What to put in the first aid kit at sea list. How to put together a first aid kit for a vacation with a child. So, we collect the first-aid kit on the road

Are you planning a vacation by the sea? You should immediately prepare for various surprises. No one wants to get sick during the holidays, but there are various circumstances that cannot be predicted.

We collect a first aid kit on the road

A first aid kit for a trip abroad should be number one on the list of things you need to travel. It must be carefully thought out in advance and start collecting much earlier than the scheduled departure date. Often at the right time, exactly the medicine that is so needed is not at hand. When traveling abroad, it is quite difficult to purchase a drug, so you should think about it at home.

Standard travel first aid kit

Be sure to have a first aid kit on the road abroad must contain paracetamol or the drug "Nimesil". They are excellent antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and

On the road, you may need a bactericidal patch.

The bandage is useful as a dressing;

It is worth buying wool.

Wounds and scratches should be treated with hydrogen peroxide.

The first-aid kit of mother and child must contain an ointment that perfectly heals wounds, for example

The preparations "Festal" or "Mezim" will help improve digestion.

From intestinal disorders will save the remedy "Imodium".

It is also worth buying activated charcoal.

Antihistamines such as Suprastin or Erius tablets are very important.

This is the most minimal first-aid kit on the road abroad. Do not think that it will be superfluous. After all, every person on the road can have a toothache or a headache that can seriously ruin a vacation. In a foreign country, it is not so easy to get the right medicine, and your own medicines will help you easily cope with the problem that has arisen. Even with sunburn, you will need painkillers.

Everyone will agree with the fact that eating while traveling is not at all the same as at home. Here, funds will come to the rescue to normalize the processes of digestion. After all, such a situation can seriously ruin your vacation, and the first-aid kit you have collected on the road abroad will provide you with significant assistance during your vacation. Just help your intestines or stomach cope with the load, and they will thank you with good health.

Many mistakenly assume that only allergy sufferers need it. However, such remedies are great for insect bites or in case of allergies to the sun.

A first-aid kit on a trip abroad should also contain:

For example, the tool "Otipaks";

Ointment "Panthenol" from various burns;

Cough medicines such as "Doctor Mom" ​​syrup;

Solution "Proposol" for gargling;

You can grab a "Regidron" proshock.

In the case of chronic diseases, you need to take your usual drugs. It may seem to many that there are too many medicines, but they will not be superfluous for you at all during the trip, and you will be prepared for all occasions.

Such a first-aid kit on the road abroad will not take up too much space, but rest with it will be much more comfortable and safer than without it. You may need it not only when traveling, but also, for example, at a picnic or during other outdoor activities. May your rest be calm and the first aid kit will be preserved intact until your next trip!

Summer is approaching and the long-awaited time of holidays. Many are already packing their bags in dreams of a quick vacation. A swimsuit, glasses, guidebooks - this, of course, is a must, but doctors remind you that during a trip your health may be at risk. So, among other things, you need to properly collect the first aid kit.

When you go on vacation, be sure to take all the medications that you take on an ongoing basis. If you go on vacation with children, visit a pediatrician who will recommend you a list of necessary medicines, taking into account the health characteristics of your children, - explains the therapist of the Medscan center Ruman Shuldeshov. - When going on vacation abroad, be sure to purchase health insurance with good and proven assistance (support) in the host country.

So, here is the minimum set of medicines that you should take with you on vacation:

Painkillers. For example, pentalgin, ketanov, spasmalgon.

antiseptic solutions. For example, hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green, miramistin or chlorhexidine - to treat the wound.

And, of course, be sure to take a care kit for possible wounds and abrasions with you - sterile gauze wipes, sterile and non-sterile bandages, alcohol wipes, plasters.

Antipyretics. For example, paracetamol or aspirin.

Antihistamines. In other words, allergy medications. According to Maryam Sayfulina, a pediatrician at the Meditsina clinic, even if you or your child has never had allergic reactions, these drugs are necessary while traveling. New water, new food, unusual insects - all this can provoke an allergy.

Digital Thermometer. Mercury can break on the way, and this is very dangerous. There should be no problems with the electronic, just make sure the batteries are in order.

Remedies for sunburn. Suitable panthenol or dexpanthenol. By the way, do not forget also sunscreen - creams or lotions.

Remedies for motion sickness. A vacation is often a long journey by plane, train or car. The pharmacy has a wide range of such drugs - ask your pharmacist or doctor what is best for you.

Remedies for diarrhea. Again, unusual food and water can bring a very unpleasant surprise. In order not to spend your entire vacation on the toilet, take a few tablets of such a remedy with you.

Anti-inflammatory and analgesic drops in the ears. This is in case, for example, sea water gets into the ear and inflammation occurs because of this.

Nasal drops. Suitable vasoconstrictor drops, such as oxymetazoline (this is an international non-proprietary name, it has many trade names - choose for yourself to your taste). Drops do not cure a runny nose, but they relieve congestion and swelling of the mucosa.

If you are going to rest with children, then check out the clarifications on the children's first aid kit:

Carminatives(prevent the formation of "gazik"). Especially relevant for newborn babies up to six months.

(NSAIDs). They block the inflammatory process at the site of injury, thereby reducing the severity of pain in the area of ​​injured tissues. At the same time, these drugs can reduce elevated body temperature ( i.e. they also have an antipyretic effect.).

However, it must be remembered that the uncontrolled use of NSAIDs in large doses can lead to the development of formidable complications ( in particular to gastrointestinal bleeding, infectious diseases, and so on). That is why they should be used only in short courses, and if the symptoms of the disease ( pain, fever) do not pass, it is better to consult a doctor.

When traveling to the sea, you can take with you:

  • Citramon. Produced in the form of tablets, which should be taken orally 1 - 2 pieces 2 - 4 times a day, but not more than 4 tablets per day.
  • Paracetamol. It has a pronounced antipyretic effect. It is prescribed in the form of tablets or rectal suppositories. A single dose for adults is 500 mg, the maximum daily dose is 1000 mg.
  • Diclofenac. The drug of choice for bruises of soft tissues or joints. It can be used as a system take orally in the form of tablets of 25-50 mg 2-3 times a day) and locally ( 2 - 3 grams of 1% or 5% gel should be applied to the skin in the area of ​​injury and rubbed with light circular movements for 3 - 5 minutes).
  • Nimesil. It has a pronounced analgesic effect. It is administered orally in the form of a powder ( 100 mg), which should be dissolved in 100 ml of warm boiled water. You can take the drug 2 times a day.
It should be noted that the use of antipyretics at normal or slightly elevated body temperature can lead to the development of adverse reactions. That is why it is also useful to have a medical thermometer with you, with which you can quickly measure body temperature ( antipyretic drugs should be used only if the temperature exceeds 38 degrees).


Antibiotics are drugs used to treat bacterial infections. It should be noted right away that severe infectious diseases should be treated only after a full examination by a specialist. At the same time, mild cold infections can be cured on their own if antibiotics are taken in a timely and correct manner. It is important to remember that antibacterial agents should only be taken if there are signs of infection ( sore throat, cough, nasal discharge, general weakness, fever, and so on). It is also necessary to strictly observe the recommended duration of antibiotic use. The course of treatment should not be shorter than 5 days, otherwise the risk of re-infection remains.

From upper respiratory tract infections ( from a cold) can be taken:

  • Amoxiclav. It is a combined antibiotic with a wide spectrum of action ( effective against many different pathogens). The drug is administered orally 1 tablet 2-3 times a day ( depending on the severity of the infection).
  • Cefuroxime. A broad-spectrum antibiotic, which is prescribed to adults in the form of tablets of 250-500 mg 2 times a day. For children older than 3 years, the drug is prescribed 125-250 mg 2 times a day. For young children, the dose is calculated according to body weight.
  • Clarithromycin. Broad spectrum antibiotic effective for upper respiratory tract infections. It is prescribed in the form of tablets of 250-1000 mg 2 times a day ( adults and children over 12 years old).

Remedies for coughs and sore throats

These drugs may also be needed to relieve the symptoms of a cold.

For coughs and sore throats, you can use:

  • Ambroxol. Stimulates the secretion of mucus in the airways, helping to eliminate a dry, agonizing cough. Children over 12 years old and adults are prescribed in the form of tablets or syrup 2-3 times a day. Children from 5 to 12 years old should be given 15 mg 2 times a day, and children under 5 years old - 7.5 mg 2 times a day.
  • Septolete. Combined drug with antiseptic action ( destroys pathogenic bacteria). In addition, menthol and mint essential oil, which are part of the preparation, reduce the severity of sore throats, and eucalyptus oil makes breathing easier. The drug is available in the form of round tablets, which should be slowly dissolved under the tongue. Adults and children over 12 years old are prescribed 1 tablet every 2 to 3 hours ( but not more than 8 per day). Children from 4 to 12 years old are recommended to dissolve 1 tablet every 4 to 6 hours.

Antiallergic drugs

An allergic reaction can develop as a result of the ingestion of any foreign substances into the human body. This may be accompanied by skin manifestations ( skin rash, skin itching), lacrimation, nasal congestion, headaches, and so on. In severe cases, there may be a pronounced drop in blood pressure, respiratory failure and loss of consciousness, which can pose a threat to the patient's life. That is why antiallergic drugs should be on hand during any trip, especially if a person goes to the sea to tropical countries, where his body will certainly come into contact with various foreign substances that he has never met before.

Allergies can develop:

  • when using exotic foods;
  • after an insect bite;
  • by inhalation of plant pollen;
  • when contact with the skin of various substances and so on.
From antiallergic drugs at sea, you can take:
  • Suprastin. For adults, the drug should be taken in the form of tablets of 25 mg 1 to 4 times a day, and for children over 6 years old, 12.5 mg every 8 hours.
  • Zyrtec. For children over 6 years of age and adults, the drug is prescribed in the form of tablets ( 10 mg 1 time per day) or drops ( 20 drops of the drug should be dissolved in 1 tablespoon of warm water and taken 1 time per day).
  • Loratadine. For children older than 2 years, the drug is administered orally in the form of tablets ( 5 mg 1 time per day), and for children over 12 years old and adults - 10 mg 1 time per day.

Nasal drops/spray

Nasal congestion can occur with a cold, against an allergic reaction, or if sea water enters the upper respiratory tract. At the same time, nasal breathing is disturbed in a person, and a large amount of mucus can be released from the nasal passages, which can spoil the rest for several days. Vasoconstrictor drops or nasal sprays will help to cope with this symptom. The mechanism of their action is that when they enter the mucous membrane of the nasal passages, they constrict the blood vessels in it, thereby eliminating swelling and reducing the amount of mucus formed, which facilitates nasal breathing. Drugs act very quickly within 2 - 5 minutes), and their effect lasts for 8-12 hours.

For nasal congestion, you can use:

  • Spray otilin- 1 injection in each nasal passage 2 times a day.
  • Xylometazoline drops- 2 - 3 drops in each nasal passage 3 - 4 times a day.
  • Naphthyzine drops- 1 - 2 drops in each nasal passage 2 - 3 times a day.

Eye drops

When swimming in the sea, salty sea water will certainly get into the eyes, which can cause irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye in sensitive people. Moreover, sea water may contain various bacteria or other infectious agents that, if it comes into contact with the mucous membrane of the eye, can cause inflammation ( conjunctivitis). Also, the cause of conjunctivitis can be the ingress of foreign bodies into the eye ( like grains of sand from the beach). This can be manifested by severe pain or burning in the eyes, increased lacrimation, redness of the eyes, the appearance of pus in them ( with purulent conjunctivitis). Timely initiation of treatment with eye drops will help not only eliminate the symptoms of the disease, but also prevent the development of complications in the future.
  • Antibacterial drops ( albucid). The drug destroys pathogenic microorganisms, thereby preventing the development of infection. With the development of conjunctivitis, as well as for its prevention ( in case of contact with dirty water or sand) in each conjunctival sac, 2-3 drops of the drug should be instilled 4-6 times a day. A course of treatment ( without consulting a doctor) can last up to 3 days.
  • Antiallergic drops ( opatanol). The drug blocks the development of allergic reactions in the mucous membrane of the eye, which eliminates the symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis ( tearing, redness of the eyes). It should be used 2 times a day, instilling 1 drop into each conjunctival sac.
  • Vasoconstrictor drops ( vizin). This drug allows you to eliminate the symptoms of inflammation of the conjunctiva ( increased lacrimation, burning and pain in the eyes, redness of the eyes) arising from infectious or allergic lesions of the eyes. Drops should be applied 2-3 times a day, instilling 1-2 drops into the conjunctival sac of the affected eye. The effect after application of the drug develops within 2 minutes and lasts for 6-8 hours.
  • Anti-inflammatory drops ( dexamethasone). They are prescribed to eliminate the symptoms of conjunctivitis in case of infectious, allergic or traumatic damage to the eye ( 1-2 drops of the drug should be instilled into each conjunctival sac 3-5 times a day for no more than 2-4 days). It should be noted that if there are signs of purulent conjunctivitis ( that is, when pus appears in the eyes) the drug should be administered carefully and only after the start of the use of antibacterial drops. Otherwise, the rapid development of a purulent infection and damage to the deeper structures of the eye is possible. Also, during the use of the drug, direct sunlight should not be allowed to enter the eyes, as this can lead to damage to the intraocular structures. To prevent this, it is recommended to take sunglasses with you to the beach.

Nausea drugs ( from motion sickness)

Motion sickness is a pathological condition that occurs while traveling in a car, airplane or sea transport ( boat, boat, yacht) and characterized by dizziness, nausea and ( sometimes) vomiting. The reason for the development of this pathology is the disruption of the so-called vestibular analyzer, which ensures the maintenance of body balance in space. The fact is that when a person moves in any transport, his muscles and joints are in relative rest ( that is, the brain receives signals from them that the human body is motionless). At the same time, the eyes send signals to the brain that the body is moving. This is the reason for the disruption of the vestibular analyzer and the occurrence of the described symptoms of the so-called "seasickness".

To combat motion sickness, you can use:

  • Vertigochel. Combined drug that prevents the development of dizziness and nausea during a stay on a sea vessel. For prophylactic purposes, it can be taken orally ( 1 tablet every 15 minutes) 1 hour before the start of the boat trip. If after that nausea still appears, the drug can be taken in the same dosage for another 1 hour.
  • Dramina. An antiemetic drug that is prescribed to children over 1 year old orally in the form of tablets of 25 mg 2 to 3 times a day. Adults for the prevention and treatment of motion sickness should take 50-100 mg of the drug 4-6 times a day.
  • Aeron. An antiemetic drug that also has a mild sedative effect. For prophylactic purposes, 1-2 tablets of the drug should be taken 30-60 minutes before departure. If necessary, a second dose can be taken no earlier than 6 hours later.
It is worth noting that the cause of nausea and vomiting can be not only motion sickness, but also some food poisoning or other diseases that require specific treatment. If dizziness and nausea persist for a long time, and repeated vomiting is observed, accompanied by fever, palpitations, impaired consciousness or severe abdominal pain, you should contact the nearest medical center or call an ambulance as soon as possible.

Medicines for diarrhea diarrhea)

Diarrhea can occur with malnutrition, when eating spicy exotic foods or seafood, with food poisoning, and so on. Another cause of this symptom may be the ingestion of contaminated sea water into the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, diarrhea can be a manifestation of strong emotional experiences ( for example, if a person is very nervous before going to the sea, before traveling by ship, and so on). To prevent this unpleasant symptom from ruining your vacation, you should take antidiarrheal drugs in a timely manner.

You can take the drug loperamide to relieve diarrhea ( lopedium, imodium, diara). It inhibits the motility of the gastrointestinal tract, thereby slowing down the process of moving intestinal contents. With acute onset of diarrhea, an adult should take 4 mg of the drug ( in the form of a tablet). After each attack of diarrhea, another 2 mg of loperamide should be taken, but the maximum daily dose should not exceed 16 mg. For children over 6 years of age, the drug is prescribed 2 mg 3 times a day.

At the same time, it is worth remembering that prolonged use of diarrhea medicines can lead to the development of formidable complications. The fact is that during food poisoning during diarrhea, infectious agents and their toxins are released with feces, which helps to cleanse the body. The use of antidiarrheal drugs can slow down this process, which will contribute to the absorption of toxins into the bloodstream and damage to internal organs.

Activated carbon

This drug is used for various poisonings and food infections to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract ( gastrointestinal tract). The mechanism of its action is that when it enters the gastrointestinal tract, it binds the bacteria, toxins or other harmful substances located there, thereby facilitating their removal from the body and preventing their further absorption into the systemic circulation. The drug itself is not absorbed through the gastrointestinal mucosa and, with short-term use, has practically no negative effect on the body, so it can be used at the first signs of poisoning in both adults and children.

For therapeutic purposes, the drug should be taken orally in the form of tablets or capsules, 250-1000 mg per 1 dose. If after taking the medication there was an attack of vomiting, coal should be taken again in the same dose. If there is no vomiting, the drug should be taken 3-5 times a day for 1 day.

Medicines for stomach pain

Stomach ache ( accompanied by nausea and / or vomiting, loss of appetite, general weakness, and so on) can occur as a result of food poisoning, as well as gastritis ( inflammation of the stomach lining), developed after eating spicy foods, swallowing contaminated sea water, and so on. The mechanism of pain in this case is due to spasm ( strong and prolonged contraction) smooth muscle of the stomach. The resulting pain is cutting, paroxysmal in nature and is localized in the upper abdomen, although the patient cannot accurately indicate the place “where it hurts”.

To stop such a pain syndrome, you can use drugs from the group of antispasmodics. They disrupt the process of contraction of the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, thereby preventing the occurrence of spasms and reducing the severity of pain.

For abdominal pain, you can take:

  • Drotaverine ( but-shpu). Children over 6 years of age should take 1 tablet ( 40 mg) 1 - 2 times a day, and for adults - 1 - 2 tablets 3 times a day.
  • Papaverine. The drug is available in the form of suppositories, each containing 20 mg of the active substance. To eliminate pain in the abdomen, 1 suppository should be injected into the anus 3 times a day ( every 8 hours).
It is also worth noting that people suffering from chronic gastritis or peptic ulcer should take the drug Almagel A with them on vacation ( in the form of a white solution, suspension) and take it regularly, 1-2 scoops 30 minutes before meals. This will protect the gastric mucosa from the possible damaging effects of food products, and the analgesic component included in the suspension ( benzocaine) will reduce the severity of pain during exacerbation of gastritis.

Means for the treatment of wounds

Injuries and abrasions can be obtained both during sports games on the sand and while swimming ( you can get hurt on pitfalls), jumping into the water from the pier and so on. The danger is that through small wounds, an infection can enter the bloodstream, while extensive damage can lead to massive blood loss, threatening the patient's life. That is why it is important to have everything you need to provide first aid to the victim.

To treat wounds, you need to have:

  • Sterile bandage. With it, you can wipe the wound, put a bandage on it, or bandage an injured part of the body. This will prevent infection from entering the wound and will also help stop bleeding ( if any).
  • Sterile plaster. It can help protect small damaged areas of the skin from infection ( after appropriate processing).
  • Hydrogen peroxide 3%. This is an antiseptic used to treat wound surfaces. When applied to a wound, hydrogen peroxide destroys almost all pathogenic microorganisms that have got there, and also helps to stop bleeding. For the most pronounced effect, the wound surface must first be washed with clean water, while removing large particles of dirt, and then pour it with hydrogen peroxide. At the same time, a white foam forms on the surface of the wound, but the person will not experience any pain. If bleeding continues, peroxide can be applied to the wound several times at intervals of 20 to 30 seconds.
  • Iodine. It can be used as a disinfectant for small superficial skin lesions ( with scratches, abrasions). To do this, moisten a bandage or cotton swab in a 5% alcohol solution of iodine, and then run it several times over the damaged skin. On top of the treated wound, you need to apply a sterile bandage or seal it with a plaster.
With the help of these funds, you can treat almost any small wound, after which ( if necessary) you can transport the patient to the nearest medical facility or wait for the ambulance to arrive ( if the injury does not allow the victim to move independently).


Sunburn is a change in skin color resulting from exposure to direct sunlight ( ultraviolet) rays. The pigment melanin produced in this process accumulates in the skin, protecting it from the damaging effects of the sun. From the above, it follows that light skin ( with little melanin pigment) is not protected from the damaging effects of sunlight. If a person with such skin is on the beach and stays in direct sunlight for several hours, he will certainly get skin burns. To prevent this, at the same time, without limiting the length of sun exposure, you can use sunscreens that absorb ultraviolet rays, preventing their effect on the skin.

It is worth noting that good sunscreens do not block the effects of ultraviolet rays by 100%, but only by 95 - 98%. This means that even with regular use, being at the beach will allow you to get a certain tan, but the risk of developing burns or skin damage will be minimal.

Remedies for burns

Skin burns can occur if you stay in the sun for too long. This is manifested by pronounced reddening of the skin, which becomes extremely painful ( especially when touched). For the treatment of skin burns, it is recommended to use panthenol ointment, which should be applied to the burned part of the body 1 time per day ( thin layer), then rub it with light movements for 2 to 5 minutes. The mechanism of action of panthenol is that it improves metabolism in tissues, stimulates the restoration and renewal of the skin, and also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Insect repellents

In some tropical countries, forests may be located near the seas, which can be inhabited by various mosquitoes and other biting insects. Their bites can be accompanied by unpleasant sensations ( skin redness, itching and burning), and in severe cases can lead to allergic reactions or infection. To prevent this, before traveling to such countries, it is recommended to stock up on special means ( lotions, gels, creams) to repel insects. These drugs include moskill, ultraton, and so on. The duration of their action is usually several hours, so the skin should be treated with them if a person plans to go for a walk in the evening or at night ( during the day, the air temperature on the beach is too high, as a result of which mosquitoes and other insects are not so active).


If a person suddenly lost consciousness, ammonia will help bring him to his senses. To do this, a few drops of alcohol should be applied to a cotton or gauze swab, and then brought to the patient's nasal passages. Getting into the respiratory tract and into the systemic circulation, alcohol vapor stimulates the patient's breathing and activates his central nervous system, as a result of which the patient can quickly come to his senses ( unless, of course, the loss of consciousness is due to serious damage to the brain, heart or other vital organs).


A pin may be needed when a person has seizures or Spasms ( severe painful muscle contractions) in the legs. The reason for this may be a violation of blood circulation in the lower extremities ( for example, when sitting for a long time during a trip to the sea), as well as supercooling ( prolonged bathing in cold water). With the development of a cramp, the leg “gets stiff”, and any movement in it is accompanied by severe pain and sometimes numbness. You can eliminate the pain syndrome during a cramp with a needle or pin. To do this, you need to make a point injection into the skin over the affected muscle cramp. The mechanism of action of this procedure is as follows. The injection creates a short-term pain irritation, which is transmitted to the nerve cells of the central nervous system, stopping the convulsive activity and helping to relax the spasmodic muscle.

It is important to remember that pin pricks can lead to infection in the tissues, and inserting the needle too deep can cause damage to nerves or blood vessels. That is why this procedure should be performed with extreme caution, and if it is ineffective ( after 1 - 2 attempts) should use other methods of dealing with seizures ( massage the foot, put it in warm water and so on).

Cooling package

This is a special hermetically sealed bag designed to quickly cool certain areas of the body. It consists of an outer shell, inside which is a dry substance ( powder), as well as another can filled with liquid. If necessary, lightly press down on the bag so that the inner can burst and the liquid enters the powder surrounding it. The resulting chemical reaction will be accompanied by a decrease in the temperature of the substance in the bag, which will allow it to be used to cool damaged areas of the body.

First aid kit at sea with a child

When going to the sea with a child, it is important to remember that a child's body is not as adapted to environmental changes as an adult's body. While swimming in the sea or playing on the beach, the child may injure himself, and he may develop other pathological conditions that require urgent medical attention.

If a family goes on a trip to the sea with a child, they also need to take all the medicines listed above with them ( antipyretics, painkillers, etc.). However, it is important to take into account the age of the child and his weight, depending on which the dosage of most medicines is calculated ( mg/kg, that is, milligrams per kilogram of body weight). It is best to stock up on medicines, the dose of which is calculated for children. It is not recommended to give children halves or quarters of tablets calculated for adults, as the accuracy of the dosage may be impaired. This may lead to the development of adverse reactions ( in case of overdose) or to the absence of the expected therapeutic effect ( in case of prescribing too low a dose).

In addition to the medicines and devices listed above, for a trip to the sea with a child, you need to take some more funds into the first-aid kit that may be needed to help the baby.

When going to the sea with a child, it is recommended to have with you:

  • Digital Thermometer. The advantage of an electronic thermometer over a mercury thermometer is that it can be used to measure body temperature in a few seconds ( to do this, it is enough to place the measuring element under the tongue of the child), while a mercury glass thermometer should be kept in the armpit for 5 to 7 minutes. This can be quite problematic, especially in the case of young children who cannot remain still for long periods of time.
  • Pipette. An eyedropper can be useful for placing anti-inflammatory or antibacterial drops in your child's eyes, nose, or ears ( if there is no special dispenser for children installed on the medicine container).
  • Cotton buds. May be needed to clean the nasal passages or external auditory canals in children if water has entered there.
  • Tweezers. May be needed to remove foreign bodies pebbles, shells and so on) from the nasal passages or ears of the child. It is important to note that if the removal of the foreign body did not work out on the 1st attempt, in the future you should not try to get them on your own, as this can damage the eardrum or nasal mucosa and cause bleeding. In such cases, it is recommended to contact the nearest medical center.
  • Skin rash remedies. Intertrigo is an infection of the skin in the area of ​​the skin folds ( gluteal, axillary, inguinal), which develops with increased sweating and impaired ventilation of the skin. This can be observed if you swaddle a child and take him with you to the sea on a hot day ( what is not recommended). However, to prevent the development of diaper rash, special baby creams can be used ( sanosan, drapolen and others), with which it is necessary to lubricate the areas of skin folds 1-2 times a day.
  • Regidron. This drug contains a set of electrolytes necessary for the body. Loss of electrolytes may be due to poisoning ( they are lost from the body along with vomit and diarrhea), long games in the sun ( electrolytes are lost in the baby's sweat) and so on. An adult can tolerate the resulting changes in the electrolyte composition of the blood for a longer time, while a child can very quickly develop dysfunctions of the central nervous system, cardiovascular system and other organs. To replenish electrolytes, 1 sachet of rehydron powder should be dissolved in warm boiled water and let the child drink 1 tablespoon every 10 to 15 minutes.
It is also worth noting that if the child has any chronic disease, for the treatment of which he takes special medications ( which cannot be bought at a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription), stock up on these medicines should be in advance, accurately calculating how many medicines will be needed for the entire period of rest.

First aid kit at sea for pregnant women

It is immediately worth noting that in the late stages of pregnancy ( more than 7 months) from trips to the sea should be refrained, since shaking on the road, experiences and climate change can adversely affect the condition of the woman and the development of the fetus. If a woman is going on vacation in the early stages of pregnancy, she also needs to take certain funds with her.

A pregnant woman on vacation may need:

  • Thermometer- for the timely detection of infectious and other diseases accompanied by an increase in body temperature.
  • Sun cream- to protect the skin and the whole body from the negative effects of solar radiation.
  • Sterile or wet ( alcohol) napkins- for hygienic purposes.
  • Means for the treatment of wounds- alcohol solution of iodine, 3% hydrogen peroxide, bandage and so on.
  • Insect bite remedies- the development of allergic reactions during pregnancy is highly undesirable.
With regard to any of the previously listed medicines, their use during pregnancy is highly undesirable ( except for those medicines that the woman was prescribed by her doctor or gynecologist). Medicines such as antibiotics, antivirals, or antipyretics should only be taken as prescribed by a doctor and under close supervision.

The composition of the first-aid kit for various injuries at sea

During a holiday at sea, various unforeseen situations may occur that require first aid. If at the same time the first-aid kit does not contain the necessary medicines and devices, it will be impossible to help the victim, which can lead to the most adverse consequences.

Heat or sunstroke

Sunstroke is characterized by overheating of the brain tissue as a result of exposure to direct sunlight on an unprotected human head. Heatstroke develops when the whole body overheats. The reason for this may be a long stay in the heat ( on the beach), physical work or active play during the heat, as well as high humidity ( what is characteristic of the sea coast), disrupting the cooling process of the body. A person may complain of general weakness, headaches, dizziness, nausea and vomiting. In severe cases, the victim may lose consciousness or may develop convulsions.

To help a victim of heat stroke, the first aid kit should contain:

  • Ammonia. If a person has lost consciousness, it is necessary to open a container with alcohol, apply a few drops to a bandage folded in several layers and bring it to the victim's nose. This stimulates his central nervous system and brings him to his senses.
  • Towel or gauze ( bandage) bandage. A bandage folded in several layers can be soaked in cold water and applied to the forehead of the victim, which will cool the brain. In addition, bandages soaked in cold water can be applied to the wrists and lower legs, which will also help to cool the body.
  • Cooling package. If available, it can also be applied to the patient's head to cool the body.
  • Regidron. In most cases, prior to the onset of heat stroke, the patient will sweat profusely, during which the body loses fluid and electrolytes ( predominantly sodium). That is why after moving the patient from heat to a cool room, he should start taking a liquid containing all the electrolytes necessary for the body as soon as possible.


Being at sea, a person can injure himself while swimming ( get hurt on pitfalls), while riding water rides ( in case of an unsuccessful fall, a person can break or dislocate an arm / leg, stretch tendons), while playing on the beach ( for example, stretching the ligaments of the legs / arms when playing with the ball) and so on. Correctly and timely provided first aid will help alleviate the condition of the victim, as well as prevent the development of complications in the future.

To help a victim with an injury in the first aid kit should be:

  • Ammonia. May be needed to bring the victim to his senses ( if after receiving an injury he lost consciousness).
  • Wound Treatment Kit ( bandage, 3% hydrogen peroxide or alcohol solution of iodine, plaster, scissors). Any injuries accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the skin must be treated accordingly. To do this, remove clothing from the surface of the injured skin area ( or cut it with scissors if you can't remove it). If there is dirt in the wound ( sand, silt), it should be washed with clean water, and only then treated with a disinfectant ( pour hydrogen peroxide or wipe with a cotton swab dipped in an alcohol solution of iodine). After treating the wound, a sterile bandage should be applied to it. If the wound is small abrasion, scratch), after treatment, it can be sealed with a sterile plaster.
  • Painkillers. Fractures, sprains, dislocations and extensive damage to the skin are always accompanied by severe pain. To eliminate pain, as well as reduce the severity of inflammation and swelling of the affected tissues, the patient should be given one of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to drink ( for example, nimesil). If the injury is not accompanied by damage to the skin, on the affected area ( bruised knee, sprained ligaments and so on) you can apply a pain-relieving ointment or gel ( e.g. diclofenac), which will enhance the severity of the analgesic effect. At the same time, it should be noted that with severe injuries ( e.g. fractures) the analgesic effect of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs will not be enough ( in this case, you need to call an ambulance, whose doctors will be able to prescribe stronger painkillers to the patient).
  • Cooling package. Applying cold to damaged tissues reduces the sensitivity of pain nerve endings, as a result of which the severity of pain decreases.
  • Antibacterial drug. Antibiotics may be needed for wounds during which there was a violation of the integrity of the skin ( with paresis, abrasions, open fractures, and so on), as this increases the risk of infection in the body. It is not necessary to take an antibiotic immediately after an injury, but their prophylactic use ( for at least 3 days) it is recommended to start on the same day that the injury occurred.
  • Elastic bandage. It may be needed for sprains or dislocations of the joints, when it will be necessary to fix the injured limb, and can also be used to stop bleeding ( if they squeeze their shoulder or thigh above the bleeding vessel).


During drowning, water enters the respiratory tract of a person, as a result of which the process of breathing and oxygen delivery to vital organs is disrupted. Without oxygen, brain cells die within 3-5 minutes, which leads to the death of a person. That is why it is necessary to provide assistance to the victim immediately, as soon as he was removed from the water.

The first thing to do is to clean the victim's mouth, which, in addition to water, may contain algae or other foreign bodies. To do this, you can wrap several layers of bandage around 2 fingers, after which they conduct an audit of the oral cavity. Further rescue measures are aimed at removing water from the victim's respiratory tract ( for this patient, you need to lay your stomach on the rescuer's knee, tilt his torso down and pat his back several times). After that, if the person is not breathing, artificial lung ventilation should be started using the mouth-to-mouth method. To do this, you may need a bandage from the first-aid kit, which should be folded in several layers and applied to the patient's mouth. This is necessary in order to protect the rescuing person, who, during artificial ventilation, can become infected with any infections. Simultaneously with artificial respiration, a closed heart massage should be performed, rhythmically pressing on the middle of the chest ( provided that the victim has no pulse).

jellyfish sting

Dangerous jellyfish are found in some seas and oceans, the body of which contains toxic substances. Upon contact of the jellyfish with the human body, these substances enter the skin of the victim and penetrate into deep tissues, causing severe burns. Patients may complain of burning pain in the area of ​​contact with the jellyfish, redness and swelling of the skin, itching, and so on. In severe cases, jellyfish venom can enter the systemic circulation, disrupting the functions of the heart, central nervous system, and other vital organs.

To help a victim of a jellyfish sting, the first-aid kit should contain:

  • Bandages or cotton swabs. The first thing to do after a jellyfish sting is to get ashore and clean the affected skin as soon as possible, on which microscopic tentacles or toxic substances may remain. To do this, a cotton swab or a bandage folded in several layers should be moistened in cold salty water and wipe the skin with it several times. It is strictly forbidden to wash the affected area with bare hands, as the tentacles and toxic substances can get on the skin of the fingers and cause new burns.
  • Sterile bandage. After treating the affected area of ​​the skin, it should be covered with a sterile bandage or sealed with a sterile plaster ( if the bite area is small), and then go to the nearest medical center or clinic for a consultation with a doctor.
  • Antiallergic agents. After a jellyfish bite, foreign toxic substances enter the body, which can lead to the development of an allergic reaction. To prevent this, and also to reduce the severity of redness and itching in the area of ​​​​the bite, you should take an antiallergic drug ( for example, 1 tablet suprastin). Further treatment should be agreed with a specialist.
  • Painkillers. The best solution would be to use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ( nimesil, diclofenac). They will not only reduce the severity of the pain syndrome, but also eliminate the inflammatory reaction and swelling of the tissues in the affected area, contributing to a speedy recovery. Also, a hormonal anti-inflammatory ointment can be applied to the affected area ( such as hydrocortisone).

How to pack a first aid kit for the beach?

Previously, medicines and other means were listed that it would be nice to have with you during a trip to the sea. At the same time, it is not advisable to take them all with you to the beach, since the size of the “first aid kit” will turn out to be very impressive. Moreover, if you constantly carry all the medicines with you, some of them may become unusable due to too long exposure to the heat. That is why, when collecting a first-aid kit on the beach, you should put only those medicines and devices that may be needed to provide urgent assistance to the patient. Other medicines ( e.g. antibiotics, antivirals and so on) is best kept at home under appropriate conditions ( in a dark place protected from light and heat).

Before going to the beach in the first aid kit you need to put:
  • 2 painkiller/antipyretic tablets. Of course, when body temperature rises, it is recommended to leave the beach as soon as possible and go home. At the same time, endure headaches ( which often accompanies fever) is not required at all. To do this, you can immediately take 1 tablet of a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, which will eliminate the headache in 20 to 30 minutes.
  • 2 tablets of an antiallergic agent. An allergic reaction can develop after eating any food, as well as after an insect bite, jellyfish, and so on. The sooner a person takes an antiallergic, the sooner the allergy symptoms will go away ( rash, pruritus) and the less likely it is to develop complications.
  • Drops / spray for the nose. It is necessary to take it with you if there is a tendency to nasal congestion, and also if a child is going to the sea who plans to swim ( if salty sea water enters the nose, mucosal edema may develop, which will be accompanied by nasal congestion).
  • antiemetic ( from motion sickness). It is necessary to take with you if you are planning a boat trip ( on a ship, boat, etc.).
  • 2 tablets for diarrhea. Sudden onset of diarrhea can create some difficulties during the return home. After taking loperamide, diarrhea will stop within 20 to 40 minutes, and the positive effect of the drug will last for 4 to 6 hours, which will allow the person to get home and begin specific treatment for the underlying disease that caused diarrhea.
  • A set of tools for the treatment of wounds. A person can get injured at the most unexpected moment, especially when swimming near stones or rocks. That is why you need to have everything you need for the initial treatment of the wound and stop bleeding ( at least 1 sterile bandage, 100 ml of hydrogen peroxide or iodine alcohol solution, plaster, elastic bandage).
  • Sunblock. You need to take it with you if a person goes to the beach from 10 to 17 hours, when the intensity of solar radiation is maximum.
  • 50 ml of ammonia in a sealed container. Alcohol is necessary to help a person who has lost consciousness.
  • 1 pin. May be useful in the development of cramps or muscle spasms in the legs.
  • Digital Thermometer. Required if a young child goes to the beach ( up to 3 - 4 years). An increase in body temperature in such children should be detected and eliminated in time, otherwise severe complications may develop ( e.g. seizures).
  • Minimum 1 cooling pack. May be needed for heatstroke, sunstroke, or injury.
Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

Traditionally, in the summer, many of our citizens go to rest in the southern regions, on the seas and beaches, but infectious diseases, injuries and other misfortunes lie in wait even in paradise places. A person is not perfect and any carefully planned vacation can be ruined if the tourist forgets about the first aid kit, with the necessary set of medicines, or understaffed it.

Medicines abroad are often many times more expensive than those bought in Russian pharmacies. There is also a language barrier, which may not allow you to contact a foreign pharmacist, explain your problem and get the right medicine. We will talk about this in today's article.

We will also touch upon the topic of transporting drugs across the border, both on its land side and by plane. Which drugs can be exported and to which countries. We will especially focus on popular destinations among Russians, such as Egypt, Turkey, Ukraine, and European countries. As already established in my Handbook, I will give specific recommendations without advertising.

The set of medicines presented by me will not help in case of serious illnesses, partly chronic diseases or extensive injuries, but it will definitely work for amateur first aid. I will also try to present analogues of funds from everyday life, for those who are already on vacation, but did not take medicines and cannot get them on the spot.

First aid kit for a tourist abroad

First, let's divide all our vacationers into two groups - practically healthy and people suffering from chronic diseases. The second group often includes the elderly and the elderly, but the young, unfortunately, do not lag behind, especially for diseases such as, and many others. Separately, we single out a group of vacationers with children.

A first aid kit is necessary for both the first group of tourists and the second. Naturally, for the second group, this will be an extended list, since on vacation it is quite natural to expect an exacerbation of many chronic sores.

The general list of first aid drugs that each person needs to take on the road and on vacation (with explanations from the doctor and motivation for the choice):

1. Injuries (on vacation, various cuts, abrasions, burns, including sunburns, are more common)

And this list is small because the usual medicines are not included in it, you can’t buy them in the usual sale, only by prescription, and I already described the rules for transporting such medicines and passing through customs, above in the section drugs for chronic patients.

At any time, you can check the list of drugs prohibited or allowed for transportation to certain countries from the embassy staff or on the website of the official diplomatic mission of the country where you plan to rest.

I will note a few nuances for individual states and drugs, since the inquisitive Russian mind would not have thought of such exoticism.

Vaccinations when traveling to exotic countries

I would like to note one more point. The need for specific vaccinations for exotic countries, especially the Pacific-Asian region, Africa and Latin America. Although you will be allowed into any of these countries without these vaccinations, but then you risk your health. Therefore, it is worth contacting an infectious disease specialist in a clinic at the place of residence in advance. They have a list of vaccinations for specific countries and he will advise which one can be done and where. Some of them are a paid service, so you need to prepare money. More detailed information needs to be clarified, since there are a lot of countries and any of the exotic ones have their own epidemics and diseases. It is better to apply in advance, two months before the planned date of the trip, since some vaccinations will need to be given several times, at certain intervals.

The basic rule of any traveler is a respectful attitude towards the country of temporary residence. Nobody wants to harm you, everyone is busy with their own business, and you are resting. So do not spoil your vacation with unnecessary problems, but take care of the medicines at home.

I will finish the already stretched article that I wanted to write for a long time and summarize the main nuances of the formation of a first-aid kit for a tourist going on vacation abroad. I would like to believe that the article will help many people find the optimal balance between free space in their luggage and the necessary set of medicines that may be needed on vacation, on the road, on the beach. I want to wish all readers not to get sick at all, and even more so during the trip. After all, we have been preparing for a vacation for so long not in order to ingloriously spend it in illness.

I look forward to your comments and comments, and maybe a list of drugs that you personally take in the first aid kit during the trip and which I missed. Good luck to all my readers.

Not everyone pays due attention to their own health on vacation and approaches the collection of first-aid kit rather superficially. An unusual climate and exotic cuisine can provoke ailments and ruin a long-awaited vacation. Deterioration of well-being can come at the most unexpected moment. It is not always possible to get timely qualified medical care or purchase the right medicine, especially at night. Having a first aid kit on hand will keep negative consequences to a minimum. It is especially important to take the necessary medicines with you if a person has chronic diseases, or small children go on vacation with you.

How to pack a travel first aid kit

The basic principles of collecting a "traveler's first aid kit"

  1. Be sure to take a supply of medicines for regular use. This applies to people with chronic and allergic diseases.
  2. Focus on your own experience and take only proven drugs. Holidays are not the time for health experiments, so don't use unfamiliar medications.
  3. Be sure to bring first aid supplies. For all medicines, check the expiration dates and the integrity of the package. Don't forget to include instructions for use.
  4. Collect a first-aid kit for children separately; for babies, certain children's medicines are needed.
  5. If you are going on vacation to another country, find out in advance the list of drugs prohibited for transportation and, if necessary, purchase authorized analogues.
  6. The first-aid kit should be capacious, convenient and hermetically closed.

The most common "holiday" health problems

One of the most common travel problems is ailments and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: poisoning, infections, bloating, and others.

Most often this is due to food that is unusual for the stomach (exotic local food) or unsanitary conditions (stale food, dirt). It is no secret that at the height of the season, enteric-viral infections are frequent at seaside resorts, from which small children suffer the most.

To avoid or minimize these troubles, follow simple rules of behavior on vacation:

  1. Observe basic hygiene standards, wash your hands often, use wet wipes and an antiseptic;
  2. Do not drink local tap water, it is better to play it safe and buy bottled drinking water, or boil tap water;
  3. Explain to the children that you can not swallow water: sea and from the pool;
  4. Wash local fruits and vegetables thoroughly;
  5. Don't buy street food or try specific local exotics unless you're sure of the quality of the food;
  6. Before traveling to a hot exotic country, make all the necessary vaccinations in advance.

Second is sunburn. Many people still do not know the rules of being in the hot sun and "having seized" to a sea holiday, they burn themselves in the very first days. For safe sunbathing, it is better to visit the beaches before 11-12 noon or after 16-17 hours. Be sure to use protective equipment, wear hats and drink plenty of water.

Mandatory list of medicines for an adult traveler

The first group of drugs - for the gastrointestinal tract. These remedies will relieve heartburn, bloating and discomfort in the stomach from overeating or eating heavy meals:

  1. Mezim or Pancreatin;
  2. Gastal (Renny);
  3. Motilium;
  4. Activated carbon.

These drugs are necessary for poisoning and gastrointestinal disorders (vomiting, diarrhea, spasms). Regidron will help restore the water-salt balance in the body:

  1. Smecta;
  2. Imodium;
  3. Bifiform;
  4. Loperamide;
  5. Linex;
  6. Enterosgel.

The second group - means for first aid:

  1. Dressings and external antiseptics;
  2. Bactericidal plaster (several packages of different sizes);
  3. Zelenka pencil.

Tablets from motion sickness in transport:

  1. Dramina;
  2. Aviamore or equivalents.

Buy a pack of natural lozenges, preferably mint or citrus, they also help relieve nausea.


  1. Paracetamol;
  2. No-shpa;
  3. Pentalgin;
  4. Askofen or Andipal - for people suffering from low or high blood pressure.

Do not forget to put anti-allergic drugs (Telfast, Tavegil, Suprastin, ointments for external use). This group also includes insect bite remedies (Fenistil).

On vacation, both children and adults walk a lot, swim, visit excursions and attractions, so injuries and sprains are not uncommon. In this case, put in the first aid kit:

1. Hydrogen peroxide;

2. Zelenka or iodine;

4. Ointments for bruises and sprains (Finalgon, Sustavit, Fastum-gel).

It will not be superfluous to put antibiotics and antipyretics in the first-aid kit:

  1. Amoxicillin;
  2. Aspirin;
  3. Paracetamol.

On vacation, especially at sea, there is a risk of swimming and catching a cold. Therefore, additionally put a thermometer, cold drops and a throat spray:

  1. Otrivin;
  2. Nazivin;
  3. Ingalipt;
  4. Tantum Verde;
  5. Coldrex;
  6. Lazolvan or Gedelix (for cough).

Don't forget to put in your main medications that you take regularly.

Be sure to bring sunscreen and burn medication:

  1. Panthenol;
  2. Cooling ointments based on aloe;
  3. Ibuprofen.

For overly impressionable people, sedatives will be needed: Novopassit, Persen or valerian tablets.

First aid kit of a young tourist

It is better to collect a children's first aid kit separately, it will be much more convenient and you will not have to look for the right medicine for a long time. Not all drugs for adults are suitable for babies. Children's medicines were originally made and designed for a young body, according to the age and weight of a young patient.

A cold can overtake even in the southern resort. The main reasons are hypothermia after a long stay in the water, acclimatization, and a viral infection. As antipyretic drugs, it is better to take children's Efferalgan or Panadol. Antiviral drugs: Anaferon, Arbidol, Umckalor.

If the child is very small, you will need a remedy for bloating - Espumizan. To reduce pain in the gums with cutting teeth, you should take Calgel or Kamistad.

In babies, after a long swim in the sea, ears may ache, Otipax drops will help relieve inflammation. As an antihistamine, instead of Suprastin in tablets, it is better to take Zirtek in drops. Antibiotics and other medicines should also be taken in a more comfortable form for taking: suspension, syrup.

Don't forget to include baby skin care products, wet wipes, cotton pads and ear buds.

Sunscreens for babies (especially very small and light-skinned ones) take with a high degree of protection (+35 or +50).

Just in case, put the "Rescuer" or "Fenistil-gel" ointment. They are indispensable for insect bites, abrasions and small cuts.

Collecting a "traveler's first aid kit" is a serious matter, but keep in mind that this is not a panacea, but just an assistant. If the condition is severe and only worsens, do not rely on your own strength, call a doctor or an ambulance. Sometimes delay only worsens the patient's condition.