Alexandra is a lucky name. What to expect in marriage and family. Alexandra and Denis

The meaning of the name Alexandra is “courageous”, “protector”, “reliable”, “ready to help”. Celebrates name days twice - April 1 and May 6. Women wearing it are restless, cheerful and tireless. They prefer the company of people much older than themselves. They have a strong character and the image of a business woman. They love to set goals and achieve them. Has a well-developed imagination. The desire to subordinate everyone around her to her desires can be regarded as one of Alexandra’s most dangerous traits. These are strong and fair individuals who love to fight for ideas.

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      Alexandra in childhood

      IN childhood Alexandra:

      • She is growing up to be a lively girl. Her restlessness and energy amaze those around her.
      • Being the only child in the family, he is stubborn and capricious.
      • Doesn't make friends well with peers. Shows exactingness and unquestioning obedience to them. Tries to educate by shouting naughty children and constantly quarrels with them.
      • While studying at school, girls named Alexandra show zeal for sports and participate in all kinds of sports competitions. Their thirst for victory often helps them achieve the highest results. Sasha is a secretive teenager who has a hard time finding mutual language with his mother.

        If he sets a goal for himself, he can do well in school. He doesn’t like to tinker around the house, he’s lazy. Constantly looking for reasons to avoid cleaning the house. He does not tolerate deception from close people and, if he senses a lie on their part, he will not be able to forgive.

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        Despite the masculinity of her name, Alexandra is feminine, very elegant and moderately mysterious. There are rarely more charming female names than this. Already in adulthood, she loses all her warlike qualities and becomes more accommodating. With ease, his charm smooths out all the sharp corners of the conflict.

        The destiny of women named by this name is to fight for ideas and achieve justice. Her sociability attracts many friends, but not friends. Caution does not allow you to let even the closest people into your heart.

        Laziness takes over the owners of the name Alexandra. She makes a bad housewife. But when it comes to interior design, here she shines with imagination and talent. She is able to create beauty out of the most ordinary things.

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        Women named Alexandra are owners excellent health from birth, although as they get older, they may suffer from insomnia and disorders in the genitourinary system.

        There may be deviations from the bronchi and lungs. Due to their mobility and carelessness, they often get injured.

        Career success

        Alexandra's creative nature makes her a wonderful actress. He can easily make a career in directing or journalism.

        But sometimes a closed character and pickiness towards oneself can play a cruel joke, turning her into a hermit or traveler. There is a high probability of becoming a scientist as well.

        Love and marriage

        Alexandra is quite a romantic person. She can use all her creative potential in seduction.

        The owner of the name knows how to love deeply and recklessly. Her chosen one will be surrounded by love so much that he will not notice adversity. Women with this name are passionate lovers, faithful friends and reliable companions in the life of their lover. Love can turn her into a magnificent housewife, a loving mother.

        Ideal compatibility is noted in relation to Anatoly, Victor, Ivan, Andrey and Peter. Alexandra is incompatible with Valentin, Evgeniy, Valery, Nikolai, Stepan.

        Value by time of year

        Women named Alexandra, born in winter period, have big ambitions and self-confidence. Girls born in December or February are too restless. Their stubbornness sometimes goes beyond all limits of permissible perception. For this reason, it is very difficult to raise her. This can also have a negative impact on your studies.

        Alexandras, born in the autumn, are very picky and grumpy. They make a wonderful medical worker, cashier, and sales agent. Women with this name are susceptible to diseases gastrointestinal tract. She needs to take her diet and lifestyle seriously. Alexandra needs to be reminded that it is time to eat. Because of her mobility and restlessness, Alexandra loves to play fresh air in outdoor games. In order to expend a colossal supply of energy, she simply needs physical exercise. You just need to treat them with caution to avoid injury. Otherwise, the knees will not have time to heal.

        Alexandras born in spring are too capricious and narcissistic. They are attracted to men young. These are women of a creative nature. They often become good actresses, hairdressers, and tailors.


The name Alexandra is believed to be Greek in origin. Derived from the Greek words “Alex” (protector) and “andra” (people). As a result, its interpretation sounds like “protector of people” - identical to the interpretation of the male name Alexander. By the way, female name Alexandrina is considered a derivative name-synonym...

The female name Alexandra today continues to enjoy the same popularity that it enjoyed in the last century. Its meaning rewards the bearer with unique characteristics, and also good compatibility with many Russian male names.

Popularity: Alexandra is one of the most popular Russian names. It occupies 13-14 positions in the ranking of popular female names. Accounts for at least 25 girls out of 1000 births.

Conversational options: Sasha, Sashenka, Alexandrushka, Sanya

Modern English analogues : Alexandrina, Oleksandra, Alasrina, Alistrina, Alesta, Alejandra

Meaning and interpretation of the name

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The meaning of the name Alexandra does not need additional explanation, because it is identical to the meaning of the male variation - Alexander. The only thing that can be added in this case is that the energy of this name has an even stronger effect on a woman. It can reward the bearer with such traits as self-confidence and selfishness, perseverance, lust for power, benevolence and persistence, uncompromisingness, persistence, fairness, sociability, sensitivity and sensuality.

Usually Alexandras are kind and generous girls, a little shy at an early age, but becoming less shy in adolescence. They are popular in society, for the most part. And their authority is completely impossible to challenge.

Advantages and positive features: sensitive and sensual, never acts against her conscience and tries to do everything so that no one can ever make any claims against her, hardworking and calm, restrained, reasonable, planned and constant.

Alexandra treats him badly selfish and deceitful people, rudeness, harshness, cruelty, injustice, overly active people and ringleaders, powerful and overly self-sufficient people.

The female name Alexandra is considered one of the most popular in Russia and Ukraine, is listed in the name book of Orthodox names according to the Saints, and has the strongest energy.

Character of the name Alexander

According to experts, the so-called character of the name Alexander is, first of all, the characteristic that determines the inner world of the girl named so. But the fact is that specifically in this case, everything is more complicated than many people think, because here we cannot talk about a specific and accurate description of what the inner world and character will be like...

A girl named Alexandra, and then adult woman, the inner essence is constantly filled with fluctuations between different guises - this is a representative of the weaker sex who does not know how to find balance, such is her character. She always wanders between factors that are opposite to each other - between softness and hardness, between self-confidence and timidity, between demandingness and permissiveness. The character of the name itself and the woman so named is a mystery that is difficult for even the most experienced researchers to solve.

However, in many cases it is still possible to find a middle ground, in particular, if you focus on astrological symbolism, or on the season of birth of the girl so named, although in general the character will always remain a real mystery.

Early childhood

In early childhood, this name gives a newborn child good nature, a desire to develop and be the first and best in any business, a thirst for leadership, restlessness, activity and efficiency. This baby is endlessly moving, developing, in a hurry to get somewhere and do something, it is impossible to pacify her, and at the same time, by limiting her activity, parents will doom themselves to a sea of ​​problems - in the absence of a point of release of energy, she will create a lot of troubles.

With children, a girl named Alexandra helps to establish relationships with friendliness and goodwill, but there is also a “minus” - the desire to control everything around and dominate others will become a stumbling block, a parameter that will sooner or later begin to repel even the closest people. But she quickly learns everything - reading, penmanship, drawing, mathematical aspects, all this will be stunningly easy for her. The main thing is not to let all this bore her, because at school there may be incredible problems with her performance - that’s what the meaning predisposes...


IN school age in a girl named Alexandra the influence of the element that patronizes all Sashas will manifest itself. Sensitivity, attentiveness, good nature, uncompromisingness and authority, firmness and rigidity, rudeness and adherence to principles - this whole bouquet will turn the bearer of this name form into a person who is at the same time respected, desired, and detached, such is the meaning. She has sadly few friends, at least real ones, most of them are people who are afraid of her, sycophants, or selfish people. Alexandra will find sincerity and devotion only in relatives, but even then at a later age.

Adult woman

Demanding, desire to subjugate loved one, disobedience, perseverance, intransigence - these traits give meaning in adulthood; they will complicate relationships not only with friends, but also with potential companions. Men often avoid such people, and therefore, for the most part, Alexandra will be lonely, but will not suffer because of this, because she will put work, career growth, material independence and well-being in the first place.

The interaction of Alexander's character with the seasons

Spring is a girl named Alexandra, born under the auspices of this season, she is the owner of determination, perseverance, incredible strength of will and spirit, cheerfulness, cheerful disposition and sociability. She easily gains trust, knows how to present herself correctly, always defends her point of view until the very end, and at the same time is quite positive.

Summer - the summer season makes the character of Sasha completely complex. He bestows the gift of leadership, exactingness and integrity, uncompromisingness, calmness, energy and activity. The only “but” is that she demands too much from those around her; everyone, in her opinion, must meet incredibly high criteria. A loner by birth, he does not like noisy fun.

Autumn - the meaning of Autumn bestows sociability, friendliness, unscrupulousness, an excellent sense of humor, emotionality and sensitivity, a positive outlook on life, but also a contradictory character. Loves to be the center of attention, loves flattery and compliments. Only a compliant representative of the stronger sex can become her soul mate.

Winter - a person born during the reign of the three winter months is given a complex character and such parameters as dreaminess, romance, tact and diplomacy, vulnerability and receptivity. She can achieve success in anything, her mentality allows it, but the lack of persistence and impetuosity does not allow her to achieve the set goal. But she is excellent as a mother and wife.

The fate of the name Alexander

As for such a parameter as the fate of the name Alexander, it is determined in most cases by the zodiac sign and the animal in accordance with eastern horoscope, and not just significance, although there are common characteristics...

So, the fate of this little man predicts a stormy personal life Alexandra's girls, many novels in adolescence and later marriage. With men, she usually feels confident and relaxed, but serious relationship she will not go until she gains independence and satisfaction with her own achievements - such is the fate of the one named in this way, although again. This is all just a theory.

From the same theory it follows that the marriage fate of such a woman will be quite difficult, and all through the fault of the bearer of this name. This is an ideal wife, an authority for children, a good mother, but not a housewife. Her goal, even in marriage, is movement, travel, new experiences and adventures.

In order to save the marriage, the husband should trust her with more important matters - it is worth remembering that Alexandra is essentially a conqueror, her destiny involves an eternal search for adventure, she needs to constantly conquer new heights, achieve something in order to truly be happy.

Love and marriage

All girls named Alexandra tend to rush headlong into the pool of love at the first opportunity. But no matter how much Alexandra falls in love, she will never want to legitimize a relationship with a man until she is convinced that he is worth it. Moreover, Alexandra will treat the choice of a potential husband extremely responsibly. After all, these are, for the most part, demanding women, and they build families only with those men who meet all the criteria.

As for family life and farms. So here Alexandra may have no equal. She will be an excellent housewife, she will manage everything, she will treat everything responsibly and seriously. Such a house will not be untidy, and her husband will not wear dirty clothes. Fed family members, washed clothes, a tidy house, cleanliness and order around - this is what everything that surrounds his wife, Alexandra, will look like.

But the husband should not remain idle and take advantage of Alexandra. She will remain such a wife only as long as she feels that she is respected, appreciated and loved.

Alexandra as Mother

On the one hand, a mother named Alexandra can be a good mother, caring, gentle, attentive, soft, responsible. But on the other hand, Alexandras adore freedom and crave independence, and children are precisely capable of depriving them of this. As a result, do not be surprised if for the time being she is a good mother, and then suddenly begins to ignore her responsibilities and live exclusively for herself.

It is better not to trust Alexandra with raising a child. She can help a child get back on his feet, teach him everything good, and always sympathize and advise. But to teach a child to overcome problems and troubles adult life She definitely can't.

As for intimacy, in all likelihood, Alexandra will be closer to her daughter. Of course, he won’t give up on his son either, but he will pay much more attention to his daughter. This will be especially noticeable if the family has both a boy and a girl.

Compatibility with male names

A girl named Alexandra has the best compatibility with such male names as Vlas, Thaddeus, Ustin, Frol, Khariton, Svyatoslav, Ernest, Bronislav, Aristarchus, Arkhip, Venedikt and Nestor. In the case of a union with a man named by one of these names, there is every chance of creating a really strong and happy marriage.

In the case of building a couple with such as Alfred, Gleb, Gordey, Makar, Egor, Robert, Trofim or Nikolai, the chances are smaller, but the relationship will be overflowing with passion, feelings and love. Is it true. Mutual understanding can end at any moment.

But with Plato, Georgiy, Demyan, Luka, Savely, Yaroslav, Vilen, Albert or Maximilian, it is better for Sasha not to try to build love, because here the couple is doomed from the very beginning to collapse and separation.

In general, the main thing is that the man next to her should have such traits as patience, compliance, and unprincipledness.

The origin of the name Alexander is associated with the paired male name Alexander, which in turn came from the ancient Greek language and is translated as “protector.” Therefore, it means “courageous” or “protector.” The name is popular in Russia; newborn girls are often called this way.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Taurus
  • Patron Planet: Venus
  • Talisman stone: alexandrite
  • Color: blue, red, green
  • Tree: chestnut
  • Plant: lilac, gladiolus
  • Animal: crab, bull
  • Favorable day: Friday

Character traits

Alexandra is just a bunch of contradictions. Strangers sometimes unable to understand what mood she is in or what she is going to do. For her, getting into a hopeless situation is a common thing, because her caustic character makes the girl sharp-tongued. In addition, her eccentricity rarely gives her the opportunity to think about her decision and do the right thing.

The secret of the name Alexander is that the temperament of its owner is more similar to the character of a strong “man” than to the character of a fragile lady. But she hides all her toughness behind the femininity, mystery and sexuality of her appearance. Although Sasha is very charming, she always tries to hide it and demonstrate indifference to everyone and everything.

Communication with people is a necessity for her, not a desire. She is trying to make everyone around, including parents, slaves. However, this does not prevent her from having a heightened sense of justice. But Alexandra’s morality is very shaky and changes as the girl is comfortable in a particular situation.

But if Sasha considers someone his friend, then he will stand behind him like a mountain, always support him and try to smooth out any conflict. She has many acquaintances, but she rarely opens her soul. Losing her trust is easy: stop lying once, and she will never forget the betrayal.

Interests and hobbies

In her youth, Sashenka prefers sports and shows remarkable determination, achieving high results. Loves to travel. Even though Alexandra is a girl, household chores are not at all for her. She would rather watch matches in a bar than stand at the stove baking cookies. In marriage, she would rather watch football with her husband or go to a barbecue than communicate with mothers.

Profession and business

Self-affirmation is very important for Alexandra, this is why she goes to higher education educational institution. Often chooses professions related to travel or medicine. In some cases, he chooses accounting or education. From a tomboy in childhood, Sasha transforms into a businesslike and confident woman, which allows her to make a successful career.


From the early age Alexandra is good and good health. However, problems with the respiratory system are possible in youth, and with age sleep disorders and menstrual cycle.

Sex and love

Alexandra often experiences physical satisfaction from sex, but it’s never enough for her. She does not know how to take initiative, so her partner must take everything upon himself. He doesn’t talk about intimate topics because he can’t find the words to express all his feelings. As a rule, the partner must guess for himself whether she agrees to a close relationship. Sasha herself never shows her approval. Sex for the owner of such a name is only physical satisfaction, often not carrying any higher feelings and emotions.

Family and marriage

Alexandra loves male company more, so the idea of ​​marriage comes to her quite late. But she is an excellent mother and wife. She becomes a friend to her husband, and an authority to her children. She goes to great lengths for the sake of those closest to her; Sasha is ready to do a lot for them. She creates without any problems home comfort and a warm atmosphere, maintaining friendly family relationships.

DOB: 1872-03-31

Russian revolutionary, Soviet statesman, diplomat

Version 1. What does the name Alexandra mean?

Alexandra is smart and doesn’t mince words. She is straightforward, does not care what others say about her, and is indifferent to public opinion.

Often finds himself in conflict situations. Don’t try to be cunning with her, it’s useless, Alexandra can’t stand lies, doesn’t forgive betrayal. It's quite easy to lose her favor. Sasha herself is crystal clear, truthful, and principled. This is what he demands from others. Her character is strong, domineering, and masculine. And Alexandra feels better in the company of men. They willingly make friends with her, value her opinion, and use her advice. However, it is not easy for Alexandra to get married; she has too many claims.

She is hardworking and is promoted to leadership positions earlier than others. But it is difficult for her to lead an all-female team.

Alexandra is not a homebody, and her household is far from exemplary. But her relationship with children is friendly.

DOB: 1937-03-11

Soviet fencer, three-time Olympic champion, coach

Version 2. What does the name Alexandra mean?

Alexandra is the Hen form of the name Alexander - protector of people. (Greek).

If Sashenka is the only child in the family, she will be stubborn and capricious. Doesn't really like to play with other children. Possesses good health.

At school age, he enjoys attending sports clubs, shows determination in sports and can achieve good results. Secretive, rarely communicates with her mother. She studies well if she decides that she needs it. Household chores do not appeal to her; when spring cleaning is brewing in the house, Sasha may “get sick,” but when visiting or where she is little known, she is able to amaze people with her hard work.

She is somewhat withdrawn and gives the impression of an unsociable girl, although, in essence, she is very trusting. No, try to be cunning with her: Alexandra is principled in everything, she does not understand and does not forgive the slightest deception - you will forever lose her favor. She herself is crystal clear and demands the same truthfulness from others.

She begins to make friends with boys early, and later she feels better in the company of men who are willing to be friends with her, and in her youth she becomes more open, frankness appears in her relationship with her mother. Sasha has a clear idea of ​​her place in life, she will definitely try to get higher education, go to college.

From Alexander it turns out good doctors, accountants, they are attracted to driving. They like to watch hockey or football. As a rule, people get married late; Alexandra’s husband finds in her not only good friend and assistant, but also an excellent housewife, a caring mother. Love will transform Alexandra, freeing her from the idleness inherent in her nature. He loves to travel, live in a tent, and spend time outside the city.

In marriage, she will try to have two or three children. Alexandra will be a strict mother, capable of doing a lot for her family. The relationship with my mother-in-law is complicated, he is afraid of her.

date of birth: 0000-00-00

Russian theater actress, People's Artist of the USSR

3rd version of the meaning of the name Alexandra

Alexandra - from Greek. courageous protector; vernacular Lexandra.

Derivatives: Aleksandrushka, Aleksanya, Sanya, Sanyura, Sanyusha, Aleksasha, Sasha, Sashulya, Sashunya, Sashura, Shura, Shuryona, Alexya, Aleksyukha, Aleksyusha, Alya, Asya, Adya, Ara, Ksana.

Proverbs, sayings, folk signs. (see this section here)

Sashki-kanashki, Mashki-bugs, Marinushki-razinyushki.


Alexandra is not only not similar, but, perhaps, even the opposite of Alexander. Neither the blows of fate nor the whirlwind of incoming misfortunes are typical for Alexandra. But all this can happen, and moreover, happens in her life. The reason is internal disharmony. She should leave herself to the flow of events and not try to persistently influence them.

Sasha strives for truth - and strives in a masculine spirit, although this nature is absolutely feminine. She is noble in her desire to improve, is filled with desires that she does not admit to herself, and least of all can she be fair and impartial.

She is accommodating, strives to smooth out any conflict with a smile, Alexandra has many friends, but she rarely lets anyone into her soul.

As for everyday life, Alexandra is not a very good housewife, but when inspired she can do anything: decorate a house, cook an exotic dish, come up with a fancy outfit.

DOB: 1941-04-17

Soviet and Russian theater and film actress

4th version of the interpretation of the name Alexander

Alexandra - “help, hope” (Greek).

By nature she is lively, restless and tireless. Always close to adults. The character is solid, masculine. Alexandra's image is that of a business woman. All life is spent in competition with someone and in something.

She is so active in society and family that she has no strength left for tenderness towards her husband. Sasha is both tender and prickly. Acts recklessly: rushes headlong towards some goal, and then analyzes whether it was worth doing or not. Has the ability to get involved in hopeless situations, then has difficulty finding a way out of them without losing optimism. Experiences urgent need in wide communication. Has good developed imagination, but somewhat chaotic. One of Alexandra’s dangerous character traits is the desire to turn everyone around into slaves, starting with her parents. She easily subjugates those around her to her will and forces them to work for herself. A hurricane sweeps through life, sweeping away everything in its path, and in moments of calm it is difficult to bear losses. The slightest delay in business is like retreat, and retreat for her is defeat. Alexandra is unable to bear this. Trouble is for those who walk alongside her through life and are unable to keep up with her.

Alexandra strives for complete independence. Adventurer. She is dangerous when things take an unpleasant turn for her, and immediately tries to shift the blame onto her neighbor. The husband of this angry tigress has difficulty surviving these passionate scenes. Relatives are holding on as best they can.

Alexandra is unpredictable. Everything around her must be in motion and certainly at the pace that she sets. She usually chooses a job that involves travel; sitting in one place is not her thing. He is interested in medicine and paramedicine. She needs to show her authority. Can be a school director or assistant. Adapts perfectly to any environment if necessary.

Subject to influence. Intuition is moderately developed. Alexandra places more importance on her ability to be the first to know something. Smart and more hardworking than talented. Success is achieved thanks to great efficiency. But professional activity Alexandra is not in first place.

Sashenka is an amazing cocktail of friendliness, sensuality and sex. He rushes into the arms of the first person he meets, and then easily forgets about him when he remembers - he resumes the relationship. This is a woman with an unstable psyche. He strives to get what he wants by any means.

Character is changeable. She doesn't care. Often gives in to violent passions and impulses. But only great love can hold it and curb it. He often stuns those around him with another incredible trick. It is difficult to live with her, but without her life is pale, because she is always ahead and knows no fatigue.

Alexandra’s health is good from birth, but with age, deviations may appear: insomnia, menstrual irregularities. In her youth she weak organs breathing, especially the lungs. Susceptible to injury due to excessive mobility and carelessness.

“Winter” Alexandra is self-confident and overly ambitious.

“Autumn” is picky and grumpy. Can be a doctor, a cashier, a salesperson. The name matches patronymics: Savelyevna, Filippovna, Alekseevna, Grigorievna, Viktorovna, Mikhailovna, Makarovna.

“Summer” is quick-tempered, loves to weave intrigues and gossip.

“Spring” is capricious, narcissistic, she likes young men. She can work as a cutter, hairdresser, theater actress, and will succeed in the service sector.

The name Alexandra is suitable for patronymics: Adamovna, Yulievna, Yuryevna, Oskarovna, Naumovna, Mironovna.

DOB: 1872-06-07

Russian empress(1894-1917), wife of Nicholas II

5th version of the meaning of the name Alexandra

Alexandra (Alexandrina) - courageous protector (Greek).

Name day: April 2 - Holy Martyr Virgin Alexandra, suffered with her friends for the faith of Christ in 310.

May 6 - The Holy Martyr, Queen Alexandra, the wife of the Tsar - the tormentor of Christians, at the sight of the suffering of the Holy Great Martyr George, believed in Christ and died a martyr after being imprisoned in prison in 314.

Zodiac sign - Aries.

The planet Mars.

Color - silver-white.

The auspicious tree named after Alexander is cypress.

The treasured plant is hydrangea.

The patron of the name is the Great Dane.

The talisman stone is aventurine.


Alexandra will pretend all her life that she doesn’t care about anything in the world. As if shunning her “masculine name”, she strives to be especially feminine, elegant, mysterious - and she quite succeeds in this.

Alexandra has no fighting qualities: she is accommodating, strives to smooth out any conflict with a smile, she has many friends, or rather buddies, but she keeps her soul intact even from those closest to her.

She is not a housewife at the ordinary level, but decorating a room with literally nothing, preparing some unimaginable dish, putting together a stunning outfit out of nothing - she can do it easily. Alexandra is all fantasy and mystery.

7th version of the meaning of the name Alexandra

9th version of the meaning of the name Alexandra

1. Personality. Advancing women.

2. Character. 98%.

3. Radiation. 98%.

4. Vibration. 73,000 vibrations/s.

5. Color. Blue.

6. Main features. Will - activity - sociability - sexuality.

7. Totem plant. Hawthorn.

8. Totem animal. Hippopotamus.

9. Sign. Aries.

10. Type. Difficult to define. They, like their totem - the hawthorn, both charm and prick. Alexandra acts at random, headlong. They have the ability to get into hopeless situations, from which it is then difficult to extricate themselves.

11. Psyche. They have an urgent need for extensive contacts with the world. These are women with a well-developed, but slightly extravagant imagination and Machiavellian plans. They love to turn everyone into their slaves, starting with their parents.

12. Will. Like a tank or a bulldozer - if such a comparison is legitimate. Delay for them is like retreat, and retreat is defeat... Trouble is for those who do not keep up with them.

13. Excitability. Sasha is in complete control of herself. They strive for independence and tend to seek adventure.

14. Reaction speed. Alexandra is dangerous when things take a turn for the worse and the blame falls on them. It’s difficult for the husbands of these angry tigresses at such moments, but you, relatives, hold on as best you can!

15. Field of activity. Everything around them should be in motion, or rather, everything - relatives, husband, children. They deal with everything related to travel, as well as medicine and paramedicine. They can be school directors, secretaries to directors, etc. They adapt very well if the situation requires it, but, unfortunately, they succumb to the influence of others.

16. Intuition. Average.

17. Intelligence. More likely to be hardworking than talented, they achieve success thanks to their ability to work.

18. Receptivity. An amazing cocktail of friendliness and sensitivity. Alexandras rush into the arms of the first person they meet, then forget about them, then resume their relationship again.

19. Morality. Unstable: come what may, just to get what you want.

20. Health. Good, but often violated life cycles, have irregular menstruation, sometimes suffer from insomnia, etc. Weak spots- in youth, respiratory organs, especially the lungs; fractures should be feared.

21. Sexuality. They often give in to violent impulses. All or nothing! Only great love can curb them.

22. Activity. At the lowest level.

23. Sociability. Those around them are often horrified by their antics, but are still confident that they can be dealt with. Living with them is difficult, but life without them is too boring.

24. Conclusion. Alexandra is like those tanks that are the first to be blown up by mines.

10th version of the meaning of the name Alexandra

Alexandra women are exceptionally unbalanced and rude. Increased aggression. Complete absence femininity.

Their natures are rude, angular, often loutish, capable of drinking and slamming their fists on the table. Inflated self-esteem.

12th version of the meaning of the name Alexandra

The female name Alexandra, by its etymology and phonetically, begs to be compared with a similar male name.

But upon examination, at least upon superficial examination, nothing in common is seen between these two names, and Alexandra is not only not similar, but, perhaps, even the opposite of Alexander.

A deeper penetration into the name Alexander forces us to recognize it as far from being so alien to the corresponding male name, but, perhaps, due to its homogeneity, it manifests itself differently from that. We then recognize in him the same name Alexander, but mutilated and crushed by a use that is not characteristic of it. If Alexander, the real Alexander, needs abundant nutrition and without it the personality easily grows up somewhat withered, then all the more does it wither and break down when characteristically masculine demands are made on feminine nature, so definitely masculine that masculine nature does not have in most cases strength to respond to the call of this name.

In this sense, Alexander would like to compare it with a mutilated Chinese leg or with a dwarf tree in Chinese gardens: the individual is given the urge to such growth, to which insurmountable obstacles are placed natural conditions her life, external and internal, is natural to a given personality. The name Alexandra pushes her towards greatness in the direction in which her feminine, and, in most cases, limited, like feminine, nature firmly holds her.

It is natural to think about some kind of identity between the names Alexander and Alexandra. But it is also natural to assume that the name Alexander, complete and extremely harmonious as a man’s name, precisely because, being transformed into a female name, should give disharmony and be the messenger and strength of a personality that is decidedly not finding balance in itself. When the sign of a name encourages a woman to become the most proportionately built man in herself, then this, it is easy to foresee, tends to a tragic fate. It is not the tragedy of external disasters, not the blows of fate, not the whirlwinds of incoming misfortunes that are characteristic, as typical, of Alexandra.

All this may even happen quite often; but the essence of the matter is not in the external attack on Alexandra by the hostile forces of the world, but in tragic guilt. Internal disharmony is a vice of existence, and in it lies the seed of internal, and then often external, discord. This does not mean that Alexandra rightly suffered for committing an offense against what was due. On the contrary, she becomes involved in life’s conflicts precisely when she moves with particular persistence towards what she considers her due. Her guilt is fatal, as arising from a certain ontological tactlessness, due to which Alexandra very rarely happens that “truth and truth kiss,” and if it does happen, it is precisely when Alexandra leaves herself to the flow of events.

Alexandra strives for truth, and strives in a masculine spirit much more than the bearers of many other names. But the truth does not come out truthfully - inopportunely, out of place, abstractly, which is all the more dangerous since this rationality is driven by feminine passion. It is wrong to imagine Alexandra as masculine: she is feminine, but by some subconscious effort she transforms herself into an appearance of masculinity.

The female instinct and female pressure are perverted here, taking on the appearance of reason and conscious will, but without actually becoming such at all and in their essence remaining elemental and formless. The feminine truth does not want to be here by itself and approaches the masculine truth by instinct, and therefore is deprived of truth and becomes blind. Straightforward, deliberately rational, forcibly entering into the perfection of virtues, Alexandra is such in her phenomenality, in her harsh truth, while in the depths she is blind, insanely persistent. Female chaos, not seeing itself and not admitting to itself what it is. Meanwhile, pushed by blind will, Alexandra is persistent, stubborn, holding tightly to what she has outlined as a reasonable and proven goal.

This goal is present in her consciousness as reasonable, but is not reasonable, at least for Alexandra it is not reasonable, but is a projection of blind desire. The ultimate misfortune would not be that a person wants not rationally, but blindly; There is no final misfortune in a woman’s demand, not even in a woman’s whim. Perhaps, on the contrary, their illogicality, obvious and recognized, reveals something new, inaccessible to reason, and the feminine truth complements the masculine truth, and the very persistence of this truth, openly opposed to the truth, testifies to the reliability of the truth. But Alexandra unconsciously passes one thing off as another and wants to hold onto the dubious truth as such with persistence, whereas it is some kind of lost truth. And then confusion begins, leading her to a collision with reality.

This clash can be in both small and great: in everyday relationships, in choosing one’s life path, in understanding the current living conditions, etc.; but the essence of the collision and its mechanism are the same. It is, I repeat, that cold rationality and straightforwardness, driven by blind passion, want to present themselves as established from those principles to which in fact they have no relation. Psychologically, this internal discord is reflected in a lack of flexibility, rudeness, and inadaptability, which, however, should not be seen as simply innate or cultivated character traits, but to a much greater extent as proof of one’s own truth. “I am in truth, I have nothing to dissemble, I will be rude - I will show the pure truth without embellishment” - approximately this is how Alexander motivates herself with the imaginary need for deliberate rudeness; “It is not proper for truth to flirt and flirt.” It seems to Alexandra that her rudeness and straightforwardness will make her superior to feminine characteristics and liken her to a man.

When the false position in which Alexandra has placed herself makes itself felt by the beginning of a collision with life, Alexandra, well aware of the source of trouble and, perhaps, trouble, not only does not try to remove or correct the false action, but, on the contrary, emphasizes with particular persistence precisely on its sharp edge, cutting life; and she will do this not out of simple pride, but on principle, at the cost of inconvenience, threatening troubles, maybe even death, sacrificially, strengthening herself and those around her in the name of truth. Alexandra has a presentiment of a catastrophe, big or small - now it doesn’t matter, maybe she’s even sure of it, but she goes towards tragedy, she wants tragedy. Like Alexander, it is legislative, but certainly unsuccessful, because it only claims to be a microcosm.

Like Alexander, Alexandra is noble, that is, she wants to be and thinks to be noble. But if in Alexander the man nobility is somewhat deliberate, somewhat stagey, then even more so, all the more incomparably this applies to Alexandra. It is relatively easy for Alexander to be generous and unscrupulous, since he, withdrawn into himself, has little external desires and due to its roundness it does not cling to the world; on the contrary, Alexandra is neither self-closed nor round, and least of all it would be fair to say about the female name Alexandra that she has nothing to want outside of herself and that she does not want anything outside of herself. On the contrary, she is filled with desires that she does not admit to herself, and least of all can she be fair and impartial as a judge. It is cracked, cracked ontologically, and therefore psychologically and morally.

This is natural for her internal and external dissatisfaction, the reason and at the same time justification in her eyes for the conflict with life. And therefore, attached to life and, one might say, clinging to life, Alexandra easily goes to death, is capable of sacrificing herself to death, just as she is capable of ending her life.

It is hardly an accident, and not a consequence of the same basic tragic guilt of Alexander, that they very often die in infancy, as if from afar, ending life, foreshadowing involuntary suffering. But this infant death is all the more significant because the name Alexander is often given to children by their parents, as a sign of special attention to one of the tenderly, rather reverently, beloved Alexanders.

Name day named after Alexander

February 18, March 14, March 22, April 2, May 6, May 31, June 26, July 17, September 30, October 13, October 15, October 18, November 19, December 23,

A person has only one name day - this is either the name day that falls on the birthday, or the first after the birthday

The meaning of the name Alexander is quite interesting and directly related to its history. The name Alexander came to us in the Russian language from Greece, along with the adoption of the Orthodox faith in Rus'. This is a paired female name for the name Alexander. Male name Alexander, translated from Greek, means “Protecting People.” However, the more literary language is usually used The meaning of the name is “protecting humanity” or “hope”.

The popularity of the name Alexander and Alexander is directly related to the church canonization of Prince Alexander Nevsky. If before this the name was not particularly popular, then after canonization the popularity of the name increases sharply.

The meaning of the name Alexandra for a girl

Alexandra grows up to be a rather difficult child for those around her. She is active and mobile, but this is combined with the whims of the child and other character difficulties. At the same time, the girl is quite purposeful and endowed with good leadership qualities, and this is noticeable from childhood. One more distinctive feature girls named Alexandra can be described as having a “pathological” attitude towards honesty. They demand utmost honesty in dealing with them and do not forgive even the most harmless lies.

Alexandra has great success in her studies, which is not at all related to the thirst for knowledge. She studies well rather for self-affirmation, and the knowledge itself does not interest her. But this does not mean that Alexandra is not capable of learning. If she decides to get it for herself a good education, then so it will be. And it will be not only according to estimates, but for real. Sasha is also growing up to be an athletic girl, which has a good effect on her health and figure.

Alexandra’s health in childhood will only please her parents. She rarely gets sick, which of course does not mean the absence of “obligatory” runny noses due to the weather. Playing sports further improves a girl’s health. The girl will be happy to go to dances or rhythmic gymnastics, but of course everything depends on her choice.

Short name Alexandra

Alexa, Aleksana, Aleksyukha, Lexa, Lexana, Sanya, Sasha, Sanyuta, Sanyukha, Sashukha, Sashuta, Shura, Shurka.

Diminutive pet names

Alexandrushka, Alexandrochka, Alexanya, Aleksasha, Alexya, Aleksyusha, Leksanya, Lexasha, Sashulya, Sashunya, Sanyusha, Shuryona, Shurunya.

Name Alexandra in English

IN English language Alexandra's name is spelled Alexandra.

Name Alexandra for international passport- ALEKSANDRA.

Translation of the name Alexander into other languages

in Arabic - إسكندرة‎‎
in Belarusian - Aliaksandra
in Bulgarian - Alexandra
in Hungarian - Alexandra
in Greek - Αλεξάνδρα
in Hebrew - אלכסנדרה‎
in Spanish - Alejandra
in Italian - Alessandra
in Chinese - 亞歷山大
in Korean - Lisandra
in Latin - Alexandra

In Lithuanian - Alexandra
in German - Alexandra
in Polish - Aleksandra
in Romanian - Alexandra
in Ukrainian - Oleksandra
in Finnish - Aleksandra
in French - Alexandrine
in Czech - Alexandra
in Estonian - Aleksandra
in Japanese - アレキサンダ

Church name Alexandra(in the Orthodox faith) remains unchanged. Alexandra is a church name.

Characteristics of the name Alexander

Alexandra has a special and rare combination of name characteristics. She has a special femininity and the ability to look great. She is open and friendly and knows how to get along with people. However, this “openness” is rather indicative and not many people can find out what’s in Alexandra’s soul. Her active nature energizes those around her and helps the owner of the name achieve a good position in society.

Alexandra is characterized by high efficiency, and in combination with others useful characteristics name - this makes her successful in almost any field of activity. She is a born leader and knows how to cope with the responsibilities of a leader. Inflexibility and diplomacy in one bottle - that's about her.

In Alexandra’s family, there is more of a partnership business approach rather than a true homely atmosphere. She knows how to improve home life having the most minimal opportunities. Alexandra does not like small routine housework and tries to delegate it to someone else. Sasha is an excellent cook and loves both hosting and visiting. He loves his children very much and takes care of them in every possible way, even when they become adults.

The mystery of the name Alexander

Alexandra's secret usually remains her soul. She doesn’t let anyone into her inner experiences, but there are reasons for this. Sasha often first commits an act, and then analyzes what came over her. So, if you ask why she did something, then most likely she hasn’t thought about it yet. If you find yourself in the circles of people with whom Alexandra speaks heart to heart, then this is worth appreciating.

Planet- Mars.

Zodiac sign- Aries.

Totem animal- Dog.

Name color- Silver-gray.

Tree- Cypress.

Plant- Hydrangea.

Stone- Aventurine.