Near future fortune telling by runes. Runic layouts. Perth. Secret Love

Fortune telling with Scandinavian runes is a serious practice for deeply assessing a situation or relationship and obtaining a forecast for the future. The process of prediction will help resolve doubts, determine your role in life, and reconsider the significance of your actions. Any runic layouts require concentration on the essence of the question asked and attentiveness to actions.


Fortune telling with runes is a process that requires calmness, concentration, and awareness. This mantic instrument is very sensitive to the thoughts of the practitioner. So that the problems of the day do not interfere with correctly formulating the question, you must:

  • Privacy. It is worth choosing a quiet room without unnecessary noise, so that no one disturbs the fortuneteller and the querent.
  • Cleaning and preparing the space. Light the candles, lay out the rune mat, and take a comfortable position.
  • Meditation or other ritual that calms the mind.

Fortune telling with runes and types of layouts

Methods of fortune telling and runic layouts differ in their approach to the essence of the practice. Shamanic methods appeal more to the subconscious of the predictor; all actions are controlled only by intuition. Complex layouts require following the order of actions and memorizing patterns.

Rune Throwing

Rune throwing works in the depths of the subconscious. Here it is important to correctly understand the essence of this shamanic practice. The work is going on at the level that the ancient Scandinavians called Wyrd. This is an appeal to the interweaving of the reality of the present, the possibilities of the future and the actions of the past.


  • Mentally formulate a question.
  • Take the bag, put your hand in there, mix the runes in a circle and scoop out as much as your palm can hold.
  • Throw it on the mat and see what happens.
  • Each rune that lands face up is part of the combination to be read. Symbols that land face down are not considered.
  • You should interpret the resulting combination based on your inner feelings. For experienced fortune tellers who know exactly the interpretation of each symbol, the meaning becomes clear in a couple of minutes.

Rune of Odin

Deceptively simple layout. Only one rune is taken from the bag. This is a method of obtaining an unambiguous answer or general characteristics, the essence of the situation. Direct and reverse positions of symbols are interpreted. The method of fortune telling is suitable for morning practice, which determines the rune that characterizes the coming day.

Three Norns

The layout is named after Norn Urd, Verdandi, Skuld, who do not allow the roots of the World Tree to dry out. Goddesses have the power to determine the fate of any mortal or immortal being.

Fortune telling is suitable for determining the outcome or analyzing a situation. The essence of the method is the sequential laying out of three runes. The interpretation of the first characterizes the past, the second - the present, and the third - the future.


The layout is good for receiving advice on the actions that should be taken to change fate and have a successful path forward. The runes are sequentially taken out of the bag.

Characteristics of dropped symbols:

  1. Past.
  2. Querent's personality.
  3. Future.
  4. The questioner's actions that created the situation.
  5. What to do.
  6. Possible outcome if the advice is followed.

6 aspects of the situation

The runes are laid out as in the previous method. Definitions:

  1. General characteristics of the situation.
  2. Qualities to achieve the desired goal.
  3. What to watch out for.
  4. The root of the problem.
  5. Advice, an indication of what should be done (in the direct position) or should not be done (in the reverse position).
  6. Possible future.

Layout for a deep assessment of the situation “Mimir’s Head”

It will require analysis skills, since you will need the ability to combine the meanings of neighboring runes. The method is suitable for circumstances that require deep thought, serious planning and work on mistakes.

  • Runes 1 and 2 represent current circumstances or problems.
  • 3 and 4 external influence that led to the current situation.
  • 5 and 6 advice on how to solve the problem.
  • 7 possible result.


The layout is intended for the analysis of friendly, love, and partnership relationships. It helps to identify illusions, deception, and real feelings. All 24 runes are laid out alternately in 2 columns, which characterize certain traits of the partners.

  1. What attracts you in a partner.
  2. Financial situation.
  3. Willingness for constructive dialogue.
  4. The influence of close friends and family on decision making.
  5. Interest in obtaining material benefits, earthly pleasures.
  6. Harmful addictions, lifestyle, health.
  7. The seriousness of intentions in the existing partnership, how the partner perceives the relationship.
  8. Sexuality.
  9. Spiritual development.
  10. What benefits does a person see in a business, friendly or love relationship?
  11. Hopes or plans for the relationship.
  12. Secrets, secret aspirations, potentially dangerous to a sustainable partnership.


A simple rune layout of 5 positions. Helps to assess the real feasibility of the tasks that the querent has set for himself. Recommended for determining the possible outcome of a project. Allows you to see your strengths or weaknesses, calculate the risks of the enterprise, and make the right decision.

  1. Ability to make decisions.
  2. How the querent overcomes obstacles.
  3. Estimated benefits from implementing the plan.
  4. Prospects for the development of the project.
  5. Success or failure of the project.


The layout consists of 6 runes laid out in a circle clockwise. It is used to clarify the situation. A fire makes it possible to understand the origins, positive and negative factors of events.

  1. Heat. Which is vital.
  2. Light. Positive aspects, help.
  3. Fuel. What keeps things going. Perception of the problem.
  4. Wind. Negative aspects of events.
  5. Smoke. Interference.
  6. Ash. Result.

Tyr. Valor

The shape resembles the Thurisaz rune. Shows the result of the battle. Suitable for military personnel or people who have become participants in armed conflicts and are forced to fight a dangerous enemy. Sometimes it predicts the outcome of ideological confrontations, intellectual or sports competitions, or major quarrels.

  • 1, 2, 3 runes indicate the causes, development, and outcome of the conflict.
  • Runes 4, 5 characterize the querent’s state in battle.
  • Rune 6, 7 means the opponent’s condition.

Raido. Schedule for travelers

The prediction will be useful before a long journey. Indicates possible difficulties or success of the journey. The layout is similar in outline to Raido, the rune of the Path. Another interpretation is possible, which will indicate whether the querent has chosen the right path in life.

  1. What prompted the questioner to set off on a journey.
  2. What problems should the trip solve?
  3. Character traits that will help you on the road.
  4. Favorable external circumstances.
  5. Internal contradictions that prevent you from achieving your goal.
  6. Obstacles, problems, conflicts.
  7. Pleasant surprises.
  8. Accidents, annoying surprises.
  9. What awaits at the end of the road.

Perth. Secret Love

The runes are arranged in a pattern reminiscent of Perth. This alignment helps to identify the prerequisites and characteristics of hidden love relationships.

  • 1 and 2 characterize the everyday aspects of events.
  • 3, 5 determine the development of a secret connection.
  • 4, 6 show the future of each partner.

Ansuz. Justice

The scheme works to predict the outcome of legal proceedings and disputes. Clarifies the situation, helps develop a defense or prosecution strategy.

  1. Reason for the proceedings.
  2. Progress of the process.
  3. Bottom line.
  4. Defense strategy.
  5. Defense actions.
  6. Prosecution plans.
  7. Actions of the prosecution.

Uruz. Strength of character, withstanding difficulties

According to this scheme, runes should be laid out in difficult moments of life. It helps you clearly understand the situation in order to assess your strengths and successfully resolve current problems.

  • Runes 1, 2, 3 characterize difficult circumstances.
  • Symbols 4, 5, 6 determine allies, favorable circumstances, and strong personality traits of the questioner.
  • 7, 8, 9 are weaknesses, ill-wishers, failures.

Fehu. Will

Answers questions about receiving an inheritance. Reveals the testator's intentions and accompanying events.

  1. Desire of an heir.
  2. The mood of the testator.
  3. What does the testator want?
  4. The influence of the inheritance paper on the present.
  5. Development of the situation.
  6. Distant future.
  7. The influence of events on the environment.
  8. Exodus.

Jor. Sea travel

The Ior rune is not included in the Elder Futhark; fortune telling using it is relatively new. She is associated with Jormungandr, the son of Loki and Angrboda, a giant serpent from the depths of the world's oceans. Ior symbolizes the protection of borders. The layout consists of 8 runes.

  1. Reasons why you have to go on the road.
  2. Emotions from the upcoming trip to sea.
  3. Dangers.
  4. Favorable moments of swimming.
  5. Knowledge required for travel.
  6. Necessary actions.
  7. Advice.
  8. What awaits on the other side of the sea.

Erda (Erda). home and family

Alignment for family relationships. Shows how to achieve a favorable atmosphere in the home, quiet family happiness, harmonious family or marital relationships.

  1. Assessing the general family environment.
  2. Marital relations.
  3. How does the husband get along with his parents?
  4. Interaction of husband with father-in-law and mother-in-law.
  5. What kind of relationship does the wife have with her parents?
  6. Assessing the wife's relationship with her father-in-law and mother-in-law.
  7. How do the parents of the spouses feel about their grandchildren?
  8. A source of love and understanding.
  9. Source of discord.
  10. Bottom line.

After fortune telling, it is useful to reflect on the advice received and put the runes in a bag. The mantic practice of predictions can help to penetrate deeply into the essence of the situation. The main thing is to hear what the runes whisper.

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Since ancient times, people have passionately desired to look into their future. Out of pure curiosity or in order to adequately prepare for changes. This free fortune telling with runes will lift the veil of the future for you. With its help you will find out what awaits you: what surprises or tests it prepares. Before you tell fortunes on the runes, make a wish for a specific time period. This could be a month, a season of the year or a year. Runologists do not advise making a wish that is too long or too short. It would also be a good idea to write down the results of fortune telling in order to compare its results with reality and get to know the runes better.

Decompose the runes

What will change in the future

The first position, “What will change in the future,” will tell you in which areas of life the most global changes are coming. Pay attention to the lines “meaning” and “events” in the description of the runes.

Where you shouldn't expect change

The second position, “Where you shouldn’t expect change,” will indicate an area of ​​life that will remain unchanged. Fate does not favor change on these fronts now.


The third position, “Trials,” will tell you about the main trials of the time period that you have chosen for fortune telling. It is worth remembering that higher powers send us trials to strengthen our spirit and will.


The fourth position “Gifts” predicts the main positive events of the selected time period.


The fifth position “Goal” will reveal the main goal, something that will be useful for you to strive for. The description of the rune will tell you which area of ​​life, business, quality of character you need to choose as a goal at the moment.

Odin's fortune telling - 1 rune- It is believed that fortune telling on one rune is the most clear, since it will not allow you to be distracted by extraneous ideas that are currently unnecessary in your life situation. In this, fortune telling on runes comes close to the eastern systems set out in our encyclopedia - Chinese and Tibetan, which also recommend limiting yourself to one fortune-telling symbol at a time.

Fortune telling Norn - 3 runes- This method was used 2000 years ago. It is suitable for most occasions. It is necessary to clearly formulate the topic of fortune telling and pull out 3 runes one by one. The first rune describes the current situation, the second - the required course of action, the third - the situation that will follow.

Divination Norn >>>

Runes- these are magical and alphabetical signs that were carved on stones and carved on wood. Many runic signs have ancient origins - they go back to the magical symbols of the Celtic Druid priests, from whom they later passed on to the Germanic and then to the Scandinavian tribes.

For help runes addressed using two different channels: visual and auditory. Firstly, the rune was depicted. For example, it could be laid out from wooden sticks, or it could be applied to a stone or birch bark, to the shaft of a spear, or to the surface of a clay vessel. Secondly, to enhance the impact of the rune, its name was pronounced or sung in a special song. Such multilateral feeling brought the person communicating with magical signs into extraordinary excitement and incredibly sharpened her perception. Everyone turned to the runes according to their own special need: a healer drove out a disease, a warrior asked for victory in battle, a hunter, attracting prey, prayed for good luck.

TO runic oracle You can contact us with any question. You can find out what the situation is that interests you, or ask the Higher Powers for advice on what to do. Try to relax and fully concentrate on your question. Without looking, take one rune from the bag and place it in front of you. Pay attention to what position she finds herself in - upright or inverted: the answer she gives you greatly depends on this. And then you can read what is said about the specific meaning of this rune. Remember: the deeper you try to penetrate its unique mystery, the more detailed and useful the answer to your question will be. Therefore, as in other divination systems, the more experience you accumulate with runes, the easier it will be for you to obtain the necessary information.

There are many ways fortune telling with runes, each of them can correspond to the theme you choose. We offer you 2 of the most famous of them:

Clearly formulate the question that interests you most at the moment. This could be a general problem, or it could be a specific situation. It is not recommended to ask a question about objects that are not related to each other in your emotional perception. For example, do not ask “about work” and “about love” at the same time if for you these are two different topics.

Popular fortune telling

Fortune telling, which was a favorite of Empress Catherine II, according to legend, was quite simple. 40 cards depicted 40 symbols that had a classic decoding, but for a specific situation they could have a direct meaning and mean exactly what is depicted on them. Out of 40 cards turned upside down, three were selected and, depending on the question of interest, the result was interpreted. Try this fortune telling to predict your fate or clarify a question that interests you.

The layout provides answers to questions regarding health, work and relationships. The explanatory map complements the answer and gives a clearer picture of the events that the main map provides. Select a question type from the list below.

Fortune telling on two Gypsy dice allows you to get an answer to one of ten questions regarding love, relationships and personal life. This is one of the oldest ways to find out the future of your relationship with your loved one. Before starting fortune telling, select the question you are interested in from the list, throw the fortune telling dice and immediately receive a decryption.

Love fortune telling on gypsy Tarot cards will tell you how the person in question treats you and what she thinks about you. This layout also shows what feelings the person you are interested in has towards you, what attitude he demonstrates and what he hides, what goals he sets in your relationship, what he plans for you in the future, and what the outcome of communication with this person is. Think about your question and select cards from the deck.

The “Nine Lenormand Cards” layout is used when studying the causes and consequences of a situation of interest. This fortune telling is used for any life situations, it shows the reason for the current situation in the past, what it looks like in the present and what will happen in the future. Before starting fortune telling, you need to formulate a question and focus on the images that the layout will show. Read the transcript to get the answer to your question.

Online fortune-telling using the runes of Odin

Runes are magical alphabetic signs that have been carved into wood and stones since ancient times, and decorated clothes and dishes with runic symbols. Each rune on its own has the ability to describe almost any situation, and combinations of runes provide important explanations and additional information regarding fortune telling. There are a great many ways to lay out Odin's runes, we have tried to collect for you the most popular and useful of them.

With the help of fortune telling on the runes of Odin, “What does a person look like?” you can find out what a person you are interested in but unknown to you looks like, for example, an ill-wisher, a homewrecker, or a person who appears as a friend in other scenarios, but you don’t know what he looks like. This fortune telling sometimes complements other fortune telling on runes or cards, from the point of view of deciphering the appearance of the person appearing in the layout. Four positions are taken into account in fortune telling: hair color. eye color, face shape and body type. For each of this item, one rune is involved, in which the corresponding appearance feature is considered. What is noteworthy is that the rune returns every time and can participate again, so sometimes the same rune indicates different features of appearance.

Fortune telling on the runes of Odin “Dreams and Reality” shows the characteristics of a person’s life, how he perceives certain things. Using this layout, you will learn the characteristics of illusory ideas about life, what fuels these illusions, and also what is the connection between reality and a person’s illusory idea. This fortune telling is intended primarily for subconscious psychological analysis and self-knowledge. Think about your question and choose the runes.

Fortune telling on the five runes of Odin “Achilles’ heel” will show you what your weakest and most vulnerable point is (possibly physically or a character trait), where the threat may come from, the reasons for the appearance of this weak point and how to protect the vulnerable point. Before starting fortune telling, concentrate and ask your question, then select runes from the scattering.

Fortune telling on six runes of Odin “3 wishes” will show whether the three most cherished desires that the fortuneteller has in mind will be fulfilled. Read the transcript carefully; for each wish, two runes appear, each of which complements the meaning of the second and reveals the meaning of your desires. Before starting fortune telling, think of three wishes by numbers (number one is..., two.., etc.) and select runes from the scattering.

Fortune telling on the runes of Odin “Nine Worlds” is intended to analyze the current situation and find a solution and way out of it. With the help of this layout on the runes, you will be able to find out what can be changed and what cannot be changed in the current situation, what hinders you and what will help in overcoming the crisis, what obstacles exist and means of overcoming them. Before starting fortune telling, concentrate and select nine runes from the scattering.

Fortune telling on the runes of Odin “Cohabitants” - love fortune telling for couples who live together in a civil marriage. This runic alignment illuminates questions about feelings and love between a man and a woman, reveals the prospect of an official marriage and gives a forecast for the development of relationships. Also, with the help of this fortune telling, you will find out what your partner thinks about you and what feelings he experiences towards you.

Fortune telling on the runes of Odin “Three Norns” helps to understand interesting nuances of the past, present and future. The three Norns goddesses in ancient Germanic mythology personified the spirits of fate, each of the goddesses determined the fate of a person in a time period of life with the help of magic yarn, weaving patterns and thereby creating situations. Three runes for the present, past or future determine the three most important circumstances for the specified period. Think about your question and choose runes from the scattering.

Fortune telling on the runes of Odin "Zodiac" is used for a detailed study of the events happening to you. This layout is the most complete for studying and characterizing a person’s personality and life. Twelve runes corresponding to the zodiacal meaning of each rune provide the most complete description of a particular sphere of life. Concentrate and think about the person for whom the fortune-telling will be carried out and select 12 runes from the scattering.

Fortune telling on the seven runes of Odin “Runic Celtic Cross” is used to predict the future, assess the causes and consequences of a situation. This fortune telling will help you find answers to your questions, find out your destiny and the reason for the current situation. Before starting fortune telling, concentrate and think about the situation and question that interests you. Then, select seven runes from the scattering.

Fortune telling on the runes of Odin “The Path to Yourself” helps to understand the situation and its causes based on the subconscious and karmic reasons that are inherent in every person. With the help of this layout, you can find out why this or that recurring situation occurs in your life, what quality of you attracts this event. Ask your question and choose 9 runes from the scattering.

Fortune telling on Slavic runes “Cry of the Raven” is a simple fortune telling based on one rune. When choosing a rune, ask your question and carefully read the transcript, which does not always give a specific answer, but the meaning of the rune is always relevant to the topic of the question, pointing to alternative scenarios or the cause of the situation.

Fortune telling on three Slavic runes “The Staff of Veles” can be used to answer the question “Yes or No?” (in this case, it is necessary to count which runes are more negative or positive, so in the first case the answer is NO, in the second YES) or to predict fate or the development of a situation, with the first rune meaning the past, the second the present and the third the future. Select three Slavic runes from the scattering and ask your question.

Fortune telling on the runes of Odin “Rune lot” is used to clarify the cause of the current situation, the direction of the flow of energy and what the outcome will be. Using this layout, you can guess on various topics from love relationships to the personality characteristics of the person you are interested in. Before starting fortune telling, concentrate and ask your question.

Fortune telling on the runes of Odin “Rune Wheel” is used for a detailed study of personality, character traits, life, material and spiritual components. Fortune telling is ideal for analyzing events occurring in a person’s life based on the underlying characteristics of character and lifestyle. Before starting fortune telling, think about the person you will be telling fortunes about and select runes from the scattering.

Fortune telling on the seven runes of Odin “Head of Mimir” is a universal fortune telling that can show the problem, obvious or hidden, what led to such a situation, advice and how this situation will end for you. In this fortune telling, it is very important to be able to compare two paired runes, since they complement each other and the answer to the question lies in both decodings. Before starting fortune telling, concentrate and ask your question, then select runes from the scattering.

Fortune telling on the six runes of Odin “Clarification of relationships” is used in cases where the relationship with a partner does not work out or for some reason does not move beyond the serious stage. This simple, but very informative layout will help you understand what feelings your partner has towards you and what interferes with your love. Ask your question and choose 6 runes from the scattering.

Fortune telling on the six runes of Odin “Pregnancy” is used to predict the health of a woman and her child during pregnancy. The alignment is carried out according to the shape of the outlines of the Berkana rune, which in turn means the feminine principle in runic fortune-telling. The first two runes indicate the first trimester, the second two runes - the second trimester and, accordingly, the third pair of runes - the third trimester of pregnancy. Concentrate and ask your question to the runes.

Fortune telling on the three runes of Odin “To work” is simple, but it answers the most exciting questions regarding work and career. Just three runes give an idea of ​​the situation at work at a given time, what your potential is in the future and what needs to be done to improve your potential, avoid a conflict situation or achieve your goal. Think about your question, the third rune gives the answer to it, and choose runes from the scattering.

Fortune telling on the runes of Odin “Predestination” is used to find out whether you could influence the events of the present or past. What depends on you and what is predetermined by fate - the runes will tell you in simple terms. but also a time for very useful fortune telling. This universal layout is suitable for any life situation. Before starting fortune telling, think about your question and select runes from the scattering.

Fortune telling on the five runes of Odin “Cross of Aphrodite” is used to clarify the meaning and interesting nuances of the relationship between two people. This fortune telling will indicate what you expect from your partner, what he expects from you, how your relationship is characterized at the moment and how it will develop in the future. Ask your question and choose runes.

Fortune telling on the five runes of Odin “Medicine Wheel” is used to find out the causes of a situation or problem, what actions should be taken to resolve the situation. Fortune telling gives a forecast for the future, how events that interest you will develop after certain actions. Each of the 5 selected runes corresponds to a cardinal direction; after all the runes are selected, you will receive a decoding of the fortune telling. Focus and ask the question that concerns you to the ancient runes

Fortune telling on the six runes of Odin "Fate" is used to predict the near and distant future. The runes will explain to you the essence of the situation in the past, give you a description of events in the present, what will happen in the near future, tell you who or what can help and give useful advice. For this layout, you can ask questions regarding you or the intended person or situation.

Fortune telling on the five runes of Odin “The Sage's Look” is used to predict the near and distant future. The runes will explain to you the essence of the situation in the past, give you a description of events in the present, what will happen in the near future, tell you who or what can help and give useful advice. For this layout, you can ask questions regarding you or the intended person or situation.

Fortune telling on the three runes of Odin “For the situation” is used for those cases when it is necessary to deal with a problem or clarify an incomprehensible point. The first rune in the layout symbolizes the essence of the current situation, the second gives advice on what needs to be done and what actions are required of you, the third rune gives a forecast for the near future, how the planned situation will end or what will replace it.

Understanding verbal images leads us to understanding and awareness of the mysterious. The hidden secret of runic fortune telling is beyond our mental and spiritual comprehension. But it is no secret that it is what is hidden in the unknown, the secret that attracts the seeker, temptingly pushing him towards new achievements, new victories, inviting him beyond the horizon of the ordinary. Therefore, it does not come down to one or another technique of fortune-telling, be it prediction on real runes, or fortune-telling on runes online.
How to correctly tell fortunes with runes is not the most important thing; you should remember that any fortune telling with runes, even fortune telling with runes online on a website, is neither more nor less - a mysterious ritual, the practice of ancient and not always safe rune magic. Our ancestors carved runes on stones, composed, intuitively systematized and encoded the mysticism of ancient secret knowledge in runic symbols; Over time, this knowledge gave the runes precise combinations.

So, you are on this page, and since you are here, it means that you are interested in DIVINATION ON THE RUNES, or to be more precise, you are looking for the answer to the question - HOW TO DIVINE ON THE RUNES. Everyone knows that with the help of runes you can predict future events, predict and interpret possible outcomes of today’s situation. But you should not treat fortune telling with runes without due respect - do not regard fortune telling with runes, this element, as a simple, albeit fascinating, pastime.


Runes do not tolerate disdainful attitude towards themselves. If you don’t have the necessary confidence in the need to turn to runes for advice, you shouldn’t start, you don’t need to torment yourself with the question of how to correctly tell fortunes with runes. At best, you simply will not get a true result. How to tell fortunes with runes right - you can often hear a similar question from people who want to practice runic predictions.
For fortune telling with runes you will need set of runes of twenty-five runic symbols made from stone, wood or any other natural materials. As detailed on the relevant page of our website. It is best to choose the day and time of fortune telling by. When preparing for fortune telling, you should adhere to certain rules; they are set out in detail on the relevant pages of our website.

A simpler and more accessible way of fortune telling with runes is divination with runes online- this form of fortune-telling should not be neglected - with the proper intuitive attitude towards prediction, the result of fortune-telling will be truthful and no less accurate than with ordinary fortune-telling. Our website presents two options for online fortune-telling - fortune-telling - a more or less accurate forecast of the situation today and possible options for its development and - fortune-telling by one rune for the development of your relationship with a person close to you.
So, directly about fortune telling with runes, or how to correctly tell fortunes with runes.
If you decide to TELL FUCKING ON THE RUNES, BE SURE to follow these simple rules:

1.Do not ask the runes the same question several times in a row. If necessary, try to reformulate the logic of the question.
2.You must be confident in your impartiality, confident that you will interpret any rune layout during fortune telling adequately.
3. There is no need to start guessing with runes if you need to confirm something or if you expect EXACTLY AND ONLY a positive result.

Fortune telling with runes contains one important nuance - even if you are not satisfied with the answer of the runes to your question on this situation at the moment - never start a new rune alignment on this issue again.

Remember - the first prediction when fortune telling using runes is the most truthful and unambiguous. If you don’t like the interpretation of the rune prediction, don’t take it to heart, especially if you are overly excited about the existing problem, then an unfavorable one may just reflect the state of your mood at the moment. It is likely that right now you are not internally ready for full contact with runes - you just need to wait a little. Try to deeply rethink the answer of the runes, concentrate on the whole - this is necessary to understand the hidden meaning of the situation, which the runes are trying to convey to you during fortune telling.

Even a negative response from RUN will benefit you or help warn you against wrong steps. Remember, fortune telling with runes is not just fun - you should not ignore the answer of the runes, even if you don’t like it. If you do not understand the answer of the runes, or you cannot correctly determine the meaning of the dropped rune, try taking another rune and try to formulate your question in a different form. People who constantly use runic traditions over time accumulate internal energy, consonant with the subtle world of runes, which helps them better understand the meaning of one or another runic alignment when fortune telling using runes.

Often, those inexperienced in the practice of fortune-telling with runes try to adjust the answer received from the runes during fortune-telling to the standards of their own understanding of the situation, without realizing that the answer of the runes during fortune-telling is not determined by the exact coordinates of the chronology and location - almost always this answer can be scattered in space and time. Sometimes runes during fortune telling indirectly hint at answer options that are invisible and not even imaginable at the moment. However, after some time such an answer is sure to be discovered; in such cases, runes during fortune telling try to warn you that the onset of an event is just getting ready, however, it has not yet arrived. When divining with runes, it is necessary to remember that the runes are always right, it is impossible to trust them not fully. Trust between you and the runes is the main principle when fortune telling with runes.

Each rune is a sacred magical symbol, and undoubtedly has the ability to connect us with higher immaterial forces. The potential of runic magic is quite high - runes can not only tell us about future events, but also suggest the path for positive changes, in accordance with the decisions you have made in the past. Fortune telling with runes is one of the most ancient prediction systems in Europe. Tacitus also reported in his notes that the ancient Germans tended to cut sticks from the wood of certain trees, put runic symbols on them and use them for fortune telling.

According to northern legends, Odin, the supreme god, pinned by the tip of his own spear, hung on the World Ash Tree Yggdrasil for nine days and nights, sacrificing his “ego” for the sake of a spiritual goal and achieving the good of people. Exhausted, Odin threw nine twigs to the ground, which formed a combination of lines, in the contours of which clear runic symbols appeared, with a total of 24.
Each of the 25 runes (24 signs of runic symbols and) has its own rune name, and indicates a specific event, situation or process.

This page contains information on the topic


And a little more on the topic of Scandinavian runes

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