What are the benefits of leeches for humans? Contraindications. Hirudotherapy: indications and contraindications, reviews. Method of using medicinal leeches

Holistic medicine. Tradition and modernity

Starchenko Olga Alexandrovna

Hirudotherapy - treatment with leeches

From ancient times to the present day, thousands of different substances and creatures have been tested as medicinal drugs. The memory of many of them has been erased by inexorable time. However, there are many that not only continue to be used in traditional medicine, but are also actively studied by modern science.

Today we will talk about a very ancient method of treating many diseases - hirudotherapy (from the Latin words “leech” and “treatment”). It is mentioned in ancient Egyptian and ancient Indian treatises, the works of Hippocrates, Galen, and Avicenna. Paintings depicting leech treatment have been discovered on the walls of Egyptian tombs.

What is the secret of the effectiveness of hirudotherapy? Why are synthetic analogues not as effective as using leeches? In what cases should you contact a hirudotherapist? These and other questions are answered by Olga Aleksandrovna, a specialist in hirudotherapy and abdominal correction at the clinic of Dr. Zager.

Olga Aleksandrovna, what causes the therapeutic effect of hirudotherapy?

O.A.: I noticed that in articles in online communities dedicated to hirudotherapy, the effect of the leech is associated with only one biologically active substance - hirudin. I believe this is rather outdated information. The anticoagulant substance hirudin was isolated from leeches in 1903 by F. Franz. To date, dozens of unique biologically active substances with a powerful healing effect have been discovered in leech saliva, many of which have not yet been recreated synthetically.

In answer to the question of what mechanisms are responsible for the therapeutic effect of a leech, two of the most studied ones can be identified.

The first is microcirculatory, i.e. regulation of the outflow of venous blood, lymph and the influx of arterial blood, during which the intercellular space is unloaded. It is very important! After all, a leech does not suck blood as such, it bites 1-1.5 mm into the skin and feeds on intercellular fluid and blood from a damaged capillary. But “a holy place is never empty,” and as a result, due to diffusion, liquid from the intercellular space enters the capillary bed, and therefore blood viscosity decreases.

The second mechanism is the action of biologically active substances. During its feeding, the leech secretes a secretion of different composition, i.e. At different stages of nutrition, saliva has a different composition. This is functionally justified and allows you to solve various problems. First, destruction of the tissues and microvessels of the “victim,” then blockade of hemostasis mechanisms, and finally, counteraction to the protective reactions that develop in tissues in response to damage.

Scientific research into the mechanisms of action of leech on humans began in the late 19th and early 20th centuries with the work of John Haycraft, who discovered the anticoagulant effect of leech extract. In 1884, he discovered an enzyme from leech saliva - hirudin.

In Kamenev-Baranovsky’s textbook on hirudotherapy, currently known biologically active substances are divided into 4 groups: The first group is enzymes with lytic properties (from the Greek “lysis” - “separation”, “dissolution”): hyaluronidase destroys hyaluronic acid, collagenase - collagen (components of connective and other tissues), peptidase - proteins, etc. These substances are found in the first or second portion of leech secretion.

The second group consists of anticoagulants and antihemostatics. This group includes a large number of substances. Of these, the most popular is hirudin. All substances work differently. Thus, hirudin blocks the thrombin pathway (it is a direct inhibitor of thrombin), other substances prevent aggregation and adhesion (sticking and sticking together) of platelets, etc. The third group is represented by blockers of the body's defense reactions. They are produced by the leech so that in the body, which serves as food for the leech, there is no swelling, pain, or vasospasm. These include: painkillers, decongestants, anti-inflammatory substances and even substances involved in maintaining normal blood pressure (for example, hirustazin).

The fourth group is auxiliary substances that help everyone else perform their functions and enhance their effect. For example, lipids shield proteins introduced with leech secretions from macrophages, thereby saving them from destruction in the human body. This allows biologically active substances from leech saliva to remain in the body for a long time and exert their effect gradually.

The Russian word “leech” comes from “piti” - “to drink”. This word is used to describe animals belonging to the subclass of annelids from the class of corded worms, which live mostly in fresh water bodies.

What problem should be addressed with hirudotherapy? After all, leeches are often not taken very seriously.

O.A.: It happens that men about 40 years old come to the clinic without obvious health complaints, with a purely preventive purpose - to improve the quality of their blood. According to the test results, they have high blood viscosity. When first applied, the leeches are removed after an hour (there is no point in waiting longer). On the fourth or fifth time of application, the leeches fall off on their own, and from the wound left behind, we can conclude that the quality of the blood has noticeably improved.

I have repeatedly received information from vascular surgeons about negative reviews about leeches. About the fact that they have to treat trophic ulcers formed after hirudotherapy sessions. But it is not the method that is to blame, but the incorrect practice of its application. Apparently, these people had problems with their lower extremities (varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, etc.), the outflow of blood was impaired, and the nutrition of the tissues of the lower extremities was impaired. And they (the patients) were immediately given leeches on these areas (of the lower extremities). In such situations, under no circumstances should you start from such zones. First, the body must be prepared.

When I studied with Candidate of Medical Sciences Konstantin Vasilievich Sukhov, who is a member of the College of Hirudotherapists and Leech Healers of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, much attention was paid to the above problems. Until the central settings have been completed - the navel and sacrum have not been worked out (since in this area there are vessels through which blood returns from the lower part of the body), you should not work on the lower extremities. At the same time, it is necessary to work with such a patient and improve his condition without using the specified zone.

What does it mean to “work out this zone”? Is this also done with the help of hirudotherapy?

O.A.: This means that a set of measures has been performed, including repeated placement of leeches and, possibly, abdominal massage. At the same time, thanks to leeches and abdominal massage, blood flow, venous outflow, and lymphatic drainage of tissues improve. For a patient with diseased vessels of the lower extremities, leeches are not immediately placed on the legs. They are repeatedly placed on the stomach, sacrum, and on certain points of the body, and only after that, in some cases, can they be placed on their feet.

Do you use biologically active points?

O.A.: Yes, I use it. At the same time, I take into account the recommendations of the acupuncturists at our clinic when we treat the same patient together. However, I prefer to start working with the abdomen and sacrum. I think this is important. If you have rhinitis, sinusitis, periodontitis, I put leeches on the mucous surface of the mouth and nose.

That is, no matter what the patient comes to you with, you start with the abdomen and sacrum?

O.A.: Not always. For example, if a person comes in with a recent injury, I often work locally at the site of the injury. In case of injuries, the method of placing leeches works very well! For example, a woman fell from a horse and injured her knee, followed by severe swelling. Literally after the first installation, the swelling decreased significantly. Another woman’s leg got caught between the platform and the train, and a giant bruise formed on her thigh. She came for an appointment the same day the injury occurred. Leeches were placed, and the hematoma immediately began to regress.

It is believed that hirudotherapy is indicated in case of problems with blood vessels. This is a very wide range of problems. Since in the case of diseases of internal organs, for example, the liver, gall bladder, the functioning of blood vessels in the periorgan space deteriorates. And as a result of restoration of blood and lymph flow, the functioning of these organs improves.

Are there any contraindications?

O.A.: Contraindications are all blood diseases that cause increased bleeding, oncology, feverish conditions (there is a risk of bleeding, because at elevated temperatures bleeding is also increased).

Is high blood pressure also a contraindication?

O.A.: No, high blood pressure is often treated. During the session, the pressure may not decrease. But during the course there comes relief. In any case, it is better to undergo a course of hirudotherapy rather than one session.

Of course, there can be many reasons for high blood pressure. And we need to understand the reasons.

How do you diagnose patients? After all, hirudotherapy is not a diagnostic method.

How many sessions does one course include?

O.A.: Each patient can have their own individual number of sessions.

If the leech gets saturated quickly and falls off after about 30 minutes, then that’s great! This suggests that she has already prepared her “victim” well; she quickly gets enough.

The effect of leech saliva lasts three months. Chronic disease is always more difficult to treat. If possible, a good treatment rhythm is: two weeks, twice a week, then once a week, then once every two weeks, etc. This results in a prolonged action. Some people go for it, others find it difficult.

How did hirudotherapy become your method of choice?

O.A.: I came to leeches through my illness. Thanks to complex treatment, including visceral massage, leeches, herbal medicine, two surgical operations were avoided.

What kind of surgical intervention can hirudotherapy be an alternative to?

O.A.: For example, hemorrhoids. Here you can work, compete. Endometriosis is going very well. And the remission is very stable. Baker's cyst (pathological fluid formation in the popliteal fossa) also goes away well when treated with leeches.

This is very important. Many people grasp at any straw to avoid surgery.

O.A.: Not all. Many people do not realize the consequences of the operation. They don’t understand what powerful adhesive processes are triggered. But all the same, if there is an opportunity and time to do without surgical intervention, this should be used.

If you approach the patient’s treatment in a comprehensive manner, for example: use leeches, needles or homeopathy, abdominal massage. If at the same time the person himself has the desire to work in order to be healthy, then everything taken together will definitely bring a positive result.

To be healthy, you need to put things in order first of all in your head. Form positive mental images and do not blame your ill health on age, lack of time, etc., as this is a trick to avoid working on yourself. At any age, a person needs to work to feel in good condition. Do as much physical activity as possible, continue to develop, train your brain, because new neural connections can be formed in old age; Do not torment your body with alcohol and smoking. And smile.

Holistic medicine. Tradition and modernity

Starchenko Olga Alexandrovna

Hirudotherapy - treatment with leeches

From ancient times to the present day, thousands of different substances and creatures have been tested as medicinal drugs. The memory of many of them has been erased by inexorable time. However, there are many that not only continue to be used in traditional medicine, but are also actively studied by modern science.

Today we will talk about a very ancient method of treating many diseases - hirudotherapy (from the Latin words “leech” and “treatment”). It is mentioned in ancient Egyptian and ancient Indian treatises, the works of Hippocrates, Galen, and Avicenna. Paintings depicting leech treatment have been discovered on the walls of Egyptian tombs.

What is the secret of the effectiveness of hirudotherapy? Why are synthetic analogues not as effective as using leeches? In what cases should you contact a hirudotherapist? These and other questions are answered by Olga Aleksandrovna, a specialist in hirudotherapy and abdominal correction at the clinic of Dr. Zager.

Olga Aleksandrovna, what causes the therapeutic effect of hirudotherapy?

O.A.: I noticed that in articles in online communities dedicated to hirudotherapy, the effect of the leech is associated with only one biologically active substance - hirudin. I believe this is rather outdated information. The anticoagulant substance hirudin was isolated from leeches in 1903 by F. Franz. To date, dozens of unique biologically active substances with a powerful healing effect have been discovered in leech saliva, many of which have not yet been recreated synthetically.

In answer to the question of what mechanisms are responsible for the therapeutic effect of a leech, two of the most studied ones can be identified.

The first is microcirculatory, i.e. regulation of the outflow of venous blood, lymph and the influx of arterial blood, during which the intercellular space is unloaded. It is very important! After all, a leech does not suck blood as such, it bites 1-1.5 mm into the skin and feeds on intercellular fluid and blood from a damaged capillary. But “a holy place is never empty,” and as a result, due to diffusion, liquid from the intercellular space enters the capillary bed, and therefore blood viscosity decreases.

The second mechanism is the action of biologically active substances. During its feeding, the leech secretes a secretion of different composition, i.e. At different stages of nutrition, saliva has a different composition. This is functionally justified and allows you to solve various problems. First, destruction of the tissues and microvessels of the “victim,” then blockade of hemostasis mechanisms, and finally, counteraction to the protective reactions that develop in tissues in response to damage.

Scientific research into the mechanisms of action of leech on humans began in the late 19th and early 20th centuries with the work of John Haycraft, who discovered the anticoagulant effect of leech extract. In 1884, he discovered an enzyme from leech saliva - hirudin.

In Kamenev-Baranovsky’s textbook on hirudotherapy, currently known biologically active substances are divided into 4 groups: The first group is enzymes with lytic properties (from the Greek “lysis” - “separation”, “dissolution”): hyaluronidase destroys hyaluronic acid, collagenase - collagen (components of connective and other tissues), peptidase - proteins, etc. These substances are found in the first or second portion of leech secretion.

The second group consists of anticoagulants and antihemostatics. This group includes a large number of substances. Of these, the most popular is hirudin. All substances work differently. Thus, hirudin blocks the thrombin pathway (it is a direct inhibitor of thrombin), other substances prevent aggregation and adhesion (sticking and sticking together) of platelets, etc. The third group is represented by blockers of the body's defense reactions. They are produced by the leech so that in the body, which serves as food for the leech, there is no swelling, pain, or vasospasm. These include: painkillers, decongestants, anti-inflammatory substances and even substances involved in maintaining normal blood pressure (for example, hirustazin).

The fourth group is auxiliary substances that help everyone else perform their functions and enhance their effect. For example, lipids shield proteins introduced with leech secretions from macrophages, thereby saving them from destruction in the human body. This allows biologically active substances from leech saliva to remain in the body for a long time and exert their effect gradually.

The Russian word “leech” comes from “piti” - “to drink”. This word is used to describe animals belonging to the subclass of annelids from the class of corded worms, which live mostly in fresh water bodies.

What problem should be addressed with hirudotherapy? After all, leeches are often not taken very seriously.

O.A.: It happens that men about 40 years old come to the clinic without obvious health complaints, with a purely preventive purpose - to improve the quality of their blood. According to the test results, they have high blood viscosity. When first applied, the leeches are removed after an hour (there is no point in waiting longer). On the fourth or fifth time of application, the leeches fall off on their own, and from the wound left behind, we can conclude that the quality of the blood has noticeably improved.

I have repeatedly received information from vascular surgeons about negative reviews about leeches. About the fact that they have to treat trophic ulcers formed after hirudotherapy sessions. But it is not the method that is to blame, but the incorrect practice of its application. Apparently, these people had problems with their lower extremities (varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, etc.), the outflow of blood was impaired, and the nutrition of the tissues of the lower extremities was impaired. And they (the patients) were immediately given leeches on these areas (of the lower extremities). In such situations, under no circumstances should you start from such zones. First, the body must be prepared.

When I studied with Candidate of Medical Sciences Konstantin Vasilievich Sukhov, who is a member of the College of Hirudotherapists and Leech Healers of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, much attention was paid to the above problems. Until the central settings have been completed - the navel and sacrum have not been worked out (since in this area there are vessels through which blood returns from the lower part of the body), you should not work on the lower extremities. At the same time, it is necessary to work with such a patient and improve his condition without using the specified zone.

What does it mean to “work out this zone”? Is this also done with the help of hirudotherapy?

O.A.: This means that a set of measures has been performed, including repeated placement of leeches and, possibly, abdominal massage. At the same time, thanks to leeches and abdominal massage, blood flow, venous outflow, and lymphatic drainage of tissues improve. For a patient with diseased vessels of the lower extremities, leeches are not immediately placed on the legs. They are repeatedly placed on the stomach, sacrum, and on certain points of the body, and only after that, in some cases, can they be placed on their feet.

Do you use biologically active points?

O.A.: Yes, I use it. At the same time, I take into account the recommendations of the acupuncturists at our clinic when we treat the same patient together. However, I prefer to start working with the abdomen and sacrum. I think this is important. If you have rhinitis, sinusitis, periodontitis, I put leeches on the mucous surface of the mouth and nose.

That is, no matter what the patient comes to you with, you start with the abdomen and sacrum?

O.A.: Not always. For example, if a person comes in with a recent injury, I often work locally at the site of the injury. In case of injuries, the method of placing leeches works very well! For example, a woman fell from a horse and injured her knee, followed by severe swelling. Literally after the first installation, the swelling decreased significantly. Another woman’s leg got caught between the platform and the train, and a giant bruise formed on her thigh. She came for an appointment the same day the injury occurred. Leeches were placed, and the hematoma immediately began to regress.

It is believed that hirudotherapy is indicated in case of problems with blood vessels. This is a very wide range of problems. Since in the case of diseases of internal organs, for example, the liver, gall bladder, the functioning of blood vessels in the periorgan space deteriorates. And as a result of restoration of blood and lymph flow, the functioning of these organs improves.

Are there any contraindications?

O.A.: Contraindications are all blood diseases that cause increased bleeding, oncology, feverish conditions (there is a risk of bleeding, because at elevated temperatures bleeding is also increased).

Is high blood pressure also a contraindication?

O.A.: No, high blood pressure is often treated. During the session, the pressure may not decrease. But during the course there comes relief. In any case, it is better to undergo a course of hirudotherapy rather than one session.

Of course, there can be many reasons for high blood pressure. And we need to understand the reasons.

How do you diagnose patients? After all, hirudotherapy is not a diagnostic method.

How many sessions does one course include?

O.A.: Each patient can have their own individual number of sessions.

If the leech gets saturated quickly and falls off after about 30 minutes, then that’s great! This suggests that she has already prepared her “victim” well; she quickly gets enough.

The effect of leech saliva lasts three months. Chronic disease is always more difficult to treat. If possible, a good treatment rhythm is: two weeks, twice a week, then once a week, then once every two weeks, etc. This results in a prolonged action. Some people go for it, others find it difficult.

How did hirudotherapy become your method of choice?

O.A.: I came to leeches through my illness. Thanks to complex treatment, including visceral massage, leeches, herbal medicine, two surgical operations were avoided.

What kind of surgical intervention can hirudotherapy be an alternative to?

O.A.: For example, hemorrhoids. Here you can work, compete. Endometriosis is going very well. And the remission is very stable. Baker's cyst (pathological fluid formation in the popliteal fossa) also goes away well when treated with leeches.

This is very important. Many people grasp at any straw to avoid surgery.

O.A.: Not all. Many people do not realize the consequences of the operation. They don’t understand what powerful adhesive processes are triggered. But all the same, if there is an opportunity and time to do without surgical intervention, this should be used.

If you approach the patient’s treatment in a comprehensive manner, for example: use leeches, needles or homeopathy, abdominal massage. If at the same time the person himself has the desire to work in order to be healthy, then everything taken together will definitely bring a positive result.

To be healthy, you need to put things in order first of all in your head. Form positive mental images and do not blame your ill health on age, lack of time, etc., as this is a trick to avoid working on yourself. At any age, a person needs to work to feel in good condition. Do as much physical activity as possible, continue to develop, train your brain, because new neural connections can be formed in old age; Do not torment your body with alcohol and smoking. And smile.

Treatment with leeches

In this section, we will introduce you to the techniques adopted in hirudotherapy, which are used for the most common therapeutic and surgical diseases.

Bronchitis, both acute and chronic, is characterized by an inflammatory process in the bronchi that occurs due to infectious, chemical, physical, and toxic factors. It often becomes chronic in the presence of allergic burden in patients, and in older and elderly people in the presence of heart failure.

Patients experience severe coughing, difficulty breathing, chest pain, general weakness, and a large amount of sputum is released. In the presence of viscous sputum and congestion in the lungs, the use of leeches is very effective.

Treatment with leeches. For bronchitis, leeches are applied to the lung area (points at the level of the 1st and 2nd intercostal spaces); to paired points located symmetrically on the right and left lateral surfaces of the chest, along the axillary line, below the armpit; in the interscapular region (the point between the spinous processes of the III and IV thoracic vertebrae, along the midline and outward from it); to the sacral area (coccyx projection points); to the liver area.

Varicose veins

Varicose veins are one of the most common reasons for visiting a hirudotherapist. This is the most common peripheral vascular disease. In various forms, it occurs in 26–28% of women and 10–20% of men of working age. Nowadays, varicose veins are characterized not only by an increase in the number of cases, but also by a tendency for varicose veins to appear in young people.

Varicose veins predominantly affect the vessels of the lower extremities. The main role is played by environmental factors, lifestyle and nutrition (deficiency of plant fibers), working conditions (physical labor, prolonged static position), obesity. Often the cause of its development is hereditary weakness of the wall of the saphenous veins and a predisposition to their excessive overstretching.

As you know, the main property of veins is the high extensibility of their walls. The thickness of the venous wall in the vessels of the legs is greater than in the neck. The veins have a valve apparatus throughout their entire length, the valves come from the vessel wall and are two valves that normally open towards the heart; they are distributed unevenly, more of them in the lower extremities, on the lower legs, where there is a powerful muscular pump apparatus. In an upright position, blood is pushed out of the deep veins towards the heart; with an increase in pressure in the vessel produced by the surrounding muscles, the underlying valve closes and the overlying one opens. After muscle contraction, the pressure in the deep veins drops to zero, a positive pressure gradient is created, and during muscle relaxation, the veins are again filled with blood from the underlying vessels and superficial veins, so that with the next muscle contraction the blood is pushed up through the great vessels. Thus, as a result of the coordinated work of muscles and valves, venous blood flows against gravity to the right side of the heart. Figuratively speaking, the muscular section of the lower leg can be called the “peripheral heart,” which plays a major role in venous outflow and the work of the veins of the lower extremities. Through the saphenous veins, the outflow is carried out into the femoral vein at the level of the groin and through the connecting perforating veins, mainly on the lower legs, into the deep veins.

When the functioning of the valves of the perforating veins is disrupted and obstacles arise in the deep veins, chronic venous insufficiency and congestion in the tissues develop, in which the entire venous system of the body suffers to one degree or another. Insufficiency of the venous valves, venous congestion occurs, which is manifested by pain, heaviness in the limbs, cramps in the calf muscles, swelling after prolonged standing, then hyperpigmentation, and in advanced cases, the appearance of trophic ulcers.

Treatment with leeches. Leeches for varicose veins of the lower extremities are placed in the sacral area - the coccyx area, as well as in the pubic and hepatic areas. They are used locally at points along the affected vein, in a checkerboard pattern, and in the area of ​​metabolic and trophic disorders, in areas of brown skin pigmentation.

In case of severe atrophic phenomena and skin disorders (thinness with a characteristic shine, continuous pigmentation, bluish tint), placing leeches on the lower thirds of the lower leg is not recommended, since there is a high risk of ulcer formation at the bite sites, since the wound can be an entry point for infection. In such cases, the course of treatment begins with unloading and activating the venous circulation of the abdominal cavity, small pelvis, hepatic and sacral zones, thigh area and upper third of the leg.

The course of treatment is 9–11 procedures. In case of severe circulatory disorders, as a rule, 8–9 leeches are given 2 times a week.

Gastritis is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa. The inflammatory process develops as a result of damage to this membrane and can occur in acute and chronic forms.

Acute gastritis characterized by the sudden onset and severity of symptoms. The duration of the disease is 2–4 days. The causes of acute gastritis can be bacterial and viral infections; gross errors in nutrition; use of medications such as aspirin or steroids; drinking excessive amounts of alcohol. Often it is not possible to find out the causes of this disorder.

In acute gastritis, there is a feeling of discomfort and pain in the abdomen, decreased appetite, nausea, vomiting, and sometimes headaches and fever.

In the acute period of the disease, abstain from eating until the gastric mucosa heals independently and the symptoms disappear; Drinking (tea, Borjomi) is allowed. After this, normal food intake is gradually resumed: first, following a gentle diet, then, when the gastric mucosa is completely restored, increasing the amount of food consumed.

Chronic gastritis characterized by a long, persistent course and relapses. As a result of chronic gastritis, permanent damage to the gastric mucosa occurs. Chronic gastritis can develop as a result of other diseases: kidney and liver diseases; peptic ulcer; diabetes mellitus or systematic alcohol abuse. Other aggravating factors are: prolonged consumption of spicy and irritating foods; vitamin deficiency or long-term treatment with certain drugs, in particular aspirin, ibuprofen, steroid hormones and certain antibiotics.

There are chronic gastritis with normal and increased secretion (high acidity) - anacid and hyperacid and with secretory insufficiency (low acidity) - hypoacid gastritis.

With gastritis with high acidity, heartburn, sour belching, and sometimes vomiting are noted. Patients are bothered by pain in the epigastric region, night pain and hunger pain. Those suffering from chronic gastritis with low acidity experience an unpleasant taste in the mouth, salivation, nausea, a feeling of fullness in the epigastric region, signs of anemia, loss of appetite and weight, and dyspeptic disorders.

Treatment with leeches. Leeches are placed in the pre-abdominal region, in the area of ​​the back, liver and right precostal area. In one procedure, 2-3 leeches are applied and no more than two points are used.

The course of treatment is 7 sessions. The first two procedures are carried out after 3 days, then once a week.


Hemorrhoids are a disease that occurs when the hemorrhoidal veins become enlarged and dilated. It also characterizes general chronic venous insufficiency.

The treatment of this disease requires a set of measures to reduce venous stagnation in the abdominal cavity. The use of leeches provides invaluable assistance in this regard, since timely treatment will allow one to avoid such a formidable complication of hemorrhoids as thrombosis of hemorrhoids. The procedures are designed for local and general unloading of the venous circulation.

Treatment with leeches. The points and zones of leech attachments are the perianal region, the sacral region, as well as the hepatic and peri-umbilical zones.

The course of treatment is from 6 to 8 sessions. For acute pain, procedures are carried out daily, then every 2-3 days.

Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver. There are several types of this disease. In most cases, the causative agent of hepatitis is a virus. At the same time, the disease can also develop as a result of general reactions of the body to certain drugs that are toxins or allergens for it. Such reactions can occur to various chemicals, such as metal compounds, solvents or alcohol.

With hepatitis, swelling, inflammation and death of liver tissue cells occur. Fortunately, a healthy liver that has not previously been exposed to harmful destructive influences or diseases retains the ability to reproduce cells and replace dead tissue with new one. Sometimes the liver cannot cope with the infection on its own, and then the hepatitis virus remains in it in a viable state for a long time and even throughout a person’s life. Such people are called carriers of the hepatitis virus. They may or may not have symptoms of the disease. Regardless of this, virus carriers continue to be a source of infection for others. Some of them may develop chronic hepatitis, characterized by progressive and steady destruction of the liver. Carriers of the hepatitis virus and people with chronic hepatitis are at greater risk of developing liver cancer or cirrhosis.

The liver's functions include breaking down and neutralizing drugs and other chemicals that enter the bloodstream. The liver cleanses and frees the blood from harmful substances and impurities. The liver produces many proteins and blood clotting factors. Thanks to the liver, the required level of sugar and fats in the blood is maintained and bile is formed. All of the above functions may be impaired in hepatitis. Taking this into account, medications are prescribed to patients very carefully. During treatment, the condition of the liver is constantly monitored to prevent serious problems with its functions, such as those that could lead to unexpected bleeding, changes in blood sugar levels, or the formation of toxic products in the blood. Severe liver dysfunction can result in coma and death.

Regardless of the cause of the disease, some symptoms are the same for all types of hepatitis. Common symptoms include loss of appetite and flu-like symptoms: headaches, fever, fatigue, nausea and vomiting. Some people experience yellow discoloration of the skin (jaundice). Jaundice is accompanied by dark urine and discolored stools, pain in the upper right side of the abdomen, joint pain and a rash. In many people, hepatitis is asymptomatic or the symptoms are so mild that these people do not even suspect they have this disease.

Hepatitis A, also known as epidemic hepatitis or infectious hepatitis, is caused by the hepatitis A virus. The virus spreads through contaminated food and water, as well as through direct contact with infected body fluids, mainly due to poor sanitation (poorly washed hands, etc.). The worst outbreaks of infection occur among children and young people in public places - in schools and other institutions.

A patient with hepatitis A feels fever, nausea, poor appetite, abdominal and muscle pain, headache, fatigue, and jaundice. The initial symptoms of the disease are usually observed 30 days after the virus enters the body. However, the virus is detected in the stool of infected individuals within 2 weeks before the development of jaundice, an obvious symptom of liver damage. The period of illness, when people do not know that they are already infected, is the most dangerous in terms of transmission of infection to others. Hepatitis A is rarely fatal, and the disease usually has no long-term complications. Hepatitis A does not lead to chronic hepatitis or liver cancer.

Hepatitis B is caused by the hepatitis B virus. This disease is also often called serum hepatitis, because it was previously believed that it was spread only through infected blood. It is now known that infection can occur through other body fluids, such as saliva, semen, and fluid secreted by the cervix. For this reason, hepatitis B is also classified as a sexually transmitted disease. Newborns can be infected with the hepatitis B virus through the mother's placenta.

Hepatitis B usually develops very slowly. Symptoms of the disease appear only after several months. Hepatitis B affects the liver, causing inflammation and dysfunction. Sometimes the infection is so mild that it is not recognized as a disease. The most common symptoms are jaundice, general malaise, stomach pain, and a rash that is sometimes accompanied by itching.

Although most people recover from this form of hepatitis without permanent liver damage, about one in 10 people develop chronic hepatitis or become carriers of the virus. Hepatitis B can be fatal if it becomes fulminant, and when it becomes chronic, it can cause the development of liver cirrhosis.

Pathogen hepatitis C is one of several hepatitis C viruses. Currently, the occurrence of this type of disease is most often associated with transfusion of infected blood.

Symptoms usually appear 50 days after infection. People infected with these viruses are at high risk of developing permanent liver damage (cirrhosis) or cancer. Some of them become carriers of the virus. Treatment with interferon, which also destroys a number of other viruses, is relatively successful.

Treatment with leeches. Leeches are placed in the projection area of ​​the liver and right hypochondrium, in the area of ​​the back, sacrum and a point in the coccyx area. 4–8 leeches are used for one session. It is recommended to remove them after the first signs of sucking appear.

4–8 leeches are used for one procedure. At first, the procedures are carried out 2 times a week, then once a week, up to 12 procedures. Repeated courses of treatment are prescribed after 2–3 months.


Hypertension, as well as borderline arterial hypertension, account for 90% of cases of chronic high blood pressure. The other 10% are so-called symptomatic, secondary arterial hypertension, which is a manifestation of diseases of organs and systems that directly or indirectly affect blood pressure.

Arterial hypertension causes morphological changes in small arteries, arterioles and capillaries, such as plasma infiltration, hyalinosis, arteriosclerosis and even arterionecrosis. As a result, small focal softenings (lacunar infarctions) occur in various organs: the heart, brain, kidneys, lungs. Arterial hypertension in combination with atherosclerosis plays an active role in the development of large focal cerebral infarction (ischemic stroke).

Treatment with leeches. Success in treatment approaches largely depends on understanding the factors and mechanism of development of the disease, allowing you to correctly select points and areas of influence when carrying out hirudotherapy.

The components of leech secretion, anti-ischemic effect and unloading of blood flow can increase the body's sensitivity to drug antihypertensive therapy and even reduce the dosage of drugs.

Leeches are also used to relieve an acute state of hypertensive crisis, a frequent complication of which is cerebrovascular accident.

During crises, leeches are applied to the mastoid process and the postauricular region; in the area of ​​the sacrum - the sacrococcygeal joint, under the VII cervical vertebra; in the middle part of the right and left shoulder girdles; in the lumbar region and in the area of ​​​​the liver projection.

The mechanism of action here is mainly reflexive and distracting (coccyx and sacrum areas, liver region).

In case of hypertensive crisis, up to 10 leeches are used in the first procedures, then their number is reduced. Up to 10 procedures are performed, and already on the 4th–5th a good hypotensive effect is achieved. In acute cases, procedures are performed daily. After getting out of the crisis - 2 times a week. It is recommended to repeat the course after a few months.

Treatment of hypertension with leeches almost always improves the patient’s well-being and objective condition, although the results of therapy largely depend on the cause of hypertension, the duration and intensity of the course, and the correct choice of attachment points. Manifestations of hypertension cease to bother and cause suffering to the patient for a long time.

It should be recalled once again that with hirudotherapy, the medicinal component of treatment and the use of antihypertensive drugs are not canceled.


Glaucoma is increased pressure inside the eye. There are primary and secondary forms of glaucoma. The primary is associated with a violation of the outflow of intraocular fluid, the secondary is a complication of a number of diseases. Glaucoma leads to complete or partial blindness. For any form of glaucoma, early treatment can reduce intraocular pressure and maintain it within normal limits. This reduces the harmful effects on the retina and optic nerve to a minimum.

Glaucoma usually develops slowly and unnoticed. Therefore, by the time symptoms appear, chronic eye damage may already be quite extensive. The field of vision may be narrowed, so-called tunnel vision appears, which can develop to the point of complete loss of vision. An acute attack of glaucoma is accompanied by sharp pain in the eye, in the forehead, deterioration of the general condition, nausea, and vomiting.

Treatment with leeches. Leeches are placed around the outer and inner corners of the eye, in the neck and liver area.

2–3 leeches are used for one procedure. At the beginning of treatment, leeches are placed with maximum exposure on 2-3 points around the eye. After the 3rd or 4th sessions, points from the neck and liver areas are added.

The course of treatment is 10–12 procedures. It must be repeated 1-2 times after 1-2 months (depending on the dynamics of intraocular pressure numbers: if it is positive, then it is done less frequently).

Constipation is the absence of bowel movements for several days or difficult bowel movements. Typically, constipation is defined as the absence of bowel movements for 2 days or more. Constipation is a symptom of many diseases: colon tumors, small intestinal obstruction, as well as temporary disorders of intestinal motor function. Constipation can also occur in a healthy person, for example, during a long trip, when changing the usual environment, or changing the rhythm of life - in this case it does not last long.

Constipation can also be an independent disease, which is based on a violation of the habit of daily bowel movements. Its cause is the constant suppression of the urge to defecate.

Treatment with leeches. Leeches are placed in the anterior abdominal region (symmetrical points outward from the navel to the first lateral line of the abdomen), in the lumbar region and in the sacral region.

One procedure requires 3–6 leeches. The course of treatment is 10–12 procedures. 6 procedures are carried out every other day, then 2 times a week.


Pyelonephritis is an inflammation of one or both kidneys and occurs as a result of microorganisms entering the kidneys. Usually we are talking about the so-called ascending infection, spreading through the ureters from the bladder. Sometimes microorganisms enter the kidneys along with the filtrate from the blood. People most likely to develop pyelonephritis include recurrent infections of the lower urinary system (cystitis), bladder stones (urolithiasis), birth defects of the genitourinary system, diabetes, or neurological disorders (paralysis) of the bladder. The risk of the disease increases in pregnant women. An enlarging uterus can “press” the ureters against other organs and impede the flow of urine from the kidneys. Early and complete treatment of any lower urinary tract infection (particularly cystitis) can significantly reduce the risk of developing pyelonephritis.

Microorganisms that penetrate the kidneys cause inflammation and swelling. As these processes spread, damaged kidney tissue is replaced by scars. The formation of scar tissue after repeated exacerbations or as a result of the chronic course of the disease causes impairment of the functional abilities of the kidneys. Over time, complete kidney failure may develop. Pyelonephritis occurs in both acute and chronic forms.

The disease begins suddenly, with fever, chills, pain in the area of ​​the affected kidney(s) and a feeling of discomfort in the abdomen. If the occurrence of pyelonephritis is associated with a bladder infection, then symptoms of cystitis may also be observed at the same time.

Chronic pyelonephritis. In the chronic course of the disease, the inflammatory process and infection are observed for an indefinitely long time. If there are no exacerbations of the disease, then there may be no obvious symptoms. There are a number of general symptoms such as fatigue, headache, loss of appetite, weight loss and increased blood pressure. As scar tissue forms in the affected kidneys, signs of kidney failure usually appear.

Treatment with leeches. For pyelonephritis, hirudotherapy is most indicated in complex treatment. Leeches are placed in the lumbar region (a point along the midline between the spinous processes of the II–III lumbar vertebrae and a point outside of it on both sides along the first and second lateral lines of the back); to the sacral area (the point of the sacrococcygeal joint and the projection of the sacrum); in the lower abdominal region and the hepatic zone (in the projection of the liver, the point is in the 4th intercostal space).

Points in the lumbar region are mainly used.

As a rule, a large number of leeches are applied in one session - 7-8. In this case, biochemical blood parameters must be monitored.

The course of treatment is 7–12 procedures. Repeated courses of treatment are also necessary. The first two procedures are carried out every other day, then 2 times a week.


Radiculitis is the most common disease of the peripheral nervous system. This disease affects the bundles of nerve fibers that extend from the spinal cord. The most common cause of radiculitis is osteochondrosis. Salts are deposited at the junction of the vertebrae with the altered discs, causing bone growth. During physical activity, these growths shift along with the discs, compressing the nerve roots passing through the intervertebral foramina and causing pain.

It is customary to distinguish between thoracic, cervicobrachial and lumbosacral radiculitis.

Symptoms include pain in the area of ​​the affected nerves, aggravated by movements, coughing, sneezing; limitation of spinal mobility.

In the acute period, strict bed rest on a hard bed, taking anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs, and novocaine blockades are indicated. To reduce pain - physiotherapy, therapeutic exercises, massage.

Treatment with leeches. Not every radiculitis (sciatica, lumbago) is treated with leeches. Initially, conventional therapy is carried out. Leeches can be used if you have:

Reflex mechanism of action on pain points;

Signs of tissue swelling.

It is in the second case that leeches will be significantly more effective compared to other treatment methods.

Leeches are applied locally to points of maximum pain in the lumbar region, in the sacral area, gluteal region (according to painful points) and to local points of maximum pain along the sciatic nerve on the affected side.

If after the 3rd procedure the pain does not decrease, then further use of hirudotherapy is inappropriate.

5–8 leeches are used for one procedure.

The general course of treatment is 8–10 procedures. The first 3-4 procedures are carried out daily until the pain decreases.

Heart failure

Heart failure, which develops as a complication of coronary heart disease, hypertension, rheumatism, myocarditis, heart defects, myocardial infarction, various types of cardiac arrhythmias and chronic lung diseases, is a condition in which the load on the heart exceeds its ability to perform work . Characteristic manifestations of heart failure: shortness of breath, tachycardia, peripheral edema, weakness, fatigue. Often, in addition to such chronic symptoms, acute crisis conditions occur in the form of pulmonary edema and attacks of cardiac asthma.

This text is an introductory fragment.


From the book Leech is your home doctor. Hirudotherapy for different types of people author Larisa Leonidovna Gerashchenko

From the book Leech is your home doctor. Hirudotherapy for different types of people author Larisa Leonidovna Gerashchenko

From the book Leech is your home doctor. Hirudotherapy for different types of people author Larisa Leonidovna Gerashchenko

From the book Arthrosis. Getting rid of joint pain author Pavel Valerievich Evdokimenko

From the book Folk remedies for treating hepatitis A author Alevtina Korzunova

From the book The Leech and the Bee Treat Joints. A treatment method that really helps. Advice from a medical practitioner author Irina Vozgenovna Vlasova

Bleeding using leeches is one of the most ancient medical procedures. The first mentions of it are found in ancient chronicles, but the peak of popularity occurred in the Middle Ages. Doctors actively used bloodletting for a variety of ailments, from complications during childbirth to migraines. In some cases, up to 40 leeches were attached to the patient’s body at the same time. It was believed that worms were able to suck out “bad blood,” which would help avoid apoplexy, cure various pathologies of internal organs, and even save them from poisoning or gangrene.

Today, hirudotherapy is outside the brackets of official medicine. However, doctors admit that in some cases, leeches can alleviate the patient's condition. You should not rely only on this technique; bloodletting demonstrates the best effect in combination with other medical procedures: massages, manual therapy, taking medications.

Treatment with leeches is carried out in specialized hirudotherapy centers.

The procedures require medicinal leeches - a type of annelid worm that feeds on blood. In the wild, they live in freshwater bodies, but only individuals grown in special biofactories under sterile conditions are used for medicinal purposes.

Modern hirudotherapy involves several options for using leeches:

  1. Live. The worms attach themselves to the skin, biting through it and at the same time injecting an anesthetic substance. The patient does not feel any discomfort; after saturation, the bloodsucker falls off on its own. A wound remains at the site of the bite, which heals after a couple of days.
  2. In the form of sublimates. Medicinal extracts are made from the leeches themselves or their salivary glands. The remedies can be used in courses; they are suitable for people who do not tolerate traditional hirudotherapy well.
  3. In the form of recombinant drugs. Medicines of artificial origin are made based on the gene of medicinal leeches introduced into the DNA of microorganisms. The drugs are well absorbed and cause minimal side effects.
During a session, one leech drinks up to 15 ml of blood. After use, the worms are destroyed and reuse is prohibited.

When treating with live leeches, the main therapeutic effect is associated with the forced outflow of blood. Reducing the filling of blood vessels can reduce blood pressure and improve the patient's condition. An additional effect is provided by the placement of leeches in accordance with the rules of acupuncture. Micro-punctures create an acupuncture effect and affect the condition of certain organs. It is worth considering the medicinal properties of leech saliva. It consists of the following components:

  1. Hirudin. An anticoagulant protein, an analogue is found in the venom of some reptiles. Reduces blood clotting, prevents thrombosis, improves vascular patency.
  2. Collagenase and asperase. Enzymes that inhibit platelet aggregation.
  3. Protein inhibitors. Substances that block protoinases and prevent the destruction of protein molecules.
  4. Vasodilators. Compounds that improve blood flow by dilating blood vessels.
  5. Anesthetic components. They have an analgesic effect, thanks to which the patient does not feel discomfort during and after the procedure.

For treatment, you can use synthetic drugs created based on the leech gene.

Indications for the procedure

Hirudotherapy cannot be considered a universal remedy for all diseases. However, the list of ailments for which bloodsuckers can help is very extensive. Before starting the procedures, you need to undergo a full examination by a therapist and take tests. Treatment is best carried out in specialized centers, under the supervision of specialists. The duration of the course and the duration of the procedures are calculated individually. It is difficult to achieve the desired effect at home; you will need the help of an assistant.

Hirudotherapy for chronic diseases

Very often, patients suffering from joint pathologies turn to hirudotherapy. Leeches are used to treat spinal osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernias. The procedures help relieve pain, reduce muscle tension, reduce stress on the back, and prevent complications. Leeches are placed between the spinal discs, above and below the affected area. The procedures are combined with massage, taking medications, and a diet recommended by the doctor.

The procedure may be beneficial for varicose veins. At the site where leeches are installed, blood flow is normalized, swelling of the lower extremities is relieved, pain and a feeling of heaviness are reduced. However, many phlebologists do not share the enthusiasm of hirudotherapists. Before treating varicose veins with leeches, you need to get your doctor's approval.

Treatment should be carried out by a certified hirudotherapist who has completed special courses. A diploma of higher medical education is required.

Hirudotherapy is prescribed for arterial hypertension. The main goal is to reduce the pressure inside the vessels. Regular sessions reduce tinnitus, prevent migraines, dizziness, nausea, and heart pain. In the absence of contraindications, preventive sessions are possible to avoid sudden attacks.

Leeches can relieve discomfort from hemorrhoids and prostatitis. The purpose of the procedure is to reduce blood flow to the affected vessels and prevent their further deformation. The procedure must be carried out by a doctor; it will require only 3-4 individuals per session. They are attached to the skin in close proximity to the affected area: near the anus, on the tailbone area or lower abdomen.

Creams based on hirudin reduce dry skin, smooth out wrinkles, and treat local inflammation and swelling.

Application in cosmetology

Leeches will benefit not only health, but also beauty. For cosmetic procedures, it is not live worms that are used, but preparations prepared from them. Creams, serums and ointments with active ingredients can:

  • remove dry skin and prevent flaking;
  • activate metabolic processes;
  • accelerate skin cell renewal;
  • remove hematomas and swelling that occur after operations.

Creams based on extracts from leech saliva slow down skin aging, cope well with fine wrinkles, reduce inflammation and fight stress. Bath tablets with hirudin can improve the condition of the body's skin. They improve skin tone and have a calming and relaxing effect.

Some beauty salons offer masks, wraps and other procedures with preparations containing leech extract. Free samples and introductory sessions at a special price will help you understand whether products are suitable for a particular skin type.

Leeches are also used to eliminate cellulite. Bloodsuckers attached to the skin in problem areas activate lymph flow, accelerate the burning of fat cells, and stimulate metabolism. The effect is enhanced by massage and the use of body creams based on hirudin.

Benefits of treatment: doctors' opinion

Supporters of official medicine are skeptical about treatment with leeches, emphasizing that in many cases there is a placebo effect that does not improve the patient’s condition. Carrying out the procedure at home can cause severe skin irritation. Open wounds get infected, which will have to be treated with potent drugs. The cause of trouble can be both the leeches themselves and the unpredictable reaction of the body.

The easiest and safest way is to use external products based on hirudin. They can improve skin condition, relieve swelling and local irritation. Cream purchased at a pharmacy must be used before the expiration date.

Before treatment, consultation with your doctor is necessary.

Contraindications and precautions

Despite the effectiveness of leeches, they cannot be recommended for all patients. Hirudotherapy is contraindicated for pregnant women and women breastfeeding. An indirect contraindication will be tumors of any nature, including benign ones. Procedures with leeches should not be carried out if:

  • decreased blood clotting (hemophilia);
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus type 1 in the acute stage;
  • tuberculosis;
  • severe anemia;
  • weight deficiency;
  • allergies to hirudin and other active substances.

Contraindications will be increased skin sensitivity, the presence of any fungal, viral or infectious diseases. High temperature and general deterioration in health are reasons for urgent interruption of the course. It will be possible to resume it only after the therapist confirms that the patient is completely healthy.

The use of leeches in medicine was known thousands of years ago. It was these creatures that were described by such great people as Hippocrates, Ibn Sin and many other scientists. These people were the first to describe treatment with leeches, benefits, harms, indications for heart disease, hemorrhoids, blood pressure, and migraines. Even ancient Egypt and, oddly enough, the ancient Mayans even knew about leeches as healers.

About hirudotherapy

In Russia, leeches were one of the main tools of zemstvo doctors; this type became widely used during wars, when leeches were used on lacerations and fractures. After all, the ability of leeches’ saliva to disinfect and relieve pain saved many wounded soldiers from death.

In the modern world, hirudotherapy has again become in demand and relevant. After all, more and more often you can find allergic reactions in humans to various pharmaceutical drugs.

Information about why leeches are so popular and what diseases they cure will be described below.

Hirudotherapy and its benefits

As you know, leeches have healing saliva, which contains many useful and necessary elements for the body.

The benefits of using leeches are as follows:

  • Leeches help unload the circulatory system and empty blood vessels.
  • This worm is on a par with acupuncture, which allows not only to benefit, but also to launch the active functioning of many body systems. After all, suction occurs mainly at biologically important points of the human body.
  • The secretions in saliva are saturated with biologically active substances that can improve the condition of the blood and its blood flow.

The benefit of a leech bite lies in the entry into the human blood of a whole complex of substances that can be divided into three groups, namely:

Useful material:

  • Immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory.
  • A group that acts on, has anti-ischemic and anti-atherosclerotic effects.
  • A group capable of stimulating the flow of blood and lymph.

Also now hirudotherapy is in demand in. After all, the properties of the secret glands of the leech can improve the condition of the skin, making it more beautiful, elastic, soft and firm.

Treatment with leeches: indications

For the use of leeches as therapy and treatment, there are certain indications for the state of the body. The effectiveness of treatment with this type of worm will be maximum for the following diseases:

  • Cardiovascular diseases. This category includes the following diseases - heart disease, hypertension, ischemia, heart attack, stroke and many other ailments associated with blood vessels and blood flow.
  • Gastroenterological diseases. Leeches are effective when your liver is not functioning well. There are also problems with the digestive system.
  • Neurology and rheumatology. If you are worried about nervousness, arthrosis, radiculitis, osteoarthritis, arthritis, dizziness.
  • Nephrology and urology. Prostatitis, cystitis, kidney failure, cystalgia - all this can be treated with leeches.
  • Respiratory diseases. This section includes eczema, pleurisy and other diseases.
  • Gynecology. Leeches are also effective in the treatment of such a variety of gynecological diseases as fibroids, ovarian cysts, fibromastopathy, endometritis, etc.
  • Cosmetology. Hirudotherapy occupies a special place in modern cosmetology, and is used in the presence of problems such as acne, warts, eczema, psoriasis.
  • Surgery. Worms in surgery can treat hemorrhoids , boils,
  • Endocrinology. Leeches are used if you have obesity or diabetes.
  • Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Treatment with leeches is effective if you have osteochondrosis or intervertebral hernia. Also in cases where your spine is affected by chronic diseases.
  • It is worth paying attention to the fact that leeches can improve blood circulation and heal sore joints.

Contraindications for the use of leeches

Since leeches are a healer given to people by nature, there are few contraindications for their use:

  • Hemophilia.
  • Anemia.
  • Low pressure.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Menstrual cycle.
  • Oncology.
  • Allergy to certain substances from the secretion of saliva.

Leeches and infertility

Have you wondered what any worms have to do with your ability to get pregnant? Then, we will help you with the answer. Of course, if you are diagnosed with infertility due to the absence of fallopian tubes and ovaries, then, unfortunately, few people can help you, but do not despair, you can always become a mother!

If you have been diagnosed with adhesions in the fallopian tubes, inflammation in the genitals, and if there are problems with the male seed, then leeches will come to the rescue here too!

Important! If you decide to treat infertility with the help of hirudotherapy, be sure to do it with a qualified doctor and in a clinic that has all the necessary permits and certificates.

Treatment with leeches at home

We would like to note right away that all information about treatment is provided for informational purposes only, and we strongly recommend that you undergo the course of treatment exclusively under the supervision of a qualified doctor.

Do you want to improve your body? At the same time, have you decided that you will do this with the help of leeches? Then you need to know the following:

  • Leeches must be purchased from specialized nurseries, so-called farms.
  • You need to know your exact diagnosis.
  • You need to know the points where to place the leeches.

In order for you to conduct a home hirudotherapy session, a standard treatment regimen is offered for your reference.

This treatment regimen is based on 10 sessions, which take place with an interval of 3 days. After completing the course, you must take a break for a quarter and repeat the course again.

As mentioned earlier, consultation with a doctor is mandatory, because only he will be able to develop a correct and effective regimen that will be able to have maximum results.

For informational purposes, we are posting a standard diagram of how to properly place leeches for the most common diseases.

The figure shows all the points to which the leech is attached. And which point relates to which disease, see the transcript below:

Point 1, 8– hypertension, eye diseases, hot flashes during menopause, migraines.

Point 2– sinusitis and other inflammatory processes in the sinuses.

Point 3– for diseases of the organs of vision.

Point 4– heart attack.

Point 5.8– liver and gallbladder problems.

Point 6– appendicular infiltrates.

Point 7– diseases of teeth and gums.

Point 9– gynecological diseases, inflammation of the sciatic nerve.

Point 10– varicose veins, thrombophlebitis (in a checkerboard pattern around the vein).

Point 11– trophic ulcers.

Point 12– inflammation of the joints.

Point 13- high blood pressure.

Treatment with leeches, summing up

From all of the above, we can conclude that leeches are a good way to make the veins and blood vessels of our body healthier and the blood cleaner.

Also, therapy using medicinal leeches can help in the treatment of many diseases and ailments of the human body.

It is important to note that improper use of leeches or their repeated use can be harmful to your health! Therefore, be sure to consult your doctor before any action.

We will also be grateful for your feedback if you have practiced hirudotherapy and tell us how it helped you.