin Santos.Kelvin Santos, a two-year-old boy from Brazil, died after complications from bronchial pneumonia which caused respiratory arrest. He was placed in a body bag (which was reportedly sealed) and remained there for three hours. On the same day, a wake was held in the family. His aunt was near the body when she thought he began to move, after which he sat up in the coffin in front of the whole family and asked his father to bring him a sip of water. The family thought they were getting another chance, but unfortunately he immediately lay down and died again. He was taken to the hospital, but doctors pronounced him dead a second time. While some claim it was a hoax, one has to wonder who would suggest something like this and what family would be willing to play along.

5. Carlos Camejo.Carlos Camejo was 33 years old when he was pronounced dead after a high-speed collision on a Venezuelan highway and taken to a local morgue. At the same time, his wife was informed of her loss and asked to identify the body. Doctors at the morgue were preparing to autopsy Camejo when they realized something was wrong - the cut they made began to bleed. They began to stitch up the body, and at that moment Camejo woke up, later stating that the reason for this was unbearable pain. Soon after, his wife arrived to identify the body and was overjoyed to find her supposedly dead husband alive.

4. Erica Nigrelli.Erica Nigrelli, teacher in English from Missouri, was 36 weeks pregnant when she suddenly became ill and lost consciousness. Her husband Nathan, a teacher at the same school, called 911 saying she was having a seizure. Colleagues began performing CPR and used a defibrillator in an attempt to restart her heart. Emergency personnel soon arrived on scene and took Erica to the hospital, where doctors stopped performing artificial respiration to perform C-section and save the child. They then told Nathan that his wife had given birth and died, but after giving birth, Erica's heart began beating again. She was kept in a medically induced coma for five days and was discovered to be suffering from a heart condition known as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, which requires the installation of a pacemaker. Erica and her daughter Elania are alive and well.

3. MaNdlo.In March this year, a prostitute from Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, died while she was "doing business" with one of her clients. Authorities arrived at the hotel where she worked to retrieve the body. A crowd of onlookers gathered to watch and while police were placing her body in a metal coffin, she came back to life and screamed "You want to kill me!" Naturally, the sight of the woman noisily jumping out of the coffin after returning to life shocked many in the crowd. People began to run away in panic. MaNdlo was driven home by one of her colleagues while her client quietly slipped out of the hotel room after the police left. It is not reported whether he received a discount or not.

2. Li Siufen.When a person is 95 years old, probably no one is very surprised if he or she dies (although it is still very sad, of course). And when someone dies, everyone usually expects him to stay dead. And when this man has been dead for six days, you definitely think he's going to stay dead. So Li Siufen was 95 years old when her neighbor found her motionless, lifeless body in her bed, two weeks after suffering a head injury. After a neighbor, Mr Kinvan, tried and failed to wake the woman, she was placed in a coffin, which remained in her home until the funeral so that friends and family could visit and pay their respects. The day before she was due to be buried, Mr Kinvan came to her home and found an empty coffin.
Mrs. Siufen apparently took the expression “return to life” too literally. She woke up, got out of the closed coffin and went to the kitchen to cook. And although everything seemed to end quite well, how would this story turn out if the granny woke up and discovered that, according to Chinese tradition, all her property had been burned? There are even wishes in the spirit of “Congratulations for not dying!” sounds pretty insincere.

1. Lyudmila Steblitskaya Lyudmila Steblitskaya is another example of someone being declared dead, placed in a morgue, only to be later found alive. But what distinguishes her from another lover of sleeping in the morgue, which we have already mentioned, is that she spent there not 21 hours, but three whole days.

In November 2011, her daughter Nastya went to the hospital to visit Lyudmila and was told that she had died that day. The morgue was already closed, it was Friday, and this meant that Nastya would not be able to see her mother until Monday (apparently in Russia no one dies on weekends, knowing that morgues are closed). Upset, Nastya began to prepare for the funeral, deciding to do it on Monday. All this cost about $2,000, and 50 people were supposed to attend the funeral. But when Monday came and she arrived to pick up the body, the woman told her that she had just spoken to Lyudmila. Nastya followed this woman into the bedroom, and, seeing that her mother was alive, threw her bag and ran out of the room screaming. Hospital management declined to comment on the incident, but Lyudmila was told that she had, in fact, been at the morgue all weekend. And even though she now had to work to pay off the money borrowed for the funeral, Nastya was very happy that her mother was back. As soon as I recovered from the shock, of course.
Well, about a year after that, Lyudmila again turned out to be dead within a few hours, after which she came back to life again. Apparently, the next time she dies, everyone will wait about a week to bury her. Just in case.

Cases of “life after death”, when a person in a state of clinical death sees other world, medical scientists have recorded a great many (see, for example, famous book Dr. Moody). But they are described with scientific point vision - on their own, without connection with the fate of a person. But the Lord opens this unknown world for a reason, not to satisfy our curiosity. Each such case is associated with life circumstances, carries a certain meaning. The Lord, as it were, warns, admonishes... Here is one of the cases.

Nasretdinov Dzhemil Maratovich had an accident on October 30, 1995, when he did not even think about death. He was only 29 years old. He was engaged in commerce, always had money with him, and lived in grand style. Cheerful companies, entertainment, drinks, cars... Since childhood, endowed by God with remarkable physical and mental abilities, he achieved everything very easily. He successfully graduated from school, then from the Riga Aviation Institute, and received the specialty of aircraft engine mechanical engineer. But after graduating from the institute, he did not work in his specialty. While still a student, I learned how, by reselling a scarce product, you can “make easy money” at once. He found people like him and created his own company, things took off sharply. Soon, “fortune” changed, the company had to be closed, and Dzhemil decided to “make money” by reselling used cars. In Yoshkar-Ola, where he lived with his wife, he bought a car second-hand, fixed problems, drove it north to Syktyvkar, and here, visiting his parents, resold the car at a higher price. The resulting difference allowed me to continue to enjoy such a life. He probably would have lived like this if it had not been for the accident. It happened when he drove another car to Syktyvkar. Over four years of regular visits to his parents here, he made new friends, mostly from dodgers like himself, engaged in commerce and who know how to live beautifully...

That day in the morning he went to the Nizhnechovo prison to meet his old friend who had been released. When he got behind the wheel of his “six”, a titmouse flew up to the front window in front of his face and began knocking on the glass with its beak. Then he didn’t attach much importance to it, he was only surprised why the titmouse was pecking on the glass when there were no midges on it? Only now did he realize that she was conveying, as he himself put it, “greetings from the other world.” But then Dzhemil did not believe in the “other world,” or in the existence of God in general, but believed only in his own strength. And he didn’t think about it in the whirlwind of life.

After meeting an old friend we had a few drinks. In the evening of the same day, in another company, we drank a bottle of Posolskaya for three and drove off in the car of our new friend, Murat, to meet his bride. Chechen Murat was only 24 years old. That day he started drinking in the morning at the market where he sold “rags.” After “Posolskaya” he was already quite drunk and asked Jam or I to get behind the wheel. But he flatly refused. He never drove drunk. In the car, Cemil immediately fell asleep. And he woke up three months later in a hospital bed.

While he was sleeping, Murat crashed into an oncoming bus at breakneck speed. Only two rear wheels survived from the car; the driver’s body had to be dismembered into pieces in order to get it out from under the pile of twisted metal. But the Lord preserved Dzhemil - apparently, his time had not come, some work on earth remained unfinished. But more on that later... Experienced drivers who saw the mangled car did not believe that anyone could have survived in it. But Cemil was still breathing. In a matter of minutes, an ambulance arrived and took him to the Ezhvin hospital, where he was immediately given prompt assistance.

This is what Dzhemilya’s attending physician, Yuri Nikolaevich Nechaev, told me: “He was admitted barely alive - severe traumatic brain injury, trauma chest and lung, fractures of the ribs, collarbone, limbs and numerous injuries throughout the body. He couldn't breathe himself, and we for a long time kept him on artificial respiration. At the moment of crisis, his heart stopped for several minutes, but with the help of electric shock he was brought back to life. I spent a month in intensive care... They even used oxygen gas therapy; pure oxygen was supplied under pressure in a special chamber, which helps the tissues heal faster. He had massive bedsores, many times he had to remove them, exposing bone tissue, and cover the cleaned areas with skin plates. The situation seemed difficult to us...” I am relaying the doctor’s story in such detail so that what follows is clearer.

This is what Cemil himself told me:

“I fell asleep in Murat’s car, and woke up on a reindeer sleigh. I see some guy is driving me across the tundra. There is only snow around. But I’m cold and I cover myself with a sheepskin coat. I don’t remember what happened to me before that: how I got into an accident, how I was taken to the hospital, how I was treated, how I died. I was unconscious for three whole months. But in the vision, which obviously happened after my death, I somehow knew everything that happened to me. The only thing I didn’t understand was that I was in the next world. I tell the man: “Take me to Khanty-Mansiysk, I have a wife there.” My wife works at the airport, and for some reason I decided that she was now at

Khanty-Mansiysk. “I,” I say, “will pay you, I have money.” And from my bosom I take out large pieces of gold foil with the faces of saints, with halos, like they paint on icons. He took me, and we drove for a long, long time across the tundra. Finally, we arrive at a large stone building, dark gray in color. “Here,” says the man, “is the airport.” And there is no runway, nothing around, this one “airport” stands in the middle of the tundra. “You,” he says, “here.” And he pointed to the door, and there were three people standing near the door.

I went into the waiting room, and it was gloomy and cold around me. In the middle of the room there are three or four rows of seats and about fifteen people sit on them. Everyone is sitting with gloomy faces, waiting for something. I walked, limping, to the wall and lay down on the couch. Somehow I know that my leg is broken and I need help. I began to address the sitting people. First I turned to one woman. “Woman,” I say, “help me, my leg is broken.” She turned to me, looked from under her brows and turned away again. Like, leave me alone, it’s not up to you. A man passed by, I said to him: “Man, help me, my leg is broken!” He also looked at me, as if I had stolen his car, and walked on. Then a little guy came up to me, I told him: “Help me, my leg is broken.” He says: “Come with me!” - and led me to the second floor along narrow corridors. And while we went to the second floor, those three people who were standing at the entrance went inside one by one... Then I found out that when I was in intensive care, three people died next to me - those same people who stood near the doors and then entered the “airport”... All the people in this “waiting room,” I saw, were tense, sitting with gray lifeless faces, like living dead people.

The next thing I remembered was probably my trial. Everything happened here, on our land. It’s as if the three of us are standing in a meadow near a river. I'm near the yellow car. To my right is a young, modernly dressed man, and to my left is another man. I don’t know who he is, but somehow I know that his name is Valera. I am telling young man all of my life.

I have, I say, a very necessary specialty, I graduated from the Aviation Institute, I good specialist. Due to the unrest that is happening in the country, I am forced to engage in commerce and race cars. With the 300-400 thousand that I would be paid for my work in my specialty, I cannot live and feed my family. And it is still unknown when order will come in Russia, so that you can honestly earn your money and live normally.

Then he says to me:

Come with me.

How can I go if I have bedsores?

And you,” he says, “give them to Valera.”

I took off the bedsores as if they were some kind of pants and handed them to the third person who was standing next to us. And he took them and annexed them to himself. And the young man and I went down to the river. He showed me to collect some green grass near the river and after this vision I woke up in our life. When I finally regained consciousness, about three months had passed since the accident, but I had the feeling that only a few hours had passed.”

According to the doctors and Dzhemil himself, the turning point in his condition came after, at the request of his relatives, right in intensive care unit he was christened. After that, he began to emerge from the coma and the bedsores began to heal. Meanwhile, Valera, who, as it turned out, was lying next to Dzhemil in the same ward, began to rot and soon died. Although he didn't have anything dangerous. All the doctors thought that he would soon recover, and Cemil would die. But it turned out the other way around. “So it happened,” says the man who has returned to life. “I am grateful that I ended up with Yuri Nikolaevich, an excellent surgeon, that my mother, father and sister looked after me, and, most importantly, that they baptized me and prayed for me. I am very grateful to them all."

From the very beginning, as soon as he was admitted to the hospital, all relatives gathered at his parents' place. My sister moved to live with them for a while. As soon as my wife found out about the accident, she immediately hitchhiked a thousand kilometers from Yoshkar-Ola to Syktyvkar, without even having time to dress properly. Believing aunt Galina (mother’s sister) brought to her parents a Bible, a prayer book, candles, icons of the Savior and Mother of God, healer Panteleimon. That same day, all the relatives gathered in one room and began to pray for him, and then, at the suggestion of Aunt Galina, they strictly fasted for three more days. And then they all prayed together every day, although before that no one except the aunt truly believed in God. And she constantly ordered prayers for his health in churches and monasteries, went to all the priests and persuaded them to baptize her nephew, who was dying. Due to the fact that Dzhemil was in a coma and could not decide anything himself, she was refused to baptize him, for fear of acting against the will of the patient. And only about. Andrey Parshukov agreed. He came to the intensive care unit and performed the Church Sacrament, giving Jem Il the Christian name Mikhail. The christening took place on November 21, Michaelmas Day. During Baptism, as everyone noticed, the lifeless body began to tremble, as if life was entering into it. Father Andrei said to this: “He will live! But we must remember that everything is God’s will.”

The hardest thing was for Dzhemil’s (and now Mikhail’s) mother Valentina Ivanovna. Late in the evening before the accident, when she was in the kitchen, a titmouse sat on the kitchen window and began knocking on her glass. Valentina Ivanovna remembered that this Bad sign and drove the titmouse away. She flew away, and then flew back again and began knocking on the glass again. And then such panic came over Valentina Ivanovna that she went into the bedroom, threw herself on the bed and began to cry. At this time, her son crashed. Half an hour later my daughter came running and brought this terrible news. At the time of the accident, she was lucky enough to be nearby. I saw the crashed car and helped bring my brother by ambulance to the hospital. Who knows, maybe all these happy coincidences that saved the young man’s life, all these warnings to him and his family, and this amazing dream beyond life, and the accident itself were only allowed by God so that Dzhemil would accept Holy Baptism? This is unknown to anyone...

“How could I not see him! - Mikhail’s mother recalls with tears. “One day I came into the ward, began to turn him over to the other side, and I heard water pouring over his swollen body. And then she came, and he was already all cold... As soon as his father Andrei baptized him, we would pray for him forever, then only, after Michaelmas, did he begin to recover. What a man he is, he didn’t even take the money. He says they don’t take money from such people, that he will need a lot of money for treatment. When, he says, he recovers, he will place it on the altar. But then we immediately donated to the church...

Having calmed down a little, Valentina Ivanovna continues:

The first time I woke up, my son didn’t recognize me, he said: “Who is she?”

I am your mother.

What kind of mother are you! You are some kind of grandma. Why doesn't my mother come to me?

What was it like for me to hear this when my own son does not recognize his mother! I started telling him about him and about myself so that he would remember. When he found out that I work at a school, he says that I also need to go to school.

Dates, - I say, - son, I graduated from school a long time ago.

Then off to college.

And I graduated from college.

“Do I,” he says, “have papers that I finished it?”

There is, I answer, a diploma of completion.

And who, he asks, then am I?

As if he had really been born again...

Having recovered, Mikhail began to read the Holy Scriptures and pray to God for himself and his saviors. And although he lost everything he had in life - health, car, money and other material well-being - he believes that he gained much more. On his own behalf, he asked to convey an appeal to the young readers of our newspaper, which I quote here verbatim:

“I appeal to everyone who will not believe this story and will continue to smoke, drink, take drugs, and, in general, continue to sin in every possible way. People, come to your senses, we've all gone crazy. Look what we have turned Russia into - a complete den for prostitutes, drug addicts, thieves, drunkards and murderers! We went to war brother against brother, we turned great Russia into a buying base for “suckers” from abroad. People, come to your senses! Try to stop, think about your life, about your soul, think about Russia! Think about your loved ones, about your children. What kind of life and what kind of Russia will we leave them as a legacy? I am appealing to enterprising people who are ready to make money at any cost, just to make a profit. Guys, finally get down to business. We need to lift Russia out of the situation...in which it finds itself. For all our deeds THERE will be asked of us. And whoever doesn’t believe me, big greetings from the other world. They are waiting for us there."

When we met with Mikhail, he asked me (he himself has difficulty moving) to invite a priest to him to confess his past sins: “I want to cleanse myself of all filth.” I know that he carefully prepared for confession, and then the Ezh-Vinsky priest, Fr. Vladimir. For the first time in his life, Michael received the Body and Blood of Christ; God grant that he recovers completely.

E. Suvorov. Bird on the window. Christian newspaper of the North of Russia "Vera" - "Escom".
