Technology of transformation - “Building peace is thinking through love.” Grabovoi – LiveJournal. “Building peace is thinking through love.”G. Grabovoi — LiveJournal Grabovoi Grigory Petrovich where is now

April 17th, 2017 , 02:39 pm

Author's seminar “The Teaching of Grigory Grabovoi about God.
created by Grigory Petrovich Grabov on March 25, 2017

Teachings of Grigory Grabovoi about God

Transformation of the area of ​​Consciousness into spiritual development to ensure eternal life

March 25, 2017
Good afternoon. Before starting testing, I would like to inform you about a new management method, since within the framework of management based on current real events, it is always desirable to receive new information, precisely the information that ensures eternal life.
Therefore, now I will tell you about the method, the theme of which is my Teaching about God. Transformation of the area of ​​Consciousness into spiritual development to ensure eternal life.
In this topic of this method of control, it is important to consider how God the Creator of the whole world could transform one matter into another. And, based on this, use the logical principle of control, when to accelerate development it is easier to apply the transformation of matter than to develop some separate controlling faction.
Therefore, in this method you need to highlight the area of ​​Consciousness that is closest to your physical body. To do this, you simply need to set a control goal: the area of ​​Consciousness that is as close to the body as possible, and the light that arises in this case is isolated into a separate sphere. God, in his action, naturally determined the mechanism for transferring one structure of matter to another. And, for example, if you ask the question: what is the concept of understanding something for God, then you can answer this question as follows: since God created the whole world instantly, and everything was immediately clear to Him, then understanding for Him is a controlled faction matter. Well, just as it was now proposed to highlight the area of ​​Consciousness, God could set a goal for Himself: to highlight the area of ​​understanding - and then work with this area, structurally studying and applying it.
Thus, in this method, one needs to reach the area of ​​​​understanding created by God, which is highlighted in the form of a silvery-white color of some shape that is more close to an ellipsoidal shape. And then, through this area, consider the area of ​​Consciousness, precisely the area that was previously highlighted. And you need to pay attention that in this method there is consideration through the understanding of God, and not through one’s own understanding.
Geometrically, it looks like this: in front of you is a luminous area that belongs to the area of ​​understanding, and behind it is an area that belongs to the area of ​​Consciousness. Thus, the area of ​​understanding is even closer to your physical body. And indeed, a person periodically experiences such states when he almost completely understands his body - for him this is a natural path. But, in principle, it is natural for many living beings who have an enhanced fraction of spiritual development. And from here you can move on to everything living.
Now the task is to highlight the area of ​​spiritual development, and this can be distinguished by the same simple observation of the structure of spiritual matter, which, that is, observation, you used when observing the Consciousness faction. Now, through the highlighted sphere of understanding, one must try to understand how to transform the faction of Consciousness into spiritual development. Now you just need to highlight how to transform the Consciousness faction into spiritual development.
That is, this is a somewhat mechanistic way of control, however, in cases where rapid spiritual development in the right direction is required to ensure eternal life, this method can be very necessary, because time is not wasted on vague coordinates leading to the necessary spiritual development. In structures for ensuring eternal life, one often needs to be prepared for some future events, and the degree of preparation can be determined by the degree of spiritual growth and spiritual development.
Therefore, in this management it is enough to highlight some area of ​​future events. Mentally, as when solving a geometric problem, select the distance to a point closer to the current time from which you need to begin spiritual development, and which, that is, this spiritual development, will allow you to optimize the situation of the future to ensure eternal life.
Then there are three actions with forms of information: the selected fraction of Consciousness moves to this point, which must be transformed into spiritual development; then the selected form moves to the same point, closer to the ellipsoid which, spiritual development; and between the sphere of Consciousness and the ellipse of spiritual development, a luminous form of understanding of God is introduced. At the same time, with this action, you enter into a certain mental contact with God, with the goal of more optimally transferring this form of His understanding. Well, since God naturally understands how to do this, then... then such a transformation occurs, such a transformation of the sphere of Consciousness into spiritual development. And your task is simply to observe this from the outside, and learn to do it the same way God does. And by the way, I can say that this method is applicable, generally speaking, for almost all cases when you need to solve some kind of, for example, urgent situation.
Well, the ability to resolve current and future situations in a timely manner is one of the interim measures for eternal life for oneself and everyone, an interim measure for oneself and everyone. Therefore, what you do for yourself or for others is universal management. The laws for ensuring eternal life are universal for everyone. And if you do it, it is clear that you did it for yourself - for everyone, and vice versa: if for everyone, then for yourself.
And in the future, these methods can be used by everyone, regardless of when they learned them. Thus, a fairly strict system of provisional measures and laws for ensuring eternal life arises, which leads to the implementation of ensuring eternal life for everyone.
This is where I end the part of the webinar regarding methods. Thank you very much for your attention.

And I received some questions that I would like to answer. Regarding the dissemination of the Teaching in the world, well, I would like to say that the Teaching is more widespread in those countries where the Internet is more actively used, and a program for a more general dissemination of the Teaching is constantly being implemented, and a program for a more general dissemination of the Teaching is constantly being implemented.
The next question is why are so many people of different ages currently gripped by fear and panic? This is a complete question.
Answer from Grabovoi G.P. - I can say that in the human Soul there is knowledge that there is eternal life. If a person does not receive enough of this knowledge, then, of course, there may be some conditions that may be similar to fear. In a person, if he does not receive enough of this knowledge to ensure eternal life, then states of fear and panic, or states close to these, may arise. In fact, this is a fairly serious problem that has been considered by many scientific communities, since these conditions lead to some serious pathogenic changes in human bodies. And therefore, of course, this problem needs to be resolved.
And, as I said, when a person does not have time to acquire knowledge about eternal life, and eternal life is increasingly becoming a relevant action in modern civilization, since humanity was created for the realization of eternal life, and any global threats, they can due to man-made development increases, then a situation arises when the ideology of creating humanity comes into a certain conflict with the means of development.
And it turns out that with the progress of civilization, this conflict increases due to the possibility of global destruction, which can also intensify these, these panic states of people, when people feel at the level of the Soul their mission to realize eternal life throughout the world, and at the same time Various news reports about increasing means of global destruction create even more pressure on such people.
Thus, the category when a state of panic simply arises from the fact that in some global way... That is, the category of people in question, when panic states or fear arise simply from a possible global threat, well, that category of people who realizes that humanity is obliged to fulfill the mission of ensuring eternal life throughout the world, however, the manufacturability of means of global destruction can increase with the development of technology, then these two categories of people, in which, of course, they feel their ideological mission and try to fulfill it, then these two categories of people, where, first of all, I would like to highlight that category of people who feel the need to fulfill the mission of ensuring eternal life, especially at the level of logical awareness, at the level of understanding, they must, these two categories, unite in order to solve this problem. In fact, the first category, which does not yet consider this mission at the level, the logical level of Consciousness, actually understands this mission at the level of the Soul, as I said, and over time they too will come to the logical phase of Consciousness.
Therefore, in essence, in order for the ideology, which is under God, through overcoming the state of panic fears, through the realization of eternal life for everyone, to ensure, among other things, the normalization of all other structures at the social level. To do this, of course, first of all, I think it is necessary to implement knowledge about eternal life for everyone, which, of course, removes any panic states or fears, since the actual action of realizing eternal life is already an action that does not distract for panic or fear. And besides, in this action there is a mechanism for controlling events so that no panic or fears arise.
In my Teaching, almost any method, any lecture, any webinar is a system for managing any situation, any information, aimed at ensuring eternal life. Therefore, starting from number series and further, where there are methods that use understanding, based on an in-depth, in-depth study of the Teaching, it can always be applied for the necessary, complex or simple optimization of control. And I believe that the Teaching, as well as a means of normalization, in the case of some states of panic or fear, is a good tool. Well, thanks to the specific specialization to ensure eternal life, the arsenal of methods and methods of the Teaching or the principles of the Teaching includes everything that makes it possible to ensure eternal life.
The next question is how can we help people get out of this paralyzing energy of fear and panic?
Answer from Grabovoi G.P. - to which I have already, in principle, answered this question. That is, the arsenal of the Teaching is sufficient for this, in my opinion.
Next, what can we do together so that the integral Teaching of Grigory Grabovoi is not destroyed by negative information flows?
Answer from Grabovoi G.P. - well, I think, first of all, everyone should realize eternal universal life, using the Teaching. Within the framework of this direction, defend your rights and freedoms, receive the appropriate specialized education in this direction and defend the fundamental justice of the world, Divine justice, which consists in ensuring eternal life. It is logically clear that the highest form of justice is eternal life for all. Well, this is clear and not only logically. So it is precisely the set of methods, methods for protecting my Teaching, protecting from any information flows that do not correspond to reality, that is built to a greater extent precisely on ideology, manifested in the form of justice.
This concludes my answers to some questions. Any questions that come in can be sent to the email of the webinar organizers. All sources of questions will be considered, including chat, emails or other methods of transmitting information, yes, for example, on Skype or through other means of communication. And if a question is sent to email -address, then, accordingly, answers will be sent to the most pressing questions.
In general, a certain class and type of questions are now being systematized. And in the future it is planned to release in the form of a separate brochure what concerns the answers to these questions, with some explanations from the point of view of the ideology of the practice of ensuring eternal life.


The Path of the Second Coming of the Lord God Jesus Christ is the Path of every Christian.

...And on March 25, 2017, Grigory Petrovich Grabovoi gives us the technology of Transformation of Consciousness...

The derivative work “Technology of Transfiguration” was created on the basis of the author’s seminar by Grigory Petrovich Grabovoi “The Teaching of Grigory Grabovoi about God. Transformation of the area of ​​Consciousness into spiritual development to ensure eternal life"
Technology makes it possible rapid spiritual development in the right direction , the method is applicable for almost all cases when it is necessary to develop our Consciousness to understand how to solve the situation.

1. We look at our image and set ourselves the goal of seeing our consciousness as close as possible to the physical body.

A bright glow appears around the image.

Spiritual action We display this glow in the form of a sphere in front of us.

Let's turn to the Creator and see how He highlights his UNDERSTANDING and places it near our physical body, in the form. a silver-white ellipsoid in front of the area of ​​our selected consciousness.

2. Through UNDERSTANDING God, that is, through the silver-white ellipsoid, we look at the sphere of our consciousness.

3. We feel the action of our Spirit, developed to the perception of the UNDERSTANDING of God and highlight it in the form of a form: a horizontal ellipsoid, covering the ellipsoid of the UNDERSTANDING of God and the sphere of our consciousness.

4. On the time axis we highlight a positive event that occurred in the future.

And on the time axis we select a point close to the current time, from which. spiritual development will begin, which will definitely resolve the issue.

5. The selected faction of Consciousness moves to this point, which exactly should. transform into spiritual development.

4. Then the selected ellipsoidal shape of the spiritual moves to the same point. development.

5. Enter into a certain mental contact with God, with the goal of more
optimal transfer of the form of His UNDERSTANDING.

AND the luminous form of UNDERSTANDING GOD is introduced between the sphere of Consciousness and the ellipse of spiritual development.

6. As soon as it is introduced, a transformation occurs, the transformation of the sphere of our Consciousness into spiritual development.

We concentrate on this process for some time until we feel that spiritual control is being realized from our physical body.

At the same time, in the geometry of perception, the point on the time axis, designated as the point of beginning of the action of the Spirit, became the point of the current
time and we are implementing control in the current time.

7. And then in the geometry of control we see how the glow of the transformed Consciousness into Spiritual development develops the World into the future,
de positive event has already been realized.

8. When we bring control to the area of ​​implementation, we will see and feel the reverse impulse, which, like the will of God to solve a problem, we will carry through the physical body.

10:00, May 31, 2019 Where to start studying the works of Grigory Grabovoi? This question is asked by many who come into contact with the Teachings of Grigory Grabovoi for the first time. One of the basic works in the Teaching “On Salvation and Harmonious Development” is “Methods of Concentration”. These are exercises for every day of the month for the development of consciousness, for the development of life events in a favorable direction, for gaining full […]

Information levels of cognition

13:00, October 22, 2018 From October 30 to December 25, 2018, an online training course: “Information levels of cognition” is being held in the Distance Lecture Hall according to the standard training program in the Teachings of Grigory Grabovoi. The course was developed based on the recordings and original seminars of Grigory Petrovich Grabovoi, conducted in 1979-1996. The course consists of 9 live lessons. You will be able to communicate [...]

Open training in the Teachings of Grigory Grabovoi

09:00, June 04, 2018 At the beginning of the summer of 2018, a new educational course was announced at the Distance Lecture Hall on the standard training program for the Teachings of Grigory Grabovoi. The course program includes the study of the following materials from the Teachings of Grigory Grabovoi: - “Unified System of Knowledge” - “Individual Course of Lectures” - “Formula of Health” During the training course you will learn what stages […]

Announcement of the training course

Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Distance lecture on the standard training program The Teachings of Grigory Grabovoi presents to your attention a unique training course aimed at ensuring the norms of health and events in eternal life: - “Normalization of the composition of chemical elements by concentration on numbers.” The course was developed and based on the work of the same name by Grigory Petrovich Grabovoy “Normalization of the composition of chemical elements by concentration on numbers”, created […]

Testing of the PRK-1U device

10:00, April 24, 2017 On April 22, 2017 at 11:00 Central European time, an open video conference was held, in which Grigory Petrovich Grabovoy, the author of the Teaching “On Salvation and Harmonious Development,” took part. More than 800 people connected to the live video broadcast in real time. The videoconference was accompanied by translation into German. The full transcript of Grigory Petrovich Grabovoy’s speech can be […]

Start of a new educational course

16:28, February 21, 2017 On February 28, 2017, a new educational course will begin in the Distance Lecture on the teaching program of the Teachings of Grigory Grabovoi: “Harmonization of events at the modern pace of life using the technologies of the Teachings of Grigory Grabovoi.” How long has it been since you did what you love? Do you even remember what you like? How long have you enjoyed children’s stories or do you still demand [...]

Online course: “Technologies of eternal life”

15:45, January 19, 2017 The other day, during the next open web conference: “Achievement, implementation and practice of eternal life,” we announced a series of new online courses. The course “Technologies of Eternal Life” is already available on the online learning platform in the Distance Lecture Hall according to the standard training program for the Teachings of Grigory Grabovoi. The following topics are studied in the online course program “Technologies of Eternal Life”: “Ways of developing the soul, spirit […]

14:25, March 18, 2016 “Atlas is a collection of tables, figures, drawings, etc., used for scientific or educational purposes” Large explanatory dictionary of the Russian language “Digital Atlas of the creation of man and eternal life” is the work of Grigory Grabovoi, which sets out numerical series from his works, written with abbreviations corresponding to these works. In this book, the author of “The Teaching of […]

Business of the “apostles”

The mysterious stranger really turned out to be a “hornbeam picker.” Only the former. Igor Serkov, children's trainer. After working for several years in one of the still operating Moscow enterprises of Grabovoi’s pyramid, “Noosphere,” he was tormented by remorse. The story was like a spy thriller.

“I realized too late what I had gotten myself into,” he sighed. - Even when I had already been trained by Petrov and Arepyev (one of GG’s closest followers) and became their manager, I still believed in this nonsense. The three of us saw patients - most often with oncology. We regenerated (recreated) internal organs, teeth... The first doubts arose when I noticed that we tried not to accept poorly dressed patients. They explained to me: they will scrape together money for a one-time consultation, but then it’s unlikely. Unpromising. Then I couldn’t understand why we refuse admission to people who ask “uncomfortable” questions. It turns out that it is also unprofitable. While you are busy with him, there will be no time left for 5 easy clients...

The reception was tragicomic. This is how the “healers” themselves describe him (quote from their brochure “Cosmopsychobiology”): “Arepyev and Petrov sit and silently look at a child with autism.

What are you doing? - the father is worried.

We’re talking,” Arepyev smiles. - Telepathically. You have a brilliant child. He just lives in a different space. He is afraid to go out into the outside world.

Petrov (busily): - Maybe we should go for regeneration of the pituitary gland?

Arepyev: - Then you need to look carefully. We restored the black body back then...

Petrov: - What are we doing? This structure (draws) is disrupted by the fact that there is a reflector here.

Arepyev: - Every person has a reflector, just like, for example, in a cell there is a diaphragm. And he has the same film in his pituitary gland. We have to remove this tape. The hemispheres will be activated. It was possible to build the level of the soul and immediately influence the physical body. Where to influence?

Petrov: - Let's follow up. Information came from the soul, organized matter, he immediately developed a pathology of the umbilical birth cell, and damage began. In reverse order: we fold it up and return it to where it needs to be.”

The remnants of Serkov’s illusions evaporated when it became clear how much this nonsense was worth. One day Petrov and Arepyev had a trivial quarrel over the division of money.

The fight was for 1.5 million rubles a month, recalls the former “grabber”. - The revenue was large - 22-32 thousand rubles for seeing a client (the amount was determined by the patient’s appearance). I once looked at the documents - 10 percent went to Grabovoi’s company Geovoyager, another 10 percent went to some mysterious account. There are suspicions that they unfastened the “roof” (in the branch they often saw some types with “crusts”)... And then I realized that I had gotten myself into a banal pyramid. And I felt so ashamed! After all, these unfortunate people were deceived and with the help of me...

And then the “grab operator” began... to harm Grabovoy from the inside, in order to somehow justify himself to his conscience: he quietly tried to dissuade some of the patients, he simply did not make an appointment for others... When he was identified and fired, he tried speak at the congress of DRUGG (Grabovoi’s political party). They weren't allowed to go to the microphone. There were phone calls at home with advice to “shut up before it’s too late.”

“One thing is tormenting me now,” Serkov suddenly admitted. - There were cases when the internal organs of patients actually regenerated. And the cancer disappeared. But strangely, people only got worse. Once a woman, having gotten rid of cancer with the help of the Noosphere, died a few months later. Although all the tests were good.

Wait, who did the tests and pictures of the restored organs? - I asked.

Moscow clinics,” the former “hornbeam operator” shrugged. - Usually we sent patients to two addresses, but most often to a private hospital near the Alekseevskaya metro station... Wait...

He understood. “The same clinic and custom diagnoses! - he grabbed his head. - What a bastard!

Good story,” I nodded. - But irrelevant. Grabovoi's business was closed.

So the horror is that without Grabovoi his business progressed even better! - exclaimed the whistleblower Serkov. - There are even more “points” of these scammers... Petrov and Arepyev now have a separate business. The first takes 45 thousand per session, Arepyev - 27 thousand. Each has a freshly built three-story mansion... And Grabova is not needed by this magical all-Russian mafia at all. That's why they don't get him out of prison! Why do they need a competitor?
How much is the Grabovist brand worth?

According to law enforcement agencies, the isolation of the main “resurrectionist” has restructured the country’s “magic market.” Part of the pyramid (Grabovoy and his entourage), under the influence of revealing articles and television reports, practically lost their clientele. Of the 50 thousand “practicing the teachings” of the GG, no more than 5 thousand remain. The rest went to look for another guru and fell into the web of sucking spiders, Grabovoi’s colleagues.

According to operatives, the most “parishioners” of the “resurrector” received... his astral wife Raisa Kashubina, head of the Universal Institute of Innovative Technologies. Despite her extravagant appearance (she loves to show off on television in jester outfits and with bells on her head), the lady is quite reasonable.

“Kashubina is waiting for Grabovoi to finally get a sentence,” people who know her suggest. - She wants to take away from GG his entire empire (58 representative offices - from the Republic of Sakha to Kaliningrad). She has documents ready to register her party, which will unite not only patients, but also convinced sectarians. Probably this wealthy lady (who rents a building in the center of Moscow) needs the Grabovoi brand, which apparently costs a lot of money.

It is not for nothing that even before the arrest of the “resurrectionist,” an attempt was made on Kashubina (stabbing), in which she accused the entourage of her “astral husband” of organizing it.

They began to perceive me as a competitor who could take the Grabovoi brand away from them,” Kashubina said then.

The saddest thing about the case of the “resurrector” of the Beslanov children is that the investigators who concentrated on Lefortovo’s “prisoner” simply did not have the strength or time to close his business. The prosecutor's office opened a criminal case against the accomplices, but it has been frozen.

“If we imprison the leader, we’ll take on his network,” the operatives say and ask them not to rush.

But I would hurry. Despite the fact that Grabovoi is in prison, heartbreaking letters from victims of his students continue to be written to me. This was especially shocking.

April 17th, 2017 , 02:39 pm

Author's seminar “The Teaching of Grigory Grabovoi about God.
Transformation of the area of ​​Consciousness into spiritual development to ensure eternal life»
created by Grigory Petrovich Grabov on March 25, 2017



The Path of the Second Coming of the Lord God Jesus Christ is the Path of every Christian.

...And on March 25, 2017, Grigory Petrovich Grabovoi gives us the technology of Transformation of Consciousness...

The derivative work “Technology of Transfiguration” was created on the basis of the author’s seminar by Grigory Petrovich Grabovoi “The Teaching of Grigory Grabovoi about God. Transformation of the area of ​​Consciousness into spiritual development to ensure eternal life"
Technology makes it possible rapid spiritual development in the right direction , the method is applicable for almost all cases when it is necessary to develop our Consciousness to understand how to solve the situation.

1. We look at our image and set ourselves the goal of seeing our consciousness as close as possible to the physical body.

A bright glow appears around the image.

Spiritual action We display this glow in the form of a sphere in front of us.

Let's turn to the Creator and see how He highlights his UNDERSTANDING and places it near our physical body, in the form. a silver-white ellipsoid in front of the area of ​​our selected consciousness.

2. Through UNDERSTANDING God, that is, through the silver-white ellipsoid, we look at the sphere of our consciousness.

3. We feel the action of our Spirit, developed to the perception of the UNDERSTANDING of God and highlight it in the form of a form: a horizontal ellipsoid, covering the ellipsoid of the UNDERSTANDING of God and the sphere of our consciousness.

4. On the time axis we highlight a positive event that occurred in the future.

And on the time axis we select a point close to the current time, from which. spiritual development will begin, which will definitely resolve the issue.

5. The selected faction of Consciousness moves to this point, which exactly should. transform into spiritual development.

4. Then the selected ellipsoidal shape of the spiritual moves to the same point. development.

5. Enter into a certain mental contact with God, with the goal of more
optimal transfer of the form of His UNDERSTANDING.

AND the luminous form of UNDERSTANDING GOD is introduced between the sphere of Consciousness and the ellipse of spiritual development.

6. As soon as it is introduced, a transformation occurs, the transformation of the sphere of our Consciousness into spiritual development.

We concentrate on this process for some time until we feel that spiritual control is being realized from our physical body.

At the same time, in the geometry of perception, the point on the time axis, designated as the point of beginning of the action of the Spirit, became the point of the current
time and we are implementing control in the current time.

7. And then in the geometry of control we see how the glow of the transformed Consciousness into Spiritual development develops the World into the future,
de positive event has already been realized.

8. When we bring control to the area of ​​implementation, we will see and feel the reverse impulse, which, like the will of God to solve a problem, we will carry through the physical body.

April 16th, 2017 , 12:01 am

Author's seminar “Teachings of Grigory Grabovoi about God.Development of controlling clairvoyance
in an evolutionary way
created by Grigory Grabov on January 21, 2016.

The derivative work “Development of Controlling Clairvoyance” was created on the basis of the author’s work by Grigory Petrovich Grabovoi “The Teaching of Grigory Grabovoi about God. Development of controlling clairvoyance in an evolutionary way
to ensure eternal life"

« Controlling clairvoyance makes a selection of information and optimizes right on the go, right?.. in the process of development, and then samples - and so on.”

Here we are considering the process of a kind of revitalization of that part of the world that currently correlates with the concept of inanimate nature.

At the microelement level, there is an access channel for controlling and transmitting properties to objects in the external world that are similar to the properties of a person’s personality, such as controlling clairvoyance.

Molecule, atoms and other structures of the microworld are elements that belong to the microworld of humans, living nature and are also found in external objects, the so-called inanimate nature.

That is, at the level of microconnections, we transfer to their structure a level that is similar to human Consciousness.

It's quite simple here enter defined as if vibrational level where wave effects begin before the organization of atoms as such, and synchronize the levels found in your body with those levels found in the external environment.


It’s enough just to highlight in front of you at a distance of 3 - 2.8 meters sphere, which is the sphere transmission of the ORGANIZING LEVEL OF HUMAN on the light level, which exists before the organization of the atomic level, into the external evolutionary developing environment.

Sphere - this transmission channel of the organizing level of HUMAN into the external evolutionary-developing environment is very good because it is evolutionary can be even sometimes leap in world information.

That is, you simply consider it as the development of information from the sphere upward - like a sprout upward.

For elements that relate to elements inanimate nature, growth information development looks like a cylinder, going up from the sphere.

And you, knowing that the eternal development of eternal life has a cone shape, by an effort of Consciousness, by an effort of will, compress the upper part of the cylinder to obtain the shape of a cone.

And thus you introduce synchronization of your eternally living organism with the outside world, which comes to life in the structures of non-living nature; in the animal world, predators stop exterminating those animals that are not predators, and so on.

Here a mechanism arises when the structure of knowledge can be transferred at the level of material transformations - to increase the level of evolutionary development that will not lead to extermination, to destruction.

This is, firstly, a security system.

That is, it’s like a lively external environment - it can no longer traumatize to the same extent
man, as if it were in the case of inanimate nature.

For example, a pebble falling from a mountain, if it has the function of Consciousness related to living nature, it can change its trajectory and not hit a person.

There is a superharmonious development of external reality, which indicates that the evolution of the external world occurs according to the laws of living nature.

The point is that developed Consciousness in all systems of reality allows us to avoid an unnecessary level of natural selection.

That is, in this technology we extend the law of social human development to the outside world - then, accordingly, there is no need to implement the system of natural selection in the external environment.

We transfer this level to the external control environment, in which we can identify an area similar to the area of ​​human control clairvoyance.

Evolution, the evolutionary development of a person’s controlling clairvoyance lies precisely in adapting the structure of the external world according to the structure of the harmonious development of the entire world.

And then it turns out that in this case we really have a very harmonious system, because internal harmonization is already underway through the evolutionary principle of development of the whole world.

And not only wildlife, but also the whole world, which is gradually becoming alive, including.

April 8th, 2017 , 05:32 pm

ESPER CONTROLS LTD for the study of author's work

Policy Management Technology At this stage, you can perceive it this way. This is the lecture “Management of Political Systems”.
If very briefly, then... highlight the sphere of “the current state of the political world system”... does it exist?
We highlight the matrix of God as... what from God... what should politics do?
To ensure eternal life for every citizen of one’s own state, another, and everyone in general.
This is what politics should do...
What does a person who considers himself a politician do - so that he is concerned with the happiness of every person, so that he loves him like his own child.
This is the status of a true politician.
But this matrix is ​​from God.
How are these people who take on such a mission to deal with the issues of ensuring an eternal happy life for everyone?
Dedicating time, work to this... doing this is real.
Here is the matrix - what politics should provide... what it is for... to ensure eternal life for everyone.
We take this matrix, the Creator shows it what it is... we take this matrix and introduce it into the current state of the political world system.
And there is management within this world system, that is, we manage politics itself, there is restructuring... in this area you can see how the work is going, how the light of the Creator enters there.
But the fact is that politics, it doesn’t ask... it enters every person’s house.
It was created this way, it overtakes everyone.
And so now, through these well-established channels, we work, as it were, within the political system, we manage world politics itself in the direction of ensuring eternal life for everyone, but also there, through these channels through which it reaches every person, it transmits those the matrix knowledge of eternal life that we introduced into it.
So, you need to keep the whole situation under control.
Each person, on equal rights, participates in the management of world politics.
Who can do this control? Every!
Every person has equal rights before God to direct policies towards ensuring eternal life for everyone, to create a happy future for everyone.
Everyone participates in this on an equal basis.
This knowledge is now being passed on to every person.
Politics reaches everyone. She's such a "girl" - she doesn't ask.
And through these channels this awareness is revealed to everyone.
That I, in general, am a person, and what, in general, do I need from politics and in general.
This is the awareness of the eternity of life, that everything should be directed precisely towards life, that all financial flows in the world should be aimed at ensuring eternal life for everyone, that destruction programs cannot be financed.
And our finances should now be directed towards the creation of devices and technology that will ensure eternal life for everyone.
There you can enter numerical series, for example, a numerical series on the situation in Ukraine, well, I enter into this matrix so that world politics... and I ask that ending the war throughout the world, for ending the war in Ukraine 891648 and the second row 71847181906918.
That is, Grigory Petrovich described what needs to be done, how to do it in these number series. How to normalize this whole situation?
We need to enter number series at the desired point.
We introduced the matrix into politics and now we are introducing a number series as an action, we are introducing it as an action, so that the management of politics and the transfer of knowledge to all people and, naturally, we look: here is the earth, here is mine a little lower, and we look at how we change the very sphere of the political system, how connections go to each person and we ask ourselves and try to perceive what changes occur in each person’s consciousness, in the Soul.
It doesn’t matter whether he’s a politician or a person, he’s a housewife, lives in the village and doesn’t read newspapers - it doesn’t matter.
The goal of eternal life is for everyone and this is how politics, as such, reaches everyone, regardless of whether a person watches TV or not.
And in his social life, well, it’s clear, right? pensions there, something else, in general, in any case.
And we are now doing this level of management.
Politics should cover all spheres of life, interstate relations, we say: medicine, education - these are all new technologies... ensuring life. The task is the life and happy life of every person.
Here, when you work, look at this: the transfer of knowledge about resurrection, and the creation of social conditions for receiving resurrected people, educating people that this is natural, normal.
In our country, on the contrary, the media seems to be pushing something else. And now we are doing management, we are changing this whole situation, that is, education is given to the collective consciousness.
Specific personalities can arise, specific politicians, right? here in this area.
We ask that people take only out of freedom of choice. Well, how is it? Like the transfer of knowledge, only through freedom of choice.
We definitely take this into account and look - the situation is moving forward, in the development of world politics in the direction of ensuring eternal life for everyone.
You can also enter a number series - the solution to all legal issues is in our favor: 48198.
That's it... my control has entered the light area - this is, as it were, where we need to bring it now.
Work there now. Did you get it? That’s where the earth, as it were, look at how it is with you.
Such Light of the Creator is coming. Here the image of the Creator appears, he looks at our management. The cold is starting to come out, can you feel it? So? There is such heat in the Soul, and the same cold comes out of the body
We understand... politics reaches every person and the changes who take happen to everyone who is ready.
Those who are not ready, this information remains in front of them. As soon as you're ready, please.
And we look at how our control has developed, we look ahead at what light area has opened.
That's how easy it has become and how bright it is ahead.
Well, how do you look at the future? Is there such a perception? Here, this light, it turns out that it comes to us, and we strive for it, as if work is going on with us... this light is coming to us.
Let it pass into yourself, as it were, through your body. And we all entered through resurrection, through such understanding.
There you can, they introduced a matrix, there you can also scroll through this sphere with numerical series of psychological norms as a level of knowledge at high speed in front of politicians, as it were, train them, transfer knowledge, right? Also watch their reaction, how they take it, what’s happening, right?
If they take it out of freedom of choice, only with Love and freely. It's like resurrecting them. Because they don’t live, as if in some kind of fog. This is not life in such an undeveloped state of consciousness...
Well, we said this, that’s all...this area went back to work, again we entered into management.
It’s as if this level has been activated. Fine.
And strong management began. That’s when we started using number series, did you notice?
How the management has gone and again, even more, as it were, strengthened.
Essentially, how do we resurrect? How we help those who can... and quickly and quickly scroll through... and this is passed on to every person in general.
Why is it convenient to work with world politics like this, also in this, as it were, technology? Politics reaches everyone - through these channels and is transmitted to everyone.
This is the work that we do in one, as it were, local place.
It always happens like this, well, here, exactly, even through such channels it somehow very clearly happens.
Well, let's work, it somehow went...
And let world politics work for the resurrection of people.
This is her task too - to resurrect people, transfer knowledge, organize all events that contribute to the resurrection, right?
To create such a space in the collective consciousness is psycho-emotional, when people are ready to meet the resurrected, the joy of meeting, right?
When church and state are united according to the laws of Love, when countries are united to remove any weapons from the earth, right? into orbit... and the orientation is such that it will never be directed towards the earth, but only as external protection from outer space.
That is, we have a task, it is more intellectual than that of the side of destruction... on the side of destruction it is very stupid - to destroy everything.
And our task is to save. We cannot destroy anyone or anything at all. Our task is to educate, pass on knowledge, create happy events for people, show them that this is happiness here.
You are free, you can choose to come here.
Our intellectual task is to find ways and methods to convey knowledge to people... how to convey it, how to teach it, that is, how to save it, right?
Well, certain people stand out for whom, as it were, such contact with the Creator is restored, this connection, right? The pillar is so light.
When this inner harmony, when it just becomes somehow clear to a person, somehow calm, somehow understandable... this is where it comes from? From God...this is the restoration of this connection.
That he is no longer interested in doing business there, that there are drugs or something else... well, that is aimed at destruction.
And this is how events develop... yeah, this is where it’s interesting, but here’s the instrumentation of eternal life... wow... right there is rejuvenation, right there is a solution to events... that’s where you need to invest money, right?
This is more interesting to do and more profitable, more profitable.
This is a more profitable business. Here we are showing this.
And we show people to get off the oil needle, that energy does not come from the earth’s resources.
Energy is taken from the harmonious area of ​​interaction between a person’s consciousness and some element of the world or another person.
That is, all infinite source of energy has been discovered, right? Grigory Petrovich Grabov in his doctoral dissertation “Applied structures of the creating field of information.”
And you don’t need to gut the soil for this, right? On the contrary, our task is to restore those resources... there are deposits of coal, oil... how it should be... to restore everything in general...
Logic, it’s like this.
And so we work. Let's quickly sort through the numerical series of psychological norming... I work directly in the sphere of world politics.
So that such an understanding, a true awareness, so that people still get it... And how is this?... the number series of psychological normalization.
There are all the rows there - both resistance and the patient’s resistance to treatment... there are a lot of interesting things there.
Well, this is how the restoration of the creative consciousness of people, the resurrection of their life... because it, as it were, is not life... it’s not clear what... but life is like a little differently... eternal life... the resurrection of those living to eternal life, awakening... maybe so... transformation...
This is how it can work.
Each family, as it were, has its own politics - internal to the family and with external reality.
Here we can single out the political system of the T.A. family as a single one and put the norm there.
What kind of policy should there be inside and outside the family? Providing eternal life to all.
And now we can work out these connections, relationships, we can also use numerical series of psychological normalization, this technology... and we do it right away... And put it, highlight... it opens in parallel... or you just understand that it’s possible like this.
Family system. Here is my family, these are the relationships inside, and outside... this can also be viewed as politics.
A matrix of norms is introduced there that any relationships within and outside the family must ensure eternal life for everyone, both family members and all others at the same time.
That is, to build such relationships.
And there is a number series for the family... in technologies of eternal development it is always necessary to harmoniously balance at the level of family decisions, so for this there is a certain number series, which, first of all, creates conditions of harmony for all family members, including the reactions of friends... the series is as follows : 814 418 719...this is “Numbers for a successful business”, from this book.
Or is there such a row 285555901
We are concentrating on this general level, so we are strengthening management in world politics, we are bringing our management closer to the general management... well, as it were, frequent... as part of the overall system
There you can also enter a number series - cleansing the collective consciousness of lies and slander in relation to Grigory Petrovich Grabovoi - 1839509874
- bringing information about the eternity of life to the population... to everyone, to everyone 87593871191
- dissemination of the Teaching across all objects of reality 8819795919
And we work with world politics so that it conveys this level to everyone.
In fact, in our country the resurrection of politics occurs before the matrix, before the norm.
They should modify it like this, right?
To make such control inside it, and outside we see these connections, these rays go to a person - this information about the eternity of life.
She reaches every resurrection, right? And we work in the political system itself.
There, as usual, we look at how much transformation the matrix produces.
The Matrix is ​​like a crystal of Light, right? So indestructible, eternal... they introduced it - that's it... and he works there forever.
And it completely works. And we look at what is happening in the current time... how the macro mind appears... above all politicians, on
world political system. It must all work to ensure eternal life for everyone.
That's how you keep your concentration... Information is allocated, well, as it were, resistance... well, this is good... in management, if the Creator has allocated, he will allocate to us only what we can do... and we immediately do... what needs to be done now, right?
Well, that’s how I do it….I begin to highlight the matrix very strongly in order to transform this one, what is floating there in the sphere of world politics, what is at this stage - what is needed, where to transfer knowledge...
And so we, as it were, move forward and look at reality. These are the changes that come from this.
It’s like an event line for me, right? And I watch how changes occur in people’s consciousness, how people approach the eternity of life, to awareness, to understanding the path of their divine development.
Well, as it were, you change the perspective of your perception a little, so my control rises a little higher, and I look at the life line of events of all people.
What difference does it make - you can consider an individual, you can consider everyone.
And there are so many people there, how they approached this and that’s it... with their light, the light front begins to produce a transformation of these... well, there is some kind of darkness, something brownish, something like this misunderstanding... a transformation begins to happen... and people come out
And in the future we will look at how the global political system works in this direction - ensuring eternal life for everyone.
That's it... she has a very narrow specialization.
Well, it opens in an infinite number of directions, but the main thing it does is ensure eternal life for everyone and universal resurrection, universal joy...
And it’s like such a macro mind, this is such a smart policy
Well, everyone... carried out the controls. Is there such a feeling?
Marina : I have such a crowd of people that they still haven't passed
Consultant : Well, it exists like this... it has become enlightened ahead, here it is already there... well, let’s capture these people, by freedom of choice, with great Love... so let’s calmly begin to move this layer into the reality that we have created, right?
All? Did they take you out? We have such a large sphere in front of us that our management has created... now let's look at it... I think where is it?... and down to realization... the light went from it... you feel the light coming down right in front of the body... straight, straight... do you feel it? That's straight down. And reality is below your feet, right? And just like in physical reality, our control enters. We feel... and have seen the growth of reality. There, you know, how the surface of reality just... just... moved somewhere, developed...
That's the feeling. It’s so stable underfoot. Is there such a thing?
Well, that's it, we've done the management... I think that's enough for today. This is the method we have mastered and worked on. It can also be used in the treatment of a person, all technologies... when you select and quickly begin to scroll through the numerical series of psychological normalization, all that are needed. And watch...and the transfer of knowledge to man will come - this is healing, restoration, resurrection, salvation……………………………………

On the website:

April 8th, 2017 , 05:29 pm


Derivative work “Resurrection of People. Management Practice" was created during an optional webinar by the licensee company of Grigory Petrovich Grabovoi ESPER CONTROLS LTD for the study of author's work “NUMBER SERIES OF PSYCHOLOGICAL NORMATION” March 5, 2017

Some dark information stood out in front of my image, I didn’t even consider what it was. As I understand it, this worries him... just like we don’t really want to take on something, push something somewhere and not touch it, but if you can’t, you have to pull it out.
And it’s like that for them too.
There is information that worries them, but it may not be very clear how to approach it and what to do with it.
In this technology I am intensifying the work - the glow, the enumeration, the speed of these number series of psychological normalization.
And they contain all the knowledge, this is how I ask, this is how I understand and tune into the light of the Creator and, as it were, help him, remove this information...
Moreover, he is close to me, I know his character, what he coped with, what he didn’t cope with very well... and I kind of understand how it should be...
I once had a dream, probably two years ago... he was so ashamed, because there, you know, how the realization comes of what seemed normal and natural, how you live... but then the realization came... and there he was, I just saw him state, he didn’t have any way... and I have such love for him... I tell him - this is nonsense, it’s being worked out, it’s only information... that’s the attitude... we can’t apply these emotions to resurrection... for resurrection other emotions are needed... that, on the contrary, it’s a joy that there is an opportunity to restore all this... and that it would be easier for them, because they too, how can I explain it to you - they worry, they suffer... these are some such moments... everything is the same, it’s just like not manifested.
Well, the true reality is all forever living people... this is the true reality
Consultant : Diana, how is your friend?
Diana : everything goes easy for her
Consultant : Share what you have in your optics, what it does
Diana : Looks at me
Consultant : Takes knowledge... What happened to her? How was the care?
Diana : She hanged herself
Consultant : Not a very smart decision. Now we need to work through all this. These are just the ranks of psychological normalization.
All…. The information of this departure, all of this needs to be passed through, all of this needs to be disbanded... the fact that in consciousness, for example, some moments have been recorded... maybe a funeral, or the perception of matter that is no longer spiritual, for example... all this needs to be cleaned, removed from consciousness and perceive a person as living, healthy, young, beautiful.
As soon as you start to engage in resurrection, that’s all... this is a living person... you talk to him, you perceive only normally, only a living person... no... everything that in your consciousness we select a block of filled information in relation to, for example, this person.
There we have many cells of our memory and we begin to clean it with the number series 49181.
This is how you go through, you clear out all the cells and all the information related to leaving... or whatever... you need to restore relationships... there, if it’s like with dad... there was a lot of things, we lived together for 38 years... there was a lot of things there, miscellaneous... all this needs to be restored - in the relationship between us, between him and other people... we do all this.
We cleaned the block of filled information and we ask the Creator, he allocates a block of information that ensures Eternal Life, we connect it with the block that has already been cleaned...
It’s already starting to lead him, as it were, to me... you’re leading him already resurrected... you’re leading him where?... we’re always leading him into the realm of realization.
There through Eternal Life, through universal Eternal Life.
We lead him to the area of ​​implementation, just training there, well, everything is as usual... along the way, before the resurrection of knowledge, you take everything there, think, remember... and some thoughts come, we immediately normalize all this, restore it.
Feel his joy.
How a person strives, how he wants, how he misses.
Shows him... now he shows me greenery, nature, trees.
How he misses this, he really wants it.
Sometimes they take with them someone they love very much... and you need to work with this person, take him out for resurrection.
You see, the Creator gave everything to people... and gave salvation, and eternal life, and technologies for the eternity of life, and technologies for resurrection, and to feel the love of the Creator, as the Creator loves it.
But this is the work that you have to do.
He gave us everything, and we must do everything, know it, understand it.
The most important thing is that this opportunity exists, it is given to people.
And what we are doing, you can pay attention - this is our work, so I lowered it a little, there I reveal that this is the field of universal resurrection as the transfer of knowledge goes to everyone, and that this technology of resurrection is the technology of ending wars in planet - there is no point in producing weapons if people there, in any case, are resurrected.
It is impossible to destroy them, because people are resurrected!
It’s like the power characteristic of resurrection… so I pass it on to them….
That resurrection is a power characteristic of counteracting the forces of destruction... well, logic, right?...
It’s just all this - resurrection, this is very important for changing everything in the world, because the fact of resurrection is something that people need in a completely different way... you need to understand how to build it all, how to live..
And, as it were, for a person to realize with his Soul, so that he feels it and he wants to participate, exactly... you know how... in the level of ensuring eternal life for everyone, in the level of macro-salvation... this is his personal specialization.
In general, consider... that's why, for example, leaving... Did the eternal soul create this event? ...So that you now save the world...Going out for resurrection is the salvation of the world, right? you did this work.
This is your task, it turns out.
So we look... how they begin to understand more consciously, more decisively to go to this work of self-recreation of the body, of creating the body with the Soul.
The soul creates the body - it simultaneously creates the entire infinite external reality, do you understand how?
Because in order to create at least one molecule in the world, you need to create this world - this is how the Soul works.
When the Soul creates a body, it creates everything at once, all of reality.
She has this knowledge... and we watch how the light of the Creator goes through the image... just like during restoration, when treating a person... we look through the image... how work is done with the image... the same way during resurrection... I see... a very powerful light of the Creator is now passing through our resurrected ones... a powerful pillar...
Do you see? Do you feel it?... so we lead them, this is something so universal,... it’s getting hot.
This is the work of the Soul.
When we work with the Soul, knowledge is transferred. Work with the Soul is always the transfer of knowledge to everyone, all people and all elements of the world.
And, imagine, when we lead the resurrected one, and around him... well, we lead, as it were, in some area, in a sphere - this is the sphere of information of all the events of the world.
This applies to everyone, resurrection concerns everyone and global changes occur during resurrection, right? This is some kind of glow, right? In what light do we see all this?
Let’s not forget the technology we are working with now, that quick search, in this case, is visual, since we may not really remember or how much we remember visually... searching through numerical series of psychological norming.
Because we already understand how to restore everything, right? - Restore the state, psycho-emotional state.
This is where people’s thoughts, actions, everything come from... how to restore this core, this inner harmony of perception of the world, of God.
When you bring it to the area of ​​​​glow, do you have such a feeling?... introduce the maximum glow into this area.
There may be such a Light there that, as it were, nothing can be seen. Now imagine, hold it in this Light.
Now we take a piece of paper, as it were, in a mental box... and say that this is a map of the world or a map of the city where you want the resurrection to take place.
Let's just say... where he wants the resurrection to happen.
And we put this light pole right on... well, it’s just like a piece of paper in a box, but it’s a map.
They put up this light pole... and in front of you on this piece of paper will open that city or that area where a person wants to be resurrected... where he, in general, wants.. and that’s all... there you can follow the piece of paper... well, I just quickly came up with some the area... and I look at what it is like... and in this area you already see a person... so it somehow happens.
This is such a gain and you watch how he walks along the ground, how he interacts in physical reality, that is, how such a force is... once... they made such a way out... he showed
Well, this needs to be practiced.
Now he showed me one area... let's see... I can't even understand where it is... I just see nature... like this... earth, path... and he walks along the path...
Well, this still needs to be thought and understood. If we are in a specific city, in a specific area, we feel that he wants to come here and we, as it were, understand, then this pillar is found on this map, well, like on a piece of paper, like on a map... and here is a specific place where... and here he is here when it comes out into the world... it is such a beneficial action for the healing of all people in the city, for the restoration of all events, the region reaches another level there. This is an action of general macro-salvation.
Grigory Petrovich talks about this in video course 84
Consultant : Marina was taken out? Where did you get it?
Marina : and where he was born. I know this place well
Consultant : Well, yes, he loves... there... that’s good, because it’s not necessary that they come to us. Do you understand? A meeting may happen and we must record it... but they are free, they are where...
You and I create reality... we step on the ground - the Creator creates the ground under our feet.
Our soul creates reality every moment, every moment. All reality, all events, everything...
Consultant : how are you, Diana
Diana :I also have it in my city
Consultant : ok... do you know how? People will simply see them... they will simply be seen, you will receive information that I saw something very similar or saw exactly him, for example... The lecture still needs to be studied, but this is how I roughly described this technology.
But there is such an expansion, there the cone is also shrinking, which is like preparing the entire space, people’s perception that a person is, in fact, alive. Actually it's natural, actually it's so
Consultant : How about Galya?
G.: well, I have several people, but also, not here, but in different places
Consultant : where they chose. And through these places what a strong light of the Creator is now coming, look...
Where they came into reality, in our perception, and for our consciousness what is real is what is in our consciousness, do you understand?
Do you feel the light of the Creator coming now?
Right through this place... and through the physical body... let's hold... the resurrected one can see how they walk in this light, how they look at the world, how they create events for themselves, right?
They immediately have a happy endless eternal life, Love. As they want. Everything is very free here... Now they can say something, try to hear...
Consultant : Marina, did you get it?
Marina : He asks a lot of questions, I don’t understand any of them. But I realized that he wants me to live with him. So that it’s not him who comes to me, but I who comes there to him
Consultant : that’s it, that’s good... you talk to him... you can invite him to your place. See how it goes... look, he, of course, wants to go where it is clear and where it is pleasant.
He may not be very familiar with the Czech Republic. And then we need to develop, and creative development, and work, and there are many, many issues that will need to be resolved... we, he, in general, government services should deal with this - housing the resurrected, providing jobs... our executive committees in Russia - they must fulfill this - the tasks of a happy eternal life for every person.
What is the purpose of politics? Providing eternal life to every citizen, resurrecting every citizen, providing him with housing, clothing, warmth... everything that is needed.
These are the problems we need to solve.
Therefore, we work for macro-salvation and we introduce into our management... how we create space... we still need to change this.
The political system - to give it an education, a social system, a health system, an education system... that's all, here we are bringing this, as it were, in such a general context, but perhaps in more detail as we understand it.

April 8th, 2017 , 05:24 pm


Derivative work “Resurrection of People. Management Practice" was created during an optional webinar by the licensee company of Grigory Petrovich Grabovoi
ESPER CONTROLS LTD for the study of author's work

It says here that resurrection technologies are brought to mandatory implementation through a quick combination and sorting through in memory or visual perception of numerical series corresponding to various terms and concepts.

AND The main thing in this action is to keep the main goal in mind and, if possible, not be distracted from it when quickly combining number series.
Over time, you can reach a level of perfection where concentrating on a goal in your memory turns it into reality.
That is, you and I, when we studied the book “Number Series of Psychological Norming,” became familiar with the terms and worked them out, and they are already in our perception.

And in general, there are two volumes of the book containing all the psychological terms and the corresponding number series to ensure eternal life, all the terms and all the number sequences, right?
Now take in all the terms, from the letter A to the letter Z.

Even if, for example, we try to perceive spiritually, even if we have not read everything yet, then some will be obvious, some will not be obvious.
We tune in to the image of the person to whom we want to convey knowledge about resurrection, whom we want to resurrect , Yes?…
And we start mentally very quickly... this is how it works for me... so I put an image of a person and I just start so quickly... and now I know that there are these number series to me - like light.
Light waves... there are number series there and the terms in these waves can be seen, if you look closely.
But it can be simple: here I have waves, like flashes of light, and I start in front of the person, his perception... well, here’s who it looks like... my dad... look who looks like you, right?
Here I have his image in the light of the Soul, in such blue light.
I in front of him I begin to quickly and quickly go through the number series of psychological norming.
Different, different, corresponding to different concepts and I start this speed, I start to increase... let's work...

Is it clear what needs to be done? ...and let's start working... and we manage to track a person’s perception - how he perceives this information.
The main thing is that we do not lose the goal - the obligatory resurrection of man .
Let's focus on the goal.
And so asked, in this light, a quick, quick search, do it as quickly as possible, search through all the number series of psychological normalization...
And I kind of ask that they go in this order, the way his Soul needs it, so that it considers the information, takes all the information it needs, right?
And for a person to go out for resurrection... that is, I, as it were, I set such a rhythm in my mind.
This is how I understand this technology at this stage.
And I look at the image of a man, and there is a glow in front of him.
And in this glow, number series flash quickly, quickly, and I seem to tune in that a person has time to perceive them at the level of the Soul, where the speeds are very high, right? He manages to take all the information he needs for resurrection
And that’s it, we do this work. AND look, All in all, how a person interacts with this information.
Three people always participate in resurrection, in resurrection technologies - the one who resurrects, the resurrected (very actively involved in this) and the Creator.
Always three.
That is, during resurrection we must see the actions of our Soul, the Soul of the person being resurrected, and the actions of the Creator in resurrecting a person.
And in this technology we realize the entrance to this perception through a quick combination and sorting through memory or visual perception.
Well, I’m not so much in memory as in visual perception. So I know that they exist, right?
In the visual perception of number series corresponding to various terms and concepts.
Pay attention to how a person interacts with this information - this is the information of Eternity, these are the numerical series of psychological normalization.
They realize eternal life in any case.
We know that behind each number there is an infinite amount of knowledge, that is, in fact, there is a transfer of knowledge about eternal life, about resurrection... and we look at how a person’s learning occurs.
And we do this with joy, we have the opportunity - the resurrection of a person.
Well, the technology is like this - a quick search in memory or visual perception of numerical series of psychological norming.
We set the speed that is necessary for resurrection, right?
We set the number series in the sequence, such terms that are necessary.
Because each row is knowledge, knowledge, knowledge.
Behind each number there is a very large amount of knowledge, which is expressed in symbolic form, in the form of a number.
Resurrection for a person is a very big job.
To be resurrected, he needs to work.
He needs to understand, know how to restore all events, how to restore his psycho-emotional state, how to restore everything in general and how to create matter.
And he now receives this knowledge through this technology.
Consultant : Diana, how is your friend behaving, how does she take it?
Diana : she smiles
Consultant : Well, very good, he’s happy.
At the level of the Soul, as it were, conduct a dialogue with a person... reveal the line, as always - past-future.
It turns out that we work, people work... and all this together with the Creator.
Let's see how a person's past events are restored.
We don't let go of this perception of a quick, quick bust.
It’s like a sphere has already appeared in front of my dad, silvery-white, there are these number series.
So I took all the number series of psychological normalization in the sphere and, as it were, appear in front of him on the surface of the sphere, the series that he needs quickly flash by... we set such a movement.
And it turns out that a person receives knowledge, an understanding of how to restore events, how to restore their fortunes, how to restore everything in the world, how this state of life is a state of ensuring eternal life for everyone.
And what a joy it is that this was initially inherent in him from the Creator - in general, this is how it is needed. This is how it was created. The level of absolute is created this way.
And so he begins to restore all this at this level.
And people need our help, right? that is, how do we help?
We teach them, pass on knowledge to them in our Soul, this knowledge is there and we, based on the knowledge that we have, look at their event line, restore everything on their event line, that is, we perform, as it were, an action of macro-salvation.
When practicing this work of resurrection, you will have dreams where you need to understand the events that a person is talking about, which you need to help him restore, in which you need to help him restore his states, make macro-salvation in this event... or some thoughts will come , or the person himself will make contact in some way.
So what is this all for? This means that he will show or he is there... these are different associations... maybe the clothes there are somehow incomprehensible, maybe some kind of condition... or vice versa... it’s just about helping the person.
Using your personal associations, you need to find...why you dreamed about him like that...or why I thought like that...
This means that he needs help with something, he needs to restore something in the world where he cannot cope on his own.
He will come to you with this request for this joint action of resurrection - the restoration of everything in the world.
The light of the Creator now passes completely through both those being resurrected and through us... do you feel it? Such a strong light passes through.
And we look at the image of the resurrected, as the resurrected light of the Creator perceives...
And the physical body... what is it supported by?
Here the light of the Creator enters the top of the head and such a cone is organized, and this cone of light, such a light matrix is ​​what the human physical body rests on... and up this cone the second cone grows - these are the events of endless eternal life...
Some may show you pictures in management, some memories, some of his happiness, some supporting positions, or vice versa….
I now perceive a state of happiness, pictures of nature... this is what a person loves, what he strives for, what he remembers in this life... right here...
Well, apparently, I see, I have in my memory how he sees it, how he remembers it, what he loves, what his Soul is, as it were, open to...
Sometimes there are such states that a person, well, is ashamed of his thoughts or his actions. He is very worried about this... and we must help him with this... we have the technology to restore his condition, restore his thinking... how we do this by transferring knowledge, right?
At this time, at this event, restoring all this, at the current time we are working with him, helping him….
Here, of course, resurrection is such a level of Love, when no matter what is revealed, no matter what picture is revealed... but here you love in any case, right?
Here you can neither blame nor discuss, you can’t do anything like that here... here you only help, you only help how to restore everything... and that’s all.
Because you see its true nature... how it was created by the Creator, how cool... as the work of God, the crown of God's creation, the manifestation of God.
You help him go through those events where it’s hard for him, it’s not very clear, there was no education, when to stay in Love, a person could fall into anger, frustration or something else... and here’s training... and through the number series of psychological normalization .
It’s even better when we know them, well, at least, at the level of the Soul.
They are already going on, which I haven’t even read... I ask...
But when you still have an understanding, of course, of what we are working with, how we are working, that is, read this book, of course, this is very important...
Increasing management
Consultant : Galya, how is your management going, please share
G. :light is coming
Consultant : ok, the Light is coming... Knowledge is Light, Light is a carrier of information.
The control is very strong, we always feel it on our physical body.
Technology to engage in resurrection is always very favorable for a person.
There is a moment here that will quickly come out of what we personally need to work out within ourselves, so that we can engage in resurrection.
This will come out in the form of some kind of emotional states... something else, an understanding of where to hold on, what to hold on to, how to go, what position in life to maintain.
And, having this experience, we pass it on to the person being resurrected, you understand, right?... so we increase the speed, here we go through these number series in front of a person...
Pay attention to his state, to the state of his thinking...
This can be seen in emotions, what kind of facial expression, you can see in optics what is happening there, well, in the level of his thinking... how quickly the information begins... there is such a movement in thinking, I see when knowledge moves quickly, what speed of thinking occurs in a person.
For example, I’m working with my dad, so I watch how he quickly begins to accumulate some knowledge in his thinking, he somehow creates a general picture of what and how to do.
Because this task... it was originally before man... this is the task given by the Creator, when creating man in eternal life, and was never taken back by the Creator; in any case, every person must always realize it. Eternal Life is everything!
And this task is for every person. And so, when we deal with resurrection technologies, we, as it were, help a person, transfer knowledge and how to solve this problem...
So, have our resurrected ones entered intensive work?
Consultant : Marina, how is daddy gone?
Marina : probably yes, he listens with such curiosity, looks... very surprised
Consultant: this is such an impulse of resurrection for him, such joy, such love... this is such reality and that’s all.
And there, too, it’s the same as ours... people, I mean, living, not dying, can be in such a state of consciousness... as if they live, as if mechanically, as if in a dream, neither about God, nor about love, nor about anything... and among the resurrected too... those who are resurrected also depend on the level of their development of consciousness.
Either this knowledge was there, or the person was developed, ready, or how ready... here the amount of work during resurrection largely depends on this, right?
That is, in essence, learning occurs.
And that’s when a person is ready, and how it is... how to do it during treatment, during resurrection... how to give it.
This is a person, he has his own character, his own understanding... this is also intellectual work, understanding... how, what is wrong with him.

This technology will be continued in the next article.

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April 7th, 2017 , 06:14 pm

"Technology blocking neurocomputer systems and outputting viral information” from the author’s work by Grigory Petrovich Grabovoi “The Doctrine of God. Memory development technologies for eternal life.” Author's seminar “Teaching about God. Technologies for the development of memory for eternal life” was created by Grigory Grabov on November 9, 2015.

There is an area in memory where events have already been remembered.


You display a block of information where events are already memorized in front of you in management.

The memory structure derived in this way is in the information in front of you, it is quickly filled with certain patterns, information systems.

It is structured because before you remember, you always first structure the information at the level of logic - distribute it into classes: what some event or information relates to.

In front of you is a certain panel where already classified information.

And information coming from the future - a kind of wind of eternity - immediately falls into the cells of an already structured memory area.

Memory, as a special control value, must also include a kind of filter for receiving information, which provides the whole world with eternal life.

You just need add such filter to block information on known, structured events,

and define it in words: that " through this area of ​​information events are perceived that ensure eternal life for the whole world ».

As soon as this part of the filter is docked with what is already known, feelings of relaxation and freedom of access appear at the level of consciousness, since consciousness perceives this element in such a way that, due to the fact that the world is eternal - everything is less problematic.

Listener question : What technologies exist for blocking neurocomputer systems and outputting this viral information?

Answer G. Grabovoi: It is assumed that neurocomputer systems - this applies, to a certain extent, to viral information.

If we assume that not every neurocomputer system is viral, there is a controlled neurocomputer system.

Then, bringing part of the question precisely to the negative part, that is, what is characterized as a viral component, it is possible to block the virus in the external material environment such as the computer environment.

It’s as if we simply take and pull the information to what it should be. “Eternity is technologically eternal.” G. Grabovoi. “ETERNAL LIFE IS CONTINUOUS SELF-CREATION” G. Grabovoi “The resurrection of people and eternal life are from now on our reality!”

“Eternal life flows within us, we must develop with it. There should be no destruction, no systems of destruction around us or inside the biosphere, inside the essence of the universe. Because there, in the essence of the Creator, there is no destruction” G. Grabovoi.

“The sociology of creativity of spiritual and physically ETERNAL life is based on the truth of Divine and omnipresent creation. When we realize this logic of the world, we perceive that knowledge comes to life and knowledge revives, that is, knowledge becomes Living and Life-giving” G. Grabovoi.

February 11th, 2017 , 10:24 pm

I, Tuaeva Diana Ruslanovna, living in the city of Vladikavkaz, Republic of North Ossetia Alania, have a higher economic education, testify to the high efficiency of technology Grigory Petrovich Grabovoi restoration of health.

I testify to the healing of my sister Tuaeva Zifa Ruslanovna from a severe viral intestinal infection as a result of 50-minute concentration according to the methods of the Teachings of Grigory Grabovoi.

I have been familiar with the Teachings of Grigory Grabovoi “On Salvation and Harmonious Development” since 2015

Since January 8, 2017, I have been attending training webinars of the company “ESPER CONTROLS"in the class of consultant Evgenia Uzyukina.

On January 17, 2017, my sister Tuaeva Zifa Ruslanovna, who lives in Tula, called and said that she had been vomiting all night due to the infectious disease “intestinal flu.”

17.01. 2017 at 9:50 Moscow time, I called a company consultant on the issue of restoring my sister’s health.

The work was carried out in the following way:

We took the image of the sister, formulating the goal of management: “Healing Zifa Ruslanovna Tuaeva from intestinal flu” and applied the technology of working with the Laws of hidden connections set out in the author’s work “Methods of Concentration” by Grigory Grabovoy.

Evgenia read the law of recovery in infectious diseases “The scale of perception is the knowledge of remoteness” and we perceived this law in the form of a sphere of very dense luminescence that formed when reading the law around the image of my sister.

I realized that all of Zifa’s connections are in the law of God and according to His law, the restoration of man takes place.

Next, we began to perceive the development of management within the image.

In the intestinal area, disease information stood out in the form of some dark information.

Next, we applied the technology outlined by Grigory Grabov in the author’s seminar “Teaching about God. Creation of Eternity"

Grigory Grabovoi says in this lecture: “To treat, for example, a disease, a complex disease, then it is enough to see the microsystem of its organization.And then it turns out that it can turn all categories into a plan of, well, in general, reducing this process from the point of view of the fact that if we saw a microsystem, right?.. then we can see, in principle, one cell that characterizes the state of this process locally in the body.But then, once we have seen, we can bring this to one cell, but already a healthy one, that is, how to draw the structure of the disease, right?.. only into one cell, and not just into some arbitrary cell, but immediately into a healthy one.”

That is, the information of Zifa’s infectious disease, objectified for our perception in the form of a certain dark area, we reduced to the level of one cell - the carrier of the disease and immediately, instantly perceived the eternity of this cell, that is, we entered the level of creation of this cell, saw the glow of its creation by the Creator and Thus, we perceived the silvery-white very dense glow of the eternity of the cell.

And the eternity of the cell began to absorb all the external information of the disease.

That is, we accepted the process of transforming negative information set out by Grigory Grabov in the seminar: “That is, Consciousness manages, in the control phase, to immediately pull an external system, such as a disease, into a healthy cell, and at the same time transform the entire external space, because the body too transforms. Consequently, there is a function of Consciousness that allows one to act at the level of the internal mind of a given system.”

And I understood that when I found eternity inside the cell, opened eternity, then immediately all the information of the disease, external, internal, events, everything that led to this intestinal flu, begins to be drawn into this eternal cell, i.e. eternity absorbs and immediately normalizes all the information of the disease.

Grigory Petrovich also speaks about this process of normalization in the second lecture of the “Unified System of Knowledge”: “To manage any events, it is necessary to transform the information that is in intersection with the information of normalized cells into information of intracellular events.”

That is, when we found eternity in Zifa’s cell - we saw the norm of micro-events inside the cell - how it is organized by the Creator and the cell interacts with all other cells and the entire infinite external reality, which is at the intersection with this cell in all its relationships and thus we normalize all macro-events through micro-events of a small cell and changes occur in all of reality and completely in the entire organism.

Why is this happening? Because the cell works this way, it has a mind comparable to the mind of the entire outside world and the mind of God. The cell has such a function - to restore everything!

After all the negative information was drawn into the eternal cell, a powerful glow of eternity began to grow in the cell, in the intestines and throughout the gastrointestinal tract.

And we also continued to perceive the entire image of the sister in the silvery-white sphere - in the information of the law of hidden connections, and at that moment I had a feeling of expansion in my intestines.

Next, we continued to work with the law of hidden connections and at the same time applied the method of concentration on parts of the body, set out by Grigory Grabov in the work “Methods of human recovery in various diseases and critical conditions, based on concentration of attention”: “Knowledge of the law allows you to control the external area of ​​​​information, therefore the law should be remembered. Concentrating attention on any area allows you to change matter, that is, restore human tissue.
For the treatment of infectious diseases:
3 (law of hidden connections) - the scale of perception is the knowledge of remoteness.
O (area of ​​concentration) - right ear, eyelashes of the right eye.”

We began to concentrate on the sister’s right ear, then transferred the concentration to the eyelashes of the right eye, and as a result of these concentrations, a light area was established between the right ear and the eyelashes of the right eye, which began to expand.

We compressed the expanding light region into a small sphere.

A number series for healing from infectious diseases was introduced into this silvery dense sphere: 5421427 with the goal of “The health standard of Tuaeva Zifa Ruslanovna. Complete recovery from infectious disease."

The sphere thus informed was inserted into the intestinal area.

Then, through the action of their Spirit, this sphere inside the intestines was spun up to an ultra-high speed, outstripping the speed of development of disease information.

We monitored that the information of the disease does not have time to be reproduced, that is, the speed of the control thinking “Ensuring eternal life for everyone, restoring intestinal functions and functions of the gastrointestinal tract to ensure eternal life for everyone” is ahead, and the information of the disease does not have time to enter reality.

And we perceived the growth of eternal cells in Zifa’s body.

At that moment, I felt a powerful release of cold from my body, and I realized that my cells were also freed from negative information, and I felt warmth in the intestinal area.

And we felt an impulse from the Creator, which came through our body from above and brought it to realization - as if light was passed through the entire body down - into physical reality.

Next, we implemented the technology for purifying blood and lymph: having perceived the image of Zifa in the field of perception, we placed a silver-white sphere with a diameter of 2.5 cm near the big toe of the sister’s right foot and entered the information into it: “Ensuring eternal life for everyone. Macro rescue. Cleansing the lymph and blood of Zifa Ruslanovna Tuaeva from infections. Complete restoration”, they also introduced the sign of eternity and infinity and the number series for healing from infectious diseases 5421427.

Then we compressed this sphere to a point, inserted it into the big toe of the right foot and along the big toe of the right foot, along the internal channel of the right foot, they began to lift it up and raised it to the diaphragm and there they opened the sphere in the form of a light area.

We perceived how the light of the Creator went through the image of Zifa and all the negative information from the blood and lymph was pulled together by this light into the light area in the area of ​​the diaphragm and we worked, collecting, as if with a light sponge, isolating from the light of the Creator a light area like a “sponge”.

And the entire body was cleansed with light, revealing darkened areas, and bringing everything into a glow in the area of ​​the diaphragm.

When the image was completely illuminated in our perception and a feeling of lightness arose, we squeezed everything and brought the sphere through the inner channel of the left leg into the sphere of Eternal Development near the big toe of the left foot.

After this management practice, I wrote to my sister throughout the day to find out about the state of her health, and every time she replied that she was better!

Interview Grigory Grabovoi to Michael Vogt dated 05/30/2017

Dear viewers, the upcoming meeting will be very special. My guest is one of the most outstanding people on our planet, one of the most outstanding people in Russia, and it is a very special pleasure, a great honor to have the opportunity to talk with him personally. Welcome!

Grabovoi G.P.– I would like to thank you for the opportunity to give me an interview and then I would like to briefly tell you about myself. I, Grigory Petrovich Grabovoy, was born on November 14, 1963 in the village of Bogara, Kirovsky village, Kirovsky district, Chimkent region of Kazakhstan. He graduated from school in Kazakhstan, then graduated from Tashkent State University with a degree in Mechanics, Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. And then he worked at the Tashkent Design Bureau (design bureau) of mechanical engineering, this is the Ministry of General Mechanical Engineering. The type of activity is space instrumentation, various objects related to orbital complexes. Then I worked at the scientific research enterprise “Scientific Center”, where I was also the head of graduate school. Well, now I work in Spain in the field of space instrumentation. At the same time, I am developing my Teaching, the direction of which is to ensure eternal life for everyone, and, accordingly, I also conduct scientific research on this task, creating my own devices, such as, for example, PRK-1U - a device for developing concentrations of eternal life. And I can say that in the field of instrument engineering I patent inventions that make it possible for all people to use this equipment.

Question: How did you come – I would say – to your calling? At what age did this appear? How did people and the environment react to these special abilities, to this calling?

Grabovoi G.P.- Firstly, I believed that seeing something happening at a distance from me - something that is not visible with physical vision - is the usual norm, and therefore children also approached me in childhood in order to find out who was where located. I told them, but at the same time I thought that everyone could do it. A little later it became clear that this ability refers to the ability of clairvoyance. And when I more specifically applied it during my studies, when I could give answers without solving problems, it was already objectified that this was a special ability that existed, and they reacted very positively to this. That is, the children, when I was at school, asked for more advice. There are even video recordings that were made by the UN at my place of residence in Kazakhstan. They asked my classmates, and they recalled cases where, for example, I told someone not to walk on a log, because the person would fall. The person did not obey, for example, he fell. And they perceived me as a person who helps with their advice. And therefore, in general, the attitude of those around me was always very good. Because in general, I think that having an additional ability to what can be done simply through the logical level is always useful.

Question: There are many people who study consciousness. How is your approach to this work different and what sets you apart from other consciousness researchers?

Grabovoi G.P.– Well, in general, I think that the direction of studying consciousness in progressive ways is a direction that people in general need very much. In my research, I proceed from what I specifically do myself. That is, I myself use, for example, control clairvoyance or control forecasting. I am convinced of this. Then I conduct scientific research. Since I have a physics and mathematics education, I simultaneously carry out physico-mathematical calculations and, among other things, patent the results of my work. Therefore, I use both orthodox science, which allows us to objectify many processes, and, in cases where orthodox, well-known science does not provide an exact solution, I create my own scientific and research structures and complement the field of research to obtain results. The purpose of all these actions is to ensure eternal life for everyone. And therefore, this practice is very rich in practical results, which I also objectify both scientifically and in my personal practice, and the practice of followers is also extensive.

Question: In the media, your name was often associated with the topic of “Beslan”. What problems were there, what was behind this, since they wrote and talked a lot about it?

Grabovoi G.P.– This means that after the tragedy in Beslan, after the terrorist attack on April 20, 2006, a criminal case was opened. The resolution to initiate the case stated that there were allegedly promises of the resurrection of children in Beslan. However, as a result of the preliminary investigation conducted by the prosecutor's office, as well as as a result of the judicial investigation, in the acquittal part of the verdict of July 7, 2008, it was absolutely clear that there were no victims in Beslan, and therefore this information was refuted. In addition, within the framework of the criminal procedure code, lawyer Vyacheslav Konev sent out questionnaires, and almost all of the victims of the terrorist act responded that there was no such promise. Therefore, based on the prejudicial verdict, it is absolutely clear that this information was not substantiated and, accordingly, it has already been refuted by the judiciary.

Question: In this case, are we faced with something like this in the media - as we would say today “false news”, fabricated lies in order to ultimately misinform people through the media?

Grabovoi G.P.- Yes. It so happened that now there is already a prejudicial meaning of the verdict, based on which it is clear that it was disinformation.

Question: On May 23, 2017, a “false”, negative forecast for the future concerning Germany also appeared, and your lawyer Vyacheslav Konev filed a complaint. What was the reason for such a message to appear in the first place? And was there any reaction to this complaint from your lawyer?

Grabovoi G.P.– Well, in this case, again it was an unfounded, untrue action on the part of the media. First, one of the Ukrainian publications published that I allegedly gave a forecast regarding Germany. And the specificity of the text was such that I was supposedly talking about a possible almost feudal fragmentation that could occur in the future. Well, firstly, the one who wrote the forecast may simply not know that within the framework of the school curriculum it is absolutely clear that the socio-economic formation - feudalism has already been passed, and therefore I would, naturally, even in such a formulation of such I couldn't give a forecast. And here I must say that, after all, I have a higher education and know economic laws from the point of view of my education. And it is quite obvious that Germany, which has developed high-tech production, will naturally develop within its capabilities. And at the same time, it is absolutely clear that in a knowledge-intensive country, to bring things to the point where there is some kind of territorial fragmentation is completely untrue. Therefore, even based on my economic educational levels there, I would no longer be able to give such a forecast. Accordingly, we are now the side, so to speak, of the defense, this is my lawyer Vyacheslav Konev, he filed claims, and as a result of these claims, materials have already been confiscated from many online media outlets. And in the future we will continue this work until the process is completely objectified, which I did not give such a forecast.

Question: Information or a rumor has appeared on the Internet that someone is supposedly in spiritual contact with you and is distributing information on your behalf. Is it so? Is this possible? And in general – I would say – is this acceptable?

Grabovoi G.P.– Well, I think that referring to me when there is no contact on a physical level is inappropriate. Because everyone has their own opinion about how they receive spiritual information. And therefore, I think, of course, this is unacceptable. It’s easier to go to one of the offices and ask for specific information that I can answer personally, for example.

Question: You could also read on the Internet that your passport number and your birthday date are identical. That's a coincidence? Is this a good sign, or is it not true at all?

Grabovoi G.P.- Well, now I’ll look at the number. Well, the only numbers that intersect in the passport number are one four. And in this case, I can say that, generally speaking, some data relating to the intersection of some numbers from different areas of information is always a management task. And any numbers can always be optimally managed. Therefore, to consider that this is some kind of intersection of information that requires some kind of fixation - well, I don’t think so, even if something coincided, for example. I noticed that when working, for example now, when working in Spain in the field of space instrumentation, there are certain tasks related to the fact that it is necessary to carry out some urgent or current tasks at a planned level. And here is the use of so-called digital control in terms of timing, in the analytics of the economic part, in the analytics of the production part, where numbers are used - here in some complex structures, of course, it is possible, based on current economic laws, to use digital ones -analytical studies or based on other, for example, tasks: well, for example, to quickly make a product that, for example, is very complex in design. So I think that in general, as an answer to this question, we can say that we need to study the reaction of digital systems, use them in analytics, but at the same time, of course, always remain at the level of managing these systems.

Question: Let's talk about your work as a consciousness researcher: human control of events, where are the boundaries, and are there any boundaries at all?

Grabovoi G.P.: I think that there are no boundaries, because consciousness can be developed endlessly, the logic of knowledge testifies to this. And since I deal specifically with the technologies of eternal life, I have the task of endless development of consciousness for everyone as a task that everyone must achieve.

Question: Is management something everyone can learn? Is it possible to divide people into those who can do this and those who cannot? Can everyone learn this if necessary?

Grabovoi G.P.: Well, just as life is given to everyone for an eternal time, accordingly, everyone is initially born with the entire arsenal of control, which allows him to essentially live forever, if he does not begin to forget some elements of internal development or does not in time, which means, includes, or something, some kind of control mechanisms. Therefore, I believe that everyone can do this, that is, without exception. And my task is to reveal to people those mechanisms that allow people to really realize that they can really perform some kind of endless actions. They can be very creatively illuminated at the right time, at some time they can be calm and in general, which means, leading an ordinary lifestyle, like all people, they can live forever. And this, naturally, also means that there are no restrictions. Everyone can learn what is necessary, and everyone can be able, at the right time and in the right amount, to master enough knowledge to live forever.

Question: How much should you contribute—or should you contribute at all—to people learning this? Is this possible only with your help?

Grabovoi G.P.: Currently, I have a program for teaching my Teaching, which works like a Standard educational program. And many works have been published. Moreover, those works that are included in the program have all been published. The program is built, therefore, on the principle that my works are simply arranged in ascending order of dates. Therefore, like any educational program that is presented in the form of text, it does not require any special additional participation from me, except in some cases some explanations, which I do quite rarely, due to the fact that the program itself is structured like this , so that a person can basically find the answer on his own. However, I can say that my participation is required in providing new knowledge through, say, new books, works that can be distributed via the Internet, in any form. Because the world is changing. And to look at all the areas of information that exist in the world, to connect them somewhere together, to predict their interaction - this, of course, I think, is my job, which I can do. Well, exclusively in the part that concerns my works, what can I do to develop them further? And therefore, in this part it is useful for everyone who is studying according to the standard program to simply periodically familiarize themselves and study new materials that I constantly add to the training program.

Question: For a number of years now, Carola Sarrosin has been disseminating your knowledge, your Teachings through the Thailand Project in the north of Thailand, teaching and making them accessible to people - how do you see the prospects for this Thailand Project, this initiative of Carola?

Grabovoi G.P.– Well, Carola Sarasin, I believe that she has done a lot for development in Thailand and in general, since she previously worked in Europe to, therefore, disseminate the Teaching. And I can say that the Thailand project synthesizes a lot of the most leading trends in the field of spiritual and physical development through the spiritual, where the canons of eternal life are practically given in a very clear form that can be studied in the calm, benevolent environment of Thailand. And due to my practice of working in the same space instrumentation industry, I do not yet have the opportunity there personally, for example, to work in Thailand. But nevertheless, in some future I still think that, of course, it would be advisable for me to conduct some kind of training, for example, well, there are courses, even small ones there, one-time, but in many territories, including Thailand . And in this regard, I can say that since the technologies of my Teaching are given exactly according to the Thailand project very precisely, that is, practically within the framework of the standard training program the educational level of the University is maintained, then we can say that what is being done in the Thailand project is this is the basic educational structure for the Universities that I am now creating in different countries of the world. And therefore this is a very important and significant project, which, in fact, gives accurate knowledge of eternal life to a very large number of people. And ideologically, this corresponds precisely conceptually to the tasks of civilization as a whole regarding sustainable development precisely in the direction of ensuring eternal life.

So I am very grateful to Carola Sarasin. I mean, in general, to everyone who takes part in organizing the educational process in the Thailand project, and, of course, I think that whoever has the opportunity to study within the framework of this project, of course, I think this is very promising and also because that this is the basis for the University program. And whoever received an education there - this is already considered as a potential structure of University education.

Question: Carola is ready to organize a big meeting with people who work with your knowledge and who are endlessly grateful to you. Is it likely that you will attend such a meeting in Thailand and visit Thailand?

Grabovoi G.P.– Well, as I said, conceptually, that is, for the future, of course, I would like to participate in such meetings. However, now I work in the field of space instrumentation, there are a number of products that have a certain level of secrecy. Therefore, for now, I don’t have the opportunity, for example, to go specifically there to Thailand. But, however, in some distant future, when, for example, I will be working on less secret products there, then, accordingly, I, of course, leave such a potential opportunity and would quite like to visit Thailand, precisely for this purpose: to see the structure on site, which comes from the harmonization of the environment and the educational process.

Question: Many scientists and others say that we are now living in a special time, that there is a kind of quantum leap ahead that will change both the physical life of the earth and people, and consciousness. How should one approach such thoughts about a quantum leap?

Grabovoi G.P.– Well, I can say this: at the University, at school, at the University, I studied German, and one day I had to read a book in German on quantum mechanics. And there was a certain point of view that a quantum leap is a certain higher energy level. Considering that there is a certain dual principle of the organization of matter, that is, at the micro level micromatter can be considered both as a particle and as a wave, then we can say that this direction is indeed of enormous importance in general, even from a physical point of view, from the point of view of raising general energy status, which is precisely considered in the form of a quantum leap.

At the same time, it is clear that there is a generalized point of view, and there is, for example, a professional point of view. For example, I - at the university we had a year-long course in quantum mechanics - and I can, from the point of view of known orthodox knowledge and from the point of view of the general perception of this direction, the quantum leap, say that to resolve the issues of raising a certain energy level in order to solve endless questions of life - this is essentially the only fundamental and only correct direction in development.

Therefore, I am now creating precisely the same technologies that allow, from the point of view of a quantum leap, from the point of view of the energy level and increasing this level, to reach such a level in a timely manner - which is included in the training program - well, including with the help of various devices, such as, for example , as a device for developing the concentration of eternal life PRK-1U, quickly train all people, even those who were not familiar with this side of life. Because for eternal life, of course, timeliness is needed, since this is the task for eternal life for everyone. And in this regard, I can say that I am naturally developing this direction and trying to make it accessible to everyone in this regard.

Question: These big changes, this quantum leap, let's say, does it ultimately affect all people? And if not everyone, what will happen to those people who, I will say, due to lack of knowledge will be left with nothing, who will not be affected by this - what will happen to them?

Grabovoi G.P.– The fact is that the concept, again, of a quantum leap as another more, for example, voluminous, more saturated energy level - this concept concerns everyone from the point of view of prospects and obligation from the point of view of the fundamental structure of the world, the obligation of the eternal life of all. Therefore, it is natural that this is a qualitatively different level, where energy, which is determined by the fact that the endless future currently gives a huge flow of energy, this concerns everyone. Another question is that it is necessary to carry out extensive propaganda work, some significant directions in explaining this particular situation, where both from the point of view of orthodox physics and from the point of view of some general concepts regarding the quantum leap, it was clear that everything is surmountable.

For example, from the point of view of quantum mechanics, if you look, for example, at the Schrödinger equation for quantum mechanics, then I can say that there are certain types of solutions that allow us to resolve many questions of quantum mechanics that, for example, have not yet been resolved. But in general, the potential of science: mathematics, physics, and other scientific fields is very high to help all people on a scientific level. And at the level of spiritual development, naturally, everyone can themselves, for example, mastering the training program of my Teachings, can prepare and somehow even simply move to this level of perception, when the huge endless future is perceived as a different energy level. And when a person sees his horizons, he is free and he can live forever. So I believe that here we are talking more about knowledge, about education, and this can be done by known means that are very effective and guarantee the achievement of results.

Question: We are talking here about the global process of transforming reality, perhaps even about creating a new reality - what is your contribution to this process, and in this regard, what is your perhaps not entirely easy task?

Grabovoi G.P.: Well, as I said, I am engaged in the realization of eternal life for everyone. And from the point of view of transforming reality, in this case we are talking about the fact that there should be more knowledge, knowledge of this type, in general, even, one might say, highly specialized, which ensures eternal life. Although the concept of narrow specialization in this case speaks more about a constant focus in this particular direction of eternal life. And within the framework of this very task, I try to invest in what I see through my own, for example, abilities that I have confirmed, I try to teach other people through various works that I constantly publish. And this means that this will allow people, practically living an ordinary natural, social life, that is, in fact, no different from the ordinary normal life of a person, to be able, in fact, to move to a different qualitative level of knowledge. And my Teaching allows you to do this, because it is extensive practice. For example, the six-volume book “Management Practice. The Path of Salvation,” where the results of mine and my followers and students are presented, suggests that people often understand this direction of development very simply and quickly.

As I already said in today’s conversation, this is inherent in each person’s personal abilities at birth. And in this regard, it turns out that practically we can now say that the main thing is to master the necessary knowledge in a timely manner, which is what my Teaching allows. And in order to help other people, I try to develop technological areas, such as the field of space instrumentation, in order to control, among other things, outer space from the point of view of some, say, problematic objects and so on. And that’s why I’m also adding my technologies here. As I said, I worked at the Ministry of General Engineering, where I was involved in the development of satellite systems and space instrumentation. Now I continue specifically for these purposes - in order to continue the work myself, I registered a trademark, the class of which is the creation of spaceships. And I am developing special technologies in space instrumentation in order to ensure not only within the local Earth the solution of issues related to the transition to a certain other quality level of people’s lives, when they have eternal life, but also to ensure this from the point of view of control over outer space .

And therefore, I believe that, in general, as many people as possible should consciously participate in this process at the level of their good personal will. And then it turns out that it will be both joyful and objectively distinguished by the special property of joy, benevolence, and the special property of good events. And in this, of course, there is a qualitative difference, but precisely in this sense, as I said.

Question: To our meeting you brought with you the PRK-1U device, which appeared as a result of your scientific research and is an example of the technology of the future. What is it for, how can I use it?

Grabovoi G.P.– The PRK-1U device for developing the concentration of eternal life was created in accordance with two of my patents. This is the first patent - “Method for preventing disasters and a device for its implementation” and the second patent - “Information transmission system”. In this method, where a person generates a biosignal, as written in the patent, and sends it to optical systems, the optical systems amplify this signal. In accordance with the patent “Information Transmission System,” the system works in such a way that the signal is transmitted almost instantly and an increase in action occurs, that is, a second action almost immediately along with the first. Due to this, a powerful level of increasing management energy arises, which, by the way, exactly corresponds to the concept of a quantum leap, a high energy level, and due to this, a person’s thought becomes more productive, thinking accelerates, which means that, according to existing practice, management develops clairvoyance in people. The difference between controlling clairvoyance is that not only a person sees what is not visible with the eyes at a great distance, but at the same time, through an effort of will, he directs it for the better from the point of view of eternal life, eternal development. Control forecasting develops similarly, that is, for the future.

According to the events that a person decides both in the spiritual sphere and on the physical level, significant improvements occur, including those that concern the human body. And as a modification of this device, there are also medical devices, which require less concentration of consciousness, but they work more independently with more advanced optical systems. The modification of this device additionally has - now these developments have already been made - an additional acceleration button for the next one, which exactly corresponds to the level of tasks of a quantum leap and provision of technical means, which means achieving the required precise system in this quantum leap. And further, here I also use digital systems, that is, near the lenses - the next modification - which means that numbers are written down that can work with the digital series that I published in different areas of management. Well, at the same time, they are independent control levels that interact with optics, because the issue of future technology is being resolved.

Even if the energy system, the electromagnetic field has no power, for example the power supply does not work, the system must work endlessly, forever. And digital systems, in interaction with optical systems, create a certain quantum-mechanical level that allows the user to continue working, thereby ensuring his actions for eternity, so that he lives forever. And therefore, this is a technique, I believe, of a new level, a new generation, which allows you to solve problems in the conditions of the need to have an infinite amount of energy and the possibility that this energy, these actions are controlled by the Human Consciousness.

Question– Who is the target audience, for whom is the device intended to be used for good?

Grabovoi G.P.- Well, this is exactly the kind of technology that was created so that, - and this particular device PRK-1U, - so that all people can use it, because, as I said, every person has the potential for eternal life, but not everyone a person can discover exactly this direction for himself there. Therefore, the device allows you to discover the abilities of any person who, in general, may not have even thought about the problem of eternal life before. Therefore, it can also be used by those people who are spiritually developed, because it develops concentrations of eternal life from the level that exists, and therefore it has, in fact, an endless resource.

The device contains a task: that when a person has learned to do what the device helps to do, the person can simply move on to the next level of development. And in the part that the device helped to learn, in principle this part remains as a person’s personal control apparatus. And therefore, it can be considered as a system of such a training level, which means that it is needed to solve precisely the problems of eternal life.

So for those, as I said, who already have a certain development, it is very necessary. I believe that they too can use it more effectively. Now, for example, when working with modifications of the device, when making individual settings on the modified version, where there is an additional button that speeds up the operation of the device, enhances it, and there are numbers, it means that I noticed that when they look at materials regarding the device, the principles of operation, They develop spiritually, they increase their resources more and more; and then you can increase the resource of the device: add electromagnetic field variables, shift the optical components to enhance the work here. And when this setup process is over, people are left with a powerful device that can teach them individually very quickly.

But all this data does not happen just like that, but because statistics are collected so that the device operates very quickly with a minimum of individual settings - almost universally. And so anyone can use it at the primary standard level and at universal access, so it can be used by almost all people. We have been working with this device for more than a year now - there is not a single negative case. This means that the data on the applicability in the field of management systems for the development of managerial clairvoyance, managerial forecasting, and rejuvenation have been greatly expanded. There are very good results for managing any event.

And in this regard, we can say: since this data is officially posted on the website - well, like in any scientific system, where there is scientific and technical justification, where there are patents, where there are specific results that were provided by hundreds of people - then we can say that this system, it is absolutely safe, does not emit any harmful fields, allows you, in fact, to develop endlessly and very quickly comprehend everything that is needed precisely for a high-quality solution to the problems of eternal life, including the problems of a quantum leap.

Question– Can you demonstrate to us – taking into account your special abilities – and also explain how the PRK is programmed and configured, how it functions?

Grabovoi G.P.– Yes, when setting up the device individually for the user, I use the ability of controlling clairvoyance. And for this I can, in a specific case, for example, considering that - and actually performing these actions - that the device is being configured for your use, I can begin to configure it. This means that for this purpose I can then formulate some questions, which means the answers to which I will take into account in the future, when the individual assembly of this device is already carried out.

And I, for example, I look at how future interaction with the device will occur, and then I would like to ask such questions.

So, the first thing I would like to clarify here is...


Translator - We are talking about a general process - how the device is set up, without, say, touching on the specific personality of the presenter.

Grabovoi G.P.– But in this case, we can say that, therefore, I am considering the interaction, firstly, of the level of eternal life that exists at the birth of a person. I see what development happens in the future, when we have been working independently for some time. And it turns out that this level is a certain sphere of eternal life that exists in a person at birth; depending on its segments, it somehow manifests itself in different parts of the body. That is, for example, a sphere concentrated in the area of ​​the lumbar spine. Then the light from this sphere passes through the body. And I begin to connect geometrically the matter of eternal life that the device generates with what, therefore, comes from the primary level of human birth - what comes from God, as created by God.

Further, it means that when these glows are joined and coincide, it turns out that this particular plan of joining this light of eternity coming from a person and from the device is a special task that requires control clairvoyance in order to make such a joining quickly and accurately .

Question: Does this device play a role in the global process of a quantum leap - we just discussed this - and if so, what?

Grabovoi G.P.– Yes, as I said, if we proceed from orthodox physics, where a quantum leap is a different energy level, then, accordingly, here it is the increase in energy, the increase in the energy level that realizes the structure of the quantum leap precisely from the point of view of ensuring eternal life. That is, in the conditions of very different complex mechanisms of a quantum leap, the device provides a clear program that leads a person more quickly: in some cases, with the help of the device, it is the person who can master the basic control structures in the case when he needs to quickly work within the framework of precisely the action during a quantum leap. Therefore, he actually realizes this task, when everyone in a quantum leap receives eternal life, eternal development.

Question: What can you – once again on the topic of the quantum leap – recommend to people so that they can live/experience this more harmoniously?

Grabovoi G.P.– I believe that people need to tune in and set as a task – this is eternal life, theirs and everyone’s; ensuring eternal life, that is, for oneself and for everyone in the physical body. And this task allows us to solve issues not only concerning, for example, a quantum leap, but also some other next levels of development. For example, upon achieving eternal life, other structures of tasks and development arise for a person, which is now being realized for many.

And it turns out that here, in my opinion, in addition, it is very important to have a technological mechanism that can be used within the framework of a quantum leap, when an increase in energy level occurs, and this is necessary for the process to be controlled; here it is important to have accurate and correct technology. My Teaching allows you to master these technologies, and the same concentration development device PRK-1U can and does ensure the accuracy of increasing this energy level for a reason, but precisely in those structures, in those vibrations that precisely ensure eternal life.

And therefore I advise: firstly, to follow the idea of ​​eternal life everywhere and unquestioningly; and second, to use the technologies of my Teaching, some kind of instrumental, educational ones, in order to implement this every moment in practice.

Question: It's about getting as many people as possible to move to this new, higher level of development as part of this quantum leap process. What can be done, what measures can be taken so that as many people as possible can actually do this? And so that as many people as possible can reach this level of development?

Grabovoi G.P.– Well, as I already said, the task here is still such that this concerns all people. And the main task of each person is to transfer knowledge to another person. And besides his personal achievements, when a person can, having personally mastered technology for a number of reasons - he has time, he is ideologically savvy, he believes that this is the only natural direction in development - he must have his stable ideological position, which, as I and explained that in this case it is correct, to be able to convey it to everyone. And this is what this duty of every person is to pass on to others, to learn to pass on knowledge eternally, this, of course, is what every person needs to do.

Question: And the last, very special topic, also a “hot” topic, I will say this: You are talking about eternal life in a physical body: how can this be imagined and how can this be achieved?

Grabovoi G.P.– Eternal life in a physical body does not, in fact, present any special problems from the point of view of the knowledge paradigm. Because, it means, having learned through consciousness, it means to heal tissues; Having learned to manage events that do not cause any significant damage, it is clear that this already ensures eternal life, subject to the existence of an eternal Cosmos, an eternal Earth, and so on. Therefore, from the point of view of eternal life in the physical body, it means that when we still consider the actions of God, the Creator of the entire World, and do the same, then we can practically control the entire external universe, that is, physical outer space. And in this sense, it turns out that starting with some specific things that a person can feel - for example, getting healthier; help others; build technologies like PRK-1U and other systems that provide eternal life - the combination of spiritual Divine action with these technologies guarantees real eternal life, regardless of the structures of development of outer space and regardless of even when, as I said, there is contact with Divine level; How, or what, the spiritual sphere develops, how quickly. Because we must understand that ensuring eternal life should occur everywhere in the fact of life.

And when development proceeds in this way, then exactly that qualitative level arises. And it arises when many such people already become such that even spiritually different structures from the point of view of life, well, different living beings in the world, they also begin to live forever because the world is simply like that, that’s it. Therefore, it is precisely a certain one, here it must be clearly said that it is the Divine level that provides exactly this. And therefore it also needs to be cognized at the same time. In this regard, in my Teaching, both science and religion, that is, religious knowledge, scientific knowledge are equivalent systems of knowledge and the realization of eternal life.

Question: Is there already information about anyone who lives forever?

Grabovoi G.P.- Yes, I have. Among the students who study using my technologies, I notice that there are more and more of those who are already fully provided with information, technological apparatus from the point of view of the consciousness of eternal life. And for them it no longer poses any problem to live forever. As I said, here, when we are talking about everyone, and not about a single number, and not just a few people there or millions, but about everyone in general, it turns out that what is important here is to develop the sphere of knowledge to such an extent , bright, pure, laconic knowledge, where it will be said that the Divine level must be combined with our daily practice and with technologies for ensuring eternal life, then we can say that transferring this process to everyone - with the right approach - is not such a long prospect.

Question: We live now - we have already talked about this - in times of change, changes, worries, uncertainty - You talk about a global quantum leap: are there any recommendations that you would like to convey to people around the world?

Grabovoi G.P.- Well, I wish all people to live forever. From the point of view of recommendations, I recommend dealing with this in the same way as a person deals with the cognitive system, starting from childhood at school, that is, dealing with it as special knowledge that needs to be spent time on. And it’s better if you practice it every day, as in that system of cognition that is vitally necessary. In order for a person to have something to do, he has, firstly, all his own abilities to develop them, and himself for this process. And naturally, the Teaching is mine. It allows even, well, everyone who has simply learned to read, because the Teaching is presented in the form of texts, which I mostly speak into a tape recorder; that is, they are perceived as oral speech; and since when I speak, I look at the information of the future and this is how I arrange words and phrases to ensure eternal life for everyone - therefore, everyone who listens can personally find for himself that tool, that structure of ways, methods that Already on the basis of the texts of my Teachings they allow us to master the technologies of eternal life.

And although, yes, there are many current and future problems in the world, then, naturally, I also recommend studying my Teaching in the sense that the abilities of control clairvoyance and control forecasting are developed there, which allow including, along with event management, they allow you to consider some general configurations for starting training, or completely precise events. And as we know, knowledge of information, and the ability to correct it both through management, that is, through macro-regulation of the structures of one’s consciousness in the general process of the world, and through some physical actions - this will allow us to resolve some upcoming tasks. That is, the Teaching tool gives a completely complete picture of how to do this. The self-sufficiency of the Teaching, that is, what is embedded in the Teaching, means that a preliminary structure can be used to deepen the knowledge of another structure and vice versa. And this allows, I think, to resolve all issues related to ensuring eternal life. Therefore, my recommendations are systematic training, the use of the apparatus of my Teaching, training programs, any technologies that contribute to this, such as PRK-1U. Well, of course, my own development.

Question Heartfelt thanks – thank you so much for the interview! Success in carrying out a truly difficult task, a great task, and above all, wishing you the necessary strength, which ultimately means the realization of your calling. Thank you very much for everything you do for people!

Grabovoi G.P.– Well, I am also very grateful to this professionally structured interview and our conversation from the point of view of ensuring eternal life. And I would like to thank everyone who organized this conversation process - interview. And I would like to note that, of course, to the extent possible, I am taking my actions and believe that we, of course, will ensure eternal life for everyone, including through joint efforts. And here the participation of everyone is important, that is, everyone is in their place when participating in this process. Accordingly, we, I think, will solve the issue of ensuring eternal life for everyone relatively, but quite quickly. Under certain conditions, when this process begins in the near future - I believe that it is already quite clearly and quickly according to objectified scientific and practical criteria - it will be clear that everyone’s participation in this process is almost unique and obligatory. I believe that you need to tune in to general participation, regardless of who’s current affairs there. Well, this is me in the sense that even though I have been working in this direction for quite a long time, nevertheless, everyone who is just starting to work in this direction can see their invaluable participation, because it is still an eternal life is everyone's business.

Michael: Thank you very much.

Grabovoi G.P.: Thank you very much.

Dear viewers, you have heard that we are talking about a global quantum leap - a process - and each of us, independently, has the opportunity to participate in this or not - and this must ultimately be decided by everyone for themselves. You have the opportunity to gain this outstanding knowledge and master the relevant technologies within the framework of the Thailand Project - we highlight the Internet address of the Thailand Project - with information, with further in-depth information about the knowledge and with specific deadlines and opportunities to participate in seminars and events. And then everyone can think for themselves how much he or she wants to be in this global process or, on the contrary, does not want to. And in this sense, as always, heartfelt thanks for your interest and attention - Bye and Goodbye - until the next meeting.