Sketch congratulations for birthdays and anniversaries. Mini-scene “Gypsy fortune-telling”. “Vegetables”: a cool fairy tale-sketch for a woman’s anniversary

Cool script Birthday “Everything for You” is intended for celebrating at home with family and friends. Suitable for women of any age and designed for a company of up to 30 people.

Additionally, you need to organize funny congratulations from unexpected guests, gifts from children, and other entertainment - this will help create the right mood for everyone present. Guests and the birthday girl will receive a charge of humor, positive emotions and vivid memories of a fun birthday.


It is important to pay Special attention decorating the room in which the celebration is planned to create a festive atmosphere. There is a “Happy Birthday” banner hanging on the wall; from photographs of the birthday girl you can make an applique in the form of a number - the age of the hero of the occasion. Guests will be interested to see how the birthday girl has changed with age.

You can entertain your guests with a photo zone, which you can easily make with your own hands. For example, create a wall of paper flowers different sizes or decorate with balloons. You can download a photo zone template on the Internet and make a large-format print.


Playing important role at any holiday. The repertoire should be thought out in advance, including the tastes of all invited guests. Music helps you get in the mood for the celebration, so it’s best to turn it on as soon as guests arrive. While waiting for latecomers, music lifts the mood.


  • 3 helium balloons;
  • broom with bow;
  • photo frame with a family photo;
  • bouquet of flowers;
  • medal or cup “The Best Mom”;
  • a bag of tasks;
  • photo frame size 50x40;
  • multi-colored markers.

For Japanese:

  • robe;
  • wide belt;
  • sushi sticks or pencils to do your hair.


Leading: Words cannot describe how beautiful you are. And on this day of your birthday we want to wish you a lot sunny days, radiant smiles, sincere friends and women's happiness. Be ready to accept congratulations all day long!
Dear guests, the rules of today’s holiday are simple, please read:

1. Put sadness and sadness aside.
2. There is no need to be shy, dance until you drop.
3. Don’t get too drunk, don’t meet under the table, don’t kiss the salad.
4. Raise toasts to the birthday girl more often.
5. Don’t forget to give gifts.

We will punish violators to the fullest extent of the law. Dear guests, today there will be many more wishes addressed to the birthday girl. I know each of you has something to say! I propose to raise the first toast to the birthday girl. Let this day be remembered by you as one of the best, brightest, and most cheerful. We have gathered here for you. Happy birthday!

(Short break for a snack after the first toast)

Leading: Friends, who knows why men drink while standing up to women?

(Guests express their guesses)

Leading: Good options, but in fact, men drink while standing so as not to hear the phrase “Stop, you’ve had enough” from the ladies sitting next to you. So, men, I ask you to stand up and drink to the ladies present here - women friends and relatives of the birthday girl!

Leading: I hope you had time to have a little snack and talk, because now a surprise awaits you. Dear (name), having learned about your birthday, a special guest flew in from a very distant country. He did not fly alone, but with a translator, because he does not speak Russian at all. Are you ready to accept congratulations?

Congratulations from the Japanese

We need two: a Japanese and a translator. It is advisable to change clothes: a robe, a wide belt, and a hairstyle will do. The Japanese man has a broom hidden in his hands - a gift for the birthday girl.

Japanese: Nihau good-natured mare and mare san
Translator: Greetings, dear ladies and gentlemen!
Japanese: Watashi shine a light into Yaponidze's eye.
Translator: I am a representative of the country rising sun- Japan.
Japanese: For some reason Pepper's mother is Japanese.
Translator: I came to congratulate (name) on his birthday on behalf of the entire Japanese people.
Japanese: The bast shines, the mare’s dignity cannot be changed.
Translator: I wish you a lot of happiness, good luck, family well-being.
Japanese: Don't show off your snot, don't break the dishes.
Translator: May every day be filled with joy.
Japanese: Fuck the Euro, let the lotus bloom on your head.
Translator: A lot of money in your wallet, pure thoughts in your head.
Japanese: You want autumn.
Translator: I am glad to be present at this wonderful holiday today.
Japanese: Kharya is our Japanese mother.
Translator: On behalf of the entire Japanese people.
Japanese: I would like to give away this idleness.
Translator: Allow me to present you with this expensive gift.
Japanese: Get rid of whining.
Translator: Let him protect your home from sadness and adversity.
Japanese: Bloom like sakura!
Translator: Happy Birthday!

Leading: In my opinion, very good congratulations. (Name), let's invite the representative of the Japanese state and his assistant to the table, and drink to friendship between peoples!


Leading: Here we are all gathered at this table for the sake of our dear birthday girl. Family, friends, and work colleagues are present here. Each of you knows something about (name) that others do not know. It's time to show your cards! Everyone should tell some fact about the birthday girl, starting with the phrase “I know that (name of the birthday girl) ....” For example, I know that (name) is celebrating his birthday today.

(The game begins, during which the guests try to praise the birthday girl as much as possible.)

Leading: Our beloved (name), you have heard so much about yourself, all your secrets have been revealed. Tell me, don’t you regret inviting us? We are ready to make amends with a good toast, it will be said by the eldest representative of your family. Attention, the floor is given to grandmother (grandfather, mother, etc.).

(A toast sounds)

Leading: A lot has already been said today good wishes, but a birthday is not only congratulations, but also gifts. Dear, get ready to receive gifts from the people closest to you - your children.
Children prepare gifts in advance, the presentation of which is accompanied by poetry.

Congratulations from the children

We will always remain children for you,
There was so much between us.
We'll keep it all
Save the best moments too, mom. (Photo frame with photo)

To our beloved mother
Only the best flowers.
Always be so beautiful
Let your dreams come true. (Bouquet of flowers)

Thank you, mommy, for everything:
Care, tenderness and love.
Responsible for your words
We are the children of ourselves best mom in the world. (Medal or cup “The best mother”)

Leading: From a very distant and little-known country, the Sopranos came to congratulate the birthday girl, modest chorus girls. They are very shy and worried, let's support them with applause.

Congratulations from fairy-tale heroes

Before leaving, the host distributes a helium balloon to 3 guests. You need to draw in air to make your voice high. The characters perform a song adaptation to the tune of “Here’s someone coming down the hill”:

We came to congratulate you on your birthday
And wish from the bottom of my heart
Good luck, joy, luck
And never lose heart.

It doesn't matter how many years have passed
Everything is also good (name).
Continue to bloom like a rose
And let your soul sing.

Good health and money,
Mutual and great love
And many, many birthdays
Also note young.

We sang this song
Without falsehood, imaginary and lies,
And in conclusion they wanted
Say “Bloom, (name), bloom!”

Leading: Today we raised our glasses to the birthday girl. They wished a lot of good things. And to make things more fun, I propose to drink to the guests!

(Pause for snack)

Leading: A holiday is not only about sitting around the table, but also about movement, fun, and laughter. I suggest stretching out a little and dancing.

(Dancing begins)

Leading: Each of you came here to wish (name) a happy birthday, right? But that’s not true! You can't fool the presenter. The presenter knows everything and will lead anyone to “ clean water" I have in my hands magic cards that can read people's thoughts!

I came to my birthday because...

The host selectively approaches the guests and invites everyone to choose one card on which to write the real reason presence of a guest at the holiday.

1. I wanted to drink for free.
2. It was necessary to hide from my wife/husband.
3. Not a single holiday is complete without me.
4. I have something to say to the birthday girl.
5. The door to my apartment slammed, but the keys remained inside.
6. I want to find my soulmate here.
7. I am a secret agent and collect dirt on everyone.
8. I was forced.
9. The food here is delicious.
10. The birthday girl means a lot to me and I want to share such an event with her.

Leading: Don’t be in a hurry to get bored, let’s continue playing.

Game "Special bag"

The guests are sitting at the table. Music plays, they pass each other a bag with tasks in any order. Whoever the music stops on takes the task out of the bag and completes it. If someone refuses to complete a task, he should make a nice toast. If the guests agree that the toast is good, the bag is passed on.

IN modern world people spend little time preparing for celebrations. As a result, the holiday is no different from the rest. To come up with interesting scenario it doesn’t take a lot of time, just pick it up funny scenes at the table for a woman's birthday.

Organization of funny skits

In order for the holiday to leave only positive memories in your soul, its organization must be approached with special care.

Despite the wide variety of scenarios, you need to choose only harmless ones. The event must be positive.

The choice of skits depends on the age of the birthday girl and her sense of humor. After all, what a young man appreciates may not impress a woman over 50 years old.

It doesn’t matter who the holiday is dedicated to - a colleague, a friend or a mother, in any case, it should be exclusively positive.

Good wishes from the magic chicken

One invitee wears a chicken costume. There should be two Kinder surprises in his pockets. The organizer reads a congratulation to the birthday boy, after which he says that he has two magic eggs that predict the future.

After that, he gives the birthday boy the first kinder surprise, which symbolizes what awaits the birthday girl in the near future. The second kinder is a prediction for a longer period.

When preparing for such a congratulation, you need to pay attention to the plot of the holiday and, based on it, choose a kinder surprise for the birthday girl.

Now there is a large selection of kinders (with cars, houses or various people). After presenting the kinder, guests ask the birthday girl to look at what is inside.

In order to organize this scene you will need mouse, bunny, bear, fox, frog, cuckoo and frog costumes. If you can’t find animal costumes, you can get by with cool masks or makeup.

In addition to costumes, you will need a large chair or table on which the bear will sleep after the holidays with a bottle of alcohol.

Scene script:

  1. The bear woke up and had a wild hangover. Stretching, he takes a couple of sips of alcohol and goes to bed. The cuckoo is cuckooing.
  2. There's a knock on the door. A drunken wolf comes to visit. The bear continues to sleep, and the wolf tries to wake him up and asks him for a drink. But the bear continues to sleep. The cuckoo does not refuse to drink, and the wolf pours a drink for himself and the cuckoo. The cuckoo crows a couple of times.
  3. They knock again. This time the bear came to visit a frog, which had always been the best friend of the owner of the den. The frog is very angry - the wolf and the bear are drinking, and there is chaos all around.

    The frog starts cleaning. The wolf watches all this and offers the frog a drink, but she is against it. But the cuckoo doesn't mind. Having drunk a hundred grams, the cuckoo crows again, the wolf cheers up and sings, and the frog cleans up.

  4. There's a knock on the door. A bunny came to visit. As soon as he saw that the frog was cleaning, he immediately began to disturb it and jump over the broom. The wolf sings songs and again offers to pull a hundred grams. The bunny is against it, but the cuckoo is again ready to support the company. We drank and the cuckoo crowed.
  5. A fox comes to visit. She had her eye on the wolf for a long time and tried to seduce him, but the wolf didn’t care - he wanted a drink. The wolf drinks again, the fox refuses, and the cuckoo draws another glass and crows.
  6. The fox diligently tries to draw the wolf's attention to herself, the frog continues to clean. The bear is sleeping. There was a soft knock on the door, but no one paid attention. The little mouse quickly takes the remaining alcohol and runs away. Nobody understood where the bottle of alcohol went.
  7. The bear wakes up and thinks about how to get over his hangover. The wolf realizes what situation he is in and takes the fox with him and runs away. The bunny falls from fear, and the frog continues to swear. The bear offers a hundred grams to the cuckoo, she doesn’t mind, but there’s nothing left to drink. The cuckoo crows and switches off.
  8. The bear, not yet very sober, walks with a staggering gait through his home to the guests. He's looking for alcohol. Let's not let the bear die from a hangover!
    After this, the host asks to raise their glasses and drink to the birthday girl.

Funny name day scenes on video

Look at the video of funny scenes at the table for a woman’s 60th birthday:

Funny scenes for the birthday boy

This scene is ideal if the hero of the occasion is a woman. The skit will lift the spirits of everyone present and serve as an excellent congratulation.

A guest is needed to play the role of a doctor. You also need to connect another medical staff, for example, a nurse. The patient must be the birthday girl.

After a short examination of the patient, the medical personnel should leave. After some time, a doctor appears, holding a piece of paper with a diagnosis that he has to read out.

  1. First and last name.
  2. Age: in the prime of life.
  3. Pulse: cannot be measured.
  4. Blood type: many red cells.
  5. Heart rate: happy.
  6. Vision: Sees the positive in everything.
  7. Diseases: May unexpectedly go into hibernation after a delicious dinner.
  8. Recommendations: get plenty of rest and never lose heart.
  9. Conclusion: the patient has not long begun to live and he needs to learn to enjoy every day.

Congratulations sketch for a man

Men have a lot individual characteristics that need to be emphasized on your birthday.

How are you going to wish happy birthday? Read poems from a postcard? Is this interesting? No, it's very boring and banal. We need to arrange something new and something that will make everyone laugh and have fun. To be more precise, show me original congratulations happy birthday in the form of a scene. And then all the guests, and the birthday boy, will be holding their bellies laughing. Watch the skits and decide whether they suit you or not.

Scene 1.
For this scene, it is best to find a woman unfamiliar to the birthday boy. She will play the role of a cleaning lady. It all goes something like this:
At some point, a friend stands up and asks the birthday boy to stand up. The birthday boy approaches his friend to congratulate him. The friend begins his congratulatory speech and then the cleaning lady enters the room. She has a bucket of water and a mop in her hands. She starts scrubbing the floors and talking loudly. Her example speech:
- I’m so tired of all this! They are just celebrating here, and I have to clean up after them. And by the way, I am a scientist! I have diplomas from Brezhnev himself! And they only come here to drink vodka. Oh, I wish I could douse them with water from a bucket!

While the cleaning lady is saying her curses and indignations, the friend is trying to smooth things over and invites the cleaning lady to leave so as not to disturb them from celebrating. He even helps her carry out a bucket of water. The cleaning lady leaves, and the friend returns back to the birthday boy. At this moment, the cleaning lady runs into the hall screaming again with the same bucket and shouting:
- but I’ll still pour water on you!

A friend hides behind the birthday boy, and the cleaning lady pours the contents of the bucket onto the birthday boy! Everyone is scared and alarmed, but... there is no water in the bucket. And the confetti! It’s just that when a friend showed the cleaning lady out the door, she changed the buckets.
This is such an unusual congratulation.

Scene 2.
For the second scene you need to dress up two guests as Chinese. Their role is simple - to go out and play the Chinese. It's simple, but if you can dress it up and play it, everyone will laugh until they drop.
And here is the scene itself:

Scene 3.
The scene is called the hunter and the hares.
A hunter on skis enters the hall. He is tired, a gun weighs on his shoulder.
Is it your birthday?
I have a gift!
I chased him for a long time,
Very exhausted!
I'll wet your neck
And I’ll give you a gift!
(they bring a glass to the hunter, he drinks)
And my gift is simple,
He is long-eared and furry!
Hares, come out!
Dance for the birthday girl!

Guests come out dressed in bunny costumes. They dance and sing a song to the tune - But we don’t care, even though we are afraid of the wolf and the fox!

We also have skits that will amuse your guests and make your holiday more joyful.
And comic certificates will help you present the most unusual gift for any occasion and reason.

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We are all looking forward to the holidays. Delicious food, chic outfits, table conversations - all this is usual. Throwing a fun holiday for your family is not so difficult task. You can prepare toasts, a lottery, funny scenes for anniversaries. Guests will be happy to participate in the host's plans and have a good time. And the birthday boy will be absolutely delighted, all attention will be focused on him.


In order for everyone to feel the festive mood, you need to dress up and decorate the room in which the celebration will take place. You can do this yourself; it’s very easy to make balloon compositions. If the anniversary is themed, then the props and decorations need to be thought out in advance. Cool scenes for an anniversary do not require expensive costumes and props. Hawaiian parties, pirate festivities, gypsy motifs, and congratulations are very popular. Costumes for scenes can be made from old things, adding purchased headdresses and masks.

Fairytale world

For the hero of the day of any age, you can act out a fragment from everyone’s favorite fairy tale “Cinderella”. Four guests of any gender will be required: a stepmother, a fairy and two sisters. It is better for the presenter to dress up as a fairy; he has the most words. You will need fluffy skirts that can be made from old curtains, hats with feathers and ribbons, shoes - a gift for Cinderella. To make it funny, use galoshes as shoes, rubber boots or disposable slates. It would be good if one of the sisters was played by a man. You need to speak in a nasty, gentle voice. Based on the theme of this fairy tale, you can make funny scenes and diversify them with other characters.

Presenter: “Every woman in this world is a little Cinderella! Her closest relatives want to congratulate the hero of the day: her stepmother and sisters.”

Stepmother: “My dear stepdaughter, I wish you to wash dishes all your life!”

Fairy: “In the most modern dishwasher!”

Sister: “I wish you, beloved sister, to sew your own clothes all your life!”

Fairy: “Together with the world’s most famous fashion designers!”

Second sister: “I wish you never meet a prince on your way!”

Fairy: “And I met a real king!”

Sisters and stepmother present shoes as a gift.

Fairy: “Dear guests, I wish that you and our beloved birthday girl do not have such relatives, and that each of you has a personal fairy fluttering behind your shoulders!”

Flowers and scents

Congratulations on your anniversary loved one You can arrange a flower ball. Invite your guests to come in bright dresses to create a real bouquet! Each guest participating in the congratulations needs to have wreaths prepared on their heads - colorful and fun. It’s better to do it in several stages. You can make your own wreaths. Buy several types of artificial flowers and glue them to ordinary headbands.

Presenter: “What is this wonderful aroma in the hall? This is our birthday girl blossoming! Tender, beautiful, some bumblebees are always flying around her! A real pampered flower! Her friends, equally blooming and beautiful ladies, came to congratulate her!”

Rose: “Always be like me, beautiful, a little mysterious, slim! Well, if you really need it, release the thorns in full!”

Cornflower: “I’m a simple boy, a mischievous cornflower! If you need help, always reach out. I’ll help you spend your salary, I can do everything at your expense.”

Mac: “It’s fun to just live with me, maybe we can be friends? Let's become - don't spill the water, you'll always be cheerful! Although you’re a laugher anyway, you’re just a delightful merry fellow!”

Chamomile: “Be as slender, mischievous charmer! Always be modest, win hearts like me!”

The host brings out a basket of flowers, hands it to the birthday girl and invites her to a waltz with flowers.

Everyone will like these small scenes of congratulations on the anniversary. Funny costumes will add humor.

star Rain

Real stars of the stage will come to congratulate the hero of the day. Find out which singers he likes the most and prepare costumes and props for them. Parody famous people Not everyone can do it, so agree in advance with the guests who can speak and don’t be shy. Cool funny scenes for the anniversary with congratulations from popular performers will turn out to be incendiary, and the dance floor will be crowded. Dress one guest as a pop star, select backup dancers and musicians. The host will announce that unexpected guests have arrived who want to sing a song in honor of the birthday boy. Dressed up guests come on stage and perform in front of the audience to the soundtrack. Such costume scenes for the anniversary, funny, unusual, go off with a bang, especially if the guests have already drunk several glasses!

be healthy

A foreign Doctor of Jubilee Sciences hastens to congratulate the culprit on this anniversary. If you need to congratulate a man, prepare for a female doctor a short white coat, a huge bra, in which you need to put 5 kg of cotton wool or balloons. Two seductive assistants will arrive with the doctor; they also need naughtier costumes. If congratulations are addressed to a woman, you will need a charming half-naked doctor with the same medical brothers. You can buy face masks, gloves, and a children's doctor's kit with all sorts of tools at the pharmacy.

Presenter: “We all know that you can’t buy health even for millions. We must take care of our birthday girl and therefore invited a doctor from a distant country. He will conduct an examination and prescribe medicine.” The doctor and assistants enter to the music.

Doctor: “I find out that there is a hero of the day in this building. A health check is a must."

To ensure that funny scenes at anniversaries go off like clockwork, prepare everything in advance.

The hero of the day is placed on a couch of chairs and examined. You can tickle the birthday boy, listen to his heartbeat, measure his pulse. Assistants also perform manipulations on an imaginary patient.

Doctor: “The patient’s diagnosis is disappointing! We urgently need to take the medicine, the patient is sad!”

Everyone raises their glasses, the host brings a glass to the birthday boy.

Doctor: “Let's drink to my patient! He is not sick at all, but as healthy as a bull! I recommend gathering here every year and having fun! Then no disease will frighten my patient!”

The guests drink to the health of the hero of the day. Cool skits at medical anniversaries will be especially relevant.


You can congratulate the birthday person in an exciting and frightening way. Two guests dressed as terrorists burst into the hall. grenades, pistols, stockings on the head - and the images of bandits are ready.

Terrorists: “What a rich crowd! Let’s take the most contented one hostage!”

The terrorists grab the hero of the day, put him on a chair and handcuff him.

Terrorist: “Take off all the jewelry, put the money in the bag. Otherwise, now we’ll take the birthday boy with us, and you’ll have to go home.”

Host: “What do you need from us? We are celebrating the holiday!

Terrorist: “Everyone stay in their places. Now slowly raise your glasses and quickly drink to the bottom. Then I will let your birthday boy go!”

The guests drink and the hostage is released. But on the condition that he dances and drinks with the bandits.

Have fun from the heart

Cool mini-scenes for an anniversary need to be thought out to the smallest detail. Words for guests who participate in the skit should be easy and memorable. Choosing costumes is not that difficult.

Be sure to arrange funny scenes at anniversaries. After all, just sitting at the table can sometimes be so boring.

Birthday is the most important, dear, and it is your holiday, when all attention is focused only on you, when you receive many gifts and congratulations. Sometimes you want this day to last forever, or at least to be remembered for a long time. And in order to make this day unforgettable, you can play for the birthday boy funny scenes with meaning that will certainly remain in his memory for a long time. Such congratulations are suitable for any age; it will always be interesting and pleasant for the hero of the occasion.

Original skits for any birthday person

In order for your congratulation to be remembered by the birthday boy, in order to move away from the standard presentation of a gift and a couple of parting words, it is better to prepare an interesting scene that will be more pleasant than many gifts.

Scene The Cleaning Lady.

This skit involves two people: the presenter, the person who gives the speech of congratulations to the birthday boy, and the cleaning lady, who must interfere with the speaker. Clothes must match the role, i.e. The cleaning lady is dressed in an old shabby robe, a scarf is tied on her head, and on her hands - latex gloves. She should have a bucket with water and a rag, but not just one, the second bucket will be filled with streamers and pieces of colored paper. The scene begins when the birthday boy and the congratulatory person stand opposite each other, the second one begins to make his speech. Suddenly, a cleaning lady enters the hall with a bucket of water and quite seriously begins to wash the floor, muttering under her breath about how she’s tired of everyone walking around and dirtying the floor, but she tries, cleans, and they’re watching here again, etc. The presenter and the birthday boy, of course, feel awkward and ask the cleaning lady to leave while the hall is occupied by them. She begins to be indignant, but then she still agrees. She takes her bucket, puts it behind the curtain, takes off her gloves and says that she will leave now, just pour out the water, takes the bucket out from behind the curtain, naturally not with water, but with confetti, and pours it on the birthday boy. This is very unexpected, causes a lot of emotions, and is very funny at the end, when the hero of the occasion and the guests understand that this is a scene specially performed for him. After this, the presenter gives his gift.

This type of congratulations is very original and interesting., and perhaps other guests will also want to show themselves somehow and play another comic congratulations, thereby setting the rhythm of the entire celebration. But the scenes do not have to be unexpected; they can involve the direct participation of the birthday boy.

Scene Focus

This scene involves 4 characters in the person of an illusionist, his assistant, a rabbit and a bird. Costumes can be made as simple as possible: ears and a tail for the rabbit, wings for the bird, a cloak for the magician himself, and something shiny for the assistant. The props you need are a table, a box and a saw. The skit begins with the words of the presenter, which is specifically to congratulate the birthday boy, a foreign illusionist arrived to us with his assistant. They go out and put the box on the table.

Assistant:- Hello, dear guests, I would like to introduce you to the most popular illusionist Mr. Magus, who will show you his best trick.

He bows and smiles at the guests.

Assistant:- Mr. Magus speaks and understands Russian very poorly, so I will comment on everything that happens here. We have come to you to show you the one and only performance.

He takes the birthday boy’s watch and puts it in a box. The illusionist begins to cast a big spell, waves his hands, but nothing happens, he repeats everything, but again fails.

- Sorry, a little trouble, everything will be fine now, Mr. Magus is just worried. Were the watches expensive? It’s a pity for them, I guess, right?

The illusionist continues his actions, but in vain.

Assistant (with a wide smile): - A little more, maybe the birthday boy wants to help us?

The birthday boy is invited and asked to try casting a spell. He says a rabbit runs into the hall and starts doing strange dances, and when finished, runs away.

Assistant:- Wow, you are talented, this is the most difficult trick that even Mr. Magus does not always succeed, maybe you can do something else?

The birthday boy says the spell again, plays music, a bird flies in, circles around the hall and flies away.

Assistant:- Loud applause to our most talented hero of the occasion, and now, dear friend, take a seat, and Mr. Magus will try to save your watch.

The magician performs a spell and finally takes out a large wall clock from the box - a gift for the birthday boy, and, of course, returns the item he took.

Assistant:- Happy birthday! We wish you more pleasant surprises!

Presenter (takes out the saw):- And now, dear friends, a dangerous trick awaits you - sawing the assistant in half.

The assistant runs out of the hall screaming, Mr. Magus behind her.

This scene will perfectly lift the spirits of both the birthday boy and the guests.

In addition to general scenes, there are also specially aimed at certain people: for men, for women, for children, for grandmothers, for mothers.

Scenes for a specific person

Of course, congratulating a man is different from congratulating a woman, and in the skits this is especially taken into account.

Congratulations for a man “Technical inspection”

This is a great idea to congratulate a man. To participate in the scene you will need an angry and strict traffic inspector and his assistant. The hero of the occasion stands in the center, and they begin to examine him from head to toe, commenting on everything.

Traffic inspector:Good day! Inspector Kopeikin. Can I have your documents?

The birthday boy gives a piece of paper, the inspector begins the technical inspection.

Inspector:- So, model (passport data), (year of birth), year of manufacture, mileage (age).

Assistant (touches pulse):— the engine is in full readiness, there is no malfunction, it’s probably a matter of high-quality fuel.

Inspector (looks into eyes):— the headlights work, the high beam is normal.

Assistant (feels muscles):
— the load capacity is normal, even exceeds the norm.

Inspector (examines the lower back):— The exhaust works, hydrogen sulfide is normal.

Assistant (looks at feet):— the brakes are not dangerous, they are activated in a timely manner.

Inspector:- Everything is fine, congratulations, good luck!

After the examination there is a toast to the health of the birthday boy.

It will be especially interesting if the role of the inspector is played by a person who actually works in this field.

For women, you can also play an interesting scene that will please everyone and cheer up the birthday girl.

Sketch for a woman “Striptease”

To participate in this scene you will need a man without complexes. He puts on a lot of clothes in advance, including several shorts, T-shirts, and socks. The song must be appropriate for striptease. The woman is given this gift, she is, of course, shocked, because striptease is such an intimate gift. The man starts dancing. When the outer clothing is removed, the fun begins: the dancer reaches his panties and begins to slowly pull them off, the birthday girl is waiting for a surprise, but there are also panties, etc. When there are only panties left, the stripper stops, and his body is covered with congratulations and wishes.

Congratulations in skits can be presented to anyone, and it will be especially interesting for children who love different games and are ready to participate in them with pleasure.

Catch the Joy

For children, any pleasant little thing is great happiness, and this is what the sketch is dedicated to. The presenter prepared in advance one hundred pieces of paper, where the children's joys of life that a child can dream about are written.

Leading:— Small and pleasant joys happen in our lives. We dream a lot, but, unfortunately, not everything comes true. Now you have to decide your own destiny. We wish you a hundred little joys, and how many you can catch is up to you.

All the pieces of paper are poured out of the bag onto the child from above. His task is to capture as many joys as possible. After this, the child reads out what he finally got his hands on. On pieces of paper you can write any little things that children dream about, for example:

  • Tomorrow they will buy you a gift
  • You'll get an A soon
  • Mom will buy you chocolate
  • You will meet a new friend
  • Etc.

Mom will be very pleased with congratulations from the children in the form of a skit, she will rejoice at their creative abilities, and most importantly, she will be happy that the children paid so much attention to her.

A scene for mom

2 people participate, they will play the roles of mother and son. Mom tries to wake up her son in the morning, but she can’t.

Mother:- Son, wake up, you don’t want to be late for school.

Son:“I won’t, I don’t want to get up, Sidorov will pester me again.”

Mother:- Well, dear, that’s not how things are done, you won’t make it in time for the start of the lesson.

Son:- No, Samoilov will throw a rag at me again.

Mother:- Son, get up, it’s already a lot of time, stop being capricious.

Son:“I won’t go anywhere, I won’t go to school, in case Petrov throws a stone at me again.”

Mother:- My dear son, you must go to school, because you are the director.

This phrase is followed by congratulations from the children:

- Our dear mother, we wish you strength for your not always obedient and capricious children, patience in raising, and health, so that you can always wake up your child on time, no matter how old he is. We will always need you. Happy birthday!

Any grandmother is also a mother, she will also be glad if her grandchildren congratulate her in some special, original way, gifts are not important to her, the main thing for her is attention.

A scene for grandma

This scene requires 2 participants: grandmother and granddaughter Masha. The grandmother sits and knits socks, and her granddaughter torments her with questions.

Granddaughter:- Grandma, why does a person have 2 eyes and not one?

Grandmother:— Mashenka, 2 eyes are needed so that you can see more, learn more.

Granddaughter:- Grandma, why does a person need 2 ears?

Grandmother:“And this, granddaughter, is so that you can hear more, so that you can distinguish more sounds.”

Granddaughter:- Why does a person have 2 legs and 2 arms?

Grandmother:- Well, it’s quite simple, so that you can do more things in life and go around more roads.

Granddaughter:- Why then do we only have one nose and one tongue?

Grandmother:- Yes, so that you talk less and don’t poke your nose anywhere.

- Dear grandmother, we congratulate you on your birthday, we wish you patience with your beloved grandchildren, and a long life to always be with us.

Congratulations in the form of a scene will please anyone, because the main thing is not the gift, but attention, which is sometimes so lacking.