Bunion bandage: which one to choose? Orthopedic brace for correction of bunions on the feet Night bandage brace

Everyday wearing of high-heeled shoes, the purchase of models that compress the foot, active walking, running, peculiarities of metabolism and the functioning of internal organs can lead to degenerative-dystrophic changes in the first metatarsophalangeal joint of the foot.
Joint deformation brings enormous discomfort: from the inability to find a pair of beautiful shoes to severe pain during the day. The disease progresses in people, both elderly and young. In order to improve general health and correct joint curvature, the manufacturer of orthopedic products has created special correctors.

Benefits of a big toe brace

Thumb bandage:
  • Protects against corns, chafing and calluses of the forefoot.
  • Eliminates discomfort and fatigue at the end of the working day.
  • Supports the first toe in the correct anatomical position.
  • Damping dynamic loads and reducing the risk of the sole spreading out.
  • No friction and no jumping of the second finger onto the first.
  • Possibility of personal selection of the size of the bandage for the big toe, taking into account changes in the metatarsophalangeal joint.
  • Can be worn daily in any type of shoe.
  • Made from elastic and hypoallergenic materials.
  • Use in staged postoperative treatment and rehabilitation for Hallux valgus.

Purpose and application

Valgus pathology is a direct indication for the use of a bandage, which promotes smooth and uniform correction of curvature, normalizes the load on the ankle, eliminates muscle spasm and reduces the tone of the ligamentous apparatus. The big toe bandage is easy to use and is suitable for people of all ages.
Indications for use:
  1. Retraction of fingers outwards.
  2. Local hyperemia of the skin due to rubbing of the bone.
  3. Insertion of the 2nd finger onto the 1st.
  4. Painful sensations in the metatarsus while walking and at rest.
  5. Hammer toe deformity.
  6. Frequent formation of calluses and chafing.
  7. Reduction of the transverse arch of the foot (flat feet).

Why you should buy from the Stelki.ru online store

On the official website of Insoles Ru you can familiarize yourself with a wide range of orthopedic products and choose an orthosis taking into account the individual characteristics of the foot.

Advantages of purchasing:
a quality certificate and guarantee are provided;

Original products from famous European manufacturers: Walker, Talus, Bergal, Forta, Corby, Natch;

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Acceptable price.

If necessary, it is possible to contact consultants who will help you inexpensively buy a bandage for the big toe for hallux valgus or an orthopedic bandage for articular curvature and inflammation. The Stelki.ru online store is replete with orthopedic inserts that have not only a preventive effect on a certain area of ​​the foot, but also a therapeutic one.

A fixator, also known as a corrector or bandage for a bunion, is an interesting therapeutic accessory. There are many types of such products, some of them are highly effective, others are of no value. You can understand the “correct” devices if you study the features of their design and impact on the protruding leg bone.

Bunion bandages can be divided according to different criteria.. There are two types of correctors based on wearing time:

  • Night splints are the hardest splints, which are difficult to combine with shoes, but their benefits are the highest (they are worn at night for 8-9 hours, the main effect is to gradually return the big toe to its place);
  • Daytime ones are softer or adjustable articulated accessories that offer maximum comfort when using shoes (one of their priorities is eliminating pain when moving; the largest group of bandages belongs to the category of abductors).

Hinged braces with the possibility of adjustment and additional fastening are often recommended by orthopedists, since they ideally adapt to the characteristics of the foot, but allow the defect to be correctly eliminated.

Classification by materials

Orthopedic bandages can be made from different materials, and their effectiveness directly depends on this:

At the middle stage of pathology, all fixators, except hinged and some types of combined ones, will be of no value. Silicone pads that do not fix the position of the thumb and bone will also be useless even from the point of view of eliminating simple discomfort.

A good brace has several purposes: it normalizes the position of the thumb, relieves pressure from the rest, protects against calluses and corns, eliminates pain and even helps get rid of inflammatory processes.

More information about articulated bands

The classic orthopedic bandage for bunions of a corrective type (corrector with hinges) belongs to the category of the most effective accessories for the treatment of hallux valgus. It is able to stop and correct hallux valgus deformity. The design includes:

  • Large bandage - soft material with Velcro, excellent air permeability, is put on the leg and fixed in a comfortable state;
  • Small bandage - repeats the design of the large one, but is small in size and is worn on the thumb;
  • Hinge with a pad - attached to both bandages and provides a tight fit to the bone, its fixation, while the hinge ensures mobility;
  • Drop-shaped pad - supports the arch under the metatarsal bone and distributes the load during walking.

The corrective bandage for bunions is part of the group of universal devices. It is suitable for a person with any foot shape, as it is easily adjusted to the desired size and position of the bone.

Features of the abductor bandage

Abductor bunion braces are designed to eliminate stress on the toes and stop deformities. Day braces are often made from an elastic band, placed over the big toe and secured behind the heel. Fabric bandages are washable and help maintain foot hygiene.

Night correctors and fixators often have a complex and rigid design, similar to a corrective accessory. Only here there is no large bandage, but an elastic band. Such devices need to be selected according to size; they correspond to the established foot length and are available in sizes 34 to 44. Such a leg brace costs about 3,000 rubles.

The benefits of using bandages

A fixator for a bunion helps if it is chosen correctly and is used in the first stages of deformity. In this case, its advantages are revealed to the maximum:

  • Eliminates the need for surgery, offering safe and comfortable treatment;
  • As a preventative measure, simple bandages are simply ideal; they provide 100% protection against corns and calluses;
  • An orthopedic leg brace eliminates fatigue, excessive stress, prevents flat feet, arthritis and bursitis of the joints;
  • Among the selection presented, it is easy to choose a product that will suit any person;
  • Using the bandage does not require skills or even reading the instructions.

But bandages for bunions also have contraindications: gout, ulcers and wounds, surgical scars, as well as the presence of a fungal infection and poor circulation. The remedy will not be effective in the last stages of hallux valgus, when the bones are large.

Can a bandage help?

People's reviews of bunion braces are divided on the Internet, like any other opinions, into two groups: positive and negative. There is also a percentage of indifferent people who could not evaluate the effectiveness of the product. But if the retainer is selected correctly, and an orthopedic surgeon takes part in the process, then the effectiveness of such an accessory will be noticeable:

  • Helps relieve pain and discomfort during rest or movement;
  • Protects against corns and other formations on the skin;
  • Some types are even suitable for narrow shoes, which can be difficult for women to refuse even with hallux valgus;
  • The cost of bandages is quite affordable for any user;
  • The materials used are always hypoallergenic and do not provoke fungus or other unpleasant consequences;
  • High-quality clamps support fingers in the correct position and distribute the load;
  • They reduce the risk of flat feet and flattened arches;
  • The bandage cannot cause a relapse.

Among other positive aspects, both doctors and patients note that the use of leg braces does not require close medical supervision. It is easy to treat hallux valgus in this way at home.

Where to buy correctors?

There are a lot of advertisements on the Internet that talk about the positive properties of gel and silicone correctors such as Valgulex, Valgus Pro and Antikostin. In terms of effectiveness, all these means cannot be compared with professional orthopedic corrective and articulated correctors.

Valgulex Valgus Pro Antikostin

You can use them for minor deformities of the feet, but you should not trust reviews that talk about miraculous getting rid of a bump that needs to be operated on for a long time. You should buy high-quality correctors through pharmacies (including trusted online representatives) or orthopedic salons.

And you should always remember that the treatment of hallux valgus is a complex of procedures. Bunion bandages alone are not enough. It is important to follow a proper diet and use anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as attend a massage and do simple exercises as part of gymnastics for bumps on the legs.

A lump on your big toe makes it difficult to choose comfortable shoes, and the pain and inconvenience caused by its existence are simply unbearable? Don't want to endure terrible suffering and discomfort at night anymore? Do you dream of regaining your easy gait and wearing open shoes again without embarrassment or worry?

A bunion bandage, which has truly miraculous properties, will help you get rid of your problem quickly and without extra effort. This device has a corrective effect while you sleep soundly.

Causes of hallux valgus

A valgus bandage is a long-awaited solution to a problem faced by most women who have reached 35-40 years of age. The most susceptible to this disease are representatives of the fair sex who have been using high-heeled shoes for a long time, especially those with narrow toes, as well as those whose work involves standing on their feet for a long time.

In addition, doctors note that the risk group also includes women who were not diagnosed with flat feet in time and people who are significantly overweight. Elderly people and pregnant women who lack calcium in the blood, as well as those suffering from thyroid disease or diabetes are no less susceptible to developing the disease.

In the presence of such prerequisites, a lump forms on the thumb. It is not a salt deposit or a growth, as many people think, but is a deviation of the metatarsal bone of the big toe. As a result of such changes, the specified bone deviates to the inside, and the finger itself moves in the opposite direction.

How can the Hav Splint big toe night bandage help?

A foot bandage for bunions will help you cope with a complex and unpleasant problem that creates discomfort when walking and difficulty choosing shoes. Long-term use of the device will help cope with joint deformation, which is the cause of the disease. In addition, already at the beginning of use, you will be able to notice a decrease in the following manifestations of hallux valgus:

  • pain caused by the disease is eliminated;
  • reduction of inflammation, swelling and redness in the area of ​​the lump will disappear;
  • walking will no longer cause discomfort, and gait will noticeably improve;
  • reduces the likelihood of calluses and corns;
  • the ligaments will become more elastic, the flexibility and mobility of the foot will improve;
  • blood circulation in the legs is normalized;
  • the load on the thumb joint will be reduced;
  • Pain at night will stop bothering you.

So, using a corrective bandage on the big toe, you will be able to get rid of the bunion on the foot, restore the transverse arch of the foot and return your feet to a healthy state.

Bandage on the big toe: principle of operation

It’s worth buying a bandage for a bunion because of its truly miraculous properties. It is one of the most effective ways to combat hallux valgus by firmly fixing the finger in the correct position, preventing the bone from deviating.

The night abduction bandage has a more rigid fixation in comparison with silicone, gel and, therefore, it more reliably holds the finger in the required (healthy) position. Moreover, its use at night allows corrective procedures to be carried out without stress on the forefoot, which leads to faster relief from deformity.

The desired result from the use of Hav Splint is achieved due to the effect on ligaments and soft tissues, they are stretched and tension is relieved. Long-term use of the splint eliminates tension in the area of ​​muscle tissue, and as a result, foci of inflammation are eliminated and pain disappears. As a result of such positive dynamics and the joint is aligned and it grows together in its natural correct position.

Abduction bandage for the big toe: how to use?

To achieve the desired effect and eliminate hallux valgus, it is necessary to correctly use an orthopedic foot brace.

Fixation of the joints in a natural position is carried out due to soft and elastic materials adjacent to the foot, as well as reliable fastenings that establish a natural position of the leg in the absence of pressure and discomfort. To properly use the night valgus bandage, the following is required:

  1. Remove tires from packaging. The kit includes two correctors, for the right and left legs, which are designated by the letters “R” and “L”, respectively;
  2. Place the bandage on your thumb. To do this, you need to insert your thumb into the device so that the soft pad is on the inside of the finger, and the phalanx itself is retracted to the side;
  3. Loop the blue strap around your leg and thread it through the hook;
  4. Set the finger angle that is convenient for you. This can be done by tightening the blue fasteners. It is worth considering that when choosing an angle of inclination, you should feel comfortable and there should be no pain. Important! Do not set the deviation angle too large when initially using the corrector; for an effective and painless procedure, it is worth increasing this indicator gradually, with each subsequent procedure;
  5. Secure the fastener at the set angle using Velcro;
  6. Go to bed. Important! You need to put on the corrective bandage while sitting straight on the bed in a state prepared for sleep, since you cannot walk (even a couple of steps!) in the device, it is not intended for this;
  7. After waking up, remove the correctors. To do this, you must first unfasten the blue fasteners, and then remove the bandages from both feet, like regular shoes.

Duration of procedures with Hav Splint

To effectively combat this unpleasant disease, doctors recommend wearing a nighttime foot brace every day and leaving it on your feet throughout your sleep.

Complete elimination of deformity is possible with regular procedures over several months; the specific duration of the course will depend on the degree of development of the disease. Thus, there are several stages of hallux valgus:

  1. The initial stage is expressed in the deviation of the joint by no more than 20° and has no other signs other than the unsightly appearance of the foot;
  2. At the second stage, the angle of deformation increases to 20-30° and the first pain sensations appear while walking;
  3. The third stage is already accompanied by curvature of the finger up to 50°, and the pain begins to remind itself more and more often even with minor loads;
  4. The fourth stage manifests itself in the protrusion of the bone by more than 50°, the pain becomes constant, the deformation begins to affect other fingers, and it is almost impossible to wear ordinary shoes.

You can buy a corrective bandage for the big toe for stage 1-3 deformity, when it has not yet touched the other phalanges; at the last stage, as a rule, only surgical intervention can correct the situation.

Correction with Hav Splint is recommended to be carried out under the supervision of an orthopedist, who, in addition to local effects, can prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs, massages, and physiotherapy. These measures can shorten the recovery period.

It will also be necessary to eliminate the occurrence of factors that provoke the development of deformity: stop wearing tight, uncomfortable shoes, reduce body weight if you are significantly overweight, etc.

In addition, to consolidate the corrective effect obtained when using night splints, it is recommended to put them on after removing them. They will more gently fix your joints in the correct position, are suitable for any shoes, do not create discomfort and allow you to speed up the process of getting rid of hallux valgus. However, it is worth remembering that using only Valgus Pro inserts will not get rid of the bump on the big toe, but will only reduce pain while wearing them.

You can purchase the Hav Splint night bandage together with the Valgus Pro daytime correctors at a profit by purchasing on our website.

Valgus bandage: buy and forget about past problems

You can buy a night bandage for the big toe to minimize and eliminate signs of hallux valgus. After the first use of the corrector, you will feel an improvement in the condition of your legs and a decrease in the severity of pain, and after a few weeks of using the splint, you will be able to achieve other manifestations of remission of the disease, as well as a visible reduction in the lump.

Thus, a bandage on the big toe will reduce the severity of foot deformation, prevent its further development and help achieve the following effects:

  • reducing hallux valgus deformity;
  • the severity of the bump will become much less, and over time it will disappear altogether;
  • the crooked joint will return to its normal healthy position;
  • muscle tension will decrease and you will feel much better;
  • with each use the pain will decrease;
  • the transverse arch of the foot will be restored and become more natural;
  • the finger will become active and mobile;
  • redness, swelling will go away, inflammation of the joint will go away, which will prevent the development of bursitis;
  • your gait will become much easier and more graceful.

Thus, getting rid of a bunion on the foot is not only realistic, but also quite simple; you just need to wear a night bandage for the big toe every day, reviews of which indicate the high effectiveness of this product.

Toe bandage: buy and use correctly

The abductor bandage for the big toe created a real sensation among its consumers. Negative reviews, as a rule, are left only by those buyers who did not achieve the desired effect because they did not follow the precautionary rules. The following recommendations should be given particular importance:

  1. You should not use a corrector in the fourth stage of hallux valgus deformity, since the disease has already developed too much, has begun to cover other phalanges, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to cope with it without surgical intervention;
  2. It will not be possible to achieve the desired effect using a splint if other bone diseases are present: arthritis, gout, rheumatism;
  3. It is not recommended to use orthopedic bandages on the big toe if there are cuts, abrasions, wounds or other damage to the skin;
  4. The blue strap that corrects the angle of deviation of the finger must be tightened so that it fixes the finger in a more correct position, but not so much as to cause pain that interferes with your sleep.
  5. Before using the splint, it is recommended to consult a specialist;
  6. After putting on the device, you need to go to bed, and walking in it is strictly prohibited;
  7. Orthopedic bandages for toes require simple care; for this, it is enough to periodically wash them with warm soapy water.

Big Toe Abduction Bandage: Buy and Enjoy the Benefits

A night bandage for the big toe is worth buying to get rid of hallux valgus. This effect and ease of use is achieved due to a number of advantages:

  • rigid and effective fixation of the joint;
  • possibility of adjusting the angle of finger deflection;
  • relief from painful sensations;
  • eliminating the inflammatory process;
  • convenient fastening of the clamp to the foot;
  • durability of the device, ensured by the absence of moving parts;
  • universal size, suitable for any foot;
  • absence of complex care requirements;
  • inability to rub the protruding joint;
  • carrying out procedures during sleep, which makes them practically invisible and not requiring much effort;
  • high-quality materials that do not cause allergies or irritations.

Another undeniable advantage is the foot bandage for bunions - a price that will seem ridiculous even to the average Russian. The cost of this miraculous device is much lower than other products with a similar operating principle.

Characteristics and equipment

  • Material: durable hypoallergenic medical plastic, porous soft material, leather, nylon;
  • Manufacturer: development - Japan, production - China (high quality!);
  • Equipment: 1 pair per pack (2 pcs., for left and right feet);
  • Size: tires are dimensionless (adjustable to any foot size).

You can buy a bandage for the big toe right now in our online store. We guarantee to provide high-quality and certified products that, when used correctly, will help deal with bumps on the thumbs. Remember, hallux valgus develops quite quickly; every day the bone growth can increase, which can lead to a complex operation with a long rehabilitation period and lifelong lameness.

Why torture yourself, suffering from discomfort and unpleasant sensations, if you can simply buy a bandage for a bunion, the price of which will be affordable for everyone!

Click the "Buy" button and place your order right now!

Still have questions? Call toll free number 8-800-200-41-91 , get advice and place an order by phone (on weekdays from 9 to 18 Moscow time)

Indications Hallux valgus deformity of the big toe, Pain and discomfort in the joint of the big toe Action Fixation of the big toe in the correct position, Restoration of motor activity of the big toe, Reducing inflammation, swelling, redness, Improving blood circulation, Eliminates pain Type of product Correctors Country of origin China Material Thermoplastic, Textile, Polyurethane foam Weight 0.21500000 Length 19.00000000

Average customer rating: (13) 4.92 out of 5 stars


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Deformation of bones or their growth to unnatural sizes is considered a pathological process. One of them is deformation of the metatarsophalangeal joint. This defect is corrected using a special thumb fixator. The bandage is used not only to correct pathology, but also for preventive purposes. The doctor can help the patient achieve a positive result in the shortest possible time if the bandage for the bunion on the big toe is applied in the initial stage of the disease.

Indications for use

As soon as a person notices a slight deformation of the big toe on his foot, he should immediately consult a doctor. This pathology often occurs in middle-aged and elderly people. It becomes quite noticeable due to the growing, protruding bone of the thumb. There are several reasons for the formation of such a defect, one of which is flat feet. The formation of pathology is associated with uneven distribution of body load on the feet. This is what causes the finger bones to shift to the side.

Symptoms indicating the development of pathology:

  • Redness of the big toe.
  • Transverse flatfoot.
  • Pain in the middle of the foot. They can be felt not only when walking, but also in a calm state.
  • Frequent formation of calluses.
  • Obesity. This is an indirect cause of thumb deformation, as this is indicated by numerous reviews of users suffering from this ailment.

The main indication for the use of a finger bandage is hallux valgus. Correction of deformity depends on the complexity, neglect and cause of this phenomenon.

Causes of pathology

The main causes of curvature of the thumb are:

  • Bad heredity.
  • Congenital pathology.
  • Obesity.
  • Transverse flatfoot.
  • Improper metabolism.
  • Past polio.
  • Cerebral paralysis.
  • Damage to the feet.
  • Uncomfortable tight shoes.

Particular attention should be paid to the last point, since shoes that do not match the size of the foot provoke the development of the disease. Tight shoes put pressure on the feet and the joints become inflamed. This is what leads to the formation of deforming arthrosis and the transition of the disease to the chronic stage. Soon the inflammation manifests itself as redness of the skin and swelling.

Only after a thorough examination of the patient, the doctor determines the method of treating the deformity - fix a corrective bandage on the thumb or send the patient to a surgeon. The choice of treatment method depends on the complexity and severity of the disease. At the first stage, health workers use conservative treatment methods that save the patient from surgery.

Orthopedists resort to complex therapy that slows down and sometimes even stops bone growth. Obvious symptoms, along with discomfort when walking, as well as acute pain, indicate the last stage of the disease. In this case, surgery cannot be avoided.

Painless treatment methods

Such methods involve the following procedures:

  • Night bandage for the big toe and other orthopedic devices.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Shock wave therapy.
  • Silicone or plastic correctors.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Medications.
  • Massotherapy.

In the initial stage of the disease, doctors recommend wearing shoes with orthopedic properties, as well as using specially coated patches. You can use a bandage for the big toe. Often, orthopedists prescribe medical methods along with folk remedies. These can be various decoctions, tinctures, salt compresses, baths, ointments, homemade and other traditional medicine drugs.

Positive treatment results can only be achieved using complex therapy. If the cause of the curvature of the big toe is transverse flatfoot, then to correct it you should engage in special physical exercises. Daily physical exercise is necessarily part of complex treatment. Physical exercise can also be done for preventive purposes. For each individual case, the doctor selects certain types of physical exercises. The chances of recovery are quite high.

Despite the effectiveness of such treatment, at an advanced stage of the disease it will be useless. The goal of therapeutic exercises is to stop the progression of the disease and restore mobility of the deformed joint.

Special devices

The purpose of using orthopedic devices is to create a so-called barrier between the fingers. The range of special devices includes:

  • Plastic or silicone thumb corrector.
  • Night corrector for big toe. It is intended for night use only. The position of the finger is fixed relative to the foot.
  • Insoles with orthopedic properties and instep supports. They help distribute the person's weight evenly on the feet. After several weeks, the position of the feet takes on the correct appearance. These products can be used continuously.
  • Orthopedic screed. The product is an elastic band equipped with a soft insert. It supports the transverse part of the foot in the desired position.
  • Orthopedic splint. It ensures the correct position of the finger using a tight fixation method. Such a rigid device does not allow changing the position of the finger. You can wear a splint until the bone is completely corrected.
  • Deformation clamp. It securely holds the finger, preventing it from changing the required position.
  • Shoes with orthopedic properties, prescribed by a doctor, are recommended for use by children and adults. These shoes have a hard back. It is supported in the desired position by springy instep supports.
  • Plastic. These bandages are the toughest. They reliably and completely immobilize problem fingers. They have proven themselves to be excellent in treating the initial stage of the disease.
  • Gel. The devices are of medium rigidity. Designed to hold the thumb in place and prevent skin redness.
  • Silicone. These are the softest bandages. Used for preventive purposes.

A modern orthopedic bandage for the big toe and other devices can only be used as prescribed by an orthopedist. This is due to the period of wearing them, about which the patient himself knows nothing. Some devices are put on the thumb only before going to bed, while others are worn all the time.

Surgical intervention

In the last stage of thumb deformity, painless treatment methods are useless. In this case, the orthopedist refers the patient to a surgeon. During surgery, the specialist uses the following types of operations:

  • Minimally invasive surgery. It is aimed at minimizing injury to finger tissue.
  • Open method of surgical intervention. It is used exclusively for advanced forms of the disease.
  • Removal of the diseased bone and implantation of an artificial joint.
  • Laser correction. Surgeons use this method when surgery is required on both legs at once. The procedure involves treating the bone with a laser beam. As a result, the lump becomes smaller and reaches its normal state.
  • Osteotomy. Fixing the finger with screws.

Foot surgery is not contraindicated for people of all ages. Any type of anesthesia can be used. Surgical intervention is carried out using advanced technologies and modern medical equipment. This ensures safety for the patient and allows the surgeon to work quickly. After surgery, the patient will require rehabilitation. Its duration depends on the general condition of the patient.

The entire Internet is full of advertisements for various means to get rid of bunions on the toes. Along with dubious folk recipes, there are also quite adequate proposals - to purchase a bandage for the bunion on the big toe. What types of such products can be found on sale? Will they really help get rid of the problem? And what do those who have already tried “finger corsets” on their feet say?

Why do you need a bone retainer?

A bump on your toe will not only limit your choice of shoes (you will most likely have to forget about elegant stiletto pumps), but will also “give” a lot of unpleasant and sometimes painful sensations. The reasons for its appearance are different. This includes wearing high-heeled shoes for too long, as well as:

  • flat feet;
  • overweight;
  • lack of calcium during pregnancy;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • genitourinary tract dysfunction;
  • physiological predisposition (for example, excessively wide feet);
  • regular hypothermia of the legs;
  • ankle curvature;
  • nervous system disorders.

It is a mistake to believe that the lump is formed due to salt deposits or that it is some kind of transformation of a large callus. As a result of valgus deformity, the metatarsal bone of the big toe deviates, while the toe itself bends in the opposite direction. It is to return the toe to its original position that the big toe bone lock is used.. Also, special orthopedic insoles are often used for this purpose.

Depending on the stage of the disease, the period of wearing the retainer can range from several weeks to two months or even six months.

Manufacturers of orthopedic products try to satisfy consumer demand as much as possible, so you can find a variety of models of fixators on sale.

  • The most popular is a corrector made of silicone or elastic plastic. Such products are very comfortable, as they are hardly noticeable on the foot, which means they can be used even when wearing open shoes during the day.
  • It is worth mentioning separately about models with a lock, which is located between the first and second fingers.
  • You can fit the bandage perfectly to your leg if you buy models with adjustable tire and fastening fastener. And even if this option does not look very elegant, it will make the foot feel as comfortable as possible, and the result will be achieved faster.

One of the classifications is based on the time of use of the bandage - daytime or nighttime.

Indications and contraindications for use

Wearing a corrector may be recommended by your doctor in the following cases:

  • in the presence of transverse flatfoot;
  • with hallux valgus deformity;
  • for arthrosis, arthritis, bursitis;
  • with hammertoes, when fingers 2-5 are bent upward at the joints.

In the West, a bunion fixator has long been successfully used to prevent hallux valgus.

There are no general contraindications to the use of a fixative, but in specific cases, the doctor may refuse this treatment method in the presence of a particular disease, especially when it comes to complex or chronic cases.

Does a bunion bandage help?

The effect of wearing a leg brace on a bunion in some cases will not be long in coming. If the disease is advanced, you will have to be patient. And as in all other cases, the use of orthopedic accessories requires consultation with a doctor.

As an alternative treatment method for hallux valgus and other foot disorders, wearing a hallux valgus splint has a number of advantages that do not go unnoticed by patients:

  • relieves discomfort and pain;
  • eliminates the occurrence of corns and calluses;
  • can be worn with any shoes, as easy to choose an aesthetically attractive model;
  • affordable price;
  • The elastic silicone from which the bandage is made does not cause allergies.

Doctors note the following advantages of fixatives:

  • effective support of the finger in the correct anatomical position;
  • due to the reduced load on the joint, the skin does not turn red, which eliminates the occurrence of complications;
  • the risk of developing flat feet is reduced due to the joint being in the correct position;
  • reducing the load on the front arch of the foot eliminates the possibility of flattening it;
  • suitable for the treatment of hallux valgus at any stage;
  • has no relapses and does not cause complications.

How to wear a retainer correctly

If you follow the simple rules of wearing an orthopedic bandage for bunions and the recommendations of your attending physician, it will not be difficult to achieve the desired result, and you will not have to make excessive efforts, because the miracle pad will take care of all your worries.

  • The silicone clamp is attached to the thumb and pressed tightly. More complex models are accompanied by instructions in which steps are described step by step to help you correctly put on and secure the bandage.
  • The maximum time to wear the bandage during the day is 10 hours, the average allowable is 6 hours.
  • Night correctors can be left on all night.

If you use fixatives only at night, remember that the treatment may take longer.

Reviews about the fixator for the bunion on the big toe

Have you often seen on the Internet a phrase like: “The miracle fixative will get rid of the pits in a month!”? But is it worth trusting such promises and what do those who purchased them and tried them on themselves say about underwire retainers?

Sergei Mechnik, 32 years old
bone retainer “Hallux Valgus”

If you don't know about Valgus Pro, then you never go online. It is simply impossible to miss its advertisements - they flash with every click. But I decided to verify the wonders of the product myself, especially since my father also urgently needed the same one. I came across a forum of “deceived valgusniks”, who were sold complete crap under a well-promoted brand for a lot of money.

In general, I decided to choose something else. After two days of Internet surfing, I came across “Hallux Valgus” and found a site that a) had a return address b) there was no prepayment c) the purchase could be returned if it was not satisfied d) courier delivery in my city. There was an option to pay online, but I didn’t do this so that I could simply not pay the courier if he handed me junk. While I was waiting for delivery, I watched a bunch of videos to learn how to distinguish a fake. I bought two clamps at once, so it turned out cheaper (a little more than 1300 rubles for each) plus they charged for delivery.

To my surprise, the courier delivered what I ordered. The clamp is made of high-quality plastic and silicone, it is easy to attach and does not restrict movement.. Let me make a reservation right away that I rarely wore it. After wearing it for a month, there was no sign that the lump was starting to shrink. My father, on the contrary, was very pleased with the result - the bump on one leg became noticeably smaller. I gave him my fixative and he continued the treatment. So once again I was convinced that miracles do not happen, if you decide to undergo treatment, then you need to not give up on your plan. Although in a good way, of course, you need to go to the doctor, and not experiment on your body.

Polina Stupkina, 42 years old
night bandage "Hav Splint"

The bones on my thumbs had become so large that it was no longer possible to ignore them. And on both legs. I went to the clinic. Along with other treatment, the doctor recommended using a special bandage at night. After searching the Internet I found “Hav Splint”. I decided to buy it and was very pleased.

The box contains two splints - for the left and right legs. It’s easy to put on and fastens very securely, so I’ve never had the bandage fall off or even move in my sleep. A very rigid fixation forces the finger to return to its place night after night. I looked at silicone models at the pharmacy - they are not so hard. As a result, after two months of sleeping “in shackles,” my bumps began to shrink, and my finger actually seemed to begin to move to its normal position. The doctor was also pleased with the result and told me to continue. I didn’t say how long it will last, but I’m already used to putting them on before going to bed, so I don’t forget. I hope that I can get rid of this ugliness.

Maria Ivanovna Klipkina, 56 years old
corrective bandage "Ortmann DANS"

I went to the hospital on time, and the doctor diagnosed “moderate hallux valgus.” He reassured me that nothing bad had happened so far, sent me to take all the tests to establish the cause, and prescribed me to wear a bandage at night. I honestly admit that I chose the most expensive one at the pharmacy. I’ve been wearing it for more than six months now and I understand that I made the right decision by not saving.

You can wear it only at night and take it off before getting out of bed. The bandage itself is rigid and it strongly secures the foot and toe.. The box contains very clear step-by-step instructions on how to put it on correctly. I quickly figured it out. True, I later asked the doctor: am I doing everything right? He praised me. The first few days were unusual, but now the bandage doesn’t bother me at all. There are no inconveniences, and I see the result - my legs look more like healthy ones. I am satisfied and advise everyone not to waste money on quality products.