What does sneezing mean when you have a cold? Why does a person sneeze many times in a row? Sneezing is a sign of a cold

Sneezing, or as it is more often called sneezing, is a physiological act that performs the body’s protective function of removing foreign substances, microorganisms and other factors that irritate the nasopharyngeal mucosa from the upper respiratory tract.

In fact, this is the body’s response to an irritant, which in most cases are infections, allergens, dust, and pollen.

At the moment of sneezing, a person feels a certain itching in the nasal passages, after which a short sigh is taken, the tongue is pressed to the palate and the body reflexively releases the irritating “factor” into the environment through the nasopharynx using forced exhalation. Almost always, along with the process of sneezing, a copious amount of liquid is released from the nasopharynx.

It is worth noting that sneezing and coughing are very similar in purpose, and the differences are only in the localization of this process.

In addition, sneezing, as well as coughing, are very often symptoms of various diseases, mainly of an infectious nature, of the ENT organs (chickenpox, sinusitis, influenza, ARVI and other acute respiratory infections).

How it works?

The entire process of sneezing is coordinated in the medulla oblongata with the help of the trigeminal, hypoglossal, vagus and other nerves - it is carried out according to the following chain:

  • Feeling of itching or tickling in the nasal cavity;
  • When you inhale, the lungs are filled with a large amount of air;
  • The soft palate reflexively rises upward, the back of the tongue is adjacent to the hard palate, which is why a barrier is formed between the nasopharynx and the mouth, the anterior arches of the pharynx contract, the eyes close spontaneously;
  • At the same moment, the muscles of the larynx, diaphragm, intercostal and rectus abdominis muscles contract, which creates high pressure in the chest and abdomen;
  • The body rapidly, at a speed of up to 120 m/s, pushes out an air flow of up to 12 l/s, while microdrops of saliva and mucus are released with the air at a distance of up to 3-5 m!

Please note that it is undesirable to restrain this flow, because... There have been cases when people's mucous membranes of the nasopharynx were injured during a strong act of sneezing.

Now do you understand why airborne droplets are the main method of infecting surrounding people and why it is not recommended to be in crowded places during acute respiratory infections? One sneeze can be enough to infect several people at once who are traveling with a carrier of germs, for example, on the subway or bus.

To prevent sneezing, the following main points can be highlighted:

  • Do wet cleaning of the premises at least 2-3 times a day, and do not forget to ventilate them well;
  • Change bed linen promptly;
  • Observe personal hygiene rules;
  • And do not use the same utensils in the form of cups and other items for 2 or more people at work.

Is sneezing when you have a cold good or bad?

The virus enters the body through the nasal passage and irritates the epithelial cilia of the nasal mucosa. There is a feeling of itching in the nose. This, in turn, sends a signal to the brain and a reflex act of contraction of the muscles of the nasopharynx and respiratory muscles occurs, as a result of which the infectious agent and excess mucus are released from the nasal cavity under pressure.

On the one hand, sneezing itself is a protective mechanism that prevents further penetration of the influenza or ARVI pathogen into the body and mechanically removes the allergen and infectious mucus. Therefore, sneezing benefits the body and promotes a speedy recovery.

On the other hand, if you sneeze incorrectly, that is, cover your nose with your fingers while sneezing, then the infection does not come out, but enters the paranasal sinuses and ears. This is how you can get sinusitis and otitis media.

In addition, when you sneeze, a viral or bacterial agent, along with saliva, flies in the air at a distance of a couple of meters. To avoid infecting others, you should cover your mouth with a tissue when sneezing.

It must be remembered that sneezing is a symptom of the disease that caused it. Therefore, it is necessary to treat the disease itself first.

Frequent sneezing during a cold indicates a high viral load on the human body and greatly reduces the quality of life. In parallel with sneezing, as a rule, there are other symptoms such as:

  • increase in body temperature (if there is no temperature, then this often indicates either good immunity or, conversely, very weak due to HIV infection, tuberculosis, diabetes, etc.
  • Sneezing is always accompanied by a runny nose
  • weakness, lethargy, headache
  • cough
  • a sore throat
  • body and muscle aches
  • nasal congestion
  • loss of appetite
  • lacrimation, itching in the eyes

Treatment will be symptomatic. Appointed:

  • Antiviral agents (groprinosin, anaferon, arbidol). They help improve general and local immunity. Stop the reproduction of the virus in the human body.
  • When body temperature rises, antipyretic medications (paracetamol, ibuprofen, aspirin) are prescribed.
  • For coughs and sore throats, lozenges with anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties (Dr. Mom, Lazolvan lozenges, lozenges with sage extract, Strepsils, Grammidin).
  • Vasoconstrictor drops (Nazivin, Afrin, Naphthyzin) are prescribed for the nose. They reduce swelling of the nasal mucosa and make breathing easier. Such nasal drops are contraindicated for pregnant women and children. They can be used for no more than 7 days. Otherwise, addiction will develop.
  • Salt solutions (Aquamaris, Aqualor, Marimer). Have no side effects. They remove crusts and excess mucus from the nose well, and remove accumulations of viruses and allergens.
  • If a severe runny nose and sneezing during a cold does not go away with the above treatment, then antiallergic drugs (citrine, loratadine, Zyrtec) can be added to the treatment. They will relieve itching and swelling of the nasal mucosa.
  • Drops that stimulate the immune system. For example, Derinat and IRS-19. They have a local immunostimulating effect.
  • Vitamins have a general strengthening effect.
  • Local antibacterial agents. They are available in the form of Bioparox and Isofra spray. They are often prescribed to pregnant and lactating women. Since they act exclusively at the local level and do not penetrate the systemic bloodstream.
  • Homeopathic remedies. Widely used as an aid for colds. For example, such as tonsilgon, aflubin. They can also be prescribed to pregnant and breastfeeding women.
  • Lubricating the wings of the nose with an asterisk also helps a lot. Its smell relieves itching and facilitates nasal breathing.

Folk remedies can also help stop sneezing when you have a cold. The most effective are carrot and beet juices, Kalanchoe juice and menthol oil. They are used in the form of drops two to three times a day.

Onion juice also helps a lot. It is also used finely chopped. The onion is kept in the room where the sick person is. It has disinfecting properties due to phytoncides in the air. You can rinse the nasal cavity with a saline solution with the addition of calendula or eucalyptus tincture.

Sometimes there are situations when it is inconvenient to sneeze. In such cases, the reflex reaction can be interrupted. To do this, rub the nasal septum, pressing the wings of the nose against it. This manipulation should not be resorted to often, since sneezing is aimed at cleansing the body.

Regular wet cleaning of the room and walks in the fresh air will help you get rid of sneezing and runny nose faster.

It is always easier to prevent than to treat later. Therefore, it is best to engage in prevention in the form of hardening, dress for the weather, get vaccinated against the influenza virus and lubricate the nasal cavity with oxolinic ointment. Avoid crowded places during an epidemic.

If your runny nose and sneezing do not go away within a week, you should seek help from an ENT doctor.

Causes of sneezing

I constantly sneeze and have a runny nose, what is the cause of these symptoms? Most often, disturbances such as congestion and sneezing are observed when a viral infection enters the body.

If a constant runny nose and sneezing are not accompanied by other signs of the disease (weakness, lack of appetite, muscle pain), then this may indicate a gradual development of the pathological process.

As a rule, after entering the human body, a pathogenic virus needs 1-3 days to manifest itself. The length of the incubation period may vary depending on the type of virus itself and the individual characteristics of the person.

In addition to nasal congestion and sneezing, other symptoms appear, thanks to which a complete clinical picture of the disease can be drawn up.

If a person has a strong immune system, the symptoms of a respiratory viral disease may be mild. Therefore, constant sneezing and rhinitis against the background of normal health is a fairly common phenomenon.

Why does the patient constantly sneeze? The causes of this pathological phenomenon may also be associated with the development of an allergic reaction. Most often, this violation occurs in the spring-summer period of the year, during the flowering of plants.

A person may also constantly sneeze under the influence of other allergens. For example, dust, mold, household chemicals, animal hair, etc. are often irritants. An allergic reaction, in addition to sneezing and rhinitis, is often accompanied by a symptom such as red, swollen, watery eyes.

In addition, the reasons for constant sneezing and runny nose may be the following:

  • excessive dryness of the mucous membrane, resulting from the uncontrolled use of vasoconstrictor nasal drops, dry air in the room, and impaired capillary function;
  • mechanical damage to the nasal cavity, the presence of a foreign body in the nose;
  • nasal polyps are small neoplasms that impair breathing;
  • hormonal imbalance. I constantly sneeze and runny nose - pregnant women often turn to a specialist with this problem; this disorder is explained by hormonal imbalance and, as a result, constant inflammation of the mucous membrane. A similar phenomenon can also occur in women during menopause.

So why can a person constantly sneeze? And what are the main causes of everyday nasal congestion? And it turns out there can be many reasons.

  1. Hypothermia of the body. Quite often, a person sleeps all night with the windows wide open, not thinking at all that the result of such a negligent attitude towards oneself and one’s health may be morning nasal congestion. Yes, during the night period a person’s immune system works as hard as it can, doing everything to prevent him from getting sick. However, some cold symptoms still appear.
  2. Runny nose and sneezing as a reaction of the human body to dust present in the house. In the modern world it is impossible to live in complete isolation from dust: it follows a person everywhere. But if you carry out wet cleaning in the room at least every other day, you can to some extent reduce the amount of inhaled dust. Particular attention should be paid to bedding, where the largest accumulation of it actually occurs. In addition, bedding is a “cozy place” for microscopic mites to live and live, the waste of which can cause runny noses and sneezing in people.
  3. Animals and their fur. Often, people who have pets in their house or apartment (this is especially true for dogs and cats) may not even suspect that there are real allergens near them, because cat or dog hair can actually provoke the occurrence of constant runny nose and sneezing.
  4. Very often, the cause of continuous sneezing and runny nose without fever can be an allergy to pollen. This happens in the summer, when all the plants are actively blooming, and most people sleep with their windows open. This is where the allergen “attacks” its victim.
  5. Chronic runny nose. Symptoms of this disease usually occur in the morning. At times, a runny nose may not bother the patient, but the opinion that many people have that it will go away on its own is erroneous. Such symptoms indicate that something wrong is going on with the body, and if the necessary measures to treat and eliminate it are not taken in a timely manner, then in the future this can lead to various inflammations. This illness should be approached with the utmost seriousness, and it is not recommended to delay contacting a doctor at all.
  6. Respiratory dysfunction. This phenomenon can be observed due to the curvature of the nose, which disrupts the process of natural cleansing of the nasal cavity. The result is a runny nose.
  7. Nasal polyps. Very often, a chronic disease such as nasal polyposis can lead to the formation of polyps on the nasal mucosa, resulting in a constant runny nose. This phenomenon occurs in both adults and children.
  8. Elementary drying out of the nasal mucosa can cause a runny nose and sneezing.

Symptoms such as runny nose and sneezing can often accompany pregnant women. This is understandable, because during pregnancy the body undergoes many changes, including a decrease in the immune defense of the entire body. Some experts unanimously declare that a runny nose and sneezing may indicate the presence and development of infectious diseases in the human body such as :

  • scarlet fever;
  • measles;
  • chicken pox;
  • flu.

Now let's find out what can tickle the nose there so much that it causes sneezing.

The most common reasons are:

  • Infections – viruses (influenza, parainfluenza, measles, chickenpox), bacteria (staphylococci, pneumococci and other streptococci, Haemophilus influenzae), fungi, protozoa and others;
  • Allergens – dust, plant pollen (ragweed), animal hair, mold, poplar fluff, skin flakes, ground pepper, snuff, tobacco smoke and other combustion products;
  • As a reaction of the nasal mucosa to anti-runny nose drops, incl. plant-based - from aloe, kalanchoe, cyclamen;
  • Chemical fumes - powders, perfumes, hairspray, deodorants, air fresheners;
  • A sharp change in temperature from cold to warm or vice versa - when entering a room from a frosty street or in the opposite direction;
  • Changes in hormonal levels, which often causes this act in pregnant women in their last stages;
  • Bright light can also be an irritating factor - you may have noticed that when you suddenly open your eyes into a sunny room in the morning or leave a dimly lit room onto a sunny street, “sneezes” can occur along with tears.

Symptoms of sneezing

If a sneeze occurs without a runny nose and/or fever, it is most likely the result of an allergic reaction of the nasal mucosa to some substance. Otherwise, they talk about the development of some disease or pathology.

The most common symptoms of sneezing, which may indicate the appearance or presence of a disease or pathology:

  • Runny nose, copious discharge from the nasal cavity of mucous clear liquid, which can over time turn yellow and green, sometimes mixed with blood;
  • Redness of the eyes, increased lacrimation;
  • Increased body temperature, periodic chilling;
  • Weakness, increased fatigue, feeling of weakness and bad mood;
  • Pain of various localizations - headache, muscle, joint, throat, chest, stomach;
  • Enlarged lymph nodes;
  • Cough ;
  • Hives and other types of skin rashes;
  • In case of intoxication from infection, loss of appetite, nausea, and diarrhea may occur.

What diseases do the above symptoms indicate?

Features of treatment

What to do when sneezing and how to treat it? Due to the wide variety of causes of sneezing - physiological and pathological, the approach to this issue should be comprehensive and considered by a doctor.

Single sneezes usually do not require medication. It is enough to identify and remove factors that irritate the nasal mucosa. The presence of additional symptoms, which we talked about a little earlier, requires medical consultation, especially for young children and pregnant women.

1. Removal of the exciting factor.2. Drug treatment.3. Symptomatic treatment.4. Diet.

In many cases, to eliminate single attacks of sneezing, it is enough to perform a number of simple steps:

  • Change bedding, especially down and feather pillows, in which dust mites can grow over time and provoke the physiological act discussed today;
  • Do wet cleaning at your place of residence or work 2-3 times a week;
  • When working with highly active substances that tend to evaporate, as well as during construction work, use personal protective equipment - masks, respirators and others.

Drug treatment of sneezing is aimed at eliminating the pathogenic factor - infection, allergy.

Thus, for infectious diseases, depending on the pathogen, antibiotics are used (for bacterial infections), antiviral drugs (for viral infections), antimycotic drugs (for fungal infections).

For allergies, antihistamines are used - Claritin, Loratadine, Diazolin, Eden and others.

Symptomatic treatment involves the use of medications that relieve the severity of the symptoms of the disease, one of which is sneezing. This facilitates the course of the disease (the root cause of sneezing), helps to recover faster and prevent serious health complications, for example, at a high temperature of 40 ° C and above.

Rinsing helps to cleanse the nasal passages of mucus and germs. Well-proven products for these purposes include soda-salt solution and Aquamaris.

To relieve fever and pain, NSAIDs are prescribed - Nurofen, Paracetamol, Nimesil.

To improve nasal breathing with severe nasal congestion, vasoconstrictor drops are prescribed - “Farmazolin”, “Nazivin”, “Otrivin”.

It is also recommended to drink plenty of water - ordinary clean water and plant-based teas that contain vitamin C. Drinking helps to increase the body's defenses and remove waste products of infection from it.

Tea with raspberries, viburnum, rose hips and other medicinal plants are beneficial.

4. Diet

Nutrition is an important factor in the treatment and prevention of various colds.

During this period, it is strongly recommended to eat greens, vegetables, fruits and other foods rich in vitamins and macro-microelements. Thus, the body tolerates the disease more easily and recovers faster.

What should I do if I constantly sneeze? Regular rinsing of the nasal cavity will help eliminate this unpleasant symptom. To perform this procedure, it is recommended to use tools such as:

  • preparations based on sea water;
  • decoctions and infusions of medicinal plants;
  • solution of iodine, furatsilin, potassium permanganate;
  • solution of table or sea salt.

I constantly have a stuffy nose and sneeze, how can I normalize the condition? Nasal drops and sprays can be used for treatment. Medications are selected depending on the cause of the disorder.

If persistent rhinitis and sneezing are a consequence of an allergic reaction of the body, medications such as Zyrtec, Claritin, Teridin are used to eliminate such symptoms. These drugs help narrow blood vessels, eliminate sneezing and itching.

For a runny nose of any etiology, Noxprey, Sanorin, Nazol, Otrivin, Tizin are highly effective.

Such drugs as Xylometazoline, Oxymetazoline, Tetrizoline have an effective vasoconstrictor effect.

To eliminate inflammation and reduce the irritating effects of dry air, special nasal ointments can be used - Oxolinic, Boromenthol.

It is also useful for internal use to use products that strengthen the body’s defenses (echinacea extract, vitamin C).

Self-medication in most cases not only does not solve the problem, but can also provoke the development of severe complications.

If you suddenly start sneezing a lot, it means that copious mucus discharge from the nose will soon appear. Doctors say that these are two directly interrelated processes. Constant sneezing is almost always accompanied by rhinitis. These signs begin either simultaneously or alternately, depending on the disease.

To get rid of them, first identify the causes of their occurrence, and then look for possible methods of treatment. If the appearance of snot and sneezing is caused by ARVI, then therapy is carried out using antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs. However, ? How to treat an unpleasant condition? Let's figure it out.

Sneezing and snot are primarily a protective reaction of the human body at the reflex level, thanks to which it is possible to get rid of microparticles that have entered the nasopharynx. The process itself is aimed at freeing the airways from irritants.

Unpleasant symptoms in the morning can occur due to:

Hypothermia. If the room was too cold at night or there were drafts, then snot and nasal congestion often appear as the body becomes hypothermic. Allergic reaction to wool. If there are animals in the apartment, then it is possible that such symptoms in the morning are associated with the body’s reaction to the production of allergens to their fur. Allergic reaction to dust. Regardless of how often the apartment is cleaned, no one can completely get rid of dust. Especially a lot of it accumulates in bed linen, blankets and pillows, so the appearance of rhinitis in the morning may be associated with a dust allergy. . Nasal mucus discharge occurs mainly in the morning. During the day they stop, but the inflammation remains, so constant signs of the disease continue in the morning for quite a long time. Allergic reaction to flowering in spring and summer. Copious flow from the nasal cavity during the flowering period of plants worries allergy sufferers mainly in the mornings. They are not able to cope with an attack quickly, which greatly irritates the nasopharynx.

More information on the topic:

Sneezing and mucus discharge from the nose is the so-called protective mechanism of the body provided by nature. However, if these symptoms constantly bother you, then you should seek help from a specialist, since rhinitis is caused by both allergic reactions and chronic diseases.

If symptoms such as constant itching in the nose and sneezing, snot flowing, and watery eyes are clearly allergic in nature, then this is the body’s response to the production of allergens and there is nothing to be afraid of. In this case, mucus, on the contrary, only helps to clear the nasal passages of microparticles that irritate it. In the absence of fever and other complications, treatment with antihistamines is required ( Tavegil, Claritin, Suprastin).

If itching in the nostrils is caused by a cold, then treatment must be started immediately, otherwise you may accidentally infect others.

This unpleasant condition can be treated with both folk remedies and medications. Therapy should be started when the first signs appear.

Among the folk remedies, adults can cope with the disease by drinking plenty of hot water and warming their feet in water with the addition of mustard. After the procedure, you need to wear warm socks, and place mustard plaster in each of them.

You can also try to treat nasal discharge without fever by inhalation using aromatic oils of eucalyptus, mint or lemon.

How to treat profuse flow besides traditional medicine? The following medications will help get rid of this problem with colds:

Vasoconstrictor drops and nasal sprays. Eliminate swelling of the mucous membrane and make breathing easier. These include, Tizin, Sanorin and others. Drugs should not be dripped or sprayed for longer than seven days to avoid addiction. It is important to know that vasoconstrictor drops cannot be used during pregnancy and with a chronic disease such as atrophic rhinitis.
Sprays and drops that have a moisturizing effect. They promote the separation of mucus. Moisturizing preparations such as Aqualor, Aquamaris and other preparations that contain sea water are usually used as an addition to the main therapy. Their beneficial components help stimulate the function of the respiratory glands. Antiviral nasal drops. These medications are mainly used to prevent colds or at the initial stage of the disease. Thanks to them, the development of infection in the nasopharynx is prevented. Such drugs are usually used to stop the sneezing process in acute rhinitis. Antiviral drops Grippferon, Interferon are taken when the first symptoms of ARVI and influenza occur. Homeopathic medicines in the form of drops, tablets and sprays. They are made on the basis of essential oils and have a refreshing and antiseptic effect. Homeopathic medicines Tonsilgon, Larinol, Edas-131 are recommended for use for all types of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract. They eliminate swelling of the mucous membrane and have an antiviral effect on the entire body as a whole. Antibacterial agents. They are produced mainly in the form of aerosols for the treatment of the upper respiratory tract, which have an antibacterial effect. Popular medications such as Bioparox and Isofra act on a specific area, so they can be used even by pregnant women and children.


It is necessary to take into account that drug therapy will work if personal hygiene is observed, regular wet cleaning of the room and additional air humidification.

Source: nasmorkam.net
to the content?

Frequent sneezing in a child without fever is usually accompanied by slight mucus secretion and congestion. This is how ARVI manifests itself in children. You can restore normal breathing to your child using special vasoconstrictor drops.

If the baby constantly sneezes, but the sniffles do not flow, then the reason for this may be the presence of a dry crust on the mucous membrane. It prevents the baby from breathing freely. The formation of a crust is associated with excessively dry air in the room.

In fact, there are quite a lot of factors causing unpleasant symptoms in children. If the child is already of conscious age, then it is worth asking him to talk about what he feels. It is quite possible that the emerging inflammatory process is directly related to the cold. But the presence of an allergic reaction is also possible.

After all, it occurs suddenly, and it can be triggered by any allergen, be it the fur of a pet or the spring flowering of plants. Only a doctor can determine the cause of the first signs of the disease. Therefore, if you find them, do not delay going to a specialist, because this is a child who needs qualified help.

Profuse flow of snot without fever in pregnant women, especially in the early stages, is a fairly common phenomenon .

These signs themselves are not dangerous during pregnancy if they do not become a chronic form of the disease. Rhinitis during the first month or at 7-10 weeks of pregnancy has virtually no effect on the fetus. Such symptoms are most dangerous in later stages.

A particular threat in the early stages of pregnancy is a viral or bacterial infection, accompanied by sneezing without fever. Indeed, during this period, taking almost all medications that make breathing easier is prohibited.

It is important to understand that due to congestion, the heart and lungs of a pregnant woman suffer greatly, since the nose is not able to perform its main functions. Therefore, the lungs cannot cope and are exposed to dangerous environmental influences.

Such an unsatisfactory condition for the expectant mother poses a double threat. After all, not only her body suffers, but also the organs of the child growing inside her. If a pregnant woman is unable to breathe through her nose due to illness, then the baby develops oxygen starvation, which negatively affects its development.

Rhinitis can also lead to changes in taste, sense of smell and allergies. The difficulty of therapy lies in the fact that a pregnant woman is prohibited from using vasoconstrictor drops.

Before starting treatment, a pregnant woman needs to see a specialist who can determine the cause of these symptoms and prescribe proper treatment.

But if you temporarily cannot go to the doctor, then you need to use moisturizing sprays based on sea water that are approved during pregnancy or use traditional medicine recipes so as not to harm yourself and the unborn baby. Let the doctor prescribe everything else.

Among traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of nasopharynx during pregnancy, drops made from carrot or apple juice are ideal. They should be instilled no more than 4 times a day, 5-8 drops.

A cold, as a rule, always manifests itself as a strong flow from the nasal cavity, sneezing and congestion. The reason for this is a viral infection that has entered the body. It provokes inflammation, which increases the penetration of fluid from the blood vessels into the nasal cavity several times. As a result, swelling of the mucous membrane occurs, which prevents the penetration of free air flow.

To alleviate such symptoms during an acute respiratory viral infection, it is necessary to drink as much warm fruit drinks, compotes, and teas as possible. You should also be sure to ventilate the room several times a day and humidify the air. For treatment, it is advisable to use saline solutions and aerosols based on sea water, as well as vasoconstrictor sprays.

Sneezing and runny nose allergies as the culprit

If allergies and sneezing occur, it is imperative to take antihistamines such as Claritin, Zyrtec and others to improve overall well-being. In some cases, specialists additionally prescribe vasoconstrictor sprays, for example, Vibrocil, as well as hormonal ointments.

How to cause a runny nose and sneezing?

No matter how strange it may sound, there are situations when it is simply necessary to cause a severe runny nose in order not to go to an important event. So, to provoke similar symptoms V It won’t be difficult at home if you know how to do it.

Today, there are several ways by which you can easily simulate a cold, as well as redness of the eyes and watery eyes.

There are many ways by which ARVI symptoms can be artificially provoked. But they all have a short-term effect. However, it is important to understand that you should not use these methods too often to avoid serious health problems.

Sneezing and runny nose without fever, causes and treatment: video

In this article: 4 photos

A runny nose and sneezing are closely related to each other. We can say that sneezing is an integral part of ENT diseases. Depending on their nature, sneezing manifests itself in the early stages of a runny nose and is observed throughout the course of the disease or its exacerbation.

To get rid of illness, you need to know what causes a runny nose and sneezing. treatment, accordingly, will be carried out using appropriate drugs. For example, symptoms such as fever, cough, runny nose - a cold, so treatment should begin with the elimination of pathogenic microbes from the body, including by rinsing the nose.

Sneezing is a symptom of allergic rhinitis and ENT diseases

When diagnosed with a runny nose, sneezing does not appear by chance. This is a natural, reflex reaction of the body trying to get rid of foreign particles. Sneezing is designed to protect the respiratory organs from irritants.

Under pressure, a stream of air is ejected from the nasal cavity, due to which it is freed from foreign particles and excess mucus. Just remember your reaction to a dusty room. Even in the absence of allergies, a person begins to sneeze vigorously. During a runny nose, this reflex process intensifies, since it is necessary to “emergency” remove foreign substances that not only interfere with breathing, but also provoke inflammation.

If you experience frequent sneezing and runny nose in the summer, then most likely it is an allergy. As a rule, pollen from various plants causes sneezing at this time of year.

But even during the year, people are not immune from it. Mold and epidermal cells (human, animal) also often cause allergic rhinitis.

When you have a cold, sneezing usually indicates an incipient runny nose. Eyes also water during allergic reactions. A man with red, puffy eyes, holding a handkerchief in his hands - this is a classic portrait of an allergy sufferer.

A cold often begins with inflammation of the nasal mucosa; at the beginning of the disease, a runny nose is accompanied by sneezing; a cough appears later when pathogenic microbes enter the larynx. It happens that a runny nose provokes a cough: the cold spreads to the oropharynx. By the way, such a downward movement of pathogenic flora can even lead to bronchitis.

Sometimes you may notice, in the absence of allergies or colds, that your runny nose and sneezing get worse in the morning. The reason for this may be:

  • vasomotor (non-allergic) rhinitis;
  • impaired breathing and self-cleaning of the nose as a result of a curvature of the nose;
  • polyps;
  • drying of the nasal mucosa.

Sneezing is much more common with respiratory infections. At the onset of a cold, you can often hear complaints: “I have a stuffy nose, a runny nose and I’m sneezing.” The task of the reflex reaction in this case is to get rid of pathogenic flora.

What can sneezing cause?

Sneezing is a protective mechanism of the body, provided by nature itself to preserve its vital functions. Accordingly, you should not be afraid of this reaction. On the other hand, for a person this is an indicator that something is wrong in the body: you need to listen to your feelings and, if necessary, seek qualified medical help.

For allergic rhinitis caused by inhaled particles, sneezing helps remove them from the nasal cavity. Perhaps this process does not cause anything other than inconvenience for the allergy sufferer. If a cold has caused a runny nose, then such sneezing is not entirely harmless: both for the sick person and for those around him.

No matter how inconvenient it may be, it is not advisable to hold back the urge to sneeze. The speed at which the reflexive release of air occurs can exceed 100 meters per second, and the pressure can exceed 100 millimeters of mercury. If contained, pathogens can enter the sinuses or middle ear and cause sinusitis or otitis media.

On the other hand, pathogenic microorganisms appear in the environment at the same speed. Which, accordingly, leads to infection of others and the spread of respiratory infections. This is the mechanism of seasonal epidemics of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections.

Disposable paper handkerchiefs will help protect your runny nose during a cold; fabric handkerchiefs only contribute to the spread of infection.

How to stop sneezing

No matter how wisely nature orders, sneezing is still not the most pleasant reaction of the body, especially if it is repeated many times. If it is necessary to be in society, it causes a lot of inconvenience, interferes with communication and is perceived as disrespect for those present.

The method of eliminating this symptom should be chosen, of course, taking into account the nature of the disease. A universal option is rinsing, but if you have allergies, you may need to take special medications.

Nasal rinsing

How to treat a runny nose during a cold depends on the stage of the disease. Treatment of runny nose and colds at the first symptoms is better to start with rinsing the nose. Drainage relieves swelling, but, most importantly, removes pathogens. Thus, the body gets rid of the need to sneeze.

There are various means for washing:

  • pharmaceutical solutions based on sea salt;
  • infusions of medicinal herbs;
  • juices of plants, berries, vegetables;
  • solutions of iodine, potassium permanganate, furatsilin;
  • plain water.

wonderful sea ​​salt has a healing effect. containing a complex of mineral salts and trace elements. Thanks to their action, the work of the cilia of the mucous membrane is activated and the removal of mucus occurs much faster naturally.

Most rinses have a drying effect on the mucous membrane. This effect is also beneficial for allergic rhinitis, but in this case ordinary water is used for drainage. It is quite enough to remove allergens from the nasal cavity: dust, pollen, etc.

Runny nose and colds will go away if you do preventive rinsing, for example, with solutions of Dolphin, Aqualor, Salin, Aquamaris, Otrivin, etc.

Antiallergic drugs

For allergies, depending on the stage of the disease, the following is prescribed:

  • antihistamines;
  • vasoconstrictor drops and aerosols;
  • hormonal ointments and aerosols.

Because sneezing is usually present at the beginning of an allergy flare-up. then antihistamine medications help get rid of it: Teridin, Zyrtec, Claritin, Telfast, etc. Their action is based on blocking the activity of histamine, which, in fact, provokes the dilation of small blood vessels, muscle contraction, causes itching and ultimately sneezing.

At the beginning of an exacerbation, sneezing accompanies an allergic runny nose - tears are also a common symptom. Antihistamines also block eye swelling.

In addition to medications in the fight against allergic rhinitis, it is recommended:

  • take a shower and change clothes after walking outside;
  • regularly carry out wet cleaning at home during allergen-dangerous times of the year;
  • install a room humidifier;
  • Do not dry washed clothes outside.

In any case, it should be remembered that seemingly harmless sneezing, which begins to cause discomfort, is a signal from the body about a disruption in vital functions.

Source: healthyorgans.ru

Aaapchih, - “Be healthy!”. A similar situation is far from rare in the life of every person, but let’s figure it out: is it worth worrying about every “sneeze” or is there nothing like that here? And to cheer you up, leave your sneeze stories in the comments, which may have had a humorous part.

What is sneezing?

Sneeze, or as it is more often called sneezing– a physiological act that performs the body’s protective function of removing foreign substances, microorganisms and other factors that irritate the nasopharyngeal mucosa from the upper respiratory tract.

In fact, this is the body’s response to an irritant, which in most cases are allergens, dust, and pollen.

At the moment of sneezing, a person feels a certain itching in the nasal passages, after which a short sigh is taken, the tongue is pressed to the palate and the body reflexively releases the irritating “factor” into the environment through the nasopharynx using forced exhalation. Almost always, along with the process of sneezing, a copious amount of liquid is released from the nasopharynx.

It is worth noting that sneezing and its purpose are very similar to each other, and the differences are only in the localization of this process.

In addition, sneezing, as well as coughing, are very often symptoms, mainly of the ENT organs (and others).

How it works?

The entire process of sneezing is coordinated in the medulla oblongata with the help of the trigeminal, hypoglossal, vagus and other nerves - it is carried out according to the following chain:

  • Feeling of itching or tickling in the nasal cavity;
  • When you inhale, the lungs are filled with a large amount of air;
  • The soft palate reflexively rises upward, the back of the tongue is adjacent to the hard palate, which is why a barrier is formed between the nasopharynx and the mouth, the anterior arches of the pharynx contract, the eyes close spontaneously;
  • At the same moment, the muscles of the larynx, diaphragm, intercostal and rectus abdominis muscles contract, which creates high pressure in the chest and abdomen;
  • The body rapidly, at a speed of up to 120 m/s, pushes out an air flow of up to 12 l/s, while microdrops of saliva and mucus are released with the air at a distance of up to 3-5 m!

Please note that it is undesirable to restrain this flow, because... There have been cases when people's mucous membranes of the nasopharynx were injured during a strong act of sneezing.

Now do you understand why airborne droplets are the main method of infecting surrounding people and why it is not recommended to be in crowded places during acute respiratory infections? One sneeze can be enough to infect several people at once who are traveling with a carrier of germs, for example, on the subway or bus.

Causes of sneezing

Now let's find out what can tickle the nose there so much that it causes sneezing.

The most common reasons are:

  • Infections – (, parainfluenza, measles, chickenpox), (, and others, hemophilus influenzae), fungi, protozoa and others;
  • Allergens – dust, plant pollen (ragweed), animal hair, mold, poplar fluff, skin flakes, ground pepper, snuff, tobacco smoke and other combustion products;
  • As a reaction of the nasal mucosa to anti-runny nose drops, incl. plant-based - from, cyclamen;
  • Chemical fumes - powders, perfumes, hairspray, deodorants, air fresheners;
  • A sharp change in temperature from cold to warm or vice versa - when entering a room from a frosty street or in the opposite direction;
  • Changes in hormonal levels, which often causes this act in pregnant women in their last stages;
  • Bright light can also be an irritating factor - you may have noticed that when you suddenly open your eyes into a sunny room in the morning or leave a dimly lit room onto a sunny street, “sneezes” can occur along with tears.

Symptoms of sneezing

If a “sneeze” occurs unaccompanied and/or, it is more likely the result of an allergic reaction of the nasal mucosa to some substance. Otherwise, they talk about the development of some disease or pathology.

The most common symptoms of sneezing, which may indicate the appearance or presence of a disease or pathology:

  • Runny nose, copious discharge from the nasal cavity of mucous clear liquid, which can over time turn yellow and green, sometimes mixed with blood;
  • Redness of the eyes, increased lacrimation;
  • Increased body temperature, periodic;
  • , increased fatigue, feeling of weakness and bad mood;
  • Pain of various localizations -, muscle, ;
  • and other types of skin rashes;
  • In case of intoxication from infection, loss of appetite may occur.

What diseases do the above symptoms indicate?

  • Sinusitis;
  • Infectious diseases - ARVI, chickenpox, and others;
  • , allergic rhinitis, hay fever;
  • Getting used to vasoconstrictor drops;
  • , and others .

Diagnosis of sneezing

A standard set of tests for frequent sneezing and the presence of other symptoms listed above are:

  • Visual examination, collection of complaints, anamnesis;
  • Analysis to identify allergies;
  • General urine analysis;
  • Rhinoscopy.

Which doctor should I contact?

Due to the wide variety of causes of sneezing - physiological and pathological, the approach to this issue should be comprehensive and considered by a doctor.

Single sneezes usually do not require medication. It is enough to identify and remove factors that irritate the nasal mucosa. The presence of additional symptoms, which we talked about a little earlier, requires medical consultation, especially for young children and pregnant women.

Comprehensive measures for pathological sneezing may include:

1. Removal of the exciting factor.
2. Drug treatment.
3. Symptomatic treatment.
4. Diet.

1. Removing the factor that excites sneezing

In many cases, to eliminate single attacks of sneezing, it is enough to perform a number of simple steps:

  • Change bedding, especially down and feather pillows, in which dust mites can grow over time and provoke the physiological act discussed today;
  • Do wet cleaning at your place of residence or work 2-3 times a week;
  • When working with highly active substances that tend to evaporate, as well as during construction work, use personal protective equipment - masks, respirators and others.

2. Drug treatment

Drug treatment of sneezing is aimed at eliminating the pathogenic factor - infection, allergy.

Thus, for infectious diseases, depending on the pathogen, antibiotics are used (for bacterial infections), antiviral drugs (for viral infections), antimycotic drugs (for fungal infections).

For allergies, antihistamines are used - "", "", "Diazolin", "Eden" and others.

3. Symptomatic treatment

Symptomatic treatment involves the use of medications that relieve the severity of the symptoms of the disease, one of which is sneezing. This facilitates the course of the disease (the root cause of sneezing), helps to recover faster and prevent serious health complications, for example, at a high temperature of 40 ° C and above.

Rinsing helps to cleanse the nasal passages of mucus and germs. Well-proven products for these purposes include soda-salt solution and Aquamaris.

And others .

4. Diet

Nutrition is an important factor in the treatment and prevention of various diseases.

Preventing sneezing

To prevent sneezing, the following main points can be highlighted:

  • Do wet cleaning of the premises at least 2-3 times a day, and do not forget to ventilate them well;
  • Change bed linen promptly;
  • Observe ;
  • And do not use the same utensils in the form of cups and other items for 2 or more people at work.

In some cultures, when a person sneezes, they say, “Bless you!”

There is a sign of sneezing - when a person makes a “sneeze” they say that this is a confirmation of the truth.


Health, peace and goodness to you!