Nervous breakdown: what is it, causes. What to do if a child, teenager, or adult has a nervous breakdown. What to do if the child is nervous and disobedient? How to get rid of children's tantrums? My child is having a nervous breakdown, what should I do?

We are used to attributing unusual behavior of a child to whims, poor upbringing or adolescence. But this may not be as harmless as it seems at first glance. This can mask the symptoms of a child’s nervous disorder.

How can neuropsychic disorders manifest in children, how to recognize psychological trauma, and what should parents pay attention to?

The health of the child is a natural subject of concern for parents, often already from the period of pregnancy. Cough, snot, fever, sore stomach, rash - and we run to the doctor, look for information on the Internet, buy medicine.

But there are also non-obvious symptoms of ill health that we are used to turning a blind eye to, believing that the child will “outgrow it,” “it’s all wrong upbringing,” or “he just has that kind of character.”

These symptoms usually manifest themselves in behavior. If you notice that your child is acting strangely, this may be one of the symptoms of a nervous disorder. The child does not make eye contact, does not speak, often has tantrums, cries or is sad all the time, does not play with other children, is aggressive at the slightest provocation, is hyperexcitable, has difficulty maintaining attention, ignores rules of behavior, is fearful, is overly passive, has tics, is obsessive. movements, stuttering, enuresis, frequent nightmares.

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The modern lifestyle has a negative impact not only on the health of adults, but also on children. Nervous disorders in children are very common, but parents are not able to identify this pathology, thinking that this is just another whim. With the younger generation, circumstances are much simpler, because they are able to talk about their feelings, and the signs of a nervous breakdown in a teenager help to make a final diagnosis. Children are very active and sometimes it is difficult to determine when an action comes from nervousness, and in what case it simply needs to release excess energy. Therefore, you have to resort to the help of specialists.

Parents need to monitor their child and note actions that become habitual. A nervous breakdown manifests itself differently in each person, and the same applies to children. One person withdraws into himself, while others, on the contrary, prefer to scream loudly and throw tantrums. If your child has taken up the habit of rolling on the floor and screaming wildly, it is best to contact a neurologist who can dispel all doubts. According to experts, neurosis occurs solely because of this, which causes the emotional state to become unbalanced.

The main warning factors include the following symptoms:

  • The occurrence of hallucinations;
  • Achievement in mental development of their peers;
  • The child begins to fantasize or deceive in all seriousness;
  • Lost interest in life;
  • Strong interest in one subject at school (overindulgence).

These symptoms appear only at the initial stage of a nervous breakdown, and to prevent their development, contact a neurologist in a timely manner.

How do nervous disorders manifest in children?

  1. Nervous tic. Very often, nervous disorders in children manifest themselves in this form, which is expressed in unconscious twitching of the limbs, cheeks, shrugging of shoulders, unreasonable movement of the hand, smacking, and so on. If you notice a nervous tic in a child when he is in a calm state, this is the first sign of a nervous disorder. With active activity, the tic disappears.
  2. Poor sleep or insomnia. If your child previously slept well, but suddenly begins to toss and turn constantly, sleep restlessly and wakes up very often, you should also pay attention to this symptom. In this form of the disorder, children also talk during sleep, and it becomes very realistic.
  3. Neurosis. This is the most serious form of manifestation of the disease and parents should pay special attention to the following symptoms: sadness, hysteria, phobias, frequent fears, obsessive movements, quiet speech, depression, panic. As soon as you notice these symptoms, consult a specialist immediately.
  4. Stuttering. This form of the disorder occurs in children around three years of age. During this period, the baby learns to talk. It is very important not to overload the child, as due to the information load, he may experience stress. Ultimately, what matters is the healthy child, not the potential child prodigy. Stuttering also occurs when separated from loved ones.
  5. Enuresis. When a child experiences a strong shock or overstimulation, he wets the bed. During this period, unstable mood, numerous whims and increased tearfulness are noted.
  6. Anorexia. This form of nervous disorder results in loss of appetite. If a child was forced to eat in childhood, then in adolescence this, as a rule, “results” in the desire for a slim figure. It is best to treat anorexia at an early age, as adolescents exhibit greater independence and rely on their inexperience.

Very often, the development of a nervous breakdown is caused by the incorrect behavior of parents, despite all the love on their part. To avoid the development of the disease and its appearance a priori, try to avoid the following actions:

  • Note the child’s shortcomings, constantly pointing out their weakness, as if trying to eradicate them. In this case, it is better to concentrate on the wealth that needs to be acquired;
  • Sending a child to two schools, clubs and other sections that he does not like, creating an overload;
  • Excessive guardianship of a child;
  • Scandals in the family;
  • Show that the child must achieve favor with his parents, earn it. Try to show your love.

Treatment of children

Treatment of nervous breakdowns in children consists of different techniques in psychotherapy. Depending on the age, both nonverbal and verbal therapy can be used. However, at the heart of any technique is the idea of ​​combating anxiety and fears. It is necessary to reduce the patient’s anxiety and return him to a harmonious life. To do this, you need to remove all grievances, guilt and get out of stress. If a child has a nervous breakdown, it is advisable to conduct psychotherapy sessions with the whole family. However, in the case of teenagers, it is better to trust a professional without resorting to the help of parents. Moreover, some adults themselves have personality disorders.

As for the use of medications, they are used as an addition and only in advanced cases. Drugs, of course, can ease anxiety and temporarily cure a breakdown, but if the cause is not removed, which can be resolved exclusively with a psychotherapist, the disease will return again and, perhaps, with greater force.

What should parents do if their child has a nervous breakdown?

As a rule, children accumulate tension in kindergarten or at home, which sooner or later breaks out. If you feel your child is on the verge of a tantrum, try the following:

  1. When the baby is already on the limit and ready to throw a tantrum, smile at him, kiss him and tell him a joke.
  2. Try to redirect the child's attention. This needs to be done sharply to cause surprise. One way is to pretend to be hysterical, making a preemptive move. In some cases, this causes surprise and reassurance.

What should you do if your child has already had a nervous breakdown:

  • Place your child in a cool shower. If he is unable to do this on his own, pick him up and take him to the bath. As a last resort, splash cold water on your face or put ice, a bag of frozen vegetables, or a towel soaked in cold water on your forehead. As you know, cold water slows down reactions in the body, negative energy is washed away, emotions recede;
  • Use the mirror technique. The point is to repeat all the actions that the baby does. At a young age, this causes great surprise and reassurance, hysteria is replaced by curiosity;
  • If an attack occurs, remove all dangerous objects away, as the child does not understand what he is doing and does not control himself. He can easily pick up an object and throw it wherever he wants;
  • Create an environment of privacy. Some people calm down when left alone, but you still need to watch your baby discreetly.

What actions should be taken after a hysteria has occurred:

  • Prepare hot tea and add a couple of drops of motherwort. This will calm the nervous system, the brain will come into balance, and the child will fall asleep;
  • Brew herbal teas with St. John's wort, mint, motherwort, fennel, and lavender more often. This is especially true if the child often cries and breaks down.

Do not forget about other preventive measures, in particular, B vitamins can remove negative emotional reactions and reduce the amount of stress. Cookies, cheese, egg yolk, beets, tomatoes, pears, spinach, cauliflower, carrots and other fermented milk products are very beneficial for the nervous system. It has recently been proven that folic acid helps reduce the amount of the amino acid homocysteine, which has elevated levels in children prone to hysteria and nervous breakdown.

Signs and causes of nervous breakdown in teenagers

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Probably every person with age looks at the younger generation with caution, comparing his youth with the modern generation. In any case, it can be noted that teenagers behave extremely defiantly, noisily, aggressively and obscenely. At home, of course, almost everyone follows the rules of decency, but at school or on the street, behavior most often changes greatly. As a result, individuals who are very trusting, susceptible to emotions and unable to protect themselves, receive psychological injuries, and they hit a person an order of magnitude harder than physical ones.

The psychological trauma suffered can, with age or throughout life, interfere with full development if it is not removed. Since in the post-Soviet space it is not yet customary to go to a psychologist, people are forced to cope with these problems on their own.

What causes contribute to the development of a nervous breakdown?

  • Unfavorable group among friends or at school;
  • Inability to stand up for yourself and defend your point of view;
  • Unfavorable climate within the family;
  • Lack of a favorite activity;
  • Frequent stress and emotional tension.
  • Signs of a nervous breakdown:

    • The teenager begins to withdraw into himself, avoids all contact with friends, blames others;
    • Shows excessive activity. However, this is much less common, since an outburst of emotions, even in the most primitive and ugly form, helps a person get rid of negativity;
    • During relaxation, the limbs of the body begin to twitch;
    • Poor sleep and insomnia;
    • Constant dialogues and disputes within the individual;
    • Depression and apathy towards the surrounding world.

    Parents should show maximum attention, because suicidal acts often occur among the younger generation and one gets the impression that modern school education only contributes to this. Show more care, try to spend weekends together, going out into the country for fishing or just relaxing. This will protect the teenager from bad companies, if any. Encourage him to sign up for interesting sections where there is a “healthy” team. If a child feels a negative and disdainful attitude from other teenagers, send him to a sports section, wrestling or other types of combat. Thus, he will feel confident in himself and will be able to defend his point of view.

    Treatment of adolescents

    Like any treatment for a nervous breakdown, adolescents must follow certain rules:

    • Avoid conflicting communication, surround yourself with a favorable society;
    • Drink herbal teas with soothing herbs more often;
    • Do light sports;
    • Listen to relaxing music;
    • If you wish, do yoga, meditation;
    • Be sure to contact a psychotherapist who will help solve pressing problems and identify the cause of a nervous breakdown.

    A nervous breakdown, the symptoms of which are referred to as neuroses, occurs when a person is under excessive or sudden stress. The patient feels an acute attack of anxiety, after which there is a disruption in the way of life familiar to him. As a result of a nervous breakdown or burnout syndrome, as it is also called in medicine, there is a feeling of being unable to control one’s actions and feelings. A person completely surrenders to the worry and anxiety that dominates him.

    What is a nervous breakdown?

    A nervous breakdown is a mental disorder associated with psychological trauma. This condition can be caused by dismissal from work, unfulfilled desires or increased overwork. In many cases, a nervous breakdown, the treatment of which is determined individually, is a positive reaction of the body (protective). As a result of mental stress, acquired immunity occurs. When a person reaches a critical state for the psyche, the long-accumulated nervous tension is released.


    Mental disorders do not arise out of the blue. Causes of a nervous breakdown:

    • financial difficulties;
    • bad habits;
    • genetic predisposition;
    • regular stress;
    • fatigue;
    • menopause;
    • lack of vitamins;
    • conflicts with the boss;
    • noisy neighbors upstairs;
    • husband is a domestic tyrant;
    • mother-in-law brings it;
    • the field of activity is associated with stress;
    • At school, the child is also brought up by other events.

    In women during pregnancy

    All girls experience many changes while carrying a baby, but not all of them are pleasant. The main cause of mental disorders during pregnancy or after childbirth is a change in a woman’s hormonal levels and toxicosis with vomiting. Hormones actively produced by the female body are necessary for the normal development of the child.

    At the same time, they also affect the pregnant woman. She becomes nervous and has mood swings. In the later stages, the expectant mother experiences nervous stress due to the need to work, because during this period it is difficult for her to do anything at all. A woman on maternity leave often gains excess weight, which does not have the best effect on her appearance, which is why negative conditions arise. Nervous stress in a pregnant woman is dangerous because it also affects the child.

    In children

    Children at a young age are still mentally immature, so it is most difficult for them to restrain their emotions. The child is in the process of formation, the mechanisms of his brain are imperfect, so he easily develops a neurotic disorder. Children can be driven to breakdown by improper upbringing, but this is not necessarily the result of the parents’ malicious intent. In some cases, they do not take into account the age characteristics of their child and do not try to understand the reasons for certain actions in order to strengthen the baby’s nervous system.

    In teenagers

    Adolescents in adolescence are prone to mental disorders. Sometimes it becomes an impossible task for them to simply calm down, and it is generally impossible to cope with a strong shock. The occurrence of mental disorders at this age often leads to the development of schizophrenia and suicidal tendencies in adult life. The first symptoms of neurosis in a teenager are non-specific and can be taken as a consequence of hormonal changes.

    Signs of a nervous breakdown

    Different people have completely different signs of a nervous breakdown. The woman experiences uncontrollable nervous breakdowns, hysterics, breaking dishes, and fainting. In men, the symptoms are more hidden, because the stronger sex rarely shows emotions, which has the most negative consequences on the psyche and physical health. In women with a small child, depression is visible to the naked eye: tears, verbal aggression. While a man’s anger often turns into physical aggression, which is directed at an object or a person.

    Symptoms of a nervous breakdown

    How does a nervous breakdown manifest? Symptoms of nervous tension depend on the type of symptomatology. Depression, negative emotions and somatic disorders are expressed in emotional, physical or behavioral states. If the cause of a nervous breakdown was external irritants, physical fatigue or excessive stress, then it manifests itself in the form of insomnia or drowsiness, memory loss, headaches and dizziness.

    1. Mental symptoms: the most common form. Factors in the development of the disease include various phobias, stress disorders, generalized fear, panic or obsessive states. Schizophrenia also manifests itself as a mental symptom. Patients are constantly in pain, finding comfort in alcohol or drug addiction.
    2. Physical symptoms: manifest themselves in a weakening of volitional activity or its complete absence. Individual instincts are suppressed: sexual (decreased libido), food (decreased appetite, anorexia), defensive (lack of defensive actions in response to external threats). Body temperature and blood pressure can rise to critical levels, leg fatigue, general weakness, back pain, and increased heart rate (tachycardia, angina) occur. Against the background of nervous stress, constipation, diarrhea, migraines, and nausea appear.
    3. Behavioral symptoms: a person is not able to perform any activity, when communicating he cannot contain his anger, he shouts, he uses insults. An individual can leave without explaining his behavior to others, and is characterized by aggressiveness and cynicism when communicating with loved ones.

    Stages of development

    Symptoms of a nervous breakdown in a person do not appear immediately and that’s it. The development of the disease occurs in three stages:

    1. First comes an overestimation of capabilities, a person feels a surge of strength, a false rise in vital energy. During this period of takeoff, the patient does not think about his limited strength.
    2. The second stage occurs when a person comes to understand that he is not omnipotent. The body malfunctions, chronic diseases worsen, and a crisis occurs in relationships with loved ones. Moral and physical exhaustion occurs, a person becomes depressed, especially if faced with provoking factors.
    3. The peak of nervous system disorder occurs in the third stage. When the disease becomes more complicated, a person loses faith in himself, shows aggression, first thoughts appear, and then attempts at suicide. The situation is aggravated by constant headaches, disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and conflict situations with the environment.

    Possible consequences of a nervous breakdown

    If treatment for a nervous disorder is not started in time, various diseases may subsequently develop. Disorders with symptoms of neurosis do not go away without negative consequences for human health. Long-term depression or nervous tension leads to:

    • to severe forms of gastritis;
    • diabetes mellitus;
    • physical attacks on strangers or loved ones;
    • suicide.

    Why is the disease dangerous?

    If a nervous breakdown is not treated, then a dangerous consequence of this condition occurs - emotional exhaustion. At this point, a person needs medical help so that he does not go to extreme measures. Nervous exhaustion is dangerous due to loss of control over one’s actions, even suicide. A nervous person may jump out of a window, swallow pills, or start taking drugs.

    How to prevent the condition

    If a person is on the verge of a nervous breakdown, it is advisable for him to learn to independently cope with emotional overstrain and exhaustion of the body. You need to change your environment, buy new things, allow yourself to sleep and have fun. Our ancestors treated a nervous breakdown with tinctures of valerian, motherwort, and peony.

    In the old days, people tried to calm frayed nerves with a bucket of spring water, which was poured onto the head of a person suffering from a nervous breakdown. Modern doctors also recommend dousing with cold water in an intense stressful situation. If you cannot maintain your mental health on your own or with the help of loved ones, then seek help from a psychologist.

    What to do if you have a nervous breakdown

    When a person has a nervous breakdown at home or at work, first aid should be provided. How quickly the patient will restore his emotional background depends on the behavior of the people around him. If a nervous breakdown occurs, the interlocutor needs:

    1. Remain calm, do not become hysterical, do not raise your voice.
    2. Speak in an even, calm tone, and do not make sudden movements.
    3. Create a feeling of warmth by sitting next to or hugging.
    4. When talking, you need to take a position so that you are on the same level with the patient, without rising up.
    5. You should not give advice, prove something or reason logically.
    6. Try to switch your attention to something else.
    7. Try to take the person out into the fresh air.
    8. In case of psychosis, which is accompanied by a complete loss of self-control, you should call an ambulance for hospitalization.

    Treatment at home

    Treatment for a nervous breakdown at home is carried out without medications. If mental experiences are caused by prolonged psychological stress, then you can get rid of them yourself by adjusting your diet. Eat more foods that contain a lot of lecithin, polyunsaturated fatty acids, B vitamins: vegetable oil, eggs, legumes, honey, seafood, sea fish, liver.

    Sleep disturbances and constant fatigue can be treated if you build your daily routine correctly. To restore strength, you need healthy sleep, at least 8 hours a day. Morning jogging, walking, and being in nature will help relieve anxiety. If such methods do not help, then other treatment methods are used. A person may end up in a hospital, where he will be sent to a rehabilitation unit.

    Under the supervision of a psychiatrist or psychotherapist, he is prescribed and injected (or given intravenous drips) with sedative medications, and relief therapy is carried out aimed at eliminating acute panic attacks and phobias. They are treated in hospital from several days to several months, depending on the severity and type of the disease. It is possible to leave the hospital after a person has the opportunity to independently control his emotions.

    Medications - sedative injections, tablets

    Most people take sedatives during psychological stress, and if they have long-term insomnia, they take sedatives. Medicines do not always achieve the desired effect, since they either suppress excitation in the cerebral cortex or enhance inhibition processes. For mild forms of anxiety neurosis, doctors prescribe sedatives along with vitamins, complexes and minerals, for example, Corvalol and Magne B6. Popular drugs used to treat mental disorders:

    1. Neuroleptics, antidepressants and tranquilizers- potent drugs. Medicines in this group relieve anger, anxiety, panic, and depression. As for antidepressants, on the contrary, they elevate mood, help reduce negative and enhance positive emotions. These include: Sertraline, Citalopram, Fevarin. Tranquilizers are divided into three subgroups: benzodiazepine receptor agonists (Tofisopam, Mezapam, Clozepid), serotonin receptor antagonists (Dolazetron, Tropispirone, Buspirone) and a mixed subgroup Mebicar, Amizil, Atarax.
    2. Herbal sedatives. For mild mood swings, irritability or emotional instability, doctors prescribe herbal medications. Their mechanism of action is to suppress excitation processes so that the brain does not suffer during nervous stress or hysteria. Popular products: Novo-passit, Sedavit, Relaxil.
    3. Vitamins and amino acids. In case of severe agitation or excessive fussiness, vitamin complexes help neutralize these symptoms. The nervous system needs a sufficient amount of vitamin B, E, biotin, choline, thiamine. For proper brain function, amino acids such as tryptophan, tyrosine and glutamic acid are needed.
    4. Nootropics. The use of nootropic drugs stimulates mental activity and activates memory processes. Nootropics facilitate the interaction of the left and right hemispheres, prolong life, and rejuvenate the body. The best nootropic drugs: Piracetam, Vinpocetine, Phenibut.
    5. Anxiolytics. Used to quickly relieve psychosomatic symptoms. They reduce the excitability of the limbic system, thymus and hypothalamus, reduce tension and fear, and even out the emotional background. The best anxiolytics: Afobazole, Stresam.
    6. Mood stabilizers. They are called normotimics. This is a group of psychotropic medications whose main effect is to stabilize the mood in patients with depression, schizophrenia, cyclothymia and dysthymia. Medicines can prevent or shorten relapses, slow down the progression of the disease, and soften temperament and impulsiveness. Names of common mood stabilizers: Gabapentin, Risperidone, Verapamil and others.
    7. Homeopathic medicines and dietary supplements. The effectiveness of this group is a controversial issue among doctors. However, many people on the forums indicate in their reviews that homeopathy and dietary supplements help with nervous disorders. Homeopathic medicines such as Ignacia, Platinum, and Chamomilla have a pronounced effect. Dietary supplements: folic acid, Inotizol, Omega-3.

    Treatment with folk remedies

    The most popular in the treatment of neuroses is valerian. To overcome a nervous breakdown, take it in the form of a herbal decoction, alcohol tincture, or simply by adding the dry root to tea. It is very useful for insomnia to inhale a mixture of valerian tincture with lavender essential oil before bed.

    Another effective folk remedy for depression is lemon balm tincture, which is brewed with 50 g of herb and 0.5 liters of boiling water. Then leave for 20 minutes and drink this dose throughout the day. Peppermint and honey, which are added to the lemon balm decoction, will help speed up the calming effect at the first preconditions of a nervous breakdown.

    Traditional methods suggest treating a nervous breakdown with garlic and milk. During times of severe mental stress, grate 1 clove of garlic and mix with a glass of warm milk. Take a soothing drink on an empty stomach 30 minutes before breakfast.

    Which doctor should I contact?

    Not many people know which doctor treats nervous system disorders. If the above symptoms appear, contact a neurologist, neurologist, psychiatrist or psychotherapist. When visiting a doctor, you should not be shy. Tell us in detail about your condition and complaints. The specialist will ask many clarifying questions that will help make the correct diagnosis. Then the doctor will prescribe certain procedures to determine the presence of other diseases (for example, chronic heart disease). Therapy is carried out only after receiving test results and thorough diagnosis.

    Prevention of nervous disorders

    It is not easy for a lay person to recognize the preconditions for a nervous breakdown. To avoid the manifestation of symptoms of mental disorders and prevent a nervous breakdown, you should refrain from consuming foods that excite the nervous system: alcohol, drugs, coffee, spicy, fried foods and seek medical help in a timely manner.

    In order to recognize and protect yourself from a nervous breakdown in time, you need to reduce and, if possible, eliminate stressful situations and unnecessary anxiety. Regular visits to the gym, hobby groups, a relaxing massage of the solar plexus area, daily walks, and shopping will help increase the happiness hormone in the blood. To effectively combat a nervous breakdown, it is important to alternate work and rest.

    Reading time: 3 min

    Mental disorders in children arise due to special factors that provoke developmental disorders of the child’s psyche. The mental health of children is so vulnerable that clinical manifestations and their reversibility depend on the age of the child and the duration of exposure to special factors.

    The decision to consult a child with a psychotherapist is usually not an easy one for parents. In the understanding of parents, this means recognizing suspicions that the child has neuropsychiatric disorders. Many adults are afraid of registering their child, as well as the limited forms of education associated with this, and the limited choice of profession in the future. For this reason, parents often try not to notice behavioral features, development, and oddities, which are usually manifestations of mental disorders in children.

    If parents are inclined to believe that the child needs to be treated, then first, as a rule, attempts are made to treat neuropsychiatric disorders using home remedies or advice from familiar healers. After unsuccessful independent attempts to improve the condition of their offspring, parents decide to seek qualified help. When turning to a psychiatrist or psychotherapist for the first time, parents often try to do this anonymously and unofficially.

    Responsible adults should not hide from problems and, when recognizing early signs of neuropsychiatric disorders in children, promptly consult a doctor and then follow his recommendations. Every parent should have the necessary knowledge in the field of neurotic disorders in order to prevent deviations in the development of their child and, if necessary, seek help at the first signs of a disorder, since issues related to the mental health of children are too serious. It is unacceptable to experiment with treatment on your own, so you should promptly contact specialists for advice.

    Often, parents attribute mental disorders in children to age, implying that the child is still small and does not understand what is happening to him. This condition is often perceived as a common manifestation of whims, but modern experts argue that mental disorders are very noticeable to the naked eye. Often these deviations have a negative impact on the baby’s social capabilities and development. If you seek help in a timely manner, some disorders can be completely cured. If suspicious symptoms are detected in a child in the early stages, serious consequences can be prevented.

    Mental disorders in children are divided into 4 classes:

    • developmental delays;
    • early childhood;
    • attention deficit disorder.

    Causes of mental disorders in children

    The appearance of mental disorders can be caused by various reasons. Doctors say that their development can be influenced by all sorts of factors: psychological, biological, sociopsychological.

    Provoking factors are: genetic predisposition to mental illness, incompatibility in the type of temperament of parent and child, limited intelligence, brain damage, family problems, conflicts, traumatic events. Family education is not the least important.

    Mental disorders in children of primary school age often arise due to parental divorce. The risk of mental disorders often increases in children from single-parent families, or if one of the parents has a history of mental illness. To determine what type of help needs to be provided to your baby, you must accurately determine the cause of the problem.

    Symptoms of mental disorders in children

    These disorders in a baby are diagnosed based on the following symptoms:

    • tics, obsession syndrome;
    • ignoring established rules;
    • for no apparent reason, frequently changing mood;
    • decreased interest in active games;
    • slow and unusual body movements;
    • deviations associated with impaired thinking;

    The periods of greatest susceptibility to mental and nervous disorders occur during age-related crises, which cover the following age periods: 3-4 years, 5-7 years, 12-18 years. From this it is obvious that adolescence and childhood are the right time for the development of psychogenics.

    Mental disorders in children under one year of age are caused by the existence of a limited range of negative and positive needs (signals) that children must satisfy: pain, hunger, sleep, the need to cope with natural needs.

    All these needs are of vital importance and cannot be unsatisfied, therefore, the more pedantic the parents observe the regime, the faster a positive stereotype is developed. Failure to satisfy one of the needs can lead to a psychogenic cause, and the more violations are noted, the more severe the deprivation. In other words, the reaction of a baby under one year old is determined by the motives of satisfying instincts and, of course, first of all, this is the instinct of self-preservation.

    Mental disorders in children 2 years of age are observed if the mother maintains an excessive connection with the child, thereby promoting infantilization and inhibition of its development. Such attempts by the parent, creating obstacles to the child’s self-affirmation, can lead to frustration, as well as elementary psychogenic reactions. While the feeling of overdependence on the mother persists, the child’s passivity develops. With additional stress, such behavior can take on a pathological character, which often happens in insecure and fearful children.

    Mental disorders in 3-year-old children manifest themselves in capriciousness, disobedience, vulnerability, increased fatigue, and irritability. It is necessary to be careful when suppressing the growing activity of a child at the age of 3 years, since this can contribute to a lack of communication and a lack of emotional contact. A lack of emotional contact can lead to (withdrawal), speech disorders (delayed speech development, refusal to communicate or verbal contact).

    Mental disorders in children 4 years old manifest themselves in stubbornness, protest against the authority of adults, and psychogenic breakdowns. Internal tension, discomfort, and sensitivity to deprivation (restriction) are also noted, which causes.

    The first neurotic manifestations in 4-year-old children are found in behavioral reactions of refusal and protest. Minor negative influences are enough to disrupt the baby’s mental balance. The baby is able to react to pathological situations and negative events.

    Mental disorders in 5-year-old children reveal themselves to be ahead of the mental development of their peers, especially if the child’s interests become one-sided. The reason for seeking help from a psychiatrist should be the child’s loss of previously acquired skills, for example: he rolls cars aimlessly, his vocabulary becomes poorer, he becomes untidy, he stops role-playing games, and communicates little.

    Mental disorders in children aged 7 years are associated with preparation and entry into school. Instability of mental balance, fragility of the nervous system, readiness for psychogenic disorders may be present in children 7 years old. The basis for these manifestations is a tendency to psychosomatic asthenia (appetite disturbances, sleep disturbances, fatigue, dizziness, decreased performance, tendency to fear) and overwork.

    Classes at school then become the cause of neurosis when the demands placed on the child do not correspond to his capabilities and he lags behind in school subjects.

    Mental disorders in children 12-18 years old manifest themselves in the following features:

    Tendency to sudden mood swings, restlessness, melancholy, anxiety, negativism, impulsiveness, conflict, aggressiveness, inconsistency of feelings;

    Sensitivity to others’ assessment of one’s strength, appearance, skills, abilities, excessive self-confidence, excessive criticality, disregard for the judgments of adults;

    A combination of sensitivity with callousness, irritability with painful shyness, desire for recognition with independence;

    Refusal of generally accepted rules and deification of random idols, as well as sensual fantasy with dry philosophizing;

    Schizoid and cycloid;

    The desire for philosophical generalizations, a tendency to extreme positions, internal contradictions in the psyche, the egocentrism of youthful thinking, uncertainty in the level of aspirations, a tendency to theorize, maximalism in assessments, a variety of experiences associated with awakening sexual desire;

    Intolerance to care, unmotivated mood swings.

    Often the protest of teenagers grows into absurd opposition and senseless stubbornness to any reasonable advice. Self-confidence and arrogance develop.

    Signs of mental disorder in children

    The likelihood of developing mental disorders in children varies at different ages. Considering that mental development in children is uneven, during certain periods it becomes disharmonious: some functions are formed faster than others.

    Signs of mental disorder in children can manifest themselves in the following manifestations:

    Feelings of withdrawal and deep sadness lasting more than 2-3 weeks;

    Attempts to kill or harm yourself;

    All-consuming fear for no reason, accompanied by rapid breathing and a strong heartbeat;

    Participation in numerous fights, use of weapons with the desire to harm someone;

    Uncontrollable, violent behavior that causes harm to both self and others;

    Not eating, using laxatives, or throwing away food to lose weight;

    Severe anxiety that interferes with normal activities;

    Difficulty concentrating, as well as the inability to sit still, which poses a physical danger;

    Use of alcohol or drugs;

    Severe mood swings leading to relationship problems;

    Changes in behavior.

    It is difficult to establish an accurate diagnosis based on these signs alone, so parents should contact a psychotherapist if they discover the above manifestations. These signs do not necessarily have to appear in children with mental disorders.

    Treatment of mental problems in children

    For help in choosing a treatment method, you should contact a child psychiatrist or psychotherapist. Most disorders require long-term treatment. To treat young patients, the same drugs are used as for adults, but in smaller doses.

    How to treat mental disorders in children? Antipsychotics, anti-anxiety drugs, antidepressants, various stimulants and mood stabilizers are effective in treatment. Of great importance: parental attention and love. Parents should not ignore the first signs of disorders developing in a child.

    If incomprehensible symptoms appear in a child’s behavior, you can get advice on issues of concern from child psychologists.

    Doctor of the Medical and Psychological Center "PsychoMed"

    The information presented in this article is intended for informational purposes only and cannot replace professional advice and qualified medical care. At the slightest suspicion of a mental disorder in a child, be sure to consult a doctor!

    Text: Ivan Belokrylov, consultant - Victoria Valerievna Pakhomova, Ph.D., pediatric neurologist

    During preparatory classes for school, the children were given a task: to remember or come up with 2 lines that represent a completed poem. Sasha reacted instantly: “Even though they think I’m a bitch, I’m the first to run to the bowl!” The quote was from a book about cats - funny photographs with humorous couplets at the bottom. At home everyone laughed at them, and the teacher began to scold them for using a bad word and threatened to put them in a corner. Sasha, red as a lobster and covered in tears, ran away from class, and at home declared that he would not go to this kindergarten again. In the evening his temperature rose. Nearing forty! The pediatrician, an elderly and very experienced one, after listening to the background story, said: “Fever due to stress! Basically, your boy is having a nervous breakdown.” It can manifest itself in another way - not as an emotional explosion, but in the form of a quiet hysteria. It is very important that adults behave correctly in such cases!

    Nervous breakdown: violent manifestation
    Sign of a nervous breakdown - hysterics. Under the influence of a stress factor, which acts as too strong an irritant for the child’s nervous system (still fragile, easily excitable in children), the child loses his temper: starts a fight, throws books and toys on the floor, is rude, shouts unacceptable things.
    Oddly enough, one can only rejoice at such a reaction! Psychologists usually advise in such cases to let the baby cry and scream. In the language of specialists this is called “get through the situation”. Let your child discharge completely. Freed from negative emotions, the child will come to his senses. Then you can calmly talk to him about what happened, discuss the situation over a cup of tea with mint, which calms the nervous system. This tea will also benefit mommy, because she worries no less than her child! Don't worry: the worst is over. If the conflict situation in the kindergarten can be resolved by removing the psycho-traumatic factor, the hysteria will not happen again.
    Don’t be outraged by your child’s behavior and don’t force him to apologize for what happened to the whole group or teacher: you shouldn’t force him to relive everything again! Putting a preschooler in the same conditions in which the breakdown occurred means provoking a new emotional outburst. It is not without reason that in such cases a change of environment is recommended, including moving to another group or even to another kindergarten.

    Nervous breakdown: silent hysteria
    What could be worse than a nervous breakdown with screams and tears in front of the whole class? Just quiet hysteria! The child seems to turn to stone: he freezes, withdraws into himself, does not answer questions, silently cries, sways from side to side, or shrinks into a ball and begins to bite his nails, pull out hair, eyebrows or eyelashes. Bad habits of this kind are classic signs of auto-aggression, which develops due to negative emotions driven inside.
    Disciplined and ambitious children, future excellent students who are ahead in everything, are prone to quiet hysteria with elements of auto-aggression. They start reading at almost three, and solve problems from a textbook for first-graders at four! But in the children's group they don’t really like such child prodigies, because they envy their successes and the fact that the “advanced” child is constantly being set as an example to others. Teach your child to form relationships with other children and explain that it is not good to brag about your successes. Say: “If Kolya can’t read yet, then he needs help, then he, too, will share something with you and become your friend.”

    Nervous breakdown: feed correctly
    Pediatricians believe that one of the causes of childhood nervous breakdowns is poor nutrition. It turns out that the lack of vitamins (especially group B) and microelements (in particular, zinc and magnesium), as well as preservatives contained in food and drinks (there are many of them in sausages, sausages, smoked meats, canned food), flavorings, artificial fillers and dyes are not the best affect the exchange of dopamine and serotonin in the child’s brain. Because of this, he becomes more excitable and reacts sharply to troubles.
    The worst thing is when products filled with chemicals cause allergies in the baby, which is accompanied by an additional release of serotonin into the blood, which increases the excited state. The list of the most powerful allergens includes eggs, red caviar, fish, seafood, tomatoes, honey, nuts, red apples, citrus fruits, as well as exotic fruits such as kiwi, mango and pineapple. Be careful with them!
    It’s not worth talking about soda - it is contraindicated for children with a tendency to hysterical reactions. But American scientists have found that orange juice from a carton does not work any better. Within 24 hours after consuming it, a urine test reveals a lot of zinc - this mineral of calm is actively washed out of the body! And all because canned juice (unlike freshly squeezed juice) contains the food coloring tartazine (E102), which has the ability to expel zinc from the body.
    Substances from the group of salicylates contained in coffee, olives, raspberries, oranges, apples, plums, strawberries, cherries and grapes also disinhibit the baby. True, there are not so many of these compounds in berries and fruits, but black tea (not to mention coffee, which is generally not recommended for children) should be excluded from the diet of a child who has experienced a nervous breakdown.
    Sweets should also be limited! They cause a sharp increase in blood glucose and the release of the hormone insulin by the pancreas. As a result, glucose levels drop, and the body produces hormones, in particular adrenaline, which has an exciting effect on the baby.

    Nervous breakdown: what to do for adults
    A child’s hysterics do not arise out of nowhere. Usually, tension accumulates for some time when the situation in the kindergarten or at home becomes tense, but the child tries to keep himself within limits. And then…

    Before the hysteria starts

    • Do not provoke your child if you see that he is already at the limit. The easiest way to avoid a breakdown is to smile or defuse the situation with some kind joke.
    • Switch the child's attention, distract the child with something. If he is already on edge, the method of switching must be very powerful. Try, for example, to pretend to be hysterical yourself or have one of the children do it. In the language of psychology, such a move is called the method of preventive or reactive aggression (depending on when it is used: before the onset of a hysterical reaction or when it is already in full swing). Someone else's false hysteria surprises the child, and he quickly calms down.

    During a nervous breakdown

    • Apply the mirror projection method. Repeat all their actions after your son or daughter so that they can see themselves from the outside. The younger the child, the more effective this method of psychological relief is. He stops being hysterical and looks at you curiously.
    • Send the broken child into a cool shower. You can grab it in your arms and take it to the bathroom. Or splash cold water on your face and place a bag of frozen vegetables wrapped in a towel on your forehead. Water washes away negative energy, and cold slows down reactions, dulls emotions and acts as a distraction therapy.
    • Don't let your child harm himself or others. Now he is in a state of passion: he does not understand what he is doing, does not control himself and is not responsible for his actions. Remove from under his hands anything piercing, cutting or heavy that he might throw at someone.
    • Leave him alone in the room - let him calm down, come to his senses and think about what happened. But don’t lose sight of the baby, slowly watch him!

    After a hysterical attack

    • Give your child sweet tea with a few drops of motherwort tincture, and when he relaxes, put him to bed. During sleep, the brain generates life-saving alpha waves - a natural sedative.
    • If your baby is nervous and vulnerable, prone to hysterical reactions, brew him pharmaceutical herbal teas with mint, motherwort, St. John's wort, lavender or fennel for preventive purposes.
    • For an explosive child prone to aggressive reactions, suggest this technique: when he feels that he is about to lose his temper, let him close his eyes and take several deep breaths through his nose and slow exhalations through his mouth with the sound “F”. Or he will begin to massage the anti-stress point on the other hand clockwise with the tip of the index finger of one hand. The fold between the pressed thumb and forefinger rests on this point.

    Nervous breakdown: strengthen your nerves
    Psychological problems have physiological causes. Give your child B vitamins; they reduce the level of stress in the child’s body and prevent unwanted emotional reactions. There are many vitamins useful for the nervous system in fermented milk products, cheese, liver, heart, egg yolk, pears, peaches, tomatoes, carrots, beets, cauliflower and spinach.
    Offer your baby a daily vitamin-rich salad containing folic acid, found in greens, leafy vegetables, and green parts of plants. Norwegian scientists have discovered that in the blood of children prone to aggressive reactions, there is an increased level of the amino acid homocysteine, which does not promote positive emotions and good behavior. Folic acid brings this indicator back to normal, helping the child relax. It’s not for nothing that it’s called the vitamin of joy. It is vital for children too!