How long does a newborn baby sleep during the day? How long should a child sleep at night: monthly data How long does a child sleep at night per year

A child needs quality sleep for normal growth and development. The older the baby gets, the less time he needs for daytime sleep. Many parents are interested in how much sleep a child should sleep at 1 year old, and what is the optimal daily routine for the baby. Let's discuss these problems and share useful recommendations.

The meaning of sleep for a baby

To figure out how much sleep a one-year-old child should sleep per day, you need to have information about the importance of night and day rest for the little person.

Thanks to quality sleep, the baby not only rests, but also gains strength. During rest, the child’s body does not stop working, and the following processes occur:

  • metabolic processes are normalized;
  • tissue restoration occurs;
  • during rest, the body is partially cleansed of toxins;
  • When the baby sleeps, the information received by the brain during the day is absorbed.

Sleep plays an important role during a child's growth, strengthening the immune system and nervous system.

With chronic lack of sleep caused by various circumstances, the baby may develop a stressful condition. Against the background of stress, complications are possible, manifested by diseases of various types.

Norms of day and night rest

How much a child sleeps at 1 year of age determines his overall well-being and development of the nervous system. There are certain norms for the duration of sleep for one-year-old children. So, the baby should be awake for 4 to 5 hours a day. Proactive behavior should include the following:

  1. the child must learn new movements and skills, seeking help from adults if necessary;
  2. the baby learns to listen to his parents and fulfill their requests;
  3. active curiosity;
  4. One-year-old children can spend rare moments calmly. They are constantly on the move, if not resting.

Although a one-year-old child must sleep during the day, this does not mean that there should be more than two such dreams. Observing the baby’s mood and behavior will help determine the amount of daily rest.

It is advisable to plan active activities, combining them with educational games for the first half of the time when the baby is awake.

Sleep during the day

If you ask young parents how many times a day their one-year-old child sleeps, then everyone will have their own answer. But, in any case, the approximate total time of night and daytime sleep will be about 12 hours (plus or minus an hour). Night sleep takes up most of this time period. Daytime rest lasts from 2 to 3 hours.

If the child rests a little less, then there is no need to panic. It’s better to observe his behavior, and then you will understand how much your one-year-old child should sleep during the day. There is no need to worry about the following behavior of your baby:

  • good appetite;
  • falls asleep quickly, and when waking up you can see that the baby is rested;
  • plays actively;
  • feels cheerful;
  • calm, without whims, behavior during the day;
  • cheerful mood.

To correctly understand the question of how many times a one-year-old child should sleep during the day, you need to observe his behavior. It is possible that there are circumstances that interfere with rest (extraneous sounds, uncomfortable pajamas, lighting during daytime or nighttime sleep). In this case, irritating factors must be excluded. You can create a daily routine, which we’ll talk about later.

A well-rested child can easily concentrate on active games and listens carefully to what adults tell him.

If your child sleeps a lot during the day

You may need to seek medical advice if your one-year-old baby sleeps a lot during the day (more than 16 hours per day) to find out the reasons for this behavior. A long day's rest may be the first signal indicating the development of any pathology.

When a child sleeps all day, the following circumstances may be possible reasons:

  • overwork, as a result of which the nervous system is excited;
  • the impact of some irritating circumstances that depress the child’s psyche.

The listed circumstances become not only the reason for prolonged sleep. Because of them, a one-year-old child goes to bed late and finds it difficult to calm down. During daytime rest, the baby is content with only superficial sleep and, as a result, does not receive the required amount of sleep.

At one year of age, a child needs only two naps during the day to regain strength for active wakefulness. But, you should also take into account such a moment as the amount of night sleep. It is clear that if the baby slept little at night, then he will get his watch in the daytime.

What causes lack of sleep?

You should also be concerned if a one-year-old child does not sleep during the day. The reasons for this behavior may be the following:

  • baby teeth grow;
  • pain in the tummy (flatulence, cramps).

It is possible that after eliminating the listed reasons, the baby will calmly fall asleep and rest for the required amount of time.

Daytime routine

A 1-year-old child's sleep schedule should fit optimally into the overall daily routine. To do this, you need to observe the behavior of the little man to find out when he really wants to sleep. It is important to put your baby to bed in such a way that he has only positive associations with the time allotted for rest.

In order to notice certain steps in the baby’s behavior, and adhere to a well-thought-out sleep schedule for the child per year, it is worth paying attention to the following points that indicate the baby’s real fatigue:

  1. involuntary yawning begins;
  2. eyes become red and itchy;
  3. the baby is fiddling with his ears;
  4. tearfulness appears;
  5. stops being interested in favorite toys;
  6. does not respond to parents;
  7. does not want to eat, may throw away the plate or scatter the food;
  8. whines, clings to mom, seeks constant attention;
  9. exhibits increased activity, which usually ends in tears;
  10. begins to stumble, literally falls off his feet;
  11. looks tired.

You need to put your baby to bed at the first signs of fatigue, and not wait until overwork sets in. If you miss the moment, then tears and whims will begin, and as a result there will be no quality rest.

As for the sleep schedule of a one-year-old child, it can be something like this:

  1. if the baby wakes up at 6 or 6:30 in the morning, then the first daytime rest should be around 10:30, and last up to 12 hours;
  2. the second stage of daytime sleep occurs in the afternoon, and begins at 15:30. The duration of rest depends on the specific organism, but in most cases babies sleep until 17:00;
  3. from 22:00 preparatory activities for the night's rest begin;
  4. Falling asleep occurs by 10:30 p.m. and lasts until 6 or 6:30 a.m.

The given version of the daytime sleep schedule for a 1-year-old child is considered the optimal solution. This nap schedule is suitable for children who need two naps during the day. But there are children for whom one day's rest is enough. For them, the daily routine will look a little different:

  • kids wake up at 7 or 8 am;
  • daytime rest time begins around 13:00 and lasts 2-3 hours;
  • With this regimen, the baby will eat 4 times a day.

The second option for the daily sleep schedule is considered more convenient for parents, because already at 9 o’clock in the evening the one-year-old child is asleep. Parents have a little more time for themselves.

You can switch to a one-time day rest under the following circumstances:

  • when it’s time for the second nap, the baby is still alert and active;
  • the child does not show the signs of drowsiness described above and is ready to stay awake;
  • if you try to put a little man in a crib, then the parents will expect a furious protest;
  • when, despite all the protests during bedtime, the mother continues to insist on sleep, then such actions lead to a final shift in the entire daily routine.

It is worth listening to the biological needs of the child and trying to adjust the daily routine to suit him. Most likely, a single, but longer rest will be enough for the baby. Under no circumstances should you use force while falling asleep.

After a year, a child’s sleep schedule becomes less intense. At night they need up to 11 hours of proper rest. Daytime sleep is reduced and is approximately 2 hours. Older children usually rest after lunch.

How to put a 1-year-old child to sleep?

When parents have decided how many times a child sleeps at 1 year old, the only problem remains proper preparation for rest. It is worth considering that the baby is beginning to grow up, and the approach to him is no longer the same as in infancy.

Before putting your one-year-old baby to bed, pay attention to the following details:

  1. choose the optimal time so that at least 5 hours have passed since waking up in the morning;
  2. You can’t suddenly put your baby down if he was actively playing a couple of minutes ago;
  3. prepare good conditions for relaxation;
  4. ensure that your baby has only positive associations associated with falling asleep;
  5. A sharp transition to a one-time daytime nap from a two-time rest is unacceptable.

By following these rules, you can move on to recommendations regarding how to put a one-year-old child to sleep:

  1. it is necessary to adhere to the drawn up daily schedule;
  2. you cannot suddenly change your rest hours, even by 20 minutes;
  3. prevent the baby from dozing during the day;
  4. pay attention to signs of fatigue, avoiding overwork;
  5. come up with special rules that need to be repeated before putting the child to bed at 1 year old. You can accustom your baby to a pleasant light massage and back stroking. Before each bedtime, sing soothing, gentle songs, tell continued fairy tales;
  6. Create a cozy, relaxing atmosphere in the nursery that will make you feel drowsy. In the evening, dim the lighting, and during the day, cover the windows with thick curtains. Before each bedtime, be sure to ventilate your child’s room;
  7. do not allow emotional instability in the moments before falling asleep;
  8. Try to take your baby outside a couple of hours before resting.

Parents need to understand that constant lack of sleep for a small family member can lead to various health problems. Therefore, it is worth paying increased attention to such an important period in a child’s life as 24-hour sleep, and wisely fitting it into the daily routine.

Only parents can decide on the amount of time needed for quality rest. And the result largely depends on the individual characteristics and character of the little person.

Time is very fleeting. It would seem that the moment when you saw two lines on the test was last week. But now there is a little miracle lying in the crib. His birth is a huge holiday for parents, but also the emergence of incredible responsibility. How to care for a newborn? How many times should I feed? How much should a baby sleep at 1 month of age? Mommy is frantically looking for answers to all these questions.

Greetings, dear readers. Sleep is a very important part of life! After all, it is during rest that the baby grows, develops, and gains strength. It's not just how long a newborn should be in the "off" state that matters! But also when you need to put him down, under what conditions, how to help him get used to the change of day and night. Today we will discuss all these and other issues related to those periods of time when the baby is not awake.

How should it be - how much should a baby sleep at 1 month?

The process of “viewing dreams” for a little person is radically different from the same process for adults. This applies not only to duration, but also to rhythm and periodicity.

At 1 month of life, on average, babies sleep from 18 to 20 hours a day. A rest of 15 hours is still considered the norm. Reading this, those who do not have children are perplexed: why then do mothers complain so much about lack of sleep? It is impossible not to notice that the alternation of periods of rest and wakefulness in children is not the same: they do not wake up around 8-9 o’clock in the morning, falling asleep at 21 o’clock the previous day.

It plays an important role more for the parents than for the child himself, how much a 1-month-old baby sleeps at night, and how much during the day. This is because in the initial period of its life the baby little distinguishes between light and dark time of day; its vital activity proceeds according to “intrauterine rhythms.” However, on average it is useful for a child to rest 10-12 hours at night, the rest of the time - 7-9 hours - during the day.

There is a different way of changing the phases of slow and fast sleep. In newborns, the slow, deep phase begins approximately half an hour after falling asleep. Until this time, the baby is still clenching her fists, twisting her arms and legs, and closing her eyes. At the moment of the change of period, the baby finally relaxes, facial muscles do not work, and the eyeballs do not move. Then comes a return to the fast, superficial phase. Such shifts can occur up to 4-6 times during one period between falling asleep and waking up. The slow stage lasts no more than half an hour in young children. This is an adaptive feature of the body. After all, the baby needs to wake up to eat.

Accordingly, we can call the baby’s first 20 minutes a period of “dozing off.” He can be awakened by any external irritant - touch, rustle or whisper. Therefore, it is not recommended to shift the baby immediately after motion sickness.

Recommendations on how much sleep a baby should sleep at 1 month cannot be followed thoroughly. After all, every person, even the smallest one, is very individual. Some kids are more active, while others are absolute phlegmatic people. But we must remember that any of them needs a long rest - it contributes to the proper development of the nervous system. After all, it’s no secret that children who don’t get enough sleep become capricious, whiny and get sick more often.

But how to properly organize the relaxation process for your baby?

And under what conditions?

If a person is very strongly inclined to “switch off”, he will fall asleep under any conditions (this is especially true, of course, for students). However, for the little ones it is necessary to create such an environment so that their resting process is healthy. In addition, already from the second or third week of life it is necessary to begin to form a sleep culture. Too early - you say? Not at all. The later such “upbringing” begins, the more difficult it will be for parents to build a daily routine.


There is an opinion among parents that the room in which the baby sleeps should be almost a box. This is wrong. Of course, it is important that the baby is comfortable. But this does not mean that it is necessary to bring the premises to the conditions of an incubator.

The average temperature is considered to be from 18° to 22° C. In winter, when the heating season begins, it is more difficult to regulate the temperature, but you should try to prevent it from rising above 23° C. It is necessary to observe the little person - in what “climate” is it more comfortable for him to relax. Pediatricians believe that air heated to more than 22°C causes anxiety, the baby falls asleep less easily, wakes up more often, and cries. It is better to place the thermometer near the crib. Humidity is an equally important indicator. It must be at least 50%.

Before going to bed, it is strictly necessary to ventilate the room (even in winter). This way the air does not stagnate, is enriched with oxygen, and purified. But drafts are strictly contraindicated for the baby. Therefore, you should not leave both the door and window open at night.


You should not over-wrap your baby. If the room temperature is 22°C or higher, it will be enough to put a vest and rompers on him and cover him with a sheet. At temperatures of 18-22°, you should use a blanket or envelope, and wear cotton overalls.

The question of whether a child should be swaddled remains open to this day; there is no consensus. On the one hand, it is believed that in diapers the baby sleeps more soundly, since he cannot wake himself up with a sudden movement.

On the other hand, there are several disadvantages:

  • diapers hinder movement, and if the baby is not very comfortable, he will not just move as if in clothes, but will wake up and start crying;
  • You cannot wear diapers under the diaper, otherwise prickly heat will most likely develop, so you won’t get a “restful sleep”, and in addition to feedings, you will also have to change the diaper;
  • if the diaper gets wet at night, then changing it will “stir up” the little person, not allowing him to quickly fall back to sleep.

Each mother will have to decide whether to swaddle her baby independently.

Separately or together with parents?

There is also no consensus on the question of whether spending the night together between children and parents is harmful or beneficial. I discussed this issue in detail here:. There are pros and cons to any decision, and this issue should be decided solely by parents.

How much a baby should sleep at 1 month does not really depend on this condition. However, it is believed that if the little one sleeps next to his mother, his dreams lengthen somewhat. Due to what? When the baby wakes up, hungry, he can find the breast next to him. He does not need to scream for this, waking up even more, he is not lifted out of the crib, and the light is not turned on.

If the practice of joint recreation is chosen, the following conditions must be observed:

  • the baby should have enough space;
  • it should not be placed on the edge of the bed so that it does not fall;
  • It is not recommended to place it between parents, it is dangerous;
  • the best position is between the mother and the wall;
  • The child must have his own bed linen and a separate blanket. The sheet on the parent's bed must be clean;
  • The baby's head should not be on the pillow;
  • if the mother is very tired, even in the mildest degree of alcoholic intoxication or under the influence of drugs, it is better to place the baby separately;
  • To maintain a favorable psychological situation for the family, it is necessary that both parents want to rest at night with the child; the father’s opinion cannot be neglected.


A newborn's crib should be equipped with special bumpers, although this is not so relevant during the newborn period. It should be located away from the window and not in a draft.

The child doesn’t care what color the bed linen is, whether princesses or cars are drawn on it - it’s a matter of the parents’ taste preferences. Choose your underwear carefully, make sure it is made from natural materials, clean, and ironed. The baby does not need a pillow, just like a folded diaper - it can be placed under the head from six months.

Avoid using canopies and curtains - although slightly, they disrupt air circulation, which interferes with sleep. It is not recommended to put toys and other objects in the crib. This is explained quite simply: the tiny little thing does not yet understand why they are needed, does not distinguish their colors, does not distinguish one from the other. And when falling asleep they are absolutely useless. The child cannot yet focus on objects from the mobile.

The baby is traditionally placed on his back, turning his head to either side. You can also place it on your stomach, especially if it is bothered by colic. It is perfectly acceptable to leave a baby to sleep in a stroller or cradle. It is believed that newborns are more comfortable when they are “close” - these conditions are closest to the mother’s womb.

Sleeping in the fresh air

There is no standard for how much a 1-month-old child should sleep in the fresh air, and how much in an apartment. However, in order to improve the quality and increase the duration of rest, it is recommended to snore in the air - on the street or on the balcony.

In winter, in a temperate climate, the baby can walk outside at temperatures above 10°C without wind and below 25°C without the scorching sun (yes, where we live in winter +30). If he is healthy, it is recommended to start this practice from two weeks of age in the cold season, in the summer - from 7 days. You can take it out into the air to gain strength 1-2 times a day, first for half an hour. Then, gradually, for the entire period of time while he sleeps.


For the first six months of a baby’s life, it is quite difficult to wake him up by exposure to an external factor. It does not react very strongly to light, and even less to sound. Therefore, a quiet, but not whispered conversation without shouts and sharp sounds will not disturb his peace. The noise of the street will also not prevent the baby from dreaming.

The most “vulnerable” moment is the first 20-30 minutes after falling asleep, until the newborn has entered the first phase of deep sleep. If he falls asleep in your arms, do not rush to move him or change his clothes, he can easily wake up.

The baby is not supposed to rest with light: he is not afraid of the dark yet, so there is no need for a night light. But he can confuse day and night if he turns on the lights during the night “recharging”, and during the day, on the contrary, curtains all the windows.

Sharp, sudden sounds will wake up and scare the child. For example, if he fell asleep listening to music, then it most likely will not interfere. But if you turn it on after falling asleep, especially one with drums or a singer’s voice, it will wake you up. A scream, a dog barking, objects falling, doors slamming - this will obviously make the baby wake up.


Is it worth introducing any “sleep traditions”, does this affect the sleep-wake schedule. I'm sure yes! Despite the fact that the person is still very, very small and understands little of what is happening to him, this is useful. Firstly, in the future you won’t have to accustom either yourself or your baby to certain bedtime rules. Secondly, these rituals can help you learn to recognize day and night.


Should you bathe your baby every time before bed? Most likely no. A little person can fall asleep 3-4-5 times a day; there is no need to bathe him that many times. In addition, sometimes there is a need to wash the baby, regardless of whether he goes to bed soon. Therefore, bathing as a “sleepy tradition” is perhaps not the best option. But you can and should use baths as a soothing procedure at night. For example, add chamomile infusion, wrap the baby in a warm towel after washing, do not play with it and do not turn on bright lights. In this case, he will fall asleep much faster than usual.


How much a baby should sleep at 1 month is greatly influenced by his need for food. Today, the generally accepted technique is feeding on demand - as soon as the baby starts crying, immediately give the breast or bottle. Newborns can eat up to 12-15 times a day, and this is normal. But how is feeding related to sleep?

Very often the baby falls asleep during feeding or immediately after it. The first option is not always desirable. You will have to wake up the baby if he eats little, does not gain weight, and the mother’s milk disappears. This means that the child falls asleep faster than he eats. Otherwise, let him sleep. “Switching off” immediately after feeding is completely normal. The main thing is to make sure that the belching, if any, occurs in an upright position in the mother’s arms. The purpose of this restriction is to avoid aspiration (inhalation of gastrointestinal contents).

Night feedings should be done “with minimal interruption from sleep.” Don't turn on the lights, don't talk loudly, don't play with your baby. All feeding options are acceptable:

  • In the armchair;
  • on the parent's bed with a return to a separate bed;
  • on the parents' bed and then sleeping in it.

If you lift the baby carefully and do not make sudden movements, there will not be much difference in the duration of subsequent falling asleep.


Lullabies are an integral part of the culture of any nation. Why are they so important? A child, listening to his mother’s or father’s peaceful singing, calms down and feels safe. He does not yet understand the words, does not recognize the musical intonation, but he feels the love of his parents. In addition, he understands the difference between laughing, talking loudly and singing in a half-whisper. As soon as it starts, it’s time to close your eyes and be carried away into the world of dreams. The equivalent of a lullaby is a story or just a quiet conversation.

At first, it is better to use lullabies to calm the baby both during the day and at night. But by the age of 6-8 months, it is recommended to sing only at night.

Motion sickness

Contrary to popular belief, rocking your child to sleep is not at all necessary. But if you “accustom” yourself to this, then the cub will have difficulty falling asleep on his own. It is enough to hold him in your arms for a few minutes before going to bed, put him in the crib (or on the bed) and sit next to him.

You can stroke the baby or just put your hand on the tummy. Then the child will feel the presence of his parents. If he falls asleep calmly in his crib, do not instill in him the habit of only doing so in your arms. But when a baby falls asleep only in your arms and cries in the crib, it’s better to endure it than to wean it off later, says Dr. E.O. Komarovsky.

Moreover, pediatricians identify the so-called “shaking syndrome.” It is expressed by loss of consciousness in the child. And here it all comes down to the unfinished formation of the child’s body. The nervous system cannot cope with the load, the blood supply to the brain is disrupted, resulting in fainting. For an adult, it would be a banal “sickness.” To prevent the development of such a complication, rock the baby carefully. Do not make sudden movements, reduce the swing amplitude.

How to help learn to recognize day and night?

To accustom your baby to the correct rhythm of day and night, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • stick to the regime - go to bed at the same period of time;
  • if your child wakes up at night, do not turn on the light or TV, do not talk loudly;
  • During the day, on the contrary, do not try to muffle noises and sounds during periods of wakefulness of the baby, and when he falls asleep, do not curtain the windows “tightly”;
  • let the process of going to bed in the evening be different from the rest - bathe with warm water, sing a lullaby, say good night.

Remember that from the age of two weeks the cub learns to distinguish between daytime and nighttime. It is not “for the best” to leave the formation of his regime to chance.

But how do you know when it’s time to turn down the music, turn off the TV and put you to bed?

Signs of drowsiness

I will not talk about the fact that every mother is obliged to feel what is happening to her child. This is wrong. Often young women are frightened that they do not understand why their baby is crying. This is completely normal! The newborn, of course, will not be able to say either in words or with specific gestures that he is tired. And his crying is “faceless” - is he cold or hot, is he hungry or tired and needs sleep? The following “symptoms” will help you understand that it’s time for your baby to “baby”:

  • closes his eyes and does not open them for a long time;
  • he squints and blinks frequently;
  • he brings his hands to his eyes and tries to rub them;
  • the child tries to pull his ear;
  • Sometimes sleepy suns even have barely noticeable dark circles under their eyes.

We do not comply with the standard!

It happens that a child - 1 month - does not sleep all day. It's not very good. No one says that the figure regulating how much sleep a child should sleep in 1 month is a constant, and any deviations from it are pathological.

However, recharging is incredibly important! Nature dictates that sleep lasts quite a long time and comes often. Maybe if your son or daughter does not sleep for more than 5 hours in a row, something is bothering him. It can be:

  • extraneous stimuli - bright light, loud sounds;
  • uncomfortable conditions: cold, excessive heat, stuffiness, humidity;
  • feeling unwell - abdominal pain, itching, other unpleasant sensations, temperature;
  • premorbid state (the period preceding the disease - decreased immunity, hypothermia, etc.), the incubation stage of the disease (the period when a person is already sick, but symptoms have not yet appeared);
  • stress (long crying, moving, long road).

Thus, there are two types of reasons, let's call them “non-dangerous” and “dangerous”. The first, in turn, are external and internal. External ones can be eliminated by opening or closing the window, changing the diaper, turning off the music. In addition to the above, excessively active actions of adults, bright toys, and pets can distract from dozing.

Internal ones include stress, prolonged crying, fear, change of environment. To help your baby fall asleep, you can prepare a bath with chamomile, rock him in your arms, and talk to him. It is acceptable to put him in bed next to you, even if this practice has not been used before.

But if, besides wakefulness, there are other manifestations, for example:

  • temperature increase;
  • blueness or redness of the skin;
  • intermittent breathing;
  • excessive tearfulness, bordering on continuous screaming;
  • tremor of the limbs (fast, rhythmic movements);
  • convulsions, etc., it’s time to “sound the alarm” and call an ambulance as soon as possible.

To the question of how much sleep a baby should sleep at 1 month, Dr. E.O. Komarovsky answers simply: “When they don’t sleep, they eat, when they eat, they don’t sleep.” And if the baby stays awake for too long, something is wrong: either with health or with the room. It is worth lowering the air temperature (16°C is better than 22°C), ventilating, and removing sources of dust.

When will my sleep schedule return to normal?

As already mentioned, from about the third week of life, babies begin to slowly realize the difference between day and night. Their sleep schedule is directly related to their feeding schedule. Therefore, as soon as one is formed, the other will immediately “settle down.” The only question is – what does “normalize” mean?

By this concept we mean that the baby will begin to fall asleep and wake up every day at approximately the same hours, and changes will only occur with age. Starting from 4-5 months, the baby will spend less time in the world of dreams - minus 60 minutes every 30 days. So, by the age of one year it is useful to “recharge” for about 13-14 hours a day.

"My own director"

It is believed that the frequency and duration of a newborn’s dreams are influenced by the same indicators during pregnancy. Although the fetus does not have the concepts of day and night as such, often children born to mothers who follow the regime are more easily “adjusted” to this schedule. A pregnant woman should, in theory, get better sleep than in her normal state. It is best to go to bed and get up at the same hour.

Of course, after giving birth it will not be possible to follow the same strict system. Still, no matter how small the new little person is, it is he who dictates the rules of life in the house. But the main thing is to understand that you cannot “attribute” the formation of the regime to the characteristics of the baby’s body. Indeed, already at such a tender age it becomes clear whether a person is a “night owl” or a “lark”. However, it is necessary to regulate the process of formation.

Firstly, it is good for children. An organism that is accustomed to functioning “on schedule” is less likely to malfunction. A mother can control the condition of her child, focusing on the duration of his “recharging”. This is a kind of “calendar” - by the time of rest you can judge whether the baby is healthy, whether he feels well, whether he is developing correctly. Is he comfortable in the room? But if a person sleeps completely “erratically”, it is more difficult to judge such things. Secondly, this is a “plus” for parents: they also get used to the regime. In addition, it will be much easier to create the right schedule for your son or daughter.

To summarize what has been said: it is more important to take orientation based on the condition of the baby, and not on the standard regulating how much a child should sleep at 1 month. However, if he sleeps less than 15-16 hours, it is important to analyze all the factors described above and consult with a pediatrician.

Finally, your baby has become quite an adult, I’m sure that you didn’t even have time to notice how quickly he grew up. Many have already learned to walk independently, speak some simple words, such as: mom, dad, baba and others. As for the daily routine of the baby at 1 year old, then everything finally began to improve. You know exactly when he will be especially active and you will go to the playground, and when he wants to sleep. Today I propose to discuss the topic of sleep, its place and duration in the daily routine.

Let's find out how much a 1-year-old child sleeps, and what to do if he sleeps poorly or does not sleep at all during the day or at night.

For children of this age it is very difficult to name clear standards. After all, they are all completely different, they themselves and their systems develop differently. Some may require more sleep, while others may require more frequent feedings. Based on these features, let's look at several options for how much a child can sleep at 1 year old. So, the daily sleep requirement is 13-14.5 hours. Night time is 10-12 hours, and the remaining time he sleeps during the day.

As for the features of a child’s daytime sleep at 1 year old, there are two options:

  1. For some children, it is enough to sleep once a day, but for 2-3 hours, the rest of the time they are awake, playing and enjoying life. At the same time, they are always cheerful and do not feel a lack of rest.
  2. At the same time, there are children who lack one nap during the day, they become capricious, and it is difficult to distract them and keep them occupied with something. In this case, the daytime rest is divided into two times of 1.5 hours each, or one long nap is possible, for example, 2-3 hours, and a second, very short one, for 20-30 minutes, when the baby gets tired again.

You must monitor your baby and adapt to his needs. If he is not ready to sleep once a day, then there is no need to force him. Otherwise, such changes will not add peace of mind to either you or the baby.

Features of sleep during this period

At this age, children have two sleep-related features: difficulty falling asleep and frequent awakenings at night. Let's take a closer look at each of them. So:

  1. Now your baby has become quite an adult. Believe me, he experiences unreal sensations and feelings if he has already learned to walk independently. In addition, this achievement also becomes a test for his nervous system, since so many new horizons have opened up for the child that he has not yet explored. As a result of all these innovations, the baby may have difficulty falling asleep. Think about how you can sleep when there are so many interesting and unknown things around. Soon his sleep will again become much stronger and calmer, this will happen as soon as he gets used to his new abilities.
  2. You may again feel that the child has a fear of moving away from his mother. He may not let you go for a long time, demand your constant presence, and this may cause the baby to wake up frequently.

How to help your little one sleep more peacefully

  1. If your baby demands your presence and wakes up as soon as you leave, stay close to him. Talk, tell about tomorrow's plans and promise your baby that you will definitely come when he calls. Of course, you need to keep your promises; if you don’t do this, the little one may lose trust in you.
  2. Never forget about the daily routine and those procedures that tell the baby that it will soon be time to rest. If before this time he was not interested in books, then perhaps now is the time to try to get acquainted with reading again. In addition, some quiet games, for example, putting together puzzles or arranging toys in their places and saying goodbye to them, will help the baby calm down after a busy day. Another ritual - or simply in cool water - is useful not only for newborns, but also for older children.
  3. Of course, if you know that something is bothering your baby, for example, teething, then especially before bedtime you should help the baby and relieve discomfort with a special medicine. Be sure to check with your local pediatrician which drug may be right for your baby. In addition, the baby may suffer, then you definitely need to pay due attention.
  4. A very important skill for a 1-year-old toddler is falling asleep independently. As soon as you see that he is already falling asleep, put him in the crib and let him fall asleep there on his own. If he falls asleep with you only after being rocked to sleep or with a pacifier, bottle or breast, then you should gradually wean him from such habits. For example, the baby fell asleep with the breast, after a while he wakes up, and neither you nor the breast are there. Of course, what further actions could there be?! Of course, he will start looking for you, get up in the crib, call, and your rest will be interrupted. Therefore, at this age it is very important to learn to sleep on your own.
  5. Now the baby is at an age when he wants to control the whole world and confirm his importance every time. In this case, he may demand to continue the game when it is already time to sleep. To avoid evening quarrels and arguments, provide your child with an alternative that, at the same time, suits you. For example, you can ask your child: “What pajamas do you want to sleep in today?” or “Are we going to bed right now or in 5 minutes”? Whatever answer your little one chooses, it will suit you, and the baby will feel important and independent.
  6. Spend your waking hours actively. If your baby can play on his own, great. If he doesn’t have enough of your company to have fun, don’t be lazy and give your little one this time. When he plays enough, his sleep will be much stronger and longer.

Does a child need a regimen at 1 year old?

At this age, the regime is not only necessary, it is one of the main titans, on which not only the physical, but also the mental and emotional development of the little one rests. Knowing the daily routine, the baby feels comfortable and safe.

1 year old baby's night sleep

Indeed, at this age he may often wake up at night. As we discussed above, the reason for this is overstimulation during the day or the lack of what he fell asleep with: rocking, a bottle, a pacifier or music. Most often, if you exclude these moments from your lifestyle, then restless rest will not bother you in the future. However, there is another unpleasant moment associated with sleep. When a child turns 1 year old, he becomes quite old and independent. Now, if he wakes up and does not find you nearby, he may decide to go in search of you, trying to climb over the railing of the crib. As you yourself understand, such tricks are quite dangerous for children.

Therefore, you can take a number of measures to keep your baby safe. To do this you need:

  1. Lower the mattress lower. In this case, it will be much more difficult for your little one to climb the wall of the crib. And at 1 year old he is unlikely to be able to overcome an obstacle of such height.
  2. Remove all toys and pillows from inside. Your little one can use them as steps to get to the top.
  3. Follow him during the day. Stand in a place so that you can control the baby's actions, but at the same time, he cannot see you. As soon as you see that he has begun to climb up the wall of the crib, immediately approach him and calmly but confidently explain that he cannot do this. He may not remember this rule the first time, but after the second or third ban he will stop doing this.
  4. Even if the baby wakes up in the middle of the night and asks you to play with him, or walk around, or do something else, do not agree. Put the baby to bed and talk to him for a short time, try to explain that now is time for rest and everyone around him has gone to bed, including all his toys. He must get used to it and know for sure that night time is for sleep, and it cannot be any other way.


I suggest you watch a short video that tells you about all the rules that parents should follow so that their 1-year-old child’s sleep is sound and long. In addition, you can learn about possible problems and ways to solve them.

As the famous pediatrician Komarovsky says, a dream is considered healthy when not only the child, but also the mother and father can sleep soundly, and it does not matter at all how old your child is: 1 month or a year.

What time should you put your baby to bed?

To maintain the correct daily routine, try to put your baby to bed at the same time. It is best to do this after a walk and feeding. Forty minutes before bedtime, do not entertain your child with active games. In the evening, after bathing and feeding, the optimal time for night sleep is nine to ten hours. Some mothers believe that the later they put their baby to bed in the evening, the more he will sleep. In fact, the opposite happens. The baby becomes overtired and his sleep is no longer so sound and long.

How much do babies sleep per day?

A person spends one third of his life sleeping. Scientists are still trying to unravel the mystery of sleep, and why people need it so much. The more research is carried out, the more mysteries are revealed and questions remain. A child's sleep differs in many ways from an adult, who can stay awake during the day while remaining alert. Long sleep has a beneficial effect on a child's development. At this time, the brain works more intensely and processes daily information.

Newborns sleep the longest. The baby wakes up only when he wants to eat. Young mothers often worry whether their baby is sleeping enough, even though this is the calmest period in the life of parents. Very soon the baby will grow up and will be awake most of the day. In Soviet times, there were standards for everything, including sleep for infants. A newborn's sleep should be from twenty to twenty-two hours with short breaks. Modern children sleep less in the first month - from seventeen to eighteen hours. Then the duration of sleep becomes from twelve to sixteen hours. This is entirely within the normal parameters and parents do not need to worry about anything. Now babies are developing much faster, because while they are awake they carefully try to study the world around them. You only need to worry if the baby wakes up too often, especially at night. There may be several reasons for this:

  • the mother does not have enough fat in her milk, and the child does not get enough to eat;
  • tummy problems – colic or dysbacteriosis;
  • skin rashes;
  • elevated body temperature

A newborn cannot distinguish day from night, so after four hours of sleep he wakes up and demands to eat. His sleep consists of several stages. Falling asleep, shallow and deep sleep. The duration of this period is about thirty minutes; for an adult, up to two hours are allotted for this. During infancy, sleep is calm and active. In a baby at six to eight months, it begins with the active phase. The eyes close and sometimes you can see the eyeballs moving. The breathing is not rhythmic, the muscles are in a relaxed state, you can see twitching and a smile. It is possible that this is the time when the baby dreams. After twenty minutes, the phase of quiet sleep begins, when the eyes are closed, the fists are unclenched, breathing becomes even, the baby no longer flinches and sweats. At this time, it is difficult to wake up the baby, so do not tiptoe and calmly do household chores.

In order for your child to sleep smoothly and calmly, you need to follow the following rules:

  1. Neurologists and psychologists agreed that up to one and a half years, a child can sleep with his mother. He feels safe and maintains the right emotional background.
  2. Daytime sleep in the fresh air, at a temperature not lower than – 15°C, is the most beneficial.
  3. Rock a restless baby in a stroller, but only until he falls asleep, otherwise he will quickly get used to it.
  4. If you can't go outside, place the stroller on the balcony.
  5. Do not close the curtains while sleeping and ensure complete silence. Moderate noise, operation of household appliances and conversations are quite acceptable.
  6. The optimal temperature of the room where the baby sleeps should be from eighteen to twenty-two degrees.

In the first and second months, a newborn should sleep from sixteen to twenty hours.

At three and four months this time is about seventeen hours. At five to six months, the total sleep time is sixteen hours, and the number of daytime falls asleep is up to three times.

At seven to nine months, a baby sleeps up to fifteen hours.

From ten to twelve months - up to fourteen hours.

How long should a baby sleep during the day?

In the first month, the newborn sleeps every two hours.

After a month and up to three - one and a half hours, four times a day.

In the period from three to four months - one and a half to two hours three times a day.

At five to six months, the baby sleeps twice during the day for one and a half to three hours.

From six months to eight months, for an hour twice a day.

When the baby turns nine months and up to a year, he sleeps during the day once for an hour and a half.

How long should a baby sleep at night?

The duration of night sleep for a newborn is nine and a half hours. The baby sleeps eight hours a month. From two to three months, five hours each. From three to six months - three and a half hours. From six months to nine months – three hours. After nine and up to a year - two and a half.

In fact, you should always keep in mind the fact that a child, due to his individuality, cannot meet the average statistical standards accepted in pediatrics. How much sleep a day, how to gain weight and how often to eat are purely individual things and completely depend on yourself. The child will sleep exactly as much as he needs. If, despite small deviations from the average norms, the child behaves calmly, he is full and satisfied, then you should not force him to bed in order to reach the mythical norm. But in the case when the baby is restless, cries angrily and rubs his eyes, but cannot fall asleep, and this continues day after day - these situations require special attention.

How long does a newborn sleep?

According to the classification adopted by the World Health Organization, a newborn is considered a baby under the age of one month. During the newborn period, a small family member spends most of his life in a state of sleep - approximately 17-18 hours a day. This, of course, does not mean that sleep time will last continuously. The baby will wake up approximately every 2-3 hours to eat. Breastfed babies wake up more often, while babies, who, as a rule, can sleep continuously for up to 3-4 hours. At this age, the sleep-wake pattern has not yet been established, so just help your baby fall asleep: swaddle him, hold him in your arms a little longer after feeding, quietly sing a lullaby.

Sleep standards for a baby up to three months

At this age, the time a child spends sleeping may be reduced by two hours and will amount to 15-16 hours during the day. However, it is at this age that most often the little person suffers from colic, which will prevent him from sleeping peacefully. If the cause of colic and poor health of the child is eliminated, then at night he can sleep continuously for 5-6 hours, and during the day the total sleep time will be about 10 hours. The baby's periods of wakefulness increase, because he studies the world around him with interest.

Sleep time for infants under six months of age

The little man has grown up, he is becoming more active and he is very interested in everything that happens around him. Accordingly, periods of wakefulness are becoming longer and longer. At this age, the baby can sleep during the day for 3-4 hours continuously, after which he will definitely want to eat and play. There should be three stages of daytime sleep. Night sleep in a child under six months of age, as a rule, lasts 10-11 hours. It is the period from 4 to 6 months that is considered the most favorable for working on a child’s daily routine. By this time, mommy has already studied the characteristics of her baby and understands when he wants to sleep, and what exactly helps him fall asleep.

Baby's sleep between 6 and 9 months

After six months of life, the child is able to sleep peacefully throughout the night without waking up for night feedings. The duration of night sleep can be up to 12 hours if the child is healthy and not bothered by teething or other problems. In the morning, the baby is able to entertain himself for 2.5-3 hours continuously, then he will sleep for exactly the same amount of time. By the ninth month of life, there may be two stages of daytime sleep, at which time the baby will sleep for 2-3 hours, no more. The rest of the time the child gets to know the surrounding space - he begins to crawl, learns to stand up with support, and becomes more excitable. Therefore, at this time it is very important to develop a bedtime routine - play only calm games, hold your hand while falling asleep, tell a fairy tale. Habitual actions will help your child get ready for sleep, and the process of going to bed will be much easier.

How long does a baby sleep under one year?

After 9 months of life, the child needs less and less daytime sleep, while at night the child sleeps peacefully, without waking up, as before, for at least 11-12 hours. Many children, as they approach one year of age, switch to a one-time nap lasting 3-4 hours, and spend the rest of the time in vigorous activity. However, this is still rare. Most children continue to sleep during the day in two stages, each of which lasts 1.5-2 hours. It is very important to stick to a routine and try to put your baby to bed at the same time every day. This sequence of actions will help your baby fall asleep on his own, and you won’t have to sit by his crib for a long time or rock him to sleep.

And yet, despite all the existing norms, allow the baby to deviate from them to some extent, especially if you see that the child is getting enough sleep, feels active and cheerful. Observe your child, and you can determine for yourself what distribution of periods of sleep and wakefulness is required for him to fully develop.