The price of victory. Women in the Red Army. Sexual violence in the Second World War in Ukraine

PPZh: concubines or fighting friends? The female face of war

Taught by the hard chancre of the First World War, from the very first days of the war in Europe, Hitler’s army deployed a network of soldiers’ and officers’ brothels. They unfolded on all fronts with the same German precision as medical hospitals: 5 fifteen-minute brothel vouchers per month for 3 Reichmarks per employee.

In addition, additional coupons in unlimited quantities in the form of simple soldier service incentives: relax - zich, zoldaten!

The providers of sexual intercourse were civil servants of the Reich, they lived in a barracks position according to the military regulations under the strictest medical control and a decent salary. A clearly regulated working day, a guaranteed right to rest, protection from the costs of the profession in the form of sexual excesses. Many German women served in brothels simply out of patriotism, for thank you. 569 brothels... And how many more private establishments!

At first they maintained Aryan purity and used only Western Europeans, and when they got bogged down in protracted actions on the Soviet fronts, untermensch representatives were also used, but under stricter control. The Germans did not have a personnel issue on the eastern front - many women preferred working in a brothel to being taken to camps or migrant workers, preferring rationed work for money and rations to the possibility of simply being raped on the street, without thanks.

Why did I start with German brothels? But because war is not only bang-bang. It's an ordinary life ordinary people made of meat and bones, just modified for the military regime. And people remain people. And there are no armies in the history that were not followed by women's convoys. And those military leaders who understood that the sexual needs of a male warrior are not conserved, but are only aggravated in conditions of lack of fish at the front, acted humanely towards the warring people. And reasonable. In relation to the physical health of a warrior.

There were about a million of them at the fronts. One millionth was my mother, who personally served in the Bodo with Marshal Ivan Khristoforovich Bagramyan. Height is one meter with a cap, the weight of a lamb, the leg is size 33 - a child at 19 years old. He pitied her to the point of tears. And only the high parental patronage of the Marshal of the Soviet Union saved my mother from the fate of her fellow signalmen - to be sorted out by his excellencies, who loved poultry. Mom was lucky: my father personally asked Marshal Bagramyan for my mother’s hand in marriage. And others, having played enough, were sent to the front line or to the rear with their offspring. Or they gave it to adjutants.

Each headquarters had its own harem. There, Senka had both a hat and a macho sombrero: those with a thinner rank got a nurse, those with a thicker rank got a whole military doctor. This is not counting the nomadic harems of singing command personnel and senior command personnel:

I am so high in both position and rank,
And you are gentle, agile and light.
So come and smooth out my wrinkles
Warm me, a gray-haired old man...

An ordinary soldier, who could only dream of the female sex in his dreams, hated these PPJs so much - after all, everything was happening in public, brazenly, without shame:

When the soul yearns
And curses everything in my soul,
It brings a lot of joy
Dear PPZh to us.

She will come in with sparkling eyes,
It will become lighter in the dugout.
Now we are affectionate with you,
You have success everywhere
But I, soldier, with my soul
I despise you, PPZh...

There was a reason. Marshal Zhukov's military paramedic Zakharova received a combat Red Star for exclusively sexual services:

To the nurse for p***ing
Gave the Red Star
And to the guys for the attack
Dali x... walrus
To the bitch.

Marshal Rokossovsky openly fed his military assistant, Galina Talanova. I also didn’t offend you with military awards. What can we say about Marshal Kryuchkov and his greedy wife, the socialist nightingale Lydia Ruslanova - also noted by the Red Star. Brezhnev’s harem thundered on all fronts: PPZh nurse Tamara was not offended, Sochi singer Anna received promotion in cinema and on the radio - she sang “A Girl in Position” to the whole country.

Did Headquarters know? They knew. And they closed their cunning eyes. But in the dossier they put a tick on a black day for the macho. In the meantime, you can sign the award list for your mistresses.

Let people babble stupidly about us,
Rumor flows quietly by the side,
I will command, and they will bow down,
As before God, everything is before you.

And they bowed down. And they carried out their dark deeds: Lidia Ruslanova took 123 paintings by great masters from the Dresden gallery to her chambers. Even in the zone she then showed off in a fur coat and heels! And what containers with chests of gross germanium were sent to PPZh! And how they rocked at the front!

New boots and silk dresses
They will dispel your sadness, anxiety and sadness,
Then I will present you for a reward,
And you will wear a ringing medal.

You will carry your breasts in front of you,
Like a real front-line hero,
And I quietly touch this hero's chest
I will caress you with my old hand.

Women front-line soldiers. This is twice a heroine. For those who don’t know, I’ll say that there was no conscription of women into the Soviet Army. Most women volunteered for the army truly out of patriotism. Some went to serve for guaranteed rations. For a village girl from Tmutarakan, the army was simply a chance to save her life by risking it.


There was pure female and male love at the front - after all, the people who served were very young people, young people, almost children. There was an unearthly passion. There were PPZh such that they became both fighting friends and wives. But there was also hatred of legitimate rear wives for front-line bedding, and contempt of ordinary soldiers, and hand-to-hand gifts to adjutants. And there was a lack of rights for a woman of lower rank, a fear of “exile” to a hot spot or disbandment, a fear of lip service, of a tribunal. For a woman who became pregnant, there was only one way to go: a commission, the rear, deprivation of a certificate. For most ordinary nurses, this sometimes simply meant death.

In my family, the song “I am so high in both position and rank” was sung with great feeling. In general, you know, they used to sing at the table, and people sang just like that - they would gather and sing. Sober, for the sake of singing. My father’s and mother’s post-war friends, those whom I remember well, all went through more than one war, all of them were honored, iconostasis. My place was, as always, at the piano: accompany and be silent.

And I remember the faces of these people well: so thoughtful and mysterious. And after all, each of them remembered some kind of PPZh, the one in Simonov’s way:

I pitied them as best I could,
In an unkind hour, she warmed them
The warmth of an unkind body.

Men singing about their youth, about fleeting love or just fun, men who remembered with a warm word these very different women of theirs. Maybe for a moment they became more amiable, closer and more visible than the well-fed, legitimate rear generals sitting next to them:

Spit on everything, don’t frown your eyebrows
And don’t hide the sadness in your soul,
So stretch out your little hands to me,
My little PPZh.

Spit on everything: what happened, happened...

Updated 07/2/2018
The article was posted on the website on 08/10/2012

    Laura Lee, “...There is no sex in the Soviet Army! That’s why military historians have a blurry figure ( from 110 thousand to 1.900.000!) raped German women (without Estonians, Latvians, Poles, Hutsuls, Bessarabian Romanians) by liberating soldiers. These are not my fantasies, these are statistics.".

    Do ordinary residents of liberated countries remember such, so to speak, statistics?
    The “Banderists”, “forest brothers”, “Polish nationalists”, of course, have the most truthful historians.

    Another interesting thing is the updating of the article.
    Canada and the USA are the last refuge for war criminals.
    It is these countries, their governments, that in every possible way nurture the Nazis and their children and grandchildren.

    You can argue as much as you like, but the essence does not change - war! That's what's scary! Those for whom war becomes a mother have created a saying that war will write off everything. This, most often, justified the evil committed. You can’t just write off human memory. You can’t criticize, because in war conditions you can do something for which you condemn. And only because to survive! Take care of the world!

    Another attempt to crap the Soviet army. You, author, would be better off asking what they did with the Untermenschs in German brothels and not write such heresy. Ugh.

    Everything that is written is true....War is war, depending on your luck!
    The men fought, the women fought, but in different ways. Some Germans saw only prisoners, sat in the rear, receiving rations, orders, others in the trenches, knee-deep in blood and mud. The women also did it in different ways: some went on reconnaissance, rescued the wounded, someone was sucking in the rear for rations and medals!

    The author correctly noted, using the example of two armies, how the same problem was solved from the west and from the east.
    They, the fascists, have unspiritual calculation, physiology, materialism, and monetary relations.
    And on our part it is pure spirituality and morality. There is no sex, no “dirt”, just patriotism and enthusiasm.
    As a result, everyone received their reward, some with a cross, some with rations, and some with money. And after the war, when the country rose from ruin, a decent pension.
    And our front-line soldiers received spitting and contempt from the rear. And the former front-line “friends” turned away, forgot, returning to their wives. No, of course they remembered, they even kept photos. But what about those photos of the former nurses, signalmen, and traffic controllers?
    Sad. What has changed in our country?
    And, God forbid, a protracted war happens, who will go to help the men fight? After all, they will be faithful as long as the bullets whistle, and she is alone nearby. And when peace comes, everything will be as it was then, 67 years ago.

    Article rating: 5

    • Alexander Yagolnik, don’t talk nonsense. What kind of pension for the Nazis are you talking about?

      Very good article, I’m tired of these cloying propaganda cliches about the war, about the valiant Red Army and other nonsense. Everyone should know the truth; there is no need to idealize the war and write only about exploits.

      Article rating: 5

      Unpleasant article. Everything can be written in two ways; every coin has two sides.

      Article rating: 1

      My grandfather had... hmm... PPG... what a nasty word! I remember being very surprised when I saw a front-line photograph with a piece cut off - my grandmother cut it out in a fit of jealousy... Then I found an envelope with photographs, without cuttings... She was a beautiful woman. My grandfather remembered her all his life. She was with him from '43 until the end of the war. My grandfather said that she helped him survive and return home - to his wife and children. And I think he was saying the honest truth. So I wouldn’t spit on her grave, I would bow to her. Maybe I wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for this woman.
      And it is very sad that this - what is stated in the article - is not in school textbooks. "Sex education" almost with kindergarten there is, but this is not. But in vain.

      Article rating: 5

      • It’s very sad that this - what is stated in the article - is not in school textbooks.

        Sofia Vargan, weren’t you the one who wrote the article, how disgusting it would be if this WAS in textbooks?

        • K. Yu. Starokhamskaya, you are mistaken. I wrote an article about how it is not healthy to distort and recolor history. That when you say A, you also need to say B, and vice versa.

          Article rating: 5

          My mother entered the Bryansk Medical School in 1945. That year, female front-line nurses who managed to be discharged were accepted into the school without exams, like now with an interview. In 1946 and beyond, admission was on a general basis, and with difficulty. 47-49 years, public opinion had already been formed against these girls. Everyone, indiscriminately, was called PPZHO, endless meetings were held about the moral character of the Soviet girl, with meaningful grins and other, other nasty things. The teachers quietly oppressed them.

          Mom was friends with Polya, she was a front-line soldier, so their main Komsomol activist, she kept telling her mother - don’t be friends with Polya, you’ll ruin yourself. What's it like?

          Mom talked a lot about these girls and felt sorry for them. I never judged. And she always told me that this is war, we need to understand, not judge.

          Article rating: 5

          • Bryukhanova Irina, my mother, immediately after the war, made up for the time lost during the war in her studies and at the end of the 40s (48? 49?) she entered one of the Leningrad "Meds". At the evening school, among the “simply lagging behind in their studies” were several front-line soldiers. Two of them joined a spontaneously created company, which included my mother (she did not fight, she fell behind first due to the blockade, then due to evacuation). They called each other with their entire company until her death. She was especially close to four former classmates, two of them were front-line soldiers. We were family friends with them until the death of my parents, and now I am with one of her closest friends, a front-line soldier (from their company of the 40s, she is the only one alive), I already keep in touch - to drop by to bring, say, a watermelon-melon (cleaning-washing) -grandsons, granddaughters, children bring food to her), congratulate her on her birthday, just call to congratulate her on what holiday.

            Article rating: 3

            • Igor Vadimov,

              I agree with you, the discussion is strange.

              I really liked the article; it has many similarities with the stories and memories of my mother. It was as if I plunged into childhood and heard a dear voice.

              But some of the comments would have been better not to have read them. They cause confusion and sadness.

              And my mother corresponded with Polya for a very long time. Polya died too early, but she managed to get married and had two children. And she always dreamed about it, and that’s what she told my mother: since I survived, I want to live and live like everyone else.

              Their memory is eternal, bow to the women of war.

              Article rating: 5

              • Bryukhanova Irina, if we talk from a more generalized perspective, then the attitude towards women who are in small numbers within men’s groups on the part of women who are deprived of these groups or do not have a breadth of choice (and even confused men), then it is always unambiguous and secondarily letter of the Russian alphabet. This applied to front-line soldiers, long-distance sailors, civilian workers in hot spots, and rare women on expeditions. (Here it is very appropriate to remember the same Viper). And this was largely due to the depreciated high military awards for high-ranking concubines, various concessions and benefits to other categories of women in peacetime. Moreover, the same attitude applied to women in the occupied territories. I still remember well Soviet questionnaires with a tricky question about the occupied territories. This is very typical of the philistine mentality of totalitarian countries. In the West, the first thought that flashes will be - heroine! In the USSR there is a bare alphabet. Many front-line soldiers faced this after the war; today women sailing on ships, civilian employees in units, and working on long business trips at points face this. In general, let’s say, a woman is a very unprotected creature in this regard compared to a man. In matters of honor, we are completely unequal: what is an honor for a man is sometimes just a shame for a woman.

                • In the West, the first thought that flashes will be - heroine! In the USSR there is a bare alphabet.

                  Well, no need, no need

                  And sutlers and donuts
                  brought a lot of tears out of Soviet women
                  and the men sternly sympathized with the ladies whose fate
                  faced the difficulties and nastiness of even a heroic existence.

                  Well, maybe the completely marginalized ones will slander and be obscene
                  and the mentality in the USSR was no weaker than in today’s Russia
                  perhaps it is pure due to the erudition of almost all layers, which we cannot boast of nowadays.

                  In general, let’s say, a woman is a very unprotected creature in this regard compared to a man. In matters of honor, we are completely unequal: what is an honor for a man is sometimes just a shame for a woman.

                  I agree wholeheartedly here.

                  However, given that everything male = consumables of Mother Nature,
                  I don’t consider it unfair.

                  Article rating: 5

                  • Sergei V. Vorobyov, I still can’t imagine an American soldier who would have been whipped after the Vietnam War by how many Vietnamese she outfucked! And in our army we even (here a very specific army language has been created - our soldiers all speak in abbreviations - now, I’ll have to write an article about the army language! - I’ll forget...) flip flops and LFM (Little Fucking machine). This is what I know from the guys who fought in Vietnam: with each unit, a voluntary brothel of local girls was immediately formed. Officially they were not placed on allowances, but they were willing to provide feeding at the boiler, provided them with medicines, and provided them with contraceptives. Because just imagine the picture - a Vietnamese enemy gives birth to a child from a US soldier and by law he is already a US citizen! I know from completely reliable people that the girls were very “cared for” in this regard. And still, the Vietnamese girls managed to give birth to a bunch of US citizens, who then followed their mothers to their father’s country of residence. Now the grandchildren of these “children of love” form a huge Vietnamese community in our country, they have completely assimilated and pay taxes very productively. I personally know many Polish children of love who moved to Germany after the war. But I don’t know a single festival love child from the USSR who would be allowed to choose his father’s country of residence. (I’ll forget, hit me up with an article about army language, okay?)

                    • I don’t know a single festival love child from the USSR who would be allowed to choose his father’s country of residence.

                      There are plenty of examples.

                      Germans in my city
                      in a bunch of places in my area
                      and especially massively to Kazakhstan
                      captured Germans left a very significant offspring in the USSR.

                      Of this mass, many have now emigrated, many remain, and those who have not decided are still wandering around Germany/Russia/other countries.

                      Many Germans do not know German even with a dictionary because they studied English at school.

                      In general, I won’t speak for the 37th and 53rd,
                      and in the 70s the discovery that your new school friend is German
                      caused not panic, but curiosity - which some small children, and especially small children, shamelessly took advantage of

                      nivapros, torknu
                      and it won’t seem enough from the commentary.

                      Article rating: 5

                      • Amen.
                        To all those who fought - bow and eternal memory.

                        Article rating: 3

                        About raped German women - from the article “Sex liberation: “Erotic myths of the Second World War” from the site

                        So it is not surprising that stories about two million raped German women are illustrated by Goebbels’ photographs from Nemmersdorf, see our photo report for the article - these photographs are also there. There’s simply nothing more to illustrate - if the real atrocities of the Nazis in occupied countries are confirmed by an endless number of photographs, documents, evidence, then the stories about the “Asian hordes of rapists” have nothing special to confirm - except for these propaganda photographs from Goebbels’ department and assessments of the two main Berlin hospitals .
                        In a nutshell, there is a document from one children's clinic in Berlin, according to which the fathers of 12 out of 237 children born in 1945 and 20 out of 567 children born in 1946 were Russian.

                        And then all sorts of manipulations are done with these numbers (5% = 12/237 and 3.5% = 20/567) - if you take 5% of all those born in these years (and plus assume that all these children were the result of rape) - then we find that out of 23,124 newborns in Berlin in 45-46. - 5% - 1156 Russians. Then we multiply by 10 (let’s say that approximately 90% of German women who became pregnant after rape had abortions). Then we multiply by five (let’s assume that approximately 20% of those raped became pregnant) - so we get 60 thousand, i.e. 10% of the 600 thousand women of childbearing age who were in Berlin.

                        Plus, we must also take into account that all women from 10 to 70 years old were subjected to countless rapes (see above - from Dr. Goebbels), there are another 800 thousand of them (under 18 / over 45), if 10% of them were also raped - let’s add them to those 60 thousand, then we get what we wanted: more than 100 thousand raped in Berlin alone. Then we extrapolate to the whole country - and now - 2 million!

                        Those. this figure is obtained from 12 babies in one Berlin hospital by simple multiplication and division. It should be noted that even according to this document (see scan) - 12 and 20 Russian children are 7+5 and 16+4, i.e. in 7 and 16 newborns the father is Russian, and only in 5 and 4 - Russian/rape, i.e. in fact, there is (one) document about nine raped German women, or rather about the German women who indicated Russian/rape in the maternity hospital. And from this document two million and the “Asian hordes” came out."
                        From an article by historian Igor Petrov:
                        "Criticism of evaluation.
                        I. The calculation is based on data from one and only one hospital. It is impossible not to notice that the final result of tens of thousands of victims is based on literally isolated cases. How unstable the calculation is can be seen in a simple example. Let’s add to the “officially” “Russian children” born in 1945 nine more from the “disputed cases” column. Then “Russian children” will become 22 out of 237 (9%), and the total number of victims, based on a calculation similar to the one above, will increase from 110 to 198 thousand.

                        II. In table 1 the columns “father: Russian” and “father: Russian/rape” are divorced. Nevertheless, B. Yor uses the sum of both columns in his calculations (the year 1946 is especially indicative here: 16 in the first column and 4 in the second). The validity of the summation is questionable3. According to the letter of the hospital records, only 9 out of 804 (1.1%) were “Russian children” born as a result of rape. If we take this number as a basis, the number of victims will be reduced from 110 to 24 thousand.
                        If we sum it up without looking back, as B.Yor does, then applying the data of the same table 1 to the allies, we can just as easily accuse the Americans, British and French of raping about 50 thousand women in Berlin in 1945 alone (5+1 +1+4+2 to 567 gives 2.2%, then by analogy with the calculation above).

                        III The assumption that 90% of women who became pregnant after rape had an abortion is not supported by any arguments other than eyewitness accounts of the widespread occurrence of abortions. The author does not explain why the mass participation is considered equal to 90%. Meanwhile, from the table. 2 it follows that 40 out of 118 women had an abortion at the Charité hospital, i.e. not 90%, but 34%. Changing only this coefficient in the calculation, we get 16 thousand victims instead of 110 thousand.

                        IV There is no doubt that the peak of rape in Berlin occurred in April-May 1945. One would expect a peak in the birth rate of “Russian children” in January-February 1946. However, in the Empress Augusta Victoria clinic in 1945, more were born percentage of “Russian children” than in 1946. How could “Russian children” be born in September-October? If, for example, these are children of refugees, then they have no relation to the Berlin statistics.
                        It is no less strange that B. Yor, in paragraph 1 of the calculation, takes into account children born before August 1946, and in Table 1 he provides data for the entire year of 1946.

                        V The logic of the mathematical operation carried out in paragraph 5 of the calculation (known as “Russian soldiers raped all German women aged 8 to 80”), in my opinion, lies beyond good and evil, and certainly beyond impartial statistical research.

                        From the above, it is obvious that using Barbara Yore's calculation as a reliable statistical estimate is not very appropriate. This kind of “arithmetic” creates unlimited scope for manipulation. By changing very arbitrarily selected coefficients, you can vary the final “number of victims” in the range from a couple of thousand to several hundred. Such a numerical balancing act in no way emphasizes the “historical importance” of the problem, but rather, on the contrary, provokes a condescending and mocking attitude towards it."

                        • Tatyana Chernykh, you draw conclusions based on one and only articles? Published in Germany tens books on the topic under discussion, and in Germany the propaganda of Nazism is a legal matter, here you can be imprisoned for a tattoo with a swastika...
                          Of course, it is impossible to establish with any accuracy the number of women raped: after all, one can rely almost exclusively on oral evidence, and there really remains room for manipulation - from millions (which is clearly exaggerated) to a couple of thousand (which is just as clearly underestimated). However, it is impossible to say that cases of rape of German women were isolated...

                          Article rating: 5

                          • Evgenia Komarova, I am not saying that the cases were isolated, but 2 million is still an unrealistic figure. In Russia, this topic is also being discussed, many articles have been written, since every May 9 the “tale of two million German women” comes up. It has now become very fashionable to denigrate Russian soldiers and whitewash the Nazis. The Salaspils children's concentration camp is already considered almost a sanatorium; former SS men in the Baltics go to parades.

                            • Tatyana Chernykh, I am not aware of Russian “fashion”, but in Europe there is now a “fashion” for historical truth, even if it is not always partial. Not all German soldiers were beasts and not all Soviet soldiers were angels, that’s all...
                              I don’t know, again, how it is in the Baltic states, but in Germany school classes without fail they take you to extermination camps, show you crematoria, gas chambers, barracks, mountains of hair and shoes in museums and talk about the atrocities of the Nazis. Do people in Russia talk about what soviet soldiers, alas, they not only distributed bread to hungry German children? How many people in Russia know about the suffering of East Prussian, Sudeten, Silesian German refugees and exiles? These were also women and children...

                              Article rating: 5

                              • Evgenia Komarova, blessed is he who believes in the objectivity of European historians. In Russia, by the way, they don’t live in the forest and pray to God. We publish a whole series of memoirs of German military men about the Second World War, and the book in which this figure of 2 million was announced (Beavor “Berlin. The Fall of 1945”) has also been translated into Russian. So, if you wish, there is a lot you can familiarize yourself with.
                                Regarding the school curriculum, why don’t the French, Americans, and British repent of their textbooks?

                                Recently, our press likes to exaggerate the topic that there were an order of magnitude fewer rapes in the zone of occupation of our allies. They say they had brothels and a higher culture of sexual communication. Let's not look far for examples. During the first day of the French troops' presence in Stuttgart, 1,198 cases of rape of German women were recorded. The promiscuity of the French was so unimaginable that the case of sexual abuse of German women had to be examined in the US Senate. Senator James Estland, elected from Missouri, reported in June 1945 on an unheard-of crime committed by Senegalese soldiers who were part of the native French army. The natives raped several hundred women forced into the Stuttgart subway for five days. At that time, the French side accused the senator of lying, citing the fact that there was no metro in Stuttgart, and the speaker himself was a racist. One could, of course, agree with this version, if one did not take into account three facts. Firstly, there really was no metro in Stuttgart at that time. But there was an underground tram parking lot, which over time turned into a car tunnel. Secondly, in those days the police received several reports of murders of women committed by people wearing turbans. At that time, only French natives could wear such a headdress. And finally, thirdly, many years after the end of the war, the details of the capture of the Italian city of Monte Cassino by the allied forces became known. The Allies included Moroccan troops. The Moroccans were mediocre soldiers, but they had no equal in killing prisoners after the end of battles. They also distinguished themselves in the rape of civilians. That night, after the end of the Battle of Monte Cassino and the orderly withdrawal of the Germans, a division of Moroccan soldiers - 12,000 Moroccans - broke from their camp and descended like locusts on a group of mountain villages in the vicinity of Monte Cassino. They raped all the women and girls they could find in these villages - their number is estimated at 3,000 women, ranging in age from 11 to 86 years. They killed 800 male villagers who were trying to protect their women. They raped some women to such an extent that several hundred of them died from it. Moroccan soldiers selected the most beautiful girls to gang rape, and long lines of dark-skinned Moroccans lined up in front of each of them, waiting their turn, while other Moroccans held the victims. Two sisters, 15 and 18 years old, were raped by over 200 Moroccans each. One of them died from these rapes. Another has spent the last 53 years in a mental hospital. Moroccans also raped young men in villages.

                                Now the German side, adhering to absurd political correctness, does not focus attention on these facts. Why! Exposing the native units in mass sexual crimes and reprisals against German and Italian women, before whom some of the Nazi atrocities pale, smacks of racism. It is much better to attribute all excesses to the Russians. Out of habit, they will not only believe in their exceptional cruelty, but will also apologize. It is quite possible that this chapter would not have appeared if not for numerous publications in the “yellow press”, where, in a fit of national masochism, coupled with savage pride, it is stated that in the Soviet occupation zone there were almost an order of magnitude more rapes than from the allies. Unforgivable attitude towards your history. No one denies the excesses caused by the war. But this still does not allow us to mock our past. If the scale of violence committed by the Red Army was so great, then why was there a hearing in the US Senate about the native units of the French army?

                                To justify the Russian soldiers, I can say that they set foot in Germany after a difficult, multi-year war that affected almost every family. Their wives and children were killed, their psyches were broken. And the Fritz mocked our women and children when their Frau and Kinder were sitting in complete safety. And regarding these refugees - weren’t these peaceful peasants dismantling the Belarusian and Ukrainian children driven to Germany like working cattle? And why, after all this, should we, having completely mixed up the waters, fall into some kind of masochism and impose on children a feeling of guilt for rape, which, unlike the documented large-scale atrocities of the Germans, was not of a mass nature?
                                • Tatyana Chernykh, just as blessed is he who believes in the objectivity of Russian historians, especially the current ones, who turn the Great Patriotic War into the Great Russian War by order “from above.” Just as in the French army there were Senegalese and Moroccans, in the Soviet army there were Caucasians, residents of Central Asia... By the way, the German civilians were afraid of them much more than the Russians (Ukrainians, Belarusians, Jews...) - that is, those who really had reason to take revenge for the destroyed relatives and friends and the devastated cities and villages. If for you the Senegalese are French, then are the Chechens or Kazakhs Russian? In this case, my mother’s German neighbor (she came from Thuringia, which was part of the Soviet occupation zone) was raped by the Russians (although she says that they were slanted Asians).
                                  Not one to a normal person It may not occur to us to justify the atrocities of the Nazis, but women and children are not responsible for their husbands and fathers? Maybe you think that Soviet soldiers had a moral right take revenge not only on the army, the SS and the Gestapo, but also on women and children? Or is the grief of tens of thousands simply not worth mentioning next to the grief of tens of millions? Are these tens of thousands not people in your eyes? But our mothers and grandmothers thought differently... They, in the tradition of Russian mercy to the defeated enemy, fed German prisoners of war...
                                  This is not about instilling a sense of guilt in Russian children, but about their understanding that war is a dirty and bloody business, and, alas, crimes in it were not only committed by the Nazis...

                                  Article rating: 5

                                  • Evgenia Komarova, let me clarify my position once again so that there is no misunderstanding. I never wrote that Russian soldiers had the moral right to take revenge on the civilian population. She simply pointed out that in such a situation it is not surprising that one of the soldiers lost their minds. The Soviet leadership took unprecedented measures to prevent violence against civilians. This is confirmed by many documents, incl. official orders to shoot for violence.
                                    I spoke out on this article because... I consider my additions important: I attached interesting documents about how women ended up in these brothels (under the threat of starvation and execution), that “cultured” Krauts simply shot women with vein diseases, and also gave an example of numerous cases of brutal sadistic rape (this is in response to yours, “Wehrmacht soldiers rarely raped.” That is, I believe that the article exaggerates the myth of 2 million raped German women, but not a word is said about the suffering of Soviet women, whom the Germans mocked and exploited for several years.
                                    I also added that there is no significant evidence that rape by Russians was as widespread as Western propaganda is now trying to present.
                                    I also point out to you personally, as a resident of Germany, that nowhere did I write that the Germans were all fanatics or that Russian soldiers had the right to take revenge. Rape is a war crime and in the Soviet army, unlike the German army, it was punishable by death.

                                    • Erotic myths of World War II

                                      Come on, what’s there.. it’s clear
                                      that they raped both German and Russian women,
                                      and sodomy flourishes in all armies,
                                      and in general, war has an unfeminine face.

                                      Article rating: 5

                                      • Sergei V. Vorobyov, any sane person understands this, but the article says that the Nazis satisfied their needs in brothels, and wild hordes of Slavs (as according to Goebbels) raped German women. Those. nothing is said about German atrocities against Soviet women. This topic was also hushed up here. From an article by military historian Nail Shayakhmetov (examples of wartime publications).

                                        There is another completely little-known page from the times of the last war, which was talked about and written about very reluctantly in Soviet times.

                                        Here we are talking about sexual violence against Soviet women by enemy soldiers.

                                        Partisan intelligence of the North-Western Front in mid-1942 reported to the headquarters of the partisan movement: “Many women, robbed by the Germans and having children, are forced to cohabit with German soldiers for a piece of bread. So, for example, Ms. Shura, a resident of the city of DNO (Leningrad region - N.Sh.); 25 years old, has 2 children, husband in the Red Army, cohabits with German soldiers, in particular with the captain (head of the clothing warehouse - N.Sh.) - for a piece of bread.

                                        If a Russian woman working for the Germans in an infirmary or medical unit does not agree to cohabit with German soldiers or officers, then she will be kicked out of this institution. This fact happened with citizen Valentina...

                                        In the city of DNO, the German authorities opened a brothel in which there are 17 Russian women aged 20-35 years. A restaurant for German officers was organized next to the brothel.

                                        Women who contract sexually transmitted diseases are not treated - they are shot. The owner of the brothel is a German sergeant major (sergeant major – N. Sh.)…

                                        Women staying in a brothel are required to undergo a medical examination, where the medical workers performing the examination abuse Russian women” (f. SevZapfr., op. 1351, d. 913, l.l. 58-86).

                                        “The rule of the Germans in the occupied areas of the Leningrad region was marked by incalculable suffering and disasters...

                                        Famine, the most terrible and terrible, reigns in the cities. People are dying on the streets. Residents of Luga go outside the city and dig up the corpses of animals that have died from foot-and-mouth disease. On this basis, mass diseases began. In the city of DNO, the kitchen factory supplied 10 thousand meals a day, in addition, there were 4 canteens and 3 restaurants. Currently there is only one buffet. There is an inscription on it: “Buffet only for Germans.” When the hungry Dnov women went to the commandant, he said:

                                        If you want to eat, go to brothels...

                                        Well, the Germans opened brothels in almost every city. This was reflected in German “culture”. There are even two brothels in Pskov. But hospitals and outpatient clinics are closed. Typhoid and all kinds of epidemic diseases are rampant in the cities.” (scientific library of TsAMO RF: Leningrad Institute of History of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks). Leningrad in the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union. Leningrad, 1944, p. 376).

                                        In the act on the monstrous crimes of fascist robbers in workers' village No. 3 of the Sinyavsky village council of the Leningrad region dated February 20, 1943, it is noted:

                                        “...The two-legged animals were forcibly taken to Riga to a brothel for the girls of the village. The diary of a Russian girl tells about this...” (Ibid., p. 385).

                                        The note of the People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs of the USSR on the widespread robberies of the population and the monstrous atrocities of the German authorities in the Soviet territories they captured, dated January 6, 1942, gives many examples of rape and murder of Soviet women, including noting that “In the city of Smolensk, the German command opened for officers in one of hotels, a brothel into which hundreds of girls and women were driven; they were dragged by the arms, by the hair, mercilessly dragged along the pavement.”

                                        Lydia Osipova, who at that moment lived in the city of Pavlovsk, Leningrad Region, collaborated with her husband with the German occupiers. On July 1, 1942, she wrote in her diary: “ the commandant’s office there is... a corporal who personally flogs guilty girls... there is one “cultural” institution. A brothel for German soldiers. It is served by Russian girls assigned by the commandant...a well-maintained brothel...Here, this house is run by one quite decent Russian woman. And not only is he in charge, but he also thanks God for such “work.” And she is well-fed, and her family is well-fed...”

                                        For some reason, the fascist accomplice, talking about the “decent Russian” manager, does not write anything about the “Russian girls” who were forcibly driven into a brothel.

                                        The German occupiers, completely robbing the population, deprived them of all vital necessities, including food, and then, using hunger as a tool of reliable influence on women, especially those who had dependent children and elderly family members, forced them to cohabitate or to work in German brothels.

                                        In this case, the actions of the German invaders towards Soviet women are violent, grossly violating the norms of international law. But even during the Nuremberg trials, this issue was not raised or considered separately. Here, it seems, everything is clear: fascists are fascists and it would be difficult to expect anything else from them.

                                        Currently, relations between the USA, Japan, China and other countries South-East Asia The issue of sexual violence against women in occupied countries during the Second World War is being addressed at the government level. Evidence of material compensation for moral damage to sex slaves has already emerged.

                                        Our deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation ignore this issue, apparently not wanting complications with “friend Schroeder.” At the same time, it is necessary to raise it, since women of the mentioned categories will soon not be left alive and the issue will disappear on its own.

                                        • continuation - fragment from A. Vasilchenko’s book “Sexual Myth of the Third Reich”

                                          At the Nuremberg trials, the German army was accused of numerous crimes committed in the USSR, including mass rape. But witnesses, participants and victims were reluctant to talk about these atrocities. It is still not customary in Germany to say that sexual violence against women was an aspect of warfare. As one historian put it, the Germans undertook a “mental and cultural blockade” on this issue.

                                          However, during the “total war” not only the enemy’s military potential was to be destroyed, but also his morale. For this purpose, all means were good. Rape of women was allowed as a matter of course. German soldiers were taught that “in the fight to achieve success, any means are good and necessary.” In a note dated January 6, 1942, People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs V.M. Molotov said: “There is no limit to the people’s anger and indignation, which is caused throughout the entire Soviet population and in the Red Army by countless facts of vile violence, vile mockery of women’s honor.” This is only the official reaction. But numerous evidence has reached us, to which now in Germany they prefer to turn a blind eye.

                                          Soviet prosecutors at the Nuremberg Tribunal in 1946 presented numerous evidence of sexual crimes committed by the occupiers on the territory of the USSR. Terrifying examples. “In the village of Semenovskoye, Kalinin Region, the Germans raped twenty-five-year-old Olga Tikhonova, the wife of a Red Army soldier, the mother of three children, who was in the last stage of pregnancy, and tied her hands with twine. After the rape, the Germans cut her throat, pierced both breasts and sadistically drilled them.
                                          The village of Basmanovo, Glinkovsky district, Smolensk region, liberated by our troops in early September after the Germans took over, was a complete ashes. On the very first day, the fascist monsters drove into the field more than 200 schoolchildren and schoolgirls who had come to the village to harvest the harvest, surrounded them and brutally shot them. They took a large group of schoolgirls to their rear “for the gentlemen officers.”

                                          In the Ukrainian village of Borodaevka, Dnepropetrovsk region, the Nazis raped all the women and girls. In the village of Berezovka, Smolensk region, drunken German soldiers raped and took away with them all women and girls aged 16 to 30 years. Everywhere, brutalized German bandits break into houses, rape women and girls in front of their relatives and their children, mock the raped and brutally deal with their victims on the spot. In the city of Lvov, 32 workers of a Lvov garment factory were raped and then killed by German stormtroopers. Drunken German soldiers dragged Lviv girls and young women into Kosciuszko Park and brutally raped them. The old priest V.L. Pomaznev, who with a cross in his hands tried to prevent violence against girls, was beaten by the Nazis, tore off his cassock, burned his beard and stabbed him with a bayonet. In Belarus, near the city of Borisov, 75 women and girls who fled when German troops approached fell into the hands of the Nazis. The Germans raped and then brutally killed 36 women and girls. The sixteen-year-old girl L.I. Melchukova, on the orders of the German officer Gummer, was taken into the forest by soldiers, where she was raped. After some time, other women, also taken into the forest, saw that there were boards near the trees, and the dying Melchukova was pinned to the boards with bayonets, whom the Germans cut off in front of other women, in particular V.I. Alperenko and V.M. Bereznikova breasts

                                          In the city of Tikhvin, Leningrad Region, fifteen-year-old M. Molodetskaya, having been wounded by shrapnel, was brought to the hospital (former monastery), where wounded German soldiers were located. Despite being wounded, Kolodetskaya was raped by a group of German soldiers, which was the cause of her death.”

                                          The destruction of the population of Russian, Polish and Czech territories by the invaders took place in two stages. The murder of the Jewish population followed the first round of plunder and violence. At first they dealt with the Jews. Sofia Glyushkina recalled the German terror: “The next night at 2 o’clock they knocked on the door again. The commandant entered and went to the wife of the recently executed Jew. After the terrible death of her husband, she did not stop crying. Her three children also cried. They were taken out. We thought they would be killed. But the Germans turned out to be even greater fanatics. They were first raped downstairs in the yard.”

                                          Numerous evidence suggests that the racial principles of the “brown empire” did not deter soldiers from raping women of “inferior races.” A meeting of the SS panel of judges in 1943 came to the conclusion that, in accordance with the Nuremberg racial laws, every second SS rank should have been punished. For the Waffen-SS, violation of these laws was punishable by death, as stated in numerous directives of Heinrich Himmler. However, these orders were not carried out. The commandant of the SS men based in Latvia stated that these orders were not valid for them.

                                          If the matter came to court, the punishments for the SS men and German soldiers were ridiculous. For example, after the rape of a 70-year-old Russian woman and her daughters, the punishment of nine SS men was only to be transferred to another military unit. In another case, three German servicemen were merely demoted in rank after raping a Russian girl.

                                          In the West, officers and soldiers suffered much more severe punishment for such crimes. You don't have to look far for examples. For raping a French woman, a German officer was sentenced to five years in a concentration camp.

                                          The impunity of German soldiers and SS men only condoned sexual violence. In Poland, the German occupiers made forays into Jewish ghettos every night. They were not shy even during the day. They forced the women and girls they found to undress, ordering them to lie on the ground. After this, the most attractive ones were raped in the dirtiest way.

                                          A Jewish gynecologist in the Warsaw Ghetto testified as follows: “Mass rapes took place in a glass shop on Switoker Street. The Germans grabbed the most beautiful and healthy girls right on the street, forcing them to pack mirrors in the store. When the girls finished their work, they were raped.” On Francis Street in the Warsaw Ghetto, German officers took forty Jewish women hostage. They were dragged into one of the houses, forced to get drunk and dance naked, after which they were raped.

                                          Against the backdrop of these crimes, the question is: is it even possible for there to be voluntary sexual contact between German soldiers and the civilian population? – seems cynical.

                                          For the vast majority, real love affairs were simply impossible. If we take into account the ideology of the SS and the Wehrmacht, the actions of the occupiers resulted in a most disgusting cocktail of military violence, contempt for women and racism. Since there were constant battles on the Eastern Front and military units did not stay in one place for long, there could be no question of the emergence of a semblance of peaceful life that we could observe in the West. The few voluntary sexual contacts that did take place were preferred not to be advertised. The German soldiers themselves feared the strictest punishments for “fraternization with representatives of lower races.” The women themselves were also not going to talk about such connections, since at the end of the war, both in the East and in the West, they could be subjected to severe repression by their own compatriots. Many of our fellow citizens, who were brought to forced labor in Germany during the war years, ended up in Stalin’s camps after 1945. They were perceived as politically unreliable people, since they had contacts with the Germans. The forced eviction was, as a rule, not taken into account

                                          Feelings of shame and fear of political repression silenced women in Eastern Europe for decades. And it is still not customary for us to talk about voluntary cohabitation with German soldiers. Paradoxically, unlike Western countries, we still do not have a single scientific research There are no public discussions on this topic or issue. The only source that sheds light on the sexual crimes of the occupiers are documents presented by Soviet prosecutors at the Nuremberg Tribunal. But all this can be explained - no one is interested in dragging into the white light dirty laundry, and certainly no one wanted to return to painful memories again. They tried to forget about such connections immediately after the end of the war. Let me give you a shocking example. Women did not always leave the “German” child who had taken root during the war years alive. There are known cases when a mother killed a baby with her own hands because he was “the son of the enemy.” A similar incident is described in one of the partisan memoirs. For three years, while the Germans were “meeting” in the village, the Russian woman gave birth to three children from them. On the very first day after the arrival of the Soviet troops, she carried her offspring onto the road, laid them in a row and shouted: “Death to the German occupiers!” smashed everyone's heads with a cobblestone...

                                          The lack of discussion on this topic in Russia has led to the fact that Germany still refuses to admit its responsibility for the sexual violence committed by German soldiers on the territory of the USSR. Apparently, this sensitive topic is waiting in the wings when those affected by it pass away. It should not be forgotten that for the older generation of Germans, sexual crimes during the war are associated with “Ivan raping women,” and not at all with the valiant soldiers of the German army. It was a kind of substitution effect, blinders that the Germans tried to hide behind. It cannot be denied that Red Army soldiers more than once committed excesses in occupied German territory. But they were just a response to the atrocities committed by the Germans who started World War II.

                                          You are a brave woman, madam. You take such topics.

                                          The topic is women in war...what's the difference between Civil War and Patriotic War? I don’t have a word about “crying”; I wrote about Ruslanova’s great popularity among the people, among front-line soldiers. I don’t think that if this were true, people would continue to sympathize with her. In our country, they would rather throw stones at yesterday’s idols than to forgive such things. And the fact that the authorities like to compromise their favorites is also no secret to anyone... and it’s not Ruslanova’s fault. You wrote as if a woman at the front is necessarily a litter...

                                          • I wrote about Ruslanova’s great popularity among the people, among front-line soldiers. I don’t think that if this were true, people would continue to sympathize with her.

                                            People are quite sympathetic and

                                            A. Pugacheva (by the way, she sang well)
                                            - people like her (they also sing well)
                                            - and even these prof*cked pussies, pretending to look like plywood

                                            And they are rewarded according to their deserts - to whom are the palaces of the title of the medals of the yacht
                                            and for some, 2 years of imprisonment and worldwide popularity (by the way, it is easily converted, since the trademark was registered in advance)

                                            The conversation is not about that at all.

                                            And about the fact that if you happen to meet somewhere by chance a PPZh or front-line litter, bow to it.

                                            Or at least just don’t spit on the grave.

                                            You wrote as if a woman at the front was necessarily a litter...

                                            No, well, you definitely read some other article.

                                            Article rating: 5

                                            And yet, the majority of PJVs were engaged in this work voluntarily without coercion. Some were flattered by the attention of the generals. Others for gifts of rank and awards.
                                            (The medal for “Combat Merit” was generally discredited so much that many were ashamed to wear it).

                                            • Andrey Vladimirov, oh, yes, if the choice is between a concentration camp, rape, starvation - then yes, without coercion.

                                              What ranks and awards did those who served the soldiers have? A?

                                              • Katya Maryina,
                                                Did anyone serve the soldiers quickly?
                                                Service is prostitution.
                                                PPZh is an individual lover, and the topic of prostitution has nothing to do with the article.

                                                • Andrey Vladimirov , "Many German women served in brothels simply out of patriotism, for thank you. 569 brothels...And how many more private establishments!”- yes, and if you remember Remarque, they served you the same way they served you, unfortunately.

                                                  • Katya Maryina,
                                                    Again. It was prostitutes who “worked” in the brothels, not prostitutes.

                                                    • Andrey Vladimirov, is the article written about brothels?

                                                      • Katya Maryina,
                                                        Are you kidding me or is it for real?

                                                        “Andrey Vladimirov,” Many German women served in brothels simply out of patriotism, for thank you. 569 brothels... And how many more private establishments!" - yes, and if you remember Remarque, they served the same way they served, unfortunately"

                                                        • Andrey Vladimirov, first of all, don’t be rude. “Prostitutes “worked” in brothels” and “the topic of prostitution has nothing to do with the article”- so I’m writing to you that the article says about brothels, I gave a quote. You claimed that there was nothing in the article about prostitutes.

                                                          • Katya Maryina,
                                                            One more time (aka the last time).
                                                            Prostitutes and prostitutes are different topics and phenomena.
                                                            PPZh prostitutes!

                                                            • Andrey Vladimirov, as long as you like, as long as you understand. The article may talk about different phenomena. And the author also wrote about brothels, and in a positive way. So this is relevant to the article.

                                                              "And yet the majority PPZH were engaged in this work voluntarily without coercion"- I wrote before about brothels and didn’t see the word PPZh. I admit my mistake.

                                                              "many women preferred working in a brothel to being deported to camps or Gast-Arbeitism, they preferred rationed work for money and rations"- what, they were asked or what?

                                                              “And those military leaders who understood that the sexual needs of a male warrior are not conserved, but are only aggravated in conditions of lack of fish at the front, acted humanely towards the fighting people.”- but not in relation to women.

                                                              • Katya Maryina, few people consider a woman a human being. even among women themselves they are a minority...

                                                                Article rating: 5

                                                                • Elena Belinskaya, this is what scares me.

                                                                  Very interesting.

                                                                  PS It’s good that it’s not now war time, and everyone thinks about love and sex!)))))))))))))).

                                                                  Article rating: 5

                                                                  Stop, stop... Separate the flies, please. Viper was about the civil war. And about the PPZh of the civil war. Actually, Alexei Tolstoy should be read, not watched in films. And I’m used to keeping poems not at home, but in my head. All the people of my generation knew these rhymes, and ditties, and songs based on these rhymes by heart. Wow, I store such crap in my head as Soviet poetry and folklore...

                                                                  • Stopudovo. the story is much stronger than the movie.

                                                                    • K. Yu. Starokhamskaya, and most importantly - not about that. The county is still coming out. You can’t drink the rock...

                                                                      You didn’t understand what I mean... what does it have to do with giving in without love? I wrote about the generalizing nature of the article, aggressiveness... I don’t understand at all - keeping these poems in the house for so many years... this topic - a woman in war - was raised, for example, in A. Tolstoy’s story “The Viper”. The story was filmed, the role main character Ninel Myshkova simply played exceptionally... it was all - including prison. and attempts to use violence against a woman at the front, and pure love in the war, and the hatred of the philistines after the war, those who believed that at the front a woman is exclusively... pppzh-a field wife. Myshkova made many people cry, a talented actress and she played amazingly... I gave the article 3, I didn’t like it

                                                                      • Svetlana Mamedova, it wasn’t the article that you didn’t like, but the terrible reality that it reveals.
                                                                        It often happens that a bad article about cute things is praised, but good article about something bad - they scold. They can’t tell the difference - they don’t like something, but what?

                                                                        And who will like it? Just don’t blame your displeasure on the one who called a spade a spade.

                                                                        • K. Yu. Starokhamskaya, do you always know everything for everyone else? And what did I really not like, and did I read Tolstoy before watching the film? Laura, regarding the breed, you are right - Zotova was from the nobility. However, this did not save her psyche, there were too many betrayals - among the whites, reds...

                                                                          a feeling of disgust after this article... in our family, of the women at the front, there was only one woman - the wife of my father’s 19-year-old brother. She died on the same day as him - he was burned alive in a tank, she was carrying the wounded from the battle...More I knew women who went through the war. Lovely, intelligent. One was a writer, the other worked in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, was the only female colonel in our republic. The work was not easy, but no one could ever say a bad word about her, she was smart and had high authority. She had a Georgian husband, two sons, but until the end of her life she bore the surname of her first husband, who died at the front... So, casually, blaming all the women who went through the front, throwing mud at them... how much anger... The women you named have children, is a stain on them...why? For what purpose? If you follow your logic, then mom is unlikely to have remained a white lamb against the backdrop of this chaos, she just didn’t tell you everything. And Lydia Ruslanova was, after Shulzhenko, the most beloved singer of front-line soldiers...after the war she was banned, but the people loved her, no matter what...How people can slander us here, you yourself can give a lot of examples, who knows how they were fabricated things, she was a swearer, she could have said something, so in response they did it...they brought her to prison

                                                                          • Svetlana Mamedova, Ruslanova was a looter and went to prison for looting. She acquired the treasures that she and her husband described from blockade survivors, from those arrested for confiscation. She robbed a Dresden gallery - 123 paintings by great masters, stripped tapestries, 600 meters of brocade. She was imprisoned for forty containers of looted trophies. And if she has children and grandchildren, then they know very well who their mother and grandmother are. By the way, after serving her sentence, this person also demanded that 6 kg of gold be returned to her. And Zhukov even returned something to her. The ability to sing highly intellectually about felt boots did not prevent Ruslanova from being a marauder and a thief. If you cry from a movie about a viper and from felt boots, this is your personal problem. This does not affect historical facts in any way.

                                                                            • feeling disgusted after this article...

                                                                              Why is there disgust? It's no secret that women sometimes give themselves without love,
                                                                              and it’s also no secret that in wartime, falling in love with a truly heroic lieutenant or commander-in-chief is easy.

                                                                              Just like that, casually, blaming all the women who passed through the front, throwing mud at them... how much anger...

                                                                              It looks like you read some other article.

                                                                              Article rating: 5

                                                                              Brilliant as always, Lauri Lee!
                                                                              But since you have quoted so many poems and songs...Can I also get into the topic?

                                                                              Excerpt from M. Svetlov:

                                                                              Big road
                                                                              Good luck to the military!
                                                                              There are many
                                                                              Beautiful women fled
                                                                              Love to the army
                                                                              Giving without change
                                                                              No tears, no hysterics,
                                                                              No letters, no complaints.
                                                                              Along this road
                                                                              From Volga to Bug
                                                                              We also walked
                                                                              We walked panting, -
                                                                              Hot feelings
                                                                              And loyalty to friends
                                                                              During the hikes
                                                                              We handed it over to the workshop.
                                                                              To shy girls
                                                                              Happy at midnight
                                                                              We've been getting closer all night
                                                                              A shaggy nightmare
                                                                              Bay stallion
                                                                              Under the high commander,
                                                                              Luxurious horse
                                                                              Under a slender battalion commander.
                                                                              I'm not an angel either -
                                                                              Me too often
                                                                              At the beauty's door
                                                                              Shadowed with spurs,
                                                                              Got a mustache
                                                                              And he spun it wildly,
                                                                              Indulging in love
                                                                              Our wives have forgiven us
                                                                              Treason during campaigns,
                                                                              They greet us with comfort
                                                                              Vacation and relaxation.
                                                                              What, friends?
                                                                              We bowed wearily
                                                                              With heavy thoughts
                                                                              Over a light glass?
                                                                              Big road
                                                                              Beckons from afar,
                                                                              Calls for adventure
                                                                              Strange side
                                                                              Merry widows
                                                                              They come out to meet
                                                                              Sad women
                                                                              They are escorting us...
                                                                              But the stinking aftertaste
                                                                              For long periods,
                                                                              But shame is like a slap in the face
                                                                              It will fall on your cheeks.
                                                                              Forgive us, wives!
                                                                              Forgive us, era,
                                                                              Hussar traditions
                                                                              Damn lust!

                                                                              And this is from B. Okudzhava:

                                                                              Oh, war, what have you done, vile one?
                                                                              instead of weddings - separation and smoke,
                                                                              our girls dresses are white
                                                                              gave it to their sisters.
                                                                              Boots - well, where can you get away from them?
                                                                              Yes, green wings...
                                                                              Don't give a damn about the gossipers, girls.
                                                                              We'll settle the score with them later.
                                                                              Let them chatter that you have nothing to believe in,
                                                                              that you are going to war at random...
                                                                              Goodbye girls!
                                                                              try to go back.

                                                                              Article rating: 5

                                                                              • Evgenia Komarov, the case of two German military historians has not yet been closed - they filed a lawsuit on behalf of more than a million raped German women. I'll have to dig around to find their names. But this is a well-known historical process in Germany, which began somewhere in the 60s after the construction of the wall. As for Prussia, my parents said that when they entered the territory, there was no longer a civilian population. The vanguard was specially sent to drive them away. Otherwise, the units scattered to towns and villages. Mother said, sometimes just hot pots of food were left on the tables. But the special officers said that it was poisoned by the leaving population. It was also forbidden to drink from wells, for fear of poisoning.

                                                                                • Laura Lee, one of my grandfathers ended the war in Königsberg... He was the one who talked about rape.
                                                                                  And here, German women acquaintances from East Germany (Berlin, Magdeburg, Brandenburg) also told different things. And about gang rape, and about romantic falling in love, and about officer rations given to hungry girls “for nothing,” out of pity...
                                                                                  Where the Americans and the British stood, German women were simply sold en masse - for stockings, for a chocolate bar, for a pack of aspirin... Hunger and poverty in the first years after the war were terrible... German writers wrote many bitter stories, novellas, and novels about this ...

                                                                                  Article rating: 5

                                                                                  Not a single person will now condemn field wives, because... everyone understands that the war breaks and shuffles fate like a deck of cards.
                                                                                  But for some reason, it is imperative to poke the noses of Russian soldiers into these million-dollar myths about raped German women, the number of which increases exponentially from year to year. I don’t agree that the Germans, like decent people, visited brothels. You might think that they didn’t rape and abuse Russian women enough.

                                                                                  • Tatyana Chernykh, what does it mean I don’t agree that the Germans, like decent brothels, visited. How should we understand this phrase? Do you generally disagree with the idea of ​​soldiers’ brothels? Or that the Germans had to return their brothel coupons and hunt for goats? I named the number of brothels. This is statistics. The nuance here is different: I already mentioned it. that initially only European women worked in brothels. The command prevented Slavic women from serving German soldiers - it was a shame for the Germans. The first purely Slavic brothel was opened in Kharkov. They officially hired Slavic women and paid them from the treasury in reismarks. And for this reason: underground Slavic brothels began to open in occupied Ukraine. The soldiers did not need to rape anyone - the street was full of offers. To keep track of venous diseases and control the soldier’s health, the command was forced to open Slavic brothels, which entered into competition with non-Slavic ones. Kievans still don’t know why, when they try to call a woman names, they tell her “you’re from Podol.” There, on Podol, which was later flooded by the Soviet government with thousands of people, there was a red light district with official and underground brothels. All in all. Tanya, agree or disagree, but this historical fact, all materials are available. Both Russian and German soldiers have a lot to rub their noses in. That's why it's war. Synonym for the word violence.

                                                                                    • Laura Lee, a red light district, may have existed in Podol during the occupation, especially since Podol was a Jewish area: there was and is an Orthodox synagogue there (and a Hasidic synagogue, known as the “Brodsky synagogue,” was in the area before the revolution Bessarabki, then it was closed, turning it into an operetta theater, and in independent Ukraine it was opened again). After Babyn Yar, many apartments, and even entire houses, in Podol were empty...
                                                                                      But it was not Podol that was flooded, but Kurenevka, and this happened on March 13, 1961 during the work on washing out Babi Yar. They wanted to hide one tragedy and provoked another...

                                                                                      Article rating: 5

                                                                                      • Evgenia Komarova, well, that's right. The area was cleared of Jews and brothels were opened. By the way, about Podol. Somewhere in the late 70s, the American Jewish women's organization Zarem Ort visited Kyiv as part of something there. They demanded to be taken to Babi Yar to lay flowers. One activist from Dzhuika told me that a sign with fresh paint was installed literally before their arrival - the ground around it was still wet and the paint was fresh. And many women wanted to go specifically to Podol (to see where their family roots are) - they were refused. They said that this area is closed to foreigners. You are right with Kurenevka, but only raspberries - the result is important to them: Yar there, Kurenevka there. The main thing is to clean it up. It’s interesting that my husband’s grandfather owned the entire horse park in Kyiv. When the first horse-drawn horses appeared, the horses were taken from him. Then the Soviets came and took my grandfather’s horses away. The horses went to Budyonny. And then the Germans came and Zhukov surrendered Kyiv along with the horses. And he himself went to Babi Yar. In general, everyone was distributed somewhere. Starokhamskaya wrote well about Kurenevka, I remember. Such a powerful article.

                                                                                        • Laura Lee, I'm from Kiev! Our apartment neighbor was Vladimir Davydov - the same one who escaped from the Babi Yar concentration camp, about whom A. Kuznetsov wrote. Kuznetsov visited our apartment more than once, and my parents knew him well. Alas, I myself walked under the table back then...
                                                                                          At the end of the 70s, as you know, there were no monuments in Babi Yar yet. There was a stone (not at all where they were shot...), on which it was written that a monument to peaceful Soviet citizens - victims of the Nazis - would be built here (not a word about the Jews, the stump is clear!). And after V. Nekrasov’s speech, there were mounted police patrols there on September 29, the day of the execution, so that “no more than two would gather.” But I had a very early anti-Soviet upbringing - both in the family and outside it - and we, a group of teenagers, led by two holy women (paradoxically, the leaders of the district House of Pioneers!), in the early mornings of May 9 and September 29 (early - this is at 6 o'clock in the morning) they gathered to lay flowers at this stone and throw bouquets into the cliff from which people were thrown...

                                                                                          Article rating: 5

                                                                                          • Tatiana Chernykh, what I read in the article was that there were different kinds of people - both out of great mutual love, and out of despair (what if they kill you tomorrow, and we, so young, will never know what love is?), and because coercion, and for additional rations, trophies and orders...
                                                                                            At first there were a lot of rapes of German women (primarily in East Prussia, the first German territory captured) - so frighteningly many that quite quickly an order appeared according to which rape was punishable by execution, and the wave of rapes sharply declined. However, this order affected only the active army, and not guards in camps for displaced persons and other camps where German women were sent. There is no data at all on the rape of other European women, as Laura correctly noted...
                                                                                            A similar order was also in effect in the German army, and similarly it did not apply to camp guards and jailers. . And this despite the fact that almost all contract and personnel soldiers are in a hurry to get married before leaving for the active army in order to leave the family with a certificate and insurance in case of death. And after demobilization, basically, the policy is “don’t ask, don’t tell.” Who dares to ask the family of a returning soldier?
                                                                                            Another question is the German-occupied territories of the USSR. Somewhere there was a figure that at the end of 1942 about 500 thousand children were born from the Germans. Their fate and the fate of their mothers was terrible. A pregnant mother could be shot, or exiled with her child to Siberia. And mothers falsified the date of birth of their children in order to avoid such a fate.

                                                                                            And the fact that there were PPZh for the command staff is no secret. A common joke is that when Stalin was informed about Rokossovsky’s presence of women, he asked, “Are women offended by him?” And when they answered him - No, he fell silent, satisfied, and did not make any organizational conclusions.

                                                                                            It was in vain that Marshal Zhukov was dragged in. He had a huge responsibility and had no time for sex.

                                                                                            • Artificial intelligence, it is assumed that a person with such a nickname is able to open Google and read by name the entire list of Zhukov’s mistresses awarded with military decorations. We transferred to the OdVO after Zhukov, already under Babajanyan. Until '56, the commander dispersed Zhukov's harem and hanger-on servants. And now here is a quote personally from Zhukov (an explanatory note) when in the winter of 1948 Stalin called him to the carpet for looting (there was a good story with a golden suitcase and the sale of Goebbels’ Mercedes) and debauchery in the troops. This quote:
                                                                                              "I confirm one fact - this is mine close relationship to Z., who throughout the war honestly and conscientiously served in the security team and the commander-in-chief’s train. Z. received medals and orders on an equal basis with the entire security team; she received them not from me, but from the command of the front that I served at the direction of Headquarters. I am fully aware that I am also to blame for the fact that I was involved with her, and for the fact that she lived with me for a long time. What Semochkin shows is a lie. I have never allowed myself such vulgarities in the office, which Semochkin lies about so shamelessly.
                                                                                              K. was indeed arrested on the Western Front, but she was only 6 days at the front, and I honestly say that I had no connection." End quote.
                                                                                              Zhukov lived in the Volna sanatorium on Fontana. One - in the entire sanatorium. Women were taken there by bus. He especially respected the district's song and dance group.
                                                                                              They were dragged there right from the concert in costumes.
                                                                                              And I know this from my parents, who knew this both from Babajanyan and from Vasily Stalin (there were two Vaskas in the KA Air Force - a big one and a small one. One was Stalin, the second, a small one, was my father, nicknamed Vaska-father), and from Novikov, and from other persons of the higher command staff. After the war, everyone knew about Zhukov’s exploits and knew how close he was to arrest and execution as a looter and womanizer. And it was Babajanyan’s great merit that he cleared the district of Zhukov’s mess

                                                                                              • Laura Lee, Marshal Death was hot...
                                                                                                You can clearly see how he thought for each soldier in between smoke breaks...

                                                                                                Article rating: 5

                                                                                                My mom after aviation school I immediately ended up in Stalingrad, believe me, there was no time to have sex, then the battle on the Kursk Bulge, and then after Stalingrad and Kursk, the airfields were in such places that there was nowhere to wash. Already at the end of the war in Vienna, my mother ended up in a hairdresser, where well-groomed Austrian women lamented about so many wrinkles on a young girl.

                                                                                                Article rating: 5

                                                                                                • Natalya Dyuzhinskaya, war is not a battle 24/7 365 a year. Battles are just very individual actions, as in any war. The rest of the time, life is the same: laundry, dates, political studies, personal time, relocation, layoffs, dancing, sometimes movies and concerts. Second: not all military personnel are combat units. For one fighting tanker there are 5-6 servants who do not take part directly in the battle. It's the same in aviation. I'm not talking about the quartermaster, rear and special services. Nobody talks about battles - then even their excellencies are very busy. Edik says that my mother even lost her period - the Soviet army was not designed for periods. My mother told me that their senior sergeant on the front line ran away from the girls - so they harassed him with his period, but cotton wool was not allowed according to the communications regiment’s checklist. Exchanged it for whatever you wanted, and made some money. There was no shortage of footcloths and underpants - they were taken for their needs, the pilots' parachutes, written off as bras, were taken away, everything that was useful for such occasions and for underwear was taken from the local population. And the boots are cowhide! Well, there are few women with sizes 41-43. Almost all women had problems finding shoes that fit. They sent it from home to anyone who had it.

The most important thing that we should know about women in the Red Army is that quite a lot of them served there, and they played a very important role in the defeat of fascism. Let us note that not only in the USSR women were drafted into the army, in other countries too, but only in our country did representatives of the fair sex participate in hostilities and serve in combat units.

Researchers note that in different periods Between 500 thousand and 1 million women served in the Red Army. That's quite a lot. Why did women begin to be drafted into the army? Firstly, among the representatives of the fair sex there were initially women liable for military service: doctors, first of all, civil aviation pilots (not so many, but still). And so, when the war began, thousands of women began to voluntarily join the people's militia. True, they were sent back quite quickly, since there was no directive to conscript women into the army. That is, let us clarify once again, in the 1920s and 1930s women did not serve in units of the Red Army.

Only in the USSR during the war did women take part in hostilities

Actually, the conscription of women into the army began in the spring of 1942. Why at this time? There weren't enough people. In 1941 - early 1942, the Soviet army suffered colossal losses. In addition, there were tens of millions of people in German-occupied territory, including men of military age. And when at the beginning of 1942 they drew up a plan for the formation of new military formations, it turned out that there were not enough people.

Women from a militia unit during military training, 1943

What was the idea behind recruiting women? The idea is for women to replace men in those positions where they could actually replace them, and for men to go to combat units. In Soviet times it was called very simply - voluntary mobilization of women. That is, theoretically, women joined the army voluntarily, in practice it was, of course, different.

The parameters were described for which women should be drafted: age - 18-25 years, education of at least seven classes, preferably to be Komsomol members, healthy, and so on.

To be honest, the statistics on women who were drafted into the army are very scarce. Moreover, for a long time it was classified as secret. Only in 1993 did something become clearer. Here are some data: about 177 thousand women served in the air defense forces; in the local air defense forces (NKVD department) - 70 thousand; there were almost 42 thousand signalmen (this, by the way, is 12% of all signal troops in the Red Army); doctors - over 41 thousand; women who served in the Air Force (mostly as support personnel) - over 40 thousand; 28.5 thousand women are cooks; almost 19 thousand are drivers; Almost 21 thousand served in the Navy; in the Railways - 7.5 thousand and about 30 thousand women served in a variety of guises: say, from librarians, for example, to snipers, tank commanders, intelligence officers, pilots, military pilots and so on (by the way, about them, most of all both written and known).

Age and education were the main selection criteria

It must be said that the mobilization of women took place through the Komsomol (unlike male conscripts, who were registered with the military registration and enlistment offices). But, of course, it wasn’t just Komsomol members who were called up: there simply wouldn’t be enough of them.

As for organizing the life of women in the army, no new decisions were made. Gradually (not immediately) they were provided with uniforms, shoes, and some items of women's clothing. Everyone lived together: simple peasant girls, “many of whom sought to get pregnant as soon as possible and go home alive,” and intellectuals who read Chateaubriand before bed and regretted that there was no way to get the original books of the French writer.

Soviet female pilots discussing a past combat mission, 1942

It is impossible not to say about the motives that guided women when they went to serve. We have already mentioned that mobilization was considered voluntary. Indeed, many women themselves were eager to join the army; they were annoyed that they did not end up in combat units. For example, Elena Rzhevskaya, a famous writer, wife of the poet Pavel Kogan, even before conscription, in 1941, leaving her daughter to her husband’s parents, she achieved that she was taken to the front as a translator. And Elena went through the entire war, right up to the storming of Berlin, where she participated in the search for Hitler, in conducting identification and investigating the circumstances of his suicide.

Another example is squadron navigator Galina Dzhunkovskaya, later Hero of the Soviet Union. As a child, Galina managed to stick a cherry pit into her ear, so she couldn’t hear in one ear. By medical indications she should not have been taken into the army, but she insisted. She served valiantly throughout the war and was wounded.

However, the other half of the women found themselves in the service, as they say, under pressure. There are a lot of complaints about violations of the principle of voluntariness in the documents of political bodies.

Even some representatives of the high command had camp wives

Let's touch on a rather sensitive issue - the question intimate relationships. It is known that during the war the Germans created a whole network of military brothels, most of which were located on the Eastern Front. For ideological reasons, nothing like this could happen in the Red Army. However, Soviet officers and soldiers, separated from their families, still took so-called field wives from among the female military personnel. Even some representatives of the high command had such concubines. For example, Marshals Zhukov, Eremenko, Konev. The last two, by the way, married their fighting friends during the war. That is, it happened differently: and romantic relationship, and love, and compulsion to cohabitate.

Soviet women partisans

In this context, it is best to quote the letter of Elena Deichman, a nurse, a student at the Moscow Institute of Philosophy, Literature and History, who volunteered for the army even before being drafted. This is what she writes to her father in the camp at the beginning of 1944: “Most of the girls - and among them there are good people and workers - here in the unit married officers who live with them and take care of them, and yet, these are temporary, unstable and fragile marriages, because each of them has a family and children at home and is not going to leave them ; It’s just difficult for a person to live at the front without affection and alone. I am an exception in this regard, and for this I feel I am especially respected and distinguished.” And he continues: “Many men here say that after the war they will not come up and talk to a military girl. If she has medals, then they supposedly know for what “combat merits” the medal was received. It is very difficult to realize that many girls deserve such an attitude through their behavior. In units, in war, we need to be especially strict with ourselves. I have nothing to reproach myself with, but sometimes I think with a heavy heart that maybe someone who didn’t know me here, seeing me in a tunic with a medal, will also talk about me with an ambiguous laugh.”

About a hundred women were awarded the highest awards for their exploits

As for pregnancy, this topic was perceived in the army as a completely normal phenomenon. Already in September 1942, a special resolution was adopted to supply pregnant female military personnel with everything (if possible, of course) necessary. That is, everyone understood perfectly well that the country needs people, it is necessary to somehow replace all these gigantic losses. By the way, in the first post-war decade, 8 million children were born out of wedlock. And it was the choice of women.

There is one very curious, but at the same time tragic story related to this topic. Vera Belik, a navigator, served in the famous Taman Guards Aviation Regiment. She married a pilot from a neighboring regiment and became pregnant. And now she was faced with a choice: either finish fighting, or move on with her fighting friends. And she had an abortion (abortion, of course, was prohibited in the USSR, but, in general, during the war they turned a blind eye to it) secretly from her husband. There was a terrible quarrel. And in one of the subsequent combat missions, Vera Belik died along with Tatyana Makarova. The pilots burned alive.

“Lady Death”, sniper Lyudmila Pavlichenko, 1942

Speaking about the mobilization of women into the Red Army, the question involuntarily arises: did the country’s leadership manage to achieve the assigned tasks? Yes, sure. Just think: for their exploits during the Great Patriotic War, about a hundred women were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union (mostly they were pilots and snipers). Unfortunately, most of them are posthumous... At the same time, we must not forget about women partisans, underground fighters, doctors, intelligence officers, those who did not receive a great award, but accomplished a real feat - they went through the war and contributed to the victory.

November 26, 2014

Military history knows many cases of cruelty, deceit and betrayal.

Some cases are striking in their scale, others in their belief in absolute impunity, one thing is obvious: for some reason, some people who find themselves in harsh military conditions for some reason decide that the law is not written to them, and they have the right to control the destinies of others, making people suffer .

Below are some of the most horrifying realities that occurred during wartime.

1. Nazi Baby Factories

The photo below shows the baptism ceremony small child, which was "derived" by Aryan selection.

During the ceremony, one of the SS men holds a dagger over the baby, and the new mother gives it to the Nazis oath of allegiance.

It is important to note that this baby was one of tens of thousands of babies who participated in the project "Lebensborn". However, not all children were given life in this children's factory; some were kidnapped and only raised there.

Factory of true Aryans

The Nazis believed that there were few Aryans with blond hair and blue eyes in the world, which is why it was decided, by the way, by the same people who were responsible for the Holocaust, to launch the Lebensborn project, which dealt with breeding purebred Aryans, who in the future were supposed to join the Nazi ranks.

It was planned to house the children in beautiful houses that were appropriated after the mass extermination of Jews.

And it all started with the fact that after the occupation of Europe, mixing with the indigenous inhabitants was actively encouraged among the SS men. The main thing that the number of the Nordic race grew.

Pregnant unmarried girls, as part of the Lebensborn program, were placed in houses with all amenities, where they gave birth and raised their children. Thanks to such care, during the war years it was possible to raise from 16,000 to 20,000 Nazis.

But, as it later turned out, this amount was not enough, so other measures were taken. The Nazis began to forcibly take away children who had children from their mothers. in the right color hair and eyes.

It is worth adding that many of the embezzled children were orphans. Certainly, light color skin and the absence of parents are not an excuse for the activities of the Nazis, but, nevertheless, at that difficult time, the children had something to eat and a roof over their heads.

Some parents gave up their children so as not to end up in the gas chamber. Those who best suited the given parameters were selected literally immediately, without unnecessary persuasion.

At the same time, no genetic examinations were carried out; children were selected based only on visual information. Those selected were included in the program, or they were sent to some German family. Those who did not fit ended their lives in concentration camps.

Poles say that because of this program, the country has lost about 200,000 children. But it is unlikely that we will ever be able to find out the exact figure, because many children have successfully settled into German families.

Cruelty during war

2. Hungarian Angels of Death

Do not think that only the Nazis committed atrocities during the war. Ordinary Hungarian women shared the pedestal of perverted military nightmares with them.

It turns out that you don’t have to serve in the army to commit crimes. These lovely guardians of the home front, having combined their efforts, sent almost three hundred people to the next world.

It all started during the First World War. It was then that many women living in the village of Nagiryov, whose husbands had gone to the front, began to become increasingly interested in the prisoners of war of the allied armies located nearby.

Women liked this kind of affair, and prisoners of war, apparently, too. But when their husbands began to return from the war, something abnormal began to happen. One by one the soldiers died. Because of this, the village received the name "murder district".

The killings began in 1911, when a midwife named Fuzekas appeared in the village. She taught women who were temporarily left without husbands get rid of the consequences of contacts with lovers.

After the soldiers began returning from the war, the midwife suggested that the wives boil sticky paper intended to kill flies to obtain arsenic, and then add it to food.


Thus, they were able to commit a huge number of murders, and the women remained unpunished due to the fact that the village official was the midwife's brother, and wrote “not killed” on all death certificates of the victims.

The method gained so much popularity that almost any, even the most insignificant problem, began to be solved with the help of soup with arsenic. When the neighboring settlements finally realized what was happening, fifty criminals managed to kill three hundred people, including unwanted husbands, lovers, parents, children, relatives and neighbors.

Hunting for people

3. Human body parts as trophies

It is important to say that during the war, many countries conducted propaganda among their soldiers, within the framework of which it was implanted in their brains that the enemy was not a person.

American soldiers also distinguished themselves in this regard, whose psyches were very actively influenced. Among them the so-called "hunting licenses."

One of them sounded like this: The Japanese hunting season is open! There are no restrictions! Hunters get rewarded! Free ammo and equipment! Join the ranks of the American Marine Corps!

Therefore, it is not surprising that American soldiers during the Battle of Guadalcanal, killing the Japanese, They cut off their ears and kept them as souvenirs.

Moreover, necklaces were made from the teeth of those killed, their skulls were sent home as souvenirs, and their ears were often worn around the neck or on a belt.

The Great Patriotic War - known and unknown: historical memory and modernity: materials of the international. scientific conf. (Moscow - Kolomna, May 6–8, 2015) / rep. editor: Yu. A. Petrov; Institute grew. history of Russia acad. sciences; Ross. ist. about; Chinese history o-vo, etc. - M.: [IRI RAS], 2015.

June 22, 1941 is the day on which the countdown to the Great Patriotic War began. This is the day that divided the life of mankind into two parts: peaceful (pre-war) and war. This is a day that made everyone think about what he chooses: to submit to the enemy or fight him. And each person decided this question himself, consulting only with his conscience.

Archival documents indicate that the absolute majority of the population of the Soviet Union made the only correct decision: to devote all their strength to the fight against fascism, to defend their Motherland, their family and friends. Men and women, regardless of age and nationality, non-party members and members of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks), Komsomol members and non-Komsomol members, became the Army of volunteers that lined up to apply for enlistment in the Red Army.

Let us recall that in Art. The 13th Law on General Military Duty, adopted by the IV session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on September 1, 1939, gave the People's Commissariats of Defense and Navy the right to recruit women into the army and navy who have medical, veterinary and special-technical training, as well as attract them to training camps. In wartime, women with the specified training could be drafted into the army and navy to perform auxiliary and special service.

After the announcement of the start of the war, women, citing this article, went to party and Komsomol organizations, to military commissariats and there persistently sought to be sent to the front. Among the volunteers who submitted applications in the first days of the war to be sent to the active army, up to 50% of the applications were from women. Women also went and signed up for the people's militia.

Reading the applications of girl volunteers that were submitted in the first days of the war, we see that for young people the war seemed completely different from what it turned out to be in reality. Most of them were confident that the enemy would be defeated in the near future, and therefore everyone sought to quickly participate in its destruction. The military registration and enlistment offices at this time mobilized the population, following the instructions received, and refused those who were under 18 years old, refused those who were not trained in military craft, and also refused girls and women until further notice. What did we know and know about them? There are many about some, and about most of them we talk about “defenders of the homeland,” volunteers.

It was about them, about those who went to defend their Motherland, that the front-line poet K. Vanshenkin later wrote that they were “knights without fear or reproach.” This applies to men and women. This can be said about them in the words of M. Aliger:

Everyone had their own war,
Your path forward, your battlefields,
And everyone was himself in everything,
And everyone had the same goal.

The historiography of the Great Patriotic War is rich in collections of documents and materials about this spiritual impulse of women of the USSR. A huge number of articles, monographs, collective works and memoirs have been written and published about the work of women during the war in the rear, about exploits at the fronts, in the underground, in partisan detachments operating in the temporarily occupied territory of the Soviet Union. But life testifies that not everything, not about everyone, and not everything has been said and analyzed. Many documents and problems were “closed” to historians in past years. Currently, there is access to documents that are not only little-known, but also to documents that require an objective approach to study and impartial analysis. It is not always easy to do this due to the existing stereotype in relation to one or another phenomenon or person.

The problem “Soviet women during the Great Patriotic War” has been and remains in the field of view of historians, political scientists, writers and journalists. They wrote and write about women warriors, about women who replaced men in the rear, about mothers, less about those who took care of evacuated children, who returned from the front with orders and were embarrassed to wear them, etc. And then the question arises: why ? After all, back in the spring of 1943, the Pravda newspaper stated, citing a resolution of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, that “never before in all of past history has a woman participated so selflessly in the defense of her Motherland as during the days of the Patriotic War of the Soviet people.”

The Soviet Union was the only state during World War II in which women took a direct part in the fighting. From 800 thousand to 1 million women fought at the front in different periods, 80 thousand of them were Soviet officers. This was due to two factors. Firstly, an unprecedented rise in the patriotism of young people, who were eager to fight the enemy who had attacked their homeland. Secondly, the difficult situation that has developed on all fronts. The losses of Soviet troops at the initial stage of the war led to the fact that in the spring of 1942, a mass mobilization of women was carried out to serve in the active army and rear units. Based on the resolution of the State Defense Committee (GKO), mass mobilizations of women took place on March 23, April 13 and 23, 1942 to serve in the air defense, communications, internal security forces, on military roads, in the Navy and Air Force, in the signal troops.

Healthy girls aged at least 18 years were subject to mobilization. The mobilization was carried out under the control of the Komsomol Central Committee and local Komsomol organizations. Everything was taken into account: education (preferably at least 5th grade), membership in the Komsomol, state of health, absence of children. The majority of the girls were volunteers. True, there were cases of reluctance to serve in the Red Army. When this was discovered at the assembly points, the girls were sent home to their place of conscription. M.I. Kalinin, recalling in the summer of 1945 how girls were drafted into the Red Army, noted that “the female youth who participated in the war... were taller than average men, there’s nothing special... because you were selected from many millions . They didn’t choose men, they threw a net and mobilized everyone, they took everyone away... I think that the best part of our female youth went to the front...”

There are no exact figures on the number of conscripts. But it is known that over 550 thousand women became warriors only at the call of the Komsomol. Over 300 thousand patriotic women were drafted into the air defense forces (this is over ¼ of all fighters). Through the Red Cross, 300 thousand Oshin sisters, 300 thousand nurses, 300 thousand nurses, over 500 thousand air defense sanitary workers. In May 1942, the State Defense Committee adopted a decree on the mobilization of 25 thousand women in the Navy. On November 3, the Central Committee of the Komsomol carried out the selection of Komsomol and non-Komsomol members of the formation of the women's volunteer rifle brigade, a reserve regiment and the Ryazan Infantry School. The total number of people mobilized there was 10,898. On December 15, the brigade, reserve regiment and courses began normal training. During the war, five mobilizations were held among communist women.

Not all women, of course, took direct part in the fighting. Many served in various rear services: economic, medical, headquarters, etc. However, a significant number of them directly participated in the hostilities. At the same time, the range of activities of women warriors was quite diverse: they took part in raids of reconnaissance and sabotage groups and partisan detachments, were medical instructors, signalmen, anti-aircraft gunners, snipers, machine gunners, drivers of cars and tanks. Women served in aviation. These were pilots, navigators, gunners, radio operators, and armed forces. At the same time, female aviators fought both in regular “male” aviation regiments and in separate “female” ones.

During the Great Patriotic War, women's combat formations appeared for the first time in the Armed Forces of our country. Three aviation regiments were formed from female volunteers: the 46th Guards Night Bomber, the 125th Guards Bomber, the 586th Air Defense Fighter Regiment; Separate women's volunteer rifle brigade, Separate women's reserve rifle regiment, Central women's sniper school, Separate women's company of sailors, etc. The 101st long-range air regiment was commanded by Hero of the Soviet Union B.S. Grizodubova. The Central Women's Sniper Training School provided the front with 1,061 snipers and 407 sniper instructors. Graduates of this school destroyed over 11,280 enemy soldiers and officers during the war. The youth units of Vsevobuch trained 220 thousand female snipers and signalmen.

Located near Moscow, the 1st Separate Women's Reserve Regiment trained motorists and snipers, machine gunners and junior commanders of combat units. There were 2899 women on staff. 20 thousand women served in the Special Moscow Air Defense Army. Documents in the archives of the Russian Federation speak about how difficult this service is.

The largest representation of participants in the Great Patriotic War was among female doctors. From total number of doctors in the Red Army - 41% were women, among surgeons there were 43.5%. It was estimated that female medical instructors of rifle companies, medical battalions, and artillery batteries helped over 72% of the wounded and about 90% of sick soldiers return to duty. Women doctors served in all branches of the military - in aviation and the marine corps, on warships of the Black Sea Fleet, the Northern Fleet, the Caspian and Dnieper flotillas, in floating naval hospitals and ambulance trains. Together with horsemen, they went on deep raids behind enemy lines and were in partisan detachments. With the infantry they reached Berlin and took part in the storming of the Reichstag. For special courage and heroism, 17 female doctors were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

A sculptural monument in Kaluga reminds of the feat of female military doctors. In the park on Kirov Street, a front-line nurse in a raincoat, with a sanitary bag over her shoulder, stands at full height on a high pedestal.

Monument to military nurses in Kaluga

During the war, the city of Kaluga was the center of numerous hospitals that treated and returned tens of thousands of soldiers and commanders to duty. In this city there are always flowers at the monument.

There is practically no mention in the literature that during the war years, about 20 women became tank crews, three of whom graduated from the country’s tank schools. Among them are I.N. Levchenko, who commanded a group of T-60 light tanks, E.I. Kostrikova, the commander of a tank platoon, and at the end of the war, the commander of a tank company. And the only woman who fought on the IS-2 heavy tank was A.L. Boykova. Four female tank crews took part in the Battle of Kursk in the summer of 1943.

Irina Nikolaevna Levchenko and Evgenia Sergeevna Kostrikova (daughter of the Soviet statesman and political figure S.M. Kirov)

I would like to note that among our female Heroes there is the only foreign woman - 18-year-old Anela Krzywoń, a shooter of a female company of machine gunners of the female infantry battalion of the 1st Polish Infantry Division of the Polish Army. The title was awarded posthumously in November 1943.

Anelya Kzhivon, who has Polish roots, was born in the village of Sadovye, Ternopil region of Western Ukraine. When the war began, the family was evacuated to Kansk, Krasnoyarsk Territory. Here the girl worked in a factory. I tried several times to volunteer for the front. In 1943, Anelya was enlisted as a rifleman in a company of machine gunners of the 1st Polish Division named after Tadeusz Kosciuszko. The company guarded the division headquarters. In October 1943, the division fought offensive battles in the Mogilev region. On October 12, during the next German airstrike on the division’s positions, rifleman Krzywoń served at one of the posts, hiding in a small trench. Suddenly she saw that the staff car had caught fire due to the explosion. Knowing that it contained maps and other documents, Anelya rushed to save them. In the covered body she saw two soldiers, stunned by the blast wave. Anelya pulled them out, and then, choking in the smoke, burning her face and hands, began throwing folders with documents out of the car. She did this until the car exploded. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of November 11, 1943, she was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. (Photo courtesy of the Krasnoyarsk Museum of Local Lore. Natalya Vladimirovna Barsukova, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of History of Russia, Siberian Federal University)

200 women warriors were awarded Orders of Glory II and III degrees. Four women became full Knights of Glory. We almost never last years did not call them by name. In the year of the 70th anniversary of the Victory, we will repeat their names. These are Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Zhurkina (Kiek), Matryona Semenovna Necheporchukova, Danuta Yurgio Staniliene, Nina Pavlovna Petrova. Over 150 thousand women soldiers were awarded orders and medals of the Soviet state.

The figures, even if not always accurate and complete, that were given above, the facts of military events indicate that history has never known such a massive participation of women in the armed struggle for the Motherland, as was shown by Soviet women during the Great Patriotic War. Let's not forget that women also showed themselves heroically and selflessly under the most difficult conditions of occupation, standing up to fight the enemy.

There were only about 90 thousand partisans behind enemy lines at the end of 1941. The issue of numbers is a special issue, and we refer to official published data. By the beginning of 1944, 90% of the partisans were men and 9.3% women. The question of the number of female partisans gives a range of figures. According to data from later years (obviously, according to updated data), during the war there were over 1 million partisans in the rear. Women among them accounted for 9.3%, i.e. over 93,000 people. The same source also contains another figure - over 100 thousand women. There is one more feature. The percentage of women in partisan detachments was not the same everywhere. Thus, in units in Ukraine it was 6.1%, in the occupied regions of the RSFSR - from 6% to 10%, in the Bryansk region - 15.8% and in Belarus - 16%.

Our country was proud during the war years (and now is also proud) of such heroines of the Soviet people as partisans Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, Lisa Chaikina, Antonina Petrova, Anya Lisitsina, Maria Melentyeva, Ulyana Gromova, Lyuba Shevtsova and others. But many are still unknown or little known due to years of background checks on their identities. Girls - nurses, doctors, and partisan intelligence officers - gained great authority among the partisans. But they were treated with a certain distrust and with great difficulty were allowed to participate in combat operations. At first, the opinion was widespread among partisan detachments that girls could not be demolitions. However, dozens of girls have mastered this difficult task. Among them is Anna Kalashnikova, the leader of a subversive group of a partisan detachment in the Smolensk region. Sofya Levanovich commanded a subversive group of a partisan detachment in the Oryol region and derailed 17 enemy trains. Ukrainian partisan Dusya Baskina had 9 enemy trains derailed. Who remembers, who knows these names? And during the war, their names were known not only in the partisan detachments, but the occupiers knew and feared them.

Where partisan detachments operated, destroying the Nazis, there was an order from General von Reichenau, who demanded that in order to destroy the partisans “... use all means. All captured partisans of both sexes in military uniform or civilian clothes shall be publicly hanged.” It is known that the fascists were especially afraid of women and girls - residents of villages and hamlets in the area where the partisans operated. In their letters home, which fell into the hands of the Red Army, the occupiers wrote frankly that “women and girls act like the most seasoned warriors... In this regard, we would have to learn a lot.” In another letter, Chief Corporal Anton Prost asked in 1942: “How much longer will we have to fight this kind of war? After all, we, a combat unit (Western Front p/p 2244/B. - N.P.) are opposed here by the entire civilian population, including women and children!..”

And as if confirming this idea, the German newspaper “Deutsche Allheimeine Zeitung” dated May 22, 1943 stated: “Even seemingly harmless women picking berries and mushrooms, peasant women heading to the city are partisan scouts...” Risking their lives, the partisans carried out tasks .

According to official data, as of February 1945, 7,800 female partisans and underground fighters received the “Partisan of the Patriotic War” medal of II and III degrees. 27 partisans and underground women received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. 22 of them were awarded posthumously. We cannot say with certainty that these are accurate numbers. The number of award recipients is much larger, since the process of awarding, or more precisely, considering repeated nominations for awards, continued into the 90s. An example could be the fate of Vera Voloshina.

Vera Voloshina

The girl was in the same reconnaissance group as Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya. Both of them went on a mission for the intelligence department of the Western Front on the same day. Voloshina was wounded and fell behind her group. She was captured. Like Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, she was executed on November 29. Voloshina’s fate remained unknown for a long time. Thanks to the search work of journalists, the circumstances of her captivity and death were established. By decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 1993, V. Voloshina was (posthumously) awarded the title of Hero of Russia.

Vera Voloshina

The press is often interested in numbers: how many feats have been accomplished. In this case, they often refer to the figures taken into account by the Central Headquarters of the Partisan Movement (TSSHPD).

But what kind of accurate accounting can we talk about when underground organizations arose on the ground without any instructions from the TsShPD. As an example, we can cite the world-famous Komsomol youth underground organization “Young Guard”, which operated in the city of Krasnodon in the Donbass. There are still disputes about its numbers and its composition. The number of its members ranges from 70 to 150 people.

There was a time when it was believed that the larger the organization, the more effective it was. And few people thought about how a large underground youth organization could operate under occupation without revealing its actions. Unfortunately, a number of underground organizations are waiting for their researchers, because little or almost nothing has been written about them. But the fates of underground women are hidden in them.

In the fall of 1943, Nadezhda Troyan and her fighting friends managed to carry out the sentence pronounced by the Belarusian people.

Elena Mazanik, Nadezhda Troyan, Maria Osipova

For this feat, which entered the annals of the history of Soviet intelligence, Nadezhda Troyan, Elena Mazanik and Maria Osipova were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Their names are usually not remembered often.

Unfortunately, our historical memory has a number of features, and one of them is forgetfulness of the past or “inattention” to facts, dictated by various circumstances. We know about the feat of A. Matrosov, but we hardly know that on November 25, 1942, during the battle in the village of Lomovochi, Minsk Region, partisan R.I. Shershneva (1925) covered the embrasure of a German bunker, becoming the only woman (according to others according to data - one of two) who accomplished a similar feat. Unfortunately, in the history of the partisan movement there are pages where there is only a listing of military operations, the number of partisans who participated in it, but, as they say, “behind the scenes of events” remain the majority of those who specifically took part in the implementation of partisan raids. It is not possible to name everyone right now. They, the rank and file - living and dead - are rarely remembered, despite the fact that they live somewhere near us.

Behind the bustle Everyday life In the last few decades, our historical memory of the everyday life of the past war has somewhat faded. Victory’s privates are rarely written or remembered. As a rule, they remember only those who accomplished a feat already recorded in the history of the Great Patriotic War, less and less, and even then in a faceless form about those who were next to them in the same formation, in the same battle.

Rimma Ivanovna Shershneva is a Soviet partisan who covered the embrasure of an enemy bunker with her body. (according to some reports, the same feat was repeated by medical service lieutenant Nina Aleksandrovna Bobyleva, a doctor of a partisan detachment operating in the Narva region).

Back in 1945, during the beginning of the demobilization of girl warriors, words were heard that little was written about them, girl warriors, during the war years, and now, in peacetime, they might be completely forgotten. On July 26, 1945, the Central Committee of the Komsomol hosted a meeting of girls warriors who had completed their service in the Red Army with the Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR M.I. Kalinin. A transcript of this meeting has been preserved, which is called “a conversation between M.I. Kalinin and girl warriors.” I will not retell its contents. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that in one of the speeches of the Hero of the Soviet Union, pilot N. Meklin (Kravtsova), the question was raised about the need to “popularize the heroic deeds and nobility of our women.”

Speaking on behalf and on behalf of the warrior girls, N. Meklin (Kravtsova) said what many were talking and thinking about, she said what they are still talking about. In her speech there was, as it were, a sketch of a plan that had not yet been told about girls, women warriors. We must admit that what was said 70 years ago is still relevant today.

Concluding her speech, N. Meklin (Kravtsova) drew attention to the fact that “almost nothing has been written or shown about girls - Heroes of the Patriotic War. Something has been written, it is written about partisan girls: Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, Liza Chaikina, about the Krasnodonites. Nothing has been written about the girls of the Red Army and Navy. But this, perhaps, would be pleasant for those who fought, it would be useful for those who did not fight, and it would be important for our posterity and history. Why not create a documentary film, by the way, the Komsomol Central Committee has long been thinking about doing this, in which to reflect women’s combat training, as, for example, during the defense of Leningrad, to reflect the best women working in hospitals, to show snipers, traffic police girls, etc. . In my opinion, literature and art for that matter owe a debt to warrior girls. That's basically all I wanted to say."

Natalya Fedorovna Meklin (Kravtsova)

These proposals were partially or not fully implemented. Time has put other problems on the agenda, and much of what the girl warriors proposed in July 1945 is waiting for its authors now.

The war separated some people into different sides, brought others closer. During the war there were separations and meetings. During the war there was love, there was betrayal, everything happened. But the war united in its fields men and women of different ages, mostly young and healthy people who wanted to live and love, despite the fact that death was at every turn. And no one condemned anyone during the war for this. But when the war ended and demobilized women soldiers began to return to their homeland, on whose chests there were orders, medals and stripes about wounds, the civilian population often threw insults at them, calling them “PPZh” (field wife), or poisonous questions: “Why did you receive awards? How many husbands have you had? etc.

In 1945, this became widespread and even among demobilized men caused widespread protest and complete powerlessness on how to deal with it. The Central Committee of the Komsomol began to receive letters asking them to “put things in order in this matter.” The Komsomol Central Committee outlined a plan on the issue raised - what to do? It noted that “...we do not always and not everywhere sufficiently propagate the exploits of girls among the people; we tell the population and young people little about the enormous contribution made by girls and women to our victory over fascism.”

It should be noted that then plans were drawn up, lectures were edited, but the urgency of the issue practically did not decrease for many years. The girl warriors were embarrassed to put on their orders and medals; they took them off their tunics and hid them in boxes. And when their children grew up, the children sorted out expensive awards and played with them, often not knowing why their mothers received them. If during the Great Patriotic War women warriors were talked about in the reports of the Sovinformburo, written in newspapers, and posters were published where there was a woman warrior, then the further the country moved away from the events of 1941-1945, the less often this topic was heard. A certain interest in it appeared only in the run-up to March 8th. Researchers tried to find an explanation for this, but we cannot agree with their interpretation for a number of reasons.

There is an opinion that “the starting point in the policy of the Soviet leadership in relation to women’s memory of the war” is M.I. Kalinin’s speech in July 1945 at a meeting at the Komsomol Central Committee with female soldiers demobilized from the Red Army and Navy . The speech was called “Glorious Daughters of the Soviet People.” In it, M.I. Kalinin raised the question of adapting demobilized girls to peaceful life, finding their own professions, etc. And at the same time he advised: “Don’t become arrogant in your future practical work. Don’t talk about your merits, let them talk about you - it’s better.” With reference to the work of the German researcher B. Fieseler “Woman at War: The Unwritten History”, these above words of M.I. Kalinin were interpreted by the Russian researcher O.Yu. Nikonova as a recommendation “for demobilized women not to brag about their merits.” Perhaps the German researcher did not understand the meaning of Kalinin’s words, and the Russian researcher, while building her “concept,” did not bother to read the publication of M.I. Kalinin’s speech in Russian.

Currently, attempts are being made (and quite successfully) to reconsider the problem of women's participation in the Great Patriotic War, in particular, what motivated them when they applied for enlistment in the Red Army. The term “mobilized patriotism” appeared. At the same time, a number of problems or incompletely explored subjects remain. If women warriors are written about more often; especially about the Heroes of the Soviet Union, about women at the labor front, about women at the rear, there are fewer and fewer generalizing works. Obviously, it is forgotten that it was possible to “participate directly in the war, and one could participate by working in industry, in all possible military and logistical institutions.” In the USSR, when assessing the contribution made by Soviet women to the defense of the Motherland, they were guided by the words of the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee L.I. Brezhnev, who said: “The image of a female fighter with a rifle in her hands, at the helm of an airplane, the image of a nurse or a doctor with shoulder straps will live in our memory as a shining example of selflessness and patriotism.” Correctly, figuratively said, but... where are the women of the home front? What is their role? Let us recall that what M.I. Kalinin wrote about in the article “On the moral character of our people,” published in 1945, directly applies to the women of the home front: “... everything previous pales before the great epic of the current war, before the heroism and the sacrifice of Soviet women, showing civic valor, endurance in the loss of loved ones and enthusiasm in the struggle with such strength and, I would say, majesty, which have never been seen in the past.”

About the civil valor of women on the home front in 1941-1945. one can say in the words of M. Isakovsky, dedicated to “Russian Woman” (1945):

...Can you really tell me about this?
What years did you live in?
What an immeasurable burden
It fell on women's shoulders!..

But without facts, it is difficult for the current generation to understand. Let us remind you that under the slogan “Everything for the front, everything for victory!” All the teams of the Soviet rear worked. Sovinformburo at the very hard times 1941-1942 in its reports, along with reports about the exploits of Soviet soldiers, it also reported about the heroic deeds of home front workers. In connection with the departure to the front, to the people's militia, to the destruction battalions, the number of men in the Russian national economy by the fall of 1942 fell from 22.2 million to 9.5 million.

The men who went to the front were replaced by women and teenagers.

Among them were 550 thousand housewives, pensioners, and teenagers. In the food and light industry, the share of women during the war years was 80-95%. In transport, more than 40% (by the summer of 1943) were women. The “All-Russian Book of Memory of 1941-1945” in the review volume contains interesting figures that do not need commentary on the increase in the share of female labor throughout the country, especially in the first two years of the war. Thus, among steam engine operators - from 6% to at the beginning of 1941 to 33% at the end of 1942, compressor operators - from 27% to 44%, metal turners - from 16% to 33%, welders - from 17% to 31%, mechanics - from 3.9 % to 12%.At the end of the war, women of the Russian Federation made up 59% of workers and employees of the republic instead of 41% on the eve of the war.

Up to 70% of women came to work at some enterprises where only men worked before the war. There were no enterprises, workshops, or areas in industry where women did not work; there were no professions that women could not master; the proportion of women in 1945 was 57.2% compared to 38.4% in 1940, and in agriculture- 58.0% in 1945 versus 26.1% in 1940. Among communication workers it reached 69.1% in 1945. The share of women among industrial workers and apprentices in 1945 in the professions of drillers and revolvers reached 70 % (in 1941 it was 48%), and among turners - 34%, against 16.2% in 1941. In the country's 145 thousand Komsomol youth brigades, 48% of the total number of youth were employed by women. Only during the competition for increasing labor productivity, for manufacturing above-plan weapons for the front, more than 25 thousand women were awarded orders and medals of the USSR.

Women warriors and women on the home front began to talk about themselves, their friends, with whom they shared their joys and troubles, years after the end of the war. On the pages of these collections of memoirs, which were published locally and in capital publishing houses, the conversation was primarily about heroic military and labor exploits and very rarely about the everyday difficulties of the war years. And only decades later they began to call a spade a spade and not hesitate to remember what difficulties befell Soviet women and how they had to overcome them.

I would like our compatriots to know the following: on May 8, 1965, in the year of the 30th anniversary of the Great Victory, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the SR, International Women's Day March 8 became a holiday non-working day “in commemoration of the outstanding merits of Soviet women... in defending the Motherland during the Great Patriotic War , their heroism and dedication at the front and in the rear...".

Turning to the problem of “Soviet women during the Great Patriotic War,” we understand that the problem is unusually broad and multifaceted and it is impossible to cover everything. Therefore, in the presented article we set one task: to help human memory, so that “the image of a Soviet woman - a patriot, a fighter, a worker, a soldier’s mother” will forever be preserved in the memory of the people.


See: Law on General Military Duty, [dated September 1, 1939]. M., 1939. Art. 13.

Is it true. 1943. March 8; Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History (RGASPI). F. M-1. He. 5. D. 245. L. 28.

See: Women of the Great Patriotic War. M., 2014. Section 1: official documents testify.

RGASPI. F. M-1. He. 5. D. 245. L. 28. We quote from the transcript of a meeting at the Komsomol Central Committee with demobilized girl soldiers.

The Great Patriotic War, 1941-1945: encyclopedia. M., 1985. P. 269.

RGASPI. F. M-1. He. 53. D. 17. L. 49.

The Great Patriotic War. 1941-1945: encyclopedia. P. 269.

See: Women of the Great Patriotic War.

The Great Patriotic War, 1941-1945: encyclopedia. P. 440.

Right there. P.270.


RGASPI. F. M-1. Op. 53. D. 13. L. 73.

The Great Patriotic War, 1941-1945: encyclopedia. P. 530.

Right there. P.270.

URL: 0ld.

RGASPI. F. M-1. Op. 53. D. 13. L. 73–74.

Right there. D. 17. L. 18.

Right there.

Right there. F. M-7. Op. 3. D. 53. L. 148; The Great Patriotic War, 1941-1945: encyclopedia. C. 270; URL: http://www.great-country.ra/rabrika_articles/sov_eUte/0007.html

For more details, see: “Young Guard” (Krasnodon) - artistic image and historical reality: collection. documents and materials. M, 2003.

Heroes of the Soviet Union [ Electronic resource]: [forum]. URL:

RGASPI. F. M-1. Op. 5. D. 245. L. 1–30.

Right there. L. 11.

Right there.

Right there. Op. 32. D. 331. L. 77–78. Emphasis added by the author of the article.

Right there. Op. 5. D. 245. L. 30.

See: Fieseler B. Women in War: The Unwritten History. Berlin, 2002. P. 13; URL:

Kalinin M.I. Selected works. M., 1975. P. 315.

Same place. P. 401.

Right there.

All-Russian Book of Memory, 1941-1945. M., 2005. Review volume. P. 143.

The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945: encyclopedia. P. 270.

All-Russian Book of Memory, 1941-1945. Review volume. P. 143.

RGASPI. F. M-1. Op. 3. D. 331 a. L. 63.

Right there. Op. 6. D. 355. L. 73.

Quoted: from: Great Soviet Encyclopedia. 3rd ed. M., 1974. T. 15. P. 617.

CPSU in resolutions and decisions of congresses, conferences and plenums of the Central Committee. Ed. 8th, add. M., 1978. T 11. P. 509.