Presentations on professions for kindergarten. Presentation on the topic: Professions in kindergarten

The presentation “Kindergarten Professions” was developed for children 5-6 years old with mental retardation. It can be used when organizing group, subgroup and individual educational activities teachers to consolidate previously learned kindergarten professions and to introduce new children 5-6 years old with mental retardation. Children enjoy colorful material prepared in a creative form ( electronic presentation). The presentation consists of two main parts: consolidating previously learned kindergarten professions and introducing new unfamiliar ones to 5-6 year old children with mental retardation. You can move from slide to slide by clicking the left mouse button. The presentation is equipped with hyperlinks. From the content slide (it is presented with illustrations of kindergarten professions), it is possible to move to a slide with a riddle about this profession or to a slide with a description of it (if the profession is intended for familiarization). When answering a riddle, children rely on the illustration. If the child chooses the correct answer when answering the riddle, the transition to the “Well done” slide occurs; if the child is mistaken, then he is asked to try again. Later, you can return to the same riddle or move on to the next one. All riddles and descriptions of kindergarten professions are presented in poetic form.

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Eremenko Ekaterina Vladimirovna, teacher of MBU kindergarten No. 200 “Magic Shoe” Togliatti, Samara region, Russia;
Polyakova Alevtina Valentinovna, teacher of MBU kindergarten No. 200 “Magic Shoe” g.o. Tolyatti, Samara region, Russia.

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Professions in kindergarten

The manager provides general management of the kindergarten. In its activities, it relies on the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, Model Regulations on Preschool educational institution, Charter of a preschool institution, and other legislative acts. She is engaged in completing groups of children in accordance with their age, their state of health, individual characteristics and parents’ requests, selects personnel, manages teachers, and service personnel. In addition, the manager is responsible for the rational use of budgetary allocations, as well as funds coming from other sources.

Kindergarten is fun and nice! Well, who is the most important here? Who is sitting in the office? Who is in charge of everyone? She doesn't sleep at night, she monitors the budget, she talks to moms, she's a good manager!

A methodologist in a kindergarten is like a director in a theater. Development of activities, scenarios, programs - the methodologist is responsible for everything that makes a child’s stay in kindergarten interesting, educational and developmental.

Who do teachers run to if a child in the group accidentally falls or gets hurt? Who do parents turn to when they need to know about upcoming vaccinations? Who will make a delicious and useful menu for the guys? All these issues can be solved nurse. Working as a nurse in a kindergarten is interesting and responsible, and requires a highly qualified employee. Moms and dads can safely entrust their child to a kindergarten if there is a medical worker there with extensive experience who truly loves children and knows how to help them.

The nurse has enough trouble at work; the whole day is scheduled literally to the minute. You need to have time to examine children in groups every morning, check the cleanliness of the premises, write out the menu for the next day, and check the quality of the prepared food. Medical worker is responsible for the health status of students and employees, monitors the correctness and timely implementation of morning exercises, hardening procedures, walks, physical education and music classes, where children move quite a lot. Organizes preventive vaccinations according to the calendar for each age. In addition, every nurse in a children's institution can provide first aid if a child twists his leg or gets a splinter. All the pupils trust her kind hands, and she knows all the children by name. She can be strict with some, but she can comfort a crying baby with a kind word and delicious vitamins. A nurse in a kindergarten is a kind protector of all children.

Give the cook the food: Poultry, dried fruits, Rice, potatoes... And then delicious food awaits you. Our cook worked all day: He cooked borscht and compotes; He cooked us potatoes, baked an omelette with peas, fried, steamed and stewed. The kids will be full!

Who dresses the artists, tries on their costumes, sews robes, sews them up? This is our wardrobe maid, You couldn’t find her better. Thank you from everyone, For the costumes, for the success. The work of laundresses is useful to everyone. Eliminates diseases, Maintains cleanliness, Instantly brings beauty

Children love musical activities. Here they dance, have fun and play from the heart. Children study various composers here. Together with the song, together with the dance, Together with the music they grow. We can’t distinguish “F” from “sol”, Not everyone is given talent, But this doesn’t bother us, There is a musician in the kindergarten. On mother's day and on father's holiday, on Christmas or New Year Even the furious prankster Dashing will sing a song.

Educator preschool institutions teaches the child the basics of independence, rules of behavior in society, prepares the child for entering school (i.e., teaches them to read and count).

It's lunchtime in the kindergarten. The cook takes samples from the dishes. But mom isn’t around, who’s setting the table there? The garden sparkles with cleanliness. Our nannies are a treasure! Their work is hard, Masha, Sasha, Tanya, Vanya need care every day. After all, all day long without their mother, they love Nanny like their own, and she will kiss them and take them tenderly in her arms. He'll even sing a song.

Who hasn't been sleeping since the morning, Who's creaking with a broom? It is the janitor who cleans, he respects cleanliness. We say thank you. Now we won’t cause any litter. A janitor's dusty job - As soon as the sun rises above the ground, He sometimes works up a sweat, sweeping, sweeping, sweeping, sweeping. In the fall the leaves will cover the yard, And in the winter there will be either snow or ice. But the janitor takes a broom and a shovel, Every day for us, from year to year!

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Familiarization of preschoolers with professions Performed by: teacher of the MDOU “Kindergarten No. 15 “Luzhok” Paimolova I.P.

GOAL: To expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about different professions. To cultivate respect for the work of adults and the desire to choose a profession.

I have a lot to do, If someone gets sick, I will cure everyone, friends! Guess who I am?

I'm going on a flight, I'm climbing into a plane, and I'm flying over the ground. Guess who I am?

Every day I get into the cab, I start the car engine, I go to distant edges. Have you guessed who I am?

From apartments and houses, He brings many letters, telegrams to the recipients. What's his name guys?

Brushes, paints and easel: I am painting a portrait of my mother, for an art gallery. Guess me quickly!

If a fire suddenly happens, who will rush in the fastest in a bright red car to douse the dangerous fire?

Scissors, shampoo, comb - I do everyone’s hair, cut both adults and children. Guess me quickly!

Walks around in a white cap, with a ladle in his hand. He prepares lunch for us: Porridge, cabbage soup and vinaigrette.

He can make buffets, Chairs, cabinets, stools, His entire workbench is covered in shavings. Here's how to work!

The size is just right, He will sew a suit for you. Do everything according to science - And put your hands in your pants.

The hands on the wall clock began to jump like squirrels. The master here takes a look at them, tightened the round screw and changed the spring urgently, so that the clock runs accurately.

The master cleans the shoes, nails the heels. He repairs shoes and sandals so that they become as good as new.

He teaches children to be orderly, He checks children's notebooks, He teaches children to read and write, And to add numbers and to subtract.

YOUR CALLING The builder will build us a house, and we will live in it together. A smart weekend suit, the tailor will skillfully sew it for us. The librarian will give us books, the baker will bake the bread in the bakery, the teacher will teach us everything - teach us to read and write. The letter will be delivered by the postman, and the cook will cook us some broth. I think you will grow up and find something you like!

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The summary is addressed to educators preparatory groups. The purpose of this material is to help clarify and expand children’s understanding of professions, their necessity and significance in public life....

One of the main tasks preschool education- formation of a positive attitude towards work and primary ideas about the work of adults, its role in society and the life of each person. For this, it is very important to develop an interest in various professions in a preschool child. It is necessary to introduce children to professions that are in demand in modern society.

Modern information and communication technologies make it possible to expand the scope of the educational process. Children in preschool age have involuntary attention; they cannot consciously try to remember this or that material. And if the material is bright and meaningful, the child involuntarily pays attention to it. And here the presentation is simply irreplaceable. Information is presented in an attractive form, and the presence of a surprise moment in the form of animation speeds up the process of memorizing the content, making it meaningful and long-lasting. A computer presentation makes it possible to present visual material in a new way.

The computer, being the most modern instrument for information processing, can also serve as a powerful technical means in learning and contribute to the development of the child’s integrative qualities, such as: curiosity, activity, the ability to solve intellectual and personal problems that are adequate for age. The presentation can be used in direct educational activities and in joint activities between the teacher and children.

Target: Clarify and generalize children’s ideas about professions.


  1. Understand the importance of a profession in people's lives.
  2. Foster respect for the results of the work of people of different professions.
  3. Development of monologue speech in children (speech-reasoning; speech-evidence).
  4. Development of elements of logical thinking.
  5. Strengthen children's ability to perform sound-letter analysis of words.
  6. Expand and activate vocabulary on the topic.

Preliminary work:

  • Review of the albums “Professions of Parents”.
  • Examination of illustrations about professions and the results of the work of people of different professions.
  • Learning poetry and reading fiction about professions.
  • Didactic and role-playing games on this topic.

Materials: computer; screen; multimedia projector; presentation; shoulder bags; chips for sound-letter analysis of words.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: “Look, children, our guest is the mouse Pro. Him unusual name. Name words similar to the mouse’s name.”

Children's answers: “Profession, professionals.”

Educator: “Why do you think the mouse is called Pro?”

Children's answers: “His name is similar to the word profession, and he can probably do everything well.”

Educator: “What sound does the name Pro begin with?”

Children's answer: “From the sound<П>».

Educator: “Which profession names begin with this sound?”

Children's answers: “Postman, hairdresser, baker, programmer, teacher, cook.”

Educator: “Pro Mouse invites you on a journey through the world of professions. People of what profession are the images that you see on the screen now.

Slide No. 3- profession driver.

(After the children name their profession, with a click of the mouse, a photograph of a person in this profession appears on the screen).

Questions for the slide:

What does the driver do? What qualities should he have? (Children explain what they need to know and be able to do to be a driver)

Slide No. 4- profession teacher.

Slide No. 5- profession: ship captain.

Slide No. 6- profession programmer.

Slide No. 7- profession astronaut.

Educator: “Pro Mouse invites us to play the game: “Guess the profession by movements.”

Progress of the game:

Children are divided into two teams, each team chooses a profession and shows some actions by which the other team guesses the hidden profession. Then they change places.

Educator: The next task of the mouse Pro: “What’s extra?”

Slide number 8.

(Together with the mouse Pro, children examine objects and find the odd one out. When you click the mouse on the screen, this item disappears.)

Educator: “Pro Mouse offers to solve a crossword puzzle about people’s professions. The pro has prepared riddles for you, and I will read them! You solve riddles, and if the answer is correct, it will appear on the screen!”

Slide number 9.

(The answer to the crossword appears on the screen with a mouse click.)

Tell me who is so delicious

prepares cabbage soup,

Smelly cutlets,

Salads, vinaigrettes,

All breakfasts, lunches? ( Cook)

Brushes, paints and easel:

I'm painting a portrait of my mother

For an art gallery,

Guess me quickly! ( Artist)

Who teaches children to read and write,

Love nature and respect the elderly? ( Teacher)

Who lifts dumbbells

Runs fast and shoots accurately?

What is the one word for all of them? (Athletes)

He's not an artist, but he paints

Always smells

He is not a master of paintings -

He's a master of walls! ( Painter)

Who sits at the patient's bedside?

And how to be treated, he tells everyone,

Who is sick - he will offer to take drops,

Those who are healthy will be allowed to take a walk! ( Doctor)

All roads are familiar to me,

I feel like I'm at home in the cabin.

The traffic light bothers me

He knows that I... ( Chauffeur)

He is not a pilot, not a pilot,

He's not flying a plane,

And a huge rocket.

Children, who will say this? ( Astronaut)

We build a house from bricks,

So that the sun laughs in him.

To be higher, to be wider,

There were rooms in the apartment! ( Builder)

Educator: “The Pro Mouse drew pictures, but mixed up people’s professions. Find these mistakes and tell him what he got wrong.”

Slide No. 10

Educator: “The professional drew tools for people of different professions, but did not complete some details. Determine what is missing from each item.”

Slide No. 11

Educator: “We talked about different professions, which profession did you like best and why?” (Children's answers).

Educator: “What would you like to become when you grow up?” (Children's answers).

Educator: “Take chips from your bag and do a sound-letter analysis of the profession that you named.”

Educator: “Well done, you all completed the task.

There is a lot of work on earth
Hunt to try everything.
To have a profession
We need to overcome laziness.
Very good study."
So that we can be proud of you.

Mouse Pro thanks you for all the tasks you completed and says goodbye to you.”

Application: Presentation “All professions are important, all professions are needed” (with animation)

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“Professions for children” - Write the names of the colors. The child and the world of professions. Tasks. Meetings with people of different professions. Tips on how to keep flowers fresh longer. Activities of a teacher. Designer. Remember the objects - helpers. Florist's place of work. What flowers does the phytodesigner use to create a composition? What's superfluous here? Profession: phytodesigner.

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There are a total of 22 presentations in the topic