Lessons with a tutor: nuances you need to know about. How to start working as a tutor? Personal experience

1 148 0 Hello, today we will tell you all the secrets of how to become a tutor, where to start and how to look for clients.

Often, parents are faced with the fact that their child does not learn the material well at school or does not cope with the established curriculum at all. The student should not hang his nose: after all, if difficulties arise, you can always turn to a tutor. The profession of “teacher for hire” is in demand to this day. Sometimes tutors earn more than full-time teachers. Of course, the salary depends on the level of the teacher.

Tutor's profession

The work of a tutor is not as easy as it seems at first glance. Especially considering that many students are restless and do not learn new information well. That's why wage private teachers are much higher than their counterparts in urban schools.

Prices are set per academic or regular hour, and the lesson schedule is adjusted according to the wishes and capabilities of both the student and the tutor.

Pros of the profession

  • Working as a teacher at home is much easier: you no longer need to cope with a whole group of children or teenagers, you work with a specific student.
  • There are no reports or programs that need to be strictly followed.
  • There is no need to report to the director or head teacher of the school.
  • The tutor plans his own time and distributes the workload.

Demand for the profession

Tutors are especially in demand right before exams. For example, before the Unified State Exam, State Examination, TOEFL, MBA and others.

Finding a tutor is very simple: just look at the bulletin board on the Internet or in the city newspaper. Since there are so many teachers, it will be difficult to get to the top of the profession. You will have to prove that you are a master of your craft and deserve to receive a high salary.

Of course, if you have already worked as a teacher, then continuing to work will be much easier. At the same time, you may have earned a good reputation among your former or current students.

How to start tutoring

  1. To ensure you get off to a good start, determine which field is right for you. Don't take on an area of ​​knowledge in which you are not very strong.

The most popular teachers are foreign language teachers: English, French, German. The age of the student, as they say, is “from young to old.” These can be preschool children and businessmen. The last category of citizens is more solvent and most promising for your career growth.

  1. Select the category of citizens you will work with. It can be:
  • Preschool children- in preparation for school.
  • School graduates- in preparation for entrance exams.
  • Students- in preparation for the session.
  • Adults seeking to improve their knowledge.
  • Corporate clients- this is relevant for foreign language teachers who are invited to companies to work with employees.

When thinking about choosing the age of students, be guided by those with whom it is easier for you to find a language.

  1. Create a training program.

It is very important to do this at the beginning of the journey. Of course, you can adjust it during the learning process. But in order to monitor the level of students’ knowledge, an initial work plan must be required.

  • Develop a test to check knowledge levels at different stages: when the student comes to you for the first time, after a month and at the end of training. This will make it easier for both you and the student, who will clearly see what he has achieved.
  • It is necessary to purchase relevant literature, methodological and visual aids. Some of them can be downloaded for free, while others will require you to spend money. A good teacher always has his own personal methodological developments and is guided precisely by them.

One program will not be enough if you study in different subjects and with different people of different ages. Try to find an individual learning system for each student.

  1. Register as an individual entrepreneur.

Many people are concerned about taxes. For your peace of mind, you can register as an individual entrepreneur and pay taxes for yourself. In addition, if you plan to work with companies, most likely they will enter into an agreement with you, which means you will definitely have to report to the tax office.

Of course, you can start troubles with these accounting problems, see how everything goes and if success is not long in coming, make it official.

But remember, tutoring is considered a form of individual activity, and it is not subject to licensing. The teacher's qualifications must be confirmed by a diploma. At the same time, registration of an individual entrepreneur will become mandatory procedure, because private teaching is a business activity.

Therefore, it is necessary to provide that a percentage of the funds earned will be spent on paying taxes. However, profits can increase significantly if students study in your apartment or via online communication. This way you save on transport and have more time to spare.

  1. Decide on the type of lesson.
  • Online(by Skype);
  • Offline(by visiting the student at home or visiting you);

The first method is the most advanced and gaining popularity nowadays. This is convenient for residents of big cities: there is no need to stand in traffic jams and spend money traveling around the city to get to a private teacher. In addition, students can be recruited from different cities and even countries.

Surprisingly, the cost of training via Skype is slightly higher than the traditional form of training. This may be due to the fact that teachers on Skype are more modern people who value their time. In addition, this allows you to hold video conferences with several students of one teacher, sharing the level of knowledge in a group, without gathering a crowd of people at home. It turns out full-fledged educational process and a whole class of students.

Speaking about such a specific job as a tutor, it is worth noting one thing - it is important to look for an approach to each of your wards. The teacher does not always use video communication: you can also send the necessary materials and assignments via e-mail, if the student can figure them out on his own and solve all the tasks.

  1. Set prices for your services.

When wondering how to get started in tutoring, many are unsure of their final salary. A very low amount will completely discourage motivation, but an excessively high amount will discourage potential clients.

If you are confident in the quality of your services, do not hesitate to ask for sufficient payment. If you have no experience, it is still better to lower the rates until you get the hang of the hard work of a private teacher.

The amount will be influenced by several factors:

  • Place of residence;
  • Teaching experience;
  • Teacher education;
  • Intensity of classes;
  • Teacher guarantees;
  • Difficulty of the subject.

It is worth discussing in advance whether payment will be made for each lesson, all lessons for a month or after a fixed number of days (for example, after 5, 10, 15 lessons).

basis successful activities the teacher will have extensive experience and high quality material. Tutoring may well become the main source of income, and the profit will be several times higher than the average salary of a full-time teacher.

Of course it is necessary start-up capital: for the purchase of teaching materials, literature. But it will quickly pay for itself. You will be able to achieve “net” earnings after just a few months of active work.

So, you have purchased the necessary materials and are ready to get to work. Let's start with the most banal thing: finding students.

How to find students for tutoring

  1. Word of mouth. Works flawlessly. Tell everyone you know that you have decided to take up tutoring and you will be surprised how quickly people will reach out to you. Don't be shy about your profession. At least you don’t sit still, but do everything to earn money.
  2. Paid services.

There are many services where you can post your resume. Be sure to include:

  • the price of one hour (academic or regular);
  • subjects for which you are studying;
  • your education and work experience;
  • areas in which it will be most convenient for you to work.

After leaving your contact information, wait for a call from your prospective students and talk to them. After talking in person, you will decide whether you can work with this person or not. It is advisable to immediately clarify the age and academic performance of the schoolchild (student).

  1. Free services.

If you do not want to work through intermediaries, then you can always place advertisements yourself in newspapers, magazines or on online bulletin boards (Avito, Yula, hh, RabotaRu, etc.). And also on online message boards in your city. Go to social networks and start searching free groups to post about your services.

Create your own page where you post your diplomas and student reviews. A personal page is very convenient not only for listing your credentials and work experience, but also for prompt communication with students. In addition, children love modern teachers who speak the same language as them, so they learn the material better.

Here are some tips from experienced tutors on how to tutor:

  • When meeting a student and/or his parent, immediately clarify that the student’s success will depend not only on you, but also on the diligence of the student himself. If your child has problems with perseverance or is not serious about studying, do not hesitate to tell your parents about it. Otherwise, after a while, “all the barrels will roll on you.”
  • Patience is the key to success. Sometimes students will meet, as they say, not a gift. Here it is important to control yourself and not get personal.
  • Inspire! Try to find an approach to each student. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a teenager or an adult, you can tease anyone.
  • Lesson objectives. At the very beginning of your training, clarify the objectives of your lessons. What expectations does the student have for your lessons, what does he want to achieve. Share your plans for his training. Set clear goals for him, for example, that by the end of the year, he must learn this and that.
  • Humor. Classes are the work of the mind. Make jokes with your students, take a minute break, and talk about abstract topics. This way the information will be absorbed better.
  • Give feedback. If your students are children, then call their parents and tell them about the child’s successes and failures, because it is unknown what he tells about you at home. If your students are adults, once a month summarize your learning and ask for feedback on your lessons.
  • Always have a backup plan! When preparing for classes, have a clear plan and standards for deviation from it. Don't expect to figure it out on the spot. Have additional tasks in stock if the student completes it quickly and still has time.
  • Don't hang on to careless students. There's no need to beat yourself up if you see something you can't find. common language with a student. Don't quarrel with the students, just say goodbye to him.

Useful articles:

A tutor is a person who has the necessary knowledge and techniques that allow him to work with students individually. We are talking about both increasing the level of knowledge within the framework of a school or university program, and about mastering a new area, for example, a foreign language.

If you decide to engage in this activity, first of all you should understand a number of issues.

1. Determine in which area you would like to offer your tutoring services. You need to proceed from your own knowledge and level of training, but keep in mind that teachers of foreign languages, mathematics and Russian are most in demand. Other school subjects are less popular, but there are also opportunities to study them. Especially when it comes to preparing for the Unified State Exam or working with students.

2. Select the age of the students with whom you prefer to study. These could be elementary school students, teenagers or graduates. Classes with preschool children are also in demand to prepare them for school. And if you are planning to teach a foreign language, then among your students there may well be adults.

3. Prepare a methodological base: textbooks, educational and visual aids, audio and video materials, programs and methods. To successfully start a career as a tutor, you need to have good methodological developments. At first, you can use ready-made programs and techniques that are easy to find on various specialized sites.

The selected material should be appropriate to the age and preparation of your students, so it is better to have several programs.

Remember that tutoring involves not only teaching others, but also constant self-education. Once you have resolved issues related to methodological preparation, you can begin searching for students.

How to start tutoring: finding students

University and school teachers often engage in tutoring to earn additional income. Why does this work become an occasional activity for some, while others are constantly in demand and are not looking for students? Secrets of an excellent tutor.

University teachers and school teachers, especially young ones, often find themselves in tutoring. Becoming a tutor means not only having additional income, it also means a free work schedule and the opportunity to choose your own program and students.

Only a few become private teachers, for most of them it is combined with their main job. What is the secret of a successful tutor?

Professional skills

To become an excellent tutor, it is not enough to have a university degree. You must know your subject perfectly, be able to explain not only the theory, but also show how to implement it in practice, and it is better if the examples are from real life. Also signs of professionalism are:

Knowledge of the methods of teaching a subject in a certain sequence and the ability to explain why the study takes place in this particular sequence. Use of quality textbooks. The tutor must have his own set teaching aids, which he considers the best - well-written, structured and clearly demonstrating theoretical calculations. You must not only choose a textbook to teach, but also be able to explain to the student why you chose this particular textbook.

Providing additional materials. Agree, you can read the textbook yourself, there is no need to hire a tutor for this, so a good teacher always provides students additional materials, uses high technology in teaching and makes the educational process more interactive.

Application of a fair system of knowledge assessment, willingness to justify this or that assessment. The work of a tutor is also assessed, but this time by the level of knowledge of his student. You can find out the effectiveness of your program by comparing the student's initial level with the current one or by asking parents, colleagues, and the student himself about progress.

Constant professional growth of the tutor. Each of us has something to learn, so a successful tutor regularly attends advanced training courses, trainings and seminars on his subject and teaching methods. It would also be useful to monitor events happening in the world related to your field of knowledge.

Personal qualities

Not every graduate of a pedagogical university is capable of becoming a good tutor. To do this, you need to have a set of qualities that allows you to build the educational process most effectively. The most important quality is the ability to find a common language with the student and establish emotional contact with him. Without understanding the reaction to the training material, you will not be able to make adjustments to the program if necessary. Contact with the student allows you to increase his interest in the subject being studied, and hence the effectiveness of learning.

Punctuality and consistency are also important for a tutor. The beginning and end of classes should always be at the same time, checking of completed work should be done exactly on time, and materials for the lesson should always be prepared in advance. It’s good if a tutor thinks systematically, this will allow him to form the structure of classes and in the learning process not jump from one to another, but go from simple to complex, always keeping in mind the final goal.

How to become a tutor

If you have a desire to become a mentor, to teach someone what you know yourself, then you are ready to become a tutor. To achieve success, you need to perform a number of actions:

  1. Choose your specialization. Math analysis and solution differential equations- fundamentally different directions, although one is part of the other.
  2. Treat everyone individually. Do not forget that in front of you is not a stream of students, but one specific person, to adapt to whom is now your job.
  3. Always conduct a knowledge assessment at the beginning of the course. This will help you know if the student is ready for your program, or if it needs to be slightly expanded on the basics that the student does not know. Make the learning process interactive - encourage the student to ask questions and express his opinion, even if it does not coincide with yours or the generally accepted one.
  4. At the end of the course, ask the student to evaluate the program and your effectiveness as a teacher. This will allow you to improve your skills, and at the same time you will receive recommendations for working with your next clients.

The demand for tutoring services is great, and in order to become not just one of many, but the best in your field, treat it responsibly. Increase the level of knowledge of students, students and adults, improve yourself and your educational program, then thanks to you modern society it will get a little better.

The main fundamental part on which success is based in any professional activity, is considered quality education. Today, the provision of tutoring services is extremely popular. Everyone knows that a well-prepared student can easily pass exams at a prestigious university and enter it. Many people who need the services of a tutor want to improve their basic educational level in a particular subject, and many want to take this issue very seriously. In general, the tutoring industry is a fairly promising area of ​​business. And in this article we will talk about where to start tutoring. primary classes. Moreover, in this article we will let you know how to turn this business into a profitable field of activity.

What you need to make money from tutoring

Are any of you asking yourself the question: How can you become a tutor? The most important thing is to understand for yourself that your desire alone will not be quite enough to answer this question. You can create a successful and profitable home at home when you adhere to a specific plan of action. Therefore, below we will talk about what you need in order to achieve success in this matter?

Basic requirements

Tutoring is a very responsible and difficult profession. Many believe that this work provides additional income for teachers of universities and schools. But in fact, real professionals in this matter do not teach in these educational institutions. Main and an important condition In the organisation of this business at home is an excellent education and vast experience in this work. Another important factor for a tutor is good knowledge in the field of psychology and teaching skills. The more experience a tutor has in a given field, the better their professional skills. Based on this, we can safely say about the possibility of increasing tariffs for the services provided in the future.

Everyone knows that many people have great difficulty believing information about experience. In order to prove yourself on the good side, you need to ask your students for help in composing letters of recommendation. Any person who has not only excellent knowledge, but also his own personal qualities, which every good teacher should have, can become a tutor.

So, how can you become a tutor? In order to achieve success in this, the following personal qualities will help you:

  1. Such a quality as responsibility will help to competently approach the work of maintaining discipline in lessons and planning them.
  2. Great interest in your work. Good tutor always strives to improve personal knowledge and to become more best method training.
  3. Opportunity to teach and present in a more accessible way required material. Even if a teacher knows the answer to a question perfectly well, he can always competently explain it to another person.
  4. Such a quality as punctuality allows the tutor to right time start and finish your lesson.
  5. Competently establishing a common language with students. Personal qualities and charm are the main basis for excellent relationships with your clients. And competence, in turn, also plays a huge role in building relationships.
  6. Inner self-control and patience for mistakes.

If you also have all the qualities that we listed above, then you can safely start working as a tutor. But first, you can work with the children of your friends or acquaintances. Thanks to this, you can gain experience. After that, you can look for new clients.

Search for students

From this article you can learn about how to make money from tutoring. Above we have listed the qualities that every tutor should have. But here it’s worth talking about how to find new students for your activities. If you have just begun to engage in such activities, then now a novice tutor can be of great help from various resources on which specialists post questionnaires for the opportunity to find a job. This information indicates the place where the training will be conducted, the city of residence, the cost of these services, work experience, time of training and personal education. If you don’t want to bother posting your personal resume on these resources, you can print out advertisements and post them at the entrances of houses or bus stops, near various educational institutions. An excellent option is also to create a personal website. Skype training has become extremely popular these days. Therefore, if you have a computer with a working webcam, you can teach your students remotely.

Is it necessary to obtain a license?

Tutoring is a type of teaching activity that does not need to be licensed. If the tutor has a diploma, then it acts as the main confirmation of the qualifications you have received. Since tutoring is considered a business activity, in order to start working, you must register with the tax authority as an individual entrepreneur. This action will be an excellent option in the future to increase your income, since most people began to turn to those tutors who work legally.

If you are at the stage of drawing up your business plan, tutoring may not be classified as home-based tutoring. If you are essentially a businessman, then you can consider the option of creating a training center. In this case, you will definitely need to obtain a license.

Tutor cost

Most tutors set themselves the most main question: what price should you set for your services? Many tutors, trying to attract a large number of clients set low prices for their services. But this is far from correct. In this case, you personally will have minimal motivation to do your work at high level. Among other things, your clients will begin to doubt the quality of the services you provide. You should always remember that the work done must be paid accordingly. On this moment There are no set payment rates for these services. Below we will describe the facts that will affect the earnings of a tutor conducting classes at home:

  • Personal experience work in this area;
  • Education in this profile;
  • Place of residence (locality);
  • Number of classes held per week;
  • Guarantees provided by the tutor;
  • The uniqueness of the discipline.

"Inconvenient" questions

If a client, for some reason, has not paid for the lesson, there is no need to be afraid to tell him about it. You perform your services for him, and monetary compensation for this should be mandatory. You can ask the client how it is more convenient for him to pay for lessons: for each lesson separately or for 6-7 lessons.

How to achieve success

You probably already understood that tutoring as a business activity can bring good income to every tutor. But in order to be able to bring your plans to life, you need to constantly work on yourself. It is impossible to become a tutor if you do not improve your level of knowledge or are impatient with students' mistakes. If these qualities are inherent in you, then they will have to change. The most important thing in this matter is your personal desire to increase the client’s level of knowledge or give him new ones. The main thing for you is to become great friend for your student. When doing your work, remember that there are no unsolvable cases!

  1. You need to choose one area of ​​activity as your main one and try to become an excellent professional in it. After you achieve success, you need to start learning new knowledge.
  2. It is important to apply a special individual approach to each of your students.
  3. You need to take your first lesson with a particular student with special responsibility. After the lesson, you should evaluate the level of his knowledge and determine goals and possible loads.
  4. You need to make your lessons more interesting. If you force a student to simply cram his subject, you will not achieve the effect you need.
  5. Try to give your training client the opportunity to express his personal opinion. In the same case, if it differs from your point of view, try to enter into a debate with the student.
  6. Try to get your student to respect you. If you still fail to achieve this, it is better to refuse to conduct lessons with him.
  • Does a tutor need a license?
  • Cost of tutor services

Quality education is the most important basis for achieving success in almost any field. A student with good knowledge will be able to enter the university more easily, a student will be able to easily overcome exam sessions, and a young specialist with additional and necessary skills increases your chances of rapid career growth.

Since the demand for tutoring services is high, there are enough offers on the market from various schools and private teachers. Most often, students and schoolchildren use the services of tutors. Some of them want to close gaps in certain knowledge, while others want to study a specific area more thoroughly. Often adults turn to the services of tutors in order to learn foreign language or take additional courses vocational education to learn a new profession.

However, the thought “I want to become a tutor” is not enough to be a professional in this field. Let's look at what is needed for this.

Firstly, a quality teacher must have considerable psychological skills. At the same time, the tutor should not be devoid of creativity. It is worth remembering that a teacher is first and foremost an assistant and colleague for his student. In this article we will take a closer look at how to become a good tutor.

What does it take to become a good tutor?

Few people understand that tutoring is a complex and responsible profession. There is a stereotype that tutoring is a side activity of a school teacher or university professor. In reality, true masters of their craft are neither first nor second.

Experience and higher education are the main requirements for a quality tutor. Skills in pedagogy or psychology will not be superfluous. In addition, practical skills are also important. It is worth understanding that what longer person busy in this field, the more experienced he becomes and the better he performs his work. Accordingly, its tariffs tend to increase over time.

In most cases, it is not easy to trace the duration of an experience. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to ask each of your students for recommendations. Reviews are a kind of confirmation of your competence in this field.

In fact, tutoring can be done by anyone who has higher education and a desire to teach. However, it is worth understanding that this type activity is not suitable for everyone. In addition to knowledge, you need to have certain personal qualities that are characteristic of a good teacher. These include the following:

  1. Responsibility. It is this quality that will allow you to plan effective lessons and maintain academic discipline during classes;
  2. Interest in the subject of teaching. A good tutor always improves and supplements his knowledge, and also improves his teaching methods;
  3. The ability to present material in an accessible and understandable manner. Despite the fact that many of us understand a particular issue well, it can be difficult to explain it to another person. A quality tutor should be able to easily cope with this task.
  4. Punctuality makes it possible to start and finish classes on time;
  5. Ability to establish rapport with students. Personal charm and competence in your subject are the basis for building a trusting relationship with your mentee;
  6. Patience and loyalty to student mistakes.

If you have the above qualities, you need to immediately start looking for students, and as a practice and to gain some experience, you can start with lessons with the children of your friends.

What a newbie tutor needs to know

How can a tutor find students?

Today there are resources on the Internet where you can post your profile, which indicates the city in which you plan to work, the area where it will be convenient for you to travel to classes, tariffs, your education, work experience and other useful data.

If you want to cut out the middlemen, you might consider advertising online or in the press. It wouldn’t hurt to post notices near schools and universities. Original and very effective solution There will be a website created for conducting classes via Skype.

Does a tutor need a license?

Tutoring is a form of individual pedagogical activity that is not subject to licensing. Qualification is confirmed by a corresponding diploma. It is important that the teacher can easily find contact with his students. Skills in the field of pedagogy, psychology, as well as experience in an educational institution will help you with this.

You need to understand that tutoring is a business activity. Therefore, it is necessary to issue an IP certificate. Naturally, this format of work means that you will have to pay taxes, thereby sharing your income with the state. However, this solution also has a number of advantages, including increased profits if you host students at home.

There is also another option. If a tutor has an entrepreneurial spirit, he can organize his own training center. It must be taken into account that non-payment of taxes legal entity, which is similar educational institution, is punishable by a fine in the amount of 20 to 50 thousand rubles. In this case, the organization needs a license that allows it to conduct teaching activities.

Cost of tutor services

It is worth talking separately about the issue of tariffs for tutoring services. You don't want to make them very low because you won't be motivated to do a good job. Moreover, potential clients may have doubts about the quality of your services. If you do your job well, be sure to demand decent pay for it. Lack of experience may be a reason to reduce your tariffs to a level slightly below average, but you should not overdo it in this matter.

There are no uniform methods for calculating the cost of tutoring services. Available the following factors, affecting the price:

  • Profile education of a teacher;
  • Experience;
  • Region of residence;
  • Location of lessons;
  • Study intensity;
  • Guarantees provided by the tutor;
  • The uniqueness of the subject taught.

For example, services physics tutor in Samara will cost less than similar lessons in Moscow. At the same time, since this area is less widespread in comparison with English language , the cost of lessons will be slightly higher than the rates of a foreign teacher.

If at the end of the lesson your student does not remember about the payment, you can remind him of the fee. You can ask how it is more convenient for the client to pay - for ten lessons or separately for each, and then clarify that the second option is preferable for you.

When asking yourself the question of how to become a successful tutor, you need to understand that hard work in this direction will allow you to achieve considerable heights in this area. You must be well versed in the subject, have considerable work experience, make the lesson interesting and effective, and constantly update your knowledge.

In addition, you must have a desire to enrich your student with new knowledge. Become a mentor and friend to your mentee. Practice the principle that there are no hopeless students.

To understand what does it take to become a tutor, use the following tips:

  • Choose one narrow area and become a quality tutor in it;
  • Practice an individual approach to each student;
  • During the first lesson, try to assess the student’s level of knowledge, the goals being pursued, and the load that he can withstand;
  • The main goal of the teacher is to make the subject interesting for the student, without forcing him to study anything;
  • During classes, the student should be given the opportunity to express his opinion and be allowed to talk more often about the subject being studied;
  • Make sure the student respects you as this is the foundation of building effective business relationships. If this is not possible, you can safely refuse to work with the student. Remember that you can always find more effective and productive use of your skills and abilities.

It's not enough to know how to become a tutor. Remember that reputation is the basis of a successful career for any teacher. You need to understand that one negative review about your services will cost you more than three positive recommendations. This is especially true for teachers who have a main job and attract students for additional training in a specific subject.

These tips will help you overcome a lot of difficulties on the way to building your own business. By following them, you can quickly achieve a good level of income and gain an excellent reputation in your field.

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