This technique for achieving prosperity is called “Lakshmi Sadhana” - turning to Lakshmi. A disciple of the sage Vasishtha gave us instructions for this practice on the condition that it be performed as it was performed by the yogi master Rishi Vasishtha. Lakshmi - what

Every day, the desire for self-improvement finds more and more new fans and followers who strive to live their lives not in vain. Many people try to change their diet and behavior, but when talking about self-improvement, we must not forget about the spiritual part. The most popular forms of working with your spirituality are: this moment are: meditation, mantras, visualization.

Of these, mantras are the most commonly used by people seeking success these days as they have some advantage in terms of focus and method of use. Therefore, everyone can not only choose a mantra depending on the need at the moment, but also by listening to the sound recording already receive a certain effect. Do not forget that along with special mantras, there are “universal” ones, but just as strong.

One of the most effective is the Lakshmi mantra

Lakshmi is a goddess who has been worshiped and believed for several centuries, being a symbol of a loving mother, she also personifies well-being, prosperity, abundance in everything, wisdom and peace. The story of the birth of this goddess is hidden in many legends, but one of the most popular is the appearance of Lakshmi from the sacred Lotus. A goddess was born with 4 arms, each of which brings a benefactor to people. Every year in India and other countries holidays are held in honor of Lakshmi: spring as the beginning new life, and in the fall as a symbol of prosperity and wealth.

Features of using the Lakshmi mantra

In the case of this mantra, there are several fundamental temporary features.

  • So the Lakshmi mantra brings the most powerful effect during sunset or dawn, but this does not mean that it cannot be read at other times, it can, but with less results.
  • The peak of benefits of this mantra is autumn and spring. Therefore, it is recommended to read or listen to it in the fall - October from the 17th until the end, and in the spring - April from the 15th and again until the last day of the month.

The main thing is also not to forget that any mantra can double or accelerate its effect if, when using it, a person is as relaxed, calm and focused as possible, and listens effectively to the mantra during meditation or in a state close to it. The next fact that any beginner should understand is that you should not expect an effect after a one-time listen. In this matter, as in many others, the more practice, the brighter the result will appear.

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Since ancient times people have used higher power in order to change yourself and the world. In Hinduism, to communicate with divine energy, mantras are used - a sacred sequence of words that require the exact reproduction of each sound. Correct vibrations that occur when pronouncing sounds contribute to the interweaving of energies and their interaction. Mantras in their essence are very close to prayers and spells and, according to Vedic teachings, are capable of creating magic.

Using mantras in meditation allows you to improve your life in those aspects where it is necessary. For example, the Lakshmi mantra allows you to enrich yourself both materially and spiritually. Therefore, the study and rules for applying mantra in life is an integral part of yogi practice.

The story of the goddess of love and abundance

The invocation of Goddess Lakshmi is one of the most important and is often used in Hinduism. After all, she is one of the three wives of the triad of gods of Hinduism - Trimurti. According to Vedic teachings, the three supreme gods - Brahma, Vishna and Shiva - are hypostases of the triune spiritual principle. It is called Brahman and is often called the “soul of the world.”

One of the wives of the beginning of all beginnings is the goddess Lakshmi. There are several descriptions of the birth of this deity, the most common of which is the appearance of the goddess on a lotus flower in the middle of the primordial (milky) ocean. This legend is the reason why Lakshmi has several other names associated with the lotus (Padma, Kamala) and this flower is always present in her images.

She is often painted as a beautiful woman in rich clothes with several pairs of hands (two, four, eight), the number of which depends on the incarnation of the goddess presented in the picture.

Often she is covered in gold jewelry and gold coins fall from her hands; she is surrounded by elephants - symbols of wealth and prosperity. This is because Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth, success and prosperity.

Her name translates as “goal”, and the image of four hands indicates a person’s desire for four main goals:

  • righteousness,
  • prosperity,
  • physical pleasure,
  • spiritual liberation.

She is also called the Universal Mother, who intercedes for any of those who pray to her before Lord Vishnu. He is unable to refuse his beloved wife and fulfills any of her requests. Therefore, everyone turns to her, trying to receive the blessing of the great goddess and one of her virtues. She gifts men with success in business, good luck, prosperity and well-being.

Women strive to receive from the goddess beauty, health, happiness, attractiveness to men and sophistication in lovemaking. The Lakshmi mantra allows you to convey your request to the goddess and achieve its fulfillment. Of course, for this you need to know the rules for using this powerful tool of influence.

The most effective mantras for appealing to Lakshmi

To receive support in business from the goddess Lakshmi, the Mahamantra is most often used.

Here is her text:

Om Hrim Sri Lakshmi Byo Namaha

It should be repeated every day exactly 108 times. This mantra will bring success for any endeavor, spiritual and material wealth, joy, prosperity and deep love. Lakshmi greatly favors a woman, considering her a support for a man, so she likes to bestow beauty, prosperity and love on her fans.

This mantra acquires special power during the period from April 13 to May 14 and ideally should be repeated 6 circles 108 times. In order for the desired goal to be achieved, it is necessary to concentrate on it while repeating the mantra, which will certainly enhance the effect of the magic words.

If you want to establish contact with the goddess by calling her into your life, you can simply repeat the mantras addressed to her or meditate on her image. Combining these two methods gives an amazing effect, which will result in positive changes in your life.

Additionally, you can install a small statue or image of Lakshmi in your home. To attract the attention of the goddess, you can also decorate your home according to her preferences.

Lakshmi loves flowers very much large sizes and generously shares his energy through them. Add lotuses, daffodils, roses or dahlias to your interior. A sign of the goddess’s favor is that flowers retain their beauty for a long time. To strengthen your connection with the goddess, it is advisable to wear jewelry made from her preferred materials. Gold is her favorite decoration.

Read this mantra 108 times to call Lakshmi to you and feel her energy. By practicing this mantra for 21 days, you will notice how your financial situation improves.


Spring mantra Lakshmi

This mantra acquires special power if recited during from April 13 to May 14.

If during this period you read it every day at least 108 times, then you will be able to gain all sorts of spiritual and material benefits, your desires will begin to come true. Lakshmi will give you wealth, beauty, love and youth.


Repeating this mantra brings wealth, peace and fulfillment to the practitioner. Ideally, 6 circles 108 times a day. By repeating this mantra 20,000 times during the period from April 13 to May 14, the power of this mantra is achieved, a person gains wealth and fulfills his desires.

While reading the mantra, it is beneficial to associate yourself with the Goddess of Abundance Lakshmi; for this you can use her figurine or image.

Autumn mantra Lakshmi

This mantra is recommended to be recited 108 (minimum 37 times) per day during from October 16 to November 15. It is at this time that the full power of these sacred words is revealed. As you read this mantra, imagine how your most cherished wish has already come true, and you will soon notice that it has happened! This Lakshmi mantra bestows abundance, joy and success in all matters.


Worship of Goddess Lakshmi

These mantras in the given order must be recited to worship Goddess Lakshmi during puja or simply by offering flowers and fruits to her. Place your offerings in front of an image or figurine of Lakshmi, imagine the energy of abundance coming through the top of your head, merge with this energy and ask Lakshmi to grant you prosperity. Then recite the following mantras in the order given:


The Great Goddesses are endowed with cosmic power. They can encourage dynamism and have great energy. This was the reason why these kind and merciful wish granters became the first female deities in India.

They help to resist force and survive in difficult circumstances.

In the ancient collection of sacred hymns known as the Veda, the goddesses' ability to grant wishes becomes apparent. The two most prominent examples of such goddesses are the great goddesses Lakshmi and Saraswati.


Lakshmi - wife of Vishnu(the embodiment of his creative energy) and the Goddess of wealth and material well-being. Lakshmi (Laksmī, “good sign”, “happiness”, “beauty”) usually is depicted and described as a Goddess of extraordinary beauty, standing on a lotus and holding a lotus in each of her two hands. Perhaps that is why it is also called Padma or Kamala.

When she is worshiped in a temple (separate temples for Lakshmi are quite rare), she is depicted sitting on a throne in the form of a lotus with four hands holding a lotus, a conch shell, a vessel with the nectar of immortality and the fruits of a wild apple tree. Sometimes she holds a lemon instead of an apple tree.

Let's figure out what's hidden behind this highest degree symbolic picture.
Her four hands indicate the ability to GIVE the four main goals of human life:
DHARMA - righteousness based on observance of religious and social principles;
ARHA – prosperity achieved as a result of realizing one’s talent;
KAMA – bodily pleasures that do not violate the harmony of man and the laws of the Universe;
MOKSHA – spiritual liberation.

Lotuses in various stages of opening symbolize worlds and beings at various stages of the evolution of consciousness.

The fruits in her hands are the fruits of our labor. NO matter how MUCH WE WORK, until LAKSHMI is merciful enough to give us the fruits of our labors, everything will be useless.

The vessel with the nectar of immortality (Amrit-kalash) means that Lakshmi is able to bestow immortality.

How to earn Lakshmi's favor

In order to establish contact with the goddess Lakshmi and attract her favor, you should use meditation or chanting mantras, which must certainly mention the name of the gold-bearing goddess.

You can try combining meditation and mantras to the goddess Lakshmi - this will greatly enhance the effect, which means well-being will not keep you waiting!

Usually LAKSHMI is addressed using a special mantra.
By reciting or listening to Lakshmi's mantra: OM HRIM SHRIM LAKSHMI BYO NAMAHA, you will be protected from all types of misfortune and poverty, and will also attract money, wealth, abundance and prosperity.

It is recommended to repeat this mantra a number of times that is a multiple of 3 (3,9, 12, 18, etc.). The main thing is that while reading the mantra you concentrate on what you want most - this will significantly enhance the positive effect.

You can also attract the attention of the goddess with her images in your home.

Where to place the statuette of Goddess Lakshmi.

The ideal place for the Feng Shui talisman of the goddess Lakshmi would be an office or hallway, because these places are strongly associated with well-being and prosperity. When choosing a sector according to Feng Shui, you should focus on the Southeast (zone of Wealth) or the Southwest (zone of Helpers and Travel) and incense. It is believed that incense helps not only to attract the attention of the goddess, but also to earn her favor.

You can worship for a long time and correctly, but you will not achieve any special well-being. In India, many people worship her. Somehow, not all worshipers are distinguished by wealth.

It is more important to “tune” yourself in such a way as to have a connection with Lakshmi. Lakshmi is not a dead figurine. And not a trained dog, which obediently reacts to some conditioned actions, such as waving incense in front of it and bam! received a bag of money. Our body movements and mutterings of mantras do not in any way condition Lakshmi, do not make her owe us anything and do not affect her attitude towards us. It is more important to understand that she is a person, and of an incomparably higher order than us.

Lakshmi does not like places where violence is committed, anger, lies, greed, hypocrisy and envy are exuded. But most of all, she hates any perversions in love. Especially if somewhere prostitution and homosexuality are encouraged. Lakshmi leaves such places and everything immediately collapses. Luck, happiness and prosperity also gradually disappear. This is especially true for society leaders. Everything around them depends on their behavior.

There have been many examples in history when entire empires, countries, cities, religious and social movements were destroyed due to the sexual perversions of leaders. Lakshmi will never stay in such places, which means there will be no harmony, happiness, or good luck. And even if you manage to save wealth, they will not bring joy.

Lakshmi's main mission is to bring eternal happiness to Earth, so She helps us to have a meaningful career. She understands that wealth alone is not enough to become endlessly happy; spirituality and a sense of accomplishment are necessary. Therefore, Lakshmi leads us to such activities that bring joy and prosperity not only to us, but also to others. Lakshmi brings grace, beauty and love into our homes and provides for all our household needs. Ganesha adores her, and they often work together to help people meet their main purpose in life.

Sadhana Lakshmi for material well-being

This technique for achieving prosperity is called “Lakshmi Sadhana” - turning to Lakshmi. A disciple of the sage Vasishtha gave us instructions on this practice on the condition that it be performed as it was performed by the yogi master Rishi Vasishtha.

On Friday evening, he performed purification, sat in front of the image of Goddess Lakshmi on a yellow blanket and, facing east, repeated the mantra:

Om Mahalakshmae Vidmahe Vishnupriyae Dhi Mahi Tanno Lakshmi Prachodayat

or Om Shrim Mahalakshmiye Svaha

Then he lit 4 lamps (candles) - a symbol of wealth, spiritual strength, success and profit. Then he repeated 21 circles (1 circle = 108 repetitions of the mantra) of a special mantra of prosperity on the rosary:

Om Hrim Kamal Vasiney Pratyaksham Hrim Phat

As a result of this practice, the disciples of the sage Rishi Vasishtha never encountered poverty or grief throughout their lives.

Tantric mantra of Goddess Lakshmi, eliminating misfortunes

oM aiM hrIM shrIM shriyai namo bhagavati mama samR^iddhau jvala jvala mAM sarva-sampadaM dehi dehi mamAlakShmIM nAshaya nAshaya huM phaT svAhA

Ohm. Aim Hrim Shrim. Worship to Sri! O Goddess, ignite the strength in me, ignite me, grant me all kinds of luck, grant me! Destroy my misfortunes, destroy them - Hum. Phat. Matchmaker!

(Anyone can repeat this mantra simply as a prayer formula without any special restrictions. But for occult use, diksha and transmission are needed, in which the guru verbally explains to the student the nuances of using this mantra and the special practices of purashcharana and anushthana associated with it. Performing these sadhanas in the right time not only will he put an end to his previous worldly misfortunes, but will also become prosperous and rich.)

May the Great Mother, giver of goodness and happiness, be favorable to us all! May She dwell with us on this site and in other places of communication of those who worship Her with love and devotion! May She protect and protect us and all those walking along the Path!

shrIr astu shrIr astu shrIr astu oM astu shrIH !

May there be goodness and happiness, may there be goodness and happiness...! Ohm.

Puja Lakshmi

The worship ritual or Lakshmi Puja is one of the most important rituals during Diwali holiday. During the puja, Goddess Lakshmi is called upon for worship, a deity in Hinduism who bestows wealth, wealth and prosperity to all who believe in her. On this day, Lakshmi visits homes and is worshiped along with money deities such as Ganesha and Kubera.

Remember this trinity if you urgently need money and don’t know who to turn to for help - Lakshmi, Ganesha and Kubera. These names are for seekers of unearthly sources of wealth as the names of Marx, Engels and Lenin are for the builder of communism.

Lakshmi Puja during Diwali is an important event for business ventures and businesses. Some enterprises even open new accounting books during this event, and businessmen do not miss the opportunity to make their transactions on this day.

Diwali is especially popular in Northern India, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu.

Lakshmi will help you get whatever you ask for, including such banal things as bedrooms and much more.

Eight forms of the goddess of abundance Lakshmi

In Hinduism, Goddess Lakshmi, the deity of wealth and prosperity, has eight forms - Ashta Lakshmi. The eight forms of Goddess Lakshmi vary from region to region. The most popular and widely revered forms are found in the Sri Ashtalakshmi Stotram.

The eight forms of Lakshmi are as follows:

Adi Lakshmi (primordial mother goddess)

Dhanalakshmi (He who falls asleep with wealth),

Dhanyalakshmi (Food is the one who removes hunger)

Gajalakshmi (Power and Strength)

Santan Lakshmi (Children)

Veera Lakshmi (Courage and Strength)

Vijaya Lakshmi (Victory)

Vidya Lakshmi (Wisdom and Knowledge)

Other forms of Lakshmi that are included in the list of Ashtalakshmi include-

Aishwarya Lakshmi (Prosperity)

Bhagya Lakshmi (Luck)

Vaibhav Lakshmi (Success)

Vara Lakshmi (Giver of blessings)

Saubhagya (Welfare)

Lakshmi Rajya (Who blesses rulers),

Veera Lakshmi, which is also included in this list, is also known as Dhairya Lakshmi. Similarly, Vijaya Lakshmi is known as Jaya Lakshmi.

There are also several other manifestations of Goddess Lakshmi, which are limited to certain areas.

It must be kept in mind that the name "Mahalakshmi" is widely used when Goddess Lakshmi is referred to as the consort of God Vishnu.