Big Maine Coon cats. The largest Maine Coon in the world: photo, rating. Interesting facts about animals

These largest pets always attract attention. Maine Coon cats amaze at first glance with their combination of restrained power and external nobility. This incredibly attractive majestic cat has a powerful body with long fluffy hair, tufted ears like a lynx, and a long and beautifully furred tail. The breed is not the result of artificial selection; people have nothing to do with its appearance: Maine Coons remain the way nature itself once created them.

These largest pets always attract attention

The Maine Coon cat breed is a large, long-haired animal, weighing on average 4-8 kg for females and 8-12 kg for males, body length can be more than 1 m. Distinctive features of this large breed are ears with peculiar tufts and a beautiful long fluffy, often striped, like a raccoon, tail.

A Maine Coon cat lives on average 12-15 years, a female cat - 15-18. There are also centenarians who live more than 20 years.

The breed standard characterizes the body of a Maine Coon cat as elongated, close to a rectangle, with a wide chest and a medium-length neck. Characteristic parameters of the breed listed by the standard:

  • medium-length, strong paws;
  • massive large head;
  • vertically standing pointed ears;
  • long coat with thick undercoat, short on the head and shoulders;
  • Acceptable colors: black, white, red, tortoiseshell, cream, blue and blue-cream.

Maine Coon: origin of the breed

The similarity with a lynx and a raccoon has given rise to many different versions about the origin of the Maine Coon breed, including genetically impossible ones: the alleged crossing of semi-wild cats - the ancestors of modern Maine Coons - with a lynx or raccoon. This widespread misconception about the origin of the breed remains in its name. In North America, the homeland of this breed, large domestic animals were called Manx raccoon cats. Maine is the name of the state of Maine, considered the birthplace of the breed, coon is a particle from the English name of the raccoon - raccoon.

The breed standard characterizes the body of a Maine Coon cat as elongated, close to a rectangle, with a wide chest and a medium-length neck.

At first, the large domestic cat on New England farms helped owners protect the harvest from pests by catching various rodents. The owners of these unusual animals began organizing exhibitions of their pets in the mid-1850s. Representatives of the breed began to move from farms to homes in big cities in America, competing in popularity with Angora and Persian cat breeds.

By the beginning of the last century, the excitement around the exotic breed began to decline. Purposeful selection and breeding of Maine Coons began only in the mid-1950s. In 1953, the Central Breeders Club was opened, and later the Maine Coon Breeders Association appeared. Official breed nurseries began to open in virtually all countries of the world. Since then, the Maine Coon breed has aroused great unabated interest.

Maine Coon cats: features of the breed (video)

Gallery: Maine Coon cat (25 photos)

Maine Coon character and behavior

Cats that seem ponderous in appearance are actually very mobile, energetic and active. For a normal existence, they need space for games and an active lifestyle as a cat.

This is not a couch cat. She, obeying her natural hunting instincts, will happily tirelessly track down and catch a toy mouse or ball. Playing with a Maine Coon is always exciting, it brings pleasure to both the cat and the owner.

Maine Coons have an easy-going character and get along well with their owner’s family and other pets. Aggression is not inherent in this breed, but cats identify strangers unmistakably and maintain a distance of distrust in their attitude.

Cats that seem ponderous in appearance are actually very mobile, energetic and active.

Maine Coons are highly intelligent. They remember not only a person’s words and intonations, but also their correspondence to certain situations. From the outside, it seems that the cat understands the owner not just from one word, but from one glance. The Maine Coon cat enjoys learning a variety of tricks, especially if this training itself takes place in a playful way.

These cats have very sensitive hearing: being somewhere at the opposite end of the house or even in the yard, the cat will instantly rush to the owner’s call, be it a soft command or a conventional sound.

The sounds that Maine Coons make are never similar to the piercing screams of cats of other breeds. This is a quiet musical purr, unexpected for such a large animal. Moreover, this purring has a very individual tone; it is almost impossible to find 2 Maine Coons purring in the same voice. They emit not only the characteristic cat purr - it can sound something similar to a bird chirping, squeaking or trilling.

Usually the Maine Coon chooses a secluded place where it will not be disturbed. At the same time, they always remain somewhere close to the owner. If the owner is busy with some kind of work, the Maine Coon sits next to the person, constantly watching what the owner is doing for hours. Maine Coons are capable of falling asleep in the most unexpected place, in a seemingly uncomfortable position, but in fact both the place itself and the sleeping position are very comfortable for the cat.

Maine Coon: maintenance and care

When it is planned that a small Maine Coon cat will soon settle in the house, by this time his future place of residence should be equipped for him and the following should be prepared:

  1. A bed measuring at least 90x60x20 cm (factory-made or built with your own hands).
  2. Spacious litter tray (for a kitten, the cat litter box should not have very high sides).
  3. It is advisable to choose the litter for the toilet that was in the nursery for easier adaptation of the animal.
  4. The scratching post is large, corresponding to the size of the breed.
  5. Toys for a kitten must be safe, soft (mice, balls), without small parts (buttons, feathers) that can be torn off and swallowed during play.
  6. Bowls (ceramic, glass or steel) are hygienically safe and spacious enough.

Maine Coons need regular walking outside. It’s good when this happens on the territory of a summer cottage. Cats walk calmly, not trying to get out of the fenced area. In urban environments, you need to find a safe place to walk and take your pet out on a harness. Leaving the apartment is permissible only when all necessary vaccinations have been completed.

Caring for the gorgeous Maine Coon coat is easier than it might seem at first glance. You need to comb the coat 1-2 times a week, and daily during shedding. To bathe Maine Coons, they use special shampoos for long hair. The unique wool is capable of self-cleaning, for this reason the bathing procedure is not carried out very often - 4-5 times a year.

The cat's eyes need care: they are wiped with a swab dipped in boiled water. Dental care is carried out with a special brush and paste; earwax is carefully removed from the ears using pharmaceutical cotton swabs.

Comparison of cats, cats and kittens of the Maine Coon breed (video)

What and how to feed a Maine Coon

First of all, you need to learn information about what you should absolutely not give to your pet:

  • chicken and fish bones;
  • raw pork, fatty meat;
  • spicy, salty, fried, fatty, smoked and any seasoned foods, sausages;
  • potatoes and legumes;
  • human vitamins and medicines.

Maine Coons can be fed with natural or prepared industrial food. Ready-made food is selected according to the age and weight of the pet. Extra-premium food for large breed cats is preferred; it contains at least 50% meat.

Natural food does not imply that this breed of cat eats from a human table - this is unacceptable and dangerous for the health of the pet. A healthy cat diet consists of:

  • daily portion of meat: chicken, turkey, rabbit, beef (for disinfection, the meat is pre-boiled or frozen for 5-7 days);
  • vegetables: zucchini, carrots, broccoli, beets, pumpkin;
  • greens: parsley, lettuce, dill;
  • bran;
  • fish (frozen sea fish is given no more than 2 times a week, raw or boiled).

Fermented milk products of medium fat content: kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese and cereals (rice and buckwheat) are alternated instead of vegetables and bran as an addition to meat or fish. Cereals and dairy products are not included in the daily diet - this can cause Maine Coon obesity; they are given 2-3 times a week.

The diet must contain vitamins and minerals; which ones and in what proportions are prescribed by the veterinarian. Drinking water should be boiled or filtered, change it 1-2 times a day.

One type of food is used for feeding kittens, and another for adult cats. In the first 9-12 months, a kitten needs more nutrients for rapid growth. After reaching one year of age, they are transferred to food for adult cats. Kitten food is used to feed pregnant and lactating cats.

Health, diseases and vaccinations

The largest cat is in good health, but they often have a hereditary predisposition to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, hip dysplasia and spinal muscular atrophy.

The cat may not be in the mood and may react to weather changes. But it should be shown to a doctor if:

Vaccination for Maine Coon cats is similar to the vaccination schedule for dogs. The first vaccination is given at 2 months, the second at 3 months, the third at 1 year, then annually. 10 days before vaccination, antihelminthic drugs are given. In some cases, you need to provide proof of vaccination (a note about it is entered in a special column of the veterinary passport): transportation of the animal, mating, participation in an exhibition, placement in a hotel for pets.

Interesting facts about Maine Coon cats

  • A newborn Maine Coon cat weighs 120-170 g, kittens of other breeds - 70-120 g.
  • Previously, there were up to 12 kittens in litters, now usually no more than 5-7.
  • The Maine Coon is a unique animal, adapted by nature itself to live in severe frost conditions. This is confirmed by its appearance: a special design of paws that allows it to walk in the snow, a thick fluffy tail in which the cat can wrap itself like a scarf, dense water-repellent wool that reliably protects from the cold.
  • Maine Coon loves water. Other cats stay away from bodies of water, but the Maine Coon cat is able to voluntarily give herself a bath.

Attention, TODAY only!

The Maine Coon is grace itself and a song to the majestic feline beauty! Externally similar to a lynx, the breed has a magnificent mustache and the famous tufts on its ears. This is an unusually beautiful tail, a bewitching fur coat, plump paws hidden under a layer of thick fur, and a unique expression in the eyes. They evoke awe, and you want to admire them endlessly.

Not everyone knows that Maine Coons are the largest domestic cats in the world. Their weight reaches 10 kg, and their length is up to 100 cm, excluding the tail. They have lush fur, a large fluffy tail, wide paws, tufted ears and a characteristic “stern” facial expression. At the same time, they get along well with people, as well as other cats and dogs. They are playful throughout their lives.

They are famous for their hunting skills and love to watch birds outside the window. Catching a mosquito or a fly will not be difficult for them. If you suddenly find mice in your country house, feel free to forget about them and leave this matter to them. A distinctive feature of a hunter is his extraordinary mental abilities. He, like , will never touch small pets and birds that live in the same territory with him. Shows indifference to aquarium fish.

The owner will be pleased with the complete absence of the habit of stealing or begging for tasty things. They simply consider it beneath their dignity, and do not show any interest in their master's food. You can be calm about the contents of your plate, since this cat will never get into it.

Maine Coons are great singers. They have amazing vocal abilities. It is rare to hear them meow, instead they make gentle purrs, purrs and coos. If you have several cats of this breed in the house, you can feel like an inhabitant of the savannah or simply be transported to the night forest; They communicate so interestingly with each other and with the owner. Every human intonation is easily remembered by these cats, and it’s as if you are having a real dialogue with your pet.

Cats of this breed have an entertaining way of “raking” the water in their bowl before they drink it. They can dig for something around the bowl and along the edges for a long time, as if trying to drive something away; they often continue their “excavations” in the water.

It is not uncommon to see Maine Coons picking up food from their bowl with their paw and putting it into their mouth, just like a human eating from a plate with a fork. It is amazing how, at first glance, paws that are completely unsuited for such a task cope with such a difficult task. These cats surprise with their ability to lift small objects from the floor, easily holding them in weight. Nothing is impossible for these cats: they can open interior doors and cabinet doors, and even turn on the water tap.

These cats love water. They are not afraid to bathe; they often turn over a tray of water and climb into sinks and washbasins. Despite their size, they are very fast. When necessary, Maine Coons behave quietly, retract their claws and step on surfaces softly and silently.

Interesting facts about animals

Exterior of a cat

The breed is the largest of the domestic cats. The main characteristic of the breed is the tassels located at the tips of the ears, characteristic of some individuals from the cat family living in the wild. These are jungle cats, caracals, lynxes. Their wild features are given by their tassels and special tabby coat color.

A mandatory element of appearance is a beautiful frill, or collar in the neck and chest area. The hind limbs are decorated with charming panties, the tail part is strongly lowered. They look stern and serious because of their look, with heavily drooping eyebrows. This even gives them a certain gloominess, which is absolutely not like their real character.

Despite their rapid growth, they take a long time to reach maturity. An adult cat, without problems with excess weight, weighs 6-9 kg (some can reach a weight of 10 kg), female cats weigh less: from 4 to 6 kg.

A strong body, longer than that of an ordinary cat, with a voluminous chest and developed muscles. The length of the neck is of medium size. The back lines are straight.


Large in size, with well-formed ear pads and a strong chin, placed in a straight line with the tip of the nose. Perfectly defined relief of high cheekbones. Breeders need to achieve an elongated muzzle (“box”) to achieve the ideal by modern standards.


Large size, slightly slanted eyes. All colors of green and yellow are allowed. Blue or multi-colored eyes are possible in cats with white coat color.

Large, wide at the base, set high in an almost even vertical position. At the tips there are tassels, the growth of which is directed strictly vertically upward (without specifying the height). There is certainly the presence of a “brush” - a tuft of hair growing horizontally on the inside of the ear. By the age of 3 months, the final size and position of the ears are formed.


Extraordinarily thick, silky coat that is pleasant to the touch, with a thin fluffy and delicate undercoat. The length of the coat increases with the transition from head to tail. The hind limbs are “dressed” in fluffy pants, and a long frill extends from the ears to the chest.


Almost any color is possible, with the exception of chocolate, lilac, cinnamon and fawn, as well as color point.

Character and behavior of cats

They have a calm disposition and will never cause chaos at home, despite their great love of activity. Their curiosity and intelligence amazes them. They can spend hours watching birds, looking for hidden places in the house, and exploring nooks and crannies. Kun won't get upset if you don't play with him for a long time. He will simply find something interesting to do, for example, hunt for flies. Their ability to catch mice and rats has not disappeared either, so you can rest assured about your country house.

A cat will not bother its owner if it sees that he is not in the mood for play, or is simply busy. They show great patience with children, allowing them to play with themselves without showing any aggression.

They behave with dignity in society. Cats of this breed have earned a reputation for being respectable animals and can be taken with you anywhere.

Maine Coon cat photo

What is truly unusual is the love of these cats for water. If you can’t force an ordinary cat into the bathroom, then give Maine Coons more water, and preferably colder water.

Water is a passion for them. These cats can spend hours playing with water. This can be a real torture for owners who constantly find overturned bowls and spilled water. It is considered funny to observe the circles spreading across the surface of the water, formed by hitting it with a paw. They are easily hypnotized by turning on the tap. The sight of flowing water fascinates them, and sticking their head or paw under the stream of water brings pleasure. Some representatives of the breed love water so much that they will not refuse to take a shower with their owner.

Cat dives headfirst into water video

As if enchanted, they listen to the murmur of water and watch its flow. Playing with a stream of water, or “raking” water in a bowl, can last all day. It can be assumed that this love arose among their ancestors while catching fish from forest reservoirs. It is interesting to watch how they eat, picking up food with their paws and then directing it into their mouths.

Due to their developed intelligence, mini-tigers are called cat-dogs. They are trainable and can respond to complex commands. Maine Coons do well where there is plenty of space. These are energetic cats, so they will not feel well in a cramped apartment.

If you do not live in a private house and are not going to walk a representative of this breed, the cat may demonstratively express its dissatisfaction, walk past the litter box and behave aggressively with the owners and other representatives of the domestic fauna. Owners of Maine Coons very often describe a radical change in their pets’ behavior after moving to a country house or a spacious apartment - they “come to life” before their eyes. Therefore, these cats need space.

Representatives of this breed sleep little - from 6 to 9 hours a day, which by cat standards is one and a half to two times less than the norm. Early in the morning, a Maine Coon can “delight” its owner with active jogging, which, due to its considerable mass, creates a lot of noise. This activity continues until old age - even adults prefer active games to passive rest.

Coat of this length and density requires proper care. Every two weeks you should use a comb with fine metal teeth, and at the time of molting, comb the back and sides with a furminator, but do not touch the tail (show animals are not treated with it at all). It is important to bathe your animal when it begins to shed.

Maine Coons constantly need to satisfy their curiosity and love of games. To do this, they need a fairly large space, so cats simply adore trips to the dacha. You can often find information that coons eat several times more food than representatives of other breeds. This is explained by the large size of the animal, which is not gluttony at all, but is due to the need at the stage of active growth and maturation.

Already at the age of 3 months they gain about 700 grams, by the age of 2-3 years they are harmoniously formed, and reach puberty by 4-5 years. It is important to provide them with a balanced diet, vitamin supplements and minerals during this period. The cat will rather appreciate not the quantity of food, but its quality.

Proper nutrition

Maine Coons are unpretentious eaters. But these are large and active cats, so they need to be given appropriate food. The diet should consist mainly of protein products. The ideal ratio of nutrients in food is 60% proteins, 30% fats, 10% carbohydrates.

A special diet is not needed for these animals. They can be fed both dry and canned food. At the same time, canned food should not make up more than a third of the diet, since when cats are fed heavily with this type of food, tartar forms in cats.

If you feed your Maine Coon homemade food, 80% of its diet should be meat. Carbohydrate foods (porridge, legumes) can be given 2-3 times a week to provide vitamins and amino acids that are not found in animal products. In the wild, big cats do without plant food, but if necessary, they eat some types of plants. If your Maine Coon starts nibbling on decorative flowers in pots, add some cereal to his diet or buy a special vitamin complex at the veterinary pharmacy.

In addition to meat, your cat can be given lactose-free dairy products, boiled vegetables, eggs and seafood. It is better to feed Maine Coons from hypoallergenic dishes - glass or ceramic.

Prevention and treatment of diseases

The most common disease in this breed is hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. The only way to prolong the life of a cat suffering from this disease is timely diagnosis, treatment and prevention. There is a way to determine if you have a predisposition to HCM using a DNA test, but finding a company that can do it is difficult. This is a genetic disease that is inherited.

In middle and adulthood, paralysis of the hind limbs and pulmonary edema may suddenly occur, which in 95% of cases leads to death. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy affects 5-7% of Maine Coons. To reduce the risks, before buying a kitten, try to find out whether there have been cases of such pathology in the parents of the Maine Coon.

The first representatives of the breed had no health problems. But over the years, crossing with other breeds has led to deterioration, and cats have become the owners of hereditary diseases. The breed is prone to heart problems and weak back muscles.

They are also often susceptible to polycystic kidney disease. The gums and other areas of the mucous membrane of the mouth are affected by gingivostomatitis - inflammation. Polydactyly (polydactyly) can be seen from time to time.

How to choose and buy a Maine Coon kitten

Before you get this animal, think about the fact that it vitally needs a large area. In a small apartment, a giant will quickly get bored, especially if the owner is away all day. Only keeping two individuals at once will help relieve them of boredom.

They have a high ability to get along with other felines, and even dogs. By their nature, they do not like to fight at all, and therefore they strive to leave the conflict zone and avoid a fight.

The popularity of this breed has its downsides. Unscrupulous people often misrepresent large and furry, but out-of-breed kittens as kittens of the required breed. Therefore, it is important not to buy an animal from someone else. You should not purchase kittens under 3 months of age, because only by the age of 3-4 months can you see how correctly the ear tufts, the “box” of the muzzle and the length of the tail have formed.

Thematic sites about mains, which contain detailed information, are a must for studying. Visit several large exhibitions where you can see a large number of animals at once, and ask your questions directly to the breeder. You can see what adults and kittens look like.

Maine Coon Cost

  1. The price of cats of this breed varies significantly depending on the following parameters:
  2. Innate qualities of a particular kitten;
  3. Color;
  4. Purpose of acquisition.

Boys are always more expensive than girls because they grow larger and look more impressive. Rare colors and successful color combinations also affect the price. But the most important factor is the purpose of the purchase. If you want to purchase an animal as a pet without breeding rights, expect a price of $500-700 for a two-month-old kitten.

Adults are much more expensive, and Maine Coons for breeding are often sold only to officially registered nurseries and their cost starts from several thousand dollars.

The growth rate of the number of these animals in Russia is very high. A similar situation is developing around the world. Today it is one of the most popular breeds in the world. 2011 was marked by a new record: CFA awarded Maine Coons 3rd position in the ranking, right behind Persians and exotic breeds.

Adaptation to a new home

If you take a kitten into your home, remember the main rule: it is impossible to forbid an adult cat what was allowed to her at a young age. Therefore, you need to immediately decide in what framework you will put your new pet. If you do not want your pet to sleep in the same bed with you, but to have its own place, equip a “cublo” for it in advance. For your kitten to feel safe, he needs warmth and a soft surface. It is advisable that the pillow be in a basket or box with sides - cats like to sit in cozy, but not completely enclosed places.

When you just brought a Maine Coon, do not rush to limit its movement, cuddle it and carry it with you. Let him look around and get used to the new smells. In any case, being separated from his mother will be stressful for him. The first few days the kitten will miss the cat.

The pet will gradually get used to people. If you often take him in your arms, then within a week you will become his new family. Avoid the temptation to take your kitten to bed for the first 2-3 nights. Most likely he will whine, but with a stranger his stress will only increase. In a few days he will get used to it and stop crying at night. Then you can take him in without fear of causing him emotional harm.

Maine Coons are very active animals, so you can use this to speed up adaptation. Play with it with a lace, a ball, and your hands. If the new family member begins to actively interact with you, you are on the right track. Please note that if there are no other pets in the house, you will have to play with the cat for the next 10-15 years. Because they are full of energy and desire to run after a toy both at 3 months and in their second decade.

Adults find it more difficult to cope with parting with their previous environment. But if you take an animal from a shelter or from the hands of a competent felinologist, it will only rejoice at its new owner. You also need to take into account character - a lot depends on it.

5 interesting facts about the biggest cat in the world

  1. About 10% of Maine Coons have a sixth toe on their paws. This feature appeared due to a genetic mutation that affected up to 40% of the early representatives of this breed. The extra finger does not bother the cat in any way; on the contrary, he feels more confident if he stands on a loose surface. For example, in the snow.
  2. A characteristic feature is thick fur in the belly and collar area and a gray-brown color. Nowadays, smoky, mackerel, tortoiseshell, cream, chocolate and Siamese colors have been bred, but the calling card of the breed is the color of the raccoon.
  3. The furry giant starred as Mrs. Norris the cat in the Harry Potter films. Unlike the other three “colleagues” in the role, Pebbles responded to the command to “stand” and looked harmonious in the frame.
  4. The Maine Coon was cloned. Julia from Dallas saved a DNA sample from her cat Little Nicky, who died at the age of 17. She paid $50,000 to have a commercial genetic research organization implant DNA into a cat's egg. The experiment was carried out successfully - the surrogate cat gave birth to a kitten that was very similar to the owner of the donor DNA. The pet inherited the gender, color and habits of his father.
  5. The half-bred Maine Coon Velvet is the oldest cat in the world. In 2016 he turned 27 years old. Now his fate is unknown, because on October 9, 2016, he ran out into the street through an open door and never came back.

History of the breed

When translated into our language, the name “Maine Coon” sounds like “Manx raccoon” (in English, raccoon is raccoon, abbreviated as coon). Contrary to prevailing prejudices, these animals are absolutely not related to this breed of cats. It can be assumed that the original brown tabby color of the Maine Coon, which is so similar to the coat color of the striped raccoon, is to blame. Some admirers are inclined to believe the stories that Maine Coons emerged from a love union between a lynx and a raccoon.

The Maine Coon breed originates from North America, or more precisely, from New England. There are a huge number of guesses about their origin, however, it is more likely that the ancestors of the breed were ship cats - rat catchers, who came to the continent from European countries. The people of Maine fell completely in love with these energetic hunters.

Their considerable size and long hair are a consequence of the fact that their ancestors mostly lived in the wild. These appearance properties helped to survive in almost wild conditions, with the winter cold of the Manx climate. There is no direct scientific evidence that coons are related to “wild” cats.

The breed takes its history from the first farmers' fairs, where shows were held from the mid-19th century. The year 1895 in New York was marked by the holding of the first All-American Maine Coon Exhibition. The cat named Kosi deserved the victory.

The beginning of the 20th century almost brought complete devastation to the ranks of the breed. Its popularity faded due to the appearance of unusual and chic Persian cats. Fortunately, they have not lost the love of the farmers of their home state. They simply did not want to acquire useless interior “decorations” that were unable to cope with rodent attacks. So, these cats were saved from extinction.

Time passed, and the popularity of this breed began to gain momentum again. In 1953, the independent “Central Maine Coon Club of Maine” was created in the United States. Since then, they began to regularly organize exhibitions, sending detailed reports to printed publications. The result was the creation of the Association of Breeders and Lovers of These Animals in 1968. This is how the Coons gained worldwide fame.

Coons entered the territory of Russia quite late. Only in 1989, Olga Abramova, chairman of the Felis International Felinological Center, received two magnificent representatives of the breed from Denmark as a gift. This is a snow-white cat named Gorky (named after the outstanding Russian writer) and a smoky-colored female Ku-kun. Initially, there were very few Maine Coons in the country, however, their popularity grew, and by 2010 they came out on top in demand among Russians.

In the early stages of the breed's development, its color was brown tabby. Crossbreeding with other cats has resulted in a wide variety of colors. The palette flows from monochromatic to smoky or silver.


In general, Maine Coons are unpretentious, interesting, active and very beautiful cats. If you have a spacious home and a desire to live next to a small lynx for the next 10-20 years, this breed is for you. Feed your pet high-quality food, see a veterinarian on time, and do not skimp on care and affection.

Video about the breed

Read here.

Maine Coon photo gallery

The first thing that catches your eye when you see a Maine Coon cat is its impressive size, luxurious coat and majestic appearance. Of all the known varieties of domestic cats, the Maine Coon is the largest. The body length of an adult cat usually exceeds 1 meter, and the height is 30 cm and above. The body weight of males reaches 7-10 kg, the weight of females is 4-6 kg. The lifespan of these furry giants is from 15 to 20 years.

This species has a long, muscular body, rich coat and lynx-like ear tufts. The presence of thick and lush wool is due to the fact that the ancestors of modern representatives of Maine Coons lived in harsh weather conditions. The fluffy tail, voluminous collar and fluffy pants are also the result of adaptation to cold winters. A photo of a big Maine Coon cat literally fascinates with the beauty and nobility of this individual.

Origin of the breed

The homeland of this graceful breed is the American state of Maine, located in the north of the country in a cold climate zone that has much in common with Russian Siberia. There are many legends about the origin of this amazing species, most of which look quite plausible. Here are some of them:

  • The Maine Coon is the result of crossing a lynx and an ordinary cat. The realism of this version is confirmed by the impressive size of the individual and the characteristic tassels on the ears.
  • The second legend indicates that this species was the result of the merger of a raccoon and a cat. The raccoon-like color and voluminous, fluffy tail speak eloquently in favor of this version. However, from the point of view of physiological development, this option is impossible.
  • The most truthful version is that no one purposefully bred this breed or crossed cats of different breeds. This gigantic feline species was formed absolutely independently, under the influence of the environment.

In conditions of low temperatures and snowy winters, only those cats that had long and warm fur, as well as wide and powerful limbs could survive. And farmers, from time immemorial, kept on their property exceptionally intelligent individuals who could easily find food for themselves.

American farmers of the mid-19th century preferred large individuals that coped well with rodents, were excellent hunters and were not distinguished by pampering.

Character and features

Despite his rather serious appearance, this large Maine Coon cat has a friendly disposition, combined with confidence and self-esteem. Characteristics of these cute giants:

  • Friendliness is the most important feature of these big cats. They are very affectionate in their expressions, especially towards their owners and children. The largest domestic cat in the world is very active, brave and playful.
  • Autonomy and independence. These traits are inherent in four-legged pets by nature, due to which they do not react too much to external stimuli, are very self-possessed and feel on an equal footing with humans.
  • Equilibrium.

Not touchy. This wonderful breed completely lacks feelings of jealousy and resentment.

They are absolutely not vindictive and not annoying, as is often the case with melancholic people. By temperament, these Gullivers, for the most part, are sanguine.


For such a large and strong cat, food must be carefully balanced. The most important rule for feeding an animal is not to mix feeding types. There are only 2 approaches to solving this problem: feeding with feed and natural food.

Feeding your Maine Coon with ready-made food is very convenient because you do not need to prepare cat food, which will save a lot of time. Plus, ready-made feeds contain and balance all the beneficial substances and microelements.

Nutrition, based on properly selected ready-made food, clearly corresponds to the physiological needs of these large carnivorous predators.

It is important for adherents of natural feeding of furry pets to remember that a huge Maine Coon should eat foods that are as close as possible to natural cat food. When choosing meat for this mighty kitty, you need to follow the rule: poultry and rabbit meat first, and beef last. This is explained by the fact that hunting birds and rabbits is a more natural process than a cat hunting a cow. Not too fatty fish, raw or boiled, is perfect for feeding. Also, these furry giants are crazy about squid in absolutely any form.

Important to remember!

Regardless of the type of feeding, the animal should always have free access to clean water.

Care and maintenance

Big cats of the Maine Coon breed are quite unpretentious in care, despite their impressive size.


To ensure proper care for your raccoon cat, it is important to regularly brush its rich coat. For the combing procedure, it is enough to have 2 types of combs: with rare and frequent teeth. It is better to opt for a brush with natural bristles. The animal needs to be combed several times a week., in the direction of hair growth.

Caring for your ears, eyes and teeth

Maine Coon's largest cat requires standard care for his ears, which need to be cleaned at regular intervals. After this procedure, it is advisable to use antiseptic powder as a powder.

The corners of the animal's eyes should be wiped with chamomile infusion or special products sold in pharmacies for animals. This procedure is necessary to get rid of mucus and discharge.

Teeth brushing is a common procedure for cats of all breeds, and the animal must be taught to it from an early age.


Impressive size, stern, penetrating gaze, alert ears with predatory tassels, a huge fox tail - all this is the Maine Coon, a mysterious cat with a unique character. Spectacular large Maine Coon cats are chosen for their good-natured disposition, exceptional affection and spontaneous playfulness. If you want a lot of kilograms of kindness and affection, choose this breed.

We tried to collect all the information about the breed, its history of origin, its characteristics, the characteristics by which you will understand whether it is suitable for you, the rules of care and feeding in this article. Here you will find a description of the exterior, photographs, reviews of owners, addresses of nurseries and prices for kittens.

Character and description of the Maine Coon breed

How to cope with loneliness 3

Maine Coons should not be left alone in an apartment for a long time. If you are going on vacation, you will have to find someone who agrees to live with a cat.

Cats of this breed hate being alone. They get bored while their owners are at work. And separation of 1-2 days is painful. They need constant live communication with a person. Maine Coons are full-fledged members of the family who love to observe from the outside what is happening in the house.

How much shedding 4

The owners will have to work hard to regularly comb the animal, otherwise the entire apartment and clothes will be covered in fur.

Cats of this breed are long-haired. They have a pronounced guard hair and an undercoat. Kittens shed for the first time at 7-10 months, when the age-related change in coat occurs. Seasonal molting occurs in spring and autumn and is pronounced.

Active or lazy/Playful 4

If you are not ready to live under the same roof with a large active animal, do not adopt a Maine Coon!

Representatives of this breed do not mature for a long time; cats up to 3-4 years old retain the habits of a kitten.

The funny habits of these big cats are what touches and makes their owners laugh, since their great weight makes their games very humorous. These cats are always ready to help, no matter what you are doing. Curious and cute, they don't live up to their large size.

These cats love space at height, so try to provide them with this comfort in the apartment (house) by purchasing something like a tree (made by yourself). When purchasing (producing) such a tree, do not forget to take into account the weight of the animal; the structure must be stable and functional (a place for rest, for climbing and sharpening claws).

Adult Maine Coon cats can be lazy, they are observers whose curiosity knows no bounds. Sometimes it seems that they know much more about everything that is “going on” in the house than you do yourself.

Does he like to purr 4

Maine Coons love to purr affectionately.

Another interesting feature of this cat is its extraordinary “talk”. Yes, you heard right, these cats don’t meow, they make sounds similar to those of humans. Their melodic “speeches” have many expressive intonations. The voice of Maine Coons is quiet and high-pitched, and instead of “Meow” they say “Ma” or “Mra”.

How to treat children 5

Representatives of the breed have been in the “childish” psychological age for a long time, so it is easy for them to find a common language with children.

The Maine Coon is a companion cat that is devoid of aggression. He is inquisitive and playful, gladly takes part in all children's games and pranks. The Maine Coon is considered one of the most patient cats who forgives everything to its young friends. If children abuse the animal's patience, the cat will not show aggression; it will prefer to hide in a secluded place. Adults should immediately explain to their children that a cat is not a toy and explain how to behave with a pet.

How to treat guests 2

The breed is very picky in communication.

Maine Coons are kind to their household members, but can be completely indifferent to guests. Of course, it is possible that the cat will begin to show signs of attention to a stranger, but only after he gets used to him. Cats avoid unwanted pressure from guests with dignity.

How to treat other animals/dogs 5

The breed is prone to group living, so it easily finds a common language with other pets.

Coons are patient and not aggressive towards other cats and small pets. And their solid size and impressive appearance allow them to stand with dignity in front of dogs. But they will not conflict or compete - cats are too friendly and balanced for this.

Easy care 4

When getting a large cat with long hair, you should not count on ease of care.

You will have to deal with the hair; the animal will need to be combed regularly. You will also need to trim the nails; they are large and sharp in this breed. Maine Coons are not very careful when eating or going to the toilet. They love to get their paws into the water bowl, eat food with their paws, and paddle vigorously in the litter box. You will have to come to terms with the need to clean these places daily.

Intelligence 5

The breed is distinguished by its extraordinary intelligence and memory, capable of performing tricks and understanding commands.

Cats will enjoy playing with intelligent toys. If desired, the owner can teach the Maine Coon tricks and commands that dogs usually perform. They quickly learn to understand human speech, understand intonation and draw conclusions about what their owner wants from them. They are so smart that they understand at a glance what is permissible to do and what they will scold for. But while exploring the world, they may push a glass off the table more than once to see what comes out of it.

Soreness 3

The Maine Coon is a healthy breed adapted to harsh living conditions. But his health cannot be called ideal due to a number of genetic pathologies.

Hip dysplasia, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, back muscle atrophy and polycystic kidney disease are diseases that you need to make sure are absent when buying a Maine kitten.

History of the origin of the breed

The homeland of cats is the Isle of Man, which belongs to New England, a state in the Northeastern United States. It is from the name of the homeland that the name of the Maine Coon cat breed comes from.

The extraordinary exterior of Maine Coons has given rise to many legends about the origin of the breed. But these mighty cats appeared as a result of natural evolution. The Maine Coon's coat is the result of an adaptation to harsh, snowy winters, just like their voluminous, bushy tails, which they use to cover themselves on particularly cold winter nights.

The ancestors of cats of this breed were excellent hunters. For this purpose, nature endowed them with sharp vision, strong, dexterous and large paws. Maine farmers used these characteristics to protect their farms from rodents. The breed is recognized by the World Cat Federation WCF (World Cats Federation), the American TICA system (The International Cat Association), the French FIFE (Federation International) and a number of other international organizations. The first official breed standard was adopted in 1967.


In different standards, the description of the exterior and character of the Maine Coon breed is not too different. Let's take the European WCF system as a basis, as the most common.

Description of the breed according to the WCF standard

  • Body. Muscular, elongated and wide. Rectangular.
  • Rib cage. Wide.
  • Head. Medium size. Almost square in shape with high cheekbones.
  • Scull. Massive.
  • Muzzle. With curved profile.
  • Nose. Middle length.
  • Chin. Massive. Located in line with the upper jaw and nose.
  • Ears. Large triangular ones. Planted high and upright. With or without tassels on the tips. The presence of tassels is desirable.
  • Eyes. Slanting, oval, widely spaced. The eye color should be in harmony with the color of the cat.
  • Neck. Middle length.
  • Limbs. Out of proportion to the body, large and muscular.
  • Paws. Large, round. There are tufts of fur between the toes.
  • Tail. Fluffy and big. Wide at the base, tapering towards the tip. The length of the tail can reach at least the cat's shoulders.
  • Wool. Fluffy and very thick. Waterproof. The hair in the head and neck area is of medium length. It is desirable to have a “mane” in the neck area. The “pants” and belly are decorated with long, thick undercoat.
  • Color. Solid colors (black, white, red), merle, tortoiseshell, tabby (brindle), tricolor are allowed. Unacceptable: chocolate, lilac, fawn, cinnamon (cinnamon), color point.
  • Weight. adult cats can reach up to 9-12 kilograms.
  • Height at the withers. From 25 to 45 cm.
  • Average life expectancy. Cats – 14 – 16 years old. Males – 12 – 15 years old.

Photos and colors of Maine Coon cats

In addition to the standard solid colors, photos of which are shown above (white, red, black), Maine Coons can also have colors such as:

Marble, the shades of which can be in various combinations (2 colors).

Tortoiseshell, like merle, can be in different color combinations (tricolor).

Tabby (brindle) colored kittens look incredibly beautiful. The main distinguishing feature of this color is the presence of stripes on the animal’s body.

Blue is a rather rare color and very unusual, since the blue cat is very beautiful. But, this type of color is not recognized by the breed standard.

Inexperienced owners may find the large “domestic lynx” very difficult to maintain. But that's not true. The main thing is to study the habits of Maine Coons and follow simple rules of care.

What you need to keep a Maine Coon

The first thing that needs to be said is that small-sized apartments are not suitable for large active cats. They need a living space that matches the size of the animal and a place for outdoor games.

Secondly, the owner of a big cat must have free time to communicate with the pet. Maine Coons are companion cats. They happily follow on the heels of a person, carefully observing everything that happens in the house.

Third, you need to be prepared for the fact that maintaining and caring for a Maine Coon will require a certain budget. And this budget will not be the smallest.

If all these three conditions do not scare you, let’s say that representatives of the Maine Coon breed are quite unpretentious in care. In addition, they are very flexible cats - this is an important condition that makes caring for the animal easier.

What is care?

A shaggy mane, a big fluffy tail, charming “pants” - all this not only evokes admiring glances, but also requires care. Nature rewarded the breed with a luxurious coat so that the cats could survive in the harsh island conditions of the northeast of America. To make the Maine Coon's thick coat look beautiful, you will have to work a little.

Maine Coons are brushed 1-2 times a week. During seasonal molting (spring and autumn), you need to comb the animals daily, thoroughly clean the room and clean the bedding from wool. Before combing, cats are examined; tangled fur must be untangled to prevent tangles from forming. Particular care should be taken to inspect the pet’s “pants”, “collar” and sides. It is more difficult to deal with tangles: they are untangled or carefully cut off.

To comb Maine Coons you will need: a sparse and frequent comb and a brush. All these objects should be metal so that the cat's fur does not become electrified and have rounded ends. The procedure begins with a wide-toothed comb, continues with a fine-toothed comb, and ends with a brush. The slicker can only be used during shedding, but not all cats take it well.

Maine Coons love to play with water, some like to swim, but not all bathe willingly. Cats of this breed should be bathed in case of heavy soiling, before exhibitions, and for prevention once every 3-4 months.

Teeth are regularly examined for the presence of tartar. Naturally fed cats have their teeth brushed monthly. For those who receive dry food, once every 2 months is enough.

The eyes are cleaned weekly with a cotton pad soaked in boiled water or a very weak solution of boric acid. You should not use chamomile infusion for cleansing; it can cause Maine Coons to lose hair around their eyes. If any discharge appears from the eyes, it is necessary to take the animal to the veterinarian. Eye drops are used only as prescribed by a veterinarian.

The pet's large ears are cleaned 2 times a year. They are carefully wiped with a cotton pad soaked in warm boiled water. Then Bars ear drops are instilled into the ear, 5-7 drops in each ear. After this, massage the ears at the base for 1-2 minutes. Accumulated sulfur is removed with a cotton swab or disk. Cotton swabs are not suitable for this; they can injure your pet's ear.

To grind down claws, you need to purchase a scratching post. If the claws are too long, they are shortened with special tweezers or a nail clipper. The procedure is carried out when the cat is in a calm state. It is best to do this with an assistant. You need to be especially careful with pigmented claws on which blood vessels are not visible.

How much money do you need for care and maintenance?

We mentioned that caring for a Maine Coon will require some money from you.

What to buy for a kitten

Required set:

  1. Two (for water and food) on a ceramic or metal stand. Volume 1-2 liters. You can buy these for 400 -1500 rubles.
  2. Large tray. Depending on the model: 800 – 3500 rub.
  3. Combs and brush for combing: 250 – 500 rubles.
  4. Scratching post for large cats: 1050 – 4500 rub.
  5. (so as not to get bored in your absence). Price: 600 – 2000 rub.

Additional products:

  1. Stable, big. With a place where the cat can hide and a high shelf from where he can watch what is happening. The base of the house should have weighted posts wrapped in sisal. Such a “house” will cost 12-16 thousand rubles.
  2. Durable plastic carrier with iron door and iron locks. Models for medium breed dogs are best suited. You can buy one for 3-10 thousand rubles.
  3. . Price: 300 – 500 rub.
  4. with a leash (if you plan to take him out for a walk). Price: 800 – 1500 rub.
  5. Anti-cat bars (if you open windows). Price: 1800-2500 rub.
  6. Bed. For Maine Coons, dog ones are suitable. Price: 800 – 2000 rub.
  7. (you can do it yourself). Price: 800 – 3000 rub.

Without taking into account the initial investment, annual care for a Maine Coon may require an average of 40 to 75 thousand rubles.

The amount will depend on the brand of litter, cosmetics used (shampoo, conditioner), type and brand of food, prescribed vitamins and the number of visits to the veterinarian.

Maine Coon care video:

Health and illness

The breed is distinguished by its endurance and unpretentiousness. Maine Coons are generally in good health, but like other purebred cats, they are prone to developing a number of genetic diseases.

It is important to carefully choose a kitten. Buy from trusted breeders with a good reputation. Require all documents for the kitten and tests for genetic diseases before purchasing. Be sure to take an interest in the health of his parents.

Hereditary pathologies:

  1. Hip dysplasia. Can be passed on through several generations. Maine Coons with dysplasia avoid jumping and walk slowly. In severe cases it can lead to lameness. The disease can occur in a mild form, without causing pain or discomfort in the animal. To prevent the disease from progressing, you need to monitor your cat’s diet and avoid obesity and rickets. It is important to minimize the risk of limb injuries and avoid early sterilization of the animal. Low physical activity and lack of calcium in the diet contribute to the development of pathology.
  2. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Heart pathology. The cause is a gene mutation. Detected by DNA tests. The dangerous disease can cause heart attacks and cause death. Factors that provoke the progression of the pathology: hypertension, endocrine diseases, oncology, intoxication of the cat’s body and lack of taurine in the diet. Some cats develop it due to the use of anesthesia.
  3. Spinal muscular atrophy. It is characterized by muscle weakness that develops due to the death of neurons in the spinal cord. The disease is not fatal. Cats with this condition have difficulty walking and jumping. Detected by DNA tests. To alleviate the cat's condition, you need to keep it in safe rooms, do not walk with them. Be sure to monitor your diet so as not to cause obesity. Overweight cats have a harder time moving around.
  4. Polycystic kidney disease. Hereditary pathology. Progresses slowly. Characterized by the proliferation of cysts in the kidneys. This can lead to kidney failure. Males and cats with this disease must be sterilized. Sick animals require constant veterinary care. The diet should consist of feed with reduced levels of protein and phosphorus.

On average, all therapeutic and preventive measures to care for a cat’s health may require from 4 to 5 thousand rubles per year.

In the first year of life, the cost of castration/sterilization surgery must be added to this amount: 1500 – 3500 rubles.


It is possible, like other purebred cats. The only caveat is that Maine Coons are large and active animals, they need a high-calorie diet. And the daily feeding rate will be greater than for small and medium breeds of cats.

Both natural food and ready-made food are suitable for feeding Maine Coons. , it’s up to you, but don’t forget about the basic requirements: the diet must be balanced, contain vitamins and essential minerals.

Natural nutrition

If you choose to feed with natural products, you need to create a balanced diet of meat, fish, meat products, vegetables, dairy products, and vegetable oil.

The basis of the diet (80%) should be meat products:

  • beef (peritoneum, cuts from the head);
  • rabbit;
  • turkey;
  • chicken drumsticks and thighs;
  • heart;
  • chicken liver;
  • chicken heads (without beak);
  • chicken necks (without skin);
  • stomachs;
  • tripe (beef);
  • lung;
  • cockscomb;
  • pork nickels;
  • fish (salmon, trout, mackerel);
  • seafood (squid, shrimp).

The remaining 20% ​​comes from additives:

  • vegetables: cauliflower, zucchini, carrots, pumpkin;
  • quail eggs;
  • hard cheese;
  • dairy products;
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • bran;
  • olive oil;
  • dried kelp.

Experienced Maine Coon owners prepare a meat and vegetable mix from these products, package it in bags and place it in the freezer. One package – for one day. The daily norm is 250-300 grams.

With this method of feeding, you will need from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles for a month.

How to give natural products correctly

  • Chicken necks are beaten with a hammer.
  • Grind by-products in a meat grinder.
  • Cut the meat into thin strips or pass through a meat grinder.
  • Vegetables are grated on a fine grater. Served raw or stewed.
  • Cheese is grated.
  • The fish is cut into small strips.
  • All meat and fish products are mixed, cheese, vegetables, a little kelp, bran, and cottage cheese are added. The resulting mixture is frozen in portions.
  • Before serving, defrost the meat and vegetable mix and add olive oil.
  • Fermented milk products can be added to a serving of food or poured into a separate container.
  • Fish and seafood are given once every 5 days.
  • Eggs 1 time every 3 days.

Feeding with industrial feed

The brand of industrial feed is selected individually. The only requirement is that the food must be for large breed cats. Preference should be given to feed of the premium, super-premium and holistic classes.

The daily feeding rate is calculated in accordance with the markings on the original packaging and depends on the age of the animal, its weight and activity. The average adult Maine Coon weighs between 7 and 10 kg. 65 -100 g required. feed per day.

The pet industry produces special brands of food for large cats that are best suited for feeding Maine Coons.

The best brands of feed:

  1. Orijen Cat Six Fish Grain Free;
  2. Acana Regionals Grasslands Cat Grain-Free;
  3. Carnilove Adult Cat Large Breed Duck & Turkey Grain-Free;
  4. Brit Care Tobby I’m a Large Cat - Duck & Chicken Grain-Free Hypoallergenic;
  5. Royal Canin Maine Coon.

With this method of feeding, you will need from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles. monthly.

Read about food.

Affectionate purring fluffies are the dream of every child and a way to relieve stress for any adult. Cats are the only domesticated animals in the world that were domesticated by choice. Their grace is captivating, and their love of freedom and rebellious disposition are attractive. Even despite the peculiarity of this animal, cats live in almost every family, and their warmth and softness is tempting to touch.

Cats are not record holders in size among animals, and this is of no use, because then they would not be so common, but at the same time, the impressive uncharacteristic dimensions of pets attract even more. The largest breeds of domestic cats today are officially recognized as Maine Coons and Ashers, but their representatives are not the only record holders.

Weight record

The fattest cat in the world Himmi's pet is rightfully recognized. His weight was 21 kg, which allowed him to get into the Guinness Book of Records, but, unfortunately, posthumously. The fact is that the cat was too lazy, and this provoked such weight gain. He died at the age of 10 from respiratory arrest, because before that he simply could no longer move on his own. The fat man's waist circumference was 84 cm. Himmi's record-holder predecessor was the cat Spice, who weighed 20 kg.

The officially registered record holder for length among cats is representative of the Maine Coon breed. A cat named Stewie measures 132 cm from the tip of his nose to his tailbone, which allowed him to get into the Book of Records at the age of five. According to the animal's owner, American Robin Hendrickson, her pet is the most gentle and affectionate creature, despite its impressive size.

Record size

For a long time, representatives of the breed held records for the size of domestic cats. Maine Coon. They are also called:

  • Maine cats;
  • Maine raccoons.

This is due to the fact that the first cats of this breed were externally of a characteristic color - black tabby. Adults can reach a weight of 10 kg, and are similar in appearance to their wild forest relatives. The characteristic tufts on the ears and the structure of the skull will not allow the Maine Coon to be confused with any other breed, and their majesty and look visually increase the real dimensions of the representatives of the breed.

Today The largest Maine Coon lives in Australia. The cat named Rupert is 3 years old and already weighs about 9 kg. It will seem to many that such a weight is within the acceptable range for the breed and there is nothing special about it, but Maine Coons gain weight for more than one year. Most likely, the pet will increase its weight by half over the next few years, which brings it significantly closer to the record, and this is without progress towards obesity. The fact is that the impressive size of Rupert's cat is just a natural constitution and well-developed muscle mass.

Recognized record holders

Together with Maine Coons, they are recognized as the official record holders among domestic cats. representatives of the Ashera breed. They appeared relatively recently thanks to the efforts of American geneticists under the leadership of the English entrepreneur Simon Brodie. Leopard cats, as the breed is also called, were obtained by crossing the Serval and the Asian leopard predator. Since the purpose of the experiment was to create an ideal creature, the resulting animal was named after the goddess.

The appearance of the largest cat is exotic and menacing, although its character is very affectionate and peaceful. The cost of such a pet today exceeds 20 thousand dollars, but with the kitten itself, each owner receives:

Tallest cat

Despite the fact that Ashers are officially recognized as the largest cats, they can also compete with him. representatives of the Savannah breed, which in reality weigh more than 15 kg. This breed was developed back in the 80s by crossing a wild African cat and a domestic cat. Absolutely all representatives of the breed are very active, despite the fact that they eat little.

The record holder in height is a representative of the Savannah breed named Trumble - the cat's height is 48 cm, but she weighs only 9 kg. Trumble was entered into the Book of Records at the age of three and lives with her owner in the United States of America.


Domestic cats are distributed all over the world thanks to people who never cease to improve them, constantly breeding new breeds. Large and small representatives of the species have been living next to people for more than 10 thousand years, but their character is still fully understood. The skilled furry hunters number 256 breeds worldwide today, but who knows how many there will be in 10 years and what they will look like.