Raising a Caucasian Shepherd for 3 months. How to train a Caucasian Shepherd: training to commands. Outside your territory

« You can bend a young tree in your own way, but an old trunk cannot be straightened,” says an Arabic proverb.

This is just instilling in the puppy the necessary skills that will help in later life and training. adult dog.
Mandatory training for an adult Caucasian Shepherd is KS (guard duty), but the owner needs the skills and some commands from the OKD (general training course) to control the dog.
By the time a young dog can be trained on the club site, it should have basically developed some disciplinary skills: training to a name, calling, place, sitting, showing teeth, walking nearby - this is training a puppy.
But these commands must be practiced in the game, without the use of violence, with rewards for each execution of the skill. You cannot demand a lot of endurance and the ability to exercise for long periods of time from a puppy.

The owner must use only standard commands.
Raising a dog begins from the moment a puppy appears in the house. The owner should always be patient but persistent with the puppy. If the puppy doesn’t know, teach him, if he doesn’t want to, force him.

Basic rules for raising a Caucasian Shepherd puppy:

  • Feeding the Caucasian Shepherd puppy at certain hours, no handouts from the table between feedings, treats only for following a command, affection only from family members.
  • One person in the family should work with the wolfhound puppy at home and train it on the playground.
  • You should not allow a Caucasian puppy to do all sorts of pampering that are funny in a small puppy and unpleasant in an adult dog, for example, jumping on the owner, climbing on the sofa, lightly biting/holding with teeth, etc.
  • If you need to punish a Caucasian Shepherd puppy, then only at the moment he commits an undesirable act and not necessarily through physical force, sometimes the intonation of his voice is enough. If you punish little puppy physically, then the punishment should be short but tangible, similar to the punishment of a mother - pat/shake by the withers. There should be no physical impact on the puppy’s body, head, limbs, etc. - the maximum that can be allowed is a painful effect on the puppy’s skin. Punishing a Caucasian puppy some time after he has committed an offense will only bring harm, since he will not understand why he is being punished.
    Learn more about punishing and rewarding a puppy.
  • Do not allow the puppy to be teased or hurt. Do not allow strangers to pet your puppy. A Caucasian Shepherd puppy should be indifferent to strangers.
  • Do not set your Caucasian Shepherd puppy on strangers, aggressiveness will appear with age, naturally. If the puppy independently tries to bark at a stranger in the apartment or in your yard, encourage him. On the street, the puppy should not show aggression; distract him with a toy, fetch, or a prohibiting command.
  • You must not allow your puppy to try to chase animals, birds, or passing vehicles, and you must not poison dogs among themselves. A Caucasian Shepherd puppy should not be afraid of street noise, car traffic, or trains. To do this, walks with him should start from quiet streets, gradually moving to busier ones.
  • Particularly important is the work on the most complete social adaptation of the Caucasian Shepherd puppy. It would be a mistake to isolate a Caucasian from strangers during childhood. Limiting the circle of communication with strangers often leads to the fact that, having matured, the dog reacts to strangers not only in your home, but everywhere: on the street, in the entrance, in the yard, etc. The better a young dog knows people, the more confident it will feel in their company, the more balanced and calm it will be.
    It is very important that the childhood and adolescence of the Caucasian Shepherd are spent in communication with others, preferably mentally normal dogs. This is necessary not only for the full development of a complex of sexual behavior. A Caucasian raised in isolation will not learn to respond adequately to various life situations Having matured, he can become either a pathological coward or a total aggressor. Therefore - communication, communication and more communication!
  • From the first day the puppy appears in your home, when feeding the puppy, pay more attention to him with your presence, stir his food with your hand while he eats. This will teach your puppy to trust you. The wolfhound puppy will quickly get used to this and will not guard the food from you. It is also recommended to take a toy from the puppy, as well as a tasty morsel. If the puppy takes it well and gives it back without difficulty, reward it with affection and joyful intonation, after which you need to return the taken item to the dog.
    The ideal owner of a Caucasian Shepherd will most likely be a balanced, persistent and consistent person, patient and sensible, with a sense of tact and proportion, who loves and respects the magnificent animal with which fate has brought him together.

They make everyone feel tender and want to cuddle these little bumpkins. But remember that basic skills and concepts are learned by a dog in its first four lives, so don’t waste time on sentimentality and get your puppy used to order right away. Strengthen all the right habits at once, be consistent and persistent in your upbringing, do not lift prohibitions, regardless of your mood.

After the first two to three months, the dog should know its name, place, sitting position, showing its teeth and the ability to walk next to its owner. Do not use violence, these skills must be practiced in the game, reinforcing them with rewarding treats. Avoid long, tedious training sessions with your puppy. Daily consolidation of acquired skills is the key to success in his upbringing.

Feed your dog strictly set hours and discourage her from being near the dinner table while eating. She should receive delicacy and affection only from the owner or members of his family. Only the owner should carry out commands.

Immediately stop your puppy from trying to jump on you, bite your hand with his teeth, or climb on or sofa, which will become inappropriate and dangerous as the dog grows and gains weight. Punishment must follow immediately after the sin, otherwise the dog simply will not understand why it is being punished and will not connect it with the action that caused your anger. When punishing physically, act like a mother dog: shake sharply by the withers. The painful effect should only be on the puppy’s skin, and not on parts of its body.

This breed has been paired with natural selection for centuries.

Because of this, the animal is distinguished by its voluminous muscles and fearless, balanced character, and the endurance of the Caucasian Shepherd makes the dog a companion and protector even in harsh conditions.

But this is only a small part of the qualities due to which the Caucasian Shepherd has established itself as a guard dog.

The breed's temperament demonstrates persistence and determination, while high intelligence and restraint contribute to fast learning dogs.

Shepherds also have well-developed sensitivity and attentiveness. If the first encourages the pet to react to stimuli, showing distrust of unfamiliar things or acquaintances, then the second contributes to the rapid assimilation of commands.


Attention is one of the success factors in dog training, which affects the ability to focus on the owner and follow his instructions.

However, the difficulty lies in choosing the right training method. Despite its good trainability, the Caucasian Shepherd is not without intelligence, which often does not play on the side of the owner.

Where to start education?

The general training course (GTC) comes at 8-12 months of life and mainly at the training site. The course of education or home training begins from the first day the puppy arrives at its new home.

Dog training begins from the moment the puppy adapts to a new place and learns. Training is introduced gradually and, on average, classes do not need to take a long time. Pressure and pressure on the Caucasian Shepherd is unacceptable, as this will prevent the puppy from achieving mutual understanding with the owner.

Training a Caucasian Shepherd at home comes down to learning simple commands:

  • "Sit";
  • "To me";
  • "Place";
  • "It is forbidden";
  • "Ugh";
  • "Near";
  • "Stand".

If the owner is inexperienced or not confident in his abilities, then the advice of a dog handler will not be superfluous, who will help organize the training process and give effective advice.

An individual course or training method must be created for each student. As a rule, the training system depends on the characteristics of the dog and the duration of mastering the skill. At first, the choice of method comes down to identifying the student’s stimulus, which will influence and encourage the shepherd to right action. However, methods, whether using “stick” or “carrot”, in most cases are doomed to failure from the very beginning. Over time, the Caucasian completely stops paying attention to the home teams, and therefore the only way achieve results - establish contact using other methods of influence (facial expressions, voice, intonation, jerking the leash).

What can be taught?

High intelligence is one of the advantages of the breed, not to mention the protective qualities of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog. To protect the owner or territory, the dog does not even need commands. And with good training, the shepherd will become a worthy employee in more than one service.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog predisposed to:

  • protection (protective guard service);
  • security (protection of territory or property);
  • search (search for things, people, animals, prohibited means, etc.);
  • escort (guide dog);
  • search and rescue service;
  • convoy and patrol;
  • delivery of goods.

The Caucasian Shepherd is easily given OKD. If the owner has a desire to teach the dog freestyle or another sport, then learning basic skills for a shepherd dog will not be difficult, and agility plays the role of entertainment rather than hard work.

Caucasian Shepherd Dogs also demonstrate good trainability in competitions in:

  • frisbee dog (catching a flying disc);
  • fast track (overcoming barriers followed by arrest);
  • sport herding (sheep management);
  • agility (speed overcoming barriers);
  • pitch and go (quick fetch offering);
  • obedience (obedience);
  • dogpulling (tug of war);
  • flyball (overcoming an obstacle course to the flybox and back);
  • freestyle (a combination of obedience exercises and tricks to music).

Basic rules of training

Compared to dogs of other breeds, whose training begins on the playground, and the acquired skills are transferred home, it is recommended to train the Caucasian Shepherd in the opposite way.

Rules on how to properly train a Caucasian Shepherd:

  • the first stages of training come down to establishing a relationship between the owner and the animal;
  • teaching techniques goes from simple to complex;
  • when developing specific skills, it is advised to follow a strict sequence, since the development of some habits will become the foundation for others;
  • the development of several techniques contributes to the acceleration and quality of the learning process;
  • It is recommended to study a new technique at first;
  • The recommended time for training is 2-3 hours before and after feeding, in the morning and in the evening.

How to teach basic commands?

Developing the command “Sit!” It is recommended to go for a walk with a short leash. Having voiced the order, the trainer presses on the area between the croup and the lower back of the animal, while pulling the leash up and back until the command is carried out. If the lesson is performed for the first time, then the owner’s waiting time for the dog is reduced to 1-2 minutes.

Execution of the command by gesture is carried out with the same short leash, but this time the owner stands opposite the Caucasian at a distance of two steps. The leash is pulled with the left hand, when the right hand, after the word “Sit!”, hits it from bottom to top.

In training, the instructions “Lie down!” the trainer stands opposite the dog and presses on the withers, moving the front paws forward. This position is held for 10-20 seconds, after which it is encouraged. Unlike the previous command, here the gesture involves hitting the leash from top to bottom.

Training for the command “Fu!” is carried out exclusively near the object of animal irritation (thing, animal, bird, etc.). As soon as the dog makes an attempt to attack the object, the owner gives an order and sharply pulls the leash towards himself. Correct execution of an order is stimulated by a reward.

Training for the team “Place!” comes after fulfilling the order “Lie down!” Meanwhile, the owner leaves a familiar object (for example, a muzzle) in front of the dog and moves away 5-7 steps, repeating the command. After 1 minute, the shepherd is called to the owner and receives a share of the reward before the trainer exclaims “Place!” and will not lead the Caucasian to the abandoned object, continuing to hold him on a short leash. In the process of learning the command, the distance between the dog and the owner increases.

Before giving the command “Voice!”, the owner sits the pet in front of him and steps on the leash, depriving the shepherd of the opportunity to jump. He takes out a treat, lets the animal sniff it, and gives an order. The dog has no choice but to bark.

How to train guard duty?

A Caucasian's training in guard duty occurs immediately after learning obedience lessons.

In the service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, dogs are trained not only to protect and guard service, but also to develop the ability to pick up a scent. In addition to protecting people, animals, and things, dogs learn to detain and find things by smell.

Let's consider the development of the guarding qualities of a shepherd dog. Command "Guard!" comes after "Place!" and “Lie down!” While the dog is “on duty”, a distrustful attitude towards strangers is formed, which becomes a fundamental factor in developing the animal’s vigilance.

The training process begins from the moment the command “Lie down!” is given. The owner places a familiar thing in front of the animal and gives the command “Guard!” All this time, the trainer remains next to the dog or slowly walks nearby, without approaching the thing. The animal’s aggression is stopped by the command “Place!”. Then a third person is allowed into the training, who will attempt to take away the protected item, which the dog must interfere with. But without trying to leave the “post”.

Training scheme

Rules of conduct are established from the first day a pet appears in the house. Training begins with memorizing your pet's own name and instantly responding to it. After this, the commands “Walk!” are used. and “Come to me!” Every correct response is rewarded.

From three months the puppy is taught prohibitions - “You can’t!” or “Ugh!”

The first commands are taught at 4-6 months of a shepherd's life. Decree “Near!” comes after the development of the commands “Sit!”, “Place!”, “Lie down!”.


It is recommended to introduce a muzzle to a Caucasian Shepherd dog in the sixth month. This will not be an easy step, because dogs of this breed are freedom-loving, so it is recommended to wear a muzzle for a short time and without the use of violence from the owner.

Basic mistakes

Mistakes when training dogs:

  • lack of an individual approach;
  • there is no specific sequence in developing techniques and organizing training sessions;
  • crossing of the processes of inhibition and excitation (violation of conditioned reflex activity);
  • overtraining (overtiring the dog);
  • use of erroneous stimuli;
  • underestimation of the impact of other irritants on the dog;
  • incorrect combination of conditioned and unconditioned stimuli;
  • abuse strict collar(parfors);
  • erroneous intonation in the voice when issuing commands;
  • repeated repetition of the command “Fu!”;
  • incorrect delivery of instructions;
  • inappropriate encouragement.

How much do classes with a dog trainer cost?

During the first lesson, the dog handler gets to know the pet, studying the animal’s character traits, behavior and the level of relationship between the pet and the owner.

Types of training:

  • individual sessions;
  • group exercises with other dogs;
  • training with foster care from a dog handler.

Let's consider the average cost of providing services with a dog handler visiting your home:

Remember that a Caucasian is a natural leader who is capable of making decisions alone. The wolfhound will not make concessions out of politeness, so it is important from puppyhood to show the dog its place in the family hierarchy.

Useful video

Secrets on how to raise and maintain a Caucasian Shepherd:

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It's always nice to see a man with a dog walking proudly next to him. To achieve this, you need to train her on time and correctly. This applies to dogs of any breed. Caucasian Shepherd dogs are trained according to general rules and principles, but with an orientation towards the psychology of this breed. These dogs are known to be independent, sometimes even stubborn, so if you demand something from them, it must be truly necessary. And the dog should feel it.

The Caucasian Shepherd takes longer to master commands and skills compared to traditional breeds. That is why during the training process there is no need to be afraid of overpraising. Even the slightest successes should be noticed and celebrated.

Training a Caucasian Shepherd includes 2 stages: training a puppy and training an adult dog. The first is performed by the dog's owner, and the second by the instructor.

First, the puppy needs to be taught its name. This, one might say, is the basis of all training. The puppy must learn to quickly respond to his name, because this is a kind of signal for him. The nickname, translated from dog language, is “attention”. Therefore, you should not pronounce it too often, or change it to another form. When you want to feed the puppy, hold the food in your hands, call the dog and add “Come to me!” And do this every time. After this, the dog must either be petted or given food. This is a reward for understanding. The command itself “Come to me!” should be spoken in a gentle tone, not threatening or angry. It happens that the puppy does not obey this command, in this case repeat it as many times as necessary, and after obedience - praise and a treat. Gradually you will achieve trouble-free and constant execution of this command. This is a very important first step. Take a closer look at individual characteristics Caucasian Shepherd puppy and try to take them into account when training. If the puppy likes to eat something tasty, reward it with a small piece of sugar or a crumb of bread. If the puppy loves affection, then pet him.

Sometimes during a walk it’s worth letting the puppy go for a while, saying “Walk!” But doing this is often not recommended, because then he will get tired and simply not respond to your next command. The command “Come to me!” also needs to be used very carefully. If you see that the puppy has not yet had a walk and call him to you, you are achieving disobedience. The puppy may snatch the treat from your hands without being petted. Stop this, get him to run up, stop, let himself be stroked, and only then give him a treat as a reward.

Do not punish a Caucasian Shepherd puppy for committing an offense far from the trainer. Running up to the owner. The dog will already forget about this incident, since it has a short memory and will be completely confused by the punishment. She will most likely decide that she did not respond to the call correctly. During an offense, it is better to be close to the dog and shout or throw something at it immediately, rather than delayed.

Is your Caucasian Shepherd puppy 2-3 months old? It's time to teach the command "Fu!" This command is spoken sharply, strictly and persistently, but without rudeness. You should not use it too often, or repeat it several times in a row.

At 4-5 months old, a puppy can already be taught the commands “Sit!” and “Lie down!” If you encounter an obstacle while walking (a small stream, a ditch, a log), you can force the dog to jump over. But there is also no need to overuse jumping.

At the beginning of the walk, it is better to lead the puppy on a tight leash to strengthen the back and shape the limbs, and after the walk it’s time to teach the “Near!” command.

The muzzle should be introduced from 6 months. Moreover, it is better to put it on gently, first a little, then longer. If the puppy tries to remove the muzzle, then you need to give a prohibiting command.

An important point in training is learning to refuse food at the right time. When your dog eats, say “Ew!” or “You can’t!” The dog should stop eating and start again only after the command “Take!” Gradually the exposure time is increased. This is a useful skill, because on the street a stranger may try to feed the dog; it should not react to food from someone else’s hands. To reinforce this skill, ask a friend to give the puppy a treat, and when he takes it, have your friend flick the dog on the nose. A surprised and frightened puppy will approach you. Now you can give the puppy a treat and pet it.

If a Caucasian Shepherd puppy suddenly tries to bite someone from the owner’s family, you need to sharply pull him back: either shout “Ugh!”, or even lightly slap him on the rump.