Travel style wedding: creating a wedding in Italian, Spanish, American and other styles. Ancient customs of a Belarusian wedding When to celebrate a wedding

A wedding without competitions and entertainment is like a joke without humor. It is the entertaining moments that create the overall atmosphere of fun and real celebration. Well-chosen competitions will not make you blush the next day, but on the contrary, they will give you wonderful memories of one of the best weddings in your life.

For convenience, we have divided 13 ideas into groups.

Competitions for guests

1. Impromptu “Welcome Guests”

The host asks what the guests wish for the young intangible values. The following will definitely be listed: happiness, health, success, luck, joy, warmth, mutual understanding, harmony and, of course, love. Everyone who guessed correctly is given cards indicating the role and phrases. The text is read out. Participants must say the phrase immediately after mentioning their character.

Roles and phrases:

Love:“I’ll warm your blood!”

Happiness:"Here I am! Hello everyone!"

Health:“I’ll add to my genealogy!”

Success:“I’m the coolest among you!”

Luck:“I’m coming to join you!”

Understanding: “Just a moment!”

Patience:“I’ll tell you the solution!”

Harmony (all guests in chorus): “Advice and love!”

The day has come when Harmony came to the world. A beautiful woman rules over him Love. Hovering over our young people is huge Happiness. Promises to be in perfect order and cheerful Health. Swears he's just around the corner, loud Success. The inevitable comes to us on the wings of a blue bird Luck. It's serious at the table Understanding. And with it came cheerfulness Patience. This is what we have Harmony. Very loudly promises unrestrained Love. Even louder - persistent Health. The unbelted one tries to keep up with them Success. I'm having fun Harmony. Especially when, while flirting, she said a word Luck, and joined her, winking meaningfully, Happiness. I couldn’t stand it because of the abundance of emotions Harmony. She just burst into tears from wild Happiness. But here it came to the rescue with adventurous intonations Patience. The tipsy one understood him instantly Understanding. Everyone came to the conclusion that the main thing among them was the Caucasian Health. And you just need to raise your glasses to him. Mutual understanding and Patience, Success and Luck, Happiness and Love and, of course, Health wish our newlyweds that there will always be absolute Harmony in their family!

2. Wedding forecast

The presenter offers to give everyone a gift-wish to the newlyweds, using certain gestures. The text will contain key words, upon hearing which you need to show the indicated gesture. Before starting, rehearse each gesture.

Love– married ladies draw a heart in the air.

Happiness– unmarried girls blow a kiss to the newlyweds.

Health– married men, bending their arms at the elbow, show their biceps.

Wealth– unmarried guys show the young man the “yes” gesture, lowering his arm bent at the elbow down.

Passion– everyone together shows the “Wow!” sign with both hands, extending them towards the young people.

We will read you the forecast
For the next hundred years.
How to live them is not a question,
We have the answer to everything!

A hurricane is waiting for you love,
Torrential downpour from happiness,
AND wealth on a way,
AND health, sea passions.

will become happiness Sweet home -
U love he will be a prisoner
AND wealth will be in it
AND health, undoubtedly!

Passions there will be a typhoon in it,
Happiness will be with children's laughter.
AND Love among the lagoons,
AND wealth, and joy!

Will always serve you
AND wealth, And health.
Passion, Love you won't survive -
Happiness will be at the head!

3. Flash mob of love

During the dance break, guests are invited to make a flash mob for the young people. To a cheerful, rhythmic melody, tell the love story of the newlyweds in dance. The presenter shows and rehearses the movements - first without music, then with it. The young people are shown an already rehearsed number.


  • Went- rhythmically step from foot to foot.
  • Saw– hold your palms clenched into a fist with your index and middle fingers extended (“V” gesture) in front of your eyes.
  • Fell in love– draw a heart with your hands.
  • My head is spinning with happiness – turns around an axis with arms extended upward: first in one direction, then in the other.
  • Started to soar on the wings of love - the same thing, just swing your arms like wings.
  • Made an offer – put your hands to your heart and spread them to the side: to the heart – to the left side – to the heart – to the right side.
  • She agreed– bend your elbows, move up and down, simultaneously turning in one direction or the other.
  • Air kisses to the young.

Repeat movements 4-8 times. You can “tell” the story 2-3 times in a row, but reduce the number of repetitions.

4. Body designers

Two teams of 7-8 people are recruited. No inventory. They are given tasks to depict a certain object as a team. Each team has 3-4 tasks. For example: teapot, car, bouquet, window, multi-armed Shiva, airplane and so on.

5. Rainbow of wishes

Competition to unite related teams.

7 people each from the bride and groom participate. Participants randomly pull out one ribbon of a certain rainbow color, 1 m long, from the bags. Next, the teams line up opposite each other. The presenter suggests castling and uniting in pairs of participants with the same color of ribbons.

  1. Educated couples must tie their ribbon to what they consider to be the more attractive part of their partner’s body.
  2. All couples become a semicircle - facing the young people. Excerpts from songs are played (20-30 seconds), in which one of the colors of the rainbow is mentioned. Participants with the same color ribbons come forward and dance. The most active dancing part of the body should be the one on which the ribbon is tied.
  3. By applause A winner is selected for each pair.
  4. Everyone dances together to a common song about a rainbow.

Props: two bags, 7 pairs of ribbons 1 m long.

Recommended songs: “Orange Sun” (Paints), “Blue Frost” (Prime Minister), “Yellow Autumn Leaf” (Hummingbird), “Blue Eyes” (Mr Credo), “Red Dress” (Shtar), “Don’t Hide Green Eyes” (I. Sarukhanov), “Purple Powder” (Propaganda), “Rainbow of Desires” (E. Lashuk).

6. Spy at a wedding

Participants are called who, after the question “who considers themselves sober?” raised their hands. They take turns blowing into the “tubes.” After each time, the “breathalyzer” comment is voiced.

The national tradition of any country, in particular Belarus, requires a very careful approach to many aspects of planning events at a wedding. You will learn how to do everything correctly in this article.

Wedding outfit

Our portal will first tell you about the outfit of the Belarusian bride. A girl's wedding dress should be distinguished by grace and subtlety. Use lace and embroidery to create a bridal look. Wear a white shirt and a skirt made of thick fabric. On top of the skirt, wear an apron with various decorative elements. It is important that everything fits harmoniously into your image. According to tradition, a vest with embroidery is worn over the shirt.

The groom should wear a white shirt and linen pants. Don’t forget about bright accessories, for example, a belt with a national pattern.

Towels for a wedding

The towel at a Belarusian wedding is an integral part of the ceremony. According to Belarusian custom, you need to stock up on at least 40 towels. They are presented to the bride's parents and used to decorate the wedding procession (cars, horse-drawn carriage) on which the happy newlyweds will ride. The newlyweds keep towels on their way to church and tie their clothes with them. This is where the tradition of tying them on the clothes of witnesses at a wedding arose.

Wedding floristry

One of the very important points is the wedding bouquet and wedding wreath. These elements must be carefully selected. They should emphasize all the wonderful flavor of the wedding celebration and should not stand out from the image of the beautiful bride.

You can use any variations when composing a bridal bouquet; it is better, of course, to choose wildflowers (daisies, cornflowers, etc.). For the wreath, you need to use fresh flowers and twigs with berries, such as rue, periwinkle, viburnum and others.

Wedding procession

The groom and his friends must travel in one car, and the bride, according to custom, gets into another vehicle. This could be a horse-drawn carriage or just wedding cars. The wedding cortege must consist of no less than seven cars, because seven is a symbolic number in Belarus.

As soon as everyone is seated in the cortege, the father of the beautiful bride walks around the cortege with the icon, moving in the direction of the sun. Behind him comes his mother, who must sprinkle the cortege with grain. Parents should not be present at the wedding in church, because according to the Belarusian rite, they can destroy the circle that they so diligently created.


In the temple, the newlyweds are placed on a specially prepared towel, and two coins are placed on the places where the newlyweds will stand. After the wedding, these towels are taken with them, because according to tradition they cannot be left in the temple and they must be preserved throughout their happy life together. During the wedding, the groom must stand on the right and the bride on the left.


At the threshold of a restaurant or cafe, the newlyweds are greeted with their parents’ bread and salt and two glasses of vodka, the portal reminds. Keeping bread and salt can only be done by parents who live happily together; you can also entrust this procedure to imprisoned parents. At this time, you can sprinkle the newlyweds with a small amount of sweets and grains.

This article will help you prepare a Slavic-style wedding scenario and all the necessary decorations. In the life of every person, a large number of events occur that leave excellent impressions in a person’s memory for a long time. One of the most important days is the wedding day. The entire scenario of this day is planned from the smallest to large details in advance. Initially, the young couple decides on the time of year, then on the date of celebration, and only after setting the date in the registry office do they think about the location of the wedding celebration. When all these elements are prepared and defined, the question becomes in what style to arrange the wedding process.

In this article we will talk about how a wedding in the Slavic style should look like a script. Several years ago, the ancestors celebrated noisy celebrations where a large number of people gathered. They played games, made up competitions, came up with various competitions, danced by the water, and kidnapped the bride. All this always took place in a noisy and cheerful company. This scope made it clear to every person that all Russian traditions were respected. In the modern world, there are many different options for holding your wedding. Recently, the Slavic style has become very popular. It is this style that will surprise every person, also giving the holiday the brightness and importance of the event. Any guest will receive warm and positive emotions.

Organization of a Slavic wedding

In order to decorate a wedding in the Slavic style, it is important to know a few rules that allow this style to be distinguished from other types of weddings. If a young couple has chosen the Slavic style, then they should know that the main feature of this holiday will be unity with nature. Therefore, the best option for this would be on-site marriage registration. To do this, you can rent a house outside the city, made of timber, and organize the entire wedding process in it.

Since ancient times, everyone knows that a Slavic wedding lasted from one to two days. On this day, tables were set, which were bursting with a variety of food. Also, the main attributes of such a wedding are considered to be a horse team. Most often, this was considered the means by which a young couple moved from place to place. Around the guests one could see a balalaika and bells. The girls danced in circles. All these elements characterize a Slavic wedding, and their use will add special features to this day. Entertaining guests with competitions and games is necessary in the same direction. To do this, you can use musicians who will perform their works on the button accordion, balalaika and other Russian folk instruments.

Image of the bride and groom

It is customary for everyone that the bride wears a regular white dress on her wedding day, and the groom wears a black or dark-colored suit. But all these classic options are not suitable for a wedding in the Slavic style. It will be important for the bride and groom to wear Slavic style outfits. These are traditional dresses. Shirts, pants, on which embroidery will be done in the form of various decorations. If a young couple is particularly smart and courageous, then she can mix two styles and combine them in her image. For example, it is mixing European style with traditional style. The bride can wear a white sundress with a small amount of embroidery on it. A man can also play up everything with his outfit and feel free to wear a regular shirt and trousers.

Conducting competitions

Competitions at a wedding are considered almost the most important attribute, since the mood of the guests and the fun of this day will depend on them. The wedding host is always involved in competitions, entertainment, and games. It is necessary to select a toastmaster for your wedding in advance, since in order to decide on the right choice, you need to spend a lot of time and also look through a lot of work. After the host is chosen, he needs to tell all his wishes for the wedding day. It is necessary to start with a discussion of the first dance of a young couple, which can be done in this case to Russian folk music. It is also important for the host to explain which of the guests will be the parents of the bride and groom. And of course, the most important thing is that the wedding host should know about the chosen wedding style. After all, in this case the toastmaster will be able to prepare a unique and special program of entertainment and competitions. According to Russian traditions, you can meet a young couple at the entrance to the banquet hall with a loaf of bread and salt. Parents can say their parting words here. Then the young couple has to break the plate for good luck. And at this moment it is imperative to carry out a farewell ceremony for the bride and her maiden name. To do this, you can take a balloon and write your maiden name with a marker and release it from your hands.

Inviting guests and their outfits

Invitation cards are most often made in the chosen wedding style. In the Slavic wedding style, invitations can be issued on aged paper, where the place and time of the wedding will be written. They can also mention that the wedding was carried out in a certain thematic version. Decorating the wedding process in the Slavic style will be very interesting. This will definitely bring many positive moments to each of the people present.

Liana Raimanova

A travel style wedding is one of the one of the most original events. The holiday is very fun, unique and memorable for a long time. There are some rules that will need to be taken into account when organizing such a wedding. The wedding begins with invitations, and the journey begins with tickets.

To make it immediately clear to guests that something exciting is waiting for them, invitations can be sent to them in the form of tickets

Or you can design an invitation envelope from a geographical map. Any country can be chosen.

The hall where the feast will take place is decorated in the colors of the country. They decorate it with a flag and other symbols that will indicate their relationship to a particular area. Place globes, compasses, road signs, images of trains, planes, and ships. Of course, you will need balloons and flowers to make it colorful.

The bride and groom should not choose too chic outfits for themselves. It would be appropriate for the bride to wear a light short dress in light colors, and the groom can choose a blue suit with a bow tie. Can add national elements to wedding dresses of the people whose country takes up the idea of ​​​​decorating a wedding. For example, at a wedding in the Cossack style it would be appropriate to wear trousers for the groom, and a wreath and veil for the bride. Even the ring box can be made in the shape of a globe or compass. It is advisable to bake the cake in the shape of a suitcase, map or desert island. There may be other interesting ideas.

Organizing a wedding in the style of different countries

You can organize a wedding in the style of any country. The main thing is to get acquainted with its features and distinctive features in advance.

Italian style wedding

For a wedding in Italian style, it is recommended use all shades of green. Olive branches and an Italian flag are suitable for decorating the hall. Don't forget about the sultry, fiery music. Such an event is held outdoors or in a cafe with an open veranda. The bride can safely choose a long white dress with lace; a veil or veil is required. Some girls choose a dress in green shades. This does not go out of the general style. It looks very original and unusual. But blondes should avoid this tone: it does not suit fair skin.

The groom should wear a vest instead of a traditional jacket and opt for a bow tie. The suit should match the bride's dress. An olive branch or a snow-white bouquet is placed in the buttonhole.

Photos of a wedding in Italian style

Indian style wedding

Indian-style weddings in Russia have become popular lately. It is usually carried out partly outdoors and partly indoors. For decoration you need to choose red and gold colors. This wedding is very bright, With many rituals, it is difficult to prepare. For example, it is not customary to install tables. Small tables in front of the newlyweds are allowed. The bride dresses in red, this color symbolizes innocence in India.

Photos of a wedding in Indian style

American style wedding

Usually the celebration itself is held separately from the registration day. It is best to have an American-style wedding outdoors. Guests must be warned about this, as It is customary for bridesmaids to dress alike. The bride can choose any dress. Mandatory moment: the bride throws her wedding bouquet; it should have a round shape and be in pink tones.

American style wedding photo

Spanish style wedding

A Spanish-style wedding involves Mediterranean decorations. The bride should wear a white dress with black and orange flowers. This is a symbol of a happy married life. The hairstyle may include a large red flower. The entire wedding should be held with incendiary music; you can rehearse Flamenco elements and surprise all the guests with this dance.

Photos of a wedding in Spanish style

Wedding in English style

England is a strict, prim country that respects its traditions. An English style wedding is suitable for reserved people. More like a formal reception. You can make deals here. It will be an excellent option for business, prosperous people who consider entertainment a waste of time. Bridal costumes should be traditional and discreet. Fluffy bridesmaid dresses are not allowed.

English style wedding photo

Hawaiian style wedding

A Hawaiian-style tropical wedding should be held near a body of water. You can rent a restaurant with a swimming pool for these purposes or organize an event on the seashore or river. The wedding is bright, cheerful, noisy, colorful . The Hawaiian wedding scenario should include a variety of competitions and dances. The clothes of the newlyweds and guests should be decorated with flowers. There is no hint of rigor or formality here.

Hawaiian style wedding photo

French style wedding

Wedding in Paris style for romantic natures. All design should be done in soft pastel colors, it is better not to resort to bright colors. The newlyweds' costumes should also correspond to the French style . The fabric of the dress should be light, flowing, and light in color. It is better for the groom to choose a light suit. Everything should be filled with love and tenderness. Don't forget about French music.

Photos of a wedding in French style

Japanese style wedding

You can decorate the place of celebration with sakura branches, fans, figurines of dragons and Buddha. At a Japanese-style wedding, the main attention should be paid to the bride's outfit. She is recommended to choose a white kimono; you can use a wig if it is not possible to create a high hairstyle. During the feast, a red cape is draped, and this ritual is repeated at the end of the event. The wedding table should be rich in Japanese cuisine: sushi, seafood, sake.

Japanese style wedding photo

Scandinavian style wedding

Perfect for a winter wedding. The main colors are white and light shades. Characterized by simplicity and minimalism. The bride's dress should be of a simple cut, long, and white. Pomp is not welcome. Silver jewelry is required. A Scandinavian-style wedding can be organized with a trip to nature. The hall is decorated with snowflakes and deer figures. Scandinavia is a snowy country.

Scandinavian style wedding photo

Irish style wedding

An Irish-style wedding can be a very spectacular event. The color of Ireland is green, so the design should be consistent with it. You can use a medieval font for your invitations. On the festive table The main wedding dish is lamb with potatoes. And as a wedding cake, it is better to serve a cherry cupcake decorated with cream. There is a special ritual of tying the hands of a couple that can be played out. At the same time, the bride and groom swear their love to each other. It will be great if you can invite a group that can play Irish folk tunes. The bride can wear a blue dress and the groom in a checkered suit - these are Irish wedding dresses. Bridesmaids can dress up in bright skirts and colorful knee socks.

Irish style wedding photo

Mexican style wedding

It is better to organize a Mexican-style wedding on the shore of a pond in sunny times. The design should be bright and rich. At the holiday table, give preference to Mexican cuisine, and choose tequila from alcohol. The bride should choose a discreet outfit with long sleeves. A wedding requires a wedding. Lots of colors, music, national cuisine, fruits - that's all you need to host such an event.

Photos of a wedding in Mexican style

Cuban style wedding

This event is suitable for those who like Cuban traditions. Many customs come from there. Also colorful decoration, obligatory wedding, the same outfit for the bride. It is preferable for the bride to wear a satin dress. And the music and dancing should not stop for a minute. A Cuban style wedding is a lot of fun. There is a ritual to give the newlyweds paper money: they are attached directly to the hem of the bride’s dress. But the young people themselves must give gifts to everyone present.

Photos of a wedding in Cuban style

Wedding in Venetian style

The decoration should be made in the spirit of an ancient castle, and the whole atmosphere should be imbued with romance. An excellent solution would be to hold the event on a yacht. A wedding should be luxurious. The bride will need to dress up in a dress of a medieval model. You can give all guests masks that hide their eyes, or warn them about this important element of the outfit. Candles, gilding, lush costumes for women with bare shoulders and a deep neckline will help create the atmosphere of a medieval holiday. Mediterranean cuisine should dominate the Venetian-style wedding table.

Venetian style wedding photo

Wedding in Latin style

A Latin wedding should be full of fiery Latin American songs. The hall needs to be decorated very brightly, with cacti and vases of fruit placed everywhere. This wedding is suitable for lovers of Brazilian carnivals. The bride can choose a dress with an open back and sequins. She should take into account that she will dance all night. Therefore, both the outfit and shoes should be comfortable. It is better to send a message to guests about the need to come to the holiday in colorful carnival costumes. Get ready to party until the morning!

Photos of a wedding in Latin style

Wedding in Belarusian style

For a wedding in the Belarusian style, newlyweds must wear national Belarusian costumes. A wreath of flowers is placed on the bride's head. A mandatory element is towels (embroidered towels). They decorate tables, benches, window sills, and walls. They are tied to witnesses. There is a tradition: young people should give 40 of these towels. Guests will surely love this idea. Instead of a birthday cake, there is a decorated loaf. The newlyweds are greeted with him from the wedding. Lovers of folklore will really like it. Lead round dances, sing suffering and other folk songs. Such a wedding will be remembered for a long time.

Photos of a wedding in Belarusian style

It doesn’t matter what style the wedding will take place, the main thing is to love and take care of each other. This is the basic law of a happy marriage in all countries!

6 September 2018, 19:25

Why do they shout “Bitter!” at weddings, place the newlyweds on a towel, or put a scarf on the bride’s head? And in general: what is the essence of a wedding celebration? Maybe it would be better to use the money saved on the wedding to buy something for the house or go traveling?.. Our ancestors did not have such doubts. Not performing a wedding ceremony meant depriving yourself of a truly magical opportunity to program your future family life for happiness, prosperity and peace in the home.

The Belarusian “vyaselle” (“wedding”) is one of the most ancient rites of the Belarusians. It has a deep sacred meaning, in which pagan and Christian traditions are intertwined. Participants in the wedding ceremony fill it with positive energy and emotions, and the rituals have magical meaning and serve as a guarantee of spiritual protection for the future family.

You can treat folk traditions in different ways: as superstitions, relics of the past or dusty museum “exhibits”, or you can consider them a source of living water of centuries-old wisdom, observations and knowledge of life patterns.

When to celebrate the wedding?

It is believed that it is impossible to arrange a wedding during Lent: Nativity, Great, Petrovsky or Assumption. And also on Tuesday, Thursday, on the eve of major church holidays, on leap years, in May and the year after the death of a relative. Favorable periods for a wedding are considered to be the time from the end of August to the Nativity Fast, except for the memorial week (the third week after the Intercession) and the Meat Eater, which lasts from the end of December to the Maslina week.

Wedding dresses. The bride's choice of dress was taken very carefully. The wedding dress had to cover the chest, shoulders, and legs. We bought it on Wednesday, and the shoes on Friday. It was forbidden to let other girls try on the veil or dress. Only virgins were allowed to wear a white dress. If the bride is pregnant, as well as on the second day of the wedding, after the first wedding night, a red dress was worn. Red in folk tradition is the color of protection from evil spirits.

Amulets were considered an important attribute of wedding dresses. Pins were pinned on clothes, icons were hidden, rowan leaves were put in shoes, and its fruits were put in a pocket. The bride was supposed to have salt blessed for Easter.

Veil. At the end of the wedding, the groom’s mother approached her daughter-in-law, took off her veil and tied a symbol of a woman’s share - a scarf and an apron. The veil was handed over to the best man (the witness), she put it on and made three turns around herself. This ritual symbolized the passing of the baton of life: it was believed that the witness would become the next bride. Then the veil ended up with other girls, and they repeated the ritual. Then the groom's mother took the veil and hung it in the house under the icons. The veil cannot be transferred, given or sold, because it has a powerful and reliable force that protects the married couple. It can be used to treat future children.

According to tradition, the groom should have a gold ring, and the bride a silver one. This means the union of the Moon and the Sun. The rings must be purchased locally and not have any designs on them; they cannot be worn on gloves. You cannot use found rings or melt down parent rings.

Feast. The newlyweds were greeted with a loaf of bread and mead. You just had to sip the mead and pour the rest over your shoulder so that all the bad things would be left behind. The bride and groom kissed the loaf and bowed. Then they closed the castle on the threshold - a symbol of lasting happiness. And it was forbidden to step on the threshold itself in order to avoid quarrels in the family. The young people walked along the homespun cloth, which was rolled up behind them so that no one would accidentally step on it and thus separate them.

The bride and groom approached the table clockwise (in the direction of the sun) and left in the opposite direction. They sat on the same bench or sofa so that neither table legs nor armrests separated them. To ensure wealth, during the feast the newlyweds sat on a sheepskin coat with the fur turned upside down, so that “the young people would be as rich as a shaggy sheepskin coat.”

Identical cutlery was specially prepared for the newlyweds: two red wine glasses, two plates with the same pattern, two identical spoons and forks. They tried not to put down the knives: the old people said “they will cut less,” i.e. quarrel among themselves.

One of the table rituals is the bride and groom eating fried eggs together with one spoon. In Belarusian folk tradition, an egg symbolizes fertility, and eating something with one spoon means loving.

Throughout the entire wedding, the newlyweds sat only together, holding hands, so that no one would pass between them; otherwise, the marriage could be short-lived. No wedding rituals or dances were supposed to separate the couple. In some regions of Belarus there was even such a tradition: immediately after the wedding, the godfather joined the hands of the newlyweds and tied them with a special towel.

At the end of the feast, another exclusively symbolic ritual took place. The groom's mother approached the newlyweds' table and laid a towel on it, on which the bride and groom stood during the wedding (or now registration at the registry office). Then she wiped the plates, spoons, and wine glasses they were using with a napkin, and, together with the wedding candles and a piece of loaf, put it on a towel and tied it with a talisman belt. This is another symbol of a happy family life; it was put in a closet or chest and never untied in its life.

"Bitterly!" The guests feasted heartily, sincerely wishing the newlyweds family happiness, mutual understanding and sweet kisses. And “Bitter!” they shouted to save them from human envy, the evil eye, to confuse the evil spirits.

By the way, drinking a lot at weddings was considered a bad sign. The fun did not lie in drinking alcohol, but in ritual songs, dances and games. There are certain rules associated with drinking at a wedding: the first glass was always raised to the oldest members of the family, the second to the parents, and only on the third did attention turn to the heroes of the occasion.

During the feast, the newlyweds were presented with a “cup of patience” - they had to drink it so that it would never overflow. And relatives, in turn, drank from the same glass, thus uniting families.

Wedding loaf. Ritual bread is a mandatory attribute of a Belarusian wedding, a symbol of family happiness, prosperity, and prosperity. The beginning of the wedding was considered to be baking a loaf, and the end was when the loaf was divided and presented to everyone present. The wedding loaf was necessarily baked by married women with the blessing of the newlyweds' parents. Baking was accompanied by ritual songs-spells, which were supposed to have a beneficial effect on the fate of the young couple. On a cloudy day, they began to knead the dough only when the sun came out, otherwise they could bring misfortune.

Present. The bride and groom were given ritual wedding dolls - “lovebirds”. These dolls have one hand for two and serve as a talisman for a future married couple.

The guests gave gifts to the young people as best they could, saying wishes: “I give sweets so that there will be many children”, “I give nickels so that they can buy themselves sons”, “grain under their heels so that life will be prosperous”, etc.

CONSPIRACY for a long happy life. They took two candles, left them in a warm place for a while so that the wax melted, then twisted them into one and set them on fire. At the same time, they repeated the words: “I don’t burn candles, but connect two hearts for bread and salt at the table, for a good life, for family happiness. Amen".

Folk wedding traditions return the wedding celebration to its original meaning. This is not just a beautiful accompaniment to the formalization of relationships, but a sacred rite that sets the mood for a long, happy family life.

Invest in your wedding not only money, but also your soul, and this significant event will turn into a bright family and family holiday that will remain in your heart forever.