What causes fibrocystic mastopathy? Fibrocystic mastopathy of the mammary glands - does the disease need to be treated? Symptoms of fibrocystic form of pathology

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Conservative treatment of fibrocystic breast disease (mastopathy)

The authors propose various methods of conservative treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy, the appropriateness of which can only be determined by the attending physician. Methods of non-hormonal therapy include diet correction, correct selection of a bra, the use of vitamins, diuretics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that improve blood circulation, etc. Antiestrogens (tamoxifen, fareston), drugs for oral contraception, gestagens, androgens, secretion inhibitors are used as hormonal therapy prolactin, gonadotropin releasing hormone analogues (LHRH). The use of LHRH analogues is possible in patients with painful mastodynia in the absence of effect from treatment with other hormones. D. Baltinya, A. Srebny
Latvian Research Institute of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Riga (Latvia).

Fibrocystic mastopathy is the most common benign breast disease, which, according to various authors, affects 50 to 90% of women. The purpose of this work is to analyze in more detail the possibilities of conservative treatment of mastopathy.

According to the ANDI classification, fibrocystic changes in breast tissue in women of reproductive age can be conditionally classified as normal variants. However, if the complaints are very pronounced and significantly worsen the quality of life, or there is a real threat of malignancy (atypical hyperplasia, family history of breast cancer), a more thorough and thoughtful approach to the choice of treatment tactics is necessary.

Women in whom fibrocystic mastopathy is discovered incidentally as a concomitant pathology and who have no complaints usually do not need special treatment. Such patients must be examined (ultrasound and/or mammography and diagnostic puncture) and further observation can be continued during follow-up examinations with a gynecologist or other specialist at least once a year. In the situation described above, as well as in cases where a woman has moderately severe cyclic mastalgia without palpable formations in the mammary glands, it is often enough to make sure that the patient does not have cancer (of course, if this diagnosis is objectively excluded).

Women with a moderate cyclic or constant form of mastodynia and diffuse fibrocystic changes in the structure of the mammary gland (without obvious macrocysts) can try starting treatment with a diet and correction of physiological cycles. This most often applies to young and otherwise healthy women.

If a woman has severe mastalgia (constant or cyclical), palpable changes in breast tissue, spontaneous or induced discharge from the nipples, this condition can already be considered a disease. But even in such cases, there is a choice - to treat the main symptoms, or try to understand and find out the pathogenesis (hormonal imbalance, infection, metabolic disorders, psychosomatic disorders, etc.) in each specific case.

There is no clear algorithm for the treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy. Each case requires an individual approach. Therefore, the appropriateness of using the proposed treatment methods is determined by the attending physician. If there is even the slightest suspicion of the possibility of malignancy, the patient must be sent to an oncology facility. In such a situation, overdiagnosis and false alarms can, at worst, become a tactical mistake, but this can help avoid a strategic mistake, which is much more important.

Methods of non-hormonal therapy

Diet correction. Many experiments and clinical studies have shown that there is a close connection between the use of methylxanthines (caffeine, theophylline, theobromine) and the development of fibrocystic mastopathy. It is believed that these compounds promote the development of fibrous tissue and the formation of fluid in the cysts. Therefore, limiting foods containing methylxaptins (coffee, tea, chocolate, cocoa, cola) or completely avoiding them can significantly reduce pain and swelling of the mammary glands. Many authors recommend such a diet correction as the first condition in the treatment of mastopathy, although individual sensitivity to methylxanthines can vary over a very wide range and can be influenced by both physical and psycho-emotional stress.

Both fibrocystic breast disease and breast cancer are associated with sluggish bowel movements, chronic constipation, altered intestinal microflora and insufficient fiber in the daily diet. It is possible that in this case, reabsorption of astrogen already excreted in bile occurs from the intestine. Therefore, the next advice to patients with fibrocystic mastopathy is to eat foods rich in fiber and adequate fluid intake (at least 1.5-2 liters per day). Since the utilization of estrogen occurs in the liver, any dietary disturbances that impede or limit the normal functioning of the liver (cholestasis, high-fat foods, alcohol, other hepatotoxic substances) over time can affect the clearance of estrogen in the body. In turn, to facilitate and normalize liver function, additional intake of B vitamins is desirable - as nutritional supplements or even in therapeutic doses.

Choosing a bra. Women with a cyclic or constant form of mastalgia should definitely pay attention to this item of female toiletry, since completely ignoring it or wearing a bra of inappropriate shape or size can cause chronic breast deformation, compression or overload of the ligamentous apparatus, especially in women with large and drooping breasts. chest. Often, when these causes are eliminated, pain in the mammary gland decreases or even disappears completely.

Vitamins. There are many reasons for prescribing vitamins to patients with fibrocystic mastopathy, since they: 1) help normalize metabolism and hormonal imbalance; 2) have an antioxidant effect; 3) stimulate the growth, reproduction and maturation of epithelial cells; 4) stabilize the activity of the peripheral and central nervous system; 5) contribute to the normalization of the function of the ovaries, adrenal glands and thyroid gland: 6) additionally strengthen the body’s immune system, etc.

For the treatment of mastopathy, vitamins A, C and E and B vitamins (especially B6) are most often used. Taking too large doses of vitamins is associated with an increased risk of toxic manifestations; moreover, such therapy does not always lead to the desired result.

Diuretics. Cyclic mastopathy, as one of the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome, especially if it is combined with swelling of the hands and feet shortly before menstruation, can be treated with mild diuretics (for example, herbal teas). It is also advisable to limit the consumption of table salt during this period.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Some authors recommend taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (for example, diclofenac) a week or several days before the next menstruation, when the most severe pain in the mammary glands appears, to reduce cyclic mastalgia, but this cannot be recommended as a permanent and long-term method of treatment.

Medicines that improve blood circulation. During thermographic examination, patients with mastopathy often find local circulatory disorders, more often - disturbances in venous outflow. Therefore, some authors recommend using vitamin P preparations (ascorutin) or products containing this vitamin (citrus fruits, rose hips, black currants, chokeberries, raspberries) to improve microcirculation and reduce local swelling of the mammary gland. Since repeated thermographic research often proves an objective improvement in local blood circulation.

Complex, natural products. Currently, many different complex herbal remedies with vitamins, antioxidants and microelements are offered for the treatment of both mastopathy and premenstrual syndrome (including cyclic mastalgia), as well as symptoms caused by the onset of menopause.

These complex folk remedies contain active substances, for example, Oenothera Biennis, Sunara C.irdunculus, Vilex Agnus castus, Pueraria labata, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Angelica sinensis, Artemisia vulgais, etc.

Calming agents. The mammary glands in women are a very sensitive organ to psycho-emotional stress. Troubles at work or at home, chronic dissatisfaction, fatigue, anxiety, depression - all this can cause, maintain or intensify pain. Depending on the psycho-emotional state of a woman, it is advisable to include sedatives in the complex treatment regimen for mastopathy, initially giving preference to mild herbal preparations (tincture of motherwort, valerian, etc.), and, if necessary, more potent sedatives.

Possibilities of hormone therapy

The development of breast tissue, its differentiation, maturation and functioning is ensured by the coordinated interaction of estrogens, progesterone, prolactin, growth hormone, androgens, thyroxine, etc. In addition, the activity of the limbic system and the reticular formation, as well as metabolic processes in the body, also have a certain effect. The fact that fibrocystic mastopathy is largely associated with changes in hormonal levels is evidenced by the fact that this disease is usually bilateral in nature, the intensity of symptoms varies depending on the menstrual cycle, the symptoms of the disease decrease significantly after menopause (especially this applies to cyclic mastalgia) and, finally, fibrocystic mastopathy responds well to hormonal therapy. Often changes in the structure of breast tissue and cyclic mastalgia are combined with gynecological pathology - uterine fibroids, infertility, polycystic ovary syndrome.

Most often, hormone therapy is aimed at reducing the excessive stimulating effect of estrogens on breast tissue, and less often at correcting dysprolactinemia or hypothyroidism.

Antiestrogens. To ensure their stimulating effect, endogenous estrogens need to interact with specific cell receptors. In the case of relative hyperestrogenism, antiestrogens (tamoxifen, toremifene), blocking these estrogen receptors in target tissues (including the mammary gland), do not allow estrogens to bind to the receptors, reducing their biological activity.

In the literature, indications of the use of antiestrogens for the treatment of mastopathy have appeared since the late 70s. According to various authors, the therapeutic effect of tamoxifen is observed in 65-75% of cases and usually occurs 2-3 months after starting to take 10 mg of the drug per day. Other authors recommend prescribing the drug 20 mg per day 10 days before the next menstruation, continuing this treatment synchronously with 2-3 menstrual cycles or 30-90 days in a row for women in menopause. The authors of this scheme note a decrease in mastalgia in 97% of cases, stabilization of the cycle and a decrease in blood loss during menstruation in almost all women. Some patients may experience increased pain and swelling of the breasts during the first four weeks of treatment, which can be explained by the partial estrogenic effect of antiestrogens; in rare cases, this may require interrupting treatment, after which the symptoms will subside over time. There is a unique observation of spontaneous regression of breast macrocysts in two women of reproductive age who were treated with tamoxifen for cancer of the second breast. Tamoxifen is also successfully used to correct premenstrual syndrome, especially to reduce pain in the mammary gland, at a dose of 10 mg from the 5th to the 24th day of the cycle: according to a randomized double-blind study, mastodynia disappeared in 90% of cases .

Taking tamoxifen significantly reduces the likelihood of developing cancer in the second breast. This especially applies to patients with proven atypical proliferation, macrocysts, or a family history of breast cancer. However, some authors are confident that the prescription of tamoxifen for the treatment of mastopathy is not the method of choice and should be reserved only for special cases.

Possible side effects of treatment include, in addition to what has already been mentioned, increased mastalgia at the beginning of treatment, hot flashes, increased sweating, nausea and dizziness. Recently, the literature has increasingly drawn attention to the carcinogenic properties of tamoxifen, i.e. the possibility of developing, with long-term use, induced endometrial hyperplasia and (or) endometrial cancer in women, as well as hepatocellular carcinoma in laboratory animals. Therefore, the search for safer drugs is quite understandable, especially since they are intended for use for preventive purposes or for benign diseases. One such drug is fareston (toremifene), manufactured by Orion Corporation, which in preliminary studies has shown to be an effective and well-tolerated treatment for mastopathy. According to the author’s own data, during treatment mastodynia completely disappeared in 12 out of 21 patients, decreased significantly in 7, remained virtually unchanged in 4, and in one patient the drug caused an increase in the symptoms of the disease. In most cases, the effect appeared within the first month. For the treatment of mastopathy, it is recommended to take fareston 20 mg from the 5th to the 25th day after the start of menstruation for women with a regular cycle or daily for women with an irregular cycle or in menopause. The desired duration of treatment is 3-6 months.

Oral contraception. Correctly selected and used oral contraception provides permanent suppression of steroidogenesis and ovulation, suppression of the synthesis of ovarian androgens, suppression of the synthesis of estrogen receptors in the endometrium, equalization of excessive fluctuations in cyclic hormones, as well as long-term protection against the development of ovarian and endometrial cancer. Symptoms of mastopathy often decrease or even completely disappear within the first two months, however, objective results can be expected no earlier than 1-2 years after the start of oral contraception. At the same time, in some women, while using oral contraceptives, pain in the mammary glands and other symptoms of mastopathy may even intensify. Then you have to switch to another type of contraception, or change oral contraception.

When choosing a contraceptive, the dosage of its constituent components is also important. Considering the potential role of estrogens in the development of mastopathy, preference should be given to drugs with the lowest content of estrogens and the highest content of gestagens (0.03 mg ethinyl estradiol + 0.075 mg gestagen or 0.02 mg ethypilestradiol + 0.150 mg desogestrel, etc., in a word, estrogen content should not exceed 0.03 mg throughout the course). Oral contraception selected for the treatment of mastopathy should be prescribed for a period of at least 3 months.

When choosing a drug, it is necessary to take into account both the woman’s age and the severity of the symptoms of the disease, concomitant diseases, hormonal imbalance, and metabolic disorders. The younger and otherwise healthier the woman suffering from moderate cyclic mastalgia, the more confidently low-dose oral contraceptives can be prescribed. The older the woman and the more severe the symptoms of the disease, the more seriously the estrogen/gestagen ratio in the chosen oral contraceptive drug must be weighed.

Prescribing oral contraceptives does not always give the desired result - a reduction in mastodynia, so it happens that this method of treatment has to be abandoned. You can try prescribing an additional 2.5 mg of primolut or 5 mg of medroxyprogesterone acetate for the entire duration of taking oral contraceptives, i.e. 21 days in a row, not just in the luteal phase.

Gestagens. The therapeutic effect of gestagens in the treatment of premenstrual syndrome and fibrocystic mastopathy is associated with inhibition of functional pituitary-ovarian connections and a decrease in the proliferation-stimulating effect of estrogens on breast tissue. Whether gestagens actually protect against breast cancer has not yet been fully clarified. It is hypothesized that this possible protective mechanism may differ between breast and endometrial tissue.

If initially testosterone derivatives (linestrinol, norgestrel and danazol) were predominantly used for the treatment of mastopathy, then in recent years the use of progesterone derivatives - medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) has increased, because they have more pronounced gestagenic properties, moderate antiestrogenic activity and minimal or virtually absent androgenic effect. Progestogens are especially indicated for patients with established luteal phase deficiency and the resulting relative hyperestrogenism, anovulatory bleeding, and uterine fibroids.

In most cases, if there is reason to suspect functional insufficiency of the luteal phase, gestagens (for example, 5 mg of norethisterone or 10 mg of MPA) are prescribed from the 15-16th day of the cycle to the 25th day, synchronizing the courses of treatment with at least 6-12 cycles. To ensure additional antiestrogenic effects before ovulation, it is advisable to prescribe gestagens from the 10th to the 25th day of the cycle. For complete blockade of ovulation and a stronger effect of gestagens, these drugs can be prescribed from the 4-5th to the 25th day of the cycle.

In menopause, for the treatment of mastopathy, gestagens are prescribed in a gradual dose reduction mode: treatment begins with 10 mg of MPA for 2-4 weeks, then 5 mg per day for 2 weeks and then 5 mg 2-3 times a week.

The therapeutic effect from the use of gestagens can be expected in approximately 2 out of 3 cases, but it occurs a little later - within two months. Gestagens help well in the treatment of mastodynia; moreover, after their use, it is often possible to objectively prove a decrease in breast tissue hyperplasia.

Danazol. Androgens as estrogen antagonists are used to treat mastopathy. The action of danazol is based on its ability to inhibit the synthesis of gonadotropic hormone (though so far proven only in experiments with laboratory animals) and some essential enzymes in ovarian steroidogenesis; it has a progestogenic and weak androgenic effect.

For the treatment of mastopathy, danazol is used in lower doses than for the treatment of endomstriasis. The standard dose is considered to be 100-400 mg. The therapeutic effect can be expected in approximately 2 out of 3 cases, moreover, it can be objectified: after successful treatment with danazol, the radiological density of the breast tissue decreases and levels out, and re-formation of macrocysts is less often observed. Therefore, many consider danazol to be the drug of choice specifically for the treatment of recurrent macrocysts. When treated with danazol, in almost a quarter of cases side effects of varying severity are observed - both purely androgenic (seborrhea, hirsutism, acne, deepening of the voice, weight gain) and antiestrogenic (hot flashes). Other side effects are also possible - drowsiness, depression, headaches, convulsions. In addition, for most patients, the onset of amenorrhea is psychologically unacceptable, which is almost inevitable over time when using the drug at a dose of 400 mg. Since danazol does not provide a contraceptive effect in therapeutic doses (200-400 mg), it is necessary to warn patients about the need for additional contraceptive measures due to the inherent teratogenic effect of this drug. Taking into account all the above-mentioned circumstances, many authors suggest prescribing danazol in the so-called low-dose regimen: the first two months the drug is prescribed at a dose of 200 mg per day, the next 2 months. - 100 mg per day and subsequently - 100 mg per day only from the 14th to the 28th day of the cycle.

Prolactin secretion inhibitors. It is justified to prescribe these drugs (bromocriptine) only to patients with laboratory proven hyperprolactinemia. In addition, it is advisable to determine serum prolactin levels after intravenous administration of thyroid-stimulating hormone releasing factor (TRH test). The TRH test can be recommended to select those patients in whom any disturbances in prolactin secretion can be expected and who, accordingly, can be prescribed bromocriptine. In these cases, the dose of the drug is increased very slowly, starting from 2.5 mg and increasing it to 5.0 or 7.5 mg with regular monitoring of serum prolactin levels. We must not forget that during treatment, in half of the cases, side effects such as alopecia, dizziness, swelling, and headaches are observed, which often makes taking this drug difficult to tolerate.

Analogues of LHRH. As a result of the use of hopadotropin releasing hormone (LHRH) analogues, circulating levels of estrogens and testosterone are significantly reduced. In addition, the presence of LHRH receptors in breast cancer and fibrocystic mastopathy tissue samples suggests that LHRH specifically affects (autocrine or paracrine) the growth of breast tissue cells.

One of the indications for prescribing drugs in this group is severe, refractory fibrocystic mastopathy. This is a relatively expensive and not entirely safe method (the most common side effects are amenorrhea, hot flashes, dizziness, increased blood pressure), so the indications for its use must be carefully weighed in each specific situation. The presence of positive changes caused by the use of LHRH analogues in fibrocystic mastopathy can be objectively assessed by mammography and ultrasound. However, for now, this treatment method should be prescribed to patients with painful mastodynia and severe fibrocystic changes if previous hormonal therapy with other drugs has not produced a positive effect.

Mastopathy and hormone replacement therapy

The appearance of mastalgia during hormone replacement therapy is not uncommon, so a difficult question often arises: what to do with women with painful menopausal symptoms and a history of severe mastodynia during reproductive age? Considering that one of the main factors causing mastalgia is excessive exposure of endogenous estrogens in breast tissue, then additional administration of exogenous estrogens can only worsen the situation. This is often what explains pain in the mammary glands in women who have started hormone replacement therapy. The solution may be in careful selection of replacement therapy drugs with an optimally balanced combination of estrogenic and gestagenic components or in the additional administration of gestagens.

Mastopathy in a woman with a history of breast cancer

In a woman with a history of breast cancer, fibrocystic changes can develop or continue to progress in both (with breast-sparing surgery) or in the remaining mammary gland, and severe mastalgia in such cases is observed no less frequently.

Recommendations in such a situation can be very different - the prescription of antiestrogens, gestagens or LHRH analogues. When choosing a drug, one should proceed from the specific situation - the patient’s age, medical history, concomitant pathology, the wishes of the patient herself, etc.


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Fibrocystic mastopathy (FCM) is a benign disease, the main symptom of which is pathological changes in mammary gland tissue in the form of disturbances in the ratio of connective tissue and epithelial components. This disease can occur in women of any age - both in adolescence and during menopause. Progesterone deficiency, increased production of estrogen, androgen can provoke a disease, about treatment, diagnostic methods, the types of which you will learn from the article.

Symptoms and signs

The following signs will help to suspect the presence of FCM, including bilateral ones, which can manifest themselves either individually or all together:

  • As a result of self-examination, areas of breast tissue compaction that do not have clear boundaries are identified.
  • The most important symptom is pain, which can be aching, dull against a background of discomfort and a feeling of heaviness. It can be periodic, constant, but always has a connection with the menstrual cycle. 10% of patients do not feel pain at all, although the changes in the mammary glands are the same as in women experiencing discomfort.
  • Swelling and swelling of the breast, while the volume may increase by 15-20 percent. Mastodynia (increased sensitivity) and mastalgia (pain) are accompanied by flatulence, migraine, and a feeling of fullness in the abdominal area. Emotionally, the woman becomes restless and irritable. This set of symptoms, called premenstrual syndrome, no longer bothers the girl after the onset of menstruation.
  • Discharge from the nipples, which appears involuntarily when pressed, has a clear, whitish, brown or greenish tint. The most dangerous discharge is considered to be bloody.
  • Enlarged axillary lymph nodes, which occurs in 10 percent of patients diagnosed with diffuse FCM.


The diagnosis can only be made by a qualified doctor. However, the first warning signs in the form of increasing constant pain and breast condition will let the woman know that something is not happening as expected. Diagnostics includes the following methods: palpation, initial examination, ultrasound diagnosis of glandular tissue, mammography. Pay attention to the appearance of the breasts, signs of enlargement, asymmetry, the condition and location of the nipples, the color of the halos, and the presence of discharge.

At the first concern in the breast area, every woman must consult a doctor to begin treatment of the disease at an early stage. To make a diagnosis based on the patient’s complaints, an additional examination is prescribed:

  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands - reveals the presence of formed cysts, changes of various etymologies in the tissues.
  • Palpation - examining the breast with your hands, identifying lumps.
  • Nipple swab – if there is discharge from the nipple, a test is prescribed to determine the nature of the disease.
  • Mammogram - x-ray of the breasts to determine the form of mastopathy, areas of compaction, and the presence of tumors.
  • Study of liver enzymes - to determine the normal functioning of the organ.
  • Consultation with an endocrinologist - this doctor, if necessary, will prescribe a test of thyroid hormones.
  • Blood test for hormones.
  • – extracting cells from a formed node with a syringe to examine them under a microscope to rule out the presence of cancer.
  • Echography allows one to evaluate the structure of the glands, regardless of the type of structure, and allows for repeated dynamic monitoring among women of all age groups.

Nodular form of the disease

Due to the similarity of breast cancer and nodular mastopathy, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination by a mammologist using radiological, clinical, morphological, cytological, and echographic methods. In the case of nodular mastopathy, foci of compaction are identified that have clear boundaries, a lobed, smooth or granular surface. With an intraductal location, pressure on the isola is accompanied by discharge of different colors and consistency.

During plain mammography, zones of intense uniform darkening, calcifications, oval shadows of cysts, and fibrous strands may be detected on radiographs. The combination of different forms of the disease gives a bright picture, which is characterized by multiple darkened areas, restructuring of the structure of the gland, areas of clearing of different shapes and sizes, the presence of individual shadows of fibroadenomas, strands of connective tissue, and cysts.

If a cyst is detected, a puncture with cytological examination is performed, followed by pneumocystography. The latter is necessary to control the completeness of emptying of the formation, detection of tumors, and intracystic hyperplastic formations. If intraductal changes are suspected, ductography is performed. It is determined by the introduction of contrast into the ducts, their expansion, deformation, cystic cavities, and the deposition of calcium salts. Ultrasound of the glands with Dopplerography allows one to judge the size, location, vascularization of formations, and their structure.

ICD-10 code

ICD-10 is the international classification of diseases, tenth revision (based on Wikipedia). In Russia, it has been adopted as a single regulatory document in order to take into account the reasons for the population’s appeal, death, and morbidity. According to the classification, mastopathy is included in the section Benign mammary dysplasia N60:

  • N60.0 – solitary cyst;
  • N60.1 – diffuse cystic mastopathy;
  • N60.2 – fibroadenosis;
  • N60.3 – fibrosclerosis;
  • N60.4 – ectasia of the mammary gland ducts;
  • N60.8 – other benign dysplasias;
  • N60.9 – benign dysplasia, unspecified.

Possible reasons for the appearance

The main reason for the development of FCM lies in changes in hormonal levels, which are reflected in the menstrual cycle. Such hormonal variability primarily manifests itself through disruption of the ovarian-menstrual cycle, which resolves on its own. Disturbances in the functioning of hormones can manifest themselves under the guise of premenstrual syndrome, which causes a lot of difficulties and worries for a woman. Fibrocystic mastopathy means that periodic disorders have become permanent, making the breast a vulnerable, weak link.

The cause of the disease may lie in the condition of the spine, since the regulation of metabolic processes in the chest occurs from the thoracic spinal region. The next factor that can trigger the disease is an imbalance of water balance. If a woman does not have the habit of drinking water regularly, then the body is in a state of water starvation, and this leads to changes in hormonal levels. Mastopathy can be triggered by chronic stress, endocrine diseases, problems of the reproductive organs, and endometriosis.

How to treat FCM

Thanks to many years of experience in studying this disease, mammologists have several methods of treating FCM at their disposal. To determine a specific program to get rid of the pathology, you should conduct a full examination, eliminate the cause of hormonal imbalance, and restore the functioning of the nervous system. When treating diffuse mastopathy, large dosages of vitamins are recommended to activate the immune system, and homeopathic medicines to normalize liver function.

Drug treatment with drugs

Drug treatment includes hormonal and non-hormonal. The first type is necessary to regulate cyclicity in the system, including the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and ovaries, since this normalizes hormonal levels by influencing gland tissue. The second type of treatment stops the manifestations of FCM in its mild form.

Non-hormonal conservative therapy includes the following drugs:

  • Preparations containing iodine (“Klamin”, “Iodomarin”, “Iodine-active”), which regulate the functioning of the thyroid gland, reduce tissue proliferation.
  • Vitamins B, A, E, C improve the functioning of the liver, which takes part in hormonal metabolism.
  • NSAIDs (tablets "Nimika", "", "Diclofenac") relieve pain.
  • Enzyme medications (Wobenzym, Mulsal, Lidaza) have an immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, decongestant, and analgesic effect.
  • Calming and sedatives for treatment are indicated for psychological reasons that caused mastopathy. At the initial stage, tincture of motherwort and valerian is taken.
  • Homeopathic remedies (Cyclodinone, Remens, Mastodinon) lower prolactin levels, eliminating its excessive production. Sometimes they are prescribed for prevention.
  • Herbal medicine enhances the effect of medications, calms the nervous system, and relieves residual effects.

Treatment with folk remedies - recipes with herbs, infusions

If multiple lumps appear in the chest, easily palpable in the outer parts, in the center, this indicates the presence of diffuse FCM. At the initial stage, these changes are unstable and weakly expressed, but if left untreated, the seals become rough. For diffuse mastopathy, the use of folk remedies is allowed. The following recipes may help:

  • Alcohol tincture of boron uterus fights tumors, normalizes metabolism, relieves inflammation in the bladder, and restores thyroid function. Judging by the reviews, this is an effective remedy. The tincture should be taken a teaspoon twice a day before meals for a month. During menstruation you need to take a break.
  • You can treat with cabbage leaves. At night, a cabbage leaf is applied to the chest as a compress. The procedure is repeated until the seals completely disappear.
  • Burdock juice helps get rid of seals. The squeezed juice should be taken one tablespoon three times a day for two months.
  • Recipe for a medicine from celandine: grind a spoonful of dry herbs to a powder, mix with two tablespoons of melted butter, place the resulting ointment in a water bath, leave for 10 minutes, apply to the affected areas once a day until the seals disappear.
  • Useful collection: chop and mix one part of valerian root, 2 parts of plantain leaves, 2 parts of St. John's wort herb, 3 parts of string herb. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, leave for 40 minutes. Take 2 tablespoons after meals three times a day for a month.
  • Grind blue or gray clay, pour warm water until it completely covers it. Let it brew for several hours. The consistency should be similar to thick sour cream. Apply the mixture in a 2 cm layer on the chest on cellophane, wrap it with a warm scarf, and wash it off in the morning. The course of treatment is prescribed by a herbalist.

Hormone therapy

Hormonal treatment of FCM is aimed at stabilizing breast tissue and is used after studying the hormone status. The following drugs are used:

  • Progestogens (Norethisterone, Duphaston, Utrozhestan, Progestogel-gel for rubbing the breast) are used in the second phase of menstruation. Reduce chest discomfort and pain.
  • Estrogen-gestagen contraceptives (Marvelon, Zhanine) are prescribed for people under 35 years of age in the absence of ovulation or luteal phase disturbance. Designed to normalize various fluctuations in sex hormones.
  • Prolactin production inhibitors (Parlodel) are used when excessive secretion of the hormone is detected.


Physiotherapeutic procedures for patients undergoing FCM treatment are prescribed very rarely. This is due to the fact that this disease is considered a contraindication to thermal manipulation. Exceptions to the rules include treatment methods such as mud baths, electrophoresis, shock wave therapy, ultrasound therapy, and other procedures.

Surgery – resection

Surgical treatment of FCM is indicated for the nodular form of the disease, which is practically resistant to drug therapy. Indications for surgery are those cases when there is rapid growth of tumors, the presence of severe concomitant diseases that do not allow long-term drug treatment, the presence of atypical cells in biopsy samples, the ineffectiveness of other methods, and a high probability of transformation into a cancerous tumor.

In most cases, sectoral resection is performed. This operation involves removing a sector of the gland that is affected by nodes and cysts. The surgical procedure lasts about 40 minutes and is performed under general anesthesia. If necessary, after the operation, drug therapy is prescribed: antibacterial drugs are prescribed, in addition - medications to stimulate the immune system, normalize the blood count, and complexes of vitamins and minerals.

Special diet

Special nutrition in the treatment of mastopathy involves eating certain healthy foods and limiting harmful ones. In addition to the contents of the daily menu, you should follow the correct regimen: eat at least five times a day at the same time. During the meal, do not be nervous, distance yourself from irritants, learn to relax. The following products have a positive effect on the general condition and slow down the growth of connective tissues:

  • Fiber – walnuts, hazelnuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, beets, carrots, apples.
  • Legumes reduce excessive estrogen production.
  • Thanks to coenzymes, spinach and broccoli fight tumors.
  • Tomatoes, brewer's yeast, and Brazil nuts have a beneficial effect on the absorption of iodine and protect against the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation.
  • Seaweed, sardines, mackerel, herring and salmon, shrimp, mussels, and squid contain essential iodine.
  • Cottage cheese, celery, dried apricots, hard cheeses, sesame seeds, almonds contain calcium.
  • All dairy products are healthy.
  • White and green tea, due to catechin, activate the removal of toxins and sugar.

To reduce the risk of developing cysts, it is necessary to completely avoid products that cause an increase in the secretion of female sex hormones: semolina, premium flour products, canned food, pickles, corn oil, confectionery, margarine, mayonnaise, carbonated water, smoked meats, fatty foods, black tea, coffee, white cabbage.

Find out more about what to do with such a diagnosis.

Forecast and Cautions

As a rule, mastopathy is not prone to complications. Proliferative and nodular forms of the disease can become malignant over time, turning into breast cancer. However, with proper and timely treatment, the prognosis is favorable. FCM therapy involves changes in lifestyle, which include the following contraindications:

  • You cannot sunbathe or sunbathe. The sun's rays cause the production of estrogen, making breast tissue sensitive and receptive.
  • It is necessary to avoid visiting bathhouses and saunas.
  • Physiotherapy is contraindicated; massage is strictly prohibited in the treatment of mastopathy, as this can damage the breast tissue.
  • Hypothermia, which will aggravate the inflammatory process, should not be allowed.
  • FCM can behave unpredictably during pregnancy, so many doctors advise women not to take risks, but some decide to become a mother. There are no problems with natural fertilization, but some people manage to get pregnant only with the help of modern medical progress. It is worth knowing that in vitro fertilization or IVF is fraught with danger for fibrocystic mastopathy, since this procedure requires preparation, including hormonal stimulating therapy for the implantation of eggs in the female body. The latter can cause the development of a tumor in the breast. Sometimes it is recommended to perform surgery to remove mastopathy before IVF to prevent it from becoming malignant.

Also read what to do if diagnosed and disease prevention.

Residual mastopathy is a diagnosis that indicates that after the main treatment, complications arose and the symptoms returned.

That is why, after the main treatment, women are observed by a mammologist for several years. The doctor monitors the woman’s health, conducts examinations and ultrasounds to rule out the formation of new tumors.

Even after surgery, residual FCM may occur. It is dangerous because it can lead to breast cancer. Without feeling signs of the disease, women postpone going to the doctor after the main course of treatment. This can lead to the development of new tumors, including malignant ones.

Symptoms of the disease

Residual effects include:

  1. sudden onset of chest pain. The pain is similar to that experienced with a tumor. Even after surgery and rehabilitation, pain may occur.
  2. Nipple discharge. This is the most unpleasant sign. If the discharge looks like pus and has an unpleasant odor, there is a high probability of inflammation. Inflammation can occur due to infection or hypothermia. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor. Inflammation may be a reason to remove the entire mammary gland.
  3. The appearance of compactions. If, after a course of treatment, new tumors and cysts begin to appear and grow, then there is a possibility of cancer. Even if the cytological examination was negative before, you must consult a doctor. Cancer may occur after treatment. Therefore, when new compactions form, it is necessary to submit the cells again for cytological examination.
  4. Changes in the size of lymph nodes. It may indicate the development of inflammation of internal organs. Particular attention should be paid to the lymph nodes in the armpit.

Consequences of the disease

There may be no consequences after FCM at all. This outcome occurs in 70% of patients. In 25% of patients, residual effects of FCM are observed. And in 5% of cases after FCM a malignant tumor occurs.

Relapse may occur if the main cause of the disease is not eliminated– hormonal balance has not been restored. The relapse can be complete, that is, all the symptoms will appear, cysts and fibrosis will appear. And incomplete - individual signs of the disease will appear, which can be eliminated with the help of medications (for more details about the drugs used to treat the disease, read in).

    The most terrible consequence is, of course, cancer. It occurs infrequently, but there is a risk. Cancer can be:
  • invasive – grows into the breast tissue, covering almost the entire surface of the gland.
  • Non-invasive – the tumor has clear boundaries and does not involve breast tissue.

To prevent its occurrence, you must strictly follow your doctor’s recommendations and undergo preventive examinations as scheduled.

Prognosis and lifespan

The prognosis for the treatment of any stage of FCM is very optimistic. About 90% of patients make a full recovery. 25% of them may experience a relapse, but it is also treatable.

Even with the worst outcome, the appearance of cancer, the prognosis is very optimistic. Since most patients with FCM are registered with a mammologist, cancer can be detected at an early stage. The woman will lose her breasts, but will remain alive. Breast cancer is the most responsive to treatment.
Residual effects of fibrocystic mastopathy occur in about 25% of patients. Their symptoms are similar to those of the underlying disease: pain, lumps, discharge from the nipples, enlargement and change in breast shape. There is no need to worry about residual effects. With timely treatment, the prognosis is favorable.

The female breast is not only a source of pride for the fair sex, but also a subject of concern, and one of the main indicators of failures and improper functioning of the reproductive system, as well as a kind of litmus test for the state of a woman’s hormonal background.

This article highlights the main points and nuances of a common disease - fibrocystic mastopathy. This disease occurs in almost every second middle-aged woman, and is a borderline pathology, which, if neglected, has a risk of degeneration into cancer.

What is mastopathy?

In addition to this reason, it should be especially noted that mastopathy can occur as a result of failures in the normal functioning of the kidneys and adrenal glands, improper functioning of the liver, and improper functioning of the pituitary gland, which is responsible for the production of prolactin in women.

Many factors are to blame for the fact that over the past hundred years the number of women suffering from mastopathy has increased significantly:

Until the 20th century, a healthy woman of fertile age was either pregnant or breastfeeding, which, according to many experts, had a beneficial effect on the natural hormonal background of the female body. The invention of various chemical and pharmaceutical agents, abortion at various stages, as well as other interventions in the reproductive system, had a sharply negative impact on hormonal levels, and continue to affect each individual female organ.

Diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy

The most common type of fibrocystic mastopathy is its diffuse subtype. This form is characterized by an increase in the amount of glandular tissue and the formation of edema.

According to the symptoms and characteristic course of the disease, it is considered the simplest form of diffuse mastopathy:

Nodular fibrocystic mastopathy

The nodular form of fibrocystic disease is much less favorable.

In this case, in addition to the disorders described above that are characteristic of the diffuse form of mastopathy, the presence in the mammary gland of one or several nodes, which most often represent a fibroadenoma or adenoma, is added.

It is a fairly common benign tumor, which affects mainly women of reproductive age, less often adolescents.

This neoplasm can have different sizes, from a pea in diameter to a tumor reaching up to 15 cm.

Fibroadenoma rarely develops into a malignant tumor; according to medical analysts, this occurs in only two percent of cases.

The situation is much worse with the nodular form of nodular fibrocystic mastopathy, represented by nodes with the proliferation of glandular tissue. Atypical hyperplasia is the medical name for nodes of this type. In cases of manifestation of nodes of this nature, mastopathy turns into oncology in every fifth woman

Mixed fibrocystic mastopathy

Mixed fibrocystic mastopathy is a collection of nodes, cysts and compactions. Most often occurs in women under 35 years of age. The early stage is very difficult to determine due to the absence of any discomfort in the area of ​​the mammary glands, and can most often be determined only during an annual examination by a mammologist.

Over time, all formations begin to grow, which leads to compression of the nerve endings, pain, a feeling of heaviness and fullness in the chest area.

Features of bilateral fibrocystic mastopathy

As the name of this form of mastopathy suggests, its main feature is that the disease occurs in both mammary glands.

A completely natural point is that with a bilateral course there can be the same different forms of the disease as with a unilateral course, but still more often women encounter bilateral mastopathy with a diffuse nature of mastopathy in the initial stage.

This is due to the fact that the form with the formation of nodes is characterized by the formation of single or multiple cysts or nodes in one breast.


Initially, the symptoms of mastopathy are very mild: the pain is mild, neoplasms may not be noticeable on palpation, and detection of mastopathy at the very beginning of the disease is possible only with regular mammological examinations.

The main symptoms may be aching, with possible milk discharge from the breast.

These disruptions in milk secretion are called galactorrhea.

Galactorrhea with mastopathy can be of varying intensity:

  • from meager and spontaneous,
  • to discharge at the slightest touch to the breast,
  • up to the presence of blood impurities in these secretions.

Palpation is the main symptom of mastopathy, in which it is necessary to contact a medical institution as soon as possible to establish a diagnosis and begin treatment at the very beginning of the disease.

In the initial stages, the symptoms of the disease are very similar to premenstrual syndrome.

Thus, it is observed:

  1. Headache
  2. Irritability
  3. Nausea
  4. Gastrointestinal tract disorders
  5. Flatulence
  6. Swelling of the arms, legs and face.

The most serious symptom, and the reason for urgent contact with doctors for mastopathy, is discharge from the nipples mixed with blood. Most often, these discharges indicate the presence of intraductal formations, papillomas, ulcerating and bleeding.


With fibrocystic disease, the pain syndrome may not be based in the mammary gland itself. So, they can radiate to the shoulder blade, shoulder and armpit area, and have varying degrees of strength.

The degree of pain is determined by various factors, such as:

  • individuality of a woman’s pain syndrome,
  • stage of the disease
  • the size of neoplasms and their location in the mammary gland.


with mastopathy they can have different composition and intensity.

They can be:

  • fickle;
  • spontaneous;
  • scanty;
  • spontaneous.

Their nature depends on many factors, and each individual case of the disease.


Echography is nothing more than a study of the mammary glands using devices. Echography to detect mastopathy is carried out using modern sensors with increased resolution up to 10 MHz.

Conducting echography contributes to:

Carrying out echography helps not only to record and analyze examinations, but also allows you to monitor dynamic changes in the course of the disease. In addition, it is worth noting that echography is a harmless and informative examination.


The most favorable period for diagnosing mastopathy is days 5-12 of the menstrual cycle.

Puncture for fibrocystic mastopathy

They are a kind of bubbles filled with liquid. And the liquid that fills them, depending on the stage and cause of their occurrence, may be different.

To identify the nature of the fluid in the mammary gland cysts, or, as it is also called, a mammary gland biopsy is used.

This examination can be carried out in various ways. The most common method at the present stage is to perform a puncture with the additional help of ultrasound.

The largest of the cysts is located on the ultrasound machine, a sensor is pointed at it, and the needle punctures into the center of the tumor.

This allows you to obtain the most informative sampling of the material being studied. The results of performing a puncture in this way are much better, and the time for manipulations associated with the examination is noticeably reduced.

Puncture for fibrocystic mastopathy can be performed both in public medical institutions and in certified private medical centers. After the biopsy, the resulting material is sent for cytological and histological analysis.

A biopsy can also be performed to remove fluid from formations, or to administer medications directly to the site of the inflammatory process.

The puncture does not require any preliminary preparation for the examination, however, to obtain a better result, experts recommend not using drugs that have a blood clotting effect, such as aspirin, before the procedure.

Which doctor should I contact?

Visits to a mammologist for consultations and for preventive purposes, in principle, should be carried out annually to identify any pathologies, and in general to identify the disease at the earliest stages.

If you experience any discomfort or suspicion of mastopathy during self-examination, an urgent visit to a mammologist is necessary.

If suspicions are confirmed, the scheme for contacting further doctors and the general selection of treatment is determined strictly individually.

The attending physician independently determines the consultations and examination of which doctors are necessary in this case of the course of the disease.

Most often, in addition to mammological examinations, the patient will need to see a gynecologist, endocrinologist, neurologist and therapist. This will help establish all the information about the woman’s health, the causes of the disease, and determine further actions for the patient’s speedy recovery.

In advanced cases, or if characteristic signs are detected, the patient will need to be examined by an oncologist and undergo all the necessary tests


The methods and intensity of treatment largely depend on the time of detection of mastopathy and the degree to which the disease is located in a particular case. It is worth noting that surgical treatment of this disease is the most extreme method, which also does not eradicate the cause and source of its occurrence.

The first step in the treatment of mastopathy is considered to be the normalization of the functions of organs that affect the course of the disease, as well as the normalization of the patient’s hormonal levels.

The most common method of treating mastopathy is conservative observation with periodic examinations to monitor the development of the disease, and the prescription of a list of drugs that promote a speedy recovery.

Main purposes in the treatment of mastopathy:


Frequently prescribed drugs for the treatment of various types of mastopathy include::

  1. anti-inflammatory drugs;
  2. drugs that stimulate the outflow of venous blood;
  3. antioxidant drugs;
  4. preparations with natural extracts that regulate prolactin balance and improve the hormonal balance of the female body.

The treatment regimen is always strictly individual and can be described in detail and calculated exclusively by the attending mammologist or mammologist-oncologist.

In cases of a very advanced stage of mastopathy, the mammary glands undergo surgical intervention.

With any disease, the body does not receive enough of the minerals and vitamins it needs, which is why complex treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy, in addition to taking medications, involves taking vitamin-mineral complexes. When choosing vitamins, you should avoid self-medication and consult your doctor.

The selected vitamin complex must meet the following criteria:

Vitamin complexes must necessarily contain vitamins of groups A, E, C, D and B.

Also, in addition to taking vitamin-mineral complexes, the body of a woman suffering from mastopathy should receive foods, fruits and vegetables enriched with natural, non-synthetic vitamins of these groups. Such as apricots, carrots, cheese, Brussels sprouts, sweet peppers, currants, rose hips, various types of fish, nuts and meat.


For quite a long time, scientists considered mastopathy a complete contraindication for massage not only of the chest area, but also of the back, but after conducting a series of studies it turned out that massage not only does not harm the health of patients, but can also improve the clinical picture of the disease.

It can also slow down the transformation of benign tumors into cancer. However, the decision on preventive massage for mastopathy should be made by a mammologist.

The goals of massage for diseases of the mammary glands are:

However, there are a number of clear contraindications for massage for mastopathy:

  1. Suspicion of malignancy of neoplasms;
  2. The presence of damage to the skin of the mammary glands, both traumatic and damage associated with various inflammatory processes;
  3. The presence of allergic rashes on the chest;
  4. The patient's temperature is elevated.

It is important to know that massage of the mammary glands should exclude the use of any force, and should be carried out exclusively with soft kneading movements, by a specialist who knows the technique and features of massage for mastopathy.

Massage is most effective for the cystic form of the disease.

There are also various self-massage techniques that allow you to identify the disease yourself even in the earliest stages. However, when performing a massage at home, a woman must strictly follow all the rules so as not to harm the mammary glands, and also have a clear understanding of palpation.

Mastopathy as a disease requires certain changes in a woman’s diet and the introduction of a certain diet.

So, cocoa, chocolate and coffee should be excluded from the patient’s diet.

The principles of therapeutic nutrition must be introduced, and it is also necessary to exclude all products that in one way or another contain methylxanthines.

The diet of a woman with mastopathy should be rich in vegetables and fruits, which are the main sources of fiber and vitamins.

It is also worth adding fermented milk products, grains, products including bran and seafood to the menu as a source of vitamin E.

Removal of fibrocystic mastopathy

Medical removal of fibrocystic mastopathy- This is an extreme, radical way to eliminate the disease.

Mastopathy– the disease is diverse, and has many manifestations and forms of development, so there is no clear answer to the question of whether surgical intervention is necessary in the treatment of mastopathy.

Surgical removal of mastopathy is necessary only in cases where the presence of nodes and glandular tissues, as well as the size of neoplasms and the degree of neglect are a direct indication for removal of lesions.

Many doctors consider pregnancy the best way to cure fibrocystic mastopathy, and even recommend that women become pregnant to recover from breast diseases.

The thing is that during pregnancy, a woman’s body releases a lot of water, which helps treat the disease and restore hormonal balance in the female body.

An important factor is also that while carrying a child, the female body receives a kind of impetus to renew cells and improve the functioning of all vital systems.

Statistical studies show that more than 80 percent of women after pregnancy are completely cured of mastopathy. Long-term lactation also promotes healing.

This is explained by the fact that during breastfeeding, the process of renewal of mammary gland tissue accelerates, and fibrosis and compactions resolve on their own.

After the birth of a child, a woman with a history of mastopathy must have a preventive consultation with the attending mammologist, since the risk of lactostasis and congestion in the diseased breast is very high, and can cause further development of the disease.

Mastopathy and menopause

There is no specific age interval at which a woman may begin to develop mastopathy, just as there is no specific moment at which a woman may develop mastopathy.

However, doctors note that the signs of mastopathy in women during menopause appear much more clearly.

During menopause, they can no longer be confused with signs of pregnancy or premenstrual syndrome.

During menopause, women experience enormous hormonal changes, which can cause the formation of mastopathy, and the risk of this disease increases several times.

Treatment of mastopathy during menopause is developed exclusively on an individual basis, and most often represents a combination of various drugs, hormonal and non-hormonal in nature. To treat the mammary glands, courses of antioxidants, vitamin A or beta-carotene, and homeopathic remedies with proven effectiveness can also be prescribed.

Mastopathy and IVF

The opinions of specialists regarding in vitro fertilization for fibrocystic mastopathy are sharply different.

From the opinion that this step can serve to degenerate benign neoplasms into cancer, to the opinion that pregnancy achieved through IVF will serve to normalize the hormonal state of the female body and contribute to a complete cure for the disease.

The danger of performing in vitro fertilization for mastopathy is that during preparatory procedures for artificial insemination, a woman is prescribed strong stimulating hormonal therapy, which can cause both the emergence of new pathologies in the mammary glands and an increase in existing tumors.

Why is it dangerous?

Mastopathy of any type and at any stage can serve as a favorable environment for the development of cancer, and as you know, breast cancer is the most common and leading disease among women in terms of deaths.

Therefore, you should be attentive to your health and conduct annual examinations for diseases of the mammary glands, as well as conduct an independent breast examination.

Mastopathy is called the disease of emancipation. Stress, having children after 25 years of age, refusal to breastfeed due to early going to work, unhealthy diet, irregular sex life associated with late marriage - all these factors provoke hormonal disorders, which result in the development of diseases of the female breast.

In the article we will talk about fibrocystic mastopathy, symptoms and treatment of the disease.

For glandular fibrocystic disease during puberty and pregnancy, as a rule, special therapy is not prescribed, since this condition is a consequence of a temporary change in hormonal levels.

To relieve symptoms of mastalgia (chest pain), topical medications may be prescribed: , .

How to treat diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy, can it be cured? Therapy for diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy is aimed at relieving the symptoms of mastodynia (swelling, tenderness of the mammary glands).

This is achieved by taking medications for fibrocystic mastopathy. They should be based on medicinal herbs (Cyclodinone) and hormonal drugs (gestagens Dostinex, Danazol; oral contraceptives, antiestrogens Tamoxifen), which are prescribed strictly according to medical indications.

Since mastopathy is a disease caused by hormonal imbalance (excessive production of prolactin or estrogen, with reduced progesterone), Hormone therapy helps restore balance in the body.

How to take Mastodinon for fibrocystic mastopathy? “Mastodinon” for mastopathy must be taken every day for three months, 2 tablets daily.

IMPORTANT! Drugs for the treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy of the mammary glands should only be prescribed by a doctor!

Medicines for fibrocystic mastopathy can be supplemented. As part of the treatment, it is useful to take infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs, which have mild sedative effects.

It has been proven that increased emotional stress on the nervous system is one of the main factors provoking hormonal imbalance.

What to drink for fibrocystic mastopathy?

Medicinal decoctions of St. John's wort, motherwort, and hawthorn have a calming effect. It is useful to drink chamomile-mint tea before bed.

Aromatherapy has a relaxing effect on the nervous system; foot massage with eucalyptus oil will relieve tension.

For nodular fibrocystic disease, surgical treatment is preferably indicated, followed by elimination of the cause of tumor formation. Since removal of a tumor does not always lead to complete recovery. In the absence of concomitant treatment, relapses are possible.


Diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy, like any hormonal disorder, is a consequence of an unhealthy lifestyle. Therefore, first of all, experts recommend reconsidering established habits in lifestyle and nutrition:

  • It is necessary to reconsider your diet. You should limit your intake of sugar and salt. It has been revealed that breast cancer is associated with sluggish bowel activity. With chronic constipation, the risk of developing FCD increases. Therefore, it is indicated to normalize intestinal activity. It is also necessary to exclude foods that increase the load on the liver: chocolate, citrus, alcohol, sugar, fatty foods.
  • It has long been known that smoking suppresses the production of progesterone, so you will need to say goodbye to this habit.
  • Stress, nervous disorders, neuroses, and depression not only contribute to the occurrence of mastopathy, but also provoke the development of malignant tumors.


Now you know how to treat fibrocystic mastopathy. Without a doubt, the best prevention of mastopathy is a healthy diet, regular sex life, childbirth and lactation.

In almost all women of childbearing age, the symptoms of mastopathy disappear without a trace after childbirth and full breastfeeding (at least 1 year).

You can find additional information on this topic in the section.