Belarus is preparing new measures to combat smoking. Where is smoking prohibited? Lukashenko calls for new approaches to combating the smoking problem

Every year on May 31st World organization health authorities and partners, including the Republic of Belarus, are celebrating World No Tobacco Day by highlighting the health risks associated with tobacco use and advocating for effective policies to reduce tobacco consumption levels.

In the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated December 17, 2002 No. 28 “On state regulation of the production, circulation and consumption of raw tobacco and tobacco products“In the section “State regulation of the consumption of tobacco products” (clause 38) a list of places where smoking is prohibited in our country is defined. Namely:

– in institutions (organizations) of healthcare, culture, education, sports, trade and consumer services;

– in the premises of government bodies, local executive and administrative bodies, organizations;

– in public catering establishments, except for those selling tobacco products and having premises intended for serving citizens (consumers) with current system ventilation (i.e. smoking areas);

– at all train stations, airports, underground passages, and metro stations;

– in all types of public transport, train carriages, on ships, on airplanes, with the exception of long-distance trains, passenger ships and airplanes that have smoking areas.

For the consumption of tobacco in prohibited places, Article 17.9 of the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Administrative Offenses provides for administrative liability: a fine of up to 4 basic units.

You can't smoke on flights of stairs residential buildings. This is stated in the Rules for the use of residential premises, maintenance of residential and auxiliary premises, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated May 21, 2013 No. 399. In particular, the document states: “...smoking is prohibited in the auxiliary premises of an apartment building,” that is, in entrances, corridors, on flights of stairs, in elevator cabins, etc. This violation is regulated by another article of the code - “Violation of the rules for the use of residential premises” (Article 21.16), which provides for a fine of up to 30 basic units.

In addition, the draft amendments and additions to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 28 “On state regulation of the turnover of tobacco products and electronic smoking systems”, which could prohibit smoking, including electronic cigarettes, also on public balconies and loggias, received wide discussion. children's playgrounds, beaches, workplaces, bus stops and within a radius of 10 meters from them, in cars and premises in the presence of children under 14 years of age. But at the same time, smoking will additionally be allowed only in special places in shopping centers, markets, premises intended for receiving citizens, premises of automobile passenger terminals, train stations, ports, airports and within a radius of 10 meters from the entrance to them, on platforms .

Refrain from smoking - take care of yourself and your loved ones, and your budget!

Vladislav STOYKO, chief physician of the Berezovsky Republican Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology.

More and more electronic cigarette stores, or vape shops, are opening in Belarus. And at the same time, “vapes” are increasingly being smoked in public places, and people do not hesitate to smoke on children’s and sports grounds, as well as in cafes and restaurants.

Even if you don’t know what a “vape” is, you’ve never heard the words “bakomizer” or “mech mod”, you’ve probably met someone who smokes e-Sigs and hookahs.

And you've definitely at least once found yourself in a situation where a person standing next to you at a pedestrian crossing calmly lets out puffs of smoke. And he doesn’t care at all whether you enjoy inhaling “the taste of lemon pudding” or “a refreshing cocktail of watermelon and orange with the addition of a small piece of lime.”

Is the smoke sweet?

The problem is that vapers (or “vapers”) feel very comfortable at quite legally- The law does not prohibit “smoke” in crowded places. Despite the fact that this moment Smoking electronic cigarettes is not prohibited in our country; it often causes discontent among others.

In addition, the Ministry of Health states that electronic cigarettes pose a health threat, especially to the younger generation.
Electronic cigarettes produce an aerosol (vapor) that the user inhales. The main components of the solution used in such devices, in addition to nicotine (when present), are propylene glycol with or without glycerin, water and flavorings. The final composition of the liquid and, consequently, its toxic properties depend on their percentage. Evidence shows that the aerosol is not just “water vapor”, as is often stated in the marketing of these products, but creates a serious threat to others by increasing the impact of nicotine and a number of toxic substances on the body.

Still outlaw

At the moment, the issues of distribution of electronic cigarettes among the population, including via the Internet, as well as the ban on their sale to minors and advertising remain unresolved. As explained by AiF Licensed lawyer, Master of Laws Alexander ZHUK, In Belarus, it is planned to soon equate “vapes” to cigarettes. In the meantime, those who like to smoke in public places (in a cafe, restaurant, on a playground, at a public transport stop, in a park) after comments from nearby citizens can be fined for petty hooliganism - deliberate actions that violate the peace of citizens, expressed in clear disrespect for society. This violation is subject to a fine of 2 to 30 basic units or administrative arrest.


Smoking (consumption) of tobacco products is prohibited in Belarus, with the exception of places specifically designed for this purpose:

  • in institutions (organizations) of healthcare, culture, education and sports;
  • at retail and consumer services facilities;
  • at public catering facilities, with the exception of premises with a functioning ventilation system;
  • in the premises of government bodies, executive committees, organizations;
  • at train stations, airports, underground passages, metro stations;
  • in public transport, train carriages, ships, airplanes, with the exception of long-distance trains, passenger ships and airplanes that have smoking areas.

Places where it is proposed to introduce a complete ban: elevators, playgrounds, beaches, industrial premises, premises occupied by physical education and sports organizations, as well as children's sports, health and other camps and their territories; stops, metro stations, public transport, cars and premises if children under the age of 14 are present in them.

Today, at a meeting on the circulation and consumption of tobacco products and electronic smoking systems, the President of Belarus spoke on this topic. Lukashenko calls for looking for new ways to combat the problem and not limiting ourselves to prohibitions, which are not enough. A well-thought-out set of measures must be put in place.

- We see that people still smoke, and prohibitive measures alone are clearly not enough,- said Lukashenko. - It's no secret that forbidden fruit is always sweet for beginners. And experienced smokers need strong motivation to quit smoking. The time has come to find new ways to solve this problem, which will take into account the real state of affairs and the psychology of people.

The President emphasized that world experience and practice show that to achieve results, what is needed is not total bans, but a well-thought-out set of measures.

- Administrative restrictions should be organically combined with various kinds of incentives, incentives and information work. The main role here is given to doctors, journalists, teachers, ideologists, - added the head of state.

According to Lukashenko, almost half of the male population in the country smokes, increasingly bad habit youth suffer.

- Moreover, new products are appearing to imitate smoking, causing no less harm to health than tobacco. We are talking about electronic cigarettes, which are becoming increasingly popular. They attract with their unusualness, accessibility, and lack of information about the dangers of their use. And not everyone agrees that they are as harmful as traditional cigarettes.

Lukashenko noted that the reason for the current conversation was the draft decree, which was submitted for consideration. The decree, designed to reduce tobacco consumption by residents of Belarus, was adopted back in 2002, and necessary changes are added to it regularly.

“But there is no proper result that we were counting on yet.” Therefore, firstly, we should analyze how the provisions of the decree are implemented in current edition and what progress has been achieved. Secondly (about those responsible for implementing its norms), how effectively do we monitor the results of the work being done?

The new draft decree, in particular, proposes to equate electronic cigarettes with tobacco products and expand the list of places where smoking is prohibited.

- However, the question arises: will these measures bring the expected effect? - Lukashenko noted. - We must discuss whether everything is provided for in the draft decree, are there alternative ways to reduce smoking in Belarus?

Health Minister Vasily Zharko said at the meeting that tobacco consumption causes significant harm to the health of citizens. According to the minister, in Belarus the share non-communicable diseases accounting for about 86% of all diseases and 82% of deaths.

- In 2015, the mortality rate of men of working age exceeded the same indicator for women by 4 times. And for certain reasons - diseases of the circulatory system, malignant neoplasms- up to 7 times. IN tobacco smoke contains more than 90 known carcinogens and about 250 toxic compounds.

By law in Belarus it is prohibited to smoke in public places. Eh, who would follow this law: if you go out into the street and take a couple of steps in a crowded place, you will certainly fall under cigarette smoke. Haven't you noticed?

Shopping center "City", the neighboring restaurant "Ranitsa" - often smokers do not hesitate to smoke on the porch. But this shopping mall and the restaurant, it would seem, are the most public places, readers will say. Let's figure it out.

By law in Belarus it is prohibited to smoke in healthcare, education, sports facilities, trade and consumer services. Smoking is also prohibited at train stations, airports and underground passages. Those who like to consume acrid smoke in public catering establishments and on government premises are also outside the law. Air without nicotine impurities should circulate in the interiors of public transport and in train carriages. Moreover, this is regulated by the Presidential Decree “On state regulation of production, circulation, advertising and consumption of raw tobacco and tobacco products”, adopted in 2002.

“It must be said that with the assistance of the city executive committee, the list of smoking-free territories is expanding,” says Margarita Kovalchuk, a valeologist at the city center of hygiene and epidemiology. – Prohibition signs have been installed in the recreation park and even at bus stops.

However, Zhodino residents who smoke simply do not notice the warnings. I will say more - people with a cigarette feel very confident even in places where smoking is prohibited.

- Why? – I inquired from the deputy head of the department of law enforcement and prevention of the city police department, Vadim Zaits.

“We cannot punish those who “smoke” in such places because the concept of a “smoking-free zone” is not enshrined in law. That’s why the police and sanitary services only talk to such violators and warn them,” the specialist commented.

Is this approach effective? Yes, but only in relation to honest people. To a person with high level internal culture, one warning will be enough, and often not required at all: such people understand perfectly well where to flick the lighter.

But as for smoking in places prohibited by law (this, as already mentioned, shops, hospitals, and so on), according to Article 17.9 of the Administrative Code of Belarus, this entails a fine of up to 400 thousand rubles.

You can also be fined for smoking in areas adjacent to schools, kindergartens and medical institutions. And in 2012, five people were fined for smoking in prohibited places.

And in general it must be said that in the city Lately took on smokers who, despite the ban, continue to smoke in public places. Employees of the State Center for State Explosions and City Internal Affairs regularly conduct preventive raids.

I think everyone will agree that smokers have no place in the park. Not only smoke is harmful, but also the example of behavior, because an adult with a cigarette is walking propaganda of smoking for a child. But has it been possible to protect children from tobacco? I'm sure it's unlikely. As soon as it gets warmer and the city park becomes crowded, you can easily meet people here with a cigarette. And you can find plenty of bulls in the “smoking-free territory”.

But in reality, smokers are rarely fined. Let's say, in 2012, not a single person was fined for smoking in that very park. Although putting pressure on your wallet will not be superfluous here. This year the work has been intensified, and three citizens have already received fines for smoking in in the wrong places.

No less current problem– smoking in the entrances of residential buildings and corridors of dormitories. As commented in the legal department of the State Unitary Enterprise "OZHKH", according to the law, if your healthy image your life is being disturbed by the smoke from your neighbor's cigarette, you can complain to your housing department. According to Art. 21.16 “Violation of the rules for the use of residential premises” of the Administrative Code of the Republic of Belarus, a protocol may be drawn up in relation to such neighbors and a fine of one to three million rubles may be imposed. And although there are ashtrays on almost every floor, last year no such protocols were drawn up, this year there is only one...


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So far, smoking is not punished so severely in the Republic of Belarus. Smoking is prohibited in clinics and hospitals. Strictly, but this is also observed by parents themselves, smoking is not allowed on the territory of kindergartens and schools. Even the staff goes outside to smoke. This is strictly monitored. Smoking is prohibited on site educational institutions. But students smoke as they move from building to building.

Smoking is prohibited in underground passages. This is where there can be trouble. It’s just that, as a rule, near stations, in passages where there are a lot of people, there are policemen on duty, in addition to metro security. And there are trash cans right next to the entrance. And many, out of habit, stop near the entrance to the metro and finish smoking. This is where they get caught. The entrance is in an underground passage, but you can’t smoke in it anyway.

You cannot smoke in the entrances of houses. Fine up to 5 base. If in dollars, then it's up to 50 bucks. Smoking is not allowed in holiday parks. But if in Minsk the police don’t pay attention to this in parks, then in Gorky and Chelyuskintsev parks they can easily slap a fine on you. But the police tend to be loyal to this. Usually he will simply warn you and ask you to throw away the cigarette. Smoking is also prohibited by law in all administrative buildings. Smoking is prohibited on court premises. This is where it gets interesting. Near the executive committee you can. But you can’t do it on the courthouse porch. In some cafes you can smoke in the hall. In some it is prohibited. Smoking is prohibited in all public toilets. No matter where it is. For example, smoking is strictly forbidden in a ballet theater, but smoking is allowed in a musical theater. There is a hood there.

There is one more feature. Smoking signs in the Republic of Belarus are posted wherever you are. In hotels, platforms, train stations and so on. But it gets ridiculous. There is an ashtray on the platform, next to which there is a “No Smoking” sign, and a lot of people who greet you are smoking. The police pass by calmly, not paying attention. But as soon as one of the passengers threw a cigarette butt onto the rails, law enforcement officers immediately approached him and, pointing (!) at the sign, had a tear-jerking conversation. In general, the situation is quite comical. But in general there is no particular severity towards smokers in the Republic of Belarus. There are laws and restrictions, but they apply depending on the circumstances. The hotel prohibits smoking on the stairs and in the room. But if you open the window, no one will scold you. But if you throw cigarette butts and this is noticed, they may make comments here.

Another example is stops. You can't actually smoke on them. But everyone smokes. But if you pay attention, people try to stand on the leeward side. They don't go under the visor with a cigarette. Or they go beyond the stop. It is not customary to smoke openly in a crowd at a bus stop. But no one is racing.

In general, smokers in Belarus are treated quite tolerantly, as long as smoking is not combined with rudeness and bad manners. As a rule, those who do not respond to comments, throw cigarette butts anywhere, do not respond at a stop to a request not to smoke, or brazenly smoke in prohibited places and litter are fined. It's the same with beer. In Belarus it is prohibited to drink beer in public places. But if you are sitting in a park and quietly drinking beer, most likely they will not pay attention to you. But in a group, smoking and throwing garbage, you will be immediately detained. It should be noted that Minsk, for example, and all regional centers Belarus has very clean cities. And law enforcement officers also pay attention to this. As long as there is no place where the company will sit, throwing empty packets of chips, throwing cigarette butts and plastic bottles. But no one will choke you on the street because you sat down on a bench to smoke a cigarette.