Miracles at your fingertips - energy balancing of the temporomandibular joint. Reset - "Reboot". Energy Kinesiology

Life modern man full of stress: family troubles, problems with children, conflicts with superiors and subordinates, lack of money, health problems - all sorts of difficulties literally surround us at every step. Few succeed in breaking this circle and protecting themselves from anxiety. The rest continue to be nervous, tormented by anxiety and suffer from insomnia. And in fact, it is impossible to completely avoid all stresses and experiences forever.

Today there is one of the most effective methods to restore the body from stress and after illness. The RESET system is a truly "magic" technique for eliminating the effects of stress and activating metabolism.

The RESET system will be effective if:

  • you are experiencing acute or prolonged emotional stress;
  • you chronic fatigue and heavy workloads (at school);
  • there are learning difficulties and a decrease in concentration;
  • you feel tension in the body, muscles, pain in the neck, shoulders, back, joints;
  • you are worried about headaches, dizziness, insomnia;
  • observed nervous tics;
  • You are often irritable, have mood swings, or get tired easily
  • you increased anxiety, panic attacks or depression.

AND first results you can feelimmediately after correction.

Besides,the RESET system will help you:

  • if you have had a head injury (including birth);
  • if you experience pain and/or tension in your jaw;
  • if you have recently had long-term dental treatment;
  • if you or your child have braces, or you are just planning to install a bracket system;
  • if you have problems with digestion, kidney activity and excretory system;
  • if you grind your teeth in your sleep (bruxism) or if you malocclusion;
  • with frequent colds, sinusitis, sinusitis.
  • as well as to support the body with multiple sclerosis and other diseases nervous system.

RESET is a method based on balancing the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), absolutely painless and relaxing for the client. Sessions according to the RESET method give a powerful and long-term effect.

WhyTMJ ? Our body is designed in such a way that with every stress it prepares for an attack. We clench our jaws, sometimes without noticing, and involuntarily strain the temporal and chewing muscles of the face when we are hurt or offended, when we boil with anger or anger, and even at great physical activity. And this is a phylogenetic reaction that will turn on automatically.

The muscles of the face, namely, chewing and temporal, are the first to express the emotional response and state of a person. They are the trigger, straining to prepare for a big load. As one of the consequences, the work of the kidneys worsens. Due to the resulting imbalance, the kidneys gradually cease to cope with the elimination of toxins, the nasolabial folds become more pronounced, and the face becomes more asymmetric. Invisible changes occur, which over time manifest themselves in the form of various diseases, malaise, insomnia, anxiety attacks and chronic fatigue ...

Overloading the muscles of the jaw joint affects 85% of all muscles in the body and all joints. As a result - tension in the body, pain different localization and posture disorders. Therefore, often after relaxation of the muscles of the jaw, pain in the joints and muscles disappears.

To dateRESET one of the most powerful techniques that instantlyrelieves tension in the jaw and leads to almost instantaneouspain relief. This technique is so effective that it will help you natural way restore balance and feel harmony. Relieve stress without the help of drugs or surgery.

RESET is a full-fledged balancing system - you can really literally “reboot” the work of the whole organism:

release the body from stress;

promote detoxification and recovery water balance;

get a significant rejuvenating effect for the whole body;

relieve facial muscles from tension and feel the cosmetic effect.

In short, "RESET" is a gentle balancing effect on the entire body through the effect on the muscles of the face.Methodhas no contraindications recommended for both adults and

For prevention RESET is carried out in 2 sessions.

Full course program is 8-10 sessions.

Session duration 45-60 minutes.

The RESET technique is a system of additional balancing of the body in the complex solution of specific human problems and does not cancel the consultations of other specialists (doctor, neuropsychologist, speech therapist, osteopath).

Be healthy!

RESET is Rafferty's energy system (the author of the Philip Rafferty method), created to balance the temporomandibular joint (ANS).

RESET- absolutely painless and relaxing method for the client. Sessions according to the RESET method give a powerful and long-term effect, allowing you to restore the work of the ANS.

RESET is not medical procedure and can be proposed as an alternative approach to VNS correction. In complex cases of dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint, REZET often becomes the number one way to quickly relax muscles without additional instrumental intervention and painful manipulations.

Possible symptoms of ANS imbalance:

There is no possibility to fully or partially open the mouth, pain in mandible, allergies, difficulty chewing, crunching when chewing, pain when closing and moving the lower jaw to the sides, discomfort in the ANS, malocclusion, fatigue in the jaw after sleep, tightness in the shoulders, pain in the face, neck, head, eyes, ears, back, shoulders, hips, knees, ankles, feet, pressure in the ears, ringing in the ears, dizziness, blurred vision, difficulty swallowing anemia, migraine, toothache and etc.

Possible reasons ANS imbalance:

severe stress

Head or jaw trauma

Dental intervention (mouth open too wide and too long, excessive force when extracting a tooth, anesthetic injections into the jaw muscles)

If you have ever had a jaw injury, prolonged overexertion, or any of the above, the ANS muscles may still be hypertonic and cause various ailments in the body.

How does RESET work?

The ANS affects all systems of the body, especially the musculoskeletal, muscular and nervous systems, as well as the water balance and the meridian system.

Through relaxation of the jaw muscles, a powerful and at the same time gentle adjustment of the temporomandibular joint occurs. The state of the ANS significantly affects the quality of feedback from the brain and muscular system. The slightest tension in the muscles of the jaw can upset the balance of the jaw joint, making it difficult for the electrical impulses of the nervous system to pass through the body.

The trigeminal nerve is one of the largest cranial nerves, spreads from its large sensory nucleus in the cerebral hemisphere, descends to the second vertebra and then diverges throughout the body. It has many transport routes and ramifications, and sends sensory signals to and from most areas on the skull, including the ANS. It also provides inflow from proprioceptive impulses and motor innervation to the temporal, chewing, pterygoid muscles, is closely connected with the lateral pterygoid muscle and with the entire craniosacral system as a whole. Thus, any disturbance in the ANS will lead to significant consequences throughout the body. trigeminal core has numerous relationships with transport systems central nervous system. One such system is the Reticular Activating System (RAS). This is the primary defense and survival system of the body, which is able to activate the tension of the masticatory muscles, dorsal and meninges and muscular fascia to hold the head, protect the head and spinal cord, stabilization of the sacroiliac joint and pelvic bones. At various injuries the jaw muscles are the first to react, they contract and activate the process of protecting the brain and spinal cord. This phenomenon Dr. Carl Ferreri called "Defensive Jaw". Emotional stress, which accumulates over the years, leads the temporomandibular joint into chronic overexertion. The RESET method relieves not only physical tension in the muscles of the jaw, but also allows you to dissipate negative emotions, long time held in the subconscious.

The flow of energy in the body is indicated by Meridians in accordance with Chinese Acupuncture. The meridians of the stomach, small and large intestines, gallbladder, triple heater pass in the region of the ANS muscles. The Healing Touch explores 42 major muscles that correspond to the 14 Meridians. 90% of these muscles can be successfully balanced with RESET.

A practical kinesiology test has shown that directing energy to the jaw muscles balances the psoas and sartorius muscles, which are associated with the kidneys and adrenal glands. As a result, the process of assimilation of water by the body improves. Sufficient hydration affects the quality of nerve impulses, various biochemical reactions.

Dynamic interaction between ANS, sphenoid bone and Atlas (C1) affects the whole body through different mechanisms. Any hypertonicity of the jaw muscle, especially the temporal and lateral pterygoid, can provoke "compression" of the sphenoid bone. The sphenoid bone is a key bone in the microdynamics of the cranial bones, as it is the only bone that is associated with all the bones of the skull, with the exception of two in the anterior skull. The sphenoid bone is a kind of "hanger" on which the balance of the entire skeleton depends.

Balancing the ANS has a beneficial and lasting effect on a number of problems such as headaches, back and neck pain, esophageal hernia, and work disturbances. digestive tract. ANS has unique ability to adaptation and recovery!

RESET scheme:

For children:

10 minute sessions daily. The number of sessions for a full balancing is determined individually by a specialist.

25 minute sessions once a week. There are at least 3 sessions.

The choice of scheme is determined solely by a specialist, depending on the disorders and diagnosis.

For adults:

Full balancing requires a minimum of 2 sessions of 50 minutes once a week. Then a break of 2 weeks. Repeat in the same sequence: 2 sessions of 50 minutes once a week. The total number of sessions most often ranges from 6 to 10.



  • You are often tense and unable to relax/
  • You don't sleep well/
  • Do you or your loved ones often have headaches/
  • You are often sick (or your child is often sick)/
  • The child's legs hurt (the so-called "growth" pain) /
  • You find it difficult to concentrate or, conversely, relax /
  • You sometimes do not know how to help your child calm down, fall asleep, concentrate, etc. The child is inattentive, "hyperactive" /
  • Your loved ones are often "on edge" and you would like to help them, but don't know how/
  • Do you want to improve your overall well-being and health?
  • Do you feel tired in your jaw after sleeping or know that you grind your teeth in your sleep/
  • Have you or someone close to you ever worn braces or undergone jaw traumatic dental procedures (tooth extractions)/
  • You are currently being overbite corrected/
  • Have you been to car accident, and since then you can not get rid of some symptoms (for example, a headache), although there seems to be no reason for these symptoms /
  • You want to know about ways of helping and self-help, for which you don't need ANYTHING but yourself: no substances, no objects, no special conditions/

And wherein:

  • You are ready to learn something new and apply the acquired knowledge and skills in life


I invite you to a training seminar on the RESET method. The duration of the seminar is four and a half hours.

Group lessons. Pre-entry required!

RESET is an abbreviation, the meaning of which can be conveyed something like this: the energy system for restoring the balanced work of the temporomandibular joint by Philip Rafferty - Rafferty Energy System of Easing the Temporomandibular joint. This method will help "reboot" the work of the whole organism, freeing it from muscle clamps in the head and neck. This, in turn, contributes to the elimination of toxins, blood purification, restoration of water balance and the normal flow of natural energy.

Using these simple and accessible techniques, you can relieve tension associated not only with the events of the present, but also with the events of the deep past. You can relieve the tension with which you have lived for many years and are already accustomed to not noticing it. You may not notice the tension itself, but you cannot help but notice the effects of such chronic muscle cramps. These will be the symptoms listed above, as well as some others.

This method can be used to help both children from birth, and elderly, infirm people.

As for my personal experience use these techniques, then I can’t imagine life without this knowledge and skills. Before, if I had a headache, then I just took a pill, and I thought that hardly anything else could help me. If a child had a headache, then I had no choice but to tell him “Be patient” or give him painkillers. My son also often had knee pain - he just screamed with a cry from this pain, and I could not help him. Now I can easily calm the child, even if he has strong pain. With the help of these techniques, he simply relaxes and falls asleep - and wakes up without pain. Just as sure I can take off headache for myself, for my husband. I can help - both myself and others - to relax, fall asleep.

It's quite simple and doesn't take much time.

I also worked with a man who was undergoing an overbite at the time. We had two sessions, and his dentist said that this simply does not happen - it does not happen that the bite is corrected so well! Yes, without this system, probably, the truth does not happen

I want to add that the proposed techniques are simply indispensable for colds, SARS and various diseases. Of course, this does not negate the treatment by a doctor in some cases, but even if you are being treated by a doctor, help your body to use internal resources as well - this is very important!

Also, after completing the course, you will understand that many of us often drink medicines where they are completely unnecessary, where you can easily do without them - you just need to know and be able to do something. And it's not difficult, see for yourself!

Classes are held as groups are recruited, in the morning and evening. Address of classes - Moscow, st. Young naturalists

preliminary registration is required!

Call and sign up: 8-910-470-thirteen-14, Svetlana (the phone is not for SMS! I just can't get your message.)

You can also sign up by sending me a message through the contact form on the "Contacts" page.


— 5500 rubles

You can make an appointment not only by phone, but also through the contact form on this page. Then designate the time that would be most suitable for you to study (this is morning or evening, weekend or weekday). Groups are formed according to time preferences.

After completing the course, you will receive INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATE giving the right to practice RESET in many countries of the world.

Your name (required)

Your Email (required)



Feedback from course participants will be posted below.


I got to the training course on Reset massage technique by accident and not from the very beginning. Simply, at our meeting of young mothers, one mother came just after the first lesson of the course. And she spoke with delight about Svetlana and massage, the simple movements of which, nevertheless, have a wonderful and pleasant effect.

Since massage is internally interesting to me, and at some moments in my life I prefer to “have everything you need with you” - I decided to go and try a remedy that will help calm a child, relieve stress from an adult and a child, recover myself after frustration or just fatigue.

At the seminar itself, the host Svetlana gave the information very clearly, right there in parallel there was practice, movements were worked out. I really liked the atmosphere and the presentation of the material, which allows me to clearly and clearly put all the not small amount of material inside. In parallel, Svetlana gave more advice, shared her experience and knowledge on many things that are useful for a modern mother and just a person.

Now, just a couple of times a week, and sometimes more often, I give my son such a massage. I do it in a dream, because he spins while not sleeping, although no, one evening, after a busy day, when we were tired watching a cartoon, I quickly went over all the positions, relieved stress. After the massage, he is more calm, really sleeps better. Once it was a day, with a bunch of trips, impressions - the son was tired, and falling asleep - he woke up, twitched in his sleep - after the massage he went into a deeper sleep.

I did it to myself several times (like many people, I don’t have enough time for myself) - according to my feelings, I get more complete relaxation, while I feel that with internal organs There are also calming processes going on. And also sleep is lighter, deeper.

Made a couple of times for my mom and once for my grandmother. They now regret that we left - they really liked it. According to my mother, in response to my question about the effect on her: “powerful relaxation of the body with an active brain, a feeling of some kind of inner harmony, peace, rest.” She was also released for some time from the discomforts associated with skeletal system, a lump in the throat, which periodically interferes, also disappeared for a while. Now she really wants to take a course of such a massage with me =) Grandmother, after the massage, also got up “inspired”, said that it became easier for her, as the load was removed ... For grandmothers, details about well-being are more difficult to pull out =)

In general, I really want to make a reset for my husband, but so far it hasn’t worked out ... And I myself need more often =) I’m thinking - who would do it for me to relax completely.

In general, I am very pleased that such an effective, pleasant tool has appeared in my hands, with which you can help your relatives, if we talk about the older generation - you can even say - “give them wings”, since both my mother and grandmother, for some time after the massage carried out in the afternoon, began to flutter again and take care of others =)

Elena Ambarnova, psychologist, Moscow

Feedback about RESET 1 training at Svetlana Khvostova on February 16 and 24, 2013

I want to thank Svetlana for conducting the RESET 1 training program.
I liked the clarity, accessibility, clarity and structure in the presentation of the theoretical part of the material,
as well as the opportunity to practice skills during the course.
Special attention deserves Svetlana's comments on the course handout, which turned out to be very valuable for me.
In addition, I received answers to many questions that interest me regarding the mood for working on the program,
proper hand placement and relaxation. I'm going to use RESET 1 both for self-regulation and with my clients.
Once again, many thanks to the developer of the program and Svetlana Khvostova!

Elena Bakhteeva:

I came to Svetlana with insomnia, which I suffered for several months. With insomnia, we worked individually - we carried out, so to speak, excavations. After the first and second meetings, my insomnia still remained, and I additionally did exercises from RESET when I could not fall asleep. And it helped me! Although, at that time, little helped me at all - they didn’t even take pills. And now I have already forgotten about what insomnia is. But sometimes I use exercises, especially with children. I want to say thanks to the author of the method and Svetlana! A very tangible help in everyday life!

RESET is an easy to learn and master energy method of jaw joint balancing (JJB), painless and relaxing.

The essence of the method is extremely simple. The VChS is the strongest, most precise joint in the human body (biting, chewing). It is he who is the point of "assembly" of the whole body - when he is aligned and balanced, the whole body is balanced (neck, shoulders, hip joint, knees). Imagine that you are putting together a tent, and one of the pegs is incorrectly placed. IN best case, you will get a slanting tent, at worst - it will collapse. So with the HFS, when working with problems in this area, we are working with the whole body (through mediated muscle connections).

Here is an approximate list of problems that you can work with using the RESET method:

  • - malocclusion, wearing braces;
  • - problems with the teeth (frequent infections of the oral cavity, the period before and after visiting the dentist);
  • - bruxism (grinding teeth), crunching in the jaw;
  • - frequent headaches (tension pains), insomnia;
  • - pain in the neck, back, problems with posture;
  • - pain in the joints;
  • - speech therapy problems, stuttering;
  • - frequent sinusitis, sinusitis, otitis media;
  • - acute and chronic stress, lack of sleep and rest;
  • - a lack of nutrients, poor absorption of water by the body;
  • - allergies;
  • - enuresis.

Important! The RESET method in no way cancels drug treatment(if any), but is a great addition to it.

Any contraindications are acute conditions(e.g. high temperature).

During the work according to the RESET method, the whole organism is also healed due to the consumption of additional water (removal of toxins).

RESET is suitable for both children and adults. The duration of the procedure is 45 minutes, 6 sessions, once a week.

Sessions according to the RESET method provide a powerful and long-term effect that allows you to restore the functioning of the joint, improve overall well-being and relax.

Procedures and workflow


A specialist kinesiologist does not seek to treat certain diseases. A kinesiologist examines the muscles of the face and the state of the jaw joint in detail, finds a way to restore balance in the human body and "turn on the self-healing program." During the session, the task of the kinesiologist is to balance, relax the overloaded muscles of the jaw joint, relieve tension from the mandibular joint, thereby relieving tension from almost 90% of the muscles of the body.

Improvements in well-being are not always visible after the first session, but even after 45 minutes a big difference is visible between the state of the facial muscles before and after the session. The task of including the body in the work of self-healing is activated.


RESET - myomassage of special areas of the face and jaw joint.

Specialist neuropsychologist, kinesiologist easily touches certain points at the level of the temporomandibular joint. Each touch movement occurs in a strict sequence. Work on one position takes 2-3 minutes. In this case, the client himself learns the movements and sequence.

The session can be accompanied by special musical accompaniment (at the discretion of the client).

Drink before and after the session a small amount of clean water to ensure the elimination of toxins from the body that are released during and some time after the session. The body will cope with them on its own, but for this you need to drink water, a little rest and tranquility.

The session lasts 45 minutes. The number of sessions is determined by the kinesiologist at the first visit/diagnosis.

RESET - is a very powerful tool in the correction and correction of the TMJ and requires a certain skill. It is conducted by a graduate neuropsychologist / kinesiologist Khlebnikova Irina Viktorovna. At the same time, everyone can learn this method and apply it easily and simply in work with a partner or on their own.

Children's medical psychologist, neuropsychologist
She graduated from Moscow State Pedagogical University with a degree in psychology, a teacher of psychology.
Additional education: MSUPE (perinatal psychologist); MIOO - psychomotor developmental environment, psychomotor correction of preschool and younger children school age; RNIMU them. Pirogova (clinical psychologist); Research Center for Children's Neuropsychology. Luria (neuropsychological diagnostics and correction in childhood); Institute of Kinesiology - anti-stress kinesiology.
Main directions professional activity: Neuropsychological, pathopsychological and psycho-pedagogical diagnostics and correction of children and adolescents; Counseling parents on child-parent relationships.


As a result of the session, you will be freed from 70-80% of the stresses associated with clenching the jaw (anger, hatred, resentment, grief ... etc.). Normalized water exchange organism!!!
As a result of using the Reset technique, after relaxing the jaw muscles, the following occurs:

  • getting rid of headaches / migraines;
  • balancing the emotional state;
  • improving learning ability in adults and children;
  • relieving tension in the body;
  • restoring healthy and restful sleep;
  • improvement of the digestive system;
  • solution of problems associated with the sinuses;
  • normalization natural processes body detoxification;
  • improving the condition of the skin of the face;
  • reduction of hyperactivity in children;
  • absorption of water, vitamins and minerals and many other positive changes.

RESET is great for correcting acute and chronic stress.
Has no contraindications! Can be used for pregnant women and children.