Causes of ear pain in adults. Why does the jaw near the ear hurt when opening your mouth and when chewing? What are the accompanying symptoms and what to do? When you chew it goes into your ear

The jaw may hurt near the ear on the right or left; it is usually painful for patients to chew and speak; sometimes the pathology is accompanied by an increase in body temperature. Pain can occur only when pressed or at rest, be burning or aching. There are many combinations of pain syndromes, and each indicates a specific lesion. Therefore, doctors first conduct a detailed survey of the patient, and after that they prescribe additional clinical and laboratory tests - MRI, radiography, general blood test.

Which doctor should I consult if my jaw hurts near my ear?

If discomfort and pain appear in the area of ​​the ear, cheekbone and jaw, you need to determine which doctor you should consult. A disease that causes pain in the jaw area can be treated by an otolaryngologist, surgeon or dentist:

  • The treatment of pain caused by a disease of the soft tissues of the face is carried out by a surgeon.
  • If pain occurs due to inflammation of the lymph nodes, ears, sinuses, larynx or tonsils, or infectious diseases, you should consult an otolaryngologist.
  • If pain in the jaw near the ear, which manifests itself when chewing, is caused by an inflammatory process in the gums or teeth, a dentist will help get rid of the pathology.
  • Maxillofacial surgeons and dental surgeons specialize in the treatment of diseases of the temporomandibular joint, dentofacial apparatus, phlegmons and abscesses.
  • Painful symptoms in the facial area can be caused by diseases of the peripheral nervous system. To identify inflammation or pathology of nerve fibers, you should consult a neurologist.

It is difficult to independently determine what caused the pain syndrome. You should make an appointment with a therapist, who will examine the clinical picture and redirect the patient to the right doctor.

If your jaw hurts suddenly and very severely, you must immediately call an ambulance. Such symptoms may indicate a dislocation or even a fracture.

Why the jaw near the ear may hurt, depending on the location of the pain

Pain localized in the upper jaw can be caused by sinusitis. The disease develops against the background of injuries to the skull and nose, prolonged hypothermia, pulpitis and periodontitis. Sinusitis can be identified by the following signs: nasal congestion (usually one nostril), thick mucus or pus discharge when blowing the nose, a nasal voice, elevated body temperature.

The area of ​​maximum pain sensitivity is usually located near the nose, but in advanced cases the pain can spread to the entire face. Sometimes the disease affects the paranasal sinuses on both sides, but most often it is unilateral. If the patient's jaw hurts only near the ear on the left, and it does not hurt him to chew on the right side, it means that inflammation develops in the sinuses located on the left.

Pain in both the upper and lower jaw occurs for the following reasons:

Pain in the jaw that occurs when chewing and is accompanied by discomfort near the ear may indicate the following problems:

  • Carotidynia. The syndrome can develop due to dissection of the temporal artery and soft tissue tumors that irritate the nerve endings located next to the carotid artery. The pain is paroxysmal, the most intense pain is expressed in the upper jaw, radiating to the ear, neck and oral cavity. When you press on the side of the neck and the area under the Adam's apple, a sharp sharp pain occurs.
  • Neuralgia of the ear ganglion. It can develop as a result of a previous sore throat, sinusitis and hypothermia. The disease can be recognized by a burning, paroxysmal pain that originates in the temple area, passes through the ear and spreads all the way to the lower jaw and chin area. The jaw hurts the most when pressed under the ear; there is practically no pain inside the oral cavity. Characteristic symptoms of the disease are clicking in the ear and increased salivation.
  • Erythroothalgia syndrome. It can occur as a result of cervical spondylosis, functional disorders of the temporomandibular joint and damage to the thalamus. The syndrome causes severe pain in the ear on the left or right side, and the jaw ache is weaker. Often the pain syndrome affects the back of the head and frontal area.

Description of diseases that cause pain in the jaw and ear when chewing

Pain in the jaw near the ear can occur due to dental, surgical and neurological reasons. Treatment is prescribed taking into account the provoking factor, the location and nature of the pain, and accompanying symptoms.

Dental diseases

Aching pain in the cheekbones and jaw may appear after dental procedures. Often the cause of pain is poor-quality wisdom tooth removal, caries treatment, or advanced carious processes and prosthetics themselves. Jaw pain of this origin is usually accompanied by swelling and inflammation at the operation site. If it does not go away within a few days from the moment of intervention, you should contact a more qualified dentist to eliminate the medical error.

An exception that does not require treatment is aching jaw pain on the left and right, caused by wearing braces to correct the bite. This pain causes constant pressure on the jaw bones; it is normal and can be eliminated with the help of painkillers.

Pain caused by dental diseases and pathologies is usually pulsating in nature and intensifies closer to night. Due to dental pathologies, the cheek may become very swollen. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary to get rid of the source of pain.

Pain during ARVI

The main complication of respiratory diseases is the spread of infection throughout the body. The inflammatory process, as a complication of acute respiratory viral infection, can begin in any part of the body - lungs, intestines, knees, side, mouth. That's why cheekbones and jaw may hurt with a runny nose and common cold.

If maximum pain is observed between the maxillary and mandibular arches, the reason most often lies in the fact that the joint sac has become inflamed due to the influx of bacteria and viruses. With this pathology, the jaw hurts near the ear and not during chewing, but constantly.

When the ear is inflamed, the cheekbone near the ear may hurt. Usually the ear hurts more intensely, and the pain only radiates to the jaw. Such inflammation is often accompanied by general malaise and an increase in temperature to 37.5–38 °C. Otolaryngologists specialize in treating people with complications of respiratory diseases.

Pain due to facial injuries

  • Soft tissue bruise. Even a mild bruise of soft tissues without affecting the bones is accompanied by an acute pain attack, swelling and hematoma. To exclude the possibility of a fracture, which may not be palpable due to the swelling of the cheek, it is necessary to take an x-ray. The consequences of such an injury should be treated if the symptoms do not disappear within several days.
  • Dislocation. Dislocation can occur not only due to a blow, but also due to a sharp opening of the mouth. With severe dislocation, even simple chewing and swallowing movements are difficult. After the surgeon visually determines the dislocation, he will take a control photo to rule out a fracture, and then reduce it. Dislocations are characteristic only of the lower jaw, which is why the pain manifests itself from below.
  • Fracture. When a fracture occurs, unbearable pain occurs around the injury site, spreading to the entire face. The victim requires immediate medical attention in a medical facility.

Jaw dislocation


The ear and jaw on one side may hurt when a bone tumor forms, both benign and cancerous. Before specific symptoms appear, numbness in the muscles, mild swelling, swelling and discomfort in the joints are observed. If there is a tumor under the same ear in the area of ​​which the jaw aches, there is a high probability of developing atheroma - a benign neoplasm. Atheroma can be cured.

TMJ dysfunction

Spontaneous pain syndrome is not typical for diseases of the temporomandibular joint; pain occurs only when pressure is applied or a load is applied to the joint. With TMJ dysfunction, it is painful for a person to chew food, speak, or yawn. But the disease is diagnosed by more obvious signs - clicking and crunching of the joint when chewing and talking, tinnitus.

Articular pathologies are characterized by damage to one side of the face. If, when pressed, pain occurs in the left ear and left side of the jaw, then the disease develops there.

How to treat the disease and what can be done at home

Analgesics will help eliminate acute pain, but taking them will not solve the problem, but will only delay the recurrence of the symptom. You can take the following drugs: Analgin, Ketanov, Dimexide, Dolaren.

In addition to drug treatment, the use of folk remedies is indicated, for example, for dental diseases, you can rinse your mouth with a soda solution (1 teaspoon of soda per 1 glass of water), and for inflammation, apply warm (not hot) compresses with chamomile to the affected area. But before using any folk remedy, you need to consult a doctor, since pain in the jaw may indicate a very serious pathology, the improper treatment of which can lead not only to complications, but also to death.

Treatment options at the clinic:

  • Dislocation. The specialist will straighten the jaw and apply a fixing bandage.
  • Injury. The doctor will order an x-ray to rule out a fracture and apply a bandage.
  • Fracture. Splinting, intermaxillary fixation or osteosynthesis with titanium plates (for an open fracture) are performed.
  • Osteomyelitis. The dentist removes the diseased tooth, opens the purulent lesions and prescribes drug therapy.
  • TMJ dysfunction. Treatment for patients who have pain in the jaw joint near the ear does not involve surgery. This pathology can be effectively treated using electrical impulses. For this, a special device is used - a myostimulator. One therapeutic procedure lasts about 40 minutes. In addition, medications, massage and other measures are prescribed at the discretion of the doctor.
  • Diseases of the ENT organs. Therapy is carried out using antiviral, painkillers, and antiseptic drugs.
  • Inflammation of the joint sac, dental nerve, neuralgia. Rubbing, drug therapy, and applying compresses to the problem area are indicated. The dental nerve is usually removed and the canals are filled.

Only a doctor can determine the true cause of the pain syndrome and prescribe appropriate treatment. Theoretical knowledge about the possible causes and signs of diseases that provoke uncomfortable pain can only help the patient correctly determine which doctor to go to.

Useful video on how to relieve a pain attack and what to do if your jaw hurts near your ear:

Do you suffer from ear pain? Ear pain in adults can be caused by various factors and is most often referred (radiating) pain. Ear infections and the resulting ear pain are more common among children. One common cause of ear pain in adults is a middle ear infection or mild injury to the ear canal. In addition, ear pain in adults can be a symptom of problems in other parts of the body, such as the jaw, throat, etc...

Only an ENT doctor can make an accurate diagnosis of ear pain...

Causes of ear pain

  • Infection of the outer ear (ear canal) – acute, chronic or malignant
  • Middle ear infection – acute or chronic
  • Ear damage due to changes in pressure
  • Foreign objects entering the ear
  • Condensation of earwax (wax plug)
  • Rupture or disruption of the integrity of the eardrum
  • Damage to the skin of the ear canal
  • Inflammation of the eardrum
  • Sinusitis
  • Temporomandibular joint dysfunction
  • Throat infection
  • Tooth infection

Ear infections in adults

Ear infections in adults are caused by an infection of the eustachian tube, located near the inner ear. This tube balances the pressure inside the ear with the pressure outside, and when fluid or mucus accumulates in it, infection and pain develop.

Even a cold can cause fluid to accumulate, leading to an ear infection.

An ear infection can also occur if mucus gets into the Eustachian tube after blowing your nose, or if fluid is not removed from the ears using ear swabs after showering. Ear infections that cause ear pain are often caused by viruses. Sometimes such infections are difficult to treat.

If you experience ear pain, do not use ear sticks under any circumstances.
This will only make the situation worse...

Ear pain during a flight

The difference between middle ear pressure and atmospheric pressure can cause ear pain when flying or diving. The Eustachian tube connects the middle ear to the back of the nose. This tube opens and closes when a person swallows or yawns, and it helps balance the pressure in the middle ear with the pressure in the outside environment. If the Eustachian tube does not function properly, negative pressure builds up in the middle ear, leading to problems such as ear blockage, ear pain, hearing loss, or ear pressure.

Ear pain when chewing, swallowing or yawning

Ear pain when swallowing is often caused by a sore throat. The Eustachian tube, which helps remove fluid from the middle ear, is connected to the throat. Swelling of this tube due to a sore throat leads to a blockage that creates pressure in the ear, which in turn causes ear pain when swallowing.

Ear pain is one of the common symptoms of temporomandibular joint dysfunction. The temporomandibular joint connects the lower jaw to the temporal bone of the skull, and serves as the primary joint responsible for the movement of the lower and upper jaws required to bring them together. Damage to the temporomandibular joint is characterized by sharp pain in the ear, especially when swallowing, chewing or yawning. Another common cause of ear pain is tooth abscess. Pain in the area of ​​the wisdom teeth also often leads to ear pain. This referred ear pain usually occurs while eating or even just when opening your mouth.

Home remedies for ear pain

Try to sleep on one side with the affected ear on top. This helps relieve any pressure and brings relief.

Take a cotton napkin and soak it in hot water. Hold it near your ear - the warmth from the napkin helps relieve pain.

Chewing gum promotes the movement of the Eustachian tubes. This in turn reduces pressure in the ear and relieves ear pain.

An effective home remedy for ear pain is garlic juice. Lie on your side so that the sore ear is on top, placing a few drops of garlic juice into it.

Heat some olive or mineral oil. Using a pipette, place a few drops into the sore ear. Then place a cotton swab in the ear hole to prevent the oil from leaking out. It also helps to get rid of ear pain.

You can use the above remedies before going to the doctor. It should be remembered that ear pain is not always the result of an ear problem. Because it can be referred pain, identifying the underlying cause is important for proper treatment. If you are in doubt about the cause of your ear pain, or if it becomes persistent, you should contact your doctor immediately.

Disclaimer: This article is intended for educational purposes and should not be used as a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional.

Pain when opening the mouth is a symptom that can occur due to various diseases: diseases of the teeth, gums, ENT organs, nervous system, as well as as a result of injuries. In this material we will talk about the causes of pain when opening the mouth in the jaw near the ear on the left and right sides.

Mechanism of occurrence and nature of pain

Pain when opening a person's mouth may indicate a dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint. Depending on the intensity and duration of pain, there are:

  • acute pain - appears suddenly and stops just as suddenly;
  • chronic pain – worries a person constantly, fades away for a short time and quickly returns again.

Acute pain when opening the mouth can occur due to prolonged fixation of the mandibular joint in one position, for example, in a dental chair. In this case, fluid or blood accumulates in the jaw joint and any movement of the jaw causes severe pain. As a rule, to eliminate this pain, it is enough to reduce the load on the mandibular joint - stop chewing gum, and carefully open your mouth when yawning.

Chronic pain when opening the mouth, which bothers a person constantly or occurs for no apparent reason, can signal ongoing pathological processes in the jaw joint, for example, arthrosis. As a rule, such a disease develops due to the absence of lateral supporting teeth due to the increasing load on the bone and muscles.

Pain when opening the mouth can also occur due to diseases of the middle ear, and in young children - during teething.

Causes of pain when opening the mouth

There are many reasons for the development of pain in the jaw and mandibular joint, the most common of which are:

  • injuries and bruises to the jaw;
  • jaw fracture;
  • dislocation of the lower jaw;
  • degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the mandibular joint;
  • arthritis of the mandibular joint;
  • chronic dental diseases, pulpitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • inflammation of the tongue - glossitis;
  • oral stomatitis;
  • carbuncle or boil in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle;
  • neuritis of the facial nerve;
  • neuralgia;
  • inflammation of the trigeminal nerve;
  • oncological processes in the lower jaw.


The accompanying symptoms of pain when opening the mouth largely depend on the cause of the development of the pathology; let’s consider them in more detail.

Jaw injuries

A jaw contusion is the most common injury that causes severe pain with the slightest movement of the mouth. It is important to understand that a bruise is a violation of the integrity of soft tissues, without affecting the bone and the joint of the lower jaw.

A jaw bruise usually occurs as a result of a strong blow to the face or after a person falls on their face. The most common symptoms of a contusion of the lower jaw are:

  • pain when opening the mouth and making chewing movements;
  • hematoma in the chin and face;
  • impaired functioning of the jaw (impossibility of pronouncing sounds, pain when chewing, yawning and any manipulation that requires opening the mouth).

Jaw dislocation

Dislocation of the temporomandibular joint is characterized by displacement of the articular platforms relative to each other. A distinction is made between unilateral dislocation (when 1 joint is dislocated) and bilateral (when 2 joints are dislocated at the same time).

The causes of jaw dislocation are:

  • blows received in the face;
  • falling on your face;
  • excessively wide opening of the mouth, for example, when yawning, trying to bite off a large piece of food, yawning.

Dislocation of the lower jaw most often occurs in older people, which is associated with the anatomical features of the joints and ligaments, and is much less common in children.

Clinical symptoms of temporomandibular joint dislocation are:

  • severe pain in the area of ​​the affected joint or on both sides in case of bilateral dislocation;
  • the mouth is constantly open, and any attempt to close it causes sharp pain in the victim;
  • salivation;
  • inability to speak normally.

In rare cases, chronic dislocations of the lower jaw may occur. This occurs against the background of spraining the ligaments that fix the joint, so subluxations can occur with any predisposing factor.

Jaw fracture

A fracture of the lower jaw differs from a bruise in the violation of the integrity of the bone tissue; in traumatology, the following types of this pathology are distinguished:

  • complete fracture with displacement of bone fragments;
  • partial fracture, incomplete without displacement (as a rule, these are cracks in the bone area).

A complete fracture of the jaw can be open - when the integrity of the facial tissues is broken, or closed - without damaging the skin of the face.

Clinical symptoms of a jaw fracture are:

  • sharp pain in the jaw area;
  • hematoma;
  • swelling of tissues, noticeable to the naked eye.

In the case of a fracture of the upper jaw, the victim develops bloody bruises under the eyes within 1-2 hours, which is a consequence of hemorrhage from the bone into the tissue.

Osteomyelitis as a cause of pain when opening the mouth

Osteomyelitis is an inflammatory disease occurring in the bone marrow and periosteal tissues. The main reason for the development of this disease is the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the bone tissue of the jaw. There are different ways of penetration of bacteria:

  • through diseased teeth that have not been treated for a long time;
  • with blood flow from foci of infection (for example, as a result of boils and carbuncles);
  • as a result of injury and infection of the wound surface.

Depending on the prevalence of the pathological process, osteomyelitis can be limited (one or several teeth are affected) or diffuse (several parts of the jaw are affected).

Clinical symptoms of osteomyelitis are:

  • sudden increase in body temperature to 38.0-39.5 degrees;
  • fever;
  • chills;
  • muscle pain;
  • lack of appetite;
  • throbbing acute pain in the area of ​​​​localization of the inflammatory process;
  • difficulty opening the mouth;
  • general weakness;
  • change in speech, slurring;
  • inability to swallow and eat;
  • swelling and sharp redness of the gums at the site of the lesion;
  • there is a discharge of pus between the affected tooth and gum;
  • enlargement and pain of large lymph nodes.


A boil is a purulent inflammation of the sebaceous gland and hair follicle. When several adjacent hair follicles are involved in the inflammatory process, they speak of a carbuncle. Favorite places for carbuncles and boils to be localized are the face and neck, since these places are most often exposed to contamination and microscopic damage (especially typical for women who squeeze out pimples or blackheads on their own at home). There are several reasons for the formation of carbuncles and boils on the body:

  • damage to the integrity of the skin and penetration of pathogenic bacteria with dirt;
  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
  • excessive oily skin;
  • hormonal imbalances in the body;
  • diabetes;
  • inflammatory diseases of the nose, paranasal sinuses and middle ear;
  • weak immunity.

Clinical symptoms of boils and carbuncles are:

  • difficulty opening the mouth – the patient experiences severe pain;
  • increase in body temperature (until the abscess breaks through);
  • swelling and sharp pain of tissue in the affected area;
  • headache and signs of general intoxication of the body;
  • sharp redness of the inflamed area - within a few days, a purulent “head” appears at the top of the swelling, from which a small amount of pus, lymph and blood is released.

Dental diseases

Pain when opening the mouth often occurs with advanced dental diseases, namely:

  • pulpitis;
  • caries;
  • periodontitis;
  • periodontal abscess;
  • dental cyst;
  • tooth trauma – tooth fracture, gum bruise, tooth dislocation.

With dental diseases, the pain is usually so severe that it radiates to the ear, upper or lower jaw, or temple. Sometimes the patient himself cannot explain to the doctor where it hurts. The pain in most cases is sudden, throbbing in nature and appears mainly at night.

Neuralgia as a cause of pain when opening the mouth

Neuralgia is a disease that is characterized by damage to peripheral nerves, as a result of which a person experiences severe pain along the innervation of this nerve.

Pain when opening the mouth can be caused by neuralgia of the following nerves:

1. Trigeminal neuralgia - this nerve innervates the oral cavity and face and is anatomically divided into 3 branches - the orbital nerve, the maxillary and mandibular. As a result of damage to the maxillary and mandibular nerves, the patient experiences severe pain when trying to open his mouth. In most cases, pain occurs and intensifies at night and is similar in nature to a severe burning sensation. A sudden attack of pain occurs when there is a draft, washing the face with cold water, eating hot food, or touching the face. A few seconds before the onset of a painful attack, the patient experiences a sensation of “goose bumps” crawling across the face or itching of the facial skin.

2. Neuralgia of the superior laryngeal nerve - when this nerve is inflamed, the pain takes on an acute pulsating character. Pain sensations are localized in the area of ​​the lower jaw and larynx with irradiation to the ear, temple, and eye. During an attack of pain, the patient may experience a cough and a sore throat.

3. Neuralgia of the glossopharyngeal nerve - this nerve innervates the muscle responsible for raising the pharynx and parotid gland and provides taste sensitivity. When the glossopharyngeal nerve is damaged, in addition to pain when opening the mouth, a person experiences pain in the throat, ear and lower jaw.

4. Neuralgia of the ear ganglion (node) - this node is affected as a result of complicated purulent otitis, sinusitis, periodontitis. A person experiences acute pain of a pulsating nature, radiating to the lower jaw, neck, and back of the head.

Methods for diagnosing pain when opening the mouth

To establish the exact cause of pain when opening the mouth, the doctor prescribes a comprehensive examination to the patient, which includes:

  • careful collection of anamnesis - what triggered the pain, whether there were facial injuries, whether teeth hurt, whether the patient spent a long time in a draft, etc.;
  • consultation with the necessary specialists – traumatologist, dentist, neurologist;
  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • X-ray of the jaw - helps to accurately identify the location of the inflammatory process and determine whether there is a fracture;
  • computed tomography – this study allows you to accurately identify the localization of the inflammatory process, structural features of the teeth and the condition of the periodontium, the condition of the maxillary sinuses.

Treatment of pain when opening the mouth

Treatment of pain when opening the mouth directly depends on the causes of its occurrence; this is presented in more detail in the table.

Cause of pain

How to treat?

Trauma to the face and jaw (bruise, fracture)

A fixing bandage is applied, analgesics are prescribed to eliminate pain, and a cold heating pad or ice pack is applied to relieve tissue swelling.

Dental diseases

Carious cavities are sanitized, cysts and abscesses are surgically removed, after which a course of antibiotics is required.


Injectable B vitamins, NSAIDs, antispasmodics, and antiviral drugs are prescribed. After significant improvement, physiotherapeutic treatment is added

Sinusitis, glossitis

Antibiotics, a course of physiotherapeutic procedures, and general restorative drugs are prescribed

Middle ear diseases

Antibiotics, ear drops, painkillers, antipyretics if necessary


The prognosis for pain when opening the mouth is favorable if a person immediately consults a doctor and does not self-medicate. In the absence of timely medical care, the disease can progress, complications arise, which in the future can lead to disability of the patient.

Sometimes painful sensations in the ear become acute under certain circumstances - when swallowing, a sudden change in head position, or when chewing. This symptom cannot be ignored, since it can signal the progress of serious pathological processes in the organ of hearing. What does ear pain when chewing indicate? What diseases are accompanied by this symptom?

The appearance of pain in the ear when chewing can accompany a lot of specific diseases, not always related to the field of otolaryngology. In order to correctly determine the cause of an alarming sign, it is important to evaluate its nature together with the general symptoms.

Ear diseases

Otitis. Sharp pain, worsening at night, and chewing, associated with discomfort in the organ of hearing, can signal the progression of inflammatory processes in the ear. The infection is accompanied by specific symptoms: the temperature may rise, attacks of migraines and dizziness may occur, a feeling of pressure inside, congestion and hearing loss may occur.

Eardrum. Due to the connection of the muscles and nerves of the jaws with areas near the organ of hearing, sharp and severe pain when chewing and opening the mouth can occur with pathological conditions of the eardrum. When it is drawn in during periods of pressure changes or is injured, the chewing process can cause significant discomfort to patients.

Sulfur plug. Pain during chewing movements may occur due to the accumulation of sulfur masses in the auditory canal. Blockage of the ear canal, in addition to this symptom, is characterized by severe ear congestion and hearing loss. Pain in this case occurs exclusively when the jaws move and is accompanied by a specific “clicking” or “tapping”.

Labyrinthitis. Dangerous inflammation of the inner ear, in addition to pain when moving the jaws, is characterized by a noticeable decrease in the quality of hearing with the parallel appearance of “compensating” subjective noise. Due to the impact of pathological processes on the vestibular apparatus, the disease begins to be accompanied by nausea, dizziness in the patient and impaired coordination.

ENT diseases

Throat diseases. Due to the connection of all organs of the ENT system with nerve fibers, acute and chronic diseases of the throat can be “referred” to the area of ​​the hearing organ. Thus, with tonsillitis or sore throat, patients quite often complain that, in addition to the “usual” discomfort when swallowing and tickling for these conditions, it became painful for them to chew. This symptom does not mean that the infectious process has spread to the organ of hearing - this is a manifestation of the connection between the ENT system, but still, to control the course of the disease, you should see a doctor.

Eustachite. This disease, due to a narrowing of the lumen of the Eustachian tube, is characterized by a decrease in pressure in the ENT system, which leads to a change in the position of the eardrum. During the movement of the jaws, the concave membrane also begins to move, which leads to sharp pain in the organ of hearing.

Other diseases

Dental diseases. Dental problems are often accompanied by pain that radiates into the ear when the jaw moves. In this case, the symptom is characterized as pronounced, pulsating and intensifying at night.

Nerve damage. Inflammatory processes or various types of damage can affect large nerve fibers responsible for different parts of our face. Thus, the facial nerve can be affected by the herpes virus, the trigeminal nerve can become inflamed due to dental diseases, the glossopharyngeal nerve can be damaged by abscesses and neoplasms in the oral cavity and larynx. Irritation of these nerve fibers leads to pain radiating to the ear and back of the head.

Diagnosis and treatment

The treatment program for this symptom will be directly determined by the underlying disease.

Medicines for the treatment of pain in the ear when chewing should be recommended by an otolaryngologist or a specialist (for example, a dentist, if pain in the hearing organ appears due to inflammation of the teeth).

First of all, to find out the reason why your ear hurts when chewing, you should contact an otolaryngologist. The specialist will conduct a visual examination of your hearing organ, perform an otoscopy and evaluate the condition of the ear canal and eardrum.

  • If necessary, to assess the conductivity of sound vibrations, patients are prescribed audiometry and tuning fork tests;
  • to diagnose the patency of the auditory tubes, Politzer blowing is performed;
  • To assess pressure, ear manometry is performed;
  • To check the mobility of the eardrum and auditory ossicles, a specialist will perform tympanometry;
  • if the ear hurts when opening the mouth after a skull injury, MRI and CT are prescribed;
  • in the presence of an inflammatory process, a general or biochemical blood test is prescribed.

The treatment program will be drawn up by an otolaryngologist based on the results of the diagnosis of the underlying disease that caused ear pain when the patient chews or opens his mouth.

  1. If otitis media or inflammation of the nerves is detected, the doctor will prescribe a course of antibacterial therapy - drugs for oral administration, combined, if necessary, with topical ear drops.
  2. If there is a wax plug, the specialist will immediately rinse the ear canal.
  3. If your ears hurt due to a violation of the ventilation of the ENT system, the otolaryngologist will prescribe you a course of physiotherapy that will help restore the patency of the Eustachian tube.
  4. To treat a sore throat, an otolaryngologist will select for you the optimal treatment program that will allow you to effectively overcome the disease.
  5. If you have ear pain caused by inflammation of the teeth, your dentist will treat you. As a rule, after eliminating the root cause, the unpleasant symptom immediately goes away.


To ensure that you no longer experience excruciating ear pain when chewing, you should follow the following preventive measures:

  1. Don't get too cold and dress appropriately for the weather.
  2. Support your immune system by regularly taking multivitamin courses.
  3. All inflammatory diseases should be treated under the supervision of a physician, and the course of therapy should be carried out until the pathogenic flora is completely eliminated, and not until the symptoms are alleviated.
  4. Check with your dentist regularly and do not delay dental treatment if pain occurs.

Pain when chewing in the area of ​​the jaw joint near the ear is familiar to many patients in dental clinics. Such a symptom may appear suddenly and be the result of discomfort that has been ignored for a long time.


Why does discomfort occur in the jaw near the ear, and chewing becomes painful?

There are several standard causes of pain in the jaw near the ear. They can appear separately or in combination. Sometimes one painful condition turns out to be a consequence of previous ailments: for example, untreated caries can precede inflammatory processes in the gums and contribute to nerve irritation.

Neuralgia or arthrosis of the maxillary joint

Neuralgia is an inflammation of the nerve plexuses, which is the result of pathological processes in the surrounding tissues. Arthrosis is the thinning and degradation of the cartilage tissue of the jaw joint, requiring immediate measures to restore body functions.

  • Neuralgia is often unilateral. Discomfort occurs after complex extraction of a chewing tooth. A painful impulse can be triggered by brushing teeth, pressing on a problem area, the onset of a cold, or hypothermia. Neuralgia develops as a result of prolonged irritation of peripheral nerve endings during long-term treatment of dental pathologies.
  • Inflammation of the glossopharyngeal or trigeminal nerve often occurs as a result of demyelinating processes accompanying multiple sclerosis, Devic's opticomyelitis - in this case, neuralgia is considered secondary.
  • Post-traumatic conditions with nerve pinching are possible.
  • Hypothermia remains a common cause of nerve inflammation: you should take care of your face in the cold frosty wind, and washing your face with ice water is simply dangerous.
  • Malocclusion can also cause neuralgia or arthrosis of the maxillary joint.
  • Destructive processes and wear of cartilage tissue in the jaw joint, characteristic of arthrosis, can cause a lot of concern.

In parallel with pain during chewing and discomfort in the jaw near the ear, swelling or hyperemia of the skin may occur.

Simple traumatic injuries

Impacts without displacement of the joints of the bones of the jaw apparatus or with minor subluxation, bruising of soft tissue areas lead to temporary painful sensations during chewing. Sometimes such conditions manifest themselves as aching pain in the ear.


Often the cause of pain of unclear localization is advanced caries of the upper molars. It can develop in a tooth covered with an old, deformed crown; the damage is often invisible from the outside, but the destructive process inside the tooth has already started. The pain “spreads” over an indefinite area, and it is difficult to determine its underlying cause. It becomes difficult to chew, the jaw in the ear area hurts.

Appearance of wisdom tooth

This option is not excluded for young people. During teething, the dental crown damages the gums, creating significant discomfort. The pain can have different localization.

Pain as a result of wearing braces

During this period, the formation of the correct bite occurs. If there is significant pain, the doctor may loosen the structure.

Osteomyelitis of the jaw

The disease is characterized by changes in bone tissue and manifests itself with a variety of symptoms, including pain in the ear area. Sometimes sharp bursts of pain resemble otitis media. But osteomyelitis most often develops in areas of the lower jaw; only 25% of diagnoses occur in the upper jaw. This is an extremely dangerous disease!


This is one of the types of migraine, the nature of its occurrence is little studied. Paroxysmal pain covers the upper jaw, surrounds the ear, then spreads to the face and other parts of the head.


Tumors of various kinds can also provoke pinched nerves and other inflammatory processes. Therefore, you should not ignore the rolling pains that radiate to the upper jaw or ear and subside for a while.

Unilateral jaw pain: why does this happen?

Often pathological processes develop asymmetrically. Therefore, pain can only appear on the left or right side. Aches in the joint, discomfort near the ear on one side are characteristic of all types of neuralgia.

  • With arthrosis or primary dysfunction of the jaw joint, it is extremely rare that the destructive process involves both joints. The painful condition often occurs if a person constantly overloads one side.
  • The root cause may be improper prosthetics or lack thereof: after removing a tooth, the patient is often in no hurry to see an orthopedic dentist to install crowns or an implant. But a gentle attitude towards one part of the jaw apparatus provokes an unbearable load on the delicate little other joint. Then a loud cracking sound occurs when you try to open your mouth wider, and the jaw next to the ear hurts only on the left or right.
  • If caries develops, inflammatory processes cover the gum tissue, then the focus in 80% of all diagnosed cases is also located only on one side. The same manifestations are characteristic of the growth of the last - eighth - molars.
  • Injuries and manifestations of osteomyelitis provoke disorders only on the right or left. And wearing braces can cause symmetrical pain.

Completely unexpected manifestations are possible:

  • Pain in the jaw on the left may be a symptom of angina or a pre-infarction condition. Blood circulation is impaired, so vasospasm occurs.
  • The right side reacts sharply to standard stimuli.

If the cause is injury, then the pain will be either on the injured side or on the opposite side - the patient can spare the injured part and put an extreme load on the healthy jaw.

Pain when chewing

  1. When pain impulses are noted during chewing, radiating to the jaw or ear, you should immediately contact a dental clinic: formations in the form of boils, abscesses, and phlegmons are quite possible. Deep caries is likely, which destroys the tooth from the inside.
  2. With burning, itching, and other unpleasant sensations in the temple area with separate weak symptoms in the ear and upper jaw, giant cell arteritis is likely - a pathology of the temporal artery.
  3. If there is no periodontal disease, unhealthy teeth, or developing caries, then pain and crunching, clicking during chewing accompany jaw arthrosis. With weakened joints after serious strain of the facial muscles - singing, prolonged monologue - chewing becomes difficult.
  4. When there are no symptoms at rest, and discomfort begins only with muscle tension or while chewing structured food, then the reason lies in the consequences of inflammation of the air-circulating sinuses.
  5. Neuralgia of various kinds provokes painful manifestations not only during chewing. The patient feels some discomfort even at rest.
  6. Pain of various locations when chewing, including in the designated part of the jaw, often occurs with inflammatory diseases of the lymph nodes, and some patients experience suffering during the chewing process in severe forms of tonsillitis.

First aid: how to temporarily relieve the condition

Since pain of varying intensity in the jaw area can indicate a wide range of diseases, self-medication is strictly not recommended.

  1. If it is not possible to urgently visit a dentist, you can alleviate the symptom by making a compress from a dimexin solution: the pharmaceutical drug is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 2. This relieves pain and reduces inflammation in arthrosis or neuralgia.
  2. For pain of unknown etiology, you can apply a compress of diluted alcohol (1 to 1 with water) plus a tablespoon of honey per 50 ml of solution to the cheek. A 10% mummy solution is recommended: soak a cotton pad in it and apply it to the sore spot.
  3. It’s worth trying a delicious drink: a glass of warm milk, a teaspoon of buckwheat honey (can be replaced with another type), add mumiyo on the tip of a knife. Drink slowly, in small sips, retaining the liquid in the area of ​​discomfort.
  4. If you suspect gum or tooth disease, you should resort to antiseptic rinses. The oral cavity is disinfected with decoctions of sage or chamomile (standard - 1 tablespoon of raw material per glass of water). It’s easy to use the means at hand: a weak solution of soda or salt will relieve irritation.
  5. An emergency solution would be to take a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug: Nimesulide, Diclofenac, Efferolgan, tablets or powders, are recommended. These medications are effective analgesics.
  6. It is also possible to use a ready-made solution of Furacilin, Rotokan. Givalex or Angilex spray will temporarily numb the jaw. It is also worth relaxing your facial muscles as much as possible and opening your mouth slightly during an attack.

You can hold out for some time, perhaps a day, but the next day you should definitely consult a doctor.

How to make a diagnosis. Treatment methods

Usually, a similar problem is addressed to the dentist. If the doctor does not detect any pathology in his field, he will give a referral to a neurologist or a doctor of another specialty. Appropriate diagnostics are carried out and x-rays are prescribed.

A dental problem is eliminated in the office of a dentist-therapist or dental surgeon. Removing nerves, abscesses, and treating caries will help relieve discomfort. Resection of the tooth root is possible, several manipulations performed in several stages. Is pain of this nature explained by the peculiarities of installing dentures? The doctor will correct the design.

If an injury or dislocation of the jaw is diagnosed, the joint is reduced and immobilized for several days.

When neuralgia becomes the root cause of pain, a course of physiotherapeutic procedures is prescribed. Traditionally, ultrasound, electrophoresis and magnetic therapy are prescribed. “Smart ions” restore damaged cells, promote tissue regeneration and eliminate inflammation of nerve endings.

With initial arthrosis, it will be necessary to correct the molars, their height and shape, to bring the occlusion to symmetry on both sides. Physiotherapy used to treat neuralgia, as well as taking chondoprotective drugs, will help restore the jaw joint. Artron complex, Teraflex, Condronova, Artra will contain chondroitin and glucosamine, which slow down the destructive processes in cartilage and accelerate tissue regeneration.

The diagnosis of arteritis is confirmed by blood tests and a biopsy of the facial artery. A course of cortisone treatment is prescribed.

You can't stand the pain! You should immediately contact a medical facility, find out the cause of the disease and begin treatment!