The most obedient cat breeds. The most affectionate breeds of cats and cats. Smart Abyssinian cat

Which cat breed is the most affectionate?

Siberian cat. They are considered the most affectionate, they become more attached to their owner than others. They have long hair and quite large in size, they can reach up to 20 kilograms.

Sphinx. Most studies have shown that this breed is considered kind with other people. Due to their unusual skin cover, they often need the warmth and love of their owner.

Maine Coon. They have a menacing appearance, these cats are very friendly. Such the breed is suitable any family.

Manx. These cats have the quality from birth that they do not have a tail. But they are very affectionate with their owners. Manx cats love to spend a lot of time with their owner.

Burmese cat. These cats have unusual traits that are more like a division of personality: these breeds can frolic, and literally a few minutes later they can rest in the owner’s arms.

Regdoll. These cats are considered imposing, affectionate and affectionate. This breed is great for people who are quite lonely or have children.

Siamese cat. Siamese are just a find with best qualities. The best one is curiosity.

Burmese cat. Cats of this breed are very sociable and gentle. They show a lot of attention to their owner. They pay in kind for the owner's affection.

Russian blue cat. Russian Blues can watch their parents for a long time, but they also fall head over heels in love with them. Pets of this breed will follow you, love to play active games and sleep next to their owner at night.

Persian. Persians, like exotic ones, are quite tame and calm.

Abyssinian cat. These cats are active and smart. They are quite sociable with strangers.

Exotic. This breed is distinguished by its tenderness and slowness. Exotic cats will be happy that the owner shows affection.

Tame and calm cat breeds

Undoubtedly, Maine Coon will be in first place. This breed is sociable, friendly and friendly. They love company in the presence of a person, and often greet their owners with the help of purring, which means that the animal really wants to make contact.

Maine Coon

The second breed is the Bombay. These animals are so similar to panthers, they are active and sociable. These cats love warmth and communication. They are tame and love affection and hugs from their owner.


Good breeds

Toyger breed. They look like real domestic tigers due to their appearance and size. However, despite this appearance, they are kind and funny.

Devon Rex. They are considered cheerful, elusive acrobats.

Egyptian Mau. This breed has the trait that they choose selected people and show special devotion to them.

American Curl. Important factor This breed is a mystery. They show reliability and loyalty.

The smartest cat breeds

Bengal cats. They try to understand and use people’s words, and can also fulfill requests given by the owner.

Munchkin cat. The owners of these animals noticed that their pets were trying to achieve equality. Trying to give commands will get you nowhere, so don't even try.

Oriental cat. The main feature is emotions. These are the most vulnerable and sensitive animals. Try not to offend them.

British cat. A beautiful and magnificent creature. They have exceptional loyalty, which is very much appreciated. You won't be able to find a more loyal pet anywhere.

Scottish fold cat. Considered an intelligent breed. This particular breed was included in the top three, which is very cool.

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All cats are different. Even kittens of the same litter can have different personalities. But there are certain cat breeds that are calm and affectionate. They are created for family life and get along well with children of different ages.

Before you choose four-legged friend, learn about the main properties of this breed, the main character traits. Consult veterinarians and specialists. Don't forget that the cat will become a member of the family for many years.

Among the most affectionate cat breeds, several should be noted:

The Siamese cat loves the family in which he lives very much. Will endure any test of strength to which children subject it. Temperamental, sometimes a little nervous and impatient, the cat becomes extremely attached to people.

The Siamese cat has a “dog” feature: it waits for owners and family members entrance doors. The cat has a lively mind, he is inquisitive, and communicates well with people of different ages.

Some representatives of this breed can even walk on a leash, provided that they are accustomed to this in time.

The ideal owner for a Siamese cat will be a person who really loves Siamese cats, will never abandon him, will devote a lot of time to him and will be patient. The owner of a Siamese cat loves its uniqueness, pedigree, beauty and elegance.

The Siamese cat is brave, but does not like to communicate with strangers. He prefers to be close to his owner and is able to establish different type relations with different members families. She loves children and is extremely kind to them. This is a truly affectionate cat, which immediately reciprocates the affectionate gesture of the owner or child.

Ragdoll cat

The cat of English origin is unusually gentle and loving. This is just a tame cat, because he hangs in his arms completely relaxed and peaceful. Hence the name of the Ragdoll breed - rag doll.

The contrast between the impressive size of the cat and his soft, peaceful character is interesting. He embodies calm strength and poise, kindness and affection.

This cute giant is perfect for family life. To be completely happy, it is enough for him to sit on his owner’s lap. He gets along with other animals without problems. Can't stand any quarrels or scandals.

Maine Coon

This breed is very popular in the USA, where it originated. Maine Coon cats can easily be included in the list of the most affectionate cat breeds, because they are sociable, kind and loyal.

They are inseparable from children. Large cats love water and bathing. The family chooses one person to whom they become strongly attached. They are friends with other pets. This is a wonderful, affectionate cat.

British Shorthair

A very beautiful cat with teddy bear eyes attracts the attention of cat lovers. A completely tame, kind cat looks like a soft toy.

Thanks to careful selection, the Shorthair cat was created for the home. He is smart, calm, kind and loyal.

The cat is so sociable that he cannot stand being alone at all. Always in the room where the family is gathered. Likes to alternate quiet comfort with active communication and games. Always attentive to your surroundings. Enjoys playing with moving objects. Affectionate with small children and the sick.

Burmese cat

The blue-eyed Burmese cat will captivate you with his royal bearing. The sophisticated appearance goes well with knightly loyalty to the owner.

Sometimes shy and sensitive, never making noise or annoying. He loves to play and plays even at an advanced age. The ball is his favorite pastime.

The beauty, kindness and affection of a cat will conquer you.

Bombay cat

It is a little-known breed. It is distinguished by its special devotion to its owner. Characteristic feature The breed is silent. The cat almost never meows. The cat is confident, calm, patient and inquisitive. Him a good appetite. A confident cat knows how to be kind, affectionate and understanding.

Hawaiian brown cat

The Hawaiian chocolate bar with green eyes is very emotional. Sometimes he may be too persistent in his demands for attention. This is an intelligent, sociable, playful creature.

He only truly loves his owner, whom he follows on his heels. She can be very affectionate in response to shown care.

Persian cat

The Persian cat is famous for its long, beautiful hair and calm nature. Ideal for equally calm families.

The appearance and character of the Persian cat have been carefully selected. It's very gentle, absolutely domestic cat. Has no idea about hunting. He is peaceful and lazy, loves to sleep.

The Persian cat is pretentious and loves grooming. Loves to be brushed and cherished. Realizing his own aristocracy, the Persian cat considers it normal that people admire him and give him compliments. He responds to care and attention with affection and a good mood.

Scottish fold cat

charming. Ears hanging forward, a gentle look, a kind appearance and good character- all this makes him an excellent pet.

Phlegmatic, obedient, he is ideal for games and communication. A reasonable, discreet friend: one can only dream of such a cat. His reserved character does not prevent him from being truly affectionate.

Siberian cat

This is a mastodon with a gentle expression. Purebred cat became a pet, despite his wild past in harsh Siberia. Sociable, smart, kind, he will find mutual language with any person and animal.

Loves to communicate with adults and children, provided that he is treated well. Natural kindness and affection are characteristic of this breed of cats.

Lively and strong, the Siberian cat is not averse to hunting. Sometimes he really wants freedom, but he lives well in an apartment if he has enough entertainment.

Domestic cats are a source of joy, laughter and Have a good mood. However, we should not forget that these are independent beings and a person needs to make an effort to fully understand them.

How does a happy, affectionate cat behave?

Every cat owner wants to know if their pet is doing well.

Be sure that your cat is happy if he:

  1. He looks at you, narrowing his eyes. Look at him too. This look is a kind of affection, a manifestation of trust and love.
  2. The cat purrs when you pet him. The affectionate cat simply worships you.
  3. The cat shows his tummy, lying on his back. A sign of absolute happiness.
  4. The cat rubs against the furniture when you appear. This is a hint about his expectation of affection and attention. He is happy to see you and is waiting for contact.
  5. The cat climbs on you and sleeps on you. Peak of trust and love.
  6. The cat licks your hands and face. This process is a manifestation of feline tenderness, affection and love.

If we accidentally forgot to mention some affectionate breed, then please remind us about it in the comments.

The character of the pet often plays a decisive role in choosing a representative from the cat family. The future owner focuses not only on appearance, but also how the cat can get along with small children and pets that are already in the house. Today we will look at which cats are the most affectionate and intelligent to make your choice easier.

So, the main criteria for us will be:

  • relationships with people, how friendly and affectionate they are;
  • attitude towards small children so that they cannot be harmed;
  • getting along with other pets.

Note that the selection compiled is generally arbitrary, since the choice of cat breed can be influenced by many other factors. But our task is to highlight as much as possible those qualities that determine how comfortably cats and people will coexist in the same territory.

The kindest and most affectionate cats, getting along well with both children and adults, of the following breeds:

  • ragdolls;
  • sphinxes;
  • Maine Coons;
  • Burmese;
  • Scottish Fold.

It is better for a lonely older person to get a calmer, more imposing and loving Persian cat or an exotic cat; they are moderately affectionate.

In a family with children, where life is always fun and active, they will feel great, moderately affectionate:

  • Burmese;
  • Russian blue;
  • British;
  • Siamese;
  • Siberian;
  • Maine Coon;
  • Abyssinian

Let's talk about each of the breeds in more detail, noting the strongest and weak sides representatives.

1. Burmese cat

Perhaps we will put her first in the ranking of calm and affectionate cats. An extremely trainable, intelligent and friendly cat of this breed will become an excellent life partner for all family members. We can say that this is a godsend for those who are looking for a kitten for small children. They will grow up together, playing and spending time reading books in a quiet environment.

There is an amazing attachment to everyone in the house, both to people and to other animals, affectionate and kind. They are able to perceive the mood of their owners, coming at the right moment to console. They coexist peacefully with cats or dogs in the house, play together without showing aggression.

TO positive trait This also includes intelligence, which will not allow one to cross the boundaries of what is permitted.

2. Sphinx

Incredibly calm, affectionate and patient creatures, as if they came to Earth from another planet. They love everyone in the family very much and have a hard time with partings. Therefore, you should remember that he should not be left alone for a long time.

Sphinxes by nature:

  • kind, delicate, affectionate;
  • They don’t mind when children play with them, picking them up and squeezing them. They will never scratch a child or run into a corner. They will endure, but at a critical moment they will pitifully call the owner to the rescue;
  • Having appeared in the house, he tries to establish contact with other pets. If he appeared in the house earlier, he will definitely take little newcomers under his wing, trying to become their assistant and leader.

3. Neva Masquerade

Discreet and noble, cats of this breed are also incredibly affectionate. This wonderful companion everyone in the family. It is worth noting that in relationships with children, the cat shows patience and calmness. He does not let go of his claws even in the most unpleasant situations; he will try to carefully get out of the child’s hands and hide for some period. He will not take grievances out by damaging furniture or slippers.

She will never force herself to be petted, but she will happily sit on her lap and will accept affection if the owner is so inclined. Affectionate and kind.

4. Burmese breed

Affectionate and capable of giving love - this is all about representatives of the Burmese breed. This cat is sociable, playful and friendly even towards strangers. You will never see her claws. This is especially important when there are small children in the house who are ready to do whatever they want with it.

He is very attached to his family and cannot be alone for long. Therefore, it is better to have other animals with her that she willingly plays with. It is ideal to have two cats of this breed in the house.

5. Scottish Fold

This breed's easy-going nature and funny appearance will make you much happier having it in your home. A soft plush cat, like a toy, will keep both a single person and a large family with children company.

Fold cats:

  • adore the owner;
  • enjoy frolicking with children;
  • coexist well with other animals;
  • affectionate.

However, affectionate cats of this breed will not always willingly lie on their laps, preferring to take a place next to the owner.

6. Manx

This breed is more suitable for a private home; its representatives are excellent mousecatchers. They get along well with everyone in the family and are ready to spend time actively with them, as well as to bask in the caresses of their owner. A cat of this breed expects only reciprocity, this is very important for her, she is affectionate and affectionate.

Children's fun will not take place without Manx, he will definitely participate in them. The more kids, the more fun he has. He will allow himself to be tormented a little, but you should not touch his little tail, this is painful for the cat.

Keeps animals in the house friendly relations, but small individuals may suffer.

7. Redgall

Balanced, unobtrusive and affectionate - this is about Redgall cats. Impressive in size, but incredibly loving. Noisy companies do not bother him at all, and children's fun only makes him happy. He will never offend a child, and when games get boring, he will only hide in a secluded corner and sit there. Then he will return and continue the fun.

Gets along with any pets, and will never offend small ones.

8. British Shorthair

A solid, calm cat for those who are very busy and only come home to spend the night. She easily tolerates loneliness, but is very happy to meet you. He will quietly follow his owner's footsteps, and as soon as he sits down to rest, he will be nearby. The British cat is considered an affectionate cat breed.

He treats children calmly, with aristocratic restraint. He won’t allow you to play with himself or squeeze him, but he will never let out his claws and never offend you. Affectionate relationships will be cherished and reciprocated.

Other animals are not a hindrance for her.

9. Maine Coon

A large cat, at first glance it seems that it is serious and intimidating. But once she becomes attached to her family, it becomes clear that she is emotional and affectionate. Breeders note in this breed:

  • loyalty;
  • devotion;
  • incredible mind;
  • friendliness.

These large animals are very affectionate and loyal, they love children, but very young ones should not be left unattended. The cat may not calculate its size and, not wanting to harm the child, lie down with tenderness and press down.

Maine Coons good hunters(especially a cat), so it is better to keep small pets safe. Coexists peacefully with other animals.

10. Abyssinian cat

A rare combination of incredible intelligence and excellent physique. Lively and affectionate cats Abyssinian breed will be an excellent choice for a large family. Despite the fact that he chooses one family member as the main one and mostly obeys only him, he treats the rest with love.

He loves a noisy environment, is always curious and welcoming, affectionate and good-natured. If something interesting happens, he is always in the thick of it. She loves children, but treats them with caution.

He perfectly accepts the presence of other cats and even dogs in the house.

11. Persian breed

Lazy and wayward cat Persian breed expects only love and affection from its owner. If she is enough, then he will reciprocate. He tries to avoid strangers and will never touch him.

They are quite calm with children, maybe not so affectionate, but they simply won’t offend. They will allow you to play with yourself a little, even put on doll clothes.

The Persian is absolutely indifferent to other animals. It's more likely due to incredible laziness. Sometimes it can follow a fly and even run. But playing with cats and dogs is boring for him.

12. Exotic shorthair cat

Affectionate cats, created for love and tenderness. Cats are more attached to their owner, cats are independent. They love to be stroked and scratched, but never force their affection on them.

Children are not particularly loved, but they are not touched either. The claws are kept under control. The same applies to other pets in the house. It would be better to remain neutral.

13. Abyssinian cat

They cannot stand prolonged loneliness, they suffer, lose their calmness and appetite.

14. Russian blue cat

The character of this breed is said to be that while they are friendly, they are very independent. They will definitely choose for themselves Right place and territory. However, they also single out their leader among the family independently and will obey only him. Having gotten used to the family, they become loyal and affectionate. He loves everyone, but does not show excessive feelings. He is wary of strangers and would prefer to simply leave and not communicate.

She doesn’t like noisy companies, so she perceives children’s games as an event where she doesn’t want to be present. Although she is quite patient with children and will not offend her.

When alone, he remains calm and does not intrude. It can exist with other animals in the house, but small animals, such as rodents, may be perceived as prey. Cats and dogs are unlikely to be able to involve her in their games.

15. Siberian cat

Independence was given to her from nature itself. Its ancestors are wild forest cats who sense danger and are ready to protect even their owner. Rather, this is not a sofa option that you can pet for hours and listen to contented purring. Moderately affectionate, but they are in no hurry to show feelings, they can only caress when the mood suits them.


  • treats owners with respect;
  • grateful;
  • devoted.

She is tolerant of children, but does not like it when they cuddle her and try to dress her up. He values ​​his living space, so he protects his chosen territory. This is especially noticeable when more animals appear in the house. If he appeared later, he will grow up calmly in their environment and will rarely be able to be friends.

16. Siamese cat

This cat has a complex character. Many note her temperament, stubbornness and even jealousy. For her, only one in the family becomes a favorite, to whom all devotion and affection will be poured out. It is noted that cats of this breed are talkative, and they speak often and very loudly. For the owner, they are quite loyal and affectionate, they always reciprocate. They do not accept strangers and are wary.

If you have decided to get a cat, cat or kitten and want it to be the kindest, smartest, calm and affectionate cat, then this article is just for you.

Here we will look at the most affectionate breeds and answer the question: male or female, who is the kindest, most affectionate and owner-oriented.

We hope this information will help you decide on the choice of cat breed.

Who is more affectionate: cats or cats?

If you decide to get yourself a cat, you should know one simple truth: each animal has its own and unique character. There are no absolutely spineless or, conversely, completely stubborn animals. Of course, the behavior of cats largely depends on their belonging to a particular breed, but it is the owner’s lifestyle, his way of life and individual personality traits that are the fundamental factors in shaping the character of pets. This is most pronounced when the cat is no longer young and for a long time lives with the same person.

Most cat owners say that cats are much more affectionate towards their owners than cats. This is explained by the fact that females are not individualists by nature; they do not need to defend their rights to territory or fight for a place at the top of the family hierarchy. Somewhere we can agree with this: indeed, cats are more attached to their owners, less stubborn and more gentle. However, this does not always manifest itself and not everywhere.

If the cat lives in good conditions, is always fed and warm, she has enough living space and nothing threatens her, then she has no reason to be unkind to a person.

If the animal is in constant voltage, constantly does not have enough to eat, is treated poorly or not treated at all, then there is no need to talk about love for one’s breadwinners.

In the case of cats, everything is much simpler. The cat does not need any special tenderness from the owner, he has a more or less even and stable character, his main life credo is to be disturbed less, fed more, and always considered the most important thing. He is who he is and there is no other way. In this regard, it is the personality of the owner and how he will raise his pet that comes to the fore.

That's why, question “Who is more affectionate: cats or cats” remains purely philosophical and does not require additional discussion. Everything is absolutely individual and depends on many factors.

Now let's talk about the most affectionate cat breeds. Below is a ranking from the least affectionate cats to the most affectionate breeds.

TOP 13 affectionate cat breeds

№13 - Siamese cat

These cats are distinguished by their intelligence, curiosity and intelligence, but they have an unbalanced character, sometimes prone to jealousy and a certain amount of aggression. In general, these are friendly, playful and moderately affectionate creatures. If the owner regularly shows love and respect for his animal, then it will always reciprocate.

  • They are wary of strangers, but they pay a lot of attention to the owner, siamese cats affectionate and friendly.
  • Attitude towards children: ready to play, but if you don’t like something it might scratch.
  • Attitude towards other animals: perceives birds and rodents only as prey, and can make friends with dogs and cats.

№12 - Abyssinian cat

Animals of this breed do not like to be left alone and always strive to be close to people. They are very loyal, sociable, non-capricious and get along well with all family members. Despite all these qualities, Abyssinians do not like to be held in a person’s arms for a long time and prefer to simply follow him everywhere. They can be compared to loyal, playful and very active dogs.

  • Attitude towards the owner, adults: owner-oriented. They cannot stand loneliness and can get bored. They treat strangers well.
  • Attitude towards children: friendly, ready to play all day.
  • Attitude towards other animals: get along with dogs and cats of all breeds and ages.

№11 - Manx

Cats of this breed do not particularly need tenderness from humans, but at the same time they themselves show extreme affection and devotion, they love to sit on their owner’s lap for a long time, play with him, and watch all the actions and movements of the household members. Menx cats get along well with children.

  • Attitude towards the owner, adults: They are quite affectionate and owner-oriented. They do not tolerate loneliness well. They are wary of strangers, but then friendly and sociable.
  • Attitude towards children: friendly.
  • Attitude towards other animals: get along with dogs and cats. But they are dangerous for birds, rodents and fish.

№10 - Burmese cat

These cats are distinguished by their extraordinary calmness of character, prudence and ingenuity. They are very gentle towards people, obedient and dutiful, attentive to the owner’s instructions, sociable, but not particularly talkative. Their voice is soft, melodic and unobtrusive.

  • Attitude towards the owner, adults: They quickly become attached to all family members, without choosing one owner. Not afraid of strangers. Intuitively senses a person’s mood and physical condition.
  • Attitude towards children: good, caring. Ready to play active games, run around and have fun.
  • Attitude towards other animals: get along with dogs and cats.

№9 - Maine Coon

Maine Coons are very attached to their family and love everyone without exception. These are born good-natured people and jokers. They have a balanced character, they are non-aggressive and absolutely unforgiving. However, these cats do not particularly like to be picked up. They prefer partnerships where all family members have a little of their own personal living space. Maine Coons are more like dogs in character, but willful and independent of their owner.

  • Attitude towards the owner, adults: Maine Coons are easy to train; they can be taught to fetch a ball, slippers, or a newspaper. But still, this is not a dog, and therefore it will not look into the owner’s eyes and wag its tail. These are more partners who have their own interests and habits. They communicate well with strangers.
  • Attitude towards children: flat, but they can play.
  • Attitude towards other animals: good, can be friends with dogs and cats.

№8- Burmese cat

These cats are very active and artistic. You will never get bored with a Burmese: if no one plays with her, she begins to invent something herself and thereby attracts attention to herself. Burmese love to take a nap in their owner’s arms and purr something to him in their “angelic” voice.

  • Attitude towards the owner, adults: They love to communicate and play not only with the owner, but also with any other person.
  • Attitude towards children: good. Burmese excellent companions for noisy and active games.
  • Attitude towards other animals: can make friends with a dog or cat to play together.

№7- Russian Blue

She has an almost ideal cat character, is smart, attentive, loves her owner very much and is an excellent friend to him. Russian Blues know how to adapt to people’s moods, be unobtrusive and efficient, if necessary. Very affectionate and patient.

  • Attitude towards the owner, adults: loyal, but not intrusive. Strangers fears. Prefers the company of one owner or loneliness.
  • Attitude towards children: neutral.
  • Attitude towards other animals: also neutral, can make friends with a dog.

№6 - Neva Masquerade

These animals have a stable and balanced character, never give their owners any reason to worry, and are very predictable and flexible. The Neva Masquerade cat is always cheerful and playful. Shows great tenderness and love for people.

  • Attitude towards the owner, adults: calm and unobtrusive, loves affection, but will not bother you with his presence.
  • Attitude towards children: patient and caring. Can take part in games, but not always. Will tolerate any childish antics.
  • Attitude towards other animals: normal, friendly. He will not defend his place and command.

№5- Persian cat

These animals contain an amazing combination of tenderness and self-esteem. Persians are very trusting of people and are distinguished by great devotion to their owners. If a person is affectionate with a cat, then she will certainly respond in kind. This is one of the most tame cat breeds, loving warmth and affection.

  • Attitude towards the owner, adults: trusting and sensitive. Persians are good at capturing the mood of their owner; they are ready to be a friend and a soft pillow. They are shy towards strangers.
  • Attitude towards children: The most patient cat breed. They can withstand any games and pranks of little mischievous people. They will never hurt a child.
  • Attitude towards other animals: Persians are indifferent to other animals.

№4- Exotics

Exotic cats are a great combination of calm character and extremely cute appearance. These are sofa cats that will happily lie on the bed or on the owner’s lap.

Animals of this breed are very affectionate and good-natured.

  • Attitude towards the owner, adults: they simply love to be close to people, sleep in the same bed with their owner and watch his actions.
  • Attitude towards children: cautiously calm. Of course, they will not get excited and take part in noisy games.
  • Attitude towards other animals: They always remain neutral with other cats and dogs; they can live side by side, but not be friends.

№3- Ragdoll

Very obedient, neat and accommodating creatures. Ragdolls are easy to train, very smart, quick-witted and reasonable. Their playfulness and tenderness are well known. They are affectionate with their owner and love it when this is shown on the part of the person.

  • Attitude towards the owner, adults: loves to cuddle on your lap, purr and receive a portion of affection.
  • Attitude towards children: reserved towards children, sometimes wary, but can take part in games. A Ragdoll will never offend a child, and if it senses danger, it will hide, but not attack, and especially not scratch.
  • Attitude towards other animals: can make friends with any animals, cats, dogs and even rodents.

№2- Sphinx

Loving and friendly animals that adore their owners, loyal and reliable friends. Despite their “cosmic” appearance, sphinxes are very gentle and sensitive creatures that need affection and, in turn, are affectionate with people.

  • Attitude towards the owner, adults: The sphinx will always accompany its owner, even on trips and walks it will be happy to sit in its owner’s arms. These cats trust not only their owner, but also strangers.
  • Attitude towards children: very patient and reserved. The Sphinx will never offend small child and will steadfastly withstand any pranks.
  • Attitude towards other animals: this breed can make friends with almost any other animal and even take “patronage” over his friends.

№1- Siberian cat

The Siberian cat breed takes an honorable first place in our ranking. These are extremely friendly and flexible creatures. Siberians are very responsive and playful, active and unobtrusive. Their intelligence is at its best high level. Respects himself and all household members. Harmonious, polite, affectionate. Siberian cats are also very traditional, they always need to observe their favorite rituals day after day, but if this ritual is sitting on the owner’s lap, then get ready for cute get-togethers with your pet.

  • Attitude towards the owner, adults: trustful, Siberian cats are good at sensing their owner’s mood and well-being. They love to sit on your lap or lie next to you. Siberians love to take part in all activities: cleaning, rearranging things, watering flowers, etc. They are always wary of strangers at first, but then quickly make contact.
  • Attitude towards children: The Siberian cat does not like children, especially small ones. IN best case scenario, she will tolerate children's games and allow (when she wants) to play with herself.
  • Attitude towards other animals: The Siberian is a sole farmer, she does not get along well with other animals, friendship with a dog is possible, but only if they grew up together.

Thus, if you want to have affectionate cat or a cat, you now know which cat breeds you should pay attention to first.

But we should not forget that the character of a cat largely depends not only on the breed, but to a greater extent depends on the attitude of people towards it. Love and treat your pets with care, and they will definitely reciprocate your feelings.

Svetlana Abramova is a breeder of Siberian cats.

Many argue that cats live “on their own”, are not social, and do not like strangers. This article will destroy this stereotype and tell you about the most affectionate cat breeds. Find out which breeds are kind, love company, games and communication with people more than others.

List of the kindest cat breeds

11. Exotics

If you are looking for a friend who would be willing to lie on your lap all the time, then the Exotic Shorthair is the cat for you. These cats are very tame, calm, slow and affectionate, and are always happy to receive attention from the owner. It can take a long time to get used to strangers, but if they trust, then forever.

10. Abyssinian cat

9. Persian cat

Like their close relatives, Exotics, they are very friendly and tame cats. This calm breed is not different playful nature, but will always support the company by sitting on your lap.

8. Russian Blue

Don’t believe that she’s a loner, but she’s just been looking closely for a long time. Once they like you, they will be your tail everywhere. They will happily play with you, and in the evening they can go to bed with you. It is worth remembering that they will still be wary of strangers longer than others.

7. Burmese cat

A very affectionate breed of cat. These cats simply crave your attention and will be grateful for the care provided, they can “talk” to you when they bask on your lap. Burmese cats love to be cared for so much that if you are often away from home, then you should think about a cat companion.

6. Siamese cat

Siamese have a lot positive qualities, but curiosity is also added to this. they want not only your attention, but also want to do everything that you do. Thanks to its qualities, the breed has established itself as a friend; it is often compared to dogs.

5. Ragdoll

If we translate the name of the weather from English, we literally get “ ”. This calm breed of cat is simply created for affection.

4. Burmese cat

The character of these cats has a balance between affection and playfulness. They can play with you and then happily cuddle in your arms. They can easily get along with guests in your home.

They are known for not having a tail, but this does not make them less friendly. Kittens of this breed are easy to get along with and love to spend time with their owners. Once you gain their trust, you will become friends for a long time.

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