Sizes of axillary crutches table. Axillary crutches: their types and application. Choosing the size of a crutch

Crutches and canes are technical means used at different stages of rehabilitation. They help support a person during periods of limited mobility. For example, many patients and their loved ones wonder how to choose the right cane or crutches according to their height. Because these are the products that help make everyday life easier after operations and injuries. If you need a cane or other support based on medical conditions, consult your doctor.

Additional support for a sick or elderly person is provided not only by canes and crutches, but also by walkers. Before purchasing a product, you need to pay attention to how a particular model will suit you. There are a variety of rehabilitation tools for children and adults.

The main ones:


Triple support cane

● with square support

● folding

● for the blind

Walkers adjustable in height

Walking supports with wheels

● in increments

Crutch with support under the elbow

Axillary crutches

To use the product comfortably, you need to know How to choose the right cane and crutches according to your height. Most often, the doctor advises the relatives of a sick person or the patient himself to purchase a specific device. It all depends on the condition and degree of damage of the sick person.

When the patient's immobility is prolonged, the recovery period begins with the use of a walker. Having double support for both arms, the patient feels more confident while moving.

If the injury was minor or a long period has passed since a serious injury, it is recommended to use a cane.

How to choose the right cane

The length of the cane is important for the patient’s condition. Because the wrong cane length will cause some discomfort.

We often observe that a person uses a cane incorrectly. More precisely, not from the side of the damaged limb. As a result, there is practically no point in using it as a support. In a certain way, the cane compensates for the lack of support for the diseased limb. That is, the patient should lean entirely on the cane, and not on the leg, at the moment of transferring the body during a step.

◉ If the length is insufficient, the person is forced to slightly tilt the body forward. This position leads to overstrain of the lower back. The person's balance will also be disturbed.

◉ AND An excessively high cane will strain the shoulder joint and it will get tired. Since the muscles of the shoulder girdle are subject to heavy load. With a long cane, the body will skew to one side. The patient will not be able to fully lean on the cane, and the legs will become excessively strained.

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◉ Most canes available on the market are height adjustable. But if you want to adjust the cane without the help of a consultant, you can decide as follows.

● You need to stand up straight

● The arm is lowered along the body

● Slightly shifted forward relative to the body axis

● The handle of the cane is located opposite the bend of the hand

How to choose a crutch with an elbow support

The advantage of this product compared to a conventional cane is its greater ability to support the patient. Since in addition to the fact that he rests with his palm, there will be support under the elbow. In addition, this crutch has a cuff that wraps around the arm. In this case, the forearm will receive support.

Crutches that are too low will not provide the necessary support. Incorrect adjustment to the patient's height will result in skin chafing. Possible inflammation of the elbow joint, pinched nerves, overload of the shoulder girdle.

When choosing a crutch, the following criteria are important:

◐ First, the crutch is placed at a distance of 15-20 cm from the leg

◑ Elbow bent at 15 degrees

◐ The distance from the elbow to the girth ring is different and depends on height:

10 cm - with height above 180 cm

5-7 cm - height 170-180 cm

4-5 cm - height 150-170 cm

◐ Bend the hand opposite the handle

◑ Do not buy a crutch with a ring that tightly clasps your hand.

How to choose the right axillary crutches according to height

Wooden crutches are not as comfortable as metal ones. First of all, because wooden crutches are not adjusted to height. Newer aluminum ones have this option. Axillary crutches are designed for patient weights up to 135 kg. If your weight exceeds this figure, it is possible to use reinforced crutches. The crutches have two adjustment points: in the handle area and at the bottom. So the length of the arms also differs among people of the same height. Therefore, to simply choose a model of axillary crutches that suits you, it’s good to do this:

◐ Stand straight in your shoes (you can only put them on your healthy foot)

◑ Place your feet parallel

Both n the tips stand twenty centimeters away from you

◑ The gap between the armpit and the upper crossbar is at least five centimeters

◐ The arm down is bent at an angle of 30 degrees

◑ Fist level opposite the handle

Now the crutch is adjusted, the person should try to walk a little. Pressure under the armpits means that you have not adjusted the crutches correctly. Lower them below.

Axillary crutches are used for rehabilitation after severe injuries. Selecting them is quite simple, but it is important to take into account not only the size, but also the material of the product, design features and additional capabilities. In addition, it is necessary to master the moving technique well.

It is important for each patient to choose the right axillary crutches based on height, as well as material and design features. This is quite simple to do, and the choice of products today is so large that anyone can choose the most suitable model. How to do this is described in detail in the article.

Sizes of axillary crutches

All crutches can be divided into 2 large groups:

  1. With support on the elbow and forearm (elbow).
  2. With support on the armpit (axillary).

Products of both categories are recognized as one of the main means of rehabilitation in accordance with various GOSTs (for example, GOST R52882-2007) and other documents. The regulatory documentation describes various parameters of these products, the most important of which is the sizes of the crutches, presented in the table.

In accordance with this classification, different models can be roughly divided into children, adolescents and adults, as shown in the figure.

Note! It is the size that you should focus on first when selecting a model. In some cases, it may be necessary to have crutches made to order (for example, when your height exceeds 200 cm or your weight exceeds 120 kg). It is advisable to consult a doctor first.

How to choose crutches: step-by-step instructions

To choose the right specific model, you should consider several tips:

  1. Basic Rule boils down to the fact that the distance between the upper part of the product and the armpit should be about 5 cm, and at the same time the elbow is bent at an angle of 30 degrees. The patient stands in a normal, relaxed position, and the tip rests on the floor.

basic selection rules

  1. You can check the correctness of your choice using a simple formula: 40 cm must be subtracted from the patient’s height. This will be the optimal length of the product. At the same time, the design of many models provides the ability to adjust the length - it is better to choose exactly such products as shown in the photo.

length is adjustable using a simple mechanism

  1. Very important question - which axillary crutches to choose: aluminum, wood or steel. Wood products are the most affordable, but at the same time they do not have a length adjustment mechanism. In addition, wooden crutches do not have sufficient strength. Therefore, it is better to focus on aluminum models, and in the case of heavy weights, on steel ones, which have the greatest strength.
  2. It is important to take into account the doctor’s recommendations regarding the selection of type and model.. In general, axillary crutches are necessary in cases where the patient is recovering from a serious injury: fracture, dislocation, sprain, etc. In such situations, reliable and solid support is necessary. However, it is not recommended to use such products for more than 2 years in a row - as a rule, over time, the patient will still switch to elbow ones.
  3. Finally, It is worth paying attention to the presence of soft nozzles which will provide the most comfortable support for the body. This is especially important in the case of children and the elderly, who will not be able to withstand the pressure of a surface that is too hard.

Note! The selection of a crutch should occur in the immediate presence of the patient. Before making a final decision, he tests the model himself and checks how comfortable it is for him to use it.

Along with the fact that it is important to know how to choose the right crutches, the ability to use them correctly is of great importance. Despite its apparent simplicity, moving with the help of the armpit elbows requires a certain skill and adherence to the rules:

  1. First, the structure is adjusted to the desired height, and you should put on ordinary shoes, which are supposed to be used most often.
  2. When taking the first step, as well as getting up from a sitting position, lean only on your healthy leg.
  3. They move as follows: first, place the legs of both crutches slightly forward (no more than 30 cm). Then, leaning on them with their whole body, they raise their healthy leg and place it 30 cm further - the step is taken.
  4. Turns and turns are carried out using only the healthy leg.
  5. You should not squeeze the handles too tightly - this leads to rapid muscle fatigue and even mild cramps.
  6. Climb stairs using one crutch. The free hand holds the railing securely while the other hand holds the crutch. First, take a step with your healthy leg. Then place the crutch on the same step. After this, the body is transferred. During descent, the sequence of actions is the opposite: first, place the crutch on the lower step, move the affected leg and take a step with the healthy one.
  7. As for personal items, they should be carried in a backpack and not in your hands, which should remain completely free.

Video instructions for selection

You can clearly see the features of selecting axillary crutches in comparison with elbow crutches in the video.

Thus, choosing the most suitable model is easy. It is important to take into account the doctor’s recommendations, the size of the crutch, the possibility of adjusting its length, and your own feelings when testing the product in the store.

How to choose crutches: what you should pay attention to

Crutches are a rather necessary and useful invention that has been used by humanity for a long time, since people’s lives are often at risk of certain injuries.

They are simply irreplaceable in situations where a person cannot move independently and needs support.

Types of crutches

There are two types:

  1. axillary;
  2. armrest (Canadian).

The axillary crutch is one of the most common, affordable and easy-to-use types. Most often, this type of crutches is used for minor injuries, with temporary incapacity of a person.

Aluminum and wooden models are available for sale; aluminum ones are considered more durable.

Axillary crutches are selected individually, depending on the specific disease, height and length of the patient’s arms.

Axillary crutches have a telescopic structure, with a vertical lock, the length is adjustable.

Elbow crutches are another type of mobility aid for long-term rehabilitation, allowing a person to move more mobile, since the main support force falls on the hand and elbow.

They differ from axillary ones in that they can be used when the affected leg can be stepped on with reduced loads.

These crutches are made of lightweight metal with plastic elements, they also have a rubber tip and an adjustment system to lengthen the lower part.

For older people, units with the greatest stability of tips, with a spike or support on several points, are offered. Suitable for winter, as well as for weak arms and poor crutch stability.

Choosing the right crutch is not a pleasant task if you have to look for a means of transportation. But whether you want it or not, you still have to spend your time on it.

In order to approach this task responsibly, it will not be superfluous to first become familiar with the dangers of a wrong choice and their incorrect regulation:

  • The appearance of chafing;
  • Pinched nerves;
  • Inflammation of the shoulder joint or damage to the muscle and bone;

Therefore, it is so important to choose the right crutches so that in the future, during the entire rehabilitation, they will last longer.

Selection of axillary crutches

During movement, they help to focus on the shoulders.

Due to their strong and stable support, they are used as prescribed by a doctor for rehabilitation after injuries.

To choose the right one you need:

  1. put on comfortable shoes, lean on your healthy leg, and stand up straight. It is necessary to relax your shoulders and lower your arms;
  2. place the crutch at the chest so that the tip is located approximately 20 cm from the foot;
  3. check the roller, it should be 4 cm below the armpit;
  4. check the height of the handle. Lower your arm without moving the crutch. The crutch handle should be parallel to the wrist;
  5. take a couple of steps in order to assess the pressure in your armpits. If, during the process, you feel discomfort, then this means that the crutch is too long, and if you feel a lot of pressure on your hands, then this indicates that the crutch is most likely short.

Selection of Canadians

When choosing arm crutches (canadian crutches), it is important to correctly select or adjust the handle and cuff:

  • you need to position the crutch so that its tip is located to the left or right of the foot, at a distance of 15 or 20 cm;
  • For normal load on the hand, you need to check the inclination. Bend your elbow no more than 20 degrees;

  • then you need to straighten up and lower your hands. It is required that the top edge of the handle coincides with the bend line of the wrist;
  • Then you can walk around, determining the compression of the armrest. A tight cuff will rub, impairing blood circulation, and a loose one will simply not support and perform its functions.


Walking on crutches requires patience and skill from a person, and if for some time there is a feeling of discomfort, you must again contact your doctor or a special store for help in adjustment.

If the crutches were chosen correctly, then very soon a person will be able to move comfortably, without feeling any discomfort or inconvenience.

Video: How to choose the right crutches

If bones are damaged or after surgery, it is very important to reduce the load on the legs. For this purpose, specially manufactured arm crutches. There are different types of crutches with an armrest, but their choice should be taken seriously, because they can harm your health. In this case, such criteria as height, material, shape and other details of the product are taken into account.


Elbow crutch. Photo:

Crutches with an elbow support are considered the most convenient for patients who need support on both legs. They will also be appropriate for long-term rehabilitation and the impossibility of using axillary accessories. For diseases of the musculoskeletal system, it is necessary to choose products taking into account the doctor’s recommendations.

Interesting fact! Crutches with an elbow rest are also called “Canadian crutches”. They were first invented by Thomas Fetterman at the end of the twentieth century. The stimulus for this was a long illness and the inability to move with the help of traditional supports, due to which he developed inflammation of the shoulder joints. Therefore, the creator took very seriously the development of devices that are comfortable and relieve stress on the limbs and shoulder joints.

- canadians, made in the shape of a cane with plastic bodies on top. The upper part partially covers the forearm. Support is provided using a handle. Typically, elbow crutches are made of aluminum alloy, making them very light in weight. To make it even more convenient for a person to use them, the upper cuff is slightly tilted. In order to support the elbow during movement, the cuff is made of special plastic. There is a rubber tip at the bottom of the crutch under the elbow. In some cases, it is supplemented with spikes or support points. This makes the crutches with support more stable.

It is important to know! Elbow crutches with support are used in the following cases: postoperative period, when one leg is damaged, with diseases of the skeletal system, in old age. They can only be used when stepping on the injured leg; in other cases, it is recommended to use axillary products.

All elbow crutches with an armrest are classified into the following types:

  • Adjustable – you can change the height of the product and the armrest;
  • Fixed - height and parameters cannot be changed;
  • Solid - such products have a one-piece design;
  • Collapsible - Canadian crutches can be disassembled and conveniently transported on the road.

The support for adult arm crutches is made in the form of a standard tip or pyramid. The design for resting the hand can be simple without any special features or anatomical, taking into account the right and left hands.

How to choose elbow crutches

Arm crutch. Photo:

Crutches with elbow support must be selected according to the recommendations of a specialist. It is strictly forbidden to do this on your own, as you can harm your body even more. When choosing such devices, you first need to pay attention to the height. To do this, stand straight and lower your arm, placing a crutch with a support under your elbow next to you. In this position, you can see whether the handle is positioned correctly. If it is at wrist level, then the product is suitable.

The next selection criterion will be the ergonomics of the cuff. To do this, insert your hand into it and place the crutch 15 cm further than your leg. In this position, the elbow will bend twenty degrees. This is considered the optimal option for loading the hand. The cuff, in turn, should not be further than seven centimeters from the elbow. Pay attention to this moment; the upper part of the Canadian should not pinch your hand in order to be comfortable and not rub the skin. Especially good in this case Canadian crutches with an adjustable support, since they can be adjusted to suit you at the right time. The adjustment of the device is done by a doctor or employees of an orthopedic salon.

Best Elbow Crutches

With an armrest are presented in a wide variety nowadays. Let's consider the most popular models of them:

Arm crutch WR-322

The main structure is made of aircraft aluminum, which makes the device as light and durable as possible. The handle is made of special non-slip plastic. The cuff has a fixed shape. Designed for people who can partially step on the injured leg, transferring the load to the arm and elbow. To make the support even more stable, the cuff is fixed and the handle has an anatomical shape. The height of the crutch varies from 96 to 119 cm. The weight of the structure is only 800 g. The maximum load on a crutch under the elbow is 100 kg.

Crutch WR-321

The product is made in black color. The main material is aircraft-grade aluminum, which is lightweight and has excellent maneuverability. You can adjust the height of the crutch and the handle, so that the load on the hand and elbow joint is correctly distributed. The crutch has a rubber attachment that can be removed if necessary.

Small elbow crutch AMFC11

The height varies between 55-77 cm. With the help of a canada, you can significantly reduce the load on the limbs in patients with various injuries and diseases of the skeletal system. The base of the elbow crutch is made of aluminum alloy. The support is made with a rubber tip that prevents slipping, the handle is made of plastic. The total weight of the structure is 1.7 kg. The maximum load is 100 kg.

Canadian crutch with adjustable elbow support Amrus AMFC14

Elbow crutches are intended for people with a height of 140 to 190 cm and a weight of no more than 100 kg. The total height of the model is 97-119 cm. The main structure is made of aluminum alloy, which is durable and resistant to corrosion. It has a one-piece body, an open cuff, a plastic handle and a removable nozzle for support made of non-slip material. Thanks to this device, patients with injuries to the musculoskeletal system can move independently, distributing the weight load from the legs to the hands and elbow joints.

Crutch with elbow support Amrus AMFS "Eurostyle"

The weight of the elbow crutch structure is 1.6 kg. The devices are intended for patients 180-200 cm tall and weighing no more than 100 kg. The total height of the crutch is 109 -139 cm. The main structure is made of high-strength aluminum alloy with anti-corrosion properties. It is possible to adjust the shaft and armrest, thanks to which you can optimally adjust the crutch to the person. The upper part is equipped with a movable hinge for the most comfortable grip. The handle is made of special plastic. The support is equipped with a removable nozzle that provides anti-slip when walking. The model is made in the shade “glossy chrome”. This model is intended primarily for patients with impaired motor abilities, as well as the elderly.

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How to choose the right crutches

In the postoperative period or due to injury, it is necessary to unload the lower limbs, removing excess load from them. Crutches are used for this. The main load is taken by the arms with the shoulder girdle. For the sake of a successful rehabilitation process, for its unhindered progress, one should “smartly”. This can be done in advance, when the person preparing for a planned operation knows the plan for further recovery. The problem lies in the fact that any unsuitable crutches can cause harm to your health. Thus, overestimated ones will cause unnecessary pressure in the armpit area, which, as a result, can lead to tissue damage (muscles, joints, nerves, etc.). Extremely low crutches will also not work. In addition to the size of the crutches, you should also take into account what material they are made of, their shape and color, the ability to adjust the length, etc.

Your doctor will recommend how long to use crutches and when you can use other means of rehabilitation (for example, a cane).

So, how do you choose crutches wisely?

First of all, you need to find out what specific crutches you will need - or with an elbow support. It would be great when the doctor himself talks about this.

Axillary crutches

Despite its simplicity, the selection of axillary crutches is quite a responsible procedure. The correct position of the axillary roller and the handle for the hand is of great importance.

So, the patient should stand straight. It would be nice if he wore his usual shoes. The crutch should be placed next to the patient. The tip of the crutch should be located from the toe of the foot slightly forward and to the side by about 15 cm.If the patient has wide hips, the tips of the crutches can be moved further away.But, at the same time, the gap between the axillary cushion and the armpit should be about two to three fingers (4 - 5 cm). If done correctly, you are guaranteed the proper height of the crutch.The only thing left is to choose the desired height of the handle for the brush. To do this, the patient needs to lower his arm down and bend it at an angle of approximately 25° - 30°. With this position of the hand, the handle should be located at the level of the fist, and when the arm is extended downwards, at the level of the wrist. To get a feel for the crutches, you need to walk on them and practice a little. Walking on crutches still requires certain rules. If you feel uncomfortable while moving, consult your doctor, double-check all the parameters, and you may need to adjust everything again.

If a patient needs axillary crutches and cannot stand up to select them, you can approximately calculate their length as follows: subtract 40 cm from the patient’s height (cm). Unfortunately, this selection method is not entirely accurate.

Crutches with support under the elbow (elbow or canadian)

During the rehabilitation period, such crutches are considered a transitional element from axillary crutches to a cane. For continuous support elbow crutches used by some patients instead of a cane. But here, too, the right choice plays a significant role.

There are different models:

Adjustable (height of crutch, armrest);



Collapsible (for the road - in reserve).

The base (support) of these crutches can be in the form of a regular tip or in the form of a pyramid (for those who need high stability). The handle on which the hand rests can also be either ordinary (standard) or for the right or left hand (anatomical).

An individual approach to the selection of crutches with elbow support is essential. You should pay due attention to the position of the handle and the fixing cuff (armrest) located on the forearm.

Take the crutch and place your arm in the cuff. The tip of the crutch should be located from the foot to the side at a distance of about 15 cm. The arm at the elbow joint should be bent at an angle of 15° - 20°. In this position, the armrest covering the forearm with a patient height of 170 cm should be 5–7 cm above the elbow; with a height of 182 cm and more - by 10 cm; with a height of 150 cm and less - by 4.5 - 5 cm.

To check the correct selection of a crutch, you need to stand up straight and align your arms down. At the wrist, the fold line should completely correspond to the upper edge of the handle. If this is not the case, the crutch is chosen incorrectly.

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