Traces of aliens in the past earth. UFO traces on the ground. Traces of Ancient Nuclear War

The aliens' research activities are accompanied by visiting new planets, their satellites and asteroids for the purpose of scientific observations, as well as collecting samples from the natural environment, performing instrumental measurements and any experiments that are often beyond our understanding.

Planet Earth, like other planets in our solar system, is regularly visited by aliens. It is known that at least 70 civilizations from different worlds illegally visit the Earth at least once a year, trying to have minimal impact on people and nature as a whole. Certain civilizations from among the main curators are constantly on duty on Earth, monitoring dangerous situations in hot spots and conducting continuous environmental monitoring of the entire surface of the planet.

It is clear that humanoids walking on soft ground involuntarily reveal their presence. Next to the imprints of the spacecraft's supports on the soil cover, witnesses noticed completely normal footprints of the aliens' shoes, and these traces had clearly printed tread patterns (like treads on rubber boots). Such traces are especially noticeable on the arable land of a razed field, on the sands of the desert and sandy river banks, in vegetable gardens, on clean snow, etc.

Our ufologists are very surprised by shoe prints in the snow, which appear as if from nowhere and return to nowhere again (they have no supply paths), and near the break of the tracks they usually find a ring-shaped or solid round imprint of an aircraft hovering at a low altitude. It is quite obvious that upon arrival the aliens were stretching their legs after a long flight.

Based on the method of alien landing on the planet, one can draw a fairly definite conclusion about their energetic development (both the development of bioenergetic abilities and the development of technical intelligence). Underdeveloped and moderately developed civilizations (SC I and SC I) usually land an aircraft directly on the surface of the planets.

The spacecraft is lowered onto retractable supports (on a retractable core - a rod), the hatch (entrance door) opens, a ladder is released, and humanoids descend on foot, sometimes holding the handrails, which indicates the insignificant energy development of the arriving guests.

Finding themselves in the field of influence of the gravitational forces of the planet, the aliens do not always feel comfortable: light, flying steps and heavy gait of the aliens were observed, associated with noticeable differences in the forces of gravity on Earth and on their home planet. Sometimes an interesting phenomenon is observed: the soil under the alien’s feet is crushed, the feet sink into the soil and the alien moves like a tired traveler wandering through a swamp, that is, the earth’s soil turned out to be too soft for their shoes.

In addition, humanoids were observed seemingly “sliding” with their feet on the surface of the earth and not leaving any traces behind themselves, which is surprising from the point of view of human logic and demonstrates to us the unusual lightness of their bodies or the ability to somehow weaken the gravity of the Earth.

Therefore, in order to smooth out the differences in gravity that arise, aliens can artificially strengthen or weaken the earth's gravity in the landing zone. Researchers call such zones anomalous (local change +g»↓ -g»↓). Inside these zones, you feel a strong heaviness in your legs, it is incredibly difficult to move, and it is almost impossible to jump. After a long period of time, the abnormal severity is dissipated by natural factors.

Sometimes situations arise when landing an aircraft is impossible for a number of reasons (direction finding by air defense services), but an individual movement of a humanoid to the scene of events is required. For such tasks, SC I uses devices that provide local control of the gravitational field and energy force propulsion. They allow a humanoid to move autonomously over the surface of the planet and easily overcome rugged terrain.

The devices are mounted on the back in the form of a backpack or vest, mounted on the shoulders of a spacesuit, or on a helmet. One day, a car with people was chasing a fast-moving humanoid, and the humanoid, as it turned out, did not push off from the ground at all, but flew low at the speed of the car. On his head he had a helmet (like a pilot’s helmet) with a motor superstructure.

Another variant of movement involves flying a humanoid in a vertical position on a platform-plate, while the legs seem to “stick” to the flying device. These devices use jet propulsion and force that is still inaccessible to our engineering.

There are other, rather exotic ways of landing humanoids on Earth. So in 1996, on the territory of the village. Selmash, near the thermal power plant (northern region of Bezhetsk), a witness observed a disk-shaped spaceship hovering and a humanoid exiting along steps that appeared in the air in an amazing way. The materialization of each step was accompanied by a “crystal” ringing. As soon as the humanoid stood with both feet on the ground, the temporary “ladder” disappeared. He moved back the same way.

In 1995, staff and patients of the surgical department of the regional hospital in the city of Tver witnessed the contact of a UFO with a sick boy. The wall of the chamber was illuminated from above with an unusual piercing light without shadows, and in this flow of energy the teenage contactee slowly climbed the invisible stairs, passing straight through the wall. It is interesting to note that many witnesses to those events, as well as the contactee himself, were cured of serious illnesses.

At the beginning of July 1954, a certain Mrs. E.V. in the vicinity of the village of Vengerska, Gurka observed the hovering of a silver discoid in the shape of an inverted plate and even went inside along four steps hanging directly in the air, and the steps hanging in the air did not stagger, as if it were a stone staircase. There was a contact of the 3rd-4th kind with a humanoid.

According to ufologists, the most impressive are the “elevator” rays used by aliens to exit aircraft. Numerous cases are known that demonstrate to us the amazing ability of aliens to control the state of the energy matter of light. The beams not only illuminate the area, but also serve as power manipulators capable of moving and holding any object in the air. Here are some examples:

  • September 1, 1968, Sendosa (Argentina). The humanoids entered the saucer ship, moving inside a sheaf of light.
  • Summer 1989, Rostov-on-Don. From a cylindrical object suspended in the air, two women and six men in silver suits descended along a cone-shaped beam.
  • August 28, 1963, Belo Horizonte (Brazil). From a large transparent sphere, on two bright rays of light, a large humanoid, two meters tall, dressed in a spacesuit, descended to the ground.
  • In 1994-1995, in the area of ​​Agricultural Equipment in the city of Bezhetsk, silvery discoids (with two hemispheres at the top and bottom) were repeatedly seen hovering above the ground. From the lower hatch, dwarf humanoids in green overalls descended along a yellowish “elevator” beam. Witnesses - students of secondary school No. 6. The same thing was observed on the Bezhetsk-Krasny Kholm highway near Sulezhsky Bork.
  • 1989, Rostov-on-Don, contactor N.V. Rzaeva. The aliens used a white “elevator” beam with a square cross section. The ellipsoid ship stopped at an altitude of 30-40 meters, and the humanoids did not rise very quickly (as in an elevator).

It is known that to transport humanoids and exit to the planet, a so-called “elevator” beam of yellowish or whitish dim light is used, which is released out from a special opening and doorway. The rays are transparent and matte (opaque).

In the latter version, the movement of the humanoid along the beam occurs unnoticed by the eye. An outside observer sees a ship with a “column of light” lowered to the ground. From this “pillar of light” humanoids suddenly appear. More often, transparent rays are used, within which the movement of bodies can be clearly seen.

Some eyewitnesses even had the opportunity to be inside such rays and be the object of movement. As it turned out, the beam is a transparent hollow cylinder consisting of a power shell that is smooth to the touch. Inside it, the body moves under the influence of an ascending or descending flow of energy.

It should be noted that the speed of transport of the body along the beam is chosen by the aliens themselves: at a slower speed, you can easily trace the trajectory of the body along the beam channel (and even the position of the body). In the case of instantaneous movement, human vision records only the sudden appearance and exit of the humanoid from the end of the beam, and with the reverse movement, the visual illusion of the “disappearance” of the humanoid in the light column is created.

But this is not levitation or teleportation, since technical means are involved. The real effect of levitation and teleportation is observed in high-energy humanoids who have mastered movement in space through the effort of thought. The ships of such civilizations take a landing position without touching the ground (to reduce the impact on the soil), humanoids smoothly levitate, descend to the ground without the use of any transport beams or technical devices, controlling their position in the air with the energy of thought.

The position of the body in the air is taken at the request of the humanoid, the distance of air travel is limited to 100 meters (long flights will require a very large expenditure of energy). How levitation is performed is not yet completely clear to us.

Alien teleportation is an even more mysterious way of moving them from a ship to the surface of the earth (and vice versa), and requires an incredible amount of bioenergy. Only the sudden appearance of humanoids near the hanging aircraft was noted, the performance of some actions and their equally sudden “disappearance”, after which the device almost instantly moved away and flew away (the movement of the aliens’ bodies occurred very quickly, literally in a split second). There have been isolated cases where the teleportation of a humanoid was preceded by a blinding flash of the body (the body “flashed” brightly and disappeared).

For the convenience of landing on the surface of the planet, some highly developed civilizations turn off the gravitational field directly under the hovering device, which is convenient for humanoids. The entrance hatch of such ships is located directly at the bottom (for discoids - on the lower surface of the hull), there are no ladders or ladders, the pilots “float” out of the ship’s hatch as if in weightlessness, and after leaving the zero-gravity zone, they continue to move with their feet on the ground.

Aliens of the subdense type (SC II) levitating above the surface of the planet, which consist of rarefied matter, are often wrapped in spherical or oval-shaped shells for personal safety. Essentially, these energy shells should already be called energy capsules-levitators. Inside them, intelligent beings feel more comfortable in unfamiliar environments.

Magical civilizations have mastered a very strange way of manifesting themselves on the surface of the Earth. Humanoids can decompact their bodies to the state of plasma, heating up internal energy centers, that is, an initially dense body, losing weight and outline, begins to expand and gradually turns into a luminous and rotating clot of plasma, similar to an orange or bright yellow cloud. This clot then takes the form of a spherical, lens-shaped or ellipsoidal UFO, breaks away from the surface of the earth and flies wherever your heart desires at any speed.

A variation of the described method of departure from Earth is the so-called “ascension”, accessible only to dedicated adepts, Higher Arhats, Teachers of Shambhala, messengers of God and psychic centers of the magical-spiritual direction of development.

Essentially, “ascension” is the energetic transition of a humanoid to higher dimensions from our space with a subsequent increase in the frequencies of energy vibrations, accompanied by the “burning” of its rough energy shells (physical, etheric, astral body) and the release of the lightest spiritual (buddhic) body, which “floats up” "up into the upper spiritual spheres (like a nesting doll). The rough shells burned in the flow of energy are then dissipated by natural diffusion processes.

A curious method of ascension is described in the book by A.P. Naumkin "Kalagia". It is called “the transition to Vijl space” (zero space in cosmic terms). There the substance of matter disappears in its usual form and the concept of time is absent. The feeling of being everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

This method of “coming” to Earth (or “leaving” from Earth) is available, according to A.P. Naumkina, not for every person. The transition to Vijl space is carried out by raising the Kundalini energy and promoting the external energy field, forming a luminous torus of bio-energy around a person. But entering the null state is fraught with danger for a frivolous adept. You can freeze in a state of emptiness and seem to lose your bearings and get lost.

Some representatives of CC II and CC III (subdense and energy types) often descend to the ground in the form of plasma streams resembling luminous moving cords. Serpentine "cords" of energy can stretch, bend and then concentrate into balls immediately after stopping in space.

Here, only the external aspects of the moment the aliens landed on our planet were considered, deliberately without delving into the causes and details of this multifaceted phenomenon.

Ufologist-researcher Pavel Khailov, “Extraterrestrial Civilizations”
Especially for the site “World of Secrets”

Aliens from outer space visited our planet? The task is as simple as shelling pears - there are only two answers: “Were” and “We weren’t.”
In principle, we are ready for both answers. There were - well, the universe is huge, they could have arrived. They weren’t - well, the universe is so huge, they might not have arrived.

The first result will be a confirmation of our confidence in the plurality of inhabited worlds. The second one does not confirm, but does not reject either: this means that there are not so many civilizations “nearby” that have overtaken us. Otherwise, of course, they would have “appeared.” To tell the truth, everyone, or almost everyone, wants aliens to exist. Let it be at least a million, even 500 million years ago. Has no one ever wandered into our light from the galactic darkness?!

Astronomers turn to archaeologists, paleontologists, and geologists. But they hear the answer from representatives of “other specialties” - science fiction writers, popularizers...

Let's see. Here are some considerations that appeared relatively recently in popular publications:

1. Mysterious tektites have been discovered in different places on our planet - compounds that were formed at exceptionally high temperatures, unimaginable on Earth. This means that this is a trace from the operation of atomic engines of rockets flown from outer space!
Analyzes have shown that there are tektites that are 600,000 years old, and others that are 6 million years old.
2. In the ancient layers of the Gobi Desert there is an imprint of the “cosmonaut’s sole.” Its age is several tens of millions of years.
3. In the catacombs of Odessa there are bones that were processed with metal tools about a million years ago.
4. Salzburg steel parallelepiped from a layer of the Tertiary period (several million years ago); dimensions - 67x67x65 millimeters.
5. Ancient ruins in South America (Tiwanaku) "dating back at least 15,000 years." On the “gate of the sun” there is a 290-day calendar (possibly Venusian!). There are also giant landing signs captured by aerial photography. There is also the social system of the ancient Incas, “reminiscent of the principles of social structure that are so close to us.”
6. Baalbek terrace in Lebanon, which was made of stones of more than a thousand tons each “in time immemorial.” There is also a temple of Jupiter, which “was built on a terrace, apparently of later date.”
7. Tassili frescoes, discovered relatively recently in the Sahara. Images of “Martians” several meters tall, in suits that look like a spacesuit (the so-called “Great God from Jabarren”, etc.), which are 4-8 thousand years old.
A similar “spacesuit” is also seen in Etruscan images.
8. Maps of the Turkish admiral Piri Reis (XVI century), on which “an exact reproduction of the Antarctic coast” was obtained from ancient maps, based on even more ancient ones, coming from some mysterious, gigantic civilization.
9. An ancient Indian ship driven by a “jet engine”, for in the image there is a ship without oars, and some “rays” extend from the stern.
10. The oldest column in Delhi is made of pure stainless iron, inaccessible to humans until quite recently.
11. (June 30, 1908).
12. Mention in ancient myths, legends, books about “hanging islands”, about flying people and ordinary people, “taken by the sons of heaven” (biblical Enoch).
13. The exceptional knowledge of some ancient peoples (Polynesians, Mayans) in science may have been “inherited” from space aliens...

The cheeky enthusiast exclaims: “Yes!”
Venerable scientist: “No!”

The dispute takes place at approximately the same level - the level of lack of a serious evidence base. Most of the experts remain silent, leaving the platform to the enthusiasts. Why are they silent? Maybe due to lack of time, maybe out of prudence (what if it turns out that there were no “aliens”: what prose!). In any case, everything is clear to the enthusiast from the very beginning; the “man of science” needs time to think. Moreover, in the best case, everything will also be clear to him (that is, he will only catch up with the enthusiast!). And traces of space guests continue to multiply. Attendance is very regular. Tens of millions, millions, especially tens of thousands and thousands of years ago...

But what could lovers of hypotheses say if they were offered, for example, the following hypotheses: “The Moon is larger than the Earth”, “Water is denser than gold”, “America was discovered by Louis XVI”?..

Amateurs, of course, will be indignant that we dared to call an elementary lie with the noble name “hypothesis.” But for some reason it is considered a hypothesis when they talk about the ruins of Tiwanaku in South America and report that they are 12–15 thousand years old, while they are 12–15 times younger; when they are amazed at calendars for more than 200 days, while it is known that ancient peoples had calendars according to the Sun, and according to the Moon, and according to Venus; when they try to assert with a serious face that primitive communism was borrowed by the Incas from unknown aliens. Finally, the “Salzburg parallelepiped”, about which everything is known except the very fact of its existence (in any case, they have not heard of it in Salzburg)…

But not all ideas about space aliens are so depressingly simple? Not all. “Belkin’s Tales” was written not by Pushkin, but by some Belkin. You can even pick up some evidence. But why? - you say. After all, hundreds of facts prove that it was Pushkin who wrote... Why create complex hypotheses when simple solutions exist?

So we say: “Why?” Why see a nuclear reactor on a ship without oars and with “beams”? After all, it is much more likely that this is just a ship with the oars removed. Why see in the flying islands and people “taken by the sons of heaven” not distorted ideas, the dream and fantasy of an ancient man, but something like a report on the arrival of cosmic guests? Why should the enormous labor of tens of thousands of slaves who erected the Baalbek complex in the 2nd century be explained by “heavenly intervention”? The great god “in a spacesuit” is an astronaut? Everything, of course, is possible. But this again is a complex, unlikely explanation, while simpler, more natural, probable assumptions are possible: images of gods, like kings, were once distinguished by their enormous sizes (pharaohs on Egyptian frescoes).

An astronaut's spacesuit? Yes, of course, if you just forget about the bizarre variety of costumes, headdresses and jewelry of different peoples and different eras.
In this regard, we are surprised at the lack of imagination among those who create “multi-story hypotheses” and offer a few more to choose from.

The ascension of Jesus Christ to heaven, and not far from Baalbek at that - does it not reflect the start of unknown aliens? (At one time, one Leningrad specialist “established” that the “holy trinity” were three cosmonauts who flew to Earth, and Jesus Christ was none other than... the expedition doctor who used the hypnosis treatment method.).

Aren't they very huge for the level of Egyptians at that time? Moreover, they appeared at the dawn of the ancient kingdom, about 50 centuries ago, and then they were no longer built on such a scale. But the culture and production capabilities of Egypt were growing! In addition, in the dimensions of the Great Pyramid of Cheops, some people discover... amazing relationships with the radius of the Earth, the Earth's orbit. Isn't it clear that it's THEM?

Approximately 30–20 thousand years ago, wonderful realistic cave painting flourished, but later for some reason fell into decline. Isn't it clear?..

The number of similar examples can be increased. We are talking about riddles that have been solved or are being solved in a completely earthly way. It turns out that everything is clear: there were no space aliens?

No, not everything is clear. There may have been aliens... For example, the iron pillar in India has not yet been completely solved. But the study of the pillar is already revealing new data about ancient earthly metallurgy, perhaps about unknown earthly civilizations. Because our inherent underestimation of the knowledge of ancient peoples and the exceptional power of their ingenuity has already been refuted thousands of times. An invention generated precisely by the weakness of technology.

Tektites already have explanations. What remains is the Tunguska Wonder, the satellites of Mars and something else...
The hypothesis about visiting Earth is an important hypothesis. Some considerations on this topic have every right to exist, that is, the right to compete with other, still much more powerful explanations.

Even if the astronauts are not found, the search can be very useful: along the way, a number of mysteries of ancient cultures will be deciphered. Antarctica was not found on the Piri Reis maps. But experts took a closer look at the cards, which are remarkable in themselves...

We also want “traces to be found.” But a precious scientific rule requires: the more you want to confirm a guess, the more you look for evidence against it.

Today, unfortunately, there is not a single significant evidence of visitors from “outside”.
And yet, has no one ever wandered into our light?

Since ancient times, the mysteries of the night sky have excited the human imagination. People peer into the stars, wondering if planet Earth is the only planet that supports life.

Today, humanity is only taking its first steps to explore outer space, despite the most modern technologies. In this regard, it is very arrogant to believe that man is the only intelligent being in such a vast universe.

Over the past hundred years there has been a huge leap in the development of technology - a scientific and technological revolution has occurred. Every year science pleases with more and more new discoveries and inventions. However, historically, people lived primitively for thousands of years, and science and technology developed very slowly. But how could they erect tall towers with hammers and chisels, build the heaviest columns using only horse and human power, why was the path to the development of today's civilization so long? The question remains open, because it was physically impossible, without modern machines and technologies in those days. So who were the ancient peoples of the world, what did they know? Perhaps planet Earth was inhabited or visited by more intellectually developed creatures than humans.

The world hides a lot of mysteries and mysteries. There are many unexplained traces left on Earth that can be interpreted as visits from guests from other worlds. One of these unsolved wonders is the pyramids of Egypt.

Historians and modern science claim that the pyramids were built 2000 years ago. But many scientists are sure that their age is much older than their official age. In addition, traditional science cannot objectively explain their purpose.

Tourists are attracted like a magnet to these historical ancient sights. They delight some, terrify others, and others think about the meaning of life while looking at them. Seeing them with their own eyes, everyone asks one question: who built them and, most importantly, how. School textbooks describe and explain their construction, but any reasonable person would not believe that they were built using primitive tools by the ancient Egyptians. Therefore, many versions arise about their origin. One of the most common is that the pyramids were created by aliens many millennia ago. Having developed intelligence and capabilities, this was not difficult for them. Historians are trying to refute these theories. But the facts are not on their side at all. And on the side of a simple tourist who doubted the truth of school books.

The seven pyramids of Egypt, located along the Nile River, are so different from the rest that this difference allows us to speak about their construction by an ancient highly developed civilization, long before the first pharaohs.

For example, the Abu Rawash pyramid is located on a mountain and can be seen from space. Its interior is roofless. These buildings suggest advanced engineering with advanced technology and monumental architecture. The peoples of antiquity did not have developed science. The Abu Rawash pyramid undermines the theory that the stones were lifted to its summit by ropes. Here they would have to be dragged to the top of the mountain, which is problematic even in the 21st century. This pyramid is forgotten, it is not visited, there is no guard near it. There is a version that they decided to forget about it and not show it to tourists, because it contradicts the generally accepted theory of the construction of pyramids. The huge stones of this building show traces of machine processing. This polished and curved granite could not be carved with a simple chisel. A kind of open-air corridor leads inside the pyramid; in this corridor the stone is darkened, which indicates that it was heat-treated, or something was heated inside the corridor. Also in this pyramid you can see a hole, the stone above which was simply broken out. And it’s not clear how it was possible in those days to pull out a smooth, huge stone.

The pyramids are a huge imprint of alien civilizations left to humanity. Ideal cuts along a curve on stones baffle builders, who, even with modern tools, cannot achieve such an ideal result. If you look at the pyramid from above from the point of view of physics, it looks like a complex macro-circuit, reminiscent of a certain unit, a geocomputer with its own purpose. Perhaps the pyramids served to raise spaceships or were a base for refueling alien saucers. All this takes human understanding far beyond the modern understanding of the world, its past, present and future.

Also in Egypt, 800 km from Cairo in the middle of the desert, there is the oldest astronomical structure made of stones. It was opened in 1947 and it dates back to the 5th millennium BC. e. This is a very interesting place with stone formations and an unclear purpose, the stones of which are laid out in a circle. Astronomers who examined this building came to the conclusion that the complex served for the performance of religious rites closely related to astronomy. A remarkable detail: apparently, the buildings helped people keep track of celestial bodies. This means that ancient astronomers made great progress in their research. Is it possible that 7,000 years ago the builders of these stones had knowledge of physics and astronomy that can be compared with the information available to modern scientists?

In addition, another question arises: for what purpose did ancient people explore the constellations Orion and Sirius? So, in 1994, this mysterious observatory gained even greater significance when engineers announced a sensational discovery on the Giza plateau. The four shafts inside the Cheops pyramid were strictly oriented towards certain celestial bodies. The southern mines are connected to the belt of Orion and Sirius, and the northern ones are connected to the Polar Stars. It is not so easy to explain this miracle with engineering thought: it is one thing to build a pyramid, and another to make an accurate calculation. It was possible to prove that the three pyramids of Giza are built in exact accordance with the three stars in Orion's belt. But why was it necessary to orient these shafts and the pyramids themselves towards celestial objects? One thing is clear: the constellation in which stars are born is reproduced on earth. The ancient Egyptians themselves believed that their Gods descended from heaven and attached great importance to these legends. And their buildings most likely indicate where the alien creatures came from.

Evidence of alien visits is everywhere. In southern England there is an amazing and ancient structure, Stonehenge. Archaeologists believe that this stone monument was built about 10,000 years ago. Powerful energy lines emanate from these stones, which diverge evenly from the center. It remains a mystery how they ended up on the island. Perhaps this building served as a navigation system for alien guests.

It must be said that, among other things, there is terrible material evidence on Earth that testifies to the desire of people to be like aliens and imitate them. Thus, among the ancient Nazca people it was customary to deform their heads: to squeeze the skull from all sides, which is why it changed its natural shape. The legends and myths of this people tell that the Gods descended to them from heaven with elongated skulls. In turn, local residents tried to imitate the Gods: they placed planks around the head of a newborn so that the skull took on an elongated shape. Most likely, Nazca imitated the image of aliens. But the reason why they went to such extremes, these people took with them to their graves.

Alien creatures left their traces not only in the ancient world, but also in today's world. In the southwestern United States in the city of Roswell in the 40s, a new page was opened in the book of knowledge about the possible existence of alien creatures. This city has become the epicenter of the UFO tourist craze. Roswell has been compared to the Holy Grail of ufology. In 1947, many residents of the town witnessed a UFO falling on the private property of one of the town residents. After the fall, the owner of the territory, a local farmer, discovered some debris in his field that had scattered 500 meters. The military began to study this issue, declaring that it was an alien ship. After this news spread throughout the country, the military published a refutation of this fact in the newspapers. They claimed that it was a weather balloon and not an alien ship that fell from the sky. But witnesses claim to have seen a bright white streak that crossed the sky and fell to the ground. And not one, but three UFO crashes were observed. At a distance of 50 km from the farm, an explosion of a ship caused by a lightning strike was visible. And another 4 km away they found the bodies of aliens. In those days, this term was not used, so they were depicted as small, fragile people with large heads and slightly slanted eyes. After that incident, secret base No. 51 appeared in the United States, where UFO debris and alien bodies were delivered. This military base still exists today, but what happens there remains unknown.

Today, man is making progress in the development of nuclear and biological weapons, which pose a danger not only to all life on the planet, but also beyond its borders. There are suggestions that because of this, alien beings want to destroy or conquer humanity. And if visits to the Earth by alien creatures have been observed for millennia, for which there is plenty of evidence, then why should they now be perceived as a threat to people. Can human opportunity and ambition threaten extraterrestrial civilizations?

When conducting research in outer space, people should think about how other intelligent beings might perceive it. And if one day a person discovers life outside of planet Earth, people themselves will become aliens. No one knows how this will affect the existence of the discovered creatures. And until many questions are answered, the possibility of the existence of aliens will remain a mystery for future generations, which will have to be solved by someone.

Do you think humans are the only intelligent beings in the Universe? On this issue, debates between skeptics and believers are still ongoing, and the final verdict has not yet been made. Some people are convinced that aliens have visited our planet throughout its history. Stories of UFO sightings and alien abductions are very popular.

Is there really life beyond our planet? And what do these creatures look like? Are they dangerous? There are still no answers to these questions. But some stories, videos and published articles confirm the fact that aliens are very real. Moreover, it is even written about them in the Bible. We invite you to take a look at our selection of evidence that alien creatures still exist and they have even visited Earth more than once.

Richard Hoover, a NASA scientist, announced on March 4, 2011 that fossils of cyanobacteria had been found in carbon-bearing meteorites from space. He published a document where it was said that as a result of studying meteorites under a microscope, bacteria were found in them, tiny single-celled organisms, the structure of which was different from terrestrial representatives. It was also proposed that the found microorganisms be considered evidence of the existence of life in outer space.

Astronauts traveling aboard the Apollo 11 spacecraft asked NASA about the location of S-4B (the rocket's position in space), even though it had detached 2 days earlier. This happened because the astronauts noticed that something was following them in space. Buzz Aldrin reported this incident. There have also been reports of astronauts being chased by aliens during their lunar landings.

This happened in 2004, when astronomers noticed a strange object in outer space. They named him Buffy, but scientifically 2004 XR190. This dwarf planet has a very strange orbit with an inclination of 47 degrees to the ecliptic plane. Some researchers suggest that Buffy is an alien sentinel center created to study the behavior of earthly inhabitants.

The unusual stone, named after the explorer John J. Williams who found it in 1998, still haunts scientists. This stone contains a built-in element, the purpose of which is unclear, and in appearance it resembles a plug from electrical appliances. Scientists were able to determine the approximate age of the stone – 100,000 years. It is assumed that Enigmalite is of extraterrestrial origin.

A strange artifact was found in Vladivostok (Russia). The gear wheel was “pressed” into a piece of coal, which a local resident was going to use to heat his house. When the find was examined, it was discovered that it consisted almost entirely of aluminum and was made artificially. The gear wheel is 300 million years old. This shocked scientists, since something similar was created by man only in 1825. It is believed that this is one of the parts of an alien spaceship that appeared on Earth a long time ago.

In February 2003 NASA launched the SETI project to search for extraterrestrial intelligence. The project used a giant telescope to study different areas of the sky that had never received radio signals. It is worth noting that almost 200 areas of the sky were checked, and in one of them a high-frequency radio signal was detected, which proves the existence of extraterrestrial life near the earth.

This event took place in 1940, when there was talk that several spaceships with aliens on board had been found in the United States. All of them except one named EBE (extra biological entity) were dead. After 13 years, huge objects flew up to the earth's surface. Scientists decided that these were asteroids, but when they came closer, they saw that they were spaceships. As part of the PLATO project, communication was established with the aliens and they allegedly told the president to destroy all nuclear weapons on the globe, but the president refused. This project was never resumed.

Several reports have been written about Area 51, a classified US base for the study of alien life. Some researchers have reported that this area contains the remains of unidentified flying objects, as well as the bodies of aliens. And they even say that one of the aliens is still alive. He supposedly arrived on Earth with his group in a spaceship with the goal of capturing the planet, but fell behind the others.

The Betz family was stunned by the discovery of a mysterious silver sphere while they were surveying the aftermath of a forest fire. The family reported that the mysterious ball responded to music and melodies and could roll on its own and return to its original position. The sphere also glowed more in sunny weather. However, the US Navy later analyzed the sphere and concluded that it was an ordinary stainless steel ball. But then one day rustling sounds began to play from inside the mysterious sphere and everyone in the house was horrified when they saw windows and doors slamming at night. It is believed that this may be an extraterrestrial object that was sent by aliens to burn down the forests.

"Wow" signal

This event occurred in August 1977, when a radio telescope detected an unusual radio pulse that lasted about 37 seconds. It came from somewhere in the area of ​​the constellation Sagittarius and showed several signals that had not yet been heard on Earth. The radio signals were at high frequencies (1420.356 MHz), prohibited on our planet. This frequency is the most likely for communication with extraterrestrial civilizations. This signal has still not been explained, but it is believed that it was created by someone in outer space to destroy radio communication technology inside the Earth (which, as you can see, failed).

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Is there material evidence of aliens visiting planet Earth? There are a huge number of them. Traces of aliens can be found everywhere. These include rock paintings, mysterious architectural structures, various figurines, and other unexplained finds. There is even a special science called " paleovisit". Its main task is to collect evidence that humanoids regularly appeared and are appearing on the blue planet.

As for the learned minds, they are in disarray. There seems to be a huge amount of evidence of paleovisits, but at the same time there is no direct evidence. Therefore, no one undertakes to categorically assert that guests from outer space once set foot on the earth’s surface. Now, if you could touch the spaceship with your hands or communicate with a humanoid, then all doubts would immediately disappear. But so far nothing like this has been observed.

The most progressive-minded people refer to ancient tales, traditions and the Bible. In these sources, many texts directly point to astronauts from other worlds. The same can be said about the alien spaceport on the Nazca plateau, about the grandiose statues on Easter Island, about the surprisingly similar pyramids in America and Africa.

However, there are many pedants living in the world. They are skeptics by nature and therefore claim that all the heroes from ancient legends are very similar to people. They have the same virtues and vices. But there is nothing that is radically different from human traits and characters. But alien entities must have a completely different mentality, logic and way of thinking. And all the finds are very similar to the work of human hands, but not alien ones.

In the end, the skeptics asked the enthusiasts: “What are you actually looking for? After all, before looking for any traces, you need to have at least an approximate idea of ​​​​the objects you are looking for. Otherwise, it turns out that you are looking for something that you yourself are not you know."

But enthusiasts do not give up to this day. They found the mysterious Salsburg parallelepiped, a piece of steel wire in the Earth's strata dating back to the Stone Age, and even an iron nail that turned out to be in the distant Cretaceous period. Skeptics are taken by the hand and led to the rock paintings. And they clearly show creatures in spacesuits and with antennas. Various objects are also depicted, reminiscent in their outlines of modern artificial satellites. And in the bowels of the earth an aluminum hatchet was found, the age of which is estimated at several million years.

And the skeptics turned the hatchet in their hands and asked: “Did the aliens hunt mammoths with this hatchet, or maybe they cut down their hut from cedar?” Well, what can you answer for those who do not want to see the obvious.

The best traces of aliens are an artifact or text that is completely different from what exists on Earth. Here is an example of a legend that has been passed down from generation to generation among the Australian Aborigines since time immemorial.

Once upon a time, several men and women walked through the desert. They were looking for water and food. In the distance they saw a tall white tree. One of the men went to him, while the others remained waiting. Approaching the tree, the man suddenly fell to the ground. A black creature appeared from the hollow of the tree. Huge red eyes were clearly visible on his head.

The creature grabbed the lying traveler and dragged him into the hollow. Then there was a deafening clap of thunder, although the sky was clear. The white tree acquired fiery wings, rose above the ground and soared into the sky. Gradually the tree disappeared, and instead of it there were only sparkling lights that burned in the sky for a long time, but then faded and disappeared.

Is this legend describing the take-off of a spaceship? It can be assumed that the white tree is nothing more than a rocket. The black creature is a humanoid with red eyes. Earthly albinos also have red eyes.

Now let's pay attention to how the rocket launch is described. She rises into the sky and disappears. Only red lights remain, which gradually fade. The point here is that when a spaceship takes off and disappears from sight, people continue to observe the fiery traces left by it for a long time. The savages could not know about this nuance. Therefore, they couldn’t even imagine it, but they saw everything with their own eyes.

Also of interest is one unusual find discovered at the end of the last century. An excavator was digging the ground and lifted a flattened ball to the surface from an 8-meter depth. Its dimensions were 9 by 9 cm. Externally, the ball resembled smoky glass. The excavator operator tried to break it by hitting the bucket with force. But the material turned out to be extremely durable. There wasn't even a scratch left on it.

The find was transferred to the local museum, and from there it went to paleovisitation specialists. They x-rayed the ball and found out that there was a hidden container inside. Measurements of angular and linear dimensions were also made. From all this, experts concluded that the designer, in the manufacture of this design, used not a decimal, but a twenty-four number system. But such a system on Earth has never been used by any of the ancient cultures, let alone modern ones. When they began to determine the density of the artifact, the calculations showed a number with a minus sign. It turned out that it was antimatter.

They explored the place where the ball was found and found out that the age of the rocks is 10 million years. Therefore, people could not do anything like that. But nature could not create such a thing either. There is only one conclusion left: the mysterious artifact was made by aliens. But what it was made for and what functions it performed remained unclear.

What conclusion can be drawn from all of the above? Without any doubt, we find traces of aliens in legends and myths. From them it is clear that aliens visited Earth more than once. However, there is no direct evidence. And therefore, in any debate, skeptics will prevail. We can only wait for direct evidence and direct contacts with extraterrestrial intelligence..