How long to measure temperature with a mercury thermometer. Temperature in the mouth: normal in adults and children. How to measure temperature with an electronic thermometer in the mouth

Our body automatically maintains its own temperature in a rather narrow range, allowing life processes to occur in the most favorable environment.


Violations of the body's thermal stability are usually a sign of illness. Many diseases cause an increase in general or local temperature. For example, by raising the temperature during infectious diseases, the body fights the infection that has penetrated it.

The simplest health device - a medical thermometer, which should be in every home, helps to monitor the body's thermal stability.


When a doctor is invited, he is always interested in the patient’s temperature and asks to measure it regularly in order to report to him about all changes in temperature during subsequent visits.

Measuring a patient's temperature is a simple but extremely important procedure.

The most common is a mercury medical thermometer, in which the temperature is measured by the height of the rise of the mercury column as a result of heating and expansion of mercury during a certain time of contact of the thermometer with the human body. In Russia, a thermometer is used to measure body temperature in armpit. Other countries use a thermometer to measure body temperature by placing it in anal hole or in the mouth. The thermometer readings when taking measurements at different points will be different. The measurement location in the armpit is the safest for the patient, which is why this method has become so widespread among us.

At a low price, a mercury thermometer has a significant drawback - as soon as you drop it or hit it while shaking, the glass body and tube instantly break and mercury, which is a toxic substance, spills onto the floor, after which it must be urgently removed and a new thermometer must be purchased. Some men manage to break such a thermometer when shaking it vigorously or squeezing it hard with their hand while measuring the temperature in the armpit. Another drawback mercury thermometer- relatively long (up to 10 minutes) temperature measurement time.

There are also electronic thermometers on sale with thermistors that measure temperature quickly, their design is reliable, but, unfortunately, the cost is much higher than that of a conventional mercury thermometer. Such thermometers require a battery to operate, which lasts for a long time.

High-speed, high-precision electronic thermometers using infrared radiation sensors are also produced.

BODY TEMPERATURE IS AN INTEGRAL ASSESSMENT OF THE WELL-BEING OF NOT ONLY THE THERMOREGULATION SYSTEM, BUT ALSO ALL OTHER SYSTEMS OF THE ORGANISM. Healthy body at various temperature fluctuations external environment and various physical activity maintains body temperature with high precision.


Before measuring the temperature, the mercury thermometer is shaken so that the mercury column drops down to 35 degrees. If you need to quickly assess whether there is a high temperature, using a regular thermometer, it should be placed in a dry armpit for 5 minutes. This is a rough estimate of whether a fever is present. The exact value will be obtained only after 10 minutes. The electronic thermometer measures temperature very quickly (within 2 minutes) and accurately.

During the day, there are some temperature fluctuations within the normal range: the highest it is from 17 to 21 hours, the lowest - from 3 to 6 am. Therefore, a temperature of 36 to 37 degrees is taken as the norm. However, long-term and persistent preservation of temperature limits according to highest limit or at the lower limit, accompanied by a deterioration in health, requires your attention to the state of your health and a visit to the doctor.

It is advisable to measure the temperature at 7-8 am and 17-19 pm for 10 minutes in the dry armpit with the thermometer pressed with your hand to the chest.

It should be noted that in Russia it is customary to measure temperature in the armpit, and the given temperature standards correspond to exactly this method of measurement. In other countries, the temperature is measured not in the armpit, but in the patient’s mouth or in his rectum, but then the temperature norms will be different, higher in value.

Pay attention to the thermometer readings

Measuring temperature allows you to notice the onset of an illness in time, monitor its development and determine signs of recovery and transition to healthy state body.


Here it should be noted that it is possible that the body has low reactivity. This can be explained this way: in a person with normal reactivity, a disease such as, say, influenza causes sharp increase temperature, and you regularly have respiratory infections the temperature rises slightly or even remains normal, but you are sick, and sick for a long time and with complications, which means your body and, in particular, the immune system, weakened. Must be taken Urgent measures for health promotion. There is no need to console yourself with the thought that your body is like this and it always happens this way. Each time the complications can become more and more severe, and pills and injections will not improve the situation. You need targeted work to improve your health and change your lifestyle.

If a person is healthy, but after eating, or during physical work, or under the influence of changes in the temperature of the external environment, the body’s control system does not maintain the normal temperature, then this means that the body is detrained, it has no vital reserves. Further deviations in management can turn into illness. It is necessary to change your lifestyle and strengthen the body, increasing its reserves.

Regular temperature measurements make it possible to detect in time febrile conditions, the cause of which is various infections and intoxication.

TEMPERATURE MAY INCREASE in infectious diseases, as well as in heart attacks, strokes and other non-infectious diseases.

A fever-type condition can occur when there is a loss of control in the body as a result of neuroses.

DEGREE OF INCREASE IN TEMPERATURE during similar infections in different people varies: from excessively high temperature to extremely low temperature. This is explained by the difference in the state of the self-healing system, which determines the body’s defenses. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention not only to high temperature, but also insignificant long promotions temperature with a feeling of lethargy and powerlessness, since various inflammatory processes may be hidden behind this.

TEMPERATURE MAY DECREASE after severe infectious diseases, with a decrease in basal metabolism, with cardiac weakness and low blood pressure.

If the illness lasts for a long time, the doctor asks to regularly measure the patient’s temperature. In this case, it is convenient to construct temperature curves for morning and evening temperatures for each day of illness, which can help the doctor in determining treatment tactics for the patient.

If the development of the disease is suspected, a thermometer is used for initial diagnosis. This device measures body temperature, and from its indicators it is easy to understand whether a person is sick or not. But many people are not sure how long to take their temperature mercury thermometer child and adult. Some people hold it for three minutes out of habit, while others hold it for ten. How will be correct? “Popular about health” will help you figure this out and tell you about three ways to measure temperature.

Methods for monitoring temperature values

There are three ways to measure temperature, let's consider them:

1. Axillary, when the thermometer is placed under the armpit.
2. Oral – under the tongue.
3. Rectal - in the rectum.

In all these cases, the use of a mercury thermometer is allowed, but it is not always justified. For example, to determine the temperature of a small child, you should not use the oral method if the parents only have a mercury thermometer at their disposal. There is a high probability that the baby will break the glass and mercury will fall into the oral cavity. For the oral method, in this case, it is better to use electronic thermometers.

Oral method - rules for measuring temperature

When using this method, you need to know how to properly position the thermometer in your mouth. To begin with, the device is disinfected with alcohol, after which the tip containing mercury is inserted under the tongue and the lips are closed. Breathing is done through the nose. You need to be careful not to damage the thermometer bulb with your teeth.

Rectal method

The rectal method involves inserting a thermometer into the rectum. Before starting the procedure, the tip of the device should also be disinfected, then lubricate it with cream or Vaseline. The patient is placed on his side, legs bent at the knees. The tip is carefully inserted into the rectum 4 cm for an adult, 2 cm for a child.

Axillary method

This method involves holding the thermometer near the lymph nodes - in the armpit or under the knee. It is used most often and is considered less secure. To use it, you need to make sure that the skin under your armpit is dry, press the tip of the device firmly and hold it.

You can measure a child's temperature with a mercury thermometer only in the presence of an adult and under his supervision. small child It’s difficult to hold in place for several minutes, so you should wait until the baby falls asleep or take the baby in your arms and press your hand tightly to the body, fixing the thermometer. Before the procedure, it is advisable to warm the thermometer in your hands for a few seconds so as not to frighten the baby by touching the cold tip to the body.

How long to measure the temperature of an adult and a child with a mercury thermometer?

How much time a child or adult will need to determine the temperature depends on the chosen method of measuring it:

Oral – 4-5 minutes.
Rectal – 4-5 minutes.
Axillary – 7 minutes.

An adult and a child will need the same amount of time. The procedure does not depend on the age of the patient. It is only important to understand that the temperature values ​​in different parts bodies are different. This is exactly what will be discussed further.

What are the normal temperature readings in the mouth, rectum and armpit??

Everyone knows that t is considered normal - 36.6 degrees when measured in the armpit. But this indicator or norm is conditional, since for many people it can fluctuate less or big side. If you choose other measurement methods, you will get completely different values. For example:

When measuring t in the mouth, the norm is 37.3-37.5 degrees.
The norm using the rectal method of measurement is 37.5-37.7 degrees.

The thing is that the mucous membranes are always much warmer than the skin, because the vessels are located closer there. For the same reason, the rectal and oral methods are considered more accurate than the axillary one.

The accuracy of the readings depends on many factors. For example, it is important to measure t with a thermometer only at rest. Children are very active, when they run and jump, the blood heats up, which is why the readings may be incorrect. Before carrying out the procedure, it is advisable to follow the following rules:

1. Do not take a warm bath.
2. Do not consume hot food or drinks.
3. Don't run.

If you doubt the performance of the device, wait a few minutes, then repeat the entire procedure. It is worth noting that older mercury thermometers that have been used for many years heat up more slowly, so to be sure, wait a couple of extra minutes or use another device. As you guessed, this is why many people know about the time it takes to measure the temperature under the armpit for 10 minutes.

Advantages and disadvantages of a mercury thermometer

A mercury thermometer is considered more reliable and accurate, capable of serving for many years; its readings do not depend on the state of charge of the battery inside. These are the main advantages. There are also disadvantages:

The device is fragile and must be handled with care.
The flask contains mercury, a very toxic substance.
The duration of the procedure is longer compared to the electronic analogue.

Temperature data is very important for diagnosing diseases and determining the well-being of adults and children. To ensure that the data is as accurate as possible, follow the rules described above.

Body temperature is an important indicator of the normal course of biological processes in the body. Therefore, when the slightest symptoms illness, you need to measure this physiological constant. At the same time, we often miss important nuances of how to correctly measure body temperature with a mercury or electronic thermometer for an adult or child. Shall we learn?

What and how?

Temperature is the main parameter that determines the state of the body. To measure it, a mercury and electronic thermometer are usually used. As for measurement methods, you can obtain data on body temperature:

  • rectally (this option is considered the most objective, since the intestine is closed from the outside by a sphincter and is not in contact with the environment);
  • orally (doctors recommend this measurement for children over 5 years old);
  • axillary, that is, in the armpit (this is how temperature is traditionally measured with a mercury thermometer).

All these methods give evidence different levels accuracy. Axillary measurement is considered the least correct. In addition, temperature standards will differ in different parts of the body:

  • when measured rectally - from 37.3 to 37.7;
  • oral - from 37.1 to 37.7;
  • axillary - 36.6.

Mercury or electronic?

One of the symbols of childhood of the last century has not lost its relevance in the new century. This is because a measuring device with a mercury-filled reservoir:

  • shows accurate data;
  • inexpensive;
  • very simple and easy to use.

Can a mercury thermometer show the wrong temperature? We hasten to reassure you: the possibility of an error with a working device is excluded by 99%.

The advantages of electronic thermometers include:

  • speed of obtaining results;
  • versatility of application (axillary, oral, rectal).

But sometimes errors occur due to glitches in the internal program. In addition, if the thermometer is removed immediately after the sound signal, the value may be 1-1.5 degrees lower than the real one. That is why doctors, answering the question of how to correctly measure body temperature with an electronic thermometer, advise leaving the device for another 30-40 seconds after finishing the operation.

How to measure an adult's temperature under the armpit?

The process of obtaining data from a mercury thermometer requires only 6 steps.

  1. We examine skin for inflammation or wounds, wipe the armpit dry.
  2. We wipe the thermometer with a damp cloth or napkin and blot it with a dry towel.
  3. We bring down the thermometer readings to 35 degrees by shaking and pointing the tank down. We place the tip of the thermometer with mercury in the armpit.
  4. Press your forearm firmly to your chest and wait for 10 minutes.
  5. We take out the thermometer and evaluate the result.

When using an electronic device, proceed as follows:

  1. We check the condition of the skin.
  2. Wipe the thermometer with a damp cloth.
  3. Press the power button and wait until the symbols Lo and C appear on the screen.
  4. We place the device under the mouse.
  5. We press the thermometer with our hand and hold it until the signal.
  6. We time it for 40-50 seconds, take out a thermometer, and evaluate the readings.

Axillary method of measuring a child

This is a rather difficult option for obtaining temperature readings, since the baby is unlikely to want to sit in an uncomfortable position in his mother’s arms for 5-6 minutes.

  1. We lay the little one on his back or sit him on his lap.
  2. We raise his hand and move his clothes aside.
  3. We place the thermometer and press the handle tightly to the chest.
  4. We hold the mercury one for about 7-10 minutes, and the electronic one for another 1 minute after the signal.
  5. We take out a thermometer and evaluate the result.

We measure rectally

To measure body temperature rectally, you need to take correct position bodies. For an adult, this would be a side position with knees bent. Doctors recommend using an electronic device for such purposes.

  1. Lubricate 1.5 cm of the tip of the thermometer with thick baby cream or Vaseline.
  2. Slowly insert the thermometer into the anus.
  3. Wait until the signal, leave for another 1 minute - and you can evaluate the result.

How to measure a baby's temperature correctly? For the baby, the position should be on the back with slightly raised and bent in knee joints legs. The following procedure is identical.

We use the oral method

If for some reason it is impossible to measure body temperature under the armpit or rectally (for example, due to inflammation), then the procedure is performed orally. It doesn’t matter which thermometer you use, mercury or electronic: the procedure will be the same. First you need to wait 20 minutes after eating, and then follow this algorithm:

  1. We wipe the thermometer with a disinfectant (you can use vodka).
  2. We place the device far on the lower palate under the tongue, while squeezing the lips tightly.
  3. We breathe through our nose.
  4. After 5 minutes you can evaluate the result. If we use an electronic thermometer, then the data can be considered objective 30-40 seconds after the sound signal.

Alternative methods

Innovation in methods of obtaining data on body temperature is associated with the desire to obtain the most accurate readings in patients who cannot hold a thermometer on their own (for example, in children). In this regard, alternative technologies and devices have appeared:

  • The infrared thermometer checks temperature readings through the ear canal in just 3 seconds. But it is very expensive and may produce a small error in the data;
  • The thermometer in the form of a pacifier is perfect for babies who use it. The rest will have to look for other ways;
  • special strips that are applied to the forehead. Very compact, but the readings are approximate.

Every person is familiar with such measuring equipment as a thermometer. It is used to control the temperature level. For example, during illness or when tracking the day of ovulation in women. Therefore, you should always have a thermometer at home. Electronic thermometers are replacing mercury thermometers. Before purchasing this equipment, you need to consider all its positive and negative qualities, as well as features of measuring temperature in the armpit, rectally, and in the mouth.

Mercury and electronic thermometer

Features of an electronic thermometer

Modern thermometers are distinguished by the presence of a special sensor, which is located on the narrow part of the thermometer. After the temperature measurement is completed, the result will be displayed on the display in the form of numbers. Therefore, the second name of the device is a digital thermometer.

When choosing an electronic device, you should pay attention to its strengths and weak sides. Positive qualities include:

  1. Safety. It does not contain mercury, so it cannot cause harm to health. Suitable for use by both adults and children of any age.
  2. Versatility. An electronic thermometer can measure temperature various methods. For example, orally, rectally, in the armpit, elbow or groin.
  3. Speed. The procedure usually does not take much time. On average, it takes about 30-60 seconds to obtain reliable data.
  4. Comfort. You can recognize the end of the temperature measurement process by the sound signal that the device emits.
  5. Simplicity. The measurement result will be displayed on a special display. A person will just have to look at the scoreboard.
  6. Economical. The device will turn off automatically a few minutes after use. This will help save battery.

The market is filled with various medical thermometers that can be equipped with additional functions. The most popular and popular include:

  • presence of built-in memory. That is, the device automatically stores the latest readings, which will help a person analyze changes in their own body temperature. Some models remember up to 30 measurements;
  • waterproof case. This function allows young mothers to measure not only the body temperature of their newborn baby, but also determine the degree of heating of the water that will be used for bathing;
  • switching the scale from the Celsius to Fahrenheit measuring system;
  • display backlight. This will help you see the thermometer readings even at night, without getting out of bed to turn on the light;
  • changing the tip.

So that little children are not afraid to measure their temperature, manufacturers have developed special thermometers. They look shaped like toys or are colored bright colors. For newborns, you can purchase nipple-shaped thermometers. They greatly simplify the temperature measurement procedure.

Baby thermometers

Besides positive qualities The equipment also has several negative aspects. Among them:

  1. Some models are afraid of moisture, so they should not be wet.
  2. The electronic thermometer usually needs to be held for several minutes after the sound signal. This is not very convenient, since additional time must be recorded.
  3. The cost of a good electronic device is slightly higher than that of a mercury thermometer.

In addition, when purchasing a device for a newborn, remember that it can only be used until the first teeth appear.

To ensure that the data is as accurate and correct as possible, mandatory It is necessary to follow all instructions and advice from the manufacturer, which are indicated on the packaging of the equipment and in the attached instructions.


How to use an electronic thermometer?

To get the correct data, you need to use the equipment correctly. In this case, you should follow some rules:

  1. The sensor on the thermometer should fit snugly against the body.
  2. The most accurate results are obtained with rectal or oral measurements.
  3. The data can only be assessed after the device emits a certain beep. If measurements take place in the armpit, it is recommended to hold the thermometer thereafter for about 2-3 minutes.
  4. When measuring your temperature orally, you should not eat or drink beforehand.
  5. It is not recommended to take measurements in the armpit area after taking a bath or other water procedures.

Batteries also affect the correct temperature measurement. Typically one set lasts from 2 to 5 years. As they begin to set, the thermometer may begin to show body temperature incorrectly. Therefore, it is recommended to change batteries regularly.

Electronic thermometer battery

How to measure temperature using various methods using an electronic thermometer?

There are several ways you can use an electronic thermometer:

  • orally;
  • rectally;
  • in the armpit.

Using an electronic thermometer is not only much more convenient, but also safer. If the temperature is measured in the mouth or armpit, the algorithm of actions is practically no different from using a mercury thermometer. But there is also specific features. First of all, these include the time after which an accurate result can be obtained. It depends on the type of thermometer, as well as on the manufacturer. Usually there are instructions for this, which indicate how long it takes to see the result. For most models, this period of time ranges from 30 seconds to 1 minute. But in practice it happens a little differently. If measurements are taken in the armpit area, then after the sound signal you must wait about 2-3 minutes without taking out the thermometer. Only after this period can the result be assessed.

No one can do without this small, simple device. home first aid kit. A thermometer is necessary if you suspect that you have a cold and are getting the flu. An increase in temperature may also indicate overheating, food poisoning, inflammatory processes in the bronchi, lungs, kidneys, intestines and others internal organs. It is especially important to measure the temperature promptly and correctly if we are talking about a sick child. Using the readings of a thermometer, you can judge the stage of the disease and the effectiveness of treatment. But which device is best to use and how exactly so that its readings are as accurate as possible?

What types of thermometers are there?

Modern pharmaceutical manufacturers today offer several types of thermometers, each of which we will consider in detail below.

So, there are thermometers:

  • mercury;
  • electronic;
  • contactless;
  • disposable.

Mercury thermometers

Still the most common type due to the accuracy of the readings. Another advantage is the ability to measure temperature in the mouth, armpit or rectum. It is inexpensive and easy to disinfect. But at the same time:

  • a mercury thermometer should be kept in the armpit for at least 8 minutes;
  • in the mouth or rectum - at least 5 minutes.

It can be quite difficult to withstand such a period of time when we are talking about small children. In addition, such thermometers are very fragile and therefore unsafe, so it is recommended to use electronic devices for children.

Electronic thermometers

Also suitable for measuring body temperature different ways, but are practically not subject to disinfection. They are more expensive than mercury thermometers and often have a high error and require battery replacement. Advantages:

  • ease of operation: the thermometer itself will give a signal when the temperature stops changing;
  • measurement speed: it is enough to hold it in the mouth and straight for 1-2 minutes, in the armpit - no more than 3;
  • They are even available as a pacifier for newborns.

Non-contact thermometers

Infrared thermometers come in forehead and ear thermometers, ideal for a child, since the first one just needs to be inserted into the ear for 5 seconds, and the forehead thermometer can be simply brought to the child’s head for 1-2 seconds. This makes it possible to measure temperature even when the baby is sleeping. Disadvantage: very high cost.

Disposable thermometers

Visitor question:

Tell me, how long should you keep a mercury thermometer under your arm? I can hardly hold the thermometer for the baby, literally by force and sometimes with hysterics, the child is spinning, we have already broken 3-4 thermometers since his birth. My mother says that three minutes is enough, but I measure my exact temperature in no less than 10 minutes, and if I hold it longer, then even if I feel normal I will have 37.2-3, and if as my mother advises, then 36.6.
How to measure temperature correctly with a mercury thermometer? We have not made friends with electronic ones at all - they show different numbers with each measurement, sometimes they are very shocking low temperature, sometimes they don’t show that there is a temperature. I don't trust them.

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