The coolest and most useful mechanisms in minecraft. How to make mechanisms in Minecraft

The role of mechanisms in Minecraft game is to, as a result of influencing them, perform a wide variety of useful works and actions. The crafting system makes it possible, during the course of the game, to create completely ready-made and effective mechanisms and those materials that are available to your game character. The main types of mechanisms are valve units, pistons, as well as rails and switches. To activate most mechanisms, a red stone is required.

Features of simple and complex mechanisms

As soon as you start playing Minecraft, you will immediately be faced with the need to have simple mechanisms, since you cannot do without them. For example, you will need at a minimum windows and doors, as well as gates and various hatches. You can make doors from the usual material - wood or iron. But keep in mind that you cannot open iron doors with a regular right-click. To activate such doors, you will need a certain signal, you can give it from a button, using a lever or using a pressure plate.


Another simplest mechanism- switches - serve as a way to transmit a red stone signal over a distance. So, it is the red stone and the switches themselves that in Minecraft are the main elements of more complex mechanisms that cannot be crafted. This means that you have only one option - to make such mechanisms yourself. But don’t worry: on the Internet you can easily find a huge number of schemes for the construction complex mechanisms. The diagrams are posted on the relevant thematic sites.

The purpose of the main mechanisms in the game minecraft


- this is the most important mechanism, which is simply impossible to do without, since it is through them that the extracted resources are transported. Of course, theoretically, you can carry resources “over the hump” from the mine to the house - and so many times, wasting energy and time. But why? Your character will simply lay rails from the mine to your home and send resources along them when you have extracted a large enough volume. Resources are transported in trolleys. When laying rails in the mines, remain extremely careful: monsters will do everything possible to prevent trolleys from moving along the rails and block the tracks.


- another important and necessary mechanism. There are two types of pistons: sticky and regular. The latter serve to move the blocks, but the sticky ones not only move them, but also subsequently return each one to its place. Both types of pistons are very often used in various mechanisms. They are indispensable for traps and, of course, on farms, where they serve as an integral element of an automatic harvesting system.

Know that at the beginning of the game it will be somewhat difficult for you to understand the nuances and features of the work and functioning of each of the mechanisms. It will be difficult to navigate their interaction. However, very soon you will learn to use the mechanisms for their intended purpose and will begin to operate them with ease.

Here, in pictures, it is described how to make such a mechanism.

There is nothing complicated in this mechanism, we just need:
1) Redstone
2) Repeaters
3) Any blocks
4) Devices affected by redstone
5) A little time

Let's get started:

1. This is an already built mechanism, it looks like this:

2. Top view (the lower mechanism is the shortest, in which you do not need to use the thing that is adjusted to the mechanism that is higher);

3. Consider the thing that is applied to the mechanism above (front view) (you can do without this thing if you use a lever instead of a button (then you will have to wait for the signal from the lever to reach the end));

4. Piece (rear view);

P.S. If you want to use a long chain powered by a button, then with each extension by 1 device (I have pistons), place this thing 1 repeater further, and do a little magic with the repeaters. (with very long mechanisms there can be a lot of these things)

I hope everything is clear to you. The mechanism is not complicated, that’s why I didn’t make a video.

Happy building!

And further:
1) I came up with this mechanism myself, if you’re a fool, then prove it.
2) This is my first tutorial.

Now, happy building!

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Anyone who plays Minecraft for a long time gradually gets bored with the monotonous gameplay. And then players begin to create mechanisms in Minecraft - creative designs, the purpose of which can be very different: from “refrigerators” to high-speed elevators and even entire computers!

Ready Minecraft mechanisms

Probably many people know about the existence of such blocks as an iron door, hatch, lever or gate. But you can assemble using one or two such blocks located in in the right place, for example, a device that will block the path of water, and when you press a button, allow liquid to pass through.


Now let's talk about more complex designs. In Minecraft, mechanisms cannot be built without the presence of red stone (aka “redstone”). If you decide to create your masterpiece in Creative mode, then you don’t have to worry about this - after all, in this world you can take any number of any objects.

But in Survival, where you will need to mine a considerable amount of redstone ore. The easiest way to do this is in a cave, for which you just need to find a source of lava. There is almost always a certain amount of redstone ore near it. If you have a diamond pickaxe and a source of water, you can try to drain the lava: at the bottom of the source there is most often a red stone.

Another required item for creating mechanisms is a piston. The situation with him is simpler: he is crafted from objects that are not difficult to find - wood, stone, iron and, again, “redstone”.

For more complex mechanisms, you will need sticky pistons - their feature is that with the moving part they are glued to the block in front of them. To create them you need a regular piston and slime, which can only be obtained from slimes.

Cool mechanisms inMinecraft

So, all the necessary items have been obtained and crafted, and now you can’t wait to find out what devices can be created? Here it is necessary to clarify one more detail: in Minecraft, mechanisms cannot work on their own. A certain action is required on the part of the player plus, which, in turn, activates the entire scheme.

If you are playing with friends, you can play a trick on them by creating some kind of trap. The principle of its operation is very simple: when the player stands on a pressure plate, switches a lever or uses a button, this activates a circuit of pistons. But what happens next depends only on your imagination: you can simply lock it from all sides, you can flood it with water or even lava, or you can activate the TNT under it and see how far it will fly.

But you shouldn't create such traps if you're just playing on a server with strangers- after all, they may well complain to the administrator, who will simply ban you, and this will not be so fun.

The best mechanisms inMinecraft

If you don't intend to set traps or are just playing in a single player game, then there are many other uses for devices in Minecraft. They can have agricultural significance - for example, when activated, they wash away grown wheat and transport it to storage.

You can simply create a beautiful scheme of red torches that will blink in a certain sequence (you can make a sign in the same way).

But most useful application"Redstone" is undoubtedly an elevator. If you decide to build it from scratch, that is, even without a sample, then it may take you a large number of time, and the elevator will end up being ineffective. It is much easier to take a ready-made description or video that describes in detail the creation of this device, and build it step by step.

There is practically nothing impossible in this game. Whatever the character needs, it can all be built. Minecraft mechanisms play an important role in the manufacture of various things. They are used to automate a character's daily routine, for example, to automate a car or a house.

To use them, you must open the “Inventory” tab. Press the "E" key.

Red dust

Red dust (redstone) is a mechanism that provides electricity to other devices. Redstone can be obtained by breaking a block of red ore. It is mined with a pickaxe.

The lever can be used as a button. Can also be used as a switch. To craft it, you need to have a cobblestone and a stick. We place the cobblestone and stick on the workbench - and the lever is ready.

Red torch

It is used to enable various mechanisms. It is also a weak light source.
A red torch is made using a stick and red dust.

Mechanical doors

A regular door opens by clicking on the right mouse button. But in the game it is possible to build a mechanical door that can only be opened by using certain mechanisms. You can also craft automatic doors. To do this you will need wires, levers, and various buttons. These items will need to be installed where the door opens.

It can be stone or wood. Serve to give a signal when a mob, player, etc. is detected. How to do it - see the diagram. The stones must be placed horizontally.

A repeater is used in creating or using electrical circuits. To make a repeater, you will need stones, red torches and red dust.


The piston in the game takes very important role, since without it it will not be possible to manufacture some mechanisms. The main function of the piston is to drive different mechanisms. The piston is used to make traps, elevators, doors and more. It can be regular or sticky. Sticky not only can push an object like simple pistons, but also return the object back.
To make a regular piston you will need an iron ingot, cobblestones, boards and red dust. If you add mucus to this set, you get a sticky piston.

We arrange the components in the required order:

We make a sticky piston (we place the mucus at the top):

Otherwise called trinitrotoluene or TNT. This is a good thing to blow things up in the game. Explodes approximately 4 blocks away from itself. A huge number of blocks fly apart at the epicenter of the explosion. It is very convenient to use it when clearing various areas from foreign objects. How to do it - see the diagram.


The dispenser is used when there is a need to dispense a huge number of different items at once. In order to make a dispenser, you will need onions, cobblestones and red dust.

The described technologies for manufacturing these useful mechanisms will help make the game even more vibrant and similar to real life.

Today we will talk about what a mechanism in Minecraft is, how to use it correctly and what it is needed for.

Mechanisms in Minecraft are very important because without them such important buildings and some resources such as trolleys, iron doors, dynamite and so on.


The game has the following main mechanisms:

Additional little things

  • Note block. Used to produce sounds using red dust signals.
  • Dispenser. He distributes objects placed in him in advance, and also works with the help of dust.
  • Hook. Similar to a switch and is typically used for trip wires.
  • Gate. An ordinary gate that is needed to get through a fence.

How to make mechanisms in Minecraft

In the Minecraft game you can create a very large number of different items. It will take a lot of time to find a crafting scheme yourself, so now we will tell you about the items that are needed to create the mechanisms described above.

  • To create a lever, you only need items such as a cobblestone and a stick.
  • To create a button, you need to take a board and a stone block.
  • The repeater requires items such as 3 stones, a pair of red torches and one redstone.
  • Pressure plate: two boards are needed, if desired, they can be replaced with stone, then the plate will look like stone and not like a board.
  • Doors: 6 planks or six iron ingots are required.
  • Piston: you need 3 planks, 4 stones, an iron ingot and one red dust. For the sticky plunger, you need to combine a regular plunger with slime.
  • To create a pack of dynamite, you need 4 sand blocks and 5 pcs. gunpowder
  • Note block: 8 blocks of boards and the same amount of redstone.
  • The dispenser is crafted from seven stones, one red dust and a bow.
  • For the hatch you only need 6 boards, you can also use iron.
  • Hook: board, stick, iron ingot.
  • For the gate, 4 sticks and 2 boards will be enough.

Mechanism mod for Minecraft

Also, among other things, there is a mod “100 mechanisms”. It has a location where more than a hundred different mechanisms are installed. All of them were created by moderators and can be tried out by players.

There is also another mod called BulidCraft. Its peculiarity is that it is one of the most powerful. This mechanism mod for Minecraft 1.5.2 is notable for the fact that it creates many items that simply do not exist in the game itself. These are pipes, gears, etc. The mod divides mechanisms into categories, machines, pipes, construction mechanisms, engines, etc.


Now you know what mechanisms exist in the game, how to create and use them, and you also learned a couple of useful and simply interesting mods for Minecraft 1.5.2 mechanisms.