Getting to know the French Bulldog: pros and cons. French bulldog puppies (photo): care, upbringing, feeding Wedding photos with French bulldogs

The origin of the French Bulldog is believed to be related to the English Bulldog. But this is not their only ancestor - the breed standard indicates kinship with the currently extinct Spanish bulldogs of the Alan breed. During the Middle Ages, several breeds of bulldog-like dogs really lived in Spain, which were very popular in their native lands. These large animals with a short muzzle were originally used to accompany herds of bulls, and after a while, like the English representatives of the bulldog family, they took part in bullfights.

When blood sports such as bull-baiting were banned in England in 1835, English fighting dogs became "unemployed". Fortunately, since about 1800. bulldogs began to be bred for non-sporting purposes - as companion dogs. To reduce the size of the animals, some of them were crossed with terriers, while others of the breed were crossed with pugs. In the 1850s, a fairly large group of toy bulldogs was created. Their weight then was about 7.3-11.3 kg, but appearance differed in diversity in the shape of the head, the structure of the body and the structure of the ears. The compact dogs became the favorites of the English lace-makers, who they used as pets and rat-catchers.

In their homeland, miniature bulldogs did not gain much fame, but during the same period an industrial revolution broke out in England, during which skilled workers began to emigrate en masse to the continent, in particular to France. It was small dogs, unrecognized in their native country, that were taken away by emigrants. Displaced as a result of the revolution, lace workers from Nottingham, along with their pets, began to settle in Normandy, where miniature bulldogs were noticed by the French elite. France met new breed with open arms - bulldogs fell in love with both the lower and upper strata of society.

Incredible fame in France led to the fact that London dealers began to deal exclusively with the export of dogs. By 1860, due to the rapid growth of fame among French dog lovers, the number of miniature bulldogs in England was close to zero.

Toward the end of the 19th century, small funny dogs acquired a certain external type and were considered as an independent breed.

The first owners of dogs of this breed were workers who used them for hunting rodents and as pets. Then they became popular among Parisian prostitutes, which earned them notoriety. But already at the end of the century, French bulldogs won the love of secular ladies, writers, artists, fashion designers and other creative personalities.

Accurate documentary data on the development of the breed, reflecting the efforts of French cynologists, has not been preserved. However, it is clear that such work was actively carried out during the 19th century. Researchers claim that it was the French who made the representatives of the modern breed a straight-legged, compact, short-faced and playful little dog, as far as possible from breeders. english bulldogs.

In 1870, the French Bulldog Club was founded in France. The English Kennel Club initially recognized miniature bulldogs only as a subspecies of the existing English breed. In 1905, he changed his policy and recognized the breed as an independent breed, then in 1912 they received the official name - "French Bulldogs".

With the advent of world wars, many dog ​​breeders refused to breed dogs of this breed, but in 1980 the French Bulldogs were revived.

Already in the twentieth century, the breed not only received recognition, but also won the hearts of dog lovers throughout Europe. They have become popular favorites in high society. French Bulldogs won the love of many famous personalities - the English King Edward VII, the Russian Tsar Nicholas II, Tsesarevna Tatiana with Tsarevich Alexei (Romanovs), the famous actress Maria Pototskaya, opera singer Fyodor Chaliapin, French painter Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, poet Vladimir Mayakovsky, ballerina Anna Pavlova and the founder of the famous fashion house Yves Saint Laurent.

French Bulldogs are compactly built medium-sized dogs with an unusual appearance and strong character. The weight of males is 10-14 kg, females - 8-12 kg, height at the withers - 25-35 cm. The main distinguishing features of the appearance of dogs of this breed are a muscular body, strong legs, a massive wrinkled head with a short muzzle, large standing ears, wide at the base and rounded at the ends, flat nose and large expressive eyes. The tail is naturally short, with characteristic kinks.

The coat of the French Bulldog breed is short, thick, shiny, dense and smooth, without undercoat. The color can be very different - brindle, fawn, spotted. All shades of fawn are allowed, from bright red to coffee with milk. The most common are white-brindle, black-brindle, white-fawn, fawn, brindle and white, both with and without spots. Black, mouse, white and black, chocolate, black and tan, tricolor, blue brindle, fawn with blue mask, merle and isabella are not allowed.

French Bulldogs are very friendly dogs and make great pets. people who want to make a devoted and cheerful friend.They are often called clowns in the guise of philosophers.With the owners, they establish a very close and tender relationship, and try to spend as much time as possible with people close to them. They have a deep inner world, playful, bold, mobile and attractive, only occasionally showing their slightly "rebellious" character. "French" are very loving animals, requiring the attention of everyone who comes into contact with them. They love the company of their household, always taking the main part in all the events taking place in the house. They get along well with children, especially those who have already grown out of the age of restless testing of the character of dogs for patience. They can easily live with other pets, although they like to be the only pets in the house. In case of danger, they are ready to protect the owner and his family from any ill-wishers - a dog or a person, even if they are many times larger than them in size. The "French" bark rarely, and often do it to get attention when they need something and if they get bored.

They behave very carefully in the house, quietly resting in their favorite armchair, while the owners leave on their own business. The peaceful nature does not allow the French bulldogs to be as good pet in terms of protecting the territory, but he will always loudly and loudly notify everyone about the approach of the guest to the home.

Training dogs of this breed will not be difficult if you approach the matter thoroughly and take into account all the specifics of the psychology of these animals. However, you should know that in comparison with other breeds of "French" to train a little harder. They learn new commands more slowly than most dogs. During training, it is advisable to encourage them with a treat. Sometimes French Bulldogs can be capricious, so the owner will have to show maximum patience and consistency. Due to the physiological features of the structure of the skull and respiratory tract These animals need to avoid overheating during training.

During walks, "French" can show some aggression towards other dogs and cats. If such a situation arises, you should hold the pet by the leash and distract it with something more interesting.

Cleanliness of French bulldogs is not to be occupied - having come from a walk, the dog can lie at the doorstep for a long time until its paws and stomach are washed.

Often in various articles about the breed there is information about such a disadvantage as loud snoring in a dream, but in fact this is an exaggeration - the “frightening” snoring of bulldogs is comparable to the breathing of a sleeping person. Therefore, the sniffing of the "Frenchman" can not even be heard against the background of the breathing of sleeping roommates.

The French Bulldog's small size, outgoing nature, loyalty, kindness, and minimal exercise requirements make them ideal pets for the elderly or those living in small apartments. These affectionate animals with a great sense of humor are sure to give love and happiness to their owner. We can safely say that the French are the best four-legged friends, playful companions and gentle pets.

The life expectancy of French Bulldogs is 10 - 12 years.

The content of the "French" is completely unpretentious and caring for them does not require special skills. It is advisable to comb them out once or twice a week with a special brush to remove dead hairs. French Bulldogs are clean dogs and have no odor. Bathing pets with special shampoos can be a maximum of twice a year, as frequent water procedures can lead to dry skin.

The short muzzle of French Bulldogs is decorated with numerous wrinkles, some of which may be too deep, due to which the delicate skin in the folds can sting and cause discomfort to the dog. Therefore, you should wipe them daily with a cotton pad, and in case of diaper rash, lubricate the folds with naftalan or zinc ointment.

Every day it is necessary to inspect the ears, eyes, coat and paws of the pet. If necessary, the dog's ears should be cleaned with a cotton swab. It is important to look after the nails and check the paw pads for cracks. In the summer, bulldogs cut off the extra length of their claws when running on hard ground or asphalt, but in the cold season they need to be shortened. The eyes of the "French" also require attention - they must be wiped regularly and monitored. general condition. The teeth of the animal should be checked for the presence of a gray-yellow plaque. In case of tartar formation, you should contact your veterinarian, as this leads to tooth loss.

Due to their small size, French Bulldogs do not require a lot of food, but they love to eat, so it is important to monitor their diet and the amount of food they eat. Artificial food should be exclusively premium and super-premium class, and natural nutrition should be balanced and correct.

"French" need daily walks, preferably twice a day. Dogs of this breed are not adapted to a long run, especially in the hot season. They do not tolerate high temperatures well, as they respiratory system does not allow you to effectively regulate your own body temperature. When overheated, the animals can even get heat stroke, so in a very hot weather prefer to spend time in air-conditioned rooms where the temperature is kept within optimal limits for them. As for the cold, because of the short coat they are also sensitive to it, but they can safely walk in sub-zero temperatures if they have the opportunity to move enough. You can use special overalls that are sold in pet stores.

The cost of French Bulldog puppies ranges from $300 to $1,000.

Photo of French Bulldog |

basic information

Assessment of breed characteristics

adaptability A definition that refers to how easily a dog can adapt to changes in life.

Shedding level Level and frequency of hair loss in an animal.

tenderness level The level and amount of tenderness and affection that the dog gives in return for attention to himself.

Need for exercise Daily activity level of the dog.

social need The required number of contacts of the dog with other animals, as well as people.

Apartment ratio A factor that determines the level of noise and other inconvenience that the dog can deliver to the owners in the ratio of the size of the apartment to the size of the dog.

Grooming The number of baths, brushings, and the required number of professional grooming sessions a dog needs.

Friendliness in an unfamiliar environment Features of the dog's behavior in a society with strangers or in an unfamiliar environment.

tendency to bark Tendency to barking and its frequency and loudness.

Health Issues The potential health status of the dog.

Territoriality The dog's tendency to protect his home, yard or even the owner's car.

Friendliness for cats Tendency to be tolerant of cats and reduced hunting instincts.

Intelligence The dog's ability to think and solve problems that arise (not to be confused with learning!).

Education and training The level of difficulty in teaching a dog to perform certain actions.

Friendliness for children A factor that determines how friendly a dog is to children, whether he likes to play with them and tolerate some childish pranks.

Game activity The concept is defined by its name itself, and, as a rule, is found in almost all dogs.

Observation The ability of a dog to detect the presence of a stranger in its territory.

Friendly to other dogs The dog's tendency to find mutual language with their other relatives.

Brief description of the breed

Despite its name, French Bulldog appeared not in France, but in England, in the city of Nottingham. These small dogs were especially popular among the working class. They were mainly kept in factories to fight rats. After the scientific and technological revolution, thousands of workers lost their jobs and rushed en masse to France, where their labor was in demand. Of course, they took their pets with them. So the dog came to France. Small bulldogs have become quite popular among workers and merchants. Already at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, French bulldogs appeared in French nobility. Images of French bulldogs began to appear on the canvases of famous artists. The bulldog is gradually becoming a representative of modern bohemia. Especially the popularity of this dog has increased in recent decades.

Breed advantages:

  • Strongly attached to the owner;
  • Friendly and playful;
  • Very smart, easy to learn;
  • Can adapt to any room;
  • Doesn't need in large numbers movements;
  • Pretty sensitive watchman;
  • The coat is easy to care for.

Cons of the breed:

  • Can bully other people's dogs;
  • Stubborn, needs consistent training;
  • Poorly tolerates loneliness;
  • Does not tolerate heat very well;
  • Strongly snores.

The French Bulldog is bat-shaped with ears. He is able to adapt to any home environment. Quite formidable on the outside, very kind inside. The French Bulldog's motto is "Love the one who tamed you." The breed is very popular, such dogs can be found very often both in cities and in countryside.

Dogs of this breed are not large, their average weight is about 14 kilograms. The French Bulldog does not need a lot of exercise. It can be kept in small and huge cottages. This pet not prone to barking like most other dogs of this size. The French Bulldog is a great alternative for people who, for whatever reason, cannot keep active breeds.

French Bulldogs have a good mind and ingenuity, but at the same time quite stubborn. They are excellent companions, love people and are very attached to the family. That is why they should not be started by those who cannot spend enough time with their pets. It should be noted that keeping an animal in the yard, in an aviary or on a chain is unacceptable. The dog must live under the same roof as you. This condition is connected not only with the psychology of the little Frenchman, but also with physiological features dogs with flat faces. The fact is that such animals are very difficult to experience temperature changes, so they need a stable room temperature. Another feature that needs to be mentioned is the nocturnal snoring of the animal, caused by the structural features of the respiratory tract.

Dogs of the French Bulldog breed are not very demanding on active exercises. A daily twenty-minute walk will be enough to keep them in shape. It is best to take such walks in the morning or evening, and not in the afternoon heat. As already mentioned, these dogs are sensitive to temperature changes, so they can hardly tolerate heat. If you like long hiking or jogging, it is better not to opt for this breed.

Some dog breeders believe that a French Bulldog puppy can be taken into the family as early as 10 weeks of age. However, not everyone agrees with this opinion. If a Frenchie puppy is separated from its mother at an early age, this can affect not only its physical development, but also its psychological state. It is noticed that such puppies quite often develop aggression.

The French Bulldog does best in families where family members spend most of their time with the pet. The relationship of the dog with cats and children is not very friendly. Therefore, such dogs are not suitable for families where there are. Also, aggression is often manifested in relation to other, unfamiliar dogs.


No matter which side you look at, you can still see the moloss from everywhere. Only his ears seem to be from a fairy tale. In addition to the labial folds, this small dog is distinguished by a compact body structure, a strong skeleton, and a relatively large, compared to the body, head with an elongated skull and prominent brow ridges, separated in the middle by a deep fold. Bulldogs are distinguished by a characteristic, very short, wide, shortened muzzle with concentric, symmetrical folds. Its length is about 1/6 of the entire length of the head. The mouth is wide and powerful, the lower jaw is pushed forward and, in comparison with the upper one, bends slightly upwards. The lower incisors protrude in front of the upper ones; a full row of teeth is desirable for bite. A distinctive feature of the French Bulldog is its medium-sized ears, wide at the base, erect, rounded at the tips. The eyes are set low, rather far from the nose and ears, dark, fairly large, round. The eyelids are framed with a black border.

Bulldogs are considered quite strong dogs with a powerful body. The upper line smoothly goes up a little, from the withers to lumbar. The topline formed in this way is called short. sacral department, and is characteristic of this breed. Rib cage broad and deep set, reaching a little lower than the line of the elbow, the ribs are prominent. The abdomen is tucked up, but not very sharply. The forelimbs are straight and parallel, the elbows are strongly pressed to the body. The feet are small, round, compact, also called "cat feet", pointing slightly outward. The hind limbs are powerful and muscular, standing straight and parallel, slightly longer than the forelegs, which is why the sacrum is characteristically raised. The hocks are set rather low, the angle of inclination is moderate. Hind legs round, compact, as well as the front, they can be called "cat", but they do not look outward. The tail is short, low set, with creases.

Size and weight

  • Height at the withers: male - 27-35 cm, female - 24-32 cm.
  • Body weight: male - 9-15 kg, female - 8-13 kg.


The color of French Bulldogs can be varied. The coat is short, smooth and shiny. The dog's skin is wrinkled, especially on the head and just below the neck. French Bulldogs can be brindle in the form of spots and stripes in light and dark colors. In general, the coat of these dogs can be almost any color, except for solid black. Avoid those breeders who try to oversell a puppy of one color or another. In addition, a certain color can be a sign of genetic abnormalities. So, female French bulldogs in fawn color are a sign of the presence of genetic abnormalities. You should also be wary if for one offspring the dog brought only cream or fawn males. This is considered a deviation from the norm, and is a reason to be wary of the health of the puppies.

French Bulldog Photo:

Photo of dog breed French Bulldog |

Origin story

There is no doubt that the ancestors of the French Bulldog are once used to provoke bulls and as fighting dogs. After the British government introduced a ban on fighting, interest in big and bold bulldogs faded. Therefore, the crossing of small-sized individuals with representatives of other breeds began, which contributed to the appearance of a miniature version of the ancient fighting dog, but with a more accommodating character. At the end of the 19th century, these dogs, along with English workers who left in search of work, made their way to France, where they fell into the hands of breeders in the working area of ​​Paris. They began to cross with, and even some terriers, from which the French Bulldog most likely inherited its attractive, rounded ears, reminiscent of bat ears.

The appearance of this rather plebeian dog was finally formed in France, which has always been considered the cradle of elegance and fashion. Despite the fact that the history of this animal in France began in the Parisian pavilions of the largest market in the city, very quickly, thanks to its unusual appearance and unusually sweet character, the pet found the interest of a large number of French aristocrats and artists. The breed became extremely popular, and it is not surprising that soon this little hero had mountains of fans, including rich, titled and famous people. These include: King Edward VII, the famous artist Toulouse-Lautrec, the writer Colette, Grand Duchess Tatiana Romanova, and, in the end, the French fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent.

The first club of connoisseurs of the French bulldog appeared in Paris in 1880. Eighteen years later, in 1898, the first breed standard was recognized, which in the same year was approved by the French cynological community. Later, it was repeatedly amended. For a very long time there were disputes over whether the bulldog is French or English breed. He really comes from England, but the way the dog looks today, you need to thank the French, who were the first to bring out the breed standard. The Fédération Cynologique Internationale leaned towards this argument, and in 1898 admitted that the small bulldog was considered french breed, and that's how it was registered. The English, although insisting that the breed was English and that the very name "Bulldog" was associated with England, finally agreed that the breed would be called French. But it was not easy for them, only in 1902 a club of fans of the French bulldog appeared in the UK, and only ten years later the breed was recognized by the British Kennel Club.

The French Bulldog made a big splash throughout Europe, with the exception of England, where representatives of this breed gained popularity only after the First World War. In the United States, it was first introduced as early as 1896 and immediately became very popular. American breeders brought individuals from the best European nurseries, which very quickly raised American selection to a very high level. In Russia, French Bulldogs became known as pets even before the start of the First World War, but with the coming to power of the Communists, the breed practically disappeared. By the time the Second World War ended, only one French bulldog named Flick had survived in Moscow. The revival of the breed in Russia began only in the 70s of the XX century.

french bulldog personality

French Bulldogs have a wonderful temperament and are recognized as one of the most best dogs- guides in the world. These dogs are accommodating, easy to care for, excellent contact even with strangers, as well as with other animals. French Bulldogs have a reputation for being mischievous and funny pets. They do not need a lot of exercise, but they are not averse to playing with a ball in the room or on the street, but at night they love to sleep curled up at the feet of their owner. These dogs are perfect for both the elderly and young people. The dog is full of love and devotion to his owner and family members.

French Bulldogs do not need special care, the only thing that will need to be done regularly is brushing the coat so that it looks beautiful and is completely healthy. Regularly it is necessary to examine the puppy, monitor the condition of the skin. It should not show bare spots, peeling or inflammation, which can be an obvious sign of infection. You also need to systematically monitor the ears, eyes and teeth of the dog. Any selection or bad smell should be the reason for a visit to the veterinarian.

Regular cleaning of the ears can be done with a damp soft cloth swab. It is necessary to clean the ears along the edges of the ear canal. If you notice that inner part the ear is very dry, then you can use the usual baby or mineral soap. But the oil can be used for dry nose.

Another feature of the French Bulldogs are the downward growing claws. Therefore, you will have to trim them regularly. This will prevent the occurrence of cracks and tears in the nail area, which are often caused in dogs. pain. If for some reason you are unable to carry out the nail trimming procedure yourself, you can always turn to a professional who will do this work quickly and efficiently.

The characteristic wrinkles of a bulldog also require due attention. Every time after bathing, you should carefully wipe the skin, especially between the folds. Bathe French Bulldogs every month, or as needed. When bathing, it is necessary to use only specialized shampoos for dogs, they will help preserve natural oils in the skin and coat.

French Bulldogs are just like any other dog. special attention and care at an early age. This means not only ensuring normal physiological development but also spiritual. Give your little bulldog more of your warmth and affection. Build a relationship with your pet right from the start. early age, from the first days of the appearance of the animal in the house.

Training and education

Teaching and training a French Bulldog can be an overwhelming task for an unprepared person. The fact is that these pets are stubborn, and also quickly lose interest in exercises and even games that are often repeated. Therefore, the process of education and training should be rich and varied. Be sure to use treats and your affection as rewards. Never shout or show aggression towards the animal, otherwise you will aggravate the situation. Training French Bulldogs at home is not easy and takes a lot of time. Usually, general process homeschooling takes about six months. Many recommend seeking the help of specialists who know how to do it right.

Health and disease

French Bulldogs are owners of flattened faces, which contributes to the occurrence of bracheocephalic respiratory syndrome. All dogs with flattened facial bones difficulty breathing is observed - this is caused precisely by the peculiarity of the structure of the skull and the airways themselves. Dogs with bracheocephalic syndrome do not tolerate heat well and physical exercise. There are times when an animal starts an attack, sometimes it even reaches surgical intervention. Some veterinarians are of the opinion that surgical operation in the respiratory tract helps to improve air circulation and, as a result, breathing itself.

Often French bulldogs suffer from pathologies in the development of the spine and intervertebral discs, problems with which cause not only discomfort, but severe pain syndrome. It is also normal for dogs of this breed to have problems with reproductive function. Very common in French Bulldogs eye diseases The most common is cataract. Frequent and problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

As already mentioned, these cute animals are very sensitive to high temperature. Never leave your pet in the heat for a long time, and also do not leave the dog in a hot room without air conditioning. Remember that by adopting a puppy, you can definitely save him from another common problem that, in principle, is easy to prevent - obesity. Provide for your pet healthy food stick to your diet! healthy eating- the key to the normal development of the whole organism.

Some interesting facts

  • You should not keep a French Bulldog in the same house as a cat, as these dogs do not really like such a neighborhood.
  • A distinctive feature of the dog are somewhat curved paws and ears, shaped like bat ears.
  • Due to its inactivity, the French Bulldog is suitable for homebodies.
  • Due to its light weight, it is convenient to take the dog with you on trips.
  • The Bulldog will be stubborn during training. It is best to study outdoors. This will have a beneficial effect on performance.
  • French Bulldogs can snore, snort, grunt and make a lot of rather strange sounds.
  • Dogs of this breed do not swim well. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent the possibility of free access to pools, fountains and other water bodies.

The controversial dog is the French Bulldog: on the one hand, his ancestors are a fierce fighter, an implacable opponent who fought not only with relatives, but also with much larger enemies. On the other hand, he turned out to be an affectionate, devoted friend, capable of devoting himself completely to his adored master. Big ears, smart big eyes, a variety of colors - all this allowed the French Bulldog to become a universal favorite.

It is still not entirely clear which of the countries is the birthplace of the breed: England or France. Breeders from Foggy Albion claim that the “fraznzuz” was obtained as a result of a change in toy bulldogs, which are mini-copies of English bulldogs. The Frogs, on the other hand, assure that they used a rare breed, which has already disappeared today, the Spanish bulldogs. Experts from France say that only they took care of getting offspring from English and Spanish bulldogs.

At the initial stages of the formation of the breed of dogs, these could only be found in the French suburbs with the owners of small shops. "Frantsuzyat" girls of free morality were very fond of. It was acquaintance with the ladies of the demimonde that made it possible for the breed to reach new level- go to the living rooms of the bohemia. The writing brethren have always been associated with the aristocracy, so soon the dogs managed to climb even higher up the "career" ladder - to get into the homes of politicians and nobles.

Curious fact! For quite a long period of time, the French Bulldog was a favorite of aristocrats, a kind of canine elite. This was especially true for England and America.

At the beginning of the 20th century, a puppy could be purchased for $750 (at that time, you could buy a small apartment in a bad area or a good car with this money). However, there were copies, the cost of which reached $ 5,000! The mafiosi's girlfriends were very fond of dogs of this breed.

The breed was brought to our country at the beginning of the 20th century. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, they were especially valued as the most fashionable breed. At all exhibitions, French bulldogs met like show business stars. As before in France, in our country, creative people are very fond of bulldogs. It is known that Fyodor Chaliapin had two dogs of this breed, Mayakovsky also had a dog, which added to his popularity with women.

French bulldogs appeared in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century, when they were considered the most fashionable breed.

Breeders knowingly ate their bread at that time: their hard work significantly increased the number of French bulldogs around the world. From animals for the nobility, they became favorites for everyone and everyone. Nowadays, any family can get such a puppy.

The purpose of the breed, appearance, photos

The French Bulldog is a companion dog. She not only loves her master - she lives for him. She needs to see the owner 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. She wants to “talk” with him, eat, sleep, walk.

French Bulldogs adore children, they do not have aggression, but also fear, so they will be ideal companions in pranks and games for a child. Given that this breed is insensitive to pain, the “hugs” of the child will not be afraid of her.

Characteristics and breed standard

The modern French Bulldog, whose description allows you to imagine the cutest creature, is not a giant at all: his height is about 30-35 cm at the withers. The muzzle is short, the animal is muscular and strong. A distinctive feature of the breed is high large ears, forked upper lip, flat nose and protruding incisors.

Photo. French Bulldog

french bulldog photo

The coat color can be absolutely any, except for black: white, white-fawn, brindle, cream, fawn. How much a French Bulldog weighs depends on its appetite. Average, the weight of males is about 10-15 kg, females - 8-12.

The latest version of the standard is valid from 03.11.2014.

Here are the characteristics of French Bulldog articles:

French Bulldogs are very peaceful. They are moderately gentle and devoted. A dog with such a bright temperament will not let the owner and his guests get bored, because he feels great in a crowd of fans. They need attention, and the opportunity to demonstrate charisma.

The pet is calm, although somewhat outrageous. The psyche is stable - these animals do not know fear, panic. The dog is touchy, but if the owner took a step forward, she is ready to forget about all the differences.

French Bulldogs get along well with both households and pets.

The French Bulldog, whose character allows you to get along well in a family with children, is still more suitable for adults. The fact is that babies are rarely ready to endure such an abundance of energy and emotions all the time. In addition, the dog itself is not always correct with children, because it lacks patience.

"French" prefer to be the only pets, but if there are other animals in the house, they will get along with everyone. Despite their small size, bulldogs consider themselves responsible for the territory they jealously guard. They will definitely warn you if someone comes to the door.

It is very easy to establish contact, a trusting relationship with a dog. Bulldogs like to spend as much time as possible next to the owner, fully justifying their purpose.

"French" are affectionate pets, devoted friends and cheerful companions.

Education and training

Even a first-grader can be engaged in training. Of course, we are only talking about basic commands:, "Fu", etc. - these commands are necessary for any animal to know, and it is not at all difficult to teach them to a French bulldog.

French Bulldogs, although a little stubborn, are very smart and quickly remember commands.

Training should begin the day the puppy is home. If an adult untrained dog comes to you, do not be upset - bulldogs are smart, therefore, with some perseverance, such an animal will learn everything it needs.

Properly raising a dog is also not difficult. Of course it is advisable to start theoretical training even before purchasing a puppy, but even without this, everyone can get a well-mannered pet. The most important thing is to timely correct the behavioral deficiencies that appear in any animals.

With sufficient perseverance of the owner, the bulldog will learn not to beg at the table, not to take food from strangers, not to bite the owner, and so on. Even a younger child can raise a dog school age, but parents should monitor his efforts and be ready to help.

Rules for maintenance and care

The French Bulldog is the perfect pet to keep in an apartment. He does not need open spaces for living and walking, he is quite satisfied with a small couch near the owner.

It is important to remember that the bed cannot be equipped near heating systems or in a draft. The surface should be fairly firm, spacious and clean. With all the love for a pet, placing it in your own or children's bedroom is unreasonable - due to the structural features of the nasopharynx, the animal snores heavily during sleep.

Walks with a bulldog can be of a calm nature - the dog is not particularly active on the street. In the heat or cold, you should not walk for a long time, because the short coat does not protect the dog too much. For the winter it is better for her to buy clothes, and for extreme cold and shoes.

French Bulldogs have a short coat, so they need warm clothes for the cold.

It is advisable to walk the dog on uneven surfaces: sand, gravel, forest soil. Climbing stairs can injure a dog's spine, so it's best to walk up the stairs with your dog in your arms. This is especially important for dogs under one year old, since their skeleton is not yet rigid enough.

Interesting! It is believed that there was a dog of this breed on board the Titanic. Witnesses claimed that after the sinking of the ship they saw a dog swimming towards the shore. This story is not so easy to believe, because the paws of this dog are quite short and the head is too heavy. Most of the breed is completely unable to swim.

Grooming, paws and muzzle

Caring for the "Frenchman" is quite simple. They need to be brushed once a week to remove dead hairs. It is recommended to bathe the dog only in case of significant pollution. It is not advisable to do this more than 2 times a year.

It is necessary to regularly cut the nails and monitor the cleanliness and integrity of the paw pads.

It is necessary to monitor the condition of the eyes, wipe them regularly wet wipe. It is important to wipe the wrinkles on the face, which accumulate dirt and moisture that can lead to infection. Wrinkles are wiped with cotton pads.

How to take care of your ears

The ears of French Bulldog puppies stand up on their own by 3-6 months.

It is enough to clean the ears twice a month. If discharge, an unpleasant odor, redness, swelling and swelling appear, you should immediately consult a doctor, as these symptoms may indicate.

The ears of a French Bulldog should be erect, but you should not worry about this until the dog is 3 months old. In some individuals with heavy, fleshy ears, this can happen even by six months. Nevertheless, even if the cartilages do not want to straighten up, you can help them. To do this, you need: a bandage, a paper or medical plaster, cotton wool.

Glue the ears as follows:

  • prepare two rolls of cotton wool, the width of which is about 5 cm, the length exceeds the length of the ears by 2 cm;
  • wrap the rollers with a bandage so that they do not lose their shape;
  • put the resulting "chrysalis" vertically in the ear, and "wrap" it with the ear. Fix the resulting shape with a plaster.

In the matter of setting the ears, not only the vertical is important, but also the symmetry. If the ears are in opposite directions, the judge will consider this a defect.

Therefore, additional efforts are needed:

  • take two pieces of plaster, equal to the length between the ears + the width of the ears;
  • wrap the ears with ribbons in front and behind, gluing them together in the middle.

This design must be left for 7-10 days. If after this the ears do not rise, it is necessary to repeat the gluing. Most often, two times is enough. In order not to spoil the ear cartilage of the dog, you should not stroke it on the head, touching the ears.

Many freshly baked owners are interested in. There is no consensus among experts on this matter, but still most of the animals themselves vote for natural food. Of course, we are not talking about borscht and sausage: you need to feed the dog only food prepared for him.

Many owners feed bulldogs with natural food, which is necessarily dominated by meat (beef, lamb).

When feeding "natural" should give most of the diet to the meat. It can be lean lamb or beef. You can give boiled or raw meat, cut into small pieces. The bird is given only boiled and only pitted. It is preferable to give a puppy a scraper rather than minced meat. If you treat your pet with offal, it is better to boil or scald them. Only sea fish is allowed.

The diet should include buckwheat and rice porridge, a boiled egg yolk is given weekly. Carrots, cabbage, pumpkin are useful for dogs. Fruit should be given raw, avoiding citrus fruits and grapes.

Health, longevity and breed diseases

"French" are not the biggest centenarians among dogs: average duration life - 10-12 years.

In general, these are quite healthy and strong animals, but there are some medical problems inherent in this particular breed:

The first vaccination is done at two months (Nobivak DHPPi + Nobivak Lepto). The second is done in a month, the composition is the same. The third vaccination (against rabies) is done after the change of all teeth.

Every year you should vaccinate your dog against rabies, distemper and leptospirosis.

Buying a puppy: how to make the right choice

If you take a puppy "from hand", its price will be small, but there is a high probability of acquiring a breed marriage or not a purebred animal at all. Sometimes you can find a really good puppy for as little as $100. The average price in the nursery is 200-500 dollars. Show class offspring from titled parents will cost from $1,000.

It is best to buy a puppy in kennels.

Moscow region:

  • "Mini Crumbs";
  • "From fawn bulldogs";
  • "From Kuntsevo"

Saint Petersburg:

  • "Dashin Dom";
  • "Amber Light"


Dogs of the French Bulldog breed are a little formidable on the outside, thanks to the folds and a peculiar groove on the muzzle, but kind on the inside. Possessing a multifaceted character, this pet can become a wonderful companion in the life of any person. But at the same time, it can cause some inconvenience. For example, behave aggressively towards other animals. Today we will tell you what other advantages and disadvantages exist for representatives of this breed.

Despite his first duties as war dog and hunter of small rodents, the French Bulldog quickly found its place in the niche of decorative pets. It is understandable: the original appearance and peculiar character helped this dog win the hearts of many "dog lovers".

Such a pet can become great friend even for a family with children, even for single people, because he has a calm and balanced character, although on the street without proper education he can show aggression towards other dogs.

The French Bulldog is able to feel the change in the mood of the owner. He loves to be the center of attention, but he can wait until this attention is given to him.

Representatives of this breed will fit perfectly on the knees of the owner and will be happy to lie next to him on an armchair. They will be able to adapt to any conditions of detention.

But the small size of the dog is by no means a sign of limited abilities. Quite the contrary - the French Bulldog will become excellent guard, barking to report suspicious noises or the arrival of strangers.

Yes, and a good defender. The serious expression of the muzzle, the muscular body and the hoarse barking of the pet will be able to scare away anyone who dares to threaten the peace of his master. In battle, he can also prove himself.

If you make some efforts in raising and training a dog, then over time it will only show aggression in an emergency. The rest of the time, the French Bulldog will be indifferent to other animals during the walk.

In general, dogs of this breed do not bark over trifles while at home. This is also a great advantage, especially for owners living in an apartment - there will be no unnecessary quarrels with neighbors about another sleepless night due to a noisy pet.

The French Bulldog, among all its characteristics, has this interesting feature like a naturally broken tail. Therefore, there is no need to specially stop it (cut off a part).

Since representatives of this breed have a short coat, it will be easy to care for him. Wool is combed quickly and easily, without the use of special tools. It is enough to purchase a comb for combing out dead hairs. In addition to all these dogs, they also do not need to be bathed often - their coat does not get particularly dirty, and it does not have a specific dog smell. Therefore, the services of grooming salons can be abandoned.

The French Bulldog easily finds a common language with children, loves to play with them, but within reason. It is better to watch such games so that no one is hurt.

Nature rewarded dogs of this breed with intelligence, curiosity and ingenuity. This, combined with a calm nature, makes them quick-witted friends, loyal and obedient. Of course, if laziness and stubbornness do not prevail in the character of the animal. But this is solved with the help of timely education and training with an obligatory element of encouragement in the form of a treat.

Among the positive characteristics of the French Bulldog, it is worth noting that he has a sense of humor. If the owner is sad, the pet will be able to feel it and try to cheer him up.

Enumerate the advantages of dogs of the French Bulldog breed for a long time. Especially if you describe each pet individually: some have some features, others have others. But, unfortunately, there are no animals without minuses. Now consider the negative qualities of this breed.

Dog Disadvantages

The small size and short coat of the dog at some point turn into a big minus. After all, representatives of this breed do not withstand too high and too low temperatures. Due to direct sun rays during the hot season, French bulldogs can easily get sunstroke, and the slightest draft can lead to a cold in the animal.

Therefore, the owner will have to dress the pet during the cold season in the warm season, and not go outside during the hot peak of summer. During water procedures you will have to prepare the bathing room well in advance, and then wrap the dog in a large towel. Rain and snow can become an obstacle for a walk without prior preparation.

Because of these problems, it is advisable to refuse swimming in water bodies. Not only can a dog catch a cold, the French Bulldog also has a very hard time swimming due to its large head and powerfully developed muscles.

French Bulldogs have peculiar folds on the muzzle, and in some representatives of the breed, the tail fits very tightly to the body. A fungus can start in these places, so you will have to periodically inspect the dog to prevent inflammation or the formation of abscesses, and also wipe the problem areas with at least a damp cloth.

Many owners will have to face problems while cleaning their pet's ears. This is a must because French Bulldogs have quite large and open ears. But these dogs are not very fond of this procedure and may resist.

Dogs of this breed have in their characteristics such a feature as snoring and the emission of gases during sleep. It's all because of the peculiar anatomical structure muzzle and respiratory tract, as well as problems with the digestive system - the animal does not digest some foods well. For example, milk.

From here, another minus appears - in French bulldogs more often than in other breeds, an allergic reaction to external irritants and some products is manifested.

In some dogs, it is possible to periodically observe profuse salivation. For many owners, this can be a big disadvantage, especially for those who are clean or worried about their young children.

French Bulldogs, despite their calm and balanced nature, can sometimes behave in family circle suddenly:

  • can turn the house upside down during the next outbreak of activity;
  • can be offended, and for a long time;
  • they can bite if they don't like something.

Another disadvantage that must be noted in representatives of this breed is a stubborn and lazy temperament. Without timely training good manners and obedience lessons, French Bulldogs can evade commands. If the owner is lazy, then the pet will not go far. Without constant repetition of the material covered, the dog will simply refuse to obey the commands.

French Bulldogs can't stand being alone and love attention. Therefore, for busy people, such pets are simply not suitable. Certainly, well-bred dog wait until the owner is free and starts playing with her, but not the whole day.

The courageous French Bulldog knows no fear. This, of course, is good, but if a big dog acts as an opponent, then this is a minus. Due to sudden aggression, a small pet can get seriously injured.

If the owner has a desire to have a guard in the yard of a private house, then the French bulldog is not the best choice. It is desirable to keep such animals at home, in order to avoid problems. For example, hypothermia or an uncontrolled fight with a neighbor's dog.


Now you are familiar with the main features of positive and negative qualities french bulldog breed dog. If you have the strength, patience and desire, then feel free to purchase such a pet.

Remember - any minus of the dog will easily turn into a plus with proper care, upbringing and endless love on your part.

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The heyday of the popularity of the breed in our country fell on the middle and end of the 80s. - perhaps the heyday of the DOSAAF era. Since those wonderful times for cynology, the livestock has significantly decreased, but, fortunately, the quality of dogs has increased significantly. Many very good bloodlines were brought from Europe, and there were fewer casual owners. But the one who once owned this breed will remain faithful to it forever.

Let's try to figure out why...

General information:

Is it suitable for a beginner Need for movement
Puppy price (average) Mind
Attachment to the owner How much he loves games
Tolerance for cats Dirt in the house
empty space Craving for communication
Is care difficult? Security guard
Average health Trainability

Standard appearance

The French Bulldog is small in size with well-developed strong muscles. The head, covered with folds and wrinkles, looks somewhat massive on such a body. The folds are symmetrically located around the muzzle and smoothly pass into the lips. forehead convex, brow ridges perform.

The ears are rather wide at the head and narrowed towards the top. They always stand upright and slightly forward, which makes them look like bat ears. The nose is flattened, the lower jaw is somewhat pushed forward, and the cheekbones have pronounced musculature. The eyes are large, round, set wide apart and moderately protruding.

Representatives of the breed have a wide chest, the torso narrows towards the back. The back is broad, the loin is convex, and the croup is sloping. The tail is short, with kinks, tapering towards the tip. Paws are short, powerful, strong. The forelegs are set wide, the pasterns are rounded, slightly turned outward.

The coat is short, smooth, hard. The color can be different: from light to bright brown, as well as white or motley (with a predominance of black and red).

Character features

It has an affable and friendly personality. It will feel equally good in a large family with small children or with a single owner. Despite his peaceful nature, he is able to stand up for himself. Some individuals may be aggressive.

In general, the French Bulldog is lazy, phlegmatic, calm, although he loves to play with his owner.

He prefers short walks, which is why he is considered a typical city dweller.

Despite its small size, the bulldog is distinguished by courage and is able to stand up for his master. He can enter into a fight even with an opponent who has significant dimensions and surpasses him in strength.

This photo perfectly illustrates the character of the hero of the article: a phlegmatic, but attentive and alert guardian.

Breed Benefits

Owners of French Bulldogs note such qualities: loving nature, friendliness, playfulness, lightness of character, as well as a sense of humor. This is expressed in the fact that the dog is able to make faces, do tricks, especially if he sees that the owner is ill.

This, by the way, is also a distinctive feature of their character, which is noted by the owners - they keenly feel the mood of the owner. If he is busy, the dog does not bother and does not interfere, and if the child wants to play with him, he will “turn on” the game with pleasure.

If the Frenchie feels threatened by the owner, he will behave like a real guard dog, which is confirmed by many owners.

However, the best illustration of this plus is a video from our channel:

Here we see the performance of the French Bulldog at sports competitions in IPO-3 (this is the highest category). For such a kid, this is a great achievement!

Also, separately, the owners indicate his curiosity and intelligence. He is interested in everything, willingly participates in any household chores, shows interest in everything. You can train him yourself, the puppy is very pliable. They also note that many have not heard barking in the apartment for several years.


The main disadvantage inherent in the breed is snoring. The dog may snore or snore quite loudly. As the owners note, large decibels are to be expected if the dog is very tired or has played enough. But, usually, loving owners are more touched than annoying.

Often there are problems with the coordination of movements, it enters at high speeds and when cornering.

Of the shortcomings, the owners note susceptibility to food allergies. Therefore, from the diet it is desirable exclude chicken meat and feed containing it.

If you do not follow the advice of veterinarians and do not follow the diet, a number of problems are possible. Basically, it concerns the liver and pancreas. They are not advised to give sweets, otherwise you can expect ear diseases that most owners of this breed face.

The French Bulldog does not live long: an average of 10-12 years, rarely up to 15. Upon reaching the age of 6-7 years, problems with urinary control are possible.

An abundance of saliva - also distinguishing feature all breeds with freely hanging flews. Owners find salivation within normal limits and do not consider it a disadvantage.

Features of care

Caring for a French Bulldog is no different from other breeds. Combing should be done rather as a massage, since the coat sheds imperceptibly and does not cause much trouble.
Bathing the dog is not necessary often, it is better only in case of severe pollution. It is better to carry out the procedure 1-2 times a year. It is not recommended to bathe him more than once a quarter. The rest of the time, wiping with a damp towel will suffice.

The main attention should be paid to the folds on the muzzle, they need to be wiped and lubricated with cream to avoid drying out the skin. In advanced cases, Hyoxysone ointment will help (it is on hormones, so it is indicated to use it only when serious problems). Old dog breeders successfully use Desitin, which relieves inflammation in the folds. And for prevention during cleaning, chlorhexidine is perfect.

Do not forget to monitor the condition of the claws, as due to a small amount walks they do not grind naturally. How to trim nails easily and safely.

Since the Bulldog does not have an undercoat and the coat is not thick, it does not tolerate cold well. For winter walks, you need to purchase or sew overalls and, possibly, even slippers. In summer, walks are best done in the evening or in the morning, as dogs also do not tolerate heat well. serious physical exercise not needed, a simple walk is sufficient. At the same time, steps and stairs should be avoided, moving along which the dog can harm the spine (this is especially true for young individuals, up to the 1st year). On the ups and downs, it is better to take them in your hands.

Nutrition rules

You can feed the French Bulldog dry food or natural products. The choice in this case is up to the owner. But given the characteristics of the breed described above, you need to be extra careful in this matter and first consult with a veterinarian. The puppy may be on some product.

Basic requirements for natural diet: exclude fatty foods and chicken meat. From meat products, it is better to give preference to beef, veal and low-fat lamb. They should make up half of the diet. It is better to give fish only sea. Once a week you can add boiled yolk. Be sure to add raw vegetables and fruits to your diet. Bulki like pumpkin, carrots and cabbage most of all. Potatoes and legumes are not recommended as they are not easily digestible. If he refuses to eat some foods, you do not need to force him.

The diet is normal. Puppies need to be fed 6 times a day, gradually increasing the interval between feedings and switch to 2 meals a day by six months. adult dog, older than 2 years, it is enough to feed 1-2 times a day.