Poems about love are romantic lines full of tenderness, sadness and passion. Beautiful poetic lines of love and life

Sad poems about unhappy love to tears - Touching the strings of the soul lines of poems

Sad, tearfully touching poems do not necessarily talk about unrequited feelings. In these lines, the poet may regret the departure of a loved one, his betrayal, lies. Sometimes it happens that the third person suffering in a love triangle takes up a pen and splashes out on paper all the emotions that overwhelm his soul in this moment. Others, while loving, suffer from the fact that they cannot be with the object of desire for some reason: physical disabilities, the unbreakable marriage of one of them, families, children, etc. Very often, poems about unhappy love are written by teenagers who have experienced the first “no”. Of course, somewhere in the depths of their souls they know that a new love awaits them ahead, but...the heart really cannot be commanded. Sometimes from the pen of an inept poet come real masterpieces that touch the strings of the soul.

You forgot everything quickly enough.
It's easy to live without appreciating anything.
And the battle is still going on inside me:
Or I'll kill the memory.
Or the memory will kill me.

Time drags on ungodly.
The blade slides along the wrists.
Why is it possible without millions?
Why is it impossible without one?

And remembering you, I’ll probably just smile.
When one day my most-most beloved man.
He will ask, slightly hiding his sadness behind a smile.
“Who did we name our son after?”

Someday I will be gone.
Years will pass, or maybe days...
And my heart won’t stop beating
And he will understand only one thing, alas:

Waking up one day at dawn
You will hear my dear voice
And the feelings of tenderness gone
They will break into a new wave.
That's just... I AM NOT WITH YOU...

Short poems about beautiful love for a girl - Sincere lines of poems to tears

Many guys who are romantically inclined at the beginning of a love relationship often dedicate short poems about love to their girls. Sometimes young people are not good at rhyming. The lines of poetry stubbornly refuse to form in such a way that the finished poem takes on meaning. It doesn’t matter if the finished work is not as beautiful as the poems of Pushkin or Lermontov. Among our contemporaries there are plenty of as yet unrecognized poets. Who knows what people will say about these modest lines in two hundred years?

Love has no infinite meaning
Love means only one thing to me,
It's you and there's no doubt about it
I sincerely thank you for everything,

Because I get up, your image is in my thoughts,
For the affection that you sometimes give me,
And the rest doesn't make sense
I'll give up on the rest!

Your arms are capable of hugging like that,
That I immediately forget about everything,
When you're near, I want to fly,
After all, I am inspired by your love,

Thank you that you exist, that you are mine,
I know that fairy tales exist not only in childhood,
My princess, I love you
And my heart is filled with love!

Your look is like the most important ocean,
I want to drown, I don’t need salvation,
And it seems to me that I’m a little drunk,
But I won’t find surprise in this,

Blame it all Perfect eyes,
Which are worthy of admiration,
I love you, my beloved,
You are my weakness, the excitement of my soul!

Wonderful poems about loving a man at a distance - Heartfelt words with meaning to your beloved husband

They say distance tests love. Only people who experience real deep feelings do not lose them when they find themselves thousands of kilometers away from their soul mate. Those who, having separated even for a short time, forget about their lovers, have never loved! They will not understand the wonderful lines of poetry about love at a distance. If you are suffering from the fact that your beloved husband or man is still far away from you, dedicate to him the meaningful lines posted here on this page. Let him know how deeply and ardently you love him, with what impatience you are waiting for him!

Call me, please, honey!
Call this sleepless night...
Has unknown power
This late phone call.

Call me now, this morning!
Let your whisper wake up my heart.
Let your eyes sparkle with mother of pearl,
Let your voice be music to me.

Call me, do you hear?! Do not torture…
Call me, even in rain or slush...
As if today is a special occasion,
So that your voice makes me cry.

I’m sitting and feeling very sad,
I'm sad during the day and sad at night,
I'm always sad and bitter
When you're not around!

Distance has separated you and me,
We are far from each other!
My beloved is not sweet in my soul,
I know that it’s not easy for you either,

Kilometers of travel separate you and me
Your image in my heart is frozen for centuries,
Love unites you and me!
And he will always do this!

Distance is no obstacle for lovers!
Although it's hard to understand,

After all, you are the only one in the world
And this must be realized!

Beautiful poems about true love for the girl you love - Poems about fidelity to your wife

On Valentine's Day or any other day, regardless of whether it is a holiday or a weekday, dedicate lines of beautiful poems to your beloved girl, faithful wife, loving friend. Women are always romantic; Even those who try not to show emotions in public, deep down hope that you will give them a surprise - a beautiful poem about your love and fidelity.

You are the only one for me,
My beloved, dear.
You are my sunshine, you are a bunny,
You are the perfect housewife.

You are a real wife
Smart, beautiful and loyal.
Where you are, there is happiness and comfort.
Where are you, there are angels singing.

Oh how lucky I am to have you
With such a beautiful wife.
Until the end of the ages
I'm ready to live with you alone.

And you can't imagine
What do you mean to me.
How you disturb my soul,
How I miss you.

Without you, a day feels like an eternity.
The night is terrible without you.
Emptiness and heartlessness
If we've been apart for more than a day.

Your eyes are a whirlpool of passion.
Kisses are a shower of stars.
The magic of love power
They keep me from cheating.

I only want you alone,
I only want you alone.
I adore you endlessly
I love you to death!

What could be more pleasant and beautiful,
How to know that you are a legal wife.
My choice was not made in vain.
I love you so much, I need you.

No, not even necessary - necessary,
Like air is for people, water is for fish.
Like the sun for vast fields,
And what a heavenly environment is for birds.

You are all mine, your soul and body.
I feel you, I live by you.
I'll do whatever you want,
Any whim in a dream or in reality.

I know being a wife is not easy.
Sometimes I upset you with something.
Sometimes I'm far from you,
And I don’t always pay attention.

Forgive me, my love.
Believe that you mean a lot to me.
And only with you alone am I happy.
There is no need for tears, why are you crying again?

I am yours, I am only yours and forever.
I gently press you to me.
Let the weeks, days, years fly into the distance,
And I love you, my dear.

Stunning poems about love by classics and famous poets - Love in the works of Pushkin, Lermontov, Akhmatova, Yesenin

Russian love lyrics classical poets is also known abroad. Poems by Pushkin, Lermontov, Yesenin, Akhmatova have been translated into almost all European and Asian languages. Already in elementary school, schoolchildren learn about the romantic stories of poets, their joys and sufferings, described in lines known throughout the world. Some people remember these stanzas from an early age, while others discover the miracle of the poets’ poetry only in adulthood. Classics are immortal: a poem dedicated to your loved one will sound modern at any time.

Pushkin Alexander

I loved you: love still, perhaps

I loved you: love is still, perhaps,
My soul has not completely died out;
But don't let it bother you anymore;
I don't want to make you sad in any way.
I loved you silently, hopelessly,
Now we are tormented by timidity, now by jealousy;
I loved you so sincerely, so tenderly,
How God grant you, your beloved, to be different.

Lermontov Mikhail

No, it’s not you that I love so passionately

No, it’s not you that I love so passionately,
Your beauty is not for me:
I love the past suffering in you
And my lost youth.

When sometimes I look at you,
Looking into your eyes with a long gaze,
I'm busy talking mysteriously
But I’m not talking to you with my heart.

I'm talking to a friend from my younger days,
I'm looking for other features in your features,
In the mouths of the living - lips that have long been mute,
In the eyes there is the fire of faded eyes.

Akhmatova Anna

And you thought I was like that too...

And you thought I was like that too
That you can forget me
And that I will throw myself, begging and sobbing,
Under the hooves of a bay horse.

Or I’ll ask the healers
There's a root in the slander water
And I'll send you a strange gift -
My treasured fragrant scarf.

Damn you. Not a groan, not a glance
I will not touch the damned soul,
But I swear to you by the garden of angels,
Miraculous icon I swear
And our nights are a fiery child -
I will never return to you.

Yesenin Sergey

Well, kiss me, kiss me,

Well, kiss me, kiss me,
Even to the point of bleeding, even to pain.
At odds with cold will
Boiling water of heart streams.

Overturned mug
Among the merry ones is not for us.
Understand, my friend,
They only live once on earth!

Look around with a calm gaze,
Look: damp in the darkness
The month is like a yellow raven
It circles and soars above the ground.

Well, kiss me! That's how I want it.
Decay sang a song to me too.
Apparently he sensed my death
The one who soars on high.

Fading Power!
To die is to die!
Until the end of my sweetheart's lips
I would like to kiss.

So that all the time in blue slumbers,
Without being ashamed and without hiding,
In the gentle rustle of bird cherry trees
It was heard: “I am yours.”

And so that the light over the full mug
It didn’t go out with a light foam -
Drink and sing, my friend:
They only live once on earth!

The best poems about passion and love for a woman and a man - Modern love lyrics

Classical poets, of course, wrote poems that were brilliant in their simplicity. Pushkin's lines about love seem even too artless. However, these rhymes exactly describe the state of a person in love. Modern poets They also write love lyrics. It is likely that in many decades their works will be studied in schools in the same way that children today study Yesenin and Lermontov. The poems presented to your attention are simple and practically unknown. Each of them is dedicated to an event related to the world of feelings, passions and love experiences.

Want you! Your hot lips...
And such tender touches
Yours are so tender soft hands,
Making me dizzy.

Want you! Embrace the waterfall,
Sweeping away all smells and sounds,
Flights to nowhere and sunset for two,
Tangles of bodies and hearts beat...

Want you! Well, what else can I say?
How does my body miss you?
How much do I love to belong to you?
And how can I get tired of being without you?

Just being there is a great happiness:
Giving a smile is like a ray of light in bad weather,
Waking up in the morning, kissing each other,
To love limitlessly, without being jealous at all.

Laugh at jokes, reading thoughts,
Live in harmony, forgetting all quarrels,
And just falling asleep in each other's arms,
Knowing that being around is a great happiness!

What I want? You will not believe…
Just a gentle sunset
And the sea of ​​noisy surf,
Sitting at a table with a dream...
And catch your eye on myself.

Hey waiter, I'm sorry
A little wind and rain
And white snow in winter.
And just by the hand with you
Go... no matter where.

Just a little more please
Patience, meaning and kindness..
More sincerity, passion,
Less lies or bad weather.
And a cup full of goodness...

And for dessert, I ask for more,
Confessions as sweet as honey
And hugs as strong as Absinthe,
Reliable, sincere, pleasant...
Well, waiter... Let's get the bill..

Yes, I’m ready, I’ll pay for everything...
How? Do I really want that much???

Perhaps, as long as humanity is alive, people will write poems about love. For each subsequent generation, the love lyrics of poets who lived several decades, or even hundreds of years ago, will become classics. However, truly beautiful, tear-touching love poems have been and will be understandable to everyone, regardless of their age or nationality. Beginning poets, especially boys and girls, will dedicate passionate lines that have just come from their pen to their lovers. The love of a man and a woman, glorified in the poems of world-famous authors, will perhaps be told in a new way, but everything will be just as beautiful and touching.

Sometimes, in order to express your feelings to your loved one, your own words are not enough. I want to do it in a special way, bright and memorable. If you don’t have enough words in prose to tell your beloved guy about your feelings, poems come to the rescue.

Beautiful poems for your beloved guy

I fell into the sky
Broke hearts into pieces,
Laughed at feelings boldly,
Until I recognized you.
And you are like an autumn leaf,
Took a piece of me away
With you I forgot about time
And she gave everything she could.
I am the tenderness and caress of hugs,
And giving the passion of a kiss,
Without wanting anything for myself,
Without asking for anything in return,
I'm like in the depths of the sea,
Dive headlong into the novel
I recognized a different love
I recognized myself differently.
And life became like a fantasy,
Resentment and fear are alien to me,
I've fallen into the sky before
Now I'm soaring in the skies.

“I love you” - I’ll say it without hiding.

You are the only one in the world for me.

You gave me strength and love,

Kissing me deeply again and again.

With you, I'm ready to fly to the ends of the world.

I love you. Now you know this.

I expect a response from you...

I'm never sad when I'm around you.

You are joy and happiness, my smile.

I will give everything in this life for you.

Evening descends into our shady garden.

You and I have gone through so many obstacles.

Friends walked hand in hand to spite everyone,

Not knowing how lucky we are in life.

We sang, laughed, joked in bad weather

And they had no idea what luck they had.

Happiness in life is to go to the end even in a blizzard,

Happiness is not to see ourselves without each other.

We will never forget such happiness.

We received the happiness of loving.

You are my one and only,

Your I am bright, strong, sweet.

My most desired and most beloved,

And I am your most beautiful in the world.

We should be together, I know.

How I want to be next to you...

I don’t need either hell or heaven in my life,

I would soar with you in the skies above the water.

We'll fly holding hands,

All the mountains, all the rivers, deserts, seas...

Just to know that you won’t give up love.

Of course, I won’t refuse either.

I'm sorry, my dear, that it's in the entrance
To the sound of midnight rain
I purse my lips like a child,
I slightly move my face away.

I behave strangely with you,
But be kinder to me.
I'm not afraid of being deceived
The worst thing is to deceive.

Don't call me stubborn
I don’t cheat with you.

No, I don’t pretend to be touchy,
But just don't go then,
When some bell
It might pound in your chest.

You do not execute and do not have mercy,
I am neither iron nor granite.
I feel good with you, my dear,
But the bell doesn't ring.

Don't call me stubborn
I don’t cheat with you.
Saying “I love you” will not be true,
“I don’t like” would be a lie.
(E. Yevtushenko)

How to say in poetry that you miss...

I'm sitting alone by the window -

The whole world is not nice, joyless.

Only drops of sleepy rain

They have a one-on-one conversation with me.

You are somewhere far away, in other worlds,

Recently I just closed the door behind me.

Pain and fear consume me in anguish,

But I'm waiting for you - just believe.

After all, I believe that you will return soon,

You will come, as before, and you will hug.

You will turn into my joy

Among the thick, pitch-black emptiness.

Your words are like a song at dawn,

They will invite me with them again.

With you we will be happy, like children,

Only from the touch of our lips.

Please come back to me soon

I’m telling you, and there’s a tear running down my cheek...

I will warm you in my arms

And I’ll tell you how much I waited.

“Stop being far away” - I read on my laptop,

As if someone there knows my thoughts.

I look at your photos, I only dream about you

And I roar, because you’re not with me now.

We haven’t seen each other for a long time, because you’re all busy:

Vanity, daily boredom of work.

I have all this too, but now

I'm looking forward to Saturday.

You will come, as usual, knock on my door,

And there will be no limit to our happiness.

I adore you, even though you grumble

That I didn’t put on heels for you again.

I will hug you, you will forget about everything:

About all the quarrels and all the disagreements.

Now I'm sad... Stop being far away.

Come and we will be happy!

My lines don't make much sense

And one thought is transparent and clear:

I didn’t care about all your vices,

My love is stronger than all obstacles.

There is no point in frequent quarrels and insults.

They bring only bitterness and pain.

You see that my soul is broken,

But still I will only be with you.

Your violent temper, your worries

Forever became important to me.

My love will overcome the torment of hell

For the sake of saying: “You are mine.”

Let separation, parting await us,

Let everyone think that our meeting is bad luck.

We won't lose each other

And if you disappear, I will find you.

Short options

Short lines will please your lover no less than an extended ode. Moreover, such poems can be sent as an SMS to your beloved guy.

Listen to how my heart beats

Leave this rhythm in your memory.

I know that we are not together now,

And you know that I love you forever.

And I remain silent, looking into your eyes,

That I'm flying up to the skies with you.

And in my thoughts there is only one thing: “I would have guessed it myself.”

What I cannot say."

The best in the world is you,

I say this honestly.

You make all your dreams come true

I just love you.

I love you any

Be good, be evil.

And I don’t need another

Just be always with me.

And why were you sent to me by fate?

And then to please me.

I will never part with you,

Because I love you.

You are like the light of the sun to me,

Like a ray of trembling hope.

I couldn't be happier.

I hope we will be together as before.

"I love you!" - I want to scream.

Loud enough for the whole world to hear.

You are my joy and sorrow...

But without sadness there is no joy.

What difference does it make what fate has in store for us?

Perhaps our song will not last long.

But the main thing now for both me and you is

That despite everything, we are together again.

Each person understands this feeling differently. Poems about love allow you to reveal the incredible facets of this magical state human soul and convey the entire palette of emotional experiences that love is associated with.

After all, almost every person experiences this fabulous feeling sooner or later. This is probably why poems about love are always in demand by the reader.

It is love poetry that allows you to understand the nature and meaning of the main feeling on earth, determine its sincerity, and also realize for yourself what is important in love and what is secondary and of no particular importance.

Since lyric poetry appeared, one of its main themes has been love. Poets have expressed in their language the amazing spiritual state of a person in love. Many of these beautiful words were later heard in songs and romances.

When a person is in love, he is happy, and his soul requires poetry. Love lyrics come to his aid. He either reads poetry or writes it himself, rising higher and higher above the ordinary. Poetry is a great opportunity to look into the recesses of your soul and discover the inner world of another person.

The love theme is perhaps the most common theme among modern sweats and in online creativity. Love always gives rise to extraordinary experiences in the soul and makes you write a lot and beautifully.

And it doesn’t matter at all who the recipient of this feeling is, be it a loved one, a wonderful memory or native nature. The main thing is the magical mood that is born when reading these lines in the heart of an excited reader.

The most famous representatives of classical literature wrote about love. Reading poems about love, you forget about everything and immerse yourself in the world of the lyrical hero. It seems that this is happening to you, and not to him, because poets are able to express in a few lines all the facets of this extraordinary experience.

Philosophers of the Middle Ages compared the feeling of love with religious ecstasy. God was seen as the Lover of the human soul. And even today, religious poetry is intertwined with love lyrics, raising human love to the skies.

Love lyrics continued to develop in subsequent centuries. It especially flourished in the nineteenth century, when almost everyone wrote poems about love.

The love poetry of the past has amazing property not depend on time and never grow old. Love poems created even thousands of years ago by nameless poets are perceived today as echoes of feelings and experiences, essentially the same as those experienced by our contemporaries.

Romantic lines, full of tenderness, sadness and passion, are always dedicated to the emotional state that people in love experience. Love has different faces, so poems about love express all the shades of this high feeling and allow the reader to remember the most dear to his heart and the most sincere experiences.

The best modern poems tell about the versatility and contradictions of love. By reading love lyrics, which can be sad, sentimental, expressive or funny, a person is able to become a better person and learn to empathize with other people.

Poems about love most deeply and truthfully convey the state of a person’s soul, therefore such lyrics cannot be false or false - the heart itself speaks the language of love.

It is very pleasant to become the recipient of a love message in verse, because in rhymed lines - sincere feelings another man. Writing poems about love is beautiful and sublime in itself, and when such poems are written for you, it captivates, because you mean so much to someone that he spends so much mental strength on you!

Despite the fact that the subject of love is close to everyone, writing about love is difficult. It is especially difficult to dedicate love poems to another person. Not everyone is able to open up to another person, much less open up in poetry. How to express the deepest and most trembling emotional feelings, what words to find, how to metaphorically, through images, describe what is happening in the heart? But love itself suggests words that can only be put on paper.

Human life consists of changing moods, emotional outbursts, hopes and aspirations, which are expressed in words. And if a person’s experiences are especially vivid and memorable, he describes them in his rhymed poetic revelations. Love poems are written when a person has an inner need to express his emotional condition in words, in the most sublime language.

Man is mortal, but love is unchanging! Therefore, poems about her continue to live, helping a person understand himself.