A large stack of pancakes. Amazing facts about pancakes. The heaviest pancake

Our star editor Lena Titok is also a talented cook. On the eve of Broad Maslenitsa, she revealed to us the secrets of low-calorie, thin pancakes “with bubbles.”

To ensure that the pancakes you prepare always turn out tasty and beautiful to look at, remember these seven simple, but very effective rules. With the help of our tips, you will be able to prepare pancakes that are (almost) harmless to your figure, the famous porous pancakes, and pancakes that are good for your health (and your mood!). You can start now: after all, Maslenitsa week is in full swing. But on Sunday, on Broad Maslenitsa, the stack of pancakes should be the tallest, and the pancakes should be the most ruddy!

  1. Delicious pancakes can be baked not only with milk or kefir, but also with water. Sometimes they turn out even thinner and more beautiful to look at. And they are also lower in calories!
  2. To make the pancakes easier to remove, add two tablespoons to the dough vegetable oil. It is desirable that it be olive or cedar. This is healthier, and the taste will be more delicate.
  3. If you want your pancakes to be “porous”, add half a glass of mineral water with gas to the dough.
  1. It is best to bake pancakes in a cast iron or ceramic frying pan. No newfangled pancake maker can compare with this proven cookware.
  2. If you are going to cook pancakes with filling, feel free to add starch to the dough. It is best to mix it in equal proportions with flour. “Starchy” pancakes will be very easy to remove from the pan. In addition, they are denser than usual: the filling will not leak out of them. But, unfortunately, such pancakes lack “blush”: they look paler than their purely flour counterparts. By the way, you can bake pancakes entirely from starch. Not very useful, but as a measure in the absence of other flour it’s quite suitable!
  3. The pancake batter must be free of lumps. If you can’t mix with a whisk or fork, just use a mixer. Sift the flour and add gradually.
  4. If you cook pancakes with milk, be sure to heat it before mixing with other ingredients. It is advisable that the eggs are also at room temperature. The same rule applies to water if you use it as a base.

You will find different pancake recipes in ours!

Text: Elena Titok

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Pancakes come in different varieties: fresh and custard, buckwheat and wheat, and sometimes even record-breaking. In the village Stanichno-Luganskoe during folk festivals On the Maslenitsa holiday, a new pancake record was set - the village residents built the tallest pyramid of pancakes in the history of the country. 20 Luhansk chefs managed not only to bake a whole pile of pancakes in 15 hours, but also to stack them 3m 13cm high! Each newly made pancake was threaded onto a metal pin. This required active motor exercises for 6 people. The maximum diameter of pancakes is 30 cm. Moreover, even the first pancake was not lumpy! The height of the grandiose structure could have been even greater, but under their own weight the pancakes began to sag. Therefore, we decided that the main thing was to stop in time.

Baking pancakes for the record-breaking pyramid took 200 kg of flour, 350 eggs and almost 160 liters of milk. After the new record was declared successful, the guests of the holiday enjoyed the pancakes with great pleasure.

The location of the celebration was not chosen by chance. Maslenitsa is a special holiday for Stanitsa Luganskaya, the only Donskaya village in Ukraine. The original Cossacks put farewell to winter on a par in importance with the great Orthodox holidays. Lugansk residents dedicated their record to the upcoming 70th anniversary of the Lugansk region and the 90th anniversary of the formation of the Stanichno-Lugansk region. Leaders of the Stanichno-Lugansk district, chairman of the Stanichno-Lugansk regional public organization “Young Regions”, director of the regional utility enterprise “Sport for All” Oleg Akimov, as well as honorary guests present at the celebration - People's Deputy of Ukraine Alexander Efremov, head of the Lugansk Regional State Administration Vladimir Pristyuk and Deputy Chairman of the Lugansk Regional Council Yuri Khunov received memorable Certificates of record.

If in a dream you are treated to pancakes or you invite someone for pancakes, then in real life Prosperity and family well-being await you.

Pancakes are one of the oldest and most delicious Russian dishes. In the folk calendar there is such a holiday as Maslenitsa, on which everyone should bake pancakes.

Pancakes symbolized the sun, which drives away the evil winter and brings spring with it.

But pancakes do not always symbolize hospitality and cordiality. For this case, the people had a saying: “Pies and pancakes - and sit there and watch.”

An unlucky person was consoled with the saying: “The first pancake is always lumpy.”

So, in a dream you ate delicious and hot pancakes. What does this dream promise you?

Perhaps in reality you wanted to try delicious and hot pancakes and this was deposited in your subconscious. But in this case, this symbol can also be interpreted as an unexpected profit.

If you saw ruddy and crispy pancakes in a dream, this portends an interesting and pleasant acquaintance for you.

Seeing burnt pancakes in a dream is a sign of separation and family troubles.

To see in a dream how you cut pancakes into pieces - in reality this means that one of your loved ones will want to break out from under your care.

A dream in which your pancakes turned out to be raw means that you will have to make enough efforts to get out of the current situation.

If in a dream you dropped pancakes, then in reality you will face unexpected financial expenses.

You are going to eat pancakes, but there was no butter on your table and therefore the pancakes turned out dry and tasteless - in reality you will become a victim of betrayal and deception.

A dream in which you are baking pancakes and hear them sizzling in a frying pan warns you that in reality they will try to mislead or slander you. As they say: “It’s a lie that he bakes pancakes: it only sizzles.”

If in a dream you cannot swallow pancakes and choke all the time, this is a sign that you have committed an unseemly act and inflicted a mental wound on someone. “Sins are not pancakes: once you chew them, you can’t swallow them.”

Seeing sour pancakes in a dream is a sign that someone will soon try to ruin your mood.

If in a dream you knead pancakes in order to invite guests, then in reality a boring and uneventful existence awaits you.

Seeing in a dream how you sell pancakes of your own making means that in reality you will want to realize the hidden traits of your character.

A dream in which you are treated to filled pancakes is a warning. In the near future, your ill-wishers are preparing an unpleasant surprise for you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Pancakes

To see that you are baking pancakes for a holiday or on a day off: you are preparing for some event, the holding of which depends on how you plan it.

You try your best to be on top, and, apparently, you will succeed.

If in a dream one of your friends treats you to pancakes: the dream says that in your environment there is a person whom you trust unconditionally.

But in the near future, a situation may arise where your relationship will be tested.

Try to bring out the best in you in the test.

See how in rural areas celebrate Maslenitsa with a lot of pancakes: soon you will find yourself in a situation that is not entirely familiar to you, from which it will be quite difficult for you to get out.

If you show maximum humor and ingenuity, then this situation is not scary for you, you are only gaining experience that will be very useful in the future.

Watch how the street cafe selling pancakes: you are going to open your own business and don’t yet know where to start.

You shouldn’t take on problems that you still can’t solve; it’s better to consult a specialist, he’ll give you valuable advice, thanks to which you will do everything successfully.

Interpretation of dreams from

Since ancient times, people have enjoyed eating pancakes. Many recipes for making pancakes have been invented, and the number of fillings can’t be counted. Well, during all this time people have set many records related to pancakes. Here are some of them…

The most ancient holiday in Europe, which is associated with pancakes

Pancake races began to be organized in England back in 1445. The essence of the race is that many people run with frying pans in their hands and constantly toss pancakes as they go.

One of the biggest pancakes

The Indian restaurant Sankalp, which is located in Ahmedabad, also appeared on the pages of the Guinness Book of Records. This restaurant was able to bake a pancake weighing about 7.5 kg, and its length was more than 8 m. To make it, a special baking sheet and 16 cooks, led by a chef, were needed. According to the chef, he had to pay $7,500 for such a creation.

Pancake toss

The agility of Ralf Lau from Leipzig allowed him to throw a pancake into the air as many as 416 times in just 2 minutes! Well, Mike Kutsakra managed to run a marathon, during which he continuously tossed a pancake. This marathon lasted 3 hours, 2 minutes and 27 seconds.

Tallest stack of pancakes

The height of the largest stack of pancakes was as much as 82 cm. Employees of the Food Network UK television channel worked on this record. This required more than 250 eggs, 15 liters of milk and 5 kg of flour. Well, I had to work a 13-hour shift for this.

The most expensive pancakes

What happens if you season the pancakes with vanilla pods, add some eco-strawberries, pour over a thin layer of edible 24K gold leaf, and where would you be without jelly from the expensive Dom Pérignon champagne?... And you get a portion of pancakes worth $198, which was prepared in Great Britain.

The largest pancake breakfast in the world

This record was set in the USA during the annual event in Springfield. Hundreds of volunteers take part in this holiday with pleasure. Thus, since 1999, much more than 70 thousand portions have already been sold to more than 40 thousand pancake lovers.

Eating pancakes at speed

Our compatriot Andrei Smirnov was able to eat as many as 73 pancakes in an hour. Total weight There were more than 2 kg of pancakes.

The heaviest pancake

Back in 1994, in the town of Rochdale, which is located in England, the heaviest pancake in the world was baked. The diameter of the pancake was 15 meters, and its weight was more than 3 tons.