Do birthday dreams come true or not? On what days do you have prophetic dreams? How to recognize a prophetic dream. When dreams come true - by date

Dream Interpretation day dreams come true or not

All interpreters agree that during the day you dream important information, which should be remembered. You can solve a pressing issue, learn more about your own future, find the root of all problems, and sort out all the troubles by remembering the whole picture of the sign. Do daytime dreams come true? The dreamer will not receive a definite answer, since sometimes a dream will only indicate the state of the soul, the mood.

Often during the day you dream of a plot that is inextricably linked with everyday affairs and problems; by remembering the details, the sleeping person will quickly resolve conflicts and successfully complete complex tasks.

The prediction of dreams is destined to come true when one sleeps no more than one or two hours, says Nostradamus’s predictor.

Psychologists' opinion

What is the Real Nature of Dreams?

The subtle matter of dreams can tear at any moment, without showing the dreamer the climax or denouement of the plot vision. By its nature, the illusion that the brain rests at night is unreasonable. Impulses are sent to cells even when the body is at rest. For what reason are daytime visions more vivid and impressive?

Searching for an answer to a question long years studied by the famous psychologist Sigmund Freud. His theory of multiple levels of perception of reality is suitable to explain strange daytime dreams.

According to the psychoanalyst, at night the brain is in the stage deep sleep, therefore, everything that happens on the subconscious level is not recorded by memory.

Closer to awakening, the illusory world comes into contact with reality, which evokes a sea of ​​bright, memorable emotions.

A light daytime dream can almost always be remembered, events can be reconstructed and one can understand what fears have taken possession of the soul of the sleeping person.

Days of the week

The popular belief that prophetic dreams come from Thursday to Friday is not groundless. At the end of the work week, the body is so exhausted, both emotionally and physically, that it ceases to retain negativity, showing it in dreams. possible options developments of future events.

Dreams on Friday can be fateful

  • You can understand what obstacle prevents a person from reaching the pinnacle of success after interpreting Monday’s daydream.
  • Tuesday's everyday dream will tell you how things are going with your personal life.
  • Wednesday, and all the dreams of this day are identified with the state of the inner world.
  • The daytime vision of Thursday is associated with the professional field of activity.
  • Pay attention to your dreams on Friday. These dreams carry a fateful prediction.
  • Saturday dreams, according to most dream books, do not carry hidden subtext or secret signs sent by higher powers.
  • Clean Sunday, like dreams on this day, will carry a sacred meaning, which, having understood, the dreamer will quickly be cleansed of sins.

You should be careful, because there is a threat to life lurking nearby if you have nightmares for several Fridays in a row.

Probability of predictions coming true

Shallow daydreaming can be harmful

Doctors believe that short naps during the day may be harmful. This assumption is justified by the fact that the consciousness does not have time to process the accumulated information, thereby preventing the brain from getting proper rest.

Dreams that are dreamed in daytime days, will tell about the dreamer’s personal attitude to the events occurring in reality.

Thus, aggressive plots will be a symbol of accumulated negativity due to family scandals and quarrels with superiors.

You may see a hint during daylight hours, insists the seer Vanga. A person resting for several hours in the kingdom of Morpheus will find answers to all the questions that oppress the mind.

Hurry up or stay with the nose

Daytime visions contain a warning about possible troubles that await a sleeping person in reality.

Dreaming of fear is a sign of anxiety, excitement, dreaming positive emotions mean that the sleeping person is in harmony with the world around him.

Will your wish come true

Many people prefer not to know their own future. If there is a need to mentally prepare for upcoming changes, it is better to analyze daytime dreams. Will everyday dreams come true?

It is possible to receive ready-made solution urgent problem

You should not look for a complex explanation for the scenes you dreamed of. The main prediction will lie on the surface.

When you have a dream about solving a problem, all interpreters say that it will come true in reality.

While focusing on the main image, do not forget about the details, which are no less important for obtaining the correct prediction.

Opinions of famous soothsayers

Are daydreams destined to become reality, according to famous mediums, practitioners, and adherents of esotericism?

  • As he assures modern dream book, daytime dreams are identified with the most important events at the moment for the sleeping person.
  • A daytime dream will help reveal the secrets of the future, insists the noble interpreter N. Grishina.
  • The sleeper is destined to learn the value of supporting relatives after midday dreams, according to the medium Miss Hasse.
  • According to the fortune teller for lovers, find out the truth about love relationships A nap during the day will help.

As Miller's fortune teller says, all dreams on Friday afternoon are true symbols indicating the cause of anxiety or sadness.

Your mark:

From time immemorial, people have tried to penetrate the secrets of their night visions in order to use them to find out the future and understand the present. Sometimes a correctly interpreted dream helps a person who finds himself in difficult situation, accept only correct solution and turn the course of events in the right direction. But there are also empty dreams - the fruit of an idle game of the mind. Let's try to figure out when we dream prophetic dreams and what may be evidence of their reliability.

Dreams between Christmas and Epiphany

Since scientific literature rarely touches on the question that interests us, we will look for the answer to it exclusively in folk beliefs. Many of them were formed on the basis of centuries-old experience of people trying to trace the pattern between night dreams and subsequent events real life and thus understand on what days prophetic dreams occur.

Based on the accumulated experience, our ancestors came to the conclusion that the most noteworthy are the night visions that visited a person between two Orthodox holidays - the Nativity of Christ and the Epiphany of the Lord, that is, from January 7 to 19. This period is called Christmastide and in the popular imagination is associated with numerous signs and omens.

There is a belief that it is during this period that the souls of the dead invisibly penetrate into our world, accompanied by both good angels and evil demons. Finding themselves among living people, these otherworldly creatures try to reveal the future to them and, unable to enter into direct contact, resort to the help of dreams. Despite the fact that such a theory does not correspond to the teaching Orthodox Church, it has long been rooted in the people.

Features of Christmas dreams

However, it should be noted that even on Christmastide, correct interpretation largely depends on what night the prophetic dreams occur. Thus, it was noticed that from January 7 to 8 they are able to inform a person about the intrigues that secret ill-wishers are plotting against him. Literally two nights later, his dreams tell him about family affairs and the surprises that fate is preparing for his relatives. On the night of January 11-12, invisible spirits will tell you about career prospects and the vacancies that will open in the coming year.

But the most informative is considered to be the Christmas Eve from January 14 to 15. They say that if you mentally ask a question while going to bed, then in a dream you will receive a comprehensive answer to it. Along the way, you can ask the spirits about how to overcome competitors in business, and in love affairs- unexpected rivals. According to legend, no questions are asked before the next night, since the upcoming visions themselves will tell you about everything that awaits the dreamer and his family in the coming year.

As for the last night, this period rich in revelations, and it comes on the eve of the feast of the Epiphany, the themes of the dreams offered to it include tender feelings and marriages. It’s important to keep your eyes peeled here and not actually wake up. interesting place.

The attitude of church representatives to the issue of prophetic dreams

Now, attention! Since all attempts to find out future fate through dreams include communication with evil spirits (as discussed above), then, having satisfied curiosity, it is extremely necessary to bring repentance. Firstly, a sin was committed, and secondly, people from the world of darkness are very selfish, and over time they will definitely demand payment for their services. Therefore, having taken into account everything that the night dreams told you about, you should quickly go to church and confess there.

For complete objectivity, we note that, according to the teachings of the holy fathers, the Lord sends prophetic dreams only to those whom he deems worthy of this great mercy. In all other cases, night dreams are an empty play of the imagination, and there is no point in taking them into account. In addition, they can be inspired by unclean spirits that deliberately mislead the dreamer. Therefore, everyone decides for themselves whether to believe what they see in a dream or not.

Days on which what you see in a dream comes true

But let’s continue our conversation about what days prophetic dreams occur. There is an opinion that all prophecies received from night visions sent to a person the day before are reliable. church holidays. Moreover, these dreams are characterized by the fact that what is predicted in them comes true in the very near future, and sometimes even the next morning. Particularly true of them are those that were dreamed on the eve of holidays, which were preceded by many days of fasting - Christmas, Easter, the Day of the Apostles Peter and Paul, as well as the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Among other days when prophetic dreams occur, the 3rd day of each month is often mentioned. They say that you can safely trust what you see on these nights. It happens that people, while waiting for them, deliberately postpone making important decisions. But what was predicted on the night of the 25th never comes true. Whatever dreams bring with them turns out to be empty and meaningless.

Dreams seen on Monday

Now let's talk about those days of the week when prophetic dreams occur, and about the peculiarities inherent in each of them. The fact is that the meaning contained in night visions can be correctly understood only by taking into account a number of circumstances. Among them are the plot of what was seen, the sensations that arose in the dreamer, and when it happened. Let us examine this question in detail, because its correct interpretation depends on what day of the week the prophetic dream occurs.

Let's start on Monday. According to astrologers, this day passes under the sign of the Moon, which is why it characteristic feature is the emotional excitability of most people. In this regard, many of the dreams that visited them the night before are in one way or another connected with internal experiences, sometimes purely personal and carefully hidden from prying eyes. They can also reflect dreams, both romantic and purely everyday. However, experts say that these dreams should not be believed, since their inspiration is the Moon, and it is known to be cunning and changeable.

At the same time, many people consider it possible to guess what they dreamed about these nights. In their opinion, the Moon should help find solutions to those issues that haunt them in reality. However, everyone without exception admits that if what is seen at night is remembered later with great difficulty, then this is a sign that the dream was empty and devoid of true meaning. There are rumors about whether prophetic dreams occur on Monday different opinions, but the general statement is that the heavier a person’s psychological mood, the darker and more confusing his dreams will be that night. However, the same can be said about what was seen on the other days of the week.

When and what kind of prophetic dreams do you have on Tuesday night?

The next day of the week - Tuesday - is usually associated with the planet Mars, under whose sign it passes. The interpretation of dreams in this case largely depends on what part of the night they were sent to the dreamer - closer to midnight or before dawn. Thus, what is seen in the first hours of sleep usually comes true very quickly, while what is seen shortly before awakening can be embodied in real images or events only after a long time.

In the minds of astrologers, Mars is a symbol of ambition and daring aspirations. Therefore, when prophetic dreams occur on Tuesday, experts associate them with a manifestation of the strength or weakness of the human spirit. For example, if some plot foretells troubles or at least troubles for a person, then this is a sign that he should activate his will and not rely on chance. Whether his spirit is enough for this depends on individual characteristics. However, experts say that if bad omens are not fulfilled within ten days, then nothing bad will happen even without any volitional efforts.

Dreams on Wednesday and Thursday nights

Having dealt with Tuesday, let's move on to Wednesday, on which, oddly enough, prophetic dreams are very rare. What should a person do if he receives a bad omen that night? It turns out that it’s okay, just get it out of your head. This disregard for what was seen is explained by the fact that, according to all the most authoritative astrologers, Wednesday passes under the sign of Mercury, which has long earned the reputation of a fickle and extremely frivolous planet. Therefore, it is accepted to treat the dreams inspired by her with a large share skepticism.

The images that this night sends to the dreamer are, as a rule, unusually colorful and bright, but they do not carry any real meaning. These are just fantasies - a play of imagination, and the richer it is in a person, the more intense his dreams are. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that on Christmastide or during Orthodox holidays, that is, during the very periods when prophetic dreams are dreamed, the night from Tuesday to Wednesday can also carry omens, which would be an unforgivable mistake to ignore.

Anyone interested in astrology should know that driving force Thursday is the planet Jupiter, considered a kind of symbol of business activity. Therefore, on this day, or rather night, one often has prophetic dreams related to the professional sphere of human life. Images appear before him, the interpretation of which can help to correctly assess the state of affairs in own business or notify about upcoming vacancies at the place of work. These dreams often contribute to successful career growth, and help entrepreneurs when concluding contracts.

It has long been noted that when prophetic dreams are had on Thursday, they will certainly come true, and this happens quite quickly - as a rule, within the next week. It should also be taken into account that Jupiter stimulates a rational approach to life in a person, and therefore, what is seen on this night is always translated into a business aspect. This should be noted Special attention, since the authors of a number of dream books try to introduce romantic feelings and love experiences into their interpretations, which are completely inappropriate in this case.

Dreams sent by Venus

If the night visions that appeared on the previous night were distinguished by dry efficiency, then from Thursday to Friday one has prophetic dreams, filled with undisguised sensuality. The reason for such a drastic change is that the mistress of Friday, and therefore the night preceding it, is Venus - a planet named after a very frivolous and loving representative of the ancient Greek pantheon.

That is why the dreams sent down to her sometimes deserve to be classified as 18+. At the same time, it has been noticed that many of them come true, especially among people who have a certain inclination towards this. It is also noted that on Friday interpretations related to the business sphere come true, but the success promised in them will certainly have some kind of love background.

In the minds of many people, Friday is surrounded by an aura of mysticism. This is largely due to the fact that, according to the Gospel teaching, it was on this day that the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ, was crucified. In this regard, there is even a belief that you should not start any important business on Friday, since there is a high probability of failure.

At the same time, many astrologers claim that with its invisible presence the planet Venus activates hidden human resources on this day. The flow of her energy is especially strong on the eve of many Orthodox holidays. Therefore, when prophetic dreams occur on days marked church calendar, they are most likely to predict future events, as well as discover true meaning what is happening at the moment or has already become part of history.

Saturday and Sunday dreams

So, at the end of the working week, weekends come into their own, the first of which is Saturday - the patron of which is Saturn. Tradition associates this planet with such concepts as fate, fate, trials, etc. According to many mystical teachings, it is he who establishes his own laws in people’s lives, therefore on this night they are sent disturbing and sometimes frightening dreams, sometimes filled with ominous symbolism. This differs from what is seen on other days of the week.

When you have prophetic dreams sent by Saturn, you should treat them with great attention, and after waking up, be sure to find comments in dream books, choosing among them those that deserve the most trust. It must be borne in mind that the predictions contained in Saturday night dreams, as a rule, relate not only to the dreamer himself, but also to people close to him. Therefore, by ignoring the warnings, he exposes them to danger that could have been avoided.

And finally Sunday comes. This day passes under the sign of the “star named Sun”. She generously sends energy, strength and joy to people. Dreams seen on Sunday night are wonderful precisely because they come from the inexhaustible source of life, happiness and love. It is not surprising that most of them come true at the earliest the shortest possible time- sometimes on the same day.

At the same time, a completely reasonable question arises: if you dream of something that promises trouble, what could be the reason for joy? It turns out that even in this case one should not be upset, because it has long been noticed that among the visions that visit a person on Sunday night, only those that carry positive information come true. As for the images that promise various misfortunes, they can be safely ignored, considering them an empty fantasy game.

How to make dreams come true? Reviews from those who tried to do this

It is hardly possible to give an exhaustive answer to the question of why prophetic dreams occur and who sends them to people, but what needs to be done to make them come true (of course, we are talking only about visions that promise good), this is known based on centuries of experience . Let us briefly list these simple but very effective methods.

First of all, it is noticed that only those visions come true that, after awakening, are not erased from the dreamer’s memory. Consequently, efforts must be made precisely in this direction, because by nature we are not given the ability to arbitrarily hold them in our consciousness. There are four ancient folk ways cope with this seemingly intractable problem.

First of all, anyone who, when going to bed, hopes to have a prophetic dream, is recommended to place a small pebble under the pillow, preferably shaped like a heart. In addition, you should fall asleep only on your right side, and not on your left or on your back - all experts say this folk customs. When you wake up in the morning, you need to bite the right corner of the pillow and only after that try to recall in your memory what you saw in your dream. It is highly recommended not to look out the window or look at an open fire at this time. In the first case, dreams can slip away from the house, and in the second they can burn out irrevocably.

On this occasion, you can find many reviews from people, both those who comply with this setting and those who neglect it. In the first case, the overwhelming majority of respondents report that thanks to the implementation of these very simple rules, they were able to easily reproduce in their memory everything that was seen at night when they had prophetic dreams. What does it mean?

Apparently, such reviews can be considered proof of the effectiveness of the proposed method, despite the fact that there are skeptics who consider them empty superstition. Indirectly, the effectiveness of this remedy is confirmed by reviews of people who have never resorted to its help. In them you can often find complaints that some of them, only in general outline those who remembered what they saw in a dream were deprived of the gifts that they had dreamed of.

What can I do to have prophetic dreams more often?

How to develop the ability to receive information during sleep about everything that will be and has been in our lives. Are there reliable and proven paths to the world of night dreams? As mentioned above, according to the teachings of the Church, everything in the world, including dreams, is sent down to people by God, but only to a narrow circle He reveals the future of His chosen ones through them. Nevertheless, everyone who has an unbearable desire to lift the veil separating us from the coming days is recommended to resort to the technique developed by modern psychics.

Thus, it is not enough for a person to just know on what day of the week prophetic dreams occur, but he must have deep faith that he is able to comprehend the secrets hidden in them. In addition, he must develop the ability, while immersed in dreams, to focus all his attention on the main elements of their plot. These can be visual images, various sounds and voices, as well as emotions that arise in him. The information contained in dreams is transmitted to each person in his own way. And finally, meditation is considered very useful - mental exercises used both in health practice and in spiritual and religious practice.

The concept of “prophetic dreams” implies dreams in which a person can see a certain event that after some time happens in real life. Since ancient times, people have taken this phenomenon very seriously, but there is still no reliable answer to the question of why prophetic dreams occur. Of course, not every dream is true. Also, do not equate with them various symbols and images that can be interpreted in completely different ways.

A true prophetic dream is considered a very rare occurrence. More often, a person, having seen a certain image, tries to fit it into reality, and if any coincidences arise, he begins to consider the dream true. As a rule, only selected people who devote their entire lives to a specific cause manage to see prophetic dreams. In fact, their brain gets used to it over time and, as it were, tunes in to a specific wave; a kind of obsession appears in its activity, which is reflected in dreams. This is how artists see their future masterpieces in their dreams, scientists see important scientific discoveries, etc.

What causes them?

To understand the various aspects of this interesting phenomenon and also to answer the main question A lot of research has been conducted into why prophetic dreams occur. It was possible to find out that the prediction seen is always associated with the part of the brain that is responsible for emotional manifestations. The clearest and clearest dreams are for people of a creative nature, as well as for those who practice various meditative techniques and yoga.

As for the question of when exactly true dreams come, there is also no exact answer. There are many folk beliefs, according to which, a prophetic dream can be seen on certain days of the week, for example on the night from Thursday to Friday or from Monday to Tuesday, or in some specific phase of the moon. IN ancient Rus' people believed that true predictions were made at baptism, while Catholics believed that such dreams always come at Christmas. There is also a theory that says that the greatest probability of seeing true dreams occurs on days when there is an energetic imbalance, such as the full moon or the summer or winter solstice.

Types of dreams

Prophetic dreams can be literal and symbolic. Literal dreams are always easy to interpret, and the events seen in them are repeated in detail in real life. It is much more difficult to analyze symbolic images, which can also predict the future, but not directly, but indirectly.

And although the nature of prophetic dreams is still poorly understood, they can all be divided into three groups, the first of which will include dreams associated with human activities, which she is engaged in most of her time. History knows many examples when poets saw their poems in their dreams, composers create melodies, engineers find new ideas for projects, etc. similar dreams can be easily explained by the fact that the human brain is heavily loaded with certain information. Even when distracted by extraneous matters, consciousness continues to concentrate on a specific activity or a specific idea. When a person sleeps, he is in complete silence in a state of rest, and it is at this moment that consciousness can give out an idea or solution to a problem that could not have been born before.

To some extent, those dreams that come true by the will of the person himself can also be classified as prophetic. We can simply believe that the dream we had is true and carry it out ourselves. It is also related to brain activity.

The third group is the most interesting and mysterious, because it includes those dreams that can be associated with the real gift of clairvoyance. Such dreams are seen by people with a very fine mental organization and emotional sphere. No one can yet reliably explain the ability to see the future in a dream, but, nevertheless, such a phenomenon exists.


Many people try not to show their true interest in dreams, but once they have seen a prophetic dream, they radically change their worldview. But how can you understand when dreams are truly prophetic? They can be recognized by the following criteria:

Astrologers claim that such true dreams are a solution to future or existing problems, which is suggested to a person by some higher mind.


The interpretation of dreams can be appropriate only when they do not relate to problems or events that are truly exciting at the moment. If you go to bed on full stomach in a poorly ventilated room, it is quite natural that you may have nightmares, which in essence mean nothing and do not portend anything. Also, prophetic dreams cannot be dreamed and in a state alcohol intoxication or as a result of taking any psychotropic drugs or other medications. True dreams occur only under normal conditions and when you feel well. Often they are in no way connected with present reality, therefore, upon waking up, a person cannot build any logical chains in order to somehow interpret his own dreams.

In fact, dream books are not needed to interpret dreams, but it is important internal state the person himself, his emotions, feelings, intuition. Astrologers believe that when trying to understand the meaning of a particular dream, it is necessary to take into account the day on which it was dreamed, the phase of the moon and other factors. Often true dreams occur at a time in life when a person is experiencing some difficulties or going through serious changes. It is important to note that even unpleasant or downright scary prophetic dreams should not be taken too seriously and turned into an obsession, since this is just a tiny part of a person’s future, which can be interpreted in different ways, because a dream reflects, first of all, the internal state personality.

The most striking examples

The history of mankind knows many examples when someone managed to see a dream that was truly prophetic and significant in all respects. If you turn to the Bible, you can remember Joseph, to whom an angel came in a dream and ordered him to take Mary, pregnant with Jesus, to his house. Hecuba also had a prophetic dream. She dreamed that she gave birth to a torch that burned the entire city. To prevent the dream from coming true, her newborn son Paris was left far in the mountains, but he grew up and returned to Troy, meeting the beautiful Helen there. Further events are known - a brutal war broke out, and the city was completely burned.

Also of interest is the incident that occurred with the President of the United States of America, Abraham Lincoln, who received a prophecy about own death. Exactly ten days before his death, he dreamed of a coffin under the state one, standing in the middle of the hall in the White House. It was the funeral of the country's president.

An interesting fact is that many of the greatest scientists and artists saw prophetic dreams and found inspiration in them to make scientific discoveries and creativity. One can immediately recall the case when Dmitry Mendeleev managed to see a table of chemical elements in a dream. We can recall other great examples: the writer Dante dreamed of the plot of his famous “Divine Comedy”, the mathematician Turing saw the diagram and created the first computer based on it, the composer Tartini wrote “The Devil’s Sonata”, also inspired by the plot of his dream.


Many people are interested in the question of how and when this can be done. In ancient times, people performed special rituals to attract true dreams. In fact, anyone can try to do this by doing a few simple rules psychological preparation:

  • before going to bed, it is useful to meditate to relax, clear your thoughts and focus as much as possible on the desired object;
  • it is also important to correctly formulate the desire in your mind, because even scientists do not deny the materiality of thoughts, the main thing is that they are clearly formulated;
  • trying to induce prophetic dreams, you can light pleasant incense in the room, you must go to bed alone;
  • if you see true dream If you succeed, it is advisable to remember it well, so that you can then try to interpret it correctly. There are also special techniques for remembering images seen.

The human mind, as well as memory, rests during sleep, which explains why it can be so difficult to remember one’s own dream. Interestingly, prophetic dreams are usually so clear and vivid that they are practically not forgotten. If a person intentionally tries to invoke a true dream, he must learn to remember it. To do this, you can keep a kind of dream diary, in which you will need to record in detail each of the dreams you have and be sure to date them. You need to enter information into your diary immediately after waking up to make sure you don’t forget anything. Subsequently, it will be possible to compare events occurring in life with your own dreams and understand whether any of them were truly prophetic.

The mystery of dreams has been studied for many years, since it is generally accepted that many dreams carry important information for life. The embodiment of some into reality occurs in the near future, while others may come true after several years.

Let's look at what days you dream about prophetic dreams, on what their reliability depends, and what the dream book predicts based on the dates of the month.

Prophetic dreams can be determined by the days of the week:

  1. On the night from Sunday to Monday. You should not attach special importance to dreams this night - often images arise as a result of nervous overstrain and frequent worries. Basically, what you see at night does not come true in reality, and if something similar happens, it does not have any effect. visible effect for a normal life.
  2. Monday Tuesday. Often we dream of vivid and memorable images that indicate imminent changes in life. If after waking up you feel a surge of strength, you should start implementing your plans at work and in life as soon as possible. If you wake up in a negative mood, you need to avoid drastic changes. If you dream of a victory over old fears, you can expect success in your undertakings within ten days.
  3. From Tuesday to Wednesday. The paintings are an interweaving of many subjects, among which it is difficult to determine the semantic meaning. In reality, they are almost never implemented to the end; only individual details can be implemented that do not have a negative impact.
  4. Wednesday Thursday. Dreams at this time are important for life - they help answer long-standing questions and solve existing work or family problems.
  5. From Thursday to Friday. These visions are of interest to those who are more concerned personal life than career growth. All events that are remembered in the morning are realized in reality. It is important to try to remember the emotional background of what is happening in a dream - this hints at a positive or negative outcome of things in the near future.
  6. Friday Saturday. What happened in a dream may indicate quick changes not only in the dreamer’s fate, but also in the lives of his loved ones.
  7. From Saturday to Sunday. Such images most often become reality on the same day and directly depend on the mood: positive ones symbolize the realization of what you want, negative ones indicate failures in work projects or failures in amorous affairs.

Prophetic dreams before the holidays

There is a great chance to see a prophetic vision between two holidays - Christmas and Epiphany, between January 7 and 19. Accept to believe that during this period the souls of the dead travel among the living and lift the veil of secrets of the future. Every day and date of this week, all dreams that have special meanings come true:

  • the night of January 7 to 8 - indicate the insidious plans of competitors and ill-wishers;
  • morning dreams on January 10 - symbolize changes in the family and the lives of loved ones;
  • on the night of January 10-11 - they warn about possible diseases;
  • from January 11 to 12 - will help you move forward career ladder;
  • dreams in the morning of January 14 - asking yourself before bed exciting question, you can get an answer to it;
  • the night of January 14-15 - they hint at correct options building relationships with competitors or envious people;
  • early morning January 17 - indicate difficulties awaiting you in the year.

Table prophetic Fridays before the following holidays:

  • Palm Sunday.
  • Great Lent.
  • Annunciation.
  • Ascension of the Lord.
  • Trinity week.
  • Nativity of John the Baptist.
  • Day of the Prophet Elijah.
  • St. Michael's Day.
  • Dormition of the Virgin Mary.

People believe that if you fast before these days, you can see the future.

When dreams come true - according to the phase of the moon

On which days dreams are more likely to come true can be determined by lunar calendar, having previously determined it by the phase of the moon:

  1. They are likely to be fulfilled and foreshadow joyful life changes.
  2. Prophetic, bring joyful news.
  3. Empty ones that are not implemented in reality.
  4. They will come true soon. Expecting positive or negative changes depends on the mood and events that occurred in the dream.
  5. Most often, visions on this day are a warning for future actions.
  6. You can see the outcome of the next key life events if you make a risky decision.
  7. The events seen may partially come true in reality, however, not in the near future.
  8. They are equally likely to come true or not.
  9. They are of great importance for real life - it is recommended to try to remember and analyze as many details as possible in the morning.
  10. They will not come true, and the events seen are the result of severe nervous strain.
  11. They will come true three days later, and what happens depends on the emotional mood in the dream.
  12. What they saw will happen in reality after a week.
  13. In ten days, dramatic life changes await you.
  14. They indicate that positive or negative changes are expected with equal probability in the near future.
  15. Will come true in the coming days. The positive or negative realization of a dream directly depends on the mood in the dream.
  16. Something will happen soon that will give you a feeling of deja vu.
  17. Prophetic signs will be fulfilled on the 19th day. Everything that happens in reality will repeat as closely as possible what was seen at night.
  18. They will take place on the 20th day and will cause the same feelings that the dreamer experienced during sleep.
  19. Truthful, which will help you make the right decision in the future.
  20. They portend quick prosperity, a cure for long-standing illnesses, or a meeting with your other half.
  21. Prophetic. It is important to try to remember as much as possible what you saw at night in order to make the right decision at the right time.
  22. Empty dreams that will never be fulfilled in life.
  23. They won’t come true, so you shouldn’t focus on them.
  24. Prophetic things will come true in 11 days.
  25. They do not carry meaning or important life changes.
  26. Will not be fulfilled in reality.
  27. Most often they dream good dreams, which are unlikely to come true, but will help you wake up in high spirits.
  28. Prophetic things will come true in 23 days.
  29. Empty ones that are vaguely remembered.
  30. They will come true in at least a month.

When dreams come true - by date

Whether the dream you had today will come true can also be calculated by the dates of the month:

  • 1 – prophetic dream, portends positive changes;
  • 2 – empty vision;
  • 3 – warns of possible troubles or gives a hint to resolve an old dispute;
  • 4 – prophetic, will come true after a long time;
  • 5 – the events seen will exactly come true in the coming days;
  • 6 – will happen in 12 days;
  • 7 – the dream must be kept secret from everyone, then it will bring happiness to the dreamer’s life;
  • 8 – if you dreamed of something desired, soon the dream will come true in reality;
  • 9 – the dream indicates a quick rise up the career ladder or success in your own business;
  • 10 – warns of problems in the family or at work;
  • 11 – symbolizes imminent good news;
  • 12 – prophetic, will come true soon, will bring only positive emotions to the dreamer;
  • 13 – warns of imminent problems;
  • 14 – bad news will soon be received that will not affect your personal life;
  • 15 – a joyful event will happen in the coming days;
  • 16 – empty dream;
  • 17 - no earlier than 20 days later, the dreamer will have success in the business he has begun;
  • 18 – symbolizes an improvement in financial condition;
  • 19 – it is recommended to pay attention to the events that happened in the dream – they warn of imminent conflicts with relatives;
  • 20 – will come true if you keep the events you see secret;
  • 21 – images that come in a dream can help you realize what you want in life;
  • 22 – portends positive changes in all areas;
  • 23 – prophetic and are embodied in reality with maximum accuracy;
  • 24 – means imminent joyful events;
  • 25 – hints at a conspiracy against you by envious people at work or among friends;
  • 26 – empty dream;
  • 27 – will not come true in life;
  • 28 – some of the visions will come true no earlier than in a month;
  • 29 – will not come true in reality;
  • 30 – meaningless dream;
  • 31 - portends improvements in relationships with a loved one or an early meeting of your soulmate.

It is important to take into account the time at which the dream occurred: daytime does not carry useful information for real life, as well as night or evening. Most often, dreams seen in the morning are prophetic.

Sleep is a place where all our old dreams and nightmarish fears come true, a place where things happen that will never happen. But is it?

Probably everyone has heard about prophetic dreams. Many people believe that only psychics, soothsayers and sorcerers are capable of such dreams. But, as practice suggests, any person can have a prophetic vision.

Prophetic dreams absolutely do not fit into any scientific theory of dreams, because most of these theories tend to consider any vision as a processing of past experience, but not of the future.

At night, a person experiences what is in the deep subconscious, so it becomes easier for him to let go of what he cannot accept consciously. Thus, it is simply the activity of the unconscious that plays with us, giving us various images, and we dream about what we either fear or want. And the interpretation of such dreams does not make much sense unless you want to understand the depths of your personality.

From the point of view of astrologers, during dreams a person connects to the information field of the universe and sees possible options for the development of his life, finds himself on those layers or lines that could have happened to him if he had previously made a different choice.

Also, at night a person can “wander” onto a life line that will be realized in the near future. Such dreams will be prophetic. Sometimes, in order to tune in to a certain wave, you need to read something like a spell or, as it is also called, a conspiracy.

So, what are prophetic dreams? These are visions in which you are visited by images of something that has not yet happened, but will only happen. These are visions in which events occurred with one hundred percent coincidence in real life.

More often, such a vision is dreamed of as a warning about some danger that may overtake us. Since there is a theory about fate as a program, it is therefore important to pay attention to such a warning dream and try to change the course of events.

It must be said that prophetic dreams do not occur once a quarter; this is a very rare occurrence. But people are no strangers to belief in miracles, so we often tend to “adjust” what we see in a dream to the events that happened later, complementing the images and deciphering the symbols, adding them to what is not there.

But once again let us draw your attention to the fact that a prophetic vision is prophetic, that the events unfolding in it are exactly repeated in reality.

Who has prophetic dreams is an ambiguous question, and if you turn to scientists, they distinguish two types of dreams.

1. Ideal prophetic visions. They dream of those people who are absorbed in some business to which they devote all their time, thoughts and dreams. A scientific discovery may come to such people in a dream or they will hear an incredible musical composition, which has not yet been written by anyone.

This happens because constantly working day and night on the same thing loads the brain with information, which is systematized in a dream, and as a result you dream of a certain system product. This is how Dmitry Mendeleev “saw” his future table. Such dreams are usually seen by talented, brilliant, gifted people; for this you do not need to read a conspiracy, but only complete dedication to your favorite work is required.

2. Double dream. Called obsessive thoughts and prolonged tension concerning a single problem, which so masters a person that he begins to dream. As a result, what you were able to see in a dream becomes just an impulse, a starting point for realizing this dream in reality.

If, for example, you are afraid that your purse will be snatched on the street, you suspect everyone and everyone, and then you also have a dream in which this happens, then most likely it will become a reality, because you yourself you will attract to yourself what you do not want, assuring yourself that the dream is prophetic.

Ordinary sleep?

Many people are interested in when prophetic dreams occur. According to scientists, this is difficult to find out, but circumstances have been identified in which you definitely will not have a prophetic vision.

  • If you go to bed on an empty stomach, you may dream about food, and if you go to bed on a full stomach, you may have nightmares (yes, if you are afraid scary dreams, then eat at least 2 hours before bedtime).
  • Alcohol, drugs or pills sedative effect They will also give you either a dreamless sleep or not entirely pleasant images.
  • If you are sick, have a fever, aching or sharp pain, then dreams will neutralize your pain, but certainly will not become prophetic.
  • If you have had long-term sexual abstinence, you usually have visions as compensation for what is not there.
  • Well, any external stimuli will take you away from prophetic dreams, such as stuffiness, draft, light, noise, etc.
  • If you had a dream the day before the holiday. Usually, before a celebration, the body is in an excited state. Or a dream on the eve of a day off, for example, Sunday.

Thus, in order to have a prophetic dream, many conditions must be met, but it is not a fact that you will see it. If you do not rely on traditional science, but ask astrologers and other specialists, they will be able to give several options for when you have prophetic dreams.

1. During the holiday week (from January 7 to January 19). These days, your ancestors may come to you to tell you your future fate.

2. On one of the Orthodox holidays. Usually such dreams come true before lunch, or two weeks after such holidays. On such days, before going to bed, you need to read the plot.

3. Every month on the third (but you need to understand that not every month a prophetic vision will appear to you, there is just such a possibility).

4. On even days.

5. From Thursday to Great or Personal Friday. Such Fridays have names associated with events described in the Bible (Old Testament). On such days, the visions are especially clear; the boundary between sleep and reality is lost. It is important to treat such days with caution, because dreams almost always come true.

6. The vision you had in the morning. Usually in the morning astral body extends far enough beyond your body and is capable of receiving a greater flow of information, interpretation morning dreams must be done immediately upon awakening.

Let's look in detail at other days of the week.

  • From Monday to Tuesday, as well as from Wednesday to Thursday and from Friday to Saturday, bodily dreams usually come; you should not pay attention to them. They can selectively come true, from Tuesday to Wednesday.
  • From Thursday to Friday, as already mentioned, dreams can be prophetic and usually come true after 3 years.
  • From Saturday to Sunday, visions may come that will be fulfilled right there, literally before lunch.
  • From Sunday to Monday, many suffer from insomnia and do not see dreams.

Therefore, to understand whether the vision was prophetic or not, it is necessary to take into account the days of the week. But in addition to the days of the week, it is important to pay attention to the time of day.

As already mentioned, a prophetic vision can occur in the morning, but at night and in the evening one usually has bodily dreams.

Therefore, if you wake up at night in a cold sweat because you are having another nightmare, just look in the dream book, look at the interpretation and be calm, such a vision will not come true exactly. Sometimes daytime visions can come true, especially if you sleep on your back, then your body will not have barriers to connecting with the information field.

1. It should not be on the eve of a working day (it all depends on when you work, if the working day is Tuesday, then you do not need to make such a dream on Monday evening, make it on Saturday or from Sunday to Monday).

2. Do not use an alarm clock; you must wake up yourself.

3. Don’t get up abruptly, lie down as long as you need to remember all the details.

4. If you were unable to remember the vision, then repeat the procedure on the same day of the week or on those days that meet all the necessary conditions.

Our subconscious knows a lot, it remembers absolutely everything, on the one hand, and has access to the universal consciousness, on the other. Therefore, you can ask your subconscious to give you the answer to some question that has interested you for a long time, or to help you make a difficult choice, or to determine what to do next.

The answer will come in different forms, you may see an ancestor who will tell you something important, or read something in a book that you need to know. Perhaps you will see a mirror in which you can see images of the future.

You may have a calendar in front of you in which important days or weeks will be highlighted (here it is important to remember all the highlighted dates and periods), and then regularly refer to these days. It is especially worth paying attention to visions on the eve of Palm or Easter Sunday.

To understand what a prophetic dream means, it is not enough to consult a dream book. Such a vision demonstrates the reality in which you live, and the images that appear to you are far from those that can be analyzed.

Here you are faced with the task of understanding what events, or decisions, or people in your life can lead to what you saw in a dream; it is important to feel the environment in which you are. Remember that a prophetic dream usually comes true after three years. Therefore, perhaps some events have not yet begun to occur, and here the main strategy is to wait.

As soon as you feel that events similar to those you have already seen begin to occur, think about how you can neutralize the consequences or, on the contrary, help them come true.

It must be said that there is no clear recipe for “inducing” prophetic dreams, just as there is no recipe for getting rid of such a gift. Determining whether a vision was prophetic or not is also very difficult.

Prophetic dreams can pass unnoticed by you, and you will only find out that they were prophetic after the events repeat themselves. This could happen in days, months, or possibly years. And it happens that a person forgets about dreams, they come true, but no one draws parallels.

Try to avoid searching for an interpretation for every dream you have. After all, as the famous psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud said, “a banana can sometimes be just a banana,” and what you dream about should not be believed one hundred percent.