Professional retraining of doctors will be canceled this year. Accreditation of doctors and medical workers to replace certification. Accreditation of medical workers is delayed

Accreditation of medical workers is a procedure established by law, which makes it possible to determine whether a specialist who has received a medical education meets the requirements established for conducting medical activities.

When is accreditation carried out?

The questions and algorithm are determined by the Law of November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ. In Article 100, it allows only those who have completed higher or secondary education programs and have a specialist certificate to practice medicine. The same law, in Article 73, obliges doctors to improve the level of their existing professional knowledge by studying in additional programs.

The first document that answered the question of why accreditation of medical workers is needed, what kind of procedure it is and who undergoes it, was Order of the Ministry of Health dated February 25, 2016 No. 127n. Primary accreditation of a number of specialties (general physicians, pediatricians, dentists) was carried out in accordance with this administrative act.

Since January 2019, a new Order of the Ministry of Health came into force - 898n dated December 21, 2018 (amended Order 1043n), in which the issues of accreditation of paramedics related to terms and stages have changed. The document explains in detail what the accreditation of medical workers consists of; new conditions for admission to the specialty are indicated in it.

The planned transition to the accreditation algorithm will take a long period from 01/01/2016 to 12/31/2025.

  • higher education (Healthcare and Medical Sciences programs, specialty level);
  • secondary vocational education in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

Specialists who received after the specified date:

  • higher education (resident);

Specialists who received after the specified date:

  • medical or pharmaceutical education outside the country;
  • other higher education;
  • higher education in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of the program “Healthcare and Medical Sciences” (bachelor, master, resident);
  • additional vocational education under vocational retraining programs.

The remaining persons who did not undergo the procedure.

Types of accreditation

The accreditation algorithm is determined by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated June 2, 2016 No. 334n.

Test questions

Issues of accreditation of health workers depend on the specialty and qualifications. For example, as part of primary accreditation, pharmacists are asked about the effects of drugs, chemical groups, and documents that regulate work with drugs.

You can find test questions on the official website of the Methodological Accreditation Center. We have collected questions for 2018 in a table.

To find questions on the Methodological Center website, select the type of test, then the specialty and Test tasks. You can only download tests from last year, but they will also help you prepare. It is possible to take a rehearsal exam.

Accreditation commissions

The accreditation procedure is carried out by specially created commissions in the buildings of educational or scientific institutions in which medical and pharmaceutical education programs are implemented. The commission is created by the Order of the Ministry of Health for those specialties for which accreditation is carried out (non-profit institutions mentioned in Article 76 323-FZ also participate). The commission includes:

  • chairman,
  • vice-chairman,
  • members of the commission,
  • secretary.

In addition to them, the commission should include representatives of:

  • professional non-profit organizations (organizations that meet the criteria of Article 76 323-FZ);
  • health authorities or trade unions;
  • institutions implementing medical and pharmaceutical education programs.

There are a number of requirements for the composition of the commission. Among its members:

  • there should be no conflict of interest during the procedure;
  • must have higher or secondary vocational education in accordance with the specialty for which accreditation is being carried out, and experience in this field for more than 5 years (except for the chairman).

The format of the work is a meeting, held after each stage of the process. The commission is competent subject to the presence of all its members at a particular stage. Based on the results, a protocol is drawn up. The document is signed by all participants at the end of the procedure.

The protocols are filed in books, which are sent to the Ministry of Health, in whose archive the documents are stored for 6 years.

Accreditation procedure

The regulations on the accreditation of specialists were approved by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated June 2, 2016 No. 334n.

The algorithm is like this:

  1. The accredited person provides a package of documents to the commission.
  2. The secretary records in the registration journal the fact of receipt of papers against receipt.
  3. No later than 7 calendar days, the secretary transfers the package to the commission.
  4. No later than 10 calendar days from the date of registration, the commission holds a meeting to decide on the possibility of admitting the applicant to the procedure and its timing.

Stages of implementation:

Primary and primary specialized


60 tasks are generated automatically by random selection. You can find them on the official website of the Methodological Accreditation Center (paramedics and everyone else).

1 hour is given to complete.

Practical skills in special conditions

Can be organized using special equipment (simulators, mannequins, recruited patients)

5 practical tasks generated automatically (for help - the official website for the accreditation of medical workers in 2019).

Each task is given 10 minutes to complete.

The assessment is given by a commission by filling out evaluation sheets.

The result is generated automatically based on the analysis of completed assessment sheets, similar to stage 1.

Situational tasks

Applicant's answers to tasks

Formation of a set of tasks on an automatic basis. You need to answer 5 questions included in each of the 3 tasks.

1 hour to prepare answers.

The assessment is carried out by 3 members of the commission.

Based on the results, the commission decides: passed - with more than 10 correct answers, failed - less than 9.


Portfolio assessment

Review of the document

The decision is made by the commission.

Passed or failed - based on the applicant’s compliance with the established requirements for qualifications and skills.


Using test items

60 tasks are generated automatically by random selection. They are contained on the official website of the methodological accreditation center (paramedics, other workers).

1 hour is given to complete.

The result is calculated automatically: passed - when more than 70% of correct answers are received, failed - less than 69%.

During the procedure, you cannot use any means of communication. Audio and video recordings are made in the classroom.

Accreditation results

Each stage of the procedure is reflected in the minutes of the commission meeting and must be posted on the official website and information stands of the institution no later than 2 working days from the date of signing the protocol.

The applicant has been accredited, if each stage is assessed as passed, the decision is reflected in the protocol no later than 2 days from the date of the last stage and no later than 5 days sent by the secretary to the Ministry of Health. The applicant has not been accredited if:

  • he didn't show up;
  • stages are assessed as not passed;
  • technical means were used in the process.

In any case, the specialist receives an extract from it with a specific decision no later than 3 days from the date of formation of the protocol.

Information about an accredited person is included in the Federal Register of Health Workers. No later than 30 days after signing the protocol, the specialist receives an accreditation certificate (Order of the Ministry of Health dated June 6, 2016 No. 352n). The document is valid for 5 years after the date of formation of the protocol, then the validity period of the certificate is extended subject to passing the next accreditation.

If the stage is not passed, the person has the right, after submitting an application, to go through it again. If 3 unsuccessful attempts are made, accreditation is failed. The right to try again will arise after 11 months.

Those who did not complete the procedure have the right to appeal the decision to the appeal commission no later than 2 working days after the results of the stage are posted. The decisions of both commissions can be appealed to the Ministry of Health.

What is needed for category certification

To undergo initial specialized accreditation, you need to personally submit a package of documents to the commission:

  • an application requesting permission for admission to the procedure (indicate information about the completion of an educational program of higher or secondary vocational education, the specialty in which the intention to conduct medical or pharmaceutical activities is expressed);
  • copies of documents on higher education, qualifications (with attachments) or secondary vocational education (with attachments) or an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the state examination commission;
  • copy of SNILS (if available).

To undergo periodic accreditation, you must personally provide (or send by registered mail with notification) a package of documents to the commission:

  • statement;
  • a copy of an identity document;
  • portfolio;
  • a copy of the specialist’s certificate or specialist’s accreditation certificate (if available);
  • copies of documents on higher education and qualifications (with attachments) or on secondary vocational education (with attachments) or an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the state examination commission;
  • a copy of the work book (if available);
  • copy of SNILS (if available).

The portfolio represents information about professional activities over the previous 5 years, including information:

  • about the professional achievements of a particular specialist;
  • about completing advanced training programs.

The document is drawn up independently, and information about educational programs must be confirmed in the form of documents on their completion.

Sample application for certification

Certification or accreditation

A number of doctors have a question: do they have the opportunity to obtain a certificate without an accreditation procedure. The answer depends on what type of certification is needed:

  1. Planned (according to Federal Law No. 323) - you need to improve your qualification level every 5 years.
  2. Unscheduled - refers to those who complete residency or retraining courses.

The planned one already has established accreditation deadlines. If an employee received a certificate earlier than 01/01/2016, he has the right to undergo another certification. If the document is received later than 01/01/2016, the next process for the person will be accreditation. Residents, as well as persons who completed professional retraining courses after 01/01/2019, must also undergo accreditation.

Scheduled certification (is it necessary to join CME)

CME (for paramedics and other specialists) is a new option for advanced training based on continuity and a personalized learning algorithm, which allows you to gain knowledge in accordance with your needs. Doubts related to the need to register on the NMO website are associated with Order No. 66n dated 08/03/2012. The fact is that the Ministry of Health intended to make amendments to this document regulating the improvement of knowledge by doctors. In accordance with them, a physician will have the opportunity to choose: annually take advanced training courses or take a course of at least 150 academic hours. There is no clear answer to the question yet. But the doctor will not lose anything by connecting to the site and completing training. Why? It's simple. The portfolio, being one of the elements of accreditation, contains information about the certificates received for training, and such information will allow you to complete the procedure successfully.

Do those undergoing retraining need certification?

Order No. 1043 dated December 22, 2017 established that certificates must be received by December 31, 2018. Those who complete training in professional retraining courses after 01/01/2019 will already take a multi-stage exam.


If an employee does not have a valid certificate, both the organization and the employee may be punished. Articles 19.20, 14.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation establish the following amounts:

In relation to employees, the situation is as follows: if there is an established fact of guilt related to the fact that the doctor did not take into account the employer’s order about the need to improve his qualifications by taking appropriate courses, the latter has the right:

  • suspended from work for a period of up to 2 months;
  • transfer to another position that does not require a certificate;
  • terminate the employment contract.

Ask questions and we will supplement the article with answers and explanations!

On the current page, a simulator is provided, so to speak, a rehearsal exam, which includes 60 questions, they must be answered in 60 minutes, formed from the list of test tasks of the first stage of primary accreditation of specialists with secondary vocational education in the specialty of nursing (02/34/01). A positive mark is given if the answer to 70% of the test tasks is correct, otherwise the mark is given as unsatisfactory. Questions will be selected in random order. In total, the list of test tasks includes 1898 questions with 4 answer options. These questions for 2018 were taken from the website of the methodological center for accreditation of specialists

We also offer you links for training on all test tasks intended for accreditation of nurses. Each link includes a test consisting of 400 questions; if necessary, you can see the correct answer.

Tests for nurses

This method of preparing for nursing accreditation is very effective and makes it possible to qualitatively study and know the answer to all the questions included in the training program for the specialty of nursing.

In total, according to the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated June 2, 2016 N 334n “On approval of the Regulations on the accreditation of specialists” there are three forms accreditation of nurses:

  • high-quality training of pharmacists capable of efficiently and fully providing their services to the population in the field of medicine;
  • collection of information on the level of training of pharmacists.

Types of accreditation

  • Primary - the need for which arises after graduation from a medical school;
  • Primary specialized accreditation - this nursing accreditation carry out work with workers who have completed training programs for highly qualified personnel or professional retraining;
  • Periodic accreditation of nurses carried out with employees who constantly improve their knowledge and professionalism throughout their professional activities, who have prepared themselves through professional educational training programs in the field of medicine

About the accreditation of medical workers and the new CME system Since 2016, big changes await Russian doctors: certification and training cycles every 5 years will become a thing of the past. Instead there will be accreditation and a new system of continuing medical education. Zalim Balkizov, a member of the Coordination Council for the Development of Continuing Medical and Pharmaceutical Education of the Russian Ministry of Health, said what exactly will change for doctors and how innovations will be implemented. How will accreditation of doctors proceed from 2016? According to Federal Law No. 323-FZ “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation”, from January 1, 2016, certification of medical workers will be replaced by accreditation. The accreditation certificate will be admission to medical and pharmaceutical activities. The first to receive it will be newly minted dentists and pharmacists – graduates of medical universities in 2016. And since 2017, accreditation awaits all other graduates. The procedure will include three stages: testing, competency assessment using simulation equipment, and solving clinical problems. Moreover, the tasks for the first stage are already known: on the websites of the Russian Ministry of Health ( and the Methodological Center for Accreditation ( ) 3500 tests have been published in dentistry and 3200 in pharmacy. These questions will be used to create individual sets of tasks for the exam, which can be “rehearsed” online. In preparation mode, the system will offer 60 tasks with four answer options and give you 90 minutes to solve them. Everything, but not right away Accreditation of doctors will be implemented in stages. So for now, you can still get a work permit “the old fashioned way.” Certificates will continue to be issued to specialists already working in the healthcare system until 2021, and they will be valid until 2026. Advanced training in a new way Another important reform of 2016 was the introduction of a new model of continuing medical education (CME). Doctors and nurses will now have to improve their qualifications not once every 5 years, but constantly. “The current practice, when a health worker improves his qualifications once every five years, has long been outdated,” Zalim Balkizov is sure. – With such a system of additional professional education (DPE), a doctor’s knowledge is updated more slowly than medicine itself. Science does not stand still: modern methods of treatment and diagnostics are constantly being introduced, new drugs are entering the market. On the contrary, some traditional drugs are being taken out of circulation because serious side effects have been discovered or the medicine has become useless. It is unlikely that a doctor will know all this, studying once every 5 years. Moreover, training cycles often come down to repeating what was learned in the 6th year of medical school.” How will additional education for health workers change? It is expected that the new model of continuing medical education will help streamline the “loose” system of continuing education. How will the new CME model be fundamentally different from the old one? Instead of 144 hours of advanced training once every 5 years, which fit into 4 weeks, doctors will have 250 hours of training over 5 years. Over the course of a year, a healthcare worker must accumulate at least 50 hours (or points) of educational activity. “You don’t have to get points at once,” explains Zalim Balkizov. – A doctor can complete short training cycles of 18 hours, attend a conference, study electronic educational modules remotely, etc. Where to improve knowledge - at conferences, simulation trainings, master classes or regular professional development cycles - the specialist decides for himself. But you can choose types of educational activities only from those approved by the Coordination Council of the Russian Ministry of Health for Continuing Education. There are already plenty of such materials on the site. . Anyone entering the continuing medical education system will be required to register here. After this, you can create your own training plan, select electronic materials and activities, and monitor your accumulated points. “In 5 years, a health worker needs to score 250 points and confirm this with a report,” continues Zalim Balkizov. “Moreover, the majority of all points (from 70%) must be obtained in your specialty, and not in related ones.” Then a special commission will check the report. If there are no complaints, the physician will be allowed to be accredited. Those who pass it successfully will be able to continue working and accumulate points for the next promotion or confirmation of qualifications. No points – no accreditation? The CME system, as well as the accreditation of medical workers, will be implemented in stages. From 2016, those who this year will be accredited for the first time or receive a certificate for the last time will be included in continuing education. From 2017 – the next “batch”. Every year, 120-150 thousand doctors will be included in the CME system, and in the end this will affect everyone. – Without a portfolio on the CME portal, no doctor will be allowed for initial or re-accreditation. Consequently, he will not be able to continue working,” Balkizov emphasizes. – My surgeon’s certificate is valid until 2017. Next year I will go through the certification cycle for the last time and immediately enter the CME system. If I accumulate 250 points by 2022, I will be able to undergo reaccreditation and gain the right to work as a surgeon. What if for some reason the specialist does not have time to score the coveted points? The expert of the Coordination Council is encouraging: “We will look for some way out. We will give additional time for the health worker to complete intensive courses and gain the missing points. This is what they do in most developed countries. We were guided by them when changing the system of continuous medical education. CME in Europe has long been implemented according to these principles: 250 hours over 5 years and at least 50 hours per year.” “Pitfalls” of the new system True, in order to switch to European standards, a lot needs to be changed in the Russian system of medical additional vocational training. The notorious 250 hours of training over 5 years is a completely new system for medical universities. This means that educational programs need to be changed and coordinated with the expert commission of the Ministry of Health. “The Ministry is now working on a new form of training – 18 hours, i.e. just two days,” says Zalim Balkizov. – During this time, the doctor can attend a simulation course, seminar or master class, and study some of the educational materials at home. If you divide all 250 hours of training into such “segments,” employers will not need to let the doctor go for 4 whole weeks or look for a replacement specialist. This will be more convenient for managers, but health workers themselves may not like this system. After all, many people regard professional development cycles as additional vacation and do not want to lose it.” However, the leaders themselves are still reluctant to let doctors go even to one-day conferences. This is confirmed by the first results of the CME pilot project, which started in Russia at the end of 2013 and will last until 2020. As part of the project, 569 local therapists, general practitioners and pediatricians from 15 regions of the country began to improve their skills in a new way. And then we ran into difficulties: the heads of medical institutions did not allow us to attend educational events. Thus, only three of the 20 Moscow doctors participating in the pilot project were able to attend the congress of the Union of Pediatricians. There is another problem: not all doctors have good computer and Internet skills. And without these skills, it will be difficult to join the CME system. About 30% of the pilot participants have already admitted that working with an electronic portfolio is difficult for them. “Participation in the pilot project prompted many specialists to learn how to work on the Internet,” comments Zalim Balkizov. – As a result, some doctors began to use the Internet more actively, some bought a laptop. People had a need to acquire such skills, and they mastered them. And as long as the doctor attends educational cycles once every 5 years, he doesn’t need the Internet.”

Starting from 2016, big changes await Russian doctors: certification and advanced training cycles every 5 years will become a thing of the past. Instead there will be accreditation and a new system of continuing medical education. Zalim Balkizov, a member of the Coordination Council for the Development of Continuing Medical and Pharmaceutical Education of the Russian Ministry of Health, told us what exactly will change for doctors and how innovations will be implemented.

How will accreditation of doctors proceed from 2016?

According to Federal Law No. 323-FZ “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation”, from January 1, 2016, certification of medical workers will be replaced by accreditation. The accreditation certificate will be admission to medical and pharmaceutical activities. The first to receive it will be newly minted dentists and pharmacists - graduates of medical universities in 2016. And since 2017, accreditation awaits all other graduates.

The procedure will include three stages: testing, competency assessment using simulation equipment, solving clinical problems. Moreover, the tasks for the first stage are already known: 3,500 tests in dentistry and 3,200 in pharmacy have been published on the websites of the Russian Ministry of Health ( and the Methodological Accreditation Center ( These questions will be used to create individual sets of tasks for the exam - it can be “rehearsed” online. In preparation mode, the system will offer 60 tasks with four answer options and give you 90 minutes to solve them.

How will accreditation of health workers be implemented?

Everything, but not right away

Accreditation of doctors will be introduced in stages. So for now, you can still get a work permit “the old fashioned way.” Certificates will continue to be issued to specialists already working in the healthcare system until 2021, and they will be valid until 2026.

Upskilling in a new way

Another important reform of 2016 was the introduction of a new model of continuing medical education (CME). Doctors and nurses will now have to improve their qualifications not once every 5 years, but constantly. “The current practice, when a health worker improves his qualifications once every five years, has long been outdated,” Zalim Balkizov is sure. - With such a system of additional professional education (DPE), a doctor’s knowledge is updated more slowly than medicine itself. Science does not stand still: modern methods of treatment and diagnostics are constantly being introduced, new drugs are entering the market. On the contrary, some traditional drugs are being taken out of circulation because serious side effects have been discovered or the medicine has become useless. It is unlikely that a doctor will know all this, studying once every 5 years. Moreover, training cycles often come down to repeating what was learned in the 6th year of medical school.”

How will additional education for health workers change?

It is expected that the new model of continuing medical education will help streamline the “loose” system of continuing education. How will the new CME model be fundamentally different from the old one? Instead of 144 hours of advanced training once every 5 years, which fit into 4 weeks, doctors will have 250 hours of training over 5 years. Over the course of a year, a healthcare worker must accumulate at least 50 hours (or points) of educational activity. “You don’t have to get points at once,” explains Zalim Balkizov. - A doctor can complete short training cycles of 18 hours, attend a conference, study electronic educational modules remotely, etc.

Where to improve knowledge - at conferences, simulation trainings, master classes or usual cycles of advanced training - the specialist decides for himself. But you can choose types of educational activities only from those approved by the Coordination Council of the Russian Ministry of Health for Continuing Education. There are already plenty of such materials on the site. edu. rosminzdrav. ru. Anyone entering the continuing medical education system will be required to register here. After this, you can create your own training plan, select electronic materials and activities, and monitor your accumulated points. “In 5 years, a health worker needs to score 250 points and confirm this with a report,” continues Zalim Balkizov. “Moreover, the majority of all points (from 70%) must be obtained specifically in your specialty, and not in related ones.”

Then a special commission will check the report. If there are no complaints, the physician will be allowed to be accredited. Those who pass it successfully will be able to continue working and accumulate points for the next promotion or confirmation of qualifications.

No points - no accreditation?

The CME system, as well as the accreditation of medical workers, will be implemented in stages. From 2016, those who this year will be accredited for the first time or receive a certificate for the last time will be included in continuing education. From 2017 - the next “batch”. Every year, 120-150 thousand doctors will be included in the CME system, and in the end this will affect everyone.

- Without a portfolio on the CME portal, no doctor will be allowed for initial or re-accreditation. Consequently, he will not be able to continue working,” Balkizov emphasizes. - My surgeon’s certificate is valid until 2017. Next year I will go through the certification cycle for the last time and immediately enter the CME system. If I accumulate 250 points by 2022, I will be able to undergo reaccreditation and gain the right to work as a surgeon.

What if for some reason the specialist does not have time to score the coveted points? The expert of the Coordination Council is encouraging: “We will look for some way out. We will give additional time for the health worker to complete intensive courses and gain the missing points. This is what they do in most developed countries. We were guided by them when changing the system of continuous medical education. CME in Europe has long been implemented according to these principles: 250 hours over 5 years and at least 50 hours per year.”

"Pitfalls" of the new system

True, in order to switch to European standards, a lot needs to be changed in the Russian system of medical additional vocational training. The notorious 250 hours of training over 5 years is a completely new system for medical universities. This means that educational programs need to be changed and coordinated with the expert commission of the Ministry of Health. “The Ministry is now working on a new form of training - 18 hours, i.e. just two days,” says Zalim Balkizov. - During this time, the doctor can attend a simulation course, seminar or master class, and study some of the educational materials at home. If you divide all 250 hours of training into such “segments,” employers will not need to let the doctor go for 4 whole weeks or look for a replacement specialist. This will be more convenient for managers, but health workers themselves may not like this system. After all, many people regard professional development cycles as additional vacation and do not want to lose it.”

However, the leaders themselves are still reluctant to let doctors go even to one-day conferences. This is confirmed by the first results of the CME pilot project, which started in Russia at the end of 2013 and will last until 2020. As part of the project, 569 local therapists, general practitioners and pediatricians from 15 regions of the country began to improve their skills in a new way. And then we ran into difficulties: the heads of medical institutions did not allow us to attend educational events. Thus, only three of the 20 Moscow doctors participating in the pilot project were able to attend the congress of the Union of Pediatricians.

There is another problem: not all doctors have good computer and Internet skills. And without these skills, it will be difficult to join the CME system. About 30% of the pilot participants have already admitted that working with an electronic portfolio is difficult for them. “Participation in the pilot project prompted many specialists to learn how to work on the Internet,” comments Zalim Balkizov. - As a result, some doctors began to use the Internet more actively, some bought a laptop. People had a need to acquire such skills, and they mastered them. And as long as the doctor attends educational cycles once every 5 years, he doesn’t need the Internet.”

Anastasia Lemenkova

In accordance with Part 1 and Part 2 of Article 69 of the Federal Law of November 21, 2011 No. 323-F3 “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation,” persons who have received medical or pharmaceutical education in the Russian Federation have the right to carry out medical or pharmaceutical activities in the Russian Federation Federations in accordance with federal state educational standards and having a certificate of accreditation of a specialist.

In accordance with According to the provisions of Order No. 127, persons who received higher education in basic educational programs after January 1, 2017 in accordance with federal state educational standards in the field of training “Healthcare and Medical Sciences” (specialist level) have undergone the specialist accreditation procedure.

These persons who have successfully completed the specialist accreditation procedure, in accordance with Part I and Part 2 of Article 69 of Federal Law No. 323-FZ, are allowed to carry out medical or pharmaceutical activities in the Russian Federation.

The accredited person, recognized as having passed or failed the accreditation of a specialist, within 3 days from the date of signing the minutes of the meeting of the accreditation commission, the executive secretary of the accreditation commission is given an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the accreditation commission containing the relevant decisions.

A certificate of accreditation of a specialist is issued to a person recognized by the accreditation commission as having passed the specialist accreditation procedure no later than 30 calendar days from the date of signing the minutes of the meeting of the accreditation commission.

Based on the foregoing, currently in healthcare organizations, regardless of their form of ownership and departmental affiliation, they can carry out medical activities in the positions of: “Dentist” (specialty “General Dentistry”), “Local therapist” (specialty “General Medicine”), “District Pediatrician” (specialty “Pediatrics”), “Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics Doctor” (specialty “Medical Biochemistry”), “Functional Diagnostics Doctor” (specialty “Medical Biophysics”), “Statistician "(specialty "Medical Cybernetics"), "Epidemiologist" and "General Hygiene Doctor" (specialty "Medical Prevention") or pharmaceutical activities in the positions: "Pharmacist" and "Pharmacist-technologist" (specialty "Pharmacy"), specialists who successfully completed the primary accreditation procedure for specialists in 2017, have an extract from the protocol of the accreditation commission and have not yet received a specialist accreditation certificate.

These specialists are authorized to carry out medical or pharmaceutical activities.