Extreme diets of Hollywood stars that no one should go on. Hollywood stars and their “effective” methods of losing weight Hollywood star diets

Looking at Hollywood stars and their ideal bodies, it seems that nature has endowed them with such a figure or that they have some kind of superpower that allows them not to gain weight with age and always remain in excellent shape. But in reality, everything turns out to be much simpler and sadder - many celebrities exhaust themselves with strict diets, which, although they allow them to lose weight in a short time, are harmful and even dangerous to health. We under no circumstances advise you to follow the example of these celebrities and go on similar diets.

Nicole Kidman

One of Nicole Kidman’s recommendations is to detoxify the body once every two weeks for three days. These days, Nicole does not eat anything, but only drinks herbal teas and freshly squeezed juices, which, in her opinion, not only promotes weight loss, but is also good for health.

Milla Jovovich

The basis of Milla Jovovich's diet is to drink two liters of water a day. According to the star, this is the gold standard, significantly contributing to maintaining good shape.

Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer Aniston tries different methods of losing weight. One of the star's diets is based on pureed foods. During the entire period of the diet, food should consist only of smoothies, puree soups and other dishes prepared by grinding, while oils and spices are excluded.

Melissa McCarthy

Comedian Melissa McCarthy, who captivates with her voluptuous charm, nevertheless decided to achieve normal body weight and lost 20 kg as a result of a low-carb diet, during which she strictly limited herself in food.

Gwyneth Paltrow

The principles of her diet are very simple: an almost unlimited amount of vegetables, some fish and seafood. That is, you will have to forget for a month not only about buns and sweets, but also about meat, eggs and dairy products.

The actress’s main secret is to make sure that during the diet there is nothing in the refrigerator that could lead you astray.


Popular singer Rihanna prefers a diet based on proteins and fiber. At the same time, sweets, pasta and meat are completely excluded from her diet. Her daily menu consists of lettuce, carrots, cucumbers and egg whites, as well as fruit and mineral water. On weekends, she allows herself a real feast: a small muffin made from rye flour with bran, fruit yogurt and a couple of slices of her favorite pizza with vegetables.

Julia Roberts

The basis of her diet is fish, including even fatty varieties, such as mackerel or salmon. The main thing is not to deep-fry them or fry them in oil at all, but only steam or grill them. In addition to fish, Roberts' favorite diet includes vegetable salads with lemon juice and olive oil, as well as berries and nuts.

But you will have to completely give up eggs, meat, rice, pasta, potatoes and sugar.

Claudia Schiffer

If Claudia Schiffer urgently needs to fit into a dress, but she feels that she has gained too much, the actress goes on a strict express diet, with no restrictions on only mineral water. Everything else is very, very little. This is what the menu looks like:

Breakfast: one soft-boiled egg (no salt!).
Lunch: 150 g low-fat cottage cheese and tea without sugar
Afternoon snack: again 150 g of cottage cheese and tea.
There is no dinner.

Sarah Jessica Parker

The actress is a fan of the “frozen” diet. What can you eat? First of all, frozen fruits and berries, as well as fruit sorbet and milk ice cream. An indispensable condition of the diet is to eat every hour and a half to avoid attacks of hunger. Its duration can be from 1 to 3 days.

Heidi Klum

The basis of her favorite diet is sauerkraut. But you can eat it in absolutely unlimited quantities. Apart from this, only mineral water and tea without sugar are allowed.

When asked how they manage to maintain ideal shapes, Hollywood stars just smile their dazzling smile and answer that nature endowed them with beauty. They say that extra pounds, even if they appear on the hips and waist, “go away” by themselves during performances. As a last resort, each star has its own unique weight loss system based on the principles of proper nutrition. Is everything so beautiful and correct in Hollywood? The editor-in-chief of Doctor Travel magazine debunks myths about Hollywood diets.

Hollywood Diets

How do stars keep themselves in shape? What diets do you prefer? What methods of losing weight are not talked about out loud? DT finds out. Do you want to know the main secret of Hollywood stars? Please: there is no secret. To each his own. Alicia Silverstone is a strict vegetarian (vegan). Heather Locklear loves hamburgers and fries.

Jennifer Lopez eats eight times a day - in micro portions. Melanie Griffith goes on a smoothie diet, and Demi Moore eats a lot of protein. However, you should not rush to follow their example. Why? If only because not every “star” advice is the pure truth.

Hollywood lies

When celebrities are asked how they stay in incredible shape, they usually cite good genes or say that they spend their days chasing after their kids. Usually, if this is true, it is not all true. The famous “star” trainer Gunnar Peterson, who has worked with Jennifer Lopez, Angelina Jolie and Penelope Cruz, says:

“One actress trained with me four times a week - despite the fact that she also spent hours on an exercise bike every day. And when she was asked how she stays fit, this actress replied: “Oh, it’s me who does yoga and walks the dog!” I remember laughing a lot."

And this is not the whole truth that the stars feed us. Here are seven more things they hate to admit.

1. They take drugs

From time to time, one or another celebrity is caught in possession and use. And not just “hard” drugs. Side effects of many medications (for example, those intended to improve memory and concentration) include decreased appetite.

Alas, many stars simply don’t read beyond this line, but in vain: among the “side effects”, sudden mood swings, depression and heart problems are usually also listed. In addition, if you use such drugs for a long enough time, they destroy metabolism and cause the exact opposite effect of what was expected: a person begins to gain weight uncontrollably.

2. They hardly eat

One of the most popular diets in Hollywood is called the “two chicken eggs.” The name accurately conveys its essence: one boiled egg in the morning and one in the evening. “Star” fitness trainer David Kirsch recalls: “One of my clients was preparing for the Oscars by sitting on this diet. I barely convinced her to add almonds, a protein shake, and a multivitamin to her diet. Told her that without proteins she simply wouldn’t have muscles.”

Other mono-diet lovers choose nuts. Of course, they contain a lot of healthy fatty acids and vitamins, but this is not a reason to make this product the only component of the menu.

“I had a girl come to me whose daily diet consisted of a large bag of peanuts and three to five cans of Diet Coke,” recalls Justin Jelband, who trains supermodels. “When she was hungry, she lit a cigarette.” You can’t imagine what bags she had under her eyes! We started the lesson, but she had to stop every five minutes to catch her breath. It was terrible!".

3. They don't eat at all.

When visiting a fashionable restaurant, celebrities order a glass of mineral water. Some, in order not to attract attention, take seafood or fish, but still only drink juice.

Marsha Cross, star of Desperate Housewives, admits: “It’s very hard not to eat all the time. Sometimes it feels like I'm being paid to starve. This is just hell!

Some people drink a mixture of water, maple syrup, lemon juice and cayenne pepper instead of eating. This is called the "lemonade diet." Beyoncé Knowles admitted that she lost ten kilograms, and Jared Leto - all 15.

“One of my clients followed this stupid diet,” says Gunnar Peterson. – He looked simply monstrous: gray skin, black circles under his eyes... Why, he swayed when he walked! And this is after ten days of diet!”

4. They take laxatives

Diuretic teas are one of the favorite drinks of Hollywood skinny women. Some starlets drink ten cups a day, washing away vitamins along with their weight and dooming themselves to a whole bunch of diseases.

5. They smoke

Anyone who has quit smoking knows that it is much more difficult to control weight after quitting a bad habit. Many celebrities are walking advertisements for tobacco brands: it is extremely difficult to catch them without a cigarette.

“It’s very simple,” says nutritionist Mark David, author of The Slow Down Diet. “Either you smoke and lose weight, but also risk dying from lung cancer, or you treat your body with respect and prefer healthy eating and fitness.”

6. They pour themselves coffee

In Hollywood, it is believed that coffee improves metabolism and at the same time suppresses appetite. A word from Mark David: “Caffeine in moderate doses really helps you lose weight. However, if you drink too much coffee, it causes a reaction in your body similar to that which occurs in response to stress. Your cortisol and insulin levels rise. And this is a signal for the body to immediately start storing fat.”

7. They live in the gym

When Kate Hudson needed to lose the 30 kilograms she gained during pregnancy, she worked out three hours a day for three months. To prepare for her role as super-sexy Daisy Duke in The Dukes of Hazzard, Jessica Simpson exercised two hours a day, six days a week.

“If you are a non-professional athlete, you don’t need to spend more than an hour and a half a day on fitness,” says renowned trainer Justin Jelband. Gunnar Peterson echoes him: “Girls, remember: not a single heterosexual man in the world can tell the difference between size 44 and size 48!”

Hollywood truth

However, you shouldn’t think that absolutely all celebrities have strange eating habits. “It’s worth admitting: a lot of stars do absolutely the right things,” says Gunnar Peterson. – They eat right and exercise moderately. In my experience, it’s mostly fly-by-night stars who are prone to extreme sports.”

So, it’s still worth learning a few things from public figures.

Grapefruits. Jennifer Lopez and Carmen Electra believe in its weight-loss power. Plus, it's rich in vitamin C!

Frozen fruit. Oprah Winfrey freezes fruits and berries crushed in a blender, and then eats them instead of ice cream. Tasty and healthy!

Toothbrushes. Brush your teeth after eating: a new taste in your mouth is a signal to your brain that you are full. Matthew McConaughey carries a toothbrush with him even to restaurants.

Cinnamon. Stars add it to tea to improve digestion and reduce cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

Cookie. Are you hungry? Eat biscuits. But - just one thing. Kelly Clarkson and Jennifer Hudson do just that. Just don’t flatter yourself: you can eat no more than four cookies a day - instead of breakfast, dinner and a couple of snacks. Lunch should be complete and contain 600–900 kcal.

Sugar. White or reed, but always natural. No sweeteners! One or two lumps of sugar a day is better than two dozen aspartame tablets.

Blue plates. The least appetizing color in humans. Get yourself one and you will eat less.

Dandelion tea. An excellent natural diuretic. They say Madonna and Gwyneth Paltrow are his big fans!

What the stars are silent about

Before you choose a Hollywood star to strive for as an ideal, study her paparazzi photographs. And keep reminding yourself: world-famous public figures are business enterprises, for the glory of which a whole staff of stylists, makeup artists, lighting specialists, trainers, nutritionists, photographers and publicists work.

Everything you read about them in the press is carefully calculated, and each of their appearances is a serious project for which they prepare ahead of time.

When a star suddenly begins to publicly confess his liking for some nutritionist or fitness guru, rest assured: they simply have the same publicist.

If you see a recipe book on sale signed with the name of a famous singer or actress, you can be sure that it was written by someone else. At best, the “author” read the press release. You don't think Jennifer Lopez actually mixes the ingredients for her perfume, do you?

So why, if the advice of a professional nutritionist doesn't help, do we trust Gwyneth Paltrow's recommendations? Alas, the stars are still experts in terms of diet. For example, Mel Gibson doesn't eat chicken.

And do you know why? Because he read somewhere that chicken breasts can cause breast growth in men.

Excess weight is a universal problem, and many rich and famous suffer from it too. This once again proves that you can only lose weight with your own willpower.

Hollywood stars before and after losing weight: photos ^

Being fat in Hollywood is bad manners: stars who decide to give up on themselves and succumb to bad habits are guaranteed excessive attention from the paparazzi and discussion of all the problems of their figure in the media.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Hollywood is replete with stories of “miraculous transformations” - someone lost tens of kilograms, trying to gain fame, and someone literally abused their body, losing weight for a role in a movie.

Natalie Portman

Natalie had to practice ballet for a long time in order to lose weight and successfully perform the role of a swan (in the film “Black Swan”). The producers set a super task for petite Natalie - to lose another 9 kg. Considering that Portman grew up in a family of vegetarians, it was not difficult for her to solve this problem.

Now she weighs only 48 kg and considers her main goal not to lose weight, but to take care of maximum health of body and spirit. It should be noted that the image of a thinner star helped her win an Oscar for Best Actress

Sarah Rue

The 34-year-old actress, who has been playing stereotypical “chubby girl next door” roles for almost ten years (including in the television series “The Best”), has lost almost 23 kilograms, becoming the “face” of the diet brand Jenny Craig and started running in the morning. Since then, Sarah has been carefully monitoring her weight - in an interview with People, the actress admitted that she was simply “sick of constantly losing weight.”

Renee Zellweger

Rene's weight loss has long been the talk of the town. To play the role of Bridget Jones, the actress gained 9 kilograms. It would seem not so much (after all, many people gain more during the winter, successfully getting rid of their “winter friends” by spring), but Zellweger ended up losing weight a little crazy: she regained her “native” weight, but continued lose weight until, in addition to a slender figure, she acquired an extremely repulsive appearance. And recent unsuccessful plastic surgery has made Renee completely unrecognizable.

Seth Rogen

Seth Rogen

Funny fat man Seth Rogen is an excellent example of how fame can change people for the better: having gained fame, the 31-year-old actor began working with a personal trainer and lost about 14 kilograms in 9 months.

Perez Hilton

Perez Hilton

The most famous celebrity blogger, Perez Hilton, took the example of those whose personal lives never tire of discussing - and took care of himself, losing almost 30 kilograms in 3 years. Perez started with 30 minutes of daily walking, and eventually switched to a training regime 7 days a week - and even launched another site under his name, FitPerez, dedicated to the fitness and diets of celebrities.

Janet Jackson

Janet Jackson

A big fan of all kinds of diets, Janet Jackson has been diligently maintaining a normal weight lately - although for the 47-year-old singer this is really hard work. To lose weight before filming the Love Will Never Do music video, Janet adhered to a strict diet - she ate one single apple a day!

Charlize Theron

For her role in the 2003 film “Monster,” Charlize Theron had to gain weight – in a short period of time, eating donuts and other unhealthy foods, the actress gained 15 kilograms and looked almost unrecognizable. But even before the film premiered, Theron radically lost weight - and just in time, because a few months later Charlize was awarded the Golden Globe in the Best Actress category just for Monster.

Jared Leto

Jared Leto

Another top-class professional who is ready to do anything for the sake of a movie is Jared Leto, who gained a record 30 kilograms for the role of John Lennon’s killer in the film. Due to such a rapid change in weight, Leto began to have health problems, and it took him almost a year to return to his previous weight. After that, Jared vowed never to gain weight again, even for a movie role.

Kelly Osbourne

As Kelly herself admitted more than once, her main problem was “eating” stress - sounds familiar, doesn’t it? However, after becoming a participant in the popular TV show “Dancing with the Stars”, Osbourne Jr. gave up this habit – and lost 23 kilograms!

50 Cent

Rap artist 50 Cent proved that even notorious rappers are willing to do anything in some cases: for the sake of his role in the film “Different Things” in 2011, 38-year-old 50 Cent lost almost 25 kilograms in just 9 weeks!

Matthew McConaughey

Famous actor Matthew McConaughey changed his appearance and weight many times during his career for the sake of a role. As Matthew himself admits, gaining weight is much easier than losing it.

Matthew McConaughey

The most difficult test was preparing for the role in the film “Dallas Buyers Club”. The actor had to lose weight to 64 kilograms. To do this, he was on a very strict and unbalanced diet. His daily diet consisted of two egg whites, a few pieces of chicken and a Diet Coke.

Christian Bale

Christian Bale

One of the most talented actors of a generation, Christian Bale takes his roles much more seriously than his colleagues on the set. To play the main role in the film “The Machinist,” Bale lost almost 30 kilograms and ended up weighing about 55 kilograms (and this is with a height of one meter eighty!). But Christian did not stop at one single feat in the field of weight loss - several years ago he again had to quickly lose weight for the role of an ex-boxer in the film “The Fighter”.

Jennifer Hudson

Jennifer Hudson

Jennifer Hudson's miraculous transformation became one of the main topics of discussion several years ago. The winner of the Grammy and Oscar awards began losing weight in 2009, after giving birth, for the sake of filming the film “Winnie Mandela” (Hudson got the role of Nelson Mandela’s wife). With such motivation, the result was achieved in a matter of months - Jennifer reduced her volume by 10 sizes (from US 16 to US 6).

Mariah Carey

This singer always lost weight, but more often gained weight. During pregnancy, she gained about 30 kilograms, which she then lost with strict diets and exercise.

Jessica Simpson

This singer proved that she, too, was a mere mortal woman. During her pregnancies, she gained extra pounds, which did not just disappear in a miraculous way. She worked hard and appeared in public without shame.

Christina Aguilera

She is also one of those mothers for whom pregnancy did not leave its mark on her figure. Christina struggled with excess weight for a long time, and only when she accepted herself for who she is, she lost 25 kg.

Alec Baldwin

Alec Baldwin

As the actor himself said, he gained weight because he ate a lot of sweets and loved ice cream. But then in 2011 he was told that he was about to develop diabetes, and Baldwin took his figure seriously and lost weight.

Pierce Brosnan

Pierce Brosnan

As you might expect, the actor began to recover as soon as he finished playing James Bond. But then he looked at himself from the outside in the film “Mamma Mia!”, thought that he was fat, and took care of himself. Brosnan is said to do kickboxing, yoga, tennis and Pilates.

Val Kilmer

Val Kilmer

Another actor who relaxed after playing Batman. Because of his extra pounds, he was even later nicknamed “fatman”—the fat guy. But, preparing for a new film about Mark Twain, the actor surprised everyone by appearing completely slender again.

Gerard Butler

Gerard Butler

The actor impressed everyone with his six-pack abs in the film about 300, because as soon as he allowed himself to fill his stomach, everyone immediately began to say that he had gained weight. Gerard actually gained weight, but then returned to shape, although not as impressive as in the “300” film.

Kelly Clarkson

Kelly Clarkson

This American singer became famous after the show “American Idol”. Even then she said that people called her fat. Kelly often changed her weight, sometimes losing weight, sometimes gaining weight, but she always said that this was not a problem for her.

Steven Seagal

Steven Seagal

This actor, who used to be the star of all action films, also gave up on himself after he began to act less in films. Now he is more involved in the production of weapons and friendship with politicians.

John Travolta

Travolta gradually gained weight, and more than once preferred to go shopping in search of spacious and comfortable clothes rather than go to some social event in Hollywood. Over time, he toned down his extra pounds through tennis and weightlifting.

Mike Tyson

Mike Tyson

As the once boxing champion himself said, he was teased at school because he was fat. Having completed his professional career, Mike began to gain weight again, and in order not to give reasons for new teasing, he went on a vegetarian diet and lost the excess weight.

Mickey Rourke

Everyone knows that the famous actor managed to build a career in professional sports. For more than five years he fought in the ring. During his sports career, Mickey suffered many injuries and sought the help of plastic surgeons to correct their consequences. Doctors performed several unsuccessful operations, after which the actor fell into depression and neglected himself. Rourke gained almost 20 extra pounds.

Mickey Rourke

Recently, Mickey Rourke decided to return to big-time sports, and to do this he had to work on his fitness. Thanks to a strict diet, training in the ring and daily runs of many kilometers, the actor managed to lose 15 kilograms and regain his previous shape.

Rob Kardashian

Rob Kardashian

This guy from a star family surprised everyone with his appearance this year. While his sisters show off their seductive figures, he somehow now doesn’t fit into their style at all. At the same time, he was also offended that he was called fat online.

Matthew Perry

Matthew Perry

The actor began to gain weight after finishing filming the series “Friends.” But it was a small price to pay for his long battle with drug addiction. In addition, Matthew once said that photos of him being thin make him remember his addiction.

Russell Crowe

Russell Crowe

As the actor himself admitted, he relaxed when he needed to gain weight for one role. “And when I stop exercising, my body reaches its maximum weight.”

Marlon Brando

Marlon Brando

After star roles, the actor simply began to eat a lot, and as a result of excess weight he developed diabetes. It got to the point that when he died, everyone was discussing not his talent, but his enormous weight.

Mischa Barton

Mischa Barton

Kate Bosworth

Kate Bosworth

Courtney Love

Courtney Love

Hilary Duff

Victoria Beckham

Nicole Richie

Britney Spears


Aishvaria Rai

Anna Mikhalkova

Anna Mikhalkova, who has always been a charming chick, managed to truly surprise her fans. One fine day, the actress just came out having lost 10 kg! And even after the birth of my third child. All that remains is to applaud!

Polina Gagarina

Polina Gagarina, whose fragility and thinness have already become her calling card, was also not always so slender. At the beginning of her career, Polina was far from skinny, and she managed to lose as much as 40 kg thanks to a special diet, which Gagarina herself readily talks about.


Polina Gagarina's friend Pelageya noticeably lost weight on the set of the music show “The Voice”. Dmitry Nagiyev, the leader of the project, was full of compliments to his mentor and asked how she managed to achieve such impressive results.

Pelageya laughed it off. But later she said that spa treatments and proper nutrition helped her lose weight. In between filming, Pelageya ate only buckwheat porridge. Result: 15 kg lost. For those who want to get rid of excess weight and have the same brilliant results as Pelageya, the singer gave only one brief piece of advice: “proper nutrition.”

Anastasia Denisova

Svetlana Hodchenkova

The beauty evolution of Svetlana Khodchenkova is truly impressive, because the actress has lost almost 20 kg, and in the film “Bless the Woman” she is completely unrecognizable. In the image of a buxom beauty, Svetlana was also attractive, but for the sake of work she decided to be closer to accepted standards.

Ksenia Borodina

Ksenia Borodina on her Instagram often boasts of her pumped up abs and physical fitness. The TV presenter really has something to be proud of, because being slim is not a gift from nature, but solely her merit. Ksenia experimented with many diets until she finally came to the most correct system - healthy food plus fitness.

Alla Pugacheva

During her long career, the Diva lost weight and gained weight more than once, but at the “New Wave” competition, Alla Pugacheva was able to truly surprise - the singer is slimmer than ever!

Svetlana Permyakova

In the role of the plump, gossipy nurse Lyubochka from the TV series “Interns,” Svetlana Permyakova looked very organic, but she also decided to lose a little weight. Svetlana lost extra pounds after the birth of her daughter - by her own admission, the actress simply began to move more.

Cornelia Mango

Roza Syabitova's changes were perhaps the most impressive. In three months, the host of the “Let's Get Married!” program I lost 10 kg and also had breast augmentation surgery. Now the matchmaker does not hide the fact that she feels much more confident and feminine.

Irina Pegova

Actress Irina Pegova has always been distinguished by her feminine, rounded shape, but it was difficult to call her plump. Nevertheless, she succumbed to this trend and decided to lose weight. Irina says that she became a vegetarian and gave up fatty foods and sweets. It worked!

Dana Borisova

Dana Borisova made a real show of her weight loss - she told everyone how she lost 30 kg, and also acquired a new “lush bust.” Dana's shape is truly impressive - from a plump woman she has turned into a sexy Barbie who can afford the most revealing bikini.

Irina Dubtsova

Popular singer, winner of the “Star Factory” Irina Dubtsova has been fighting for a slim figure for many years. She was never too thin, but she could not be called fat either. Many people envied her shape, and men couldn’t take their eyes off her.

However, after giving birth, Dubtsova recovered. At first, she did not notice this, continuing to wear tight, revealing outfits. And only after a barrage of criticism in the press and from fans did the girl pull herself together. Thanks to hard training and a balanced diet, Irina Dubtsova lost almost 20 kilograms.

Ani Lorak

Ani Lorak began having problems with excess weight after the birth of her child, but the singer did not lose her head, pulled herself together and lost 15 kg! Anya’s secret is simple: work, work and work again. Ani was very active in sports and dancing, which, of course, is noticeable in her toned figure.

Ekaterina Skulkina

It would seem that being overweight did not bother Comedy Woman star Ekaterina Skulkina at all. On the contrary, weight was an integral part of her comic images. However, Catherine herself was tired of the image of a plump woman - the actress decided to radically change her image and lost 15 kg. We can’t help but notice that now Skulkina really looks great!

Alexey Makarov

Ekaterina Vilkova

Ekaterina Vilkova

Hollywood- not only a dream factory, but also a merciless race for the standard of harmony and beauty. On the red carpet, the competition is fierce - you either stand with your slender legs at the top of Olympus, or you struggle with extra pounds without a cent in your pocket. Behind the success of every star is titanic work and a sea of ​​sweat in the gym. Of course there are exceptions such as Adele (27), Melissa McCarthy(45) and many others, but they only confirm the existing rules. Today we will tell you how the first ladies get rid of extra pounds Hollywood.

Angelina Jolie(40) uses the “three-hour” diet. It is based on the fact that no more than three hours should pass between meals, otherwise the body will “turn on” self-defense against hunger.

You should eat food six times a day. Sample menu Angelina for the day:

  • 7:00 – omelet or sandwich
  • 10:00 – small piece of dark chocolate
  • 13:00 – spaghetti with cheese
  • 16:00 – cracker
  • 19:00 – chicken breast with vegetables
  • 22:00 – apple or pear.

Sharon Stone

Sharon Stone(57) completely eliminated sugar, candy, chocolate, bread, pasta and chips from her diet.

Three times a day, the actress consumes lean meat, skim milk, brown rice, Parmesan cheese, vegetables and fruits. A mandatory item on her daily menu is one and a half liters of still water.

Madonna(57) is famous for his athletic body, despite his advanced age. An integrated approach helps her stay in good shape.

Not a single day of the artist goes by without physical activity; she never misses a workout. Madonna combines aerobics with stretching exercises, but does not expose himself to exhausting loads: any sports activity for the star does not exceed 45 minutes. And, of course, vegetarian food, which Madonna has been sticking around for several years now.

The secret is forever young Jennifer Aniston(46) also consists of several components. Firstly, this is yoga. The actress does it three times a week in combination with cardio training. Also Jennifer Strictly observes the percentage proportions of nutrition. You may have heard of the zone diet, which means that in your daily diet Jennifer contains 40% carbohydrates, 30% proteins and 30% fats. Also Aniston often eats sushi.

By the way, thanks to these principles Jennifer Aniston at one time I managed to get rid of 10 kilograms of excess weight and brilliantly overcome the breakup with Brad Pitt (51).

Jessica Alba(34) adheres to a diet consisting of 1700 kilocalories per day. Also, the actress performs a set of exercises every day for an hour, which includes loads on the pectoral muscles, legs and, of course, does not do without stretching.

For a flat stomach Jessica wears pull-up pants that look like the famous pantaloons Bridget Jones. The actress is also actively involved in volleyball and boxing.

Britney Spears(33), of course, was not always the standard of harmony, but we must give her credit, each time the singer managed to get back into shape. Her secret is a special diet where sugar is completely prohibited, and salmon, eggs, turkey, rice and avocado are allowed. The daily consumption of these products is no more than 1200 kilocalories.

Gwyneth Paltrow(43) excludes dairy products, red meat, flour products, chocolate, vinegar and mustard from his diet every three weeks. The menu consists of skinless grilled chicken, sushi, fish and bananas. Every day she certainly eats a spoonful of honey.

Milla Jovovich(39) consumes foods only up to 10% fat. The diet prohibits all types of meat and fish, nuts, sugar, salt, seeds, egg yolks and caffeine. Diet Nice ones looks like that:

  • Breakfast – a glass of orange juice or low-fat fruit yogurt, a cup of berries.
  • Lunch – one baked potato, green salad, tomato or apple.
  • Dinner – a cup of sprouted wheat, a salad of peppers, beans and cabbage, seasoned with one teaspoon of lemon juice.

All this, of course, is great, and slim legs Jessica Alba or Gwyneth Paltrow only reinforces our desire to achieve the same success. But before you are tempted by photographs of the magical forms of your favorite film stars from glossy magazines, consult a nutritionist. Based on your health status, lifestyle, body type and metabolism, he will definitely tell you what is right for you.

The Hollywood diet is an extremely low-calorie diet for rapid weight loss. It belongs to the so-called “anorexic diets”, which require enormous willpower, bordering on self-flagellation.

According to the most common version, this technique is popular among Hollywood stars of the first magnitude. It is designed for 14 days and promises a loss of 7-10 kg during this period - which, of course, is unlikely for people without a lot of excess weight.

Basic principles of the diet

  • No breakfast. This diet requires you to fast until lunchtime, which is very difficult for many, especially if you have to get up early for work. A more gentle version of the “Hollywood” allows you to drink a cup of coffee or green tea without sugar in the morning. You can eat half a grapefruit;
  • Predominance of protein foods. Fats and carbohydrates are reduced to zero;
  • Two meals a day. Meals include only lunch and dinner. Between them you can drink water without restrictions;
  • Ban on salt. As with all similar diets, all conditions are provided for the rapid removal of moisture from the body and weight loss due to it;
  • All food should only be boiled or baked without salt and oil;
  • Any foods and drinks other than those listed on the menu are completely prohibited;
  • Cucumbers and cabbage specified in the diet can be eaten in unlimited quantities;
  • The menu is specified for every day. After the first week it repeats.

The Hollywood diet is a real test for those who like to eat heavily

Hollywood diet menu

The menu for 7 days will look like this (and repeat starting from the eighth day).

Day 1 and 8:

  • lunch: a cup of coffee, 1 chicken or 2 quail eggs, a small tomato;
  • dinner: egg, cucumber or cabbage salad, 0.5 grapefruit.

Day 2 and 9:

  • lunch: a cup of coffee, 1 chicken or 2 quail eggs, grapefruit;
  • dinner: 200 g of boiled, stewed or baked beef, medium-sized cucumber, a cup of coffee.

Day 3 and 10:

  • lunch: a cup of coffee, egg, tomato, stewed spinach;
  • dinner: 200 g of beef, cucumber, cup of coffee.

Day 4 and 11:

  • lunch: cucumber and cabbage salad, 1 grapefruit, cup of coffee;
  • dinner: egg, 200 g low-fat cottage cheese, stewed spinach, coffee.

Day 5 and 12:

  • lunch: egg, stewed spinach, cup of coffee;
  • dinner: 200 g of lean fish, green salad, cup of coffee.

Day 6 and 13:

  • lunch: fruit salad of grapefruits, apples and oranges;
  • dinner: 200 g lean beef, cucumber, cup of coffee.

Day 7 and 14:

  • lunch: 200 g of boiled chicken, green salad, grapefruit, cup of coffee;
  • dinner: fruit salad.

Contraindications and disadvantages

This diet refers to semi-starved protein-based diets, which have a number of disadvantages:

  • The diet is unbalanced. Despite the fact that the diet planner tried to make the menu varied, the small amount of food and the predominance of protein products make you think about adding at least a basic multivitamin complex;
  • Extremely low calorie content with a large amount of water and the exclusion of salt leads to the removal of large amounts of moisture and dehydration - even despite drinking plenty of water;
  • Lack of nutrients in the diet will lead to effects such as hunger and obsessive thoughts about food, nausea, weakness, dizziness, darkening of the eyes, irritability, insomnia, impaired cognitive function, abdominal pain, etc.;
  • During the diet, it is worth eliminating unnecessary physical activity and increasing sleep time to 10 hours daily;
  • The diet is strictly contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, adolescents, the elderly, patients during the recovery period, patients with diseases of the liver, kidneys, digestive, nervous and cardiovascular systems, people with unstable mental health, etc.
  • Before deciding on the advisability of using this diet, you should consult with a nutritionist and gastroenterologist, as well as your doctor;
  • If you notice any discomfort during the diet, stop following the regimen and consult a doctor;
  • You should be careful about the presence of such a large amount of coffee in your diet with an extremely low calorie content. Many people recommend replacing coffee with green tea to reduce the negative effects on the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Doctors advise to be careful with such semi-starvation diets and not to resort to their help more than once every six months. It is very difficult to follow such a diet. And, although in the end it is really possible to lose up to 10 kg, this loss will be achieved due to water, muscles, tissues of internal organs and almost complete emptying of the intestines. Most likely, you will begin to gain weight as soon as you switch to a normal diet.

It may take several weeks for your body to recover from muscle loss. Fat loss when following such a system is insignificant, but the feeling of hunger and increased appetite after fasting may well lead to weight gain over the next few months.