The Federal Tax Service explained what cannot be discussed on the phone. Rules for communicating by phone. Example of a business conversation over the phone What not to say to a client over the phone

Of course, you cannot be rude, ignore the caller or shout at him. There are still many things that are prohibited, prohibited and punished, but through the efforts of business trainers, as a rule, obvious things are memorized for a long time and operators generally behave satisfactorily. The problem is that there are a lot of words that implicitly give a negative emotional connotation to the conversation. They seem to exist in context and look quite decent, but only at first glance. Let's consider such prohibited words and generally accepted speech cliches that negatively affect a professional call center operator.

Words and phrases are irritants



"…vice versa…"




“...this is outdated data”

"Good afternoon!"



The way to get rid of irritating words is to come up with several suggestions for forming a dialogue, while pronouncing them you can figure out how to continue communication without irritating words and phrases.


“Ahh” (in the context of a surprised reaction to new information)

"…how to say…"

"…as if…"

"…In fact…"

"…Exactly this…"

At the beginning of a conversation it is forbidden to say:


Correct way to start a telephone conversation:

"I'm hearing you"

“Please speak, I’m listening to you”

“Hello, my name is company (), how can I help you?”

It is prohibited to contact a person by phone:



"Young woman"

"Young man"

You can contact your interlocutor:

"Be kind (kind)..."

"I understood you correctly)…"

"Sorry to interrupt you..."

It is prohibited to duplicate information to the client as follows:

“I told you so”

“I repeat to you again”

Competent analogue-substitute:

“Allow me to repeat the information to you”;

No diminutives!



“Machine” (for Taxi operators)

“Modelka” (for clothing sellers)

"Please wait a minute"

It's correct to say:

"A tube"




"One minute please"

It is prohibited to indicate interest using the following phrases:

"What would you like?"

“On what question?”

Correct option:

"How can I help you?"

You cannot notify the client of an error like this:

"You are wrong!"

To report that the client is wrong use:

“Please, clarify what you are talking about. There must have been some kind of misunderstanding."

Wrong answer in case of confusion:

"I don't know"

How to say correctly when you don’t know the answer to a client’s question:

“Just a minute, now I’ll clarify this information for you.”

Consider the basics of telephone etiquette laid down. All you have to do is learn it and you can start your first experiments in line work. But only experience...

What can't you talk about on the phone? and got the best answer

Answer from Elena[guru]
Something you wouldn't want to share with others. Someone is listening to all the “secret” conversations. An example from life: I was chatting to myself, chatting (there were no cell phones then), and then I looked at my printouts and almost threw up, but we were arguing! And who would have thought that the conversations of 16-year-old girls could interest someone? And the most disgusting thing is that all sorts of freaks read them before me, and probably had fun. Since then, no phone calls. Which is what I advise you to do.

Answer from KATERINA T[guru]
about drugs and terrorist attacks)

Answer from Rivka[guru]
You can talk about anything, the main thing is not to loudly, if in a public place. . and then some blondes in minibuses in the morning discuss everything and everyone... somehow not this. . not good!..

Answer from hamster hamsters[guru]
about love: you can’t see your interlocutor’s eyes!

Answer from Vova d[expert]
Anything that is a secret cannot be discussed, and in general you should talk on the phone for no more than 3 minutes, otherwise you need to meet with the person (proven by science)

Answer from Zabava[guru]
It’s stupid to confess your love for the first time over the phone, you can’t say introductory words after which the wiretapping turns on, you shouldn’t solve important problems (better in person), everything else is optional

Answer from [email protected] [guru]
About the details of the plan for the successful preparation of an assassination attempt on GDP, implemented by the author of this question...

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: What can’t you talk about on the phone?

A friend invites you to work. 2 times a week, but doesn’t tell me what to do. He says you can’t tell, you’ll come and see
Network marketing representatives usually do this. This is one way to tighten

Fraudsters began calling taxpayers under the guise of tax inspectors. The Federal Tax Service warned against such conversations and assured that its employees never try to find out confidential information over the phone. Those who are trying to find out should not be trusted with trade secrets under any circumstances.

The Federal Tax Service warned organizations and citizens against being overly gullible. Not everyone who introduces himself or herself as a service employee over the phone actually is one. The Federal Tax Service assured that its employees never try to find out confidential information over the phone. Firms should never disclose their tax trade secrets over the phone. Now, under the guise of tax inspectors, scammers are actively calling taxpayers. You can check the caller's credentials by contacting the relevant tax authority. The security department of the fiscal department must be notified about such calls. The Federal Tax Service for the Nizhny Novgorod region talks on its website about a case from its own practice:

So, in January of this year, an accountant of the organization contacted the security department of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Nizhny Novgorod Region, who reported that on January 23, 2013, a call was received from a person who introduced himself as a tax inspector (he gave his full name). The “inspector” was interested in clarifying the organization’s information: TIN, KPP, full name of the manager, OGRN, as well as the organization’s financial statements.

These questions seemed suspicious to the accountant, and he informed the “tax inspector” that there was no information at the moment, asking him to call back later. The accountant contacted the Department with a request to inform about the legality of the “tax inspector’s” actions.

During the verification activities, it was established that there was no employee with the specified name in the tax authorities of the Nizhny Novgorod region.

The Security Department of the Department explained to the organization’s accountant that these calls have nothing to do with the activities of the tax authorities; the employee with the indicated name does not work for the tax authorities of the Nizhny Novgorod region. In addition, tax authorities do not clarify such information via telephone.

This issue of “Technology” is somewhat unusual, since it does not at all concern the technical side of using modern technology. Because in this article we will talk about mobile phones, which, it seems, everyone knows how to use. However, over the years of general, so to speak, mobilization of the population, a kind of culture of communication by cell phone or, in other words, mobile etiquette has developed in society.

We decided to recall the basic rules of cultural communication on a mobile phone. In fact, any well-mannered person knows them very well, because they are based on the usual norms of everyday behavior and communication with people. However, it would not hurt to remember them again. Also, if you know people who you think are not very familiar with mobile etiquette, please do a good deed by sending them a link to this text. So these are the rules.

  1. It is necessary to turn off your mobile phone in places where safety regulations require it. We are talking, for example, about airplanes and hospitals, where cell phones can interfere with the operation of equipment.
  2. You cannot talk on your cell phone while driving in a car. This is not even etiquette, but one of the rules of the road, which prohibits making and answering calls on a cell phone while driving a car, unless you have a headset that will save you from having to hold the phone in your hand. In any case, even if you have a headset, talking on the phone while driving still reduces concentration, so if the call is important, it is recommended to stop.
  3. In theaters, cinemas, museums, churches, and libraries, the phone must be turned off or switched to silent mode. And of course, don’t talk on it.
  4. And one more thing about the cinema. It’s better not to take your phone out of your pocket, case or bag at all, so as not to shine the screen in the dark and not distract other viewers.
  5. Needless to say, rude, harsh, obscene ringtones on a mobile phone are not at all witty and irritate others. Especially if they contain profanity.
  6. Replacing calls with various pranks is bad form. The caller is unlikely to praise your sense of humor if instead of hearing a dial tone, “Prosecutor's office!”, or “Military registration and enlistment office!”, or something else like that. Firstly, they may call you with a serious conversation, and secondly, these jokes are already known to everyone and have long been outdated. If you have something similar instead of a beep, remove it, especially since this is a paid service.
  7. When in cafes, restaurants, shops, or public transport, you need to use your phone with the speaker volume as low as possible.
  8. You cannot give a person’s mobile phone number to third parties without his permission. The exception is when the number is written on a person’s business cards, then it is considered open to everyone.
  9. For some reason, many people think that they need to speak into the phone very loudly in order to be heard. We reveal a terrible secret: the capabilities of all modern devices without exception allow you to talk freely at a normal volume level. The subscriber on the other end will hear you perfectly, and the surrounding strangers are of little interest in the content of your conversation.
  10. In continuation of the previous point, just in case, we will add that not shouting does not mean muttering and mumbling.
  11. There is no need to talk about personal topics in the presence of strangers. However, this applies not only to telephone conversations, but also to ordinary conversations.
  12. You are not allowed to film people on your mobile phone without their consent. And it’s even more inadmissible to post it somewhere later. Although you can make an exception for the “Eyes of the People” competition.
  13. It is highly undesirable to demonstrate to everyone around you your awareness of the functions of modern smartphones. This can be done in a circle of interests. Many people perceive a mobile phone simply as a means of communication, and it is stupid to assert yourself next to them, boasting about the bells and whistles of your gadget.
  14. Don't put people in your address book under unpleasant nicknames if you don't want to offend them.
  15. It is uncivilized to listen to music through a speaker while in a public place or walking down the street, as young people in tracksuits with cans of beer or Jaguars in their hands often do.
  16. The headset is a good and comfortable thing, but constantly wearing it like an earring on your ear is not serious. For example, because people around will not always understand who you are talking to - to them or on the phone.
  17. Etiquette stipulates that regular face-to-face conversation is more important than telephone conversation. Therefore, you should not interrupt a normal conversation for a long time to talk on a mobile phone if this is not necessary.
  18. You are not supposed to put your phone on the table in a restaurant - it is not a table item. Moreover, talking on a mobile phone while eating is indecent in principle, and even more so in a restaurant. You can go out into the hall and talk, but not if you come to the restaurant together, because you will leave the person alone at the table.
  19. If during a meeting you are expecting an important phone call that you will definitely need to answer, warn about this in advance. When they call you, apologize, go out and answer.
  20. To talk on the phone, move a few meters away from people if possible - respect their personal space.
  21. If you receive a call and there are many people in the room, accept the call, but start talking only after leaving the room. You need to answer the phone because people get nervous when your phone rings for a long time.
  22. After calling, ask if the other person is comfortable talking to you. There are, however, smart people who object to this rule and say that if a person answered the call, it is convenient for him. However, this is not always the case. The conversation may not be very urgent, but the person may still be very busy, in which case it will be more convenient if you call back later.
  23. A typical business conversation on the phone lasts no more than seven to eight minutes. During this time, you need to have time to address your interlocutor by name several times.
  24. At the beginning of the conversation, you need to introduce yourself if you have any doubts that you are included in the contact list of the recipient of the call.
  25. Avoid long silences during telephone conversations. Unlike a normal conversation, here you cannot nod, smile, the interlocutor will not see your gestures and facial expressions, the only available means of communication is your voice. Therefore, you can assent, somehow demonstrate with sound that you are listening, and clarify.
  26. If the call is interrupted, the person who initiated the first call should call back. And the person who was called should hang up first.
  27. It’s a good idea to ask how much time your interlocutor has to talk on the phone. For the most part, this concerns business negotiations.
  28. At the end of the conversation, do not forget to thank the interlocutor for his time and information provided.
  29. Calling a mobile or home phone on weekdays earlier than eight in the morning and later than 10 pm is considered bad manners.
  30. The number of beeps when calling should not be more than five. After that you become obsessive.
  31. For work related issues, it is not recommended to call on Monday morning, Friday afternoon, during the first and last hours of working hours and during lunch break, if there is one. Exceptions are possible here, taking into account the significance of the call.
  32. If you called a person and didn’t get through once, you don’t need to drain his battery by trying to get through again and again. The etiquette is to wait two hours, giving him time to call you back when he sees the missed call. If this does not happen, dial it again. If your question is very important and you can’t wait, you can try to resume trying to get through earlier, but don’t get carried away. You can try calling your work landline, and maybe they will tell you when the recipient is free. In addition, you can convey important information to him through a secretary.
  33. Other people's phones are a no-go zone. You should not read SMS messages or view call lists on the phone of another person, no matter who he is. Resist the temptation of your curiosity, maintain your self-esteem.
  34. Do not call from someone else's phone without the owner's permission and do not answer a call on a phone that does not belong to you.
  35. When leaving your workplace, take your phone with you or put it on silent mode. This means a complete absence of sound, because vibration is sometimes more annoying than a ringtone. While you are away, someone may desperately try to call you, violating paragraph 32 of our rules, thereby preventing your colleagues from concentrating on their work.
  36. Don't change your phone number often.
  37. If you have two or three numbers, then try to use the same one for calls to one subscriber.
  38. There is no need to start a conversation with a long prelude, boring the interlocutor with hypocritical politeness in the form of questions “How are you?”, “What’s new?” and further down the list. The person on the other end usually guesses that you are calling him with a specific conversation. Therefore, quickly get to the point, and only then we can talk about the rest. Exceptions are cases when the call is actually made to find out “how life is.”
  39. Try not to answer calls while in a noisy place or, conversely, somewhere where you will have to speak in a whisper.
  40. Don't answer the phone while standing in line at the supermarket. Remember what comes out of this - you will have to simultaneously hold the phone, talk on it, talk to the seller, pay money, put purchases in a bag.
  41. And in general, simultaneously talking on a mobile phone and with someone who is nearby, constantly saying: “But I’m not talking to you” is uncivilized.
  42. Also, you should not do anything else while talking on your mobile phone - fry potatoes, iron clothes.
  43. Needless to say, it is indecent to talk on the phone with your mouth full. It is advisable to even remove the chewing gum from your mouth.
  44. There are some individuals whose buttons make a loud beeping sound when dialing a number. This also does not correspond to mobile etiquette; the dialing mode should be silent.
  45. No need to write an SMS saying: “Hello! How are you?" This makes no sense, except for the following two situations: either you are so indifferent to how the person is doing that you did not bother to call, and a short text message will suffice for you, or, on the contrary, you ask about it so often that he does not have time to accumulate information for a voluminous answer.
  46. There is no need to throw “beacons” to people or quickly disconnect by saying: “Call back!”, with the exception of the circle of your closest people.
  47. If a person is on vacation and a work issue can be somehow resolved without him, there is no need to call him.
  48. No need to interrupt the phone conversation with the words: “Sorry, I’m on a second line!” The exception is when there is a very, very important call on the second line, and on the first line it is just chatting to kill time, while the first interlocutor will definitely not be offended by you.
  49. When you are in a company and having a real conversation, you don’t need to text endlessly - this way you demonstrate disrespect for your real interlocutors.
  50. Do not say “Hello!” to a person if you are not talking to him on the phone. :)

We hope these tips are helpful and reinforce your knowledge of mobile etiquette. We invite you to help us complete this list by participating in the discussion of the article.