The oldest cat in the world is included in the Guinness Book of Records. The oldest cat in the world The oldest cat in the world

The oldest cat in the world is 24-year-old Poppy from the English city of Bournemouth. In terms of “human” age, the record holder is now 114 years old. Poppy was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest living cat. The record holder title was passed down to her from Pinkie from Kansas, who died last year at the age of 23.

(Total 8 photos)

1. Poppy on her birthday. She was born in February 1990 and has seen five British Prime Ministers. Poppy lives with the family, along with other pets - four more cats, two rabbits and a hamster. (Photo: SWNS)

2. Poppy eats cake on her birthday. (Photo: SWNS)

3. Poppy celebrates her 24th birthday. (Photo: SWNS)

4. Poppy's owner Jackie said that people often ask about the secret of her pet's longevity, to which she replies: “I think she has the right diet and a lot of exercise.”

“She keeps herself fit by walking and eating a lot. She has cookies for breakfast and then canned goods. However, she was never fat,” said Jackie. (Photo: SWNS)

6. Poppy in 1997 (Photo: SWNS)

7. The hostess also noted that Poppy’s health had noticeably deteriorated over the past year. “We know the end is near,” Jackie said, adding that she had said goodbye to Poppy several times already, but each time the animal proved that the cat has nine lives. (Photo: SWNS)

8. Mistress Poppy Jackie, together with her sons, shows evidence of the Guinness Book of Records. (Photo: SWNS)

Many people are afraid to have pets because they know that soon enough the moment of separation will come. But there are examples of animals that break all records for life expectancy. The longest living cat was with her loving owners for almost 40 years! Maybe your favorite will become the next record holder.

How long do cats live?

Any cats and dogs live significantly less than people. The lifespan of even the longest-living cats does not compare to the average number of years that humans live.

The lifespan of cats depends on such factors:

  • breed;
  • presence or absence of excess weight;
  • presence or absence of veterinary care;
  • habitat;
  • diet.

It may come as a surprise to many that the breed also determines how long your favorite cat will live.

Representatives of the Exotic Shorthair, Russian Blue, Bombay, and Snowshoe breeds live the shortest (10-12 years).

Long-lived cat breeds (18-20 years): American shorthair, Thai, Manx, Siamese.

Such statistics do not always correspond to reality, and if there are cases of happy exceptions, when a cat lives much longer than his brothers in the breed.

Long-lived cats

Determining long-livers among people is quite simple. There are unified databases in which a person is registered at birth. And you can always find out who is the oldest person in the city, country and throughout the world.

When kittens are born, they are not registered in the databases. Only the most purebred kittens have documents that indicate the day and year of birth. Therefore, it is quite difficult to find out how old the oldest cat in the world is. Few people can provide real evidence of a pet’s age, and one has to rely on the words of the owners, witnesses to the animal’s life. Only those long-lived cats that are reported by the owners themselves become widely known.

Famous long-lived cats:

  • Catalina. Another contender for the title of oldest cat in 2011 lived in Australia. Her owners claimed that she was born in 1977 and was 34 years old at the time of 2011.
  • Cream Puff. This cat from Texas is considered the longest living on the planet. Her record was registered posthumously in 2010. The long-lived cat died in 2005, and was born in 1967, so at the time of her death she was 38 years old.
  • Lucy. A cat from Britain claimed the title of the oldest on the planet in 2011. At that time she was 39 years old, and she was born in 1972. The cat, named Lucy, even outlived its owners, and in 1999 went into the family of their relatives. It was impossible to prove her age.
  • Missan. Missan was born in 1985 in Sweden. Her owner did not claim her cat's record until she read information in the newspapers about Tiffany II, who is 3 years younger. To officially register a record, the owner needs proof, which is difficult, since the long-lived animal was found on the street.
  • Scooter. The cat from Texas died in 2016 and was also considered the oldest in the world. At the time of his death he was 30 years old (born in 1986). In May 2016, he was included in the Guinness Book of Records. Two years before his death, the cat broke his paw and successfully underwent treatment and rehabilitation after the injury.
  • Tiffany Two. This cat lived in California, USA. The purr lived for 27 years and died in 2015. Data about it were included in the Guinness Book of Records 2015. Proof of age was not an issue since the animal was purchased from a local store.


It is believed that one cat year is equal to seven human years. At the same time, the average lifespan of a cat is relatively short - these animals live only about fifteen years. But what records are some felines setting as they live longer and longer?

Having learned how long some world-famous representatives lived, you will not believe that this is even possible. If we convert their age to human age, then many of them reached 150, and some even lived to be 180 years old by human standards, while remaining a playful hunter. How is this possible? And how long can these strange creatures made of flesh and fur live?

This cat set the longest record to date and officially entered the book of records: she lived 38 years and 3 days, which is almost 2.5 times longer than the average life of ordinary cats. Born in 1967 and dying in 2005, she became the most famous cat in the world, displacing all her long-lived predecessors from the championship podium.

It is believed that the reason for this health and lifespan is the special diet that their owner, Jake Perry, put his pets on. All his life he included bacon, eggs, broccoli and asparagus in the diet of his charges. Cream Puff was born and lived her entire life in the USA. After her death in 2010, she was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the world's oldest cat.

What’s interesting: this amazing cat managed to leave her mark even in fiction, because Barbara Brady wrote the novel “Once Upon A Hunch”, one of the characters of which was the black beauty - Cream Puff.

Other long-lived cats

Miracles in the field of long life are not limited to just one phenomenal record. Many cats, it turns out, were so lucky that they lived two or even three lives of their less fortunate relatives. They also entered the book of records, received prizes and awards at exhibitions.

Lucy: unconfirmed record holder

Lucy the cat was born in 1972. For a long time she simply lived in a fish shop, where she was fed. During her short life, Lucy changed several owners. One day, a neighbor came to visit her next owner, who had no idea about the uniqueness of his pet. She was very surprised, because the cat was exactly the same as the one that had frolicked in a small fish shop in this city a very long time ago.

Afterwards, the owner took her to a veterinary clinic, where Lucy’s year of birth was determined. In 2012, the cat was still alive, but already losing her hearing, which is not surprising considering how many years she had lived. In 2015, Lucy died of old age. This cat was unique, the reason for such a long life is unknown to anyone. However, she was not destined to get into the Guinness Book of Records.

Granpa: long-lived cat

Granpa is a beautiful Sphynx cat. For a long time, he was considered the oldest cat, but his housemate, Cream Puff, pushed him off the podium. They lived with the same owner, ate the same diet and lived long and vibrant lives, but Granpa still did not live up to the championship.

He was lucky enough to be born in 1964 in Paris, live 34 years and 2 months, and then die peacefully. This cat even managed to receive his award during his lifetime - in 1999 he was recognized as cat of the year by the famous magazine “Cats and Kittens”.

Fluffy: by mistake

Nobody knew who he was or where he came from. He was not purebred or unusual. A simple street stray cat living near a train station in Switzerland. He was fed by the station workers and lived his life for 33 years, until some woman decided to take the poor thing to the veterinary clinic. There, due to poor health and old age, he was euthanized. When they found out how many years this cat had lived, his record was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

The previous record holder, also included in the book of records. She was born in 1990 in Great Britain. She lived 24 bright and eventful years. Her owner, Jackie, suggests that the secret to such longevity is the right routine, activity and healthy eating.

The lifespan of a cat depends on many factors: environment, nutrition, activity, predisposition, breed. Some breeds are inherently predisposed to long and vibrant lives. Thanks to a properly selected diet, your cat will get sick less and live longer. But sometimes, as in the cases of these phenomenal cats, the secret to longevity is unknown.

Meet Rubble, a cat from Exeter, England, who is now called the "oldest cat in the world." Rubble the cat recently celebrated its 30th birthday. The cat and his owner Michelle Foster are the best of friends, she received as a kitten on her 20th birthday, back in May 1988.

Michelle believes that the secret to Rubble's longevity is that she cares for him like a child, she has never had children, so the cat is always surrounded by care and attention.

"He's a lovely cat, although he's gotten a little grumpy in his old age," she said. He's old and doesn't want too much attention. We'd rather he just be left to live quietly in his old age.

The oldest cat to ever live, according to the Guinness Book of World Records, is Creme Puff, who was born on August 3, 1967 and lived an incredible 38 years and three days until August 6, 2005! It is not known whether Rubble will break this record, but its owner is proud of the achievement that exists. Michelle remembers very well her 20th birthday, when she was given a kitten; at that time she lived alone, as she had just left her parents for an independent life. The cat brightened up her loneliness.

Now the cat suffers from high blood pressure, so the owner constantly visits the veterinarian with him, but overall the cat is still full of strength and is in excellent health.
This is what Rubble looked like 30 years ago

And so 30 years later

Centenarians have always attracted attention. They occur not only among people, but also in the animal world, in particular among cats. Today you will find out what age the oldest cat in the world has reached and who took the honorable second and third places in the ranking of long-lived cats. You will also find interesting information and photos about the unique long-lived two-headed cat.


Names of long-lived cats

  1. Lucy, cat's lifespan is 43 years, real champion! E that's a record duration life among cats
  2. Cream Puff – 38 years old (died 2005)
  3. Granpa Rex Allen – 34 years old
  4. Catalina – 34 years old
  5. Missan – 33 years old (alive)
  6. Scooter – 30 years old (died 2016)
  7. Tiffany Second – 27 years old (died 2015)

First place No. 1 Lucy the cat

Today, the oldest cat in the world, Lucy, has reached the age of 43 years, with the average cat's life span being 15 years. Translated into human years, that’s more than 175 years! The centenarian lives in the UK with her owner Bill Thomas and has no intention of dying. The cat, which can be seen in the photo, looks much younger than its age. She leads an active lifestyle and even chases mice, the only negative is that Lucy can no longer hear anything at all.

As it turned out recently, the oldest cat on the planet earth was born in 1972. Bill was told about this by his aunt, who one day came to visit him and was stunned when she saw the cat that she remembered from the previous owner more than forty years ago! Then Lucy quickly ran around the fish stores. Lucy has been living with Bill since 1999, when he took her in due to the death of her previous owner.

As soon as the owner heard Lucy’s interesting life story, he showed it to the veterinarians, who were completely dumbfounded by what they saw, but confirmed the cat’s record-breaking features. While experts are trying their best to identify the reasons for the lucky woman’s longevity, in the meantime she lives and enjoys life.

Second place No. 2 Cat Cream Puff

An honorable second place in the ranking is taken by a cat named Cream Puff from the USA, Texas. This cat lived for 38 years. The lucky girl was born in 1967 and left our world in 2005. The centenarian lived a happy life, until her last day she ran dashingly through the streets of her hometown of Austin and was not averse to fooling around.

Celebrity owner Jake Perry believes that the secret to the cat's longevity is a special diet, which included eggs, bacon, broccoli and asparagus, and not store-bought food. And the love and affection of the owner also played a role, who considered Cream Puff a full-fledged member of the family, and after his death he tearfully mourned the grave of his favorite. Cream Puff was registered in the Guinness Book of Records and was considered the oldest cat on the planet until 2011, when she was pushed aside by her competitor and new star Lucy, whom we have already told about.

Third place No. 3 Tiffany II

The top three longest-living record holders are closed by the oldest mustachioed and striped one on the planet as of 2014 - then Tiffany II celebrated its 26th anniversary. The animal died this year in its sleep at the age of 27 years and two months. By our standards, she was already 125 years old.

The owner of the unique cat, Sharon Voorhees, still remembers how she bought Tiffany for $10 at one of the pet stores. The cat lived in the USA, San Diego, for the entire measured century. As we can see in the photo, Tiffany looks great for her age. The cat retained sharp eyesight and excellent hearing until the end of her life. She ate special cat food, spent time in the apartment and only occasionally went out for street walks.

The owner noted the cat’s courage and bravery, because she could calmly walk past the dogs, proudly raising her tail. In her 27 years, Tiffany has been in hundreds of fights, but has never been seriously injured, Sharon notes. And one day the cat disappeared for 2 whole years! Sharon no longer hoped to see her, but the cat suddenly returned as if nothing had happened. That's why some people call Tiffany the traveler cat.

In this video you will meet the oldest cat in Russia, 23-year-old Pushko.

The oldest two-headed cat

Perhaps we’ll also tell you about the oldest strange cat, which differs from its peers by having two heads! Such a unique long-liver was “Frank and Louis” (photo attached), who was euthanized this year due to the discovery of cancer at the age of 15, which is not at all typical for cats with such pathologies. Typically, kittens born with muzzle duplication do not live more than 4 days.

The unusual cat owes its life to a female veterinarian, Martha Stevens, who took him in as a newborn kitten from the clinic where the little miracle was brought to be put to sleep. Martha believes that everyone has the right to life, even if everyone has turned their back on them. The owner left “Frank and Louis” on her own, which took more than 3 months, because at first the kitten could not coordinate its movements and eat. The cat has two mouths and noses, three eyes, but, as experts have found out, there is only one brain. A cat from the American city of Worcester lived a long, happy life and took pride of place in the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest cat with two heads.

How old is the oldest cat in Russia?

How to choose a long-lived breed?

Statistics of the most tenacious cat breeds:

Live up to 11 years:Snow-shoe
Up to 12 years:Bombay (Bombay)
Russian blue
Up to 13 years old:American Bobtail
Exotic Shorthair
Up to 14 years old:York (York Chocolate)
Scottish straight
Ural rex
Up to 15 years:Abyssinian
Asian shorthair
Arabian Mau
Bohemian rex
British Shorthair
Cymric (longhaired Manx)
Selkirk Rex
Sphinx (Canadian Sphynx)
Up to 16 years old:Maine Coon
Up to 17 years old:Australian smoke
Neva Masquerade
Under 18 years old:Asian Longhair (Tiffany)
Devon Rex
Japanese Bobtail
Under 19 years old:Asian tabby
Up to 20 years:
Manx tailless (Monx)

How to make a domestic cat long-lived?

  1. Vaccinate, as vaccinated cats live longer
  2. Mating – Veterinarians say that spaying and neutering prolongs the life of pets
  3. Feed correctly– premium food and natural food (cheap economy class spoils the animals’ stomachs and metabolism)
  4. Watch your weight– Overweight animals live shorter lives and get sick more
  5. Avoid self-medication– If you notice changes in the behavior of your cat or dog, go to the doctor.
  6. Outdoor games and sports– Running and jumping after the bow for at least ten to fifteen minutes a day is excellent gymnastics for the tail. It is advisable to run on a treadmill.
  7. Not allowed to walk on the street– Cats that live only in the house and do not walk outside live longer. They have less risk of getting hit by a car, eating poison, fighting with another cat, getting sick, getting lost, and much more.
  8. Sufficient level of clean water every day– Cats prefer to drink flowing water rather than standing water.
  9. Watch your teeth– gum problems can be life-threatening, but they affect your overall health and can lead to serious complications
  10. Regular visits to the veterinarian– full check-up once a year.

Are there long-lived cats on kitecat and other similar food?

There are, but there are not many of them, they are rather the exception. Do not feed your cat cheap and low-quality food, as well as dog food. When choosing food, pay attention to the composition and the very first on the list and the largest amount should be meat - protein is very important for cat nutrition (the main thing is not soy protein, they cannot digest it)

Table of cat age according to human years of life

Cat's age in years Person's age in years
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