Decaris: anthelmintic for children - a guide for mothers. Dekaris: instructions for use and what it is needed for, price, reviews, analogues Dekaris method of use for adults

After oral administration, the active substance of the drug, levamisole, is quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and after 1.5 hours its concentration in the blood reaches its maximum. Intensive metabolism of levamisole occurs in the liver. It is excreted from the body in the form of metabolites in feces and urine.

The immunomodulatory properties of the drug are manifested in increased production of antibodies, activation of the synthesis of lymphocytes, macrophages, monocytes and neutrophils. Increasing their amount in the blood helps fight infection and supports immunity.

Composition and release form

The anthelmintic drug is produced in the form of tablets with different concentrations of the active substance.

  1. Decaris for adults are white, flat tablets, engraved with the name of the drug on one side. Each tablet contains 150 mg of the active substance - levamisole + auxiliary components (povidone, starch, talc, sucrose, lactose, etc.) 1 tablet is placed in a blister pack and a cardboard box.
  2. Dekaris for children are round, flat tablets of orange color, with a faint apricot odor, with a score dividing them into quarters for ease of use and dosage. The content of the active substance in this form is reduced by half and is 50 mg of levamisole in each tablet. Additional components include starch, povidone, talc, yellow dye, apricot flavoring, etc. The children's form of the drug is available in blister packs (containing 2 tablets), which are placed in cardboard packs.

When is Decaris used?

  • enterobiasis;
  • hookworm disease;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • necatoriasis;
  • strongyloidiasis;
  • trichostrongyloidosis.

Instructions for use

Decaris tablets are recommended to be taken during or immediately after meals and washed down with enough water. It is best to do this during dinner, before bed. For adults, a single dose of Decaris is 150 mg (1 tablet), which is taken once. Repeated administration of the drug is carried out after 1-2 weeks. There is no need to follow a special diet or take laxatives.

When treating toxoplasmosis, Dekaris is prescribed according to a different regimen, which provides for a three-day course of treatment (1 tablet is taken every day). Then, after a week's break, the course of treatment is repeated.

Decaris for children is prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the age and weight of the child at the rate of 2.5 mg per 1 kg of body weight. The standard treatment regimen prescribes the following dosages:

  • for children from 3 to 6 years – 1/2 or 1 tablet (50 mg);
  • from 6 to 10 years – 1 or 1.5 tablets (50 mg);
  • from 10 to 14 years – 1.5-2 tablets (50 mg).

The drug is taken once. Accurate calculation of the dosage of Decaris in accordance with the child’s weight significantly reduces the risk of side effects.

Decaris is now rarely used as an immunomodulator, since enough modern drugs have been created that provide an immunomodulatory effect without toxic effects on the body.

But earlier, when the choice of such drugs was minimal, Decaris was often prescribed as part of complex therapy for conditions such as chronic hepatitis, herpes zoster, recurrent stomatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, or used to maintain immunity in the treatment of malignant tumors.


There are a number of conditions when the use of Dekaris is contraindicated. These include:

  1. hypersensitivity to levamisole and other components of the drug;
  2. pregnancy, breastfeeding period;
  3. children's age (up to 3 years);
  4. a history of bone marrow damage (agranulocytosis) caused by taking medications.

In addition, Decaris should be taken with extreme caution in case of renal and liver failure and conditions associated with inhibition of bone marrow hematopoiesis. Experts draw the attention of parents to the specifics of using the drug and remind them that 150 mg tablets cannot be used to treat children!

Adverse reactions

The use of the drug can provoke the development of conditions such as leukopenia, uterine bleeding, lymphadenopathy, myasthenia gravis, edema in the periorbital area, iridocyclitis. In very rare cases, severe reactions developed: confusion, convulsions, paresthesia, Quincke's edema. In case of accidental overdose, speech impairment, symptoms of encephalitis, and coma were noted.

Many patients are interested in what to do if the temperature rises after taking Dekaris? This condition is called influenza-like syndrome, and sometimes its manifestations can be severe. In this case, a febrile state develops and the temperature often rises to high values ​​(39°C and above). This may be due to violation of the recommendations for taking the medication.

In particular, such a reaction is possible when Decaris is consumed simultaneously with alcohol. In this case, disulfiram-like phenomena develop, associated with increased temperature, pressure surges, weakness, and redness of the skin in the face and neck.

In cases where the fever is caused by other pathological conditions, doctors will prescribe symptomatic treatment. To avoid unwanted complications, you should not self-medicate; anthelmintic drugs should be prescribed by a doctor after examination and an accurate diagnosis.

Remember that taking any anthelmintic drug cannot be combined with ethyl alcohol, this can lead to unpredictable consequences that are dangerous to health. Alcoholic drinks are prohibited during use and for 24 hours after treatment with Decaris.

Decaris tablets should not be taken simultaneously with lipophilic compounds and drugs that affect hematopoietic processes and can cause leukopenia. If it is necessary to use the drug during lactation, breastfeeding must be stopped, and the child must be switched to artificial formula for the duration of treatment.

Since taking pills can cause dizziness and confusion, during the treatment period it is recommended to refrain from driving vehicles and performing dangerous work that requires increased concentration.


Among analogues of Dekaris, which have a similar therapeutic effect, the following drugs can be named:

  • Vormin;
  • Helminthox;
  • Mebendazole;
  • Nemozol;
  • Piperazine;
  • Levamisole.

Many patients ask their doctor which is better, Decaris or Vermox? The answer to this question is purely individual and largely depends on the diagnosis, the severity of symptoms, the presence of concomitant diseases and possible contraindications.

Vermox has a wider spectrum of action and is effective not only against nematodes, but also actively copes with most types of helminths, including being used to treat mixed infestations. If you choose between these two drugs, then Vermox is certainly preferable. In addition, it has much fewer side effects. But this remedy, unlike Dekaris, does not exhibit immunostimulating activity and needs to be taken longer.

Drug price

The price of Dekaris tablets in the pharmacy chain ranges from 60 to 80 rubles per package and depends on the dosage of the drug, the manufacturer and the pharmacists’ markup. You can buy the drug freely, without a doctor's prescription.

Firstly, all antihelminthic drugs are toxic, It is not recommended to give them to children “for prevention”. In addition, for effective treatment you need to know which helminths have settled in the body: Decaris is effective only against certain types of worms.

Decaris is a drug for the treatment of worms in children.

general characteristics

Dekaris has an anthelmintic and immunomodulatory effect. Today there is a large selection of stronger and less toxic immunomodulators, but previously the drug was prescribed for the treatment and relief of conditions such as:

  • frequent acute respiratory infections and colds;
  • herpes;
  • acute leukemia;
  • immunodeficiency states;
  • some autoimmune diseases, etc.

Modern pediatricians use Decaris primarily to treat identified helminthic infestations.

The manufacturer of the drug is the Hungarian company Gedeon-Richter. You can buy the medicine at a pharmacy without a prescription (but it is better as prescribed by a doctor). Parents in reviews say that the second most important advantage of Dekaris after its effectiveness is its reasonable price - only 60-80 rubles.

How does it work

The active ingredient of the drug is levamisole. Quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, it immediately begins to act.

The immunomodulatory effect of the drug is manifested through stimulation of blood cells responsible for immunity - T-lymphocytes, monocytes, neutrophils.


Today Dekaris is used for children as a highly effective anthelmintic drug. The drug acts on helminths with muscles:

  • pinworms;
  • roundworms;
  • nematode;
  • nekator;
  • whipworm;
  • intestinal acne.

Decaris is powerless against flukes and tapeworms that firmly adhere to the intestinal walls.


The drug has an impressive list of contraindications. This is another reason to get a face-to-face consultation with a doctor before starting treatment. In particular, the use of Dekaris is prohibited for children who:

  • have not reached 3 years of age;
  • have hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • have had cases of a decrease in the number of leukocytes in the blood after taking any medications;
  • have serious illnesses manifested through dysfunction of the liver and kidneys.

The medicine should not be prescribed to children under 3 years of age.

Undesirable effects

Decaris tablets, according to parent reviews, rarely cause side effects if the instructions for use are followed. Undesirable effects may occur from:

  • nervous system - irritability, migraine, dizziness;
  • Gastrointestinal tract - stool disorder (/), nausea,;
  • immune system - flu symptoms, allergic reactions in the form of rashes and itching;
  • hematopoietic system - agranulocytosis (the rarest possible side effect).

Interaction with other drugs

If a child is being treated with medications that affect the process of hematopoiesis, Dekaris is prescribed by the doctor with caution: the doses of the drugs are adjusted and the patient’s performance is monitored. Decaris should not be taken together with lipophilic agents (chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, chenopodium oil, etc.), as they increase its toxicity. In any case, before starting treatment, especially if the young patient is already taking any medications, a consultation with a pediatrician is necessary.

Release forms

The drug is produced in tablet form. An option for children is Dekaris 50, containing 50 mg of levamisole in each tablet. The product contains dyes and flavors, so the tablets have an apricot smell and a delicate orange color. For ease of dosing, marks are applied to their surface.

Do not under any circumstances confuse Decaris tablets for adults (150 mg) and for children (50 mg).

Reception scheme

The dosage of the medicine in accordance with the patient’s age is described in the instructions:

  • 3-6 years - 0.5-1 table;
  • 6-10 years - 1-1.5 tablets;
  • 10-14 years - 1.5-2 tables.

These doses are derived taking into account the body weight standards of children belonging to certain age groups. Still, it is more correct to focus on the weight of a particular child based on 2.5 mg levamisole per 1 kg.

If a seven-year-old child weighs only 17 kg, the recommended dose for him is 42.5 mg of the active substance, i.e. a little more than 3/4 of a Dekaris 50 tablet (but not 1-1.5 tablets - the norm indicated in the instructions for children 6-10 years old).

Usually Dekaris accepted once. In some cases, the doctor may adjust the regimen by adding a repeat appointment after 1-2 weeks.

The drug is best given to children in the evening, immediately after meals. The tablet should be taken with a small amount of water.

Enterosgel and Borjomi are often prescribed together with Dekaris to minimize harm to the liver.

Only a doctor can choose the right dosage for your child!


An analogue of Dekaris - Pirantel - is an anthelmintic that can be given to children from 6 months.

Decaris is an anthelmintic drug. A distinctive feature of this drug is its wide spectrum of action, low toxicity and high efficiency. The extremely low toxicity of the drug allows Dekaris to be successfully used for children.

Active substance


Release form and composition

Produced in the form of tablets of 50 and 150 mg in a blister made of PVC aluminum foil, 2 tablets each. packaged.

Indications for use

It is used to treat the following helminthic diseases:

  • ascariasis;
  • hookworm;
  • strongyloidiasis;
  • trichocephalosis;
  • trichostrongylosis;
  • enterobiasis;
  • toxoplasmosis.

It is used as an immunomodulatory drug for infectious diseases, such as:

  • herpes;
  • warts;
  • often recurrent inflammatory and infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract in children;
  • active chronic and viral hepatitis;
  • recurrent sinusitis.

The drug is used for immunodeficiency conditions and autoimmune diseases - aphthous recurrent stomatitis, Crohn's disease, rheumatoid arthritis, Reiter's disease.

It can be prescribed as an immunomodulator for malignant tumors of the colon, lungs, mammary gland, as well as during the period of remission for leukemia and lymphogranulomatosis.


It is contraindicated to use:

  • with agranulocytosis (in the patient's history or caused by drugs),
  • pregnant women,
  • in case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug,
  • during lactation.

Children under 14 years of age are prescribed with extreme caution, at the dose prescribed by the doctor. You should also be careful when using the drug in patients with renal and liver failure, in the acute stage of leukemia and suppression of hematopoiesis in the bone marrow.

Instructions for use Dekaris (method and dosage)

The tablets are taken orally in the evening after meals with a small amount of liquid.

Tablets of 50 mg are prescribed in the following dosage:

  • Children 3-6 years old, weighing 10-20 kg, 25-50 mg per day.
  • Children 6-10 years old weighing 20-30 kg, 50-75 mg.
  • Children aged 10-14 years weighing 30-40 kg: 75-100 mg, which is equal to 1.5-2 tablets.

Tablets of 150 mg are prescribed to adults, 1 piece once.

The use of Dekaris does not require additional laxatives.

If necessary, the drug can be repeated after 7 or 14 days.

Side effects

May cause the following side effects:

  • vomiting, abdominal pain, nausea;
  • sleep disturbance, increased fatigue;
  • the appearance of ulcers on the oral mucosa;
  • phosphatase activity;
  • headaches, paresthesia;
  • peripheral polyneuropathy;
  • olfactory hallucinations.

The use of Decaris can provoke the development of agranulocytosis, hypercreatinemia, leukopenia, uterine bleeding, allergic reactions, myasthenia gravis, periorbital edema, lymphadenopathy, ataxia and, extremely rarely, iridocyclitis.


In case of overdose, it can cause speech impairment, nausea, vomiting, convulsions, confusion, encephalitis-like syndrome and lethargy.

Treatment includes gastric lavage and symptomatic therapy. If signs of anticholinesterase action appear, atropine is administered.


Analogs by ATX code: no.

Medicines with a similar mechanism of action (matching level 4 ATC code): Levamisole, Pyrantel, Vermox, Helmintox, Piperazine, Mebendazole, Wormin.

Do not decide to change the drug on your own; consult your doctor.

pharmachologic effect

Due to Levimazole, which is part of the drug, Dekaris has a strong immunomodulatory effect. Levimazole is able to significantly enhance the function of T lymphocytes and phagocytes and can regulate the cellular mechanisms of the immune system.

The application is effective only against those helminthic infestations that use only their muscle activity to remain in the host’s body. The drug is not effective against helminths that have a different method of attachment to the intestinal mucosa (tapeworms, most flukes).

special instructions

If the drug is prescribed as an immunomodulatory agent, it must be remembered that the drug does not replace antibiotics or antimicrobial agents indicated for the disease.

Patients taking Decaris should refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages.

Caution must be exercised when using the drug in combination with other drugs that can cause leukopenia (for example, pyrazolone derivatives).

Due to the risk of dizziness, special care should be taken when driving vehicles and when working with complex mechanisms.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

During pregnancy, it is prescribed if the expected benefit to the mother is higher than the potential risk to the fetus.

If it is necessary to use it during breastfeeding, it is recommended to stop lactation.

In childhood

Contraindicated in children under 3 years of age. In childhood, it is not prescribed in 150 mg tablets.

In old age

Information is absent.

For impaired renal function

It is prescribed with extreme caution in the presence of renal failure.

For liver dysfunction

It is prescribed with extreme caution for liver failure.

Drug interactions

  • When combined with ethanol, disulfiram-like phenomena may occur.
  • May prolong the prothrombin action of coumarin-like anticoagulants. In this case, adjustment of the dosage of the anticoagulant is required.
  • Decaris increases the concentration of phenytoin. When using drugs in combination, the level of phenytoin in the blood should be monitored.
  • Complex use with lipophilic drugs is contraindicated, as its toxicity may increase.

Levamisole hydrochloride, corn starch, sodium saccharinate, talc, povidone, apricot flavor, magnesium stearate, yellow color.

Release form

Tablets - flat, round, light orange in color, 50 and 150 mg in blister contour packaging No. 1 and 2 in a cardboard box.

pharmachologic effect

Anthelmintic .

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


Wikipedia defines Decaris as anthelmintic , which has an immunomodulatory effect. The drug depolarizes the muscle membranes of helminths, inhibits the enzymatic activity of fumarate reductase and succinate dehydrogenase, and suppresses bioenergetic processes. Paralyzed nematodes are removed from the body by intestinal peristalsis within 24 hours after taking the drug.

The immunomodulatory effect of the drug is manifested by increased production of antibodies to antigens and T-cell response, activation of T-lymphocytes, increased function of macrophages, monocytes and neutrophils (phagocytosis, chemotaxis and adhesion).


When taken orally, the drug is quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Blood levels after taking the drug are achieved within 1.5-2 hours. Levamisole is metabolized in the liver; its metabolites are glucuronide and hydroxy-levamisole. The half-life is 3-6 hours. Excreted in the form of metabolites in urine and feces.

Indications for use

Helminth infection ( hookworm , , necatoriasis , trichostrongylosis , trichocephalosis , strongyloidiasis , ).


  • high sensitivity to the drug;
  • history of drug-induced;
  • age up to 3 years;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation.

Take with caution when inhibition of bone marrow hematopoiesis , hepatic And renal failure .

Side effects

Insomnia, headache, dizziness, convulsions, palpitations, , dyspeptic disorders, skin rash, leukopenia , agranulocytosis , .

Dekaris tablets, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

For adults, take orally with meals in the following dosage:

  • At toxoplasmosis : once at a time, 150 mg per day for three days. If necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated at intervals of one week.
  • At helminthiases : once, before bedtime, at a dose of 150 mg for adults and at a rate of 2.5 mg/kg for children. If necessary, the course can be repeated again after 1-2 weeks.

Instructions for use of Dekaris indicate the need to study peripheral blood before starting treatment, and during the treatment period - to monitor the number of leukocytes. While taking the drug and after, for one day, it is strictly forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages.


When taking a large dose of the drug (more than 600 mg), signs of intoxication may appear in the form of nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness, drowsiness, diarrhea, convulsions and confusion.


Decaris should not be taken with ethanol , lipophilic compounds (carbon tetrachloride , oil chenopodium , tetrachlorethylene , chloroform ) and drugs that cause leukopenia.

The drug enhances the effect indirect anticoagulants And .

Terms of sale

On prescription.

Storage conditions

At a temperature of 15-25°C.

Best before date

60 months.

Decaris for children

Decaris for children, given the significant number of possible side effects in the treatment of helminthiasis, can be taken only after consultation with a doctor. Tablets for children are available in a dose of 50 mg of levamisole.

How should children take the drug? One tablet (50 mg) is designed for 10 kg of child weight. The instructions for the drug contain dosage calculations for children. Approximate dosages for children from 3 to 6 years old are 25-50 mg; from 6 to 10 -50-75 mg; from 10 to 14 years - 75-100 mg. However, calculating the dosage based on the child’s weight is more accurate and reduces the likelihood of side effects.

Decaris to boost immunity

It is practically not used to increase immunity in children. There are many modern, highly effective and relatively safe immunomodulators that your doctor will prescribe for your child if necessary. Reviews of taking Decaris in children are in most cases positive. Judging by them, side effects occur less frequently in children than in adults. This is probably explained by the fact that parents, when giving Decaris for worms to a child, strictly adhere to the dosage of the drug prescribed by the doctor. Reviews note the good anthelmintic effect of Dekaris and the convenience of a single dose.

Decaris is an anthelmintic drug used for the prevention and treatment of helminthiases - infection of the body with roundworms that cause diseases such as:

  • ascariasis,
  • hookworm,
  • necatoriasis,
  • strongyloidiasis,
  • trichostrongylosis,
  • trichocephalosis,

Unlike Troychatka Evalar, which is a dietary supplement, Dekaris is a medicinal product.

The description of Dekaris indicates that it should be prescribed and taken with caution. Dekaris contraindicated pregnant, nursing mothers, children under 14 years of age, patients with a history of hypersensitivity to the drug, and diseases associated with certain changes in blood composition. Decaris is used with caution in cases of impaired functioning of the kidneys, liver, or hematopoietic system, including in the acute stage of leukemia. Also, it is necessary to take into account the interaction of Decaris with other substances and medications, for example, it is completely incompatible with alcohol.

Dekaris' former popularity still ensures him a steady demand. Gradually losing its position in the treatment of people, it remains in great demand in veterinary medicine. Many years of experience in using this drug and patient reviews confirm that it is an effective remedy against roundworms. However, one cannot help but pay attention to the imperfections of Dekaris: toxicity, strong influence on important body systems, incompatibility with many medications.

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