Low Internet speed via WiFi: what to do? How to increase Internet speed. How to maximize your Internet connection speed

More and more more people connect the Internet. Now the Internet has ceased to be a luxury, as it was five years ago. Nowadays, the network is in all corners of the country, well, or almost all. Even if it is not possible to connect a dedicated line or ADSL, then you can always buy a USB modem that works in places where there is a GSM network, and it is everywhere.

However, there are things that have not changed since the advent of the Internet - speeding up the Internet and optimizing traffic. The problem is that despite the fact that in large cities there are no problems with speed, since leased lines, high-speed ADSL, and 3G are used, the situation in the regions has not changed much. For example, ADSL with a speed of 128 Kbps costs the same as a leased line with a speed of 70 Mbps in Moscow. This forces people to look for ways to speed up the Internet.

So, increase internet speed can be divided into active And passive way. The active method includes direct changes to device settings and operating system using programs or by editing the registry. Passive ways to increase Internet speed include selecting and configuring a browser, setting up a firewall, etc. We will look at all these methods in this article.

Active ways to speed up the Internet

Let's start free Internet acceleration with optimization the operating system itself. The most common operating system used by users, Windows XP Pro, has a small loophole. A service appeared in Windows XP QoS(Quality of Service). This service is used for specific functions and is not needed by most users. The fact is that QoS reserves 20% of the channel bandwidth for its tasks. In addition, you need to consider that it doesn’t matter what channel you have - regular Dual Up or Gigabit Ethernet - 20% is reserved for QoS.

So, first of all, we need to disable this service to free up the channel and increase Internet speed. To do this, let's go to Start ->> Execute, dial msconfig. In the menu that appears, select the tab Services, and look for QoS RSVP in the list. Then we turn it off.

However, that's not all. Now let's launch the applet Group Policy, for this in Start ->> Execute dialing gpedit.msc, then select Local Computer policy, and then Administrative templates. After that, select Network - QoS Packet Sheduler. In this menu we disable Bandwidth limit, or reduce from 20% to 0. But we did not completely disable QoS. Now let's go to device Manager, select “Show hidden devices”, and there we delete QoS devices. I want to make a reservation right away that many people say that QoS is a myth. Then check the ping with QoS enabled and disabled - you will see right away. And keep in mind that in order to completely disable channel reservation, you need to follow all the steps.

Now, or modem, set the MTU value to 1492. This value optimal for ADSL or leased line. For a regular Dual Up modem, it is better to set the value to 576.

Basically, we have done everything to optimize the operating system to increase Internet speed.
Now let's get to the software. To increase Internet speed, various programs are used that perform various functions. For example, these are programs - firewall monitors, which not only protect against hacking and information leakage, but also allow you to increase Internet speed. There are also programs that allow you to compress information on a third-party server. Perhaps, let's start with firewall monitors or, in common parlance, a firewall.

A firewall helps protect your computer from unauthorized access. However, it does have features that can speed up your internet. Such functions, for example, include blocking pop-up elements, advertising, and similar unnecessary nonsense that slows down the site loading speed. The fact is that many graphic elements have a lot of weight. As a rule, the creation of banners is undertaken by beginners and non-professional designers, who are even capable of making mistakes in advertising banners. Of course, there is no question of image optimization. As a result, the images on the banners are quite large. Loading image data takes a large number of time. As you understand, this slows down the site loading speed. Yes, there are browser plugins that help get rid of banners - banner cutters. However, these plugins have many disadvantages, while you can configure the firewall to the smallest detail.

So, let's look at setting up a firewall based on Agnitum Outpost. Agnitum Outpost is one of the best firewalls. Let's skip the security settings and go straight to the Outpost settings to speed up the Internet. So, first of all, we set up ad blocking. To do this, enter the text that most often appears in banners and advertisements. Outpost has an extensive database of templates that you can use without any problems. In addition, you can customize the sizes of the images that will be blocked. This menu contains all banner sizes, so setting up this parameter will not take much time.

After setting up mail blocking, you can configure blocking additional elements, such as Active X or Pop-Up.

We got rid of unnecessary images that slow down loading. Now the couple will use another program - now we will compress traffic.

So, there are a large number of programs to compress traffic. These programs work as a proxy server. They contact servers, which in turn compress traffic (35% - 70%). Accordingly, you save on traffic and page loading speed increases. Not only text information is compressed, but also graphic information.

However, almost all programs of this type are paid. Free programs include: Toonel. Please note that this program requires a Java virtual machine to run. You can make sure that it is there at the address - C:ProgramFilesJava. If not, then simply download it from the address - http://java.com/ru/download/windows_xpi.jsp?locale=ru and download the program. After that, we install Toonel and start configuring it.

Toonel allows you to compress traffic not only on a local server, but also on a remote one. Depending on the required option, we configure the program. In the example, we will focus on the local proxy server option:

localport: 8080
web interface port: 7999
Don't forget to set JPG compression.

Now you need to configure the programs whose traffic you are going to compress. Let's look at the example of a browser. Go to the proxy server settings and enter the data that you configured in Toonel.

After which the program begins to compress traffic. For traffic to be compressed, the program must run constantly. Other programs whose traffic needs to be compressed are configured in a similar manner...

That's the end of active ways to speed up the Internet. Now let's move on to the passive.

Passive ways to speed up the Internet

Passive ways to speed up the Internet include only setting up your browser. Moreover, you can only configure Opera 10, for everything else you need to do all the steps described above. Firefox itself does not compress traffic, Opera, up to version 10, compresses it slightly. All you can do with these browsers is disable images. However, this feature should not be enabled, since many sites are not laid out correctly and simply do not load without images, or the text is invisible. Therefore, turning off images does not lead to the desired effect.

However, Opera 10 has a new option - Turbo. This option is similar to Toonel. So if you plan to use Opera 10, you don’t have to install Toonel.

In this article, we looked at the main free ways to speed up the Internet. And everyone will decide for themselves how to speed up their network. The choice is yours.

Do you use more than just your phone to access the Internet? Do you want to know how to maximize increase internet speed? How to use all the features, speed up the operation of the router and what does this affect? If you are asking these questions, then this article is for you. Collected here best recommendations, by applying which you can see an increase in the speed of your Internet connection.

Exists big number ways to increase the speed of connection to the World Wide Web. Any user can explore the entire arsenal of Internet settings on a computer. If all steps are successfully completed, these settings will allow you to get fast, high-quality Internet and excellent performance of your phone and router.

How to increase internet speed

Let's consider all the methods in order.

  • You should disable Windows bandwidth throttling. To do this, you need to search for the gpedit.msc command, then run as administrator. The Local Group Policy Editor appears. In the “Computer Configuration” item, expand the “Administrative Templates” sub-item, then click on the “Network” section. This section contains the “QoS Packet Scheduler”. The scheduler needs to limit the reserved bandwidth. Right-click on the corresponding command and change. In the window that appears, enable the limit and set its level to zero percent. Thus, restrictions are lifted, which the OS can set for the Internet bandwidth channel, including if it is distributed through a router. Warning: The gpedit.msc command itself may not be on your computer. Therefore, if it is not in the search results, then the operation should be skipped.
  • The following setup requires access to the network card. In the Control Panel you need to find the “System” tab. From there, go to “Device Manager”, where you need to find the network card in the “Network adapters” item. For example, NVIDIA or Intel. In the card properties, go to the “Power Management” section, allow turning off the device to save energy. This way, the network card will not go into sleep mode.

There is one more point in adjusting the speed, available for OS up to and including Windows 8, which allows you to increase the connection bandwidth. In the “Ports” item, click on the properties of the serial port, and in the parameters set 128000 bits/second. This will complete the COM port setup.

  • Power plan. Without leaving the Control Panel, you need to find “Power Options” and set it to high performance. This is done because with low productivity the network card and Wi-Fi card will not work at full capacity, and thus, you can lose in the quality and speed of your Internet connection.

Maximum Internet speed

When using Wi-Fi, you should be aware of high data transmission delays. Due to this, the Internet speed is always lower than with a wired connection. Therefore, if you need maximum speed downloading files from the Internet, it is recommended to connect them to a network cable card. Why is this worth doing?

  1. Pings will improve, meaning the latency will be much lower than over a wireless network.
  2. Internet speed will increase by reducing losses over a wired connection.
  3. If it is not possible to connect a “wire”, then the router should be placed as close to the computer as possible.

"Grandfather's Methods"

If you are the owner of a 3G modem, then there are some tips for you:

The last tips work if the connection speed is very low or the coverage is very outdated.

To get faster internet speeds, be sure to disable any programs that may be using your internet traffic. Examples of such programs: Skype, uTorrent.

Be sure to scan your computer for viruses special programs. In most cases, the Internet works very poorly due to the Internet channel being filled with various viruses that send personal data to the creator. You should disable unnecessary plugins and extensions in browsers.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the Opera browser. If the connection is slow, you should use the compression function of the received traffic. As for Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, these programs practically do not compress Internet traffic.

Follow these instructions and increase the Internet speed on your computer!

Useful tips

There is nothing worse than slow Internet, which prevents you from enjoying broadcasting a match of your favorite football club or watching an interesting TV series or movie.

If your home Internet is constantly moving at a snail's pace, there are a few tricks that can help you deal with this problem and save your nerves.

Here are 7 simple but effective and effective advice, thanks to which you can increase the speed of your home Internet:

How to increase your home Internet speed

1. Reboot your modem or router

Often, Internet problems are due to the fact that your router or modem simply needs a normal reboot.

Completely turn off your modem or router by unplugging the power cords from both devices and wait a couple of minutes. Then turn them on again. This seemingly simple trick can really fix your slow Internet problem.

How to increase Internet speed through a router

2. Move the router

We often complain that our router is not working well.

But maybe the whole point is that he is standing in the wrong place? It makes sense that if you put the router somewhere behind the sofa or in some other hard-to-reach place, you are simply blocking the signal and slowing down the WiFi.

The router should be in an open space, so place it on a hill or in a place where the signals will not be blocked by various partitions.

Ideally, it would be to place the router somewhere higher. If this a private house, That the best option will become an attic or top floor.

How to increase WiFi internet speed

3. Protect your WiFi with a password

You live in a densely populated area (for example, a large apartment building)? Then it is quite logical that your Internet can be stolen.

If your Internet is not password protected and it suddenly becomes slow, chances are someone is actually borrowing it from you.

Typically, the first sign that someone else is using your WiFi is slow internet speeds.

To avoid this problem, be sure to protect your WiFi with a strong password.

4. Check your Internet bandwidth

Perhaps one of the family members spends most of their time playing games. This habit can slow down your Internet bandwidth.

Some applications, such as video games or streaming services like Netflix and similar services, consume more bandwidth than the same Facebook application.

If this is the case, and the first three methods don't work, note that your router has a tool called Quality of Service (QoS) that you can use to prioritize specific services.

Since every router works differently, be sure to read the manual to find out how to configure QoS specifically for your specific case.

5. Change the channel

Like radios, wireless routers operate on different channels and frequencies. And if your router is set to the same channel as your neighbors, it's quite possible that you'll have a weak signal.

To find the best frequency for your Wi-Fi, use our dedicated How To Geek user guide.

6. Upgrade your hardware

If you have a router that says 2010, of course, you may encounter certain problems. The quality of the Internet will raise some questions.

Remember that to ensure a fast connection, you must work with the latest equipment. Technical progress does not stand still; every year manufacturers release new and more sophisticated routers.

Make sure your router is not so old that it is slowing down your internet speed.

7. Buy an Internet signal booster

If your hardware is up to date, you can expand your WiFi range and in turn its strength by purchasing a dedicated range extender.

As a rule, it is inexpensive, but it perfectly enhances the signal, thereby bringing Internet speed to a new, higher level.

Almost every user wants the speed of his computer’s connection to the World Wide Web to be as high as possible. This issue is especially relevant for low-speed data networks, where, as they say, every KB/s counts. Let's find out how to increase this indicator on a PC running Windows 7.

It should be noted right away that it is simply impossible to increase the Internet speed parameters beyond those that the network bandwidth can provide. That is, the maximum data transfer speed announced by the provider is the limit above which you cannot jump. So don’t believe various “miracle recipes” that are supposedly capable of speeding up the transfer of information significantly. This is only possible when changing providers or switching to another tariff plan. But, at the same time, the system itself can act as a certain limiter. That is, its settings can reduce bandwidth even below the level set by the Internet operator.

In this article, we will explain how to configure a Windows 7 computer so that it is able to maintain a connection to the World Wide Web at the highest possible speed. This can be done either by changing certain parameters within the operating system itself, or by using some third-party programs.

Method 1: TCP Optimizer

There are a number of programs that are designed to optimize the settings for connecting your computer to the World Wide Web, which, in turn, leads to an increase in Internet speed. There are quite a few such applications, but we will describe the actions in one of them, which is called TCP Optimizer.

Method 2: NameBench

There is another application to speed up the speed of receiving data from the network - NameBench. But, unlike the previous program, it does not optimize the computer settings, but searches for DNS servers through which communication will be as fast as possible. By replacing existing DNS servers in the connection properties with those recommended by the program, it is possible to increase the speed of loading sites.

  1. After downloading NameBench, run the installation file. It is not necessary to have administrative rights. Click "Extract". After this, the application will be unpacked.
  2. In field "Query Data Source" the program itself selects the browser that is most suitable in its opinion, which is installed on this computer, for testing. But if you wish, by clicking on this field, you can select any other web browser from the list. To start searching for DNS servers, click "Start Benchmark".
  3. The search procedure is in progress. It may take a significant amount of time (up to 1 hour).
  4. After the test is completed, the browser that is installed on your computer by default will open. On his page, the NameBench program is in the block "Recommended configuration" will display the addresses of three recommended DNS servers.
  5. Without closing the browser, perform the following manipulations. Click "Start", sign in "Control Panel".
  6. In the block "Network and Internet" click on the position "View network status and tasks".
  7. In the window that appears "Network Control Center" in the parameter group "Connect or disconnect" click on the name of the current network, which is listed after the parameter "Connection".
  8. In the window that appears, click "Properties".
  9. After launching the window in the component block, select the position "TCP/IPv4". Click "Properties".
  10. In the window that appears in the section "Are common" Scroll to the bottom of the options. Set the radio button to position "Use the following DNS server addresses". The two bottom fields will become active. If they already have some values, be sure to rewrite them, since some operators only work with certain DNS servers. Therefore, if, due to further changes, the connection to the World Wide Web is lost, you will have to return the old addresses. In field "Preferred DNS Server" "Primary Server" browser. In field "Alternate DNS server" enter the address that is displayed in the area "Secondary Server" browser. Click "OK".

After this, the Internet speed should increase slightly. If you cannot access the network at all, return the previous DNS server settings.

Method 3: Set up a packet scheduler

The value of the parameter being studied can be increased by changing the packet scheduler setting.

  1. Call the remedy "Run", applying Win+R. Enter:

    Click "OK".

  2. A window opens "Local Group Policy Editor". In the left area of ​​the shell of this tool, expand the block "Computer Configuration" and click on the folder name "Administrative Templates".
  3. Then move to right side interface, click on the folder there "Net".
  4. Now enter the directory "QoS Packet Scheduler".
  5. Finally, after going to the specified folder, click on the item "Limit reserved bandwidth".
  6. A window opens with the same name as the item we previously clicked on. In the upper left part of it, set the radio button to the position "Turn on". In field "Bandwidth Limit" be sure to set the value «0» , otherwise you risk not increasing the speed of receiving and transmitting data over the network, but, on the contrary, reducing it. Then click "Apply" And "OK".
  7. Now you need to check whether the packet scheduler is enabled in the properties of the network you are using. To do this you need to open a window "State" current network. How this is done was discussed in Method 2. Click on the button "Properties".
  8. The properties window for the current connection opens. Make sure that opposite the item "QoS Packet Scheduler" the checkbox was checked. If it is standing, then everything is in order and you can just close the window. If there is no checkbox, check it, and then click "OK".

After this you will most likely receive some increase in existing level Internet speed.

Method 4: Setting up a network card

You can also increase the speed of your network connection by adjusting the power supply of your PC's network card.

  1. Navigate using the menu "Start" V "Control Panel" just like we did above. Go to the section "System and safety".
  2. Next in the settings group "System" go to item "Device Manager".
  3. Window opens "Device Manager". On the left side of the window, click on the item "Network adapters".
  4. A list of network adapters installed on the computer opens. This list may contain one element or several. In the latter case, you will have to perform the following operations with each adapter in turn. So, click on the name of the network card.
  5. The properties window opens. Move to the tab "Power Management".
  6. After the corresponding tab is open, check the checkbox next to the item "Allow the computer to turn off this device". If the mark is present, it should be removed. Also, if available, uncheck the box "Allow this device to wake the computer from sleep mode", if, of course, you have this item active at all. Click "OK".
  7. As mentioned above, perform this operation with all elements that are located in the group "Network adapters" V "Device Manager".

If you are using a desktop computer, negative consequences There will be no steps after applying these steps. The function of waking up a computer from sleep mode using a network card is used very rarely if you need, for example, to communicate remotely with a switched off computer. Of course, when you deactivate the ability to disable the network card when it is not in use, power consumption increases slightly, but in reality this increase will be minimal and will have almost no effect on the level of power consumption.

Important: For laptops, disabling this function can be quite significant, since the rate of battery discharge will increase, which means the period of operation of the device without recharging will decrease. Here you will need to decide what is more important to you: a small increase in Internet speed or a longer operating time of the laptop without recharging.

Method 5: Change the power plan

You can also achieve a certain increase in the speed of data exchange with the World Wide Web by changing the current power plan.

The fact is that in economy mode or in balanced operation mode, the supply of electricity to the network card, as well as to other system components, is limited. By performing the above actions, we thereby remove these restrictions and increase the performance of the adapter. But, again, it is worth noting that for laptops, these actions are fraught with an increase in the rate of battery discharge. Alternatively, to minimize these negative effects when using a laptop, you can switch to a higher performance mode only when directly using the Internet or when the device is connected to an electrical outlet.

Method 6: COM Port Extension

You can also increase the connection speed on Windows 7 by expanding the COM port.

Thus, the port capacity will be increased, which means the Internet speed will also increase. Particularly useful this method is when using high-speed networks, when the provider provides a higher connection speed than the one for which the computer’s COM port is configured.

You can also give some general tips, which will increase Internet speed. So, if you have the choice between a wired connection and Wi-Fi, then choose the first one, since a wired connection operates with less loss than a wireless one.

If it is not possible to use wired connection, then try to place the Wi-Fi router as close to the computer as possible. If you are using a laptop that is not connected to the mains, then, on the contrary, you can position it closer to the router. Thus, you will minimize losses during signal transmission and increase Internet speed. When using 3G modems, place the computer as close to the window as possible. This will allow the signal to pass as freely as possible. You can also wrap the 3G modem with copper wire, giving it the shape of an antenna. This will also provide a certain increase in data transfer speed.

When using Wi-Fi, be sure to set a password for the connection. Without a password, anyone can connect to your point, thereby “taking” part of the speed for themselves.

Be sure to periodically, using not the standard antivirus, but specialized utilities, for example. The fact is that many malware use a computer to transfer data to its “master” and other manipulations via the network, thereby reducing the connection speed. For the same reason, it is recommended to disable all unused toolbars and plugins in browsers, since they also transmit and receive information that is often useless to the user through the network channel.

Another option to increase your target is to disable your antivirus and firewall. But we do not recommend using this method. Of course, antiviruses somewhat reduce the speed of receiving data by passing it through themselves. But by disabling the protection tools, you risk picking up viruses, which in turn will lead to the opposite of the desired effect - the Internet speed will decrease even more than with the antivirus program turned on.

As you can see, there is a fairly wide range of options to increase Internet speed without changing your tariff plan and provider. True, you shouldn’t delude yourself. All these options can only provide a relatively small increase in the value of this indicator. At the same time, if you use them in combination, and not limit yourself to using any one method, you can achieve significant results.

Hello, dear readers!

Most owners of various gadgets based on the Android system are dissatisfied with the “snail” Internet speed of their devices.

However, today there are certain programs with which you can significantly increase your connection speed.

Today I would like to tell you about the three most popular and effective of them.

Internet Speed ​​Master

Internet Speed ​​Master is a program for improving Internet speed on Android devices. It was created by the developers of Nez Droid. You can download the trial version of the program for free and easily on the developers’ website.

The software optimizes the settings of the database transfer system by changing certain system files. The program supports absolutely all versions of Android, as well as firmware options. Among them there are those in which the problem with speed has already been solved, which is why it is impossible to full confidence tell whether the application will be able to speed up the Internet on your tablet or smartphone.

How to speed up your connection using the Internet Speed ​​Master?

The scheme is as follows:

  1. Open the program.
  2. The first time you run it, it will ask for root access. Leave it to her.
  3. If you have root rights, click “Apply Patch”, as a result the device should reboot.
  4. After the device turns on, you can verify the effectiveness of the actions taken.

If you do not have root, click “Improve Internet Connection” and reboot your device. From my own experience, I can say that this “thing” does not work on all devices, so it’s better to take the trouble to acquire root rights. Thanks to them you will be able to undesirable consequences speed up the Internet on your device.

To return to the old settings, just click on “Restore” in the main menu and click on “OK”, thereby confirming that the system files have been restored.

So that you don’t blame me later, I’ll repeat it again, Internet Speed ​​Master will not help you if your firmware has already increased the Internet speed.

Signal Booster 2X

The second acceleration program that I would like to tell you about is called Signal Booster 2X. It is much easier to install than the one I wrote about above. Main features of this application:

  • Simply click on the “signal booster” button and the application will automatically restart Wi-Fi and restore the signal.
  • If the signal at your location is not strong enough, the system will immediately notify you about this and suggest a number of actions to improve it.
  • Intuitive interface.

When you are in an area of ​​poor coverage, the 2X signal amplification system will come in handy. Its presence will improve the performance of your device in WI-FI networks/ LTE/4G/3G.

Software Speed ​​3G Modem

This application was created to increase the connection speed of a 3g modem with the World Wide Web. The program allows you to speed up your connection several times by optimizing bandwidth.

Despite the fact that this application was developed to solve problems with 3g Internet, it can improve the quality of the connection even with the usual connection method. The program under discussion functions and sets up the connection automatically.

You need to connect to the network and launch the application. The program menu is designed in Russian. Click on “increase speed” and move the slider to the “fast” mark.

That's all I wanted to tell you. Use my advice and enjoy all the delights of the World Wide Web. If you can’t cope with the recommendations on your own, then pay attention to the training course “ Computer genius", where all the secrets of the computer and the Internet will be revealed to you! The training course is simple and understandable for people of any age.

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Sincerely! Abdullin Ruslan